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Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine,

Nursing & Health Professions 8th

Edition Edition Mosby
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Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health

professions 10th Edition Company

Mosby's Medical Dictionary 10th edition Edition Mosby

(eBook PDF) Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing &

Health Professions 10th Edition

Gastrointestinal Physiology (Mosby Physiology Series)

9th Edition Edition Leonard R. Johnson
Respiratory Physiology (Mosby Physiology Series) 2nd
Edition Edition Michelle M. Cloutier

Medical Terminology for Health Professions (INCOMPLETE)

8 th Edition Ann Ehrlich

Medical Terminology for Health Professions 8th Edition

Ann Ehrlich

Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related

Health Professions 7th Edition, (Ebook PDF)

Oxford Dictionary of Physics 8th Edition Richard Rennie
Commonly Used Abbreviations
NOTE: Abbreviations in common use can vary widely from place to place. Each institution’s
list of acceptable abbreviations is the best authority for its records.

Before CABG  Coronary artery bypass
abd  Abdominal/abdomen graft
ABG  arterial blood gas CAD  Coronary artery disease
ABO  Three basic blood groups C&S  Culture and sensitivity
ACLS  Advanced cardiac life CAT  Computerized (axial)
­support tomography scan
ADD  Attention deficit disorder CBC; cbc Complete blood count
ADH  Antidiuretic hormone CC Chief complaint
ADL  Activities of daily living CCU  Coronary care unit; critical
AE  Above the elbow care unit
AF  Atrial fibrillation CF Cystic fibrosis
AFB  Acid-fast bacillus CHD  Congenital heart disease;
AICD  Automatic implantable coronary heart disease
cardiac defibrillator CHF  Congestive heart failure
AIDS  Acquired immunodefi- CK  Creatinine kinase
ciency syndrome CMV  Cytomegalovirus
AK  Above the knee CNS  Central nervous system
ALS  Advanced life support; c/o 
Complaints of
amyotrophic lateral CO  Carbon monoxide; cardiac
­sclerosis output
ALT  Alanine aminotransferase CO2  Carbon dioxide
AM  Morning COLD  Chronic obstructive lung
ama  Against medical advice disease
AMI  Acute myocardial COPD  Chronic obstructive pulmo-
­infarction nary disease
A-P; AP; A/P Anterior-posterior CP Cerebral palsy; cleft palate
ASD  Atrial septal defect CPAP  Continuous positive airway
ASHD  Arteriosclerotic heart pressure
disease CPK  Creatine phosphokinase
AST  Aspartate aminotransferase CPR  Cardiopulmonary
(formerly SGOT) ­resuscitation
A-V; AV; A/V Arteriovenous; CSF  Cerebrospinal fluid
­atrioventricular CT  Computed tomography
Ba  Barium CVA  Cerebrovascular accident;
BBB  Blood-brain barrier costovertebral angle
BCLS  Basic cardiac life support CVP  Central venous pressure
BE  Barium enema; below the CXR  Chest x-ray
elbow D&C  Dilation (dilatation) and
bid; b.i.d. Twice a day (bis in die) curettage
BK  Below the knee dc; DC; D/C Discontinue
BM  Bowel movement DIC  Disseminated intravascular
BMR  Basal metabolic rate coagulation
BP  Blood pressure; diff Differential blood count
­buccopulpal DKA  Diabetic ketoacidosis
BPH  Benign prostatic DM  Diabetes mellitus; diastolic
hypertrophy murmur
bpm  Beats per minute DNA  Deoxyribonucleic acid
BRP  Bathroom privileges DNR  Do not resuscitate
BSA  Body surface area DOA  Dead on arrival
BSE  Breast self-examination DOB  Date of birth
BUN  Blood urea nitrogen DOE  Dyspnea on exertion
Bx  Biopsy DPT  Diphtheria-pertussis­

c  With tetanus
Ca  Calcium; cancer; carcinoma DRG  Diagnosis-related group
DSM-5  Diagnostic and Statisti- HIV  Human immunodeficiency
cal Manual of Mental virus
­Disorders h/o History of
DT  Delirium tremens H2O2  Hydrogen peroxide
DTR  Deep tendon reflex HPI  History of present illness
D5W  Dextrose 5% in water HR  Heart rate
Dx  Diagnosis HSV  Herpes simplex virus
EBV  Epstein-Barr virus HT; HTN Hypertension
ECF  Extended care facility; hx; Hx History
extracellular fluid I&O  Intake and output
ECG  Electrocardiogram, IBW  Ideal body weight
electrocardiograph ICP  Intracranial pressure
ECHO  Echocardiography ICU  Intensive care unit
ECT  Electroconvulsive IDDM  Insulin-dependent diabetes
therapy mellitus
ED  Emergency department; Ig 
effective dose IM  Intramuscular
EDD  Estimated date of delivery IPPB  Intermittent positive-
EEG  Electroencephalogram, pressure breathing
electroencephalograph IRV  Inspiratory reserve
EENT  Eye, ear, nose, and throat volume
ELISA  Enzyme-linked immuno- IUD  Intrauterine device
sorbent assay IV Intravenous
EMG  Electromyogram IVP  Intravenous pyelogram;
EMS  Emergency medical intravenous push
service K Potassium
EMT  Emergency medical KCl  Potassium chloride
technician KUB  Kidney, ureter, and
ENT  Ear, nose, and throat ­bladder
ER  Emergency room (hospi- KVO  Keep vein open
tal); external resistance L Left; liter; length;
ERV  Expiratory reserve ­lumbar; lethal; pound
­volume lab  Laboratory
ESR  Erythrocyte sedimentation L&D  Labor and delivery
rate LDL  Low-density lipoprotein
ESRD  End-stage renal disease LE  Lower extremity; lupus
FBS  Fasting blood sugar erythematosus
Fe  Iron LLE  Left lower extremity
FEV  Forced expiratory volume LLL  Left lower lobe
FH, Fhx Family history LLQ  Left lower quadrant
FHR  Fetal heart rate LMP  Last menstrual period
FTT  Failure to thrive LOC  Level/loss of
FUO  Fever of unknown origin ­consciousness
fx  Fracture LP  Lumbar puncture
GB  Gallbladder LR  Lactated Ringer’s
GC  Gonococcus or ­gonorrheal LUE  Left upper extremity
GI  Gastrointestinal LUL  Left upper lobe
Grav I, II, etc. Pregnancy one, two, LUQ  Left upper quadrant
three, etc. (Gravida) LV  Left ventricle
GSW  Gunshot wound LVH  Left ventricular
gtt  Drops (guttae) ­hypertrophy
GU  Genitourinary MABP  Mean arterial blood
Gyn  Gynecology ­pressure
H&P  History and physical MCH  Mean corpuscular
HAV  Hepatitis A virus ­hemoglobin
Hb  Hemoglobin MCHC  Mean corpuscular hemo-
HBV  Hepatitis B virus globin concentration
HCG  Human chorionic MCV  Mean corpuscular volume
­gonadotropin MD  Muscular dystrophy
HCT  Hematocrit MDI  Medium dose inhalant;
HDL  High-density lipoprotein metered dose inhaler
HEENT  Head, eye, ear, nose, and mEq  Milliequivalent
throat MI  Myocardial infarction
Hg  Mercury mm Hg Millimeters of mercury

of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions
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of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions

Marie T. O’Toole, EdD, RN, FAAN
Senior Associate Dean & Professor
School of Nursing—Camden
Rutgers University
Camden, New Jersey
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043



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Guide to the Dictionary xv

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Marie T. O’Toole, EdD, RN, FAAN


Charles R.B. Beckmann, MD, MHPE Jane Clifford O’Brien, PhD, OTR/L,
Anne Brittain, PhD, RT(R)(M)(QM), FAOTA
CPHQ, FASRT Marcel Pop, PhD
Boyd H. Davis, PhD Raymond Scarpa, DNP, APN, C, AOCN
Melodie Hull, RPN, MSC, MEd Allan Schwartz, DDS, CRNA
Florence Lambolez, PhD Rachel Spiering, PhD
Janice Neil, PhD, RN, CNE

Donna Adkins, PharmD, CGP, FASCP Frances Munet-Vilaro, PhD, RN
Kassem Taha Al Sara, MD Mimi Myers, RDH, MAEd
Margaret E. Barnes, RN, MSN Dawn Nelms, BS
Sarah Barnes, RN, DNP Edmond F. O’Donnell, DVM
Juliana Basko-Plluska, MD Krishan K. Pandey, PhD
Anuj Bhardwaj, MS Valinda Pearson, PhD, MS, BSN
William O. Brant, MD, FACS, FECSM Wendy Pentland, BSc (OT), MEd, PCC,
Amanda Buckallew, PharmD PhD
Karen Ann V. Cameron, PhD, OTD, MEd, Rosalynde Peterson, DNP, RN
OTR/L Stephen M. Picca, MD
Leslie Cantrell, BSDH, MSDH, PhD Kevin Pierce, MBA, NCBTMB
Michele T. Cimino, MSN, RN Nancy Powell, PhD, CNM, RNC-OB
Jamie Collins, RDH, CDA Katherine Soss Prihoda, DNP, APN
Richard J. Crowell Jr., DPT Rhonda Priola, BA
Nancy Wilson Darland, RN, BC, MSN, David Rhode, PhD
CNS, APRN Joseph William Robertson, DDS, BS
Dominick DeMichele, MSEd, RT(R)(CT) Krista Lee Rompolski, MS, PhD
Susan Denham, EdD, OTR/L, CHT Tyshaneka Saffold, BSN, MSN
Gautam J. Desai, DO, FACOFP Allan Schwartz, DDS, CRNA
Kathy J. Dusthimer, RN, MSN, FNP-BC Deborah Selm-Orr, BSN, MS, DNP
Tammie Ferguson, MSN Sabine Marie Simmons, EdD, MSM,
Marnita Guinn, AASN, BSN, MSN, PhD Nicole Smirl, BS, BSN
Sandra Hertkorn Rachel Spiering, PhD
Alice Hildenbrand, RN, MSN, CNE Jennifer Michelle Stevenson, MS
Marjorie “Meg” Holloway, MS, RN, APRN Matt Stewart, MD, PhD
Melissa Humfleet, EdS, MSN, RN Gary Thibodeau, PhD
Kari Inda, PhD, OTR Megan Varellas, MMSc, CAA
Alireza Hamidian Jahromi, MD Anup Amit Vora, MD
Tamara Kear, PhD, RN, CNS, CNN Kajal Pandya Vora, FNP-C, MSN, APRN
Amy Lankford, RN, MSN Nirav Amit Vora, MD
Amanda Lorinc, MD Karen S. Ward, PhD, MSN
Christine M. Malik, BA, MFA Patti Ward, RN, PhD
Laura Mallett, MSN Paige Wimberley, BSN, MSN, PhD(c),
Nelly Mangarova, MD APN, RNP, RN-CS, CNE
Dan McGuire, PhD Nancee Wozney, RN, PhD
Janis McMillan, RN, MSN, CNE Nancy H. Wright, RN, BS, CNOR(R)
Cheryl Miller, MBA, HCM, BSEd Alan H.B. Wu, PhD
Anne Moscony, OTR/L, MA, CHT Nicole Zeller, MSN, RN, CNE

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This edition is dedicated to my students—past, present,
and future—who understand the importance
of communication in a complex health
care system and who inspire me;

To my colleagues, who understand the critical nature

of using language appropriately to improve
health care and who assist me;

