Sulis Viana (E1d019198) - 5TP3 - Da

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Name : Sulis Viana

NIM : E1D019198
Class : 5TP-3
Being able to take higher education is a matter of pride, especially for me, because as we know
that not everyone has the opportunity to continue their education to a higher level. Because from
the beginning I have thought carefully about what major I will take.
If you look at my reasons why I chose to major in English at the Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education at the University of Mataram, then several reasons underlie this. First, before I
did not major in English, I had previously enrolled in another major, namely Accounting major,
but I did not graduate in the department I wanted, therefore I placed my second hope in the
Department of English Education. My determination to major in English Education is getting
bigger because I have basic English skills. I also see that English is very important, especially
for those of me who want to become a businessman, because it will make it easier for me to
expand opportunities to get opportunities in the future.
Although English can be learned self-taught or by following existing English courses. If the
goal is only to hone English skills and abilities, then this can be achieved by taking English
courses or being self-taught. However, it will be different in the world of lectures, because in the
world of lectures, it is not only the ability and skills regarding the use of English that is taught,
but it is deeper and more complex and has official certificates such as S1, S2, and others that can
be used when we will continue Postgraduate education in the country or abroad to get a master's
degree and become a lecturer.
The second reason, that is, before I chose the Department of English Education at the Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education at the University of Mataram, I first sought information about
accreditation in that department. After I received information that the English Education
Department was accredited B, so from there I tried to get up the courage to take the English
Education study program. In addition, I also received additional information from several parties
that the lecturers who teach in the English Language Education study program are lecturers who
are professional and competent in their fields, and also the English Language Education study
program is equipped with a language laboratory that can be used. to support learning.
The third reason, if we want to look at it more carefully, English Language Education does not
only focus on expanding abilities and skills but also learns more about language teaching where
students are prepared to enter the world of work to become teachers. However, even though
someone studying English education should become a teacher, someone who studies English can
enter various other types of jobs, such as being an accountant, manager, translator, tour guide, or
entrepreneur at the same time. Because the English department is flexible to the type of work
There is one thing that makes me motivated to major in English education is because to continue
postgraduate education or apply for a scholarship to study abroad, one of the requirements is to
have a TOEFL certificate. So from that, I think that learning English is very necessary because
of future job opportunities.

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