DA - Siti Hafazah (E1D019192)

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Name : Siti Hafazah

Class : 5TP3

NIM : E1D019192

3 Reasons Why I Choose English Department

English is a language that originated in Great Britain. English is a combination of several local
languages that are often used by the Norwegian, Danish, and Anglo-Saxon people in the 6th
century to the 10th century first. Until the English conquest by William the Conqueror in
1066, English began to very intensively influence Latin as well as French. Of the total
modern English vocabulary, it is estimated that ±50% comes from French and Latin. English
is the language that is currently the most commonly spoken language worldwide. English is
the third most widely spoken mother tongue worldwide, after Mandarin and Spanish.
English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the population in many countries
and the official language of nearly 60 sovereign countries. In addition, English is also used as
a second and official language by the European Union, Commonwealth of Nations, and the
United Nations, as well as various other organizations.

3 reasons why I chose the English Department, firstly because I have loved English since I
was 11 years old when I was in the 6th grade of elementary school. The second reason is
because as said in the first paragraph that English is the language of the world. Then the
third because English is the language that will later support the achievement of my goals.

My passion for English is the first reason why I chose the English department. At first I liked
English because the English teacher who taught me in grade 6 elementary school was a
good and beautiful teacher. The reason I love English is so simple that it's why I chose the
English department today.

Then English is the international language used by many people around the world.That's
also what made me choose the English department. By choosing the English department, I
will automatically get learning about English. By learning English, I will know how to use
English properly and correctly and with that I can easily communicate with any person.

English is also the language that will support the achievement of my goals, that's why I
chose the English department. Previously my goal was to become a famous designer. To
become a famous designer, of course, you need good drawing skills. Likewise with good
English. English is the language of the internet. By choosing the English department, I will
know how to communicate in English properly and correctly. If I put my drawing skills and
good and correct English skills together. Then it will be easier for me to achieve my goals.

English is the international language, English is the language that I have loved since
childhood, English is the language that will support the realization of my dreams later. That's
why I chose the English department. In good and correct English skills, I still feel lacking.
Therefore, I still need to learn a lot more and choosing the English department is one
solution to improve or improve my English skills.

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