And to my understanding and patient family,

who understand and support me.
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The complexity and continuing evolution of health science vocabularies require that students
and professionals alike have an affordable, compact, and thorough quick reference to the
language of their fields. Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Profes-
sions provides students and practitioners of the health sciences with a succinct and portable
abridgement of Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, which has
been used by hundreds of thousands of nurses, health professionals, and physicians in their
education and practice. Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Profes-
sions was the first pocket dictionary to address the broad spectrum of health science terminol-
ogy in the medical, nursing, and health professions.
To reflect new developments in many facets of health care, all new and former entries
were reviewed by experts from disciplines spanning the spectrum of health science today.
This extensive review process resulted in a revision that accurately reflects current knowl-
edge and practice.
To assist our readers in recognizing alternate spellings, selected British spellings have
been added where appropriate. In addition, we have provided a list of abbreviations com-
monly used in health care on the inside of the front and back covers.
The extensive vocabulary of the larger dictionary has been retained by restructuring and
condensing its many encyclopedic entries while retaining the essential content of the defi-
nitions. The pocket dictionary shares a tradition of excellence with the parent dictionary,
Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions, by providing a portable,
usable reference for the clinical area. The user will continue to find many of the valuable
features from our larger dictionary, including clear pronunciations and etymologies for thou-
sands of terms.
Development of this eighth edition of Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary has taken the effort
of many people. I appreciatively acknowledge the work of all who have participated. The
valuable contributions by all who were involved in the parent work and in particular the
authors whose works were consulted are also gratefully acknowledged. I have been involved
with several dictionaries published by Elsevier. The care that is taken with the vocabulary
of health care is admirable. In particular, the team that worked on this dictionary, led by
Tamara Myers, is exemplary. Sarah Vora and Jodi Willard are enthusiastic colleagues with
excellent attention to detail. I am grateful for their expertise and commitment to excellence.
Babette Morgan has extraordinary skills in assisting in the presentation of complex topics in
concise, meaningful entries. My colleagues and students at Rutgers, the State University of
New Jersey, provide a rich and collaborative environment in which to explore vocabularies.
I would like to acknowledge the contributions of all of my students, past and present, but in
particular Steven Hale and Dzianis Sulkouski. The faculty and colleagues at Nazareth Col-
lege in Rochester, New York, are also resources that can be consistently depended upon for
consultation and advice. Over the years, students and colleagues who use the language of
health care to better understand or improve practice have been generous with suggestions.
Those suggestions are incorporated.
The extremely positive response to the first seven editions leads me to believe that
­Mosby’s Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions will remain an emi-
nently useful and usable resource. I welcome your comments and suggestions for improving
future editions.
— Marie T. O’Toole, Editor

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A. Alphabetic order Vowels
The entries are alphabetized in diction- SYMBOLS KEY WORDS
ary style; that is, letter by letter, disregard- /a/ hat
ing spaces or hyphens between words: /ä/ father
anion /ā/ fate
anion-exchange resin /ė/ flesh
anion gap /ē/ she
aniridia /er/ air, ferry
The alphabetization is alphanumeric: words /i/ sit
and numbers form a single list with numbers /ī/ eye
positioned as though they were spelled-out /ir/ ear
numerals: Fourier transform imaging / 4 n /o/ proper
/ Four-poster orthosis. (An example of the /ō/ nose
few exceptions to this rule is the sequence /ô/ saw
17-hydroxycorticosteroid / 11-hydroxy- /oi/ boy
etiocholanolone / 5-hydroxyindoleacetic /oo
¯/ move
acid, which can be found between the /oo
˘/ book
entries hydroxychloroquine sulfate and /ou/ out
hydroxyl, not, as may be expected, 17-… /u/ cup, love
in letter “S,” 11-… in letter “E,” and 5-… /ur/ fur, first
in letter “F.”) /ə/ the neutral vowel, always
Small subscript and superscript numbers unstressed, as in ago, focus
are disregarded in alphabetizing: No / NO / /ər/ teacher, doctor
N2O / NOC. /œ/ as in (French) feu /fœ/;
Compound headwords are given in their (German) schön /shœn/
natural word order: abdominal surgery, /Y/ as in (French) tu /tY/;
not surgery, abdominal; achondroplastic (German) grün /grYn/
dwarf, not dwarf, achondroplastic. /N/ This symbol does not
(NOTE: In this guide, the term “head- represent a sound but
word” is used to refer to any alphabetized indicates that the preced-
and nonindented definiendum, be it a single- ing vowel is a nasal, as in
word term or a compound term). French bon /bôN/, or inter-
In some cases, there may be one or more national /aNternäsyōnäl/.
terms that are synonymous with a headword
or derived from a headword. If the synonym Consonants
or derivation would immediately precede SYMBOLS KEY WORDS
or follow the definition, it is not included /b/ book
as a separate entry. Therefore, if a term is /ch/ chew
not listed at the expected place, the reader /d/ day
might find it among the boldface terms of /f/ fast
the immediately preceding or immediately /g/ good
following entry. /h/ happy
/j/ gem
B. Etymology /k/ keep
ETYMOLOGY is shown for principal /l/ late
entries and in other instances where it con- /m/ make
tributes immediately to a better understand- /n/ no
ing of the meaning. /ng/ sing, drink
C. Pronunciation /ng·g/ finger
All sounds, both English and non-English, /p/ pair
are represented by letters or combinations of /r/ ring
letters of the alphabet with few adaptations, /s/ set
and with the schwa (/ə/), the neutral vowel. /sh/ shoe, lotion
Pronunciations are shown between slants. /t/ tone
The following pronunciation key shows the /th/ thin
symbols used: /th/ than
/v/ very
/w/ work

Guide to the Dictionary xvi
/y/ yes of them understood) in which Latin is pro-
/z/ zeal nounced by the English speaker and may be
/zh/ azure, vision pronounced by speakers elsewhere. How-
/kh/ as in (Scottish) loch /loch/; ever, guidance is given in many cases, often
(German) Rorschach /rôr′ to reflect common usage.
/nyə/ Occurring at the end of spelling of Latin and Greek plurals is shown
French words, this sym- in most instances. However, when the plural
bol is not truly a separate formation is regular according to Latin and
syllable but an /n/ with a Greek rules, the pronunciation is usually not
slight /y/ (similar to the included.
sound in “onion”) plus a NOTE: Notwithstanding the listing of
near-silent /ə/, as in Bois Latin and Greek plurals in this dictionary,
de Boulogne (boo ¯/lō′ nyə/) and the rules of Latin and Greek pluraliza-
    tion, in most instances it is acceptable or even
ACCENTS: Pronunciation is shown with preferable to pluralize Latin and Greek words
primary and secondary accents. A raised dot according to the rules of English words. (For
shows that two vowels (or occasionally, two certain kinds of entries, both the English and
consonants) are pronounced separately. the foreign plurals are given in this diction-
Many of the numerous Latin terms in this ary, usually showing the English form first,
dictionary are not given with pronunciation, as, for example, in nearly all-oma nouns:
mainly because there are different ways (all hematoma, pl. hematomas, hematomata.)

Å, symbol for angstrom, a unit for dis- Aaron’s sign /ˈa-rəns ˈsīn/ [Charles
tance. 1Å = 10−10 m. D. Aaron, American physician, 1866–
A68, symbol for a protein found in the 1951], a clinical sign in acute appendi-
brain tissue of patients with Alzheimer’s citis indicated by referred pain or feeling
disease. of distress in the epigastric or precordial
AA, 1. abbreviation for achievement region when continuous firm pressure is
age. 2. abbreviation for Alcoholics Anon- applied over McBurney’s point.
ymous. 3. abbreviation for amplitude AARP, a non-profit U.S. organization
of accommodation. 4. abbreviation for of older persons, who may or may not be
anesthesiologist assistant. 5. abbreviation retired, with the goal of improving the wel-
for amino acid. 6. abbreviation for ante- fare of persons over 50 years of age. The
rior apical. 7. abbreviation for aortic arch. AARP advocates for older individuals on
8. abbreviation for arm-ankle (pulse rate). legislative, consumer, education, and legal
AAA, 1. abbreviation for American Asso- issues.
ciation of Anatomists. 2. abbreviation for Aarskog’s syndrome /ärs′kog/ [Dagfinn
acquired aplastic anemia. 3. abbreviation Charles Aarskog, Norwegian pediatrician,
for abdominal aortic aneurysm. 1928–2014], an X-linked syndrome
āa, aa, AA, (in prescriptions) indicating characterized by wide-set eyes, nostrils
an equal amount of each ingredient to be that are tipped upward, a broad upper lip, a
compounded. Abbreviation for ana. scrotal shawl, and small hands.
AAAAI, abbreviation for American Acad- Aase’s syndrome /äz/ [Jon Morton Aase,
emy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. American pediatrician, b. 1936], a famil-
AACE, 1. abbreviation for American ial syndrome characterized by mild delayed
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. growth, hypoplastic anemia, heart defects,
2. abbreviation for Association for the variable leukocytopenia, triphalangeal
Advancement of Computing in Education. thumbs, narrow shoulders, and late closure of
AACN, 1. abbreviation for American fontanels, and occasionally by cleft lip, cleft
Association of Colleges of Nursing. palate, retinopathy, and web neck. Autosomal-
2. abbreviation for American Associa- dominant transmission has been suggested.
tion of Critical Care Nurses. AAUP, abbreviation for American Asso-
AAFP, abbreviation for American Acad- ciation of University Professors.
emy of Family Physicians. AAV, abbreviation for adenoassociated
AAI, abbreviation for ankle-arm index. virus.
AAIN, abbreviation for American Asso- Ab, abbreviation for antibody.
ciation of Industrial Nurses. abacavir /a-BAK-a-vir/, an antiviral
AAL, abbreviation for anterior axillary that is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase
line. inhibitor.
AAMC, abbreviation for American abacterial /ab′aktir″ē·əl/, any atmosphere
Association of Medical Colleges. or condition free of bacteria; literally, with-
AAMI, abbreviation for Associa- out bacteria.
tion for the Advancement of Medical Abadie’s sign /āb’ə-dēz’/, 1. [Jean Marie
Instrumentation. Charles Abadie, French physician, 1842–
AAN, abbreviation for American Acad- 1932] spasm of the muscle that raises the
emy of Nursing. upper eyelid, seen in patients with exoph-
AANA, abbreviation for American Asso- thalmic goiter. 2. [Jean Abadie, French
ciation of Nurse Anesthetists. physician, 1873–1934] loss of feeling in
AAO–HNS, abbreviation for American the Achilles tendon, associated with the
Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and progressive loss of deep tendon reflexes,
Neck Surgery. as seen in diabetes mellitus or syphilis.
AAOMS, abbreviation for American Asso- abaissement /ä′bāsmäN″/ [Fr, a lower-
ciation of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. ing], 1. a falling or depressing. 2. (in
AAPA, abbreviation for American Acad- ophthalmology) the displacement of a
emy of Physician Assistants. lens.

