Psychology 1 Q Paper

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Test-1 /24-08-2016

Time: 3 Hrs PSYCHOLOGY TEST SERIES –CSE’16 Marks: 250

Answer all the questions given below. The maximum words limits
for 10, 15 and 20 marks questions are 150, 200 and 250

1. Human cognition develops-Elaborate this statement with suitable

examples and perspectives.20

2. What determines aggression in human beings? Why do we need to

take interaction approaches to understand the development of
human behaviors? 15

3. Socialization is a universal phenomenon which undergoes substantial

cultural customization. Why? Discuss the impact of globalization on
socialization .15

4. Discuss how do non-normative influences affect normative

developments of a person? 10

5. “It is not just the ‘outcomes’ of a behavior but their interpretations

that matter more”-elaborate and underscore the perspective it
advocates .15

6. Psychology beyond the framework of natural science – write a note


7. Psychology can contribute to work out more effective solutions of

the social problems? Illustrate with three suitable examples. 15

8. Scientific researches involve empirical observations and critical

reasoning. Discuss the different facets of validity involved in
observations and factors that influence them. Also discuss the major
purposes of critical reasoning. 15

9. Every psycho-social variable is not quantifiable-explain to

underscore the need of Qualitative methods in psychology? Also
discuss the chief characteristics of the qualitative methods. 10
10.What is a correlation of variance? What are the reasons for suspect
internal validity in the correlation researches? 10

11.What are statistical reliability and validity? How are they assessed
from the data obtained from an experiment? 10

12.Discuss the basic ethical issues involved in the psychological

researches. 10

13.What is "Focused Group Discussion”? Why does it take a case study

approach? Examine its suitability for the psychological research. 10

14.What are small-N experimentations? How do they complement to

the regular experimentations? 10

15.Why do researchers design their researches? Differentiate the

characteristics of experimental and non experimental researches.

16. What is a placebo design? What could be the simplest placebo

design to study the impact of taking guidance from the big coaching
institutes on the performance of students in the civil service
examinations? Discuss the reactive and regression effects in this

17.What is a quasi experiment? Name the major threats to the internal

validity of quasi-experimentations. 10

18.Differentiate between Fundamental and applied researches. Discuss

the validity issues involved in them. 10

19.What are “scale attenuation effects” in the context of

interpretation of the research result? Answer with suitable
illustrations. Also discuss the “statistical regression artifacts that
could influence the interpretations of the research data. 15
20. “t-test is a parametric test”-elaborate it to highlight the
differences between a parametric and a non parametric statistical

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