Ab amyloid 2 abdominal binder
Ab amyloid, an abnormal peptide varying abciximab /ab-sik′si-mab/, a human-
from 40 to 43 amino acids in length and murine monoclonal antibody Fab fragment
found in aggregates in the cerebrovascu- that inhibits the aggregation of platelets, used
lar walls and the cores of the plaques in in the prevention of thrombosis in percuta-
Alzheimer’s disease. neous transluminal coronary angioplasty,
A band, in muscle tissue, the dark area administered by intravenous infusion.
between two I bands of a sarcomere. It is Abdellah, Faye Glenn [b. 1919], a nurs-
marked by partial overlapping of actin and ing theorist who introduced a typology of
myosin filaments and extends the entire 21 nursing problems in 1960 in Patient-
length of the myosin filaments. Centered Approaches to Nursing.
abandonment of care /əban″dənment/, (in abdomen /ab″dəmən, abdō″mən/ [L,
law) wrongful cessation of the provision of abdominis, belly], the portion of the
care to a patient, usually by a physician or body between the thorax and the pelvis.
a nurse. The abdominal cavity is lined by the peri-
abapical /abap″əkəl/, opposite the apex. toneum; contains the inferior portion of the
abarelix, a gonadotropin-releasing hor- esophagus, the stomach, the intestines, the
mone antagonist used in the palliative liver, the spleen, the pancreas, and other
treatment of prostate cancer. organs; and is bounded by the diaphragm
abarognosis /aber′agnō″sis/ [Gk, a, not, and the pelvic cavity. −abdominal, adj.
baros, weight, gnosis, knowledge], an abdominal adhesion /abdom″inəl/, the
inability to judge or compare the weight of binding together of tissue surfaces of
objects, particularly those held in the hand. abdominal organs, usually involving the
abarticular /ab′ärtik″yo͝olər/ [L, ab, away intestines and causing obstruction. The
from, articulus, joint], 1. pertaining to condition may be a response to surgery
a condition that does not affect a joint. or result from trauma or chronic inflam-
2. pertaining to a site or structure remote mation. The patient experiences abdomi-
from a joint. nal pain, nausea, vomiting, and increased
abarticular gout, extraarticular gout that pulse rate. Surgery may be required.
affects structures other than joints, such as abdominal aorta, the portion of the
ligaments. descending aorta that passes from the aor-
abarticulation /ab′ärtik′yəlā″shən/, 1. dis- tic hiatus of the diaphragm into the abdo-
location of a joint. 2. a synovial joint. men, descending ventral to the vertebral
abasia /əbā″zhə/ [Gk, a, basis, not column and ending at the fourth lumbar
step], the inability to walk, caused by vertebra, where it divides into the two
lack of motor coordination. −abasic, common iliac arteries. It supplies blood
abatic, adj. to abdominal structures such as the testes,
abatacept, an antirheumatic agent used to ovaries, kidneys, and stomach. Its branches
treat acute or chronic rheumatoid arthritis are the celiac, superior mesenteric, inferior
that has not responded to other disease- mesenteric, middle suprarenal, renal, tes-
modifying agents. ticular, ovarian, inferior phrenic, lumbar,
abate /əbāt″/ [ME, abaten, to beat middle sacral, and common iliac arteries.
down], to decrease or reduce in severity abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), abnor-
or degree. mal dilatation of the abdominal aorta, usu-
abatement /əbāt″mənt/, a decrease or less- ally in an area of severe atherosclerosis.
ening in severity of symptoms. −abate, v. abdominal aortography, a radiographic
abatic, pertaining to an inability to walk. study of the abdominal aorta after the
abaxial /abak″sē·əl/ [L, ab, axis, from introduction of a radiopaque contrast
axle], 1. pertaining to a position outside medium through a catheter. The catheter
the axis of a body or structure. 2. pertain- is usually inserted in the aorta through the
ing to a position at the opposite extremity femoral artery.
of a structure. abdominal aponeurosis, the conjoined
Abbe-Estlander flap /ab″ē·est″landər/ [Rob- sheetlike tendons of the oblique and trans-
ert Abbe, American surgeon, 1851–1928; verse muscles of the abdomen.
Jakob A. Estlander, Finnish surgeon, 1831– abdominal arteries, the arteries that
1881], a surgical procedure that transfers branch from the anterior surface of the
a full-thickness section of one lip of the oral abdominal aorta to supply the gastrointes-
cavity to the other lip, using an arterial pedi- tinal tract, as well as the liver, pancreas,
cle for ensuring survival of a graft. and gallbladder. The celiac artery supplies
Abbokinase, a plasminogen activator. the foregut, the superior mesenteric artery
Brand name for urokinase. supplies the midgut, and the inferior mes-
ABC, a mnemonic for airway, breathing, enteric artery supplies the hindgut.
circulation or compression. Now known abdominal binder, a bandage or elasti-
as CAB, for circulation, airway, breathing. cized wrap that is applied around the lower
abdominal breathing 3 abdominal pregnancy
part of the torso to support the abdominal abdominal hysterectomy, a surgical
musculature or to hold dressings in place. procedure in which the uterus is removed A
abdominal breathing, a pattern of inspi- through an incision in the abdominal wall.
ration and expiration in which most of the abdominal inguinal ring, an opening of
ventilatory work is done with the abdomi- the inguinal canal on the abdominal wall,
nal muscles. The contractile force of the through which the male spermatic cord or
abdomen is used to elevate the diaphragm. the female round ligament pass.
abdominal cavity, the space within the abdominal nephrectomy [L, abdominis,
abdominal walls lying anterior to the ver- belly; Gk, nephr, kidney, ektomē, cutting
tebrae, between the diaphragm and the out], the surgical removal of a kidney
pelvic area, containing the liver, stomach, or kidneys through an abdominal incision.
small intestine, colon, spleen, gallbladder, abdominal nerves, the network of
kidneys, and associated tissues and blood nerve fibers passing through the posterior
and lymphatic vessels, surrounded by the abdominal region anterolateral to the lum-
abdominal fascia. bar vertebral bodies, including the sym-
abdominal decompression, 1. para- pathetic trunks and associated splanchnic
centesis or laparotomy to relieve the nerves, the abdominal prevertebral plexus
intraabdominal pressure associated with and ganglia, and the lumbar plexus.
abdominal compartment syndrome. 2. an abdominal pain, acute or chronic, local-
obsolete obstetric technique in which the ized or diffuse pain in the abdominal cavity.
abdomen was enclosed in a chamber that Abdominal pain is a significant symptom
permitted surrounding pressure to be con- because its cause may require immediate
trolled during the first stage of labor. surgical or medical intervention. The most
abdominal examination, the physical common causes of severe abdominal pain
assessment of a patient’s abdomen by visual are inflammation, perforation of an intraab-
inspection and the use of auscultation, per- dominal structure, circulatory obstruction,
cussion, and palpation. Visual inspection of intestinal or ureteral obstruction, intestinal
the normally oval shape of the abdominal cramping, or rupture of an organ located
surface while the patient is supine may within the abdomen. Specific conditions
reveal abnormal surface features indicat- include appendicitis, perforated peptic ulcer,
ing effects of disease, surgery, or injury. strangulated hernia, superior mesenteric arte-
Subsurface tumors, fluid accumulation, or rial thrombosis, diverticulitis, and small and
hypertrophy of the liver or spleen may be large bowel obstruction. Gynecologic causes
observed as an abnormal surface feature. that may require surgery include PID, rup-
Auscultation may reveal vascular sounds tured ovarian cyst, and ectopic pregnancy.
that provide information about arterial dis- Abdominal pain associated with pregnancy
orders such as aortic aneurysms and bowel may be caused by the weight of the enlarged
sounds that indicate intestinal function. uterus; rotation, stretching, or compres-
In pregnancy, auscultation can detect fetal sion of the round ligament; or squeezing
heartbeat and blood circulation in the pla- or displacement of the bowel. In addition,
centa. Percussion helps to detect the condi- uterine contractions associated with preterm
tion of internal organs. Palpation is used to labor may produce severe abdominal pain.
detect areas of tenderness or rigidity, muscle Chronic abdominal pain may be functional
tone and skin condition, and shapes and or may result from overeating or aerophagy.
sizes of subsurface organs or masses. When symptoms are recurrent, an organic
abdominal fascia, an inclusive term for cause is considered. Organic sources include
the fascia that forms part of the general peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, gastritis, chronic
layer lining the walls of the abdominal cav- cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, chronic
ity and surrounding the abdominal organs. pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma, chronic
abdominal fistula, an abnormal passage diverticulitis, intermittent low-grade intes-
or tract leading from an abdominal organ tinal obstruction, and functional indiges-
to the external surface of the abdomen. tion. Some systemic conditions may cause
abdominalgia /abdom′ənal″jə/ [L, abdo- abdominal pain.
men, belly; Gk, algos, pain], a pain in the abdominal paracentesis [L, abdominis,
abdomen. belly; Gk, para, near, kentesis, punctur-
abdominal girth, the circumference of ing], a surgical procedure in which
the abdomen, usually measured at the there is a puncture of the abdominal cav-
umbilicus. ity for the removal of fluid for diagnosis
abdominal hernia, a hernia in which a or treatment.
loop of bowel protrudes through a defect abdominal pregnancy, an extrauterine
in or weakened portion of the abdominal pregnancy in which the conceptus develops
musculature, often through the site of an in the abdominal cavity after being extruded
old surgical scar or abdominal trauma. from the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube
abdominal pressure 4 abdominoperineal
or through a defect in the tube or uterus. The abdominal sponge, a special type of
placenta may implant on the abdominal or gauze pad used as an absorbent and sterile
visceral peritoneum. Abdominal pregnancy covering for the viscera.
may be suspected when the abdomen has abdominal surgery, any one of a num-
enlarged but the uterus has remained small ber of procedures that involve the surgical
for the length of gestation. management of the abdomen or abdomi-
abdominal pressure, a sensation or nal organs. An open procedure requires a
application of pressure surrounding struc- surgical incision that is closed with staples
tures within the abdomen. or sutures. Laparoscopic and robotic pro-
abdominal prevertebral plexus, the cedures require small incisions in which
network of nerve fibers surrounding the instruments are placed through long, hol-
abdominal aorta. It extends from the aortic low tubes attached to a camera.
hiatus of the diaphragm to the bifurcation of abdominal testis, an undescended tes-
the aorta into the right and left common iliac ticle located in the abdominal cavity that
arteries. Along its route, it is subdivided has not moved into its normal location in
into the celiac plexus, the abdominal aortic the scrotum.
plexus, and the superior hypogastric plexus. abdominal thrust, quick, hard move-
abdominal pulse, the rhythmic transmis- ments directed inward and upward toward
sion of blood turbulence in the abdominal the diaphragm to assist an adult to expel
aorta. foreign objects in the airway.
abdominal quadrant, any of four topo- abdominal ultrasound test, a diagnostic
graphic areas of the abdomen divided by study that provides accurate visualization
two imaginary lines, one vertical and one of the abdominal aorta, liver, gallbladder,
horizontal, intersecting at the umbilicus. pancreas, biliary ducts, kidneys, ureters,
The divisions are the left upper quadrant and bladder. This test is used to diagnose
(LUQ), the left lower quadrant (LLQ), the and locate cysts, tumors, calculi, and
right upper quadrant (RUQ), and the right malformations; to document the progres-
lower quadrant (RLQ). sion of various diseases; and to guide the
abdominal reflex, a superficial neurolog- insertion of instruments during surgical
ical reflex obtained by firmly stroking the procedures.
skin of the abdomen around the umbilicus. abdominal viscera, the internal organs
It normally results in a brisk contraction of enclosed within the abdominal cavity,
abdominal muscles in which the umbilicus including the stomach, liver, intestines,
moves toward the site of the stimulus. This spleen, pancreas, and components of the
reflex is often lost in diseases of the pyra- urinary and reproductive tracts.
midal tract and can also be lost with age or abdominal wall, the boundaries of
abdominal surgery. the abdominal cavity that enclose the
abdominal regions, the nine topographic abdominal cavity and the viscera within.
subdivisions of the abdomen, determined It is multilayered, beginning superficially
by four imaginary lines imposed over the with skin, followed by subcutaneous tis-
anterior surface in a tic-tac-toe pattern. sue and fat, superficial fascia, abdominal
The upper horizontal line passes along the musculature and fascia, and most deep, the
level of the cartilages of the ninth rib, the peritoneum.
lower along the iliac crests. The two verti- abdominal wound, a break in the conti-
cal lines extend on each side of the body nuity of the abdominal wall. A wound that
from the cartilage of the eighth rib to the exposes or penetrates the viscera raises the
center of the inguinal ligament. The lines danger of infection or peritonitis.
divide the abdomen into three upper, three abdominocardiac reflex /-kär″dē·ək/, an
middle, and three lower zones: right hypo- immediate, involuntary response of the
chondriac, epigastric, and left hypochon- heart to stimulation of the abdominal vis-
driac regions (upper zones); right lateral cera. The reflex is mediated through the
(lumbar), umbilical, and left lateral (lum- vagus nerve.
bar) regions (middle zones); right inguinal abdominogenital /-jen″itəl/, pertaining to
(iliac), pubic (hypogastric), and left ingui- the abdomen and reproductive system.
nal (iliac) regions (lower zones). abdominopelvic cavity /-pel″vik/, the
abdominal salpingectomy, removal of space between the diaphragm and the pel-
the fallopian tube or tubes through a surgi- vis. There is no structurally distinct sepa-
cal incision in the abdomen. ration between the abdomen and pelvic
abdominal splinting, a tensing or tight- regions.
ening of the abdominal wall muscles, usu- abdominoperineal /-per′inē″əl/, pertain-
ally occurring as an involuntary reaction to ing to the abdomen and the perineum,
the pain of a visceral disease or disorder or including the pelvic area, female vulva and
to postoperative discomfort. anus, and male scrotum and anus.
abdominoplasty 5 ability
abdominoplasty, a surgical procedure abductor pollicis brevis, one of the three
that removes excess fat and skin and tight- thenar muscles. It abducts the thumb, prin- A
ens the abdominal muscles to create a cipally at the metacarpophalangeal joints.
smoother abdominal profile. abductor pollicis longus, a muscle that
abdominoscopy /abdom′inos″kəpē/ [L, originates from the proximal posterior
abdomen; Gk, skopein, to view], a pro- surfaces of the radius and ulna and from
cedure for examining the contents of the the related interosseous membrane. It
peritoneum in which an electrically illu- forms a tendon that passes into the thumb
minated tubular device is passed through a and inserts on the lateral side of the base
trocar into the abdominal cavity. of the first metacarpal. Its major func-
abdominoscrotal /-skrō″təl/, pertaining tion is to abduct the thumb at the joint
to the abdomen and scrotum. between the first metacarpal and trape-
abdominothoracic arch /-thôras″ik/, the zium bones.
boundary between the thorax and the abembryonic /ab′embrē·on″ik/, the area
abdomen. of a blastocyst opposite the early embryo.
abdominovaginal /-vaj″inəl/, pertaining Abernethy’s sarcoma /ab″ərnē′thēz/
to the abdomen and vagina. [John Abernethy, British surgeon, 1764–
abdominovesical /-ves″ikəl/, pertaining 1831], a malignant neoplasm of fat cells,
to the abdomen and bladder. usually occurring on the trunk.
ABD pad, a gauze pad, ranging in size aberrant, moving away from the usual
from 5 × 9 to 12 × 16, with a filler for standard, deviating from the natural type.
absorbency of wound drainage. aberrant goiter, an enlargement of a
abducens muscle, the extraocular lat- supernumerary or ectopic thyroid gland.
eral rectus muscle that moves the eyeball aberrant ventricular conduction
outward. (AVC), the temporary abnormal intra-
abducens nerve [L, abducere, to take ventricular conduction of a supraventricu-
away], either of the paired sixth cranial lar impulse.
nerves. It arises in the pons near the fourth aberration /ab′ərā″shən/ [L, aberrare, to
ventricle, leaves the brainstem between the wander], 1. any departure from the usual
medulla oblongata and pons, and passes course or normal condition. 2. abnormal
through the cavernous sinus and the supe- growth or development. 3. (in psychology)
rior orbital fissure. It controls the lateral an illogical and unreasonable thought or
rectus muscle, turning the eye outward. belief, often leading to an unsound mental
abducent /abdoo″sənt/ [L, drawing state. 4. (in genetics) any change in the
away], pertaining to a movement away number or structure of the chromosomes. 5.
from the median line of the body. (in optics) any imperfect image formation
abduction [L, abducere, to take or blurring caused by unequal refraction or
away], movement of a limb away from focalization of light rays through a lens. 6.
the midline or axis of the body. −abduct, v. (in botany and zoology) pertaining to an
abduction boots, an orthopedic cast or abnormal individual, such as certain atypi-
orthotic for the lower extremities, avail- cal members of a species. −aberrant, adj.
able in both short- and long-leg configura- abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) /əbā′təlīp′
tions, with a bar incorporated at ankle level ōprō′tinē″mē·ə/ [Gk, a + beta, not beta,
to provide hip abduction. lipos, fat, proteios, first rank, haima,
abductor /abduk″tər/ [L, abducere], a blood], a group of rare inherited dis-
muscle that draws a body part away from orders of fat metabolism, characterized
the midline or axis of the body, or one part by the absence of apoprotein β-100 and
from another. manifested by acanthocytosis, low or
abductor digiti minimi of the foot, a absent serum beta-lipoprotein levels, and
muscle on the lateral side of the foot that hypocholesterolemia. In severe cases, ste-
abducts the little toe at the metatarsopha- atorrhea, ataxia, nystagmus, motor incoor-
langeal joint. It is innervated by the lateral dination, and retinitis pigmentosa occur.
plantar branch of the tibial nerve. abeyance /əbā″əns/ [Fr], a temporary
abductor digiti minimi of the hand, a state of inaction or temporary interruption
muscle that is the principal abductor of the of function.
little finger. ABG, abbreviation for arterial blood gas.
abductor hallucis, a muscle that forms ABI, abbreviation for ankle-brachial
the medial margin of the foot and contrib- index.
utes to a soft tissue bulge on the medial abient /ab″ē·ənt/ [L, abire, to go
side of the sole. It abducts and flexes the away], characterized by a tendency to
great toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint move away from stimuli. −abience, n.
and is innervated by the medial plantar ability /əbil″itē/, the capacity to act in a
branch of the tibial nerve. specified way because of the possession of
AbioCor 6 abouchement
appropriate sensory, motor, and life skills (socket) as a result of injury or disease in
coupled with the mental or physical fitness the supporting peridontium.
necessary to become proficient. ABO blood group, a system for classifying
AbioCor, an implantable artificial heart human blood on the basis of the antigenic
device for patients with end-stage heart components of red blood cells (RBCs) and
failure. It is normally powered by an exter- their corresponding antibodies. The ABO
nal console or battery packs but also has blood group is identified by the presence or
an internal battery to power the pump for absence of two different antigens, A and B,
approximately 20 minutes when the exter- on the surface of the RBC. The four blood
nal power supply is disconnected. types in this grouping, A, B, AB, and O, are
abiogenesis /ab′ē·ōjen″əsis/ [Gk, a + bios, determined by and named for these antigens.
not life, genein, to produce], the theory aboiement /ä′bô·ämäN″/, an involuntary
that life can originate from inorganic, inan- making of abnormal, animal-like sounds,
imate matter. −abiogenetic, adj. such as barking. Aboiement may be a clini-
abiosis /ab′ē·ō″sis/ [Gk, a + bios not cal sign of Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome.
life], a nonviable condition or a situation abort /əbôrt″/ [L, ab, away from, oriri,
that is incompatible with life. −abiotic, adj. to be born], 1. (Nontechnical) to deliver
abiotrophy /ab′ē·ot″rəfē/ [Gk, a + bios + a nonviable fetus; to miscarry. 2. to ter-
trophe nutrition, growth], degeneration minate a pregnancy before the fetus has
or loss of function that is not due to any developed enough to be viable. 3. to ter-
apparent injury. −abiotrophic, adj. minate in the early stages or to discontinue
ablastemic /ab′lastem″ik/, nongerminal or before completion, as to arrest the usual
not germinating. course of a disease, to stop growth and
ablation /ablā″shən/ [L, ab + latus, car- development, or to halt a project.
ried away], 1. vaporization or an exci- abortifacient /əbôr′tifā″shənt/, 1. causing
sion of any part of the body, or removal of abortion. 2. an agent or medication that
a growth or harmful substance. 2. (in car- causes abortion.
diology) a procedure used in the manage- abortion /əbor″shən/ [L, ab + oriri], the
ment of rapid or irregular rhythms in which spontaneous or induced termination of
cardiac tissue is destroyed. −ablate, v. pregnancy before the fetus has developed
ABLB test, abbreviation for alternate to the stage of viability, before 20 weeks
binaural loudness balance test. of gestation or when the fetus weighs less
ablepharia /ab′ləfer″ēə/, a defect or con- than 500 grams.
genital absence of the eyelids (partial or abortionist, a person performing elective
total). and/or therapeutic terminations of preg-
ablepsia /əblep″sē·ə/ [Gk, a + blepein, not nancy by surgical or medical means.
to see], the condition of being blind. abortion on demand, removal by medical
ABLS, abbreviation for advanced burn or surgical methods of a normally implanted
life support. intrauterine pregnancy at maternal request
ablution /abloo″shən/ [L, abluere, wash regardless of reason when no restrictive
away], 1. the act of washing or bathing. legal statutes prohibit the request.
2. the act of cleaning the body. abortive infection /əbôr″tiv/, an infection
ABMS, abbreviation for American Board in which some or all viral components
of Medical Specialties. have been synthesized but no infective
abnerval current /abnur″vəl/ [L, ab, virus is produced. The situation may
from; Gk, neuron, nerve], an electrical result from an infection with defective
current that passes from a nerve to and viruses or because the host cell is nonper-
through muscle. missive and prohibits replication of the
abneural /abno͝or″əl/, away from the cen- particular virus.
tral nervous system or the neural axis. abortus /əbôr″təs/, a fetus of less than 500
abnormal behavior /abnôr″məl/ [L, ab grams in weight.
+ norma, away from rule], behavior that abortus fever, a form of brucellosis
deviates from what is commonly accepted caused by Brucella abortus, an organ-
by a group or society. ism so named because it causes abortion
abnormality /ab′nôrmal″itē/ [L, ab + in cows. Humans can become infected
norma, away from rule], a condition that through broken skin by direct contact with
differs from the usual cultural or scientifi- tissue, blood, urine, vaginal secretions,
cally accepted standards. aborted fetuses, or placentas of infected
abnormal psychology, the study of emo- animals or by ingestion of infected raw
tional/behavioral, mental, or neuropsycho- dairy products.
logical disorders. abouchement /ä′bo͝oshmäN″/ [Fr, a tube
abnormal tooth mobility, excessive connection], the junction of a small
movement of a tooth within its alveolus blood vessel with a large blood vessel.
above-elbow (AE) amputation 7 absolute bed rest
above-elbow (AE) amputation, (Obso- absconsio /abskon″shō/ [L, ab, away
lete) historical terminology for an amputa- from, condo, hidden], a cavity or fossa. A
tion of the upper limb between the elbow abscopal /abskō″pəl/, pertaining to the
and the shoulder. effect of irradiated tissue on remote tissue
ABP, abbreviation for arterial blood not exposed to radiation.
pressure. absence seizure, an epileptic seizure
ABR, 1. abbreviation for auditory characterized by a sudden, momentary
brainstem response. 2. abbreviation for loss of consciousness. Occasionally it is
absolute bed rest. accompanied by minor myoclonus of the
abrachia /əbrā″kē·ə/ [Gk, a + brachion, neck or upper extremities, frequent blink-
without arm], the absence of arms. ing, slight symmetric twitching of the face,
−abrachial, adj. or loss of tonus. Seizures usually occur
abrasion /əbrā″zhən/ [L, abradere, to many times a day without a warning aura
scrape off], a scraping or rubbing and are most frequent in children and ado-
away of a surface, such as skin or teeth, lescents, especially at puberty. Children
by a substance or surface with a hard- often outgrow them.
ness greater than that of the tissue being absenteeism /ab′səntē″izəm/, (for health
scraped or rubbed away. −abrasive, adj., or related reasons) absence from work, a
−abrade, v. location, or place where one is expected.
abrasion arthroplasty, reshaping of a The most common causes of absentee-
joint by using a small tool or burr to grind ism include influenza and occupationally
down the surface inducing bleeding and related skin diseases, such as contact der-
fibrocartilaginous repair tissue to form a matitis from a latex allergy.
new articular surface that serves as a better absent without leave (AWOL)
joint covering. /ā″wôl/ [L, absentia], a military term
abrasive, a substance used for grinding or that is also used in the medical field to
polishing a surface. describe a patient who departs from a psy-
abreaction /ab′rē·ak″shən/ [L, ab, from, chiatric, day-care, or medical facility with-
re, again, agere, to act], an emotional out authorization.
release resulting from mentally reliving abs feb, a rarely used, shortened form of
or bringing into consciousness, through a Latin phrase meaning “in the absence of
the process of catharsis, a long-repressed, fever.”
painful experience. −abreact, v. absolute /ab″səloot/, unconditional,
abruption [L, ab, away from, rumpere, unrestricted, or independent of arbitrary
rupture], a sudden breaking off or tear- standards.
ing apart. absolute agraphia [L, absolutus, set loose;
abruptio placentae [L, ab, away from, Gk, a, not, graphein, to write], a com-
rumpere, to rupture], abnormal separa- plete inability to write caused by a cen-
tion of a normally implanted intrauterine tral nervous system lesion. The person
pregnancy. There are three types: complete is unable to write even the letters of the
(entire placenta separates), partial (part of alphabet.
placenta separates), marginal (separation absolute alcohol, a clear, colorless,
limited to placental edge). highly hygroscopic liquid with a burning
abscess /ab″səs/ [L, abscedere, to go taste, containing at least 99.5% ethyl alco-
away], 1. a cavity containing pus and hol by volume.
surrounded by inflamed tissue, formed absolute (A) temperature, temperature
as a result of suppuration in a localized that is measured from a base of absolute
infection, characteristically caused by zero on the Kelvin scale or the Rankine
staphylococci but also caused by parasites scale.
and foreign substances. Healing usually absolute bed rest [abbreviated ABR],
occurs when an abscess drains, is incised, restriction of a patient’s activities, either
or is surgically removed. 2. an abscess that partially or completely. A person on abso-
develops anywhere along the root length lute or strict bed rest must remain in bed
of a tooth. at all times. Bed rest may be prescribed to
abscissa /absis″ə/ [L, ab, away; scind- maintain a pregnancy, in cases of severe
ere, to cut], the horizontal coordinate in pain associated with movement, or with
a graph along which are plotted the units orthopedic conditions in which it would
of one of the variables considered in the be unsafe to be out of bed. It is associ-
study, as time in a time-temperature study. ated with many hazards of immobility.
abscission /absish″ən/ [L, abscinere, to Numerous research studies have demon-
cut away], the process of cutting away, strated that bed rest is a greater stressor to
as in corneal abscission, removal of the the patient in many conditions than a less
prominence of the cornea. restrictive activity prescription would be.
absolute discharge 8 abstinence
absolute discharge [L, absolutus, set rad, radiation absorbed dose. 1 Gy equals
free], a final and complete termination of 1 J/kg; and 1 Gy equals 100 rad.
the patient’s relationship with a caregiving absorbefacient /absôr′bifā″shənt/ [L,
agency. absorbere, to suck up, + facere, to
absolute glaucoma /ab′səloot/ [L, abso- make], 1. any agent that promotes or
lutus + Gk, cataract], complete blind- enhances the quality and ability to soak
ness in which a glaucoma-induced increase liquids more readily. 2. causing or enhanc-
in intraocular pressure results in permanent ing absorption.
vision loss. The optic disc is white and absorbent /absôr″bənt/ [L, absorbere, to
deeply excavated, and the pupil is usually suck up], 1. capable of attracting and
widely dilated and immobile. incorporating substances into itself. 2. a
absolute growth, the total increase in product or substance that can absorb liq-
size of an organism or a particular organ uids or gases.
or part, such as the limbs, head, or trunk. absorbent dressing, a clean or sterile
absolute humidity, the actual mass or covering applied to a wound or incision to
content of water in a measured volume suck secretions into itself. Kinds of absor-
of air. It is usually expressed in grams per bent dressings are Teflon-coated gauze
cubic meter or pounds per cubic foot or squares, fluffed gauze, and abdominal
cubic yard. bandages.
absolute neutrophil count (ANC), the absorbent gauze, a fabric or pad with
number of neutrophils in a milliliter of various forms, weights, and uses, primar-
blood. The ANC is a measure of a person’s ily designed to take in fluid and/or excre-
immune status. tions. It may be a rolled, single-layered fine
absolute threshold [L, absolutus, set loose; fabric for spiral bandages, or it may be a
AS, therscold], 1. the lowest point at thick, multilayered pad for a sterile pres-
which a stimulus can be perceived. 2. per- sure dressing. There may also be an adhe-
taining to millivolts of electrical charge sive backing.
determined by ion fluctuations or move- absorption /absôrp″shən/ [L, absorp-
ment across plasma membranes that result tio], 1. the incorporation of matter by
in nerve or muscle stimulation. other matter through chemical, molecular,
absolute zero, the temperature at which or physical action, such as the dissolution
all molecular activity except vibration of a gas in a liquid or the taking up of a
ceases. It is a theoretical value derived liquid by a porous solid. 2. (in physiol-
by calculations and projections from ogy) the passage of nutrients and sub-
experiments with the behavior of gases stances across and into tissues, such as
at extremely low temperatures. Absolute the passage of digested food molecules
zero is estimated to be equal to −273° C into intestinal cells or the passage of liq-
or −460° F. uids into kidney tubules. 3. (in radiology)
absorb, the act of reception or blending the process of absorbing electromagnetic
of space, situations, liquids, people’s emo- radiation in which a photon of energy is
tions, or circumstances. taken up by living or nonliving matter.
absorbable gauze /əbsôr″bəbəl/, a mate- −absorb, v.
rial produced from oxidized cellulose that absorption coefficient, the factor by
can be absorbed. It is applied or sutured which the intensity of electromagnetic
directly to tissue to stop bleeding. After a energy decreases as it interacts with a unit
clot forms, the gauze turns into a gel. thickness of an absorbing material. It is
absorbable surgical suture [L, absorbere, usually expressed per unit thickness.
to suck up; Gk, cheirourgos, surgery; L, absorption rate constant, a value
sutura], a suture made from material describing how much drug is absorbed per
that can be completely incorporated by the unit of time.
body, facilitating healing but eliminating absorption spectrum, a plot of percent
the need for suture removal. transmittance, absorbance, logarithm of
absorbance /əbsôr″bəns/, the degree of absorbance, or absorptivity of a compound
absorption of light or other radiant energy as a function of wavelength, wave number,
by a medium exposed to the energy. or frequency of radiation.
Absorbance varies with factors such as absorptivity /ab′sôrptiv″itē/, absorbance
wavelength, solution concentration, and at a particular wavelength divided by the
path length. product of the concentration of a substance
absorbed dose, the energy imparted by and the sample path length.
ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradi- abstinence /ab″stinəns/, voluntarily
ated material at the place of interest. The SI avoiding a substance, such as food or alco-
unit of absorbed dose is the gray (Gy); the hol, or refraining from the performance of
non-SI (traditional) unit is referred to as an act, such as sexual intercourse.
abstract 9 acanthoma
abstract /ab″strakt, abstrakt″/ [L, abstra- assistant professor to associate professor
here, to drag away], 1. a condensed to professor. A
summary of a scientific article, liter- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an
ary piece, or address. 2. to collect data organization that advances the nutritional
and extract files, including coding and well-being of the American public. Mem-
billing information, from a medical bership is primarily registered dietitians.
record. 3. (in pharmacology) the base acalculia /a′kalkoo″lyə/ [Gk, a, not;
in which other components are mixed L, calculare, to reckon], the inability
and dissolved. 4. difficult to understand to perform simple mathematic calcula-
because of lack of practicality. 5. the tions the patient previously knew. Com-
process of gathering theoretical informa- monly seen in neurological disorders, it
tion to develop ideas with reference to is assessed by having a patient count for-
the main idea. ward or backward or do mental addition
abstraction /abstrak″shən/ [L, abstra- or subtraction.
here, to drag away], (in dentistry) a con- acamprosate, an antialcoholic agent used
dition in which teeth or other maxillary and for the maintenance of abstinence from
mandibular structures are inferior to their alcohol.
normal position, away from the occlusal acampsia /əkamp″sē·ə/ [Gk, a +
plane. kampsein, not to bend], a condition in
abulia /əboo″lyə/ [Gk, a + boule, without which a joint is rigid.
will], a loss of the ability or a reduced acanthamebiasis /əkan′thəmēbī″əsis/, a
capacity to exhibit initiative or to make potentially fatal meningoencephalitis
decisions. infection caused by Acanthamoeba cas-
abuse /abyoos″/ [L, abuti, to waste, tellani, a free-living ameboflagellate. It
abusus, using up], 1. improper use of is commonly acquired by swimming in
equipment, a substance, or a service, such water contaminated by the microorganism.
as a drug or program, either intentionally Cleaning contact lenses in contaminated
or unintentionally. 2. Using words and/ solution can also cause keratitis.
or physical action to hurt, attack and do Acanthamoeba /əkan′thəmē″bə/, a genus
harm. of free-living ameboid protozoa typically
abused person [Fr, abuser, to disuse, L, found in moist soil and water. The organ-
persona, a role played], an individual isms may enter the body through a break in
who has been harmed or maltreated emo- the skin, causing a localized infection, or
tionally, verbally, sexually, or physically even through the nose or eyes, causing sys-
by another person or by a situation; a temic infections of the lung, genitourinary
victim. system, brain, or CNS.
abutment /əbut″mənt/ [Fr, abouter to acanthesia /ak′anthē″zhə/, pinprick par-
place end to end], a tooth, root, or esthesia; an abnormality of cutaneous sen-
implant that supports and provides reten- sory perception that causes a simple touch
tion for a fixed or removable dental to be felt as a painful pinprick.
prosthesis. acanthiomeatal line /əkan′thē·ō′mē·ā″təl/,
abutment tooth, a tooth selected to sup- a hypothetical line extending from the
port a prosthesis. external acoustic meatus to the acanthion.
ABVD, an anticancer drug combination In dentistry, a full maxillary denture is con-
of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, structed so that its occlusal plane is parallel
and dacarbazine. with this line. The line is used for radio-
Ac, abbreviation for acetyl. graphic positioning of the skull.
AC, 1. abbreviation for alternating cur- acanthion, a craniometric point at the
rent. 2. abbreviation for accommodative center of the base of the anterior nasal
convergence. spine.
a.c., (in prescriptions) denoting a Latin acanthocyte /əkan″thəsīt′/ [Gk, akantha
phrase meaning “before meals.” + kytos, cell], an abnormal peripheral
A-C, abbreviation for alveolar capillary. blood film erythrocyte with irregular spur-
acacia gum /ə-ˈkā-shə gəm/, a dried, like projections. Predominant in abetalipo-
gummy exudate of the acacia tree (Acacia proteinemia; fewer occur in liver disease.
senegal) used as a binding, suspending, or acanthocytosis /akan′thōsītō″sis/ [Gk,
emulsifying agent in medicines. akantha + kytos + osis, condition], the
academic ladder /ak′ədem″ik/ [Gk, presence of acanthocytes on a peripheral
akademeia, school], the hierarchy of blood film.
faculty appointments in an academic set- acanthoid, resembling a spinous process.
ting (university, college, or community acanthoma /ak′anthō″mə/ [Gk, akantha
college) through which a faculty member + oma, tumor], hypertrophy that arises
advances from the rank of instructor to from the stratum spinosum and is localized
acanthoma fissuration 10 acceleration-deceleration injury
rather than diffuse. It may be benign or acariasis /ak′ərī″əsis/ [Gk, akari, mite,
malignant. osis, condition], a disease, usually of the
acanthoma fissuration, the development skin, caused by infestation with parasitic
of a fissure bordered by increased thick- worms.
ening at sites of friction of the stratum acarid /ak″ərid/, one of the many mites
spinosum. and ticks that are members of the order
acanthoma fissuratum, a benign, firm, Acarina, which includes a great number
skin-colored or erythematous nodule, of parasitic and free-living organisms.
grossly resembling basal cell carcinoma, Adults have four pairs of legs and round
occurring on the bridge of the nose or bodies, living as ectoparasites. Those
behind the ear, resulting from constant associated with disease act as intermedi-
minor mechanical trauma caused by poorly ate hosts of pathogenic agents, directly
fitting glasses. cause skin or tissue damage, and cause
acanthorrhexis /əkan′thôrek″sis/, the loss of blood or tissue fluids. Important
rupture of intercellular bridges of the stra- as vectors of scrub typhus and other rick-
tum spinosum, as in eczema or allergic ettsial diseases are the six-legged larvae
contact dermatitis. of mites from the family Trombiculidae,
acanthosis /ak′ənthō″sis/ [Gk, akantha which are parasites of humans, many
+ osis, condition], an abnormal, diffuse other mammals, and birds.
hypertrophy of the stratum spinosum, as acarodermatitis /ak′ərōdur′mətī″tis/ [Gk,
in eczema and psoriasis. −acanthotic, akari, mite, derma, skin, itis, inflamma-
adj. tion], a skin inflammation caused by
acanthosis nigricans /nē″grikanz′/, a mites or ticks.
skin disease characterized by dark, vel- acarophobia /-fō″bē·ə/, 1. a morbid
vety thickening of the skin, common in dread of tiny parasites or the delusion that
the neck, axilla, and groin, and frequently tiny insects such as mites have invaded the
associated with obesity and endocrine skin. 2. a fear of itching, particularly from
disorders. parasites.
acapnia /akap″nē·ə/, a deficiency of car- acaudal /ākô″dəl/ [Gk, a, without; L,
bon dioxide in the blood. cauda, tail], without a tail.
AC/A ratio, (in ophthalmology) the pro- acc, Acc, abbreviation for accommodation.
portion between accommodative conver- ACC, abbreviation for American College
gence (AC) and accommodation (A), or of Cardiology.
the amount of convergence automatically accelerated idiojunctional rhythm, an
resulting from the dioptric focusing of the automatic junctional rhythm whose rate is
eyes at a specified distance. The ratio of greater than 59 beats/min but less than 100
accommodative convergence to accommo- beats/min.
dation is usually expressed as the quotient accelerated idioventricular rhythm
of accommodative convergence in prism (AIVR), an automatic ectopic ventricu-
diopters divided by the accommodative lar rhythm whose rate is greater than 49
response in diopters. beats/min but less than 100 beats/min,
acarbia /akär″bē·ə/ [Gk, a, not; L, carbo, without retrograde conduction to the atria.
coal], a decrease in the bicarbonate level In acute myocardial infarction an AIVR
in the blood. can be a sign of spontaneous reperfusion
acarbose, an oral alpha glucosidase or a result of thrombolytic therapy.
inhibitor, prescribed in the treatment of accelerated junctional rhythm, an ecto-
type 2 diabetes mellitus. pic junctional heart rhythm whose rate
acardia /akär″dē·ə/ [Gk, a + kardia, with- exceeds the normal firing rate of junctional
out heart], a rare congenital anomaly tissue, with or without retrograde atrial
in which the heart is absent. It is almost conduction.
exclusively seen in a monozygous twin accelerated respiration, an abnormally
whose survival depends on the circulatory rapid rate of breathing, usually more than
system of its twin. It is considered the most 25 breaths per minute.
extreme form of twin-twin transfusion. acceleration /aksel′ərā″shən/ [L, accel-
−acardiac, adj. erare, to quicken], a change in the speed
acardius acephalus, a fetus that lacks a or direction of a moving object. Increasing
head, heart, and most of the upper part of speed is positive acceleration; decreasing
the body. speed is negative acceleration. −acceler-
acardius acormus, a fetus that lacks a ate, v.
heart and has a defective trunk. acceleration-deceleration injury, an injury
acardius amorphus, an acardiac fetus resulting from a collision between a body
with a rudimentary body that does not part and another object or body part while
resemble the normal form. both are in motion.
acceleration phase 11 accessory pathway
acceleration phase, (in bacteriology) a portion of a diaphragm develops in the
period of increased growth occuring prior chest. It is usually found on the right side A
to the lag phase in a culture of microbes. and is oriented upward and backward to
accelerator /aksel″ərā′tər/ [L, accelerare, the posterior chest wall. It may be sepa-
to quicken], 1. a nerve or muscle that rated from the true diaphragm by a lobe
increases the rate of performance of some of a lung.
function. 2. a slender nerve fiber passing accessory gland, glandular tissue that
through the sympathetic ganglion to the contributes in a secondary way to the
heart, causing an increase in heart rate. function of a similar gland, which may be
3. an agent or apparatus used to increase nearby or some distance away.
the rate at which a substance acts or a accessory ligament [L, accessus, extra,
function proceeds. ligare, to bind], a ligament that helps
accentuation /aksen′choo·ā″shən/ [L, strengthen a union between two bones,
accentus, accent], an increase in distinct- even though it is not part of a joint capsule.
ness or loudness, as in heart sounds. accessory movement, movement that
acceptable daily intake (ADI), the maxi- occurs between adjacent joint surfaces that
mum amount of any substance that can is necessary for a full range of motion but
be safely ingested by a human. Ingestion is not under direct voluntary control.
that exceeds this amount may cause toxic accessory muscle, a relatively rare ana-
effects. This term is usually applied to tomic duplication of a muscle that may
additives, residues, or chemicals not nor- appear anywhere in the muscular system.
mally found in foods. accessory muscle of respiration, any of
acceptance of individuality, (in psy- the muscles of the neck, back, and abdo-
chiatry) an index of family health in which men that may assist the diaphragm and the
differentiation or individuation is a valued internal and external intercostal muscles in
goal. respiration, especially in some breathing
acceptance of separation, an indicator of disorders or during exercise.
mental well-being in which a loss is dealt accessory nasal sinuses [L, accessus, extra,
with in a healthy manner, indicating pro- nasus, nose, sinus, hollow], the parana-
ductive adaptability. sal sinuses that occur as hollows within the
acceptor /aksep″tər/ [L, accipere, to skull but open into the nasal cavity and are
receive], 1. an organism that receives lined with a mucous membrane continuous
living tissue, such as transfused blood or with the nasal mucous membrane.
a transplanted organ, from another organ- accessory nerve, either of a pair of cra-
ism. 2. a substance or compound that com- nial nerves essential for speech, swallow-
bines with, or accepts, a part of another ing, and certain movements of the head
substance or compound, such as an atom, and shoulders. Each nerve has a cranial
an ion, an electron, or an electron pair. and a spinal portion, communicates with
access /ak″ses/, a means of approach, such certain cervical nerves, and connects to the
as the space needed for the manipulation of nucleus ambiguus of the brain.
dental or surgical instruments. accessory organ, an organ or other dis-
accessibility /ak″ses ă bil ity/, characteris- tinct collection of tissues that contributes
tics of an environment that allow individuals to the function of another similar organ,
with disabilities to enter and use the space. such as the ocular muscles and eyelids,
access cavity [L, accedere, to approach], a which contribute to the function of the
coronal opening to the center (pulp cham- eye.
ber) of a tooth, required for effective clean- accessory organs of the eye, the acces-
ing, shaping, and obturation of the pulp sory organs of the eye: the eyelids,
canals and chamber during endodontic or eyelashes, eyebrows, conjunctival sac,
root canal therapy. lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic muscles
accessory /akses″ərē/ [L, accessonis, of the eye.
appendage], 1. a supplementary item, accessory pancreas [L, accessus, extra;
desirable but not necessary, used chiefly Gk, pan, all, kreas, flesh], small clusters
for convenience or for safety, such as the of pancreatic cells detached from the pan-
electric elevator mechanisms for hospital creas and sometimes found in the wall of
beds. 2. a structure that contributes to the the stomach or intestines.
function of one of the main anatomical sys- accessory pancreatic duct, the small
tems, such as the accessory sex organs in duct that branches from the pancreatic
men and women or the accessory organs of duct and opens into the duodenum near the
the skin, including the hair, the nails, and mouth of the common bile duct.
the skin glands. accessory pathway, an abnormal con-
accessory diaphragm, a rare congenital duction pathway between an atrium and
anomaly in which a second diaphragm or a ventricle. Ventricular activation via an
accessory phrenic nerve 12 acculturation
accessory pathway slows initial ventric- a process of compromise, arbitration, or
ular contraction, producing preexcitation negotiation.
and the delta wave of Wolff-Parkin- accommodation reflex, an adjustment
son-White syndrome. The delta wave of the eyes for near vision, consisting of
shortens the P-R interval, and broadens pupillary constriction, convergence of the
the QRS complex. The most common eyes, and increased convexity of the lens.
associated arrhythmias are paroxysmal accommodative strabismus /əkom″
supraventricular tachycardia and atrial ədā′tiv/ [L, accommodatio, adjustment;
fibrillation. Gk, strabismos, squint], 1. strabis-
accessory phrenic nerve, the nerve mus resulting from abnormal demand on
that joins the phrenic nerve at the root of accommodation, such as esotropia result-
the neck or in the thorax, forming a loop ing from uncorrected hyperopia or exo-
around the subclavian vein. tropia resulting from uncorrected myopia.
accessory placenta [L, accessionis, a thing 2. strabismus resulting from the act of
added, placenta, flat cake], a small sec- accommodation in association with a high
ondary placental unit attached only by pla- AC/A ratio.
cental vessels. accountability /əkoun′təbil″itē/, account-
accessory root canal, an anatomical lat- ability or responsibility for the moral and
eral branching of the pulp canal in a tooth, legal requirements of proper patient care.
usually occurring in the apical third of the accreditation /əkred′itā″shən/, a pro-
root. cess whereby a professional association
accessory sign, an unusual sign that is or nongovernmental agency grants rec-
not typical or characteristic of a particular ognition to a school or health care insti-
disease. tution for demonstrated ability to meet
accessory spleen [L, accessus, extra; Gk, predetermined criteria for established
splen], small nodules of splenic tissue standards.
that may occur in the gastrosplenic liga- Accreditation Council for Occupational
ment, greater omentum, or other visceral Therapy Education (ACOTE), the
sites. national body that accredits educational
accessory thymus [L, accessus, extra; Gk, programs for occupational therapy and
thymos, thymelike], a nodule of thymic occupational therapy assistant programs.
tissue that is isolated from the gland. Accreditation Review Committee on Edu-
accessory tooth, a supernumerary tooth cation in Surgical Technology (ARC-
that does not resemble a normal tooth in ST), a monitoring organization created
size, shape, or position. in 1972 to establish, maintain and promote
accident /ak″sidənt/ [L, accidere, to hap- standards of quality for the training, curricu-
pen], any unexpected or unplanned event lum, and content of instruction in surgical
that may result in death, injury, property technology and surgical assisting recog-
damage, or a combination of serious nized through programmatic accreditation
effects. in cooperation with the Commission on
accident-prone, describing a person who Accreditation of Allied Health Education
experiences accidents and accompanying Programs (CAAHEP), the American Col-
injuries at a much greater than average lege of Surgeons (ACS), and the Associa-
rate. tion of Surgical Technologists (AST).
acclimate /əklī″mit, ak″limāt/ [L, ad, accrementition /ak′rəmentish″ən/, a
toward; Gk, klima, region], to adjust growth or an increase in size by the addi-
physiologically to a different climate or tion of similar tissue or material, as in
environment or to changes in altitude or cell division, binary fission, budding, or
temperature. −acclimation, acclimatiza- gemmation.
tion, n. accretio cordis /əkrē″shē·ō/ [L,
accommodation (A, acc, Acc) /əkom′ accrescere, to increase, cordis, heart], an
ədā″shən/ [L, accommodatio, adjust- abnormal condition in which the pericar-
ment], 1. the state or process of adapt- dium adheres to the plurae, diaphragm, or
ing or adjusting one thing or set of things chest wall.
to another. 2. the continuous process or accretion /əkrē″shən/ [L, accrescere, to
effort of the individual to adapt or adjust increase], 1. growth by the addition of
to surroundings to maintain a state of material similar to that already present. 2. the
homeostasis, both physiologically and psy- adherence or growing together of parts that
chologically. 3. the adjustment of the eye are normally separated. 3. an accumulation
to variations in distance. 4. (in sociology) of foreign material, especially within a cav-
the reciprocal reconciliation of conflicts ity. −accretive, adj., −accrete, v.
between individuals or groups concern- acculturation /əkul′chərā″shən/, 1. the
ing habits and customs, usually through process of adopting the cultural traits or
accumulated dose equivalent 13 acetaminophen
social patterns of a different population which the head is absent or not properly
group. 2. the modification of the culture developed. −acephalic, adj. A
of a group resulting from association with acerola /as′ərō″lə/, a small, cherrylike
another group. fruit of the genus Malpighia that grows in
accumulated dose equivalent /əkyoo″myəlā′ tropical climates. It is a richer source of
tid/, an estimate of an individual’s vitamin C than any other known fruit.
absorbed dose of radiation over a lifetime, acervuline /ah ser′ vu lin/, occurring in
expressed in rem. Occupationally exposed clusters; aggregated.
persons are allowed no more than 5 rem/ acesulfame-K /as″əsul″fām/, a synthetic
year, or 1 rem multiplied by age at any time noncaloric sweetener marketed under the
during the person’s lifetime. brand name Sweet One. It is approximately
accuracy /ak″yərəsē′/, the extent to which 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Heat does
a measurement is close to the true value. not affect its sweetening ability, an advan-
accurate empathy /ak″yərit/, an appro- tage over aspartame.
priate understanding of another person’s acet, abbreviation for acetate carboxyl-
feelings and experiences. ate anion.
Accurbron, a bronchodilator. Brand acetabular /as′ətab″yələr/ [L, acetabu-
name for theophylline. lum, little saucer], pertaining to the
Accutane, an antiacne agent. Brand name acetabulum; a concave surface where the
for isotretinoin. femur articulates to form the hip joint.
ACDF, abbreviation for anterior cervical acetabular angle, the angle between the
decompression and fusion. acetabular line and Hilgenreiner’s line,
ACE, abbreviation for angiotensin-con- normally between 27 and 30 degrees in the
verting enzyme. neonatal hip. It is used in the radiographic
ACE bandage, brand name for a woven assessment of developmental dysplasia of
elastic bandage wrapped firmly around a the hip.
joint or extremity to compress and sup- acetabular labrum, a fibrocartilaginous
port the area. It may also be used to secure collar on the rim of the acetabulum that
dressings and in skin traction. crosses the acetabular notch as the trans-
acebutolol /as′əboo″təlol/, an antiadren- verse acetabular ligament and converts the
ergic agent that inhibits the stimulation of notch into a foramen.
the central nervous system alpha-adrener- acetabular line, a line following the slope
gic receptors and decreases sympathetic of the acetabulum that is used in radio-
stimulation to the blood vessels and the graphic assessment of the hip joint. With
heart. Hilgenreiner’s line it forms the acetabular
acedia /əsē″dē·ə/ [Gk, akedia, apathy], a angle.
condition of listlessness and a form of deep acetabular notch, an indentation in the
sadness marked by indifference and slug- margin of the acetabulum.
gish mental processes, making it difficult acetabuloplasty /as″ətab″yəlōplas′tē/, a
if not impossible to perform normal daily surgical procedure performed to reshape or
functions. remodel the acetabulum.
acellular /āsel″yələr/, without cells. acetabulum /as′ətab″yələm/ pl. acetabula
acentric /āsen″trik/ [Gk, a + kentron, not [L, vinegar cup], the large, cup-shaped
center], 1. having no center; lacking a cavity at the juncture and lateral surface
middle point of reference. 2. (in genetics) of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, in
describing a chromosome fragment that which the ball-shaped head of the femur
lacks the center for attachment. articulates.
ACEP, abbreviation for American Col- acetal, 1. a colorless, volatile liquid used
lege of Emergency Physicians. as a solvent and sometimes as a hypnotic.
acephalia, absence of a head. 2. any compound with the general formula
acephalobrachia /asef′əlōbrā″kē·ə/ [Gk, R2C(OR)2 or RCH(OR)2, in which R indi-
a + kephale, without head, brachion, cates an alkyl or aryl group.
arm], a congenital anomaly in which a acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) /as′ətəldē″hīd/,
fetus lacks both arms and the head. 1. a colorless, volatile liquid aldehyde
acephalocardia /-kär″dē·ə/ [Gk, a, not, with a pungent odor produced by the oxi-
kephale, head, cardia, heart], the con- dation of ethyl alcohol. It is used in the
genital absence of both the head and the manufacture of acetic acid, perfumes, and
heart, as in a parasitic twin. flavors. It is irritating to membranes and
acephalus /əsef″ələs/ [Gk, a + kephale, has a general narcotic action. 2. an inter-
without head], 1. headless 2. a headless mediate in the metabolism of alcohol.
fetus. acetaminophen /əset′əmin″əfin/, an anal-
acephaly /əsef″əlē/ [Gk, a + kephale, gesic and antipyretic drug used in many
without head], a congenital defect in nonprescription pain relievers. It has no
acetaminophen poisoning 14 acetylcoenzyme A
antiinflammatory properties. It may be in small amounts in normal urine and in
used in combination with other products larger quantities in the urine of diabetics
that do not contain additional acetamino- experiencing ketoacidosis or individuals
phen. It is often recommended for the experiencing starvation. It is one of the
treatment of mild to moderate pain and group of compounds called ketones. 2. a
fever. commercial preparation used to clean the
acetaminophen poisoning, a toxic reac- skin before injections; prolonged exposure
tion to the ingestion of excessive doses of to the compound can be irritating. It also
acetaminophen. Dosages exceeding 140 has many varied industrial uses.
mg/kg can produce liver failure, and larger acetone in urine test, a test for the pres-
doses can be fatal. ence of dimethylketone in the urine of
acetate (CH3CO2–) /as″itāt/, an anion of patients, used as a laboratory indication of
formula C2H3O2. It is the conjugate base of ketosis and the severity of diabetes mel-
acetic acid. litus. Chemically treated test paper strips
acetate kinase, an enzyme that catalyzes or sticks are exposed to urine. If acetone
the transfer of a phosphate group from is present in the urine as the result of the
adenosine triphosphate to acetate. incomplete breakdown of fatty and amino
acetaZOLAMIDE /as′ətəzō″ləmīd/, a acids in the body, the test strips change
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretic color. A similar test uses a compound
agent, prescribed for the treatment of added directly to a urine sample.
glaucoma and edema and as an adjunctive acetonide grouping, an acetone-based
agent for the treatment of refractory epi- ketal, or a ketone-alcohol derivative pres-
lepsy and altitude sickness. ent in some corticosteroid drugs, such as
Acetest, brand name for a product used to fluocinolone acetonide.
test for the presence of abnormal quantities acetonuria /as′ətōno͝or″ē·ə/, the presence
of ketone in the urine of patients with dia- of acetone and diacetic bodies in the urine.
betes mellitus or other metabolic disorders. acetyl (CH3CO, Ac), a monovalent radi-
acetic /əsē″tik, əset″ik/ [L, acetum, vin- cal associated with derivatives of acetic
egar], pertaining to substances having acid.
the sour properties of vinegar or acetic acid acetylcholine (ACh) /as′ətilkō″lēn,
or to chemical compounds possessing the əsē′til-/, a direct-acting cholinergic neu-
radical CH3COe. rotransmitter agent widely distributed in
acetic acid (HC2H3O2), a clear, colorless, body tissues, with a primary function of
pungent liquid that is miscible with water, mediating the synaptic activity of the ner-
alcohol, glycerin, and ether and that consti- vous system and skeletal muscles. It is a
tutes 3% to 5% of vinegar. stimulant of the vagus and autonomic ner-
acetic fermentation, the production of vous system and functions as a vasodilator
acetic acid or vinegar from a weak alco- and cardiac depressant. It also has an effect
holic solution. at the neuromuscular junction that causes
acetoacetic acid /as′ətō·əsē″tik, əsē′tō-/, a muscle contraction.
colorless, oily keto acid produced by the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody
metabolism of lipids and pyruvates. It is test, one of three blood tests for AChR
excreted in trace amounts in normal urine to diagnose myasthenia gravis, the most
and in elevated levels in diabetes melli- sensitive of which is the AChR-modulat-
tus, especially in ketoacidosis, and during ing antibody test and the least sensitive
starvation. of which is the AChR-blocking antibody
acetoHEXAMIDE /-hek″səmīd/, a first- test. The test used most often is the AChR-
generation sulfonylurea oral antidiabetic binding antibody test.
prescribed in the treatment of type 2 dia- acetylcholinesterase (AChE) /-kō′lines″
betes mellitus. tərās/, an enzyme present at the end-
acetohydroxamic acid /as″ĕ-to-hi″droks- ings of voluntary nerves and parasympa-
am′ik/, an inhibitor of bacterial urease thetic involuntary nerves and autonomic
used in the prophylaxis and treatment of nerve ganglia. It inactivates and prevents
struvite renal calculi, whose formation is the accumulation of the neurotransmit-
favored by urease-producing bacteria, and ter acetylcholine released during nerve
as an adjunct in the treatment of urinary impulse transmission by hydrolyzing
tract infections caused by urease-produc- the substance to choline and acetate.
ing bacteria. It is administered orally. The action reduces or prevents exces-
acetol kinase, an enzyme that catalyzes sive firing of neurons at neuromuscular
the transfer of a phosphate group from ade- junctions.
nosine triphosphate to hydroxy-acetone. acetylcoenzyme A /əsē′til·kō·en″zīm,
acetone /as″ətōn/, 1. a colorless, aro- as′ətil-/, a biomolecule that carries an
matic, volatile liquid ketone body found activated form of the 2-carbon acetyl unit
acetylcysteine 15 achondrogenesis
that is found in the course of several impor- autosomal-recessive disorder resulting in
tant metabolic processes. The formation of congenital absence of the hands and feet. A
acetylcoenzyme A is the critical intermedi- achievement age (AA) /əchēv″mənt/, the
ate step between anaerobic glycolysis and level of a person’s educational develop-
the citric acid cycle. ment as measured by an achievement test
acetylcysteine /-sis″tēn/, a mucolytic and and compared with the normal score for
acetaminophen antidote prescribed in the chronological age.
treatment of chronic pulmonary disease, achievement quotient (AQ), a numeric
acute bronchopulmonary disease, atelecta- expression of a person’s achievement
sis resulting from mucus obstruction, and age, determined by various achievement
acetaminophen poisoning. tests, divided by the chronological age and
acetylene /əset′əlēn/, a colorless, highly expressed as a multiple of 100.
flammable gas that is the simplest of the achievement test, a standardized test
alkynes. for the measurement and comparison of
acetylsalicylic acid poisoning /əsē′təlsal′isil″ knowledge or proficiency in various fields
ik, as′itəl-/, the toxic effects of overdos- of vocational or academic study.
age of the commonly used antipyretic and Achilles tendon /əkil″ēz/ [Achilles, Greek
analgesic drug, aspirin. Early symptoms mythological hero], the common distal
include dizziness, ringing in the ears, tendon of the soleus and gastrocnemius
changes in body temperature, GI discom- muscles of the leg. It is the thickest and
fort, and hyperventilation. Severe poison- strongest tendon in the body and connects
ing is marked by respiratory alkalosis, the triceps surae to the heel bone. In an
which may lead to metabolic acidosis. adult it is about 15 cm long.
Children and the elderly are particularly Achilles tendon reflex, a deep tendon
vulnerable to the potential toxic effects of reflex consisting of plantar flexion of the
salicylates. foot when a sharp tap is given directly to
acetyltransferase /-trans″fərās/, any of the tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle at
several enzymes that transfer acetyl groups the back of the ankle. This reflex is often
from one compound to another. absent in people with peripheral neuropa-
ACG, abbreviation for apexcardiography. thies or diabetes. A hyperactive reflex may
ACh, abbreviation for acetylcholine. be caused by hyperthyroidism or by pyra-
ACH, abbreviation for adrenocortical midal tract disease, as well as by any upper
hormone. motor neuron disease.
achalasia /ak′əlā″zhə/ [Gk, a + chalasis, achiral, pertaining to the absence of chi-
without relaxation], a disorder character- rality in a compound, as in stereochemical
ized by the constriction of the lower por- isomers.
tion of the esophagus, preventing normal achlorhydria /ā′klôrhī″drē·ə/ [Gk, a +
swallowing. chloros, not green, hydor, water], an
Achard-Thiers syndrome /äsh″är abnormal condition characterized by the
tērz″/ [Emile C. Achard, French physi- absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric
cian, 1860–1941; Joseph Thiers, French secretions. Achlorhydria occurs most
physician, 1885–1960], a hormonal dis- commonly in atrophy of the gastric
order generally seen in postmenopausal mucosa, gastric carcinoma, and perni-
women with type 2, insulin-resistant dia- cious anemia. It is also found in severe
betes mellitus, characterized by the growth iron deficiency anemia. Malignancy is
of body hair in a masculine distribution. expected when achlorhydria is seen in
ache /āk/ [OE, acan, to hurt], 1. a pain combination with peptic ulcers. −achlor-
or discomfort characterized by persistence, hydric, adj.
dullness, and usually moderate inten- achloropsia /ā′klôrop″sē·ə/ [Gk, a, not,
sity. An ache may be localized, such as a chloros, green, opsis, vision], an inabil-
stomachache, headache, or bone ache, or a ity to see green; green blindness.
general ache, as in the myalgia that accom- acholia /akō″lē·ə/ [Gk, a + chole, without
panies a viral infection or a persistent bile], 1. the absence of or a decrease in
fever. 2. to suffer from a dull, persistent bile secretions. 2. any condition that sup-
pain of moderate intensity. presses the flow of bile into the small intes-
AChE, abbreviation for acetylcholin tine. −acholic, adj.
esterase. acholuria /ak′əlo͝or″ē·ə/ [Gk, a + chole,
acheiria /əkī″rē·ə/ [Gk, a, not, cheir, without bile, ouron, urine], the absence
hand], 1. a congenital absence of one or or lack of bile pigments in the urine. It
both hands. 2. a lack of sensation of the occurs in some forms of jaundice.
hands or a feeling of their absence. achondrogenesis /ākon′drōjen″əsis/, the
acheiropody /ak′īrop″ədē/ [Gk, a, most severe form of chondrodysplasia,
not, cheir, hand, pous, foot], an typically lethal before or soon after birth.
achondroplasia 16 acid-fast stain
achondroplasia /ākon′drōplā″zhə/ [Gk, pair acceptor (Lewis definition). Acids turn
a + chondros, without cartilage, plassein, blue litmus red, have a sour taste, and react
to form], a rare disorder of the growth of with bases to form salts. Acids have chemi-
cartilage in the epiphyses of the long bones cal properties essentially opposite to those
and skull. It results in premature ossifi- of bases. 2. (Slang) lysergic acid diethyl-
cation, permanent limitation of skeletal amide (LSD). 3. sour or bitter to the taste.
development, and dwarfism typified by a −acidic, adj., −acidify, v.
protruding forehead and short, thick arms acidalbumin, a substance formed by the
and legs on a normal trunk. action of mild acid solutions on albumin.
achondroplastic dwarf /-plas″tik/, the acid-base balance, a condition existing
most common type of dwarf, character- when the net rate at which the body pro-
ized by disproportionately short limbs, duces acids or bases equals the net rate
a normal-sized trunk, a large head with a at which acids or bases are excreted. The
depressed nasal bridge, and a small face, result of acid-base balance is a stable con-
stubby hands, and lordosis. centration of hydrogen ions in body fluids.
achroma /akrō″mə/ [Gk, a, without, acid-base metabolism, the metabolic pro-
chroma, color], lack of color. cesses that maintain the balance of acids and
achromatic, 1. free of color. 2. color- bases essential in regulating the composi-
blind. 3. a substance not colored by com- tion of body fluids. Acids release hydrogen
mon staining agents. ions, and bases accept them; the concentra-
achromatic lens /ak′rəmat″ik/ [Gk, a, tion of hydrogen ions present in a solution
without, chroma, color; L, lentis, lens], a governs whether it is acid, alkali, or neutral.
lens in which the focal lengths for red and Hydrogen ions in water are measured on a
blue colors of the spectrum are the same, pH scale of 0.0 to 14.0, with a reading of 7.0
refracting light without decomposing it indicating neutral at 25° C. Above 7.0, the
into its component colors. solution is alkaline; below, it is acid. Blood
achromia /akrō″mēə/ [Gk, a + chroma, is slightly alkaline, ranging from 7.35 to
without color], 1. depigmentation. 2. the 7.45. Metabolic buffer systems within the
absence or loss of natural pigmentation of body maintain this ratio, and when the ratio
the skin and iris. It may be congenital or is upset, acidosis or alkalosis results.
acquired. acid burn, damage to tissue caused by
Achromobacter /akrō′mōbak″tər/, a genus exposure to an acid. The severity of the burn
of gram-negative, rod-shaped, flagellated is determined by the strength of the acid
bacteria that do not form pigment on agar. and the duration and extent of exposure.
Most species in the genus are saprophytic, Initial emergency treatment includes irri-
nonpathogenic organisms found in water, gating the affected area with large amounts
soil, or the human digestive tract, but they of cool or room-temperature water.
may cause infection in the compromised acid dust, an accumulation of highly
host. acidic particles of dust. Such substances
achromocyte /ākrō″məsīt/, a red cell arti- accumulate in the atmosphere and account
fact that stains more faintly than intact red for much of the smog hanging over large
cells. metropolitan areas. Many respiratory ill-
Achromycin V, an antibiotic agent. Brand nesses, such as lung cancer and asthma,
name for tetracycline hydrochloride. may be aggravated or caused by such dust.
achylia /ākī″lē·ə/ [Gk, a, chylos, not acidemia /as′idē″mē·ə/, decreased pH
juice], an absence or severe deficiency of status of the blood or abnormal acidity in
hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen (pepsin) the blood.
in the stomach. This condition may also acid etching, microscopic roughening of
occur in the pancreas when the exocrine dental enamel with an acid (usually phos-
portion of that gland fails to produce diges- phoric acid) to remove the smear layer and
tive enzymes. open enamel tubules, increase retention
achylous /əkī″ləs/, 1. pertaining to a lack of resin sealant, and promote mechanical
of gastric juice or other digestive secre- retention.
tions. 2. pertaining to a lack of chyle. acid-fast bacillus (AFB), a type of bacil-
acicular /əsik″yələr/ [L, aciculus, little lus that resists decolorizing by acid after
needle], long, straight, and pointed in accepting a stain. Examples include Myco-
appearance, as seen in certain leaves and bacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae.
crystals. acid-fast stain, a method of staining
acid /as″id/ [L, acidus, sour], 1. a com- used in bacteriology in which a smear
pound that yields hydrogen ions when dis- on a slide is treated with carbol-fuchsin
sociated in aqueous solution (Arrhenius stain or auramine-rhodamine stain, decol-
definition), acts as a hydrogen ion donor orized with acid alcohol, and counter-
(Brønsted definition), or acts as an electron stained with methylene blue or potassium
acid flush 17 aciniform
permanganate to identify acid-fast bacte- monitor the response to treatment for pros-
ria. The stain is most commonly used in tatic cancer, particularly in regard to bony A
examining sputum for Mycobacterium metastasis.
tuberculosis. acid poisoning, a toxic condition
acid flush, a runoff of precipitation with caused by the ingestion of a toxic acid
a high acid content, as may occur during agent such as hydrochloric, nitric, phos-
thaws in various parts of the world. Acid phoric, or sulfuric acid, some of which
flushes may pollute rivers and reservoirs, are ingredients in common household
killing fish and endangering the natural cleaning compounds.
balance of the ecosystem. acid rain, the precipitation of moisture,
acidity /asid″itē/ [L, acidus, sour], 1. as rain, with high acidity caused by release
the degree of sourness, sharpness of taste, into the atmosphere of pollutants from
or ability of a chemical to yield hydrogen industry, motor vehicle exhaust, and other
ions in an aqueous solution. 2. the degree sources.
of gastric acid in the stomach. The acidity acid rebound, the hypersecretion of gas-
varies during any 24-hour period, but the tric acid that may occur after the initial
pH averages 0.9 to 1.5. buffering effect of an antacid. It occurs
acid mist, a mist containing a high con- most noticeably when antacids containing
centration of acid or particles of any toxic calcium carbonate are used.
chemical, such as carbon tetrachloride or acid salt, a salt formed from an acid with
silicon tetrachloride. two or more bases by only partial replace-
acid mucopolysaccharide, 1. long ment of hydrogen ions from the related
chains of molecules found in the ground acid, leaving some degree of acidity.
substance of collagen, joint fluid, and acid therapy, a method for removing
mucoid material. 2. a 24-hour urine diag- warts that uses plaster patches impregnated
nostic test used in the evaluation of genetic with acid, such as 40% salicylic acid, or
disorders known as mucopolysaccharido- with acid drops, such as 5% to 16.7% sali-
ses (MPS). cylic and lactic acids in flexible collodion.
acidophil /as″idōfil, əsid″əfil/ [L, acidus, The patches are applied every 12 to 24
acid + Gk, philein, to love], 1. a par- hours for 2 to 4 weeks.
ticular staining pattern of cells and tissues acidulous /əsid″yələs/, slightly acidic or
when using haematoxylin and eosin stains. sour.
Specifically, a cell or cell constituent with aciduria [L, acidus + Gk, ouron,
an affinity for acid dyes. 2. an organism urine], the excretion of an acid in the
that thrives in an acid medium. −acido- urine. The condition may be caused by a
philic, adj. diet rich in meat proteins or certain fruits,
acidophilic adenoma, a tumor of the the introduction of a medication used to
pituitary gland characterized by cells that treat a urinary tract disorder, an inborn
can be stained red with an acid dye. Gigan- error of metabolism, or ketoacidosis.
tism and acromegaly can result from the acinar cell /as″inər/ [L, acinus, grape], a
hypersecretion of growth hormone caused cell of the tiny lobules of a compound
by an acidophilic adenoma. gland or similar saclike structure, such as
acidophilus milk /as′idof″ələs/, milk an alveolus.
inoculated with cultures of Lactobacillus Acinetobacter /as′inē′təbak′tər/, a genus
acidophilus, used in various enteric dis- of nonmotile, aerobic bacteria of the
orders to change the bacterial flora of the family Neisseriaceae that often occurs in
GI tract. clinical specimens. It is mainly found in
acidosis /as′idō″sis/ [L, acidus + Gk, osis, water, and its disease activity is opportu-
condition], an abnormal increase in the nistic. Most human disease is caused by A.
hydrogen ion concentration in the blood, baumannii.
resulting from an accumulation of an acid acini, plural form of acinus.
or the loss of a base. It is indicated by a acinic cell adenocarcinoma /asin″ik/ [L,
blood pH below the normal range (7.35 to acinus, grape], an uncommon low-
7.45). −acidotic, adj. grade malignant neoplasm that develops
acid phosphatase, an enzyme found in in the secreting cells of racemose glands,
the kidneys, serum, semen, and prostate especially the salivary glands. The tumor
gland. It is elevated in serum in prostate consists of cells with clear or slightly
cancer and in trauma. Normal concen- granular cytoplasm and small eccentric
trations in serum are 0 to 1.1 Bodansky dark nuclei.
units/mL. aciniform /asin″ifôrm/ [L, acinus, grape;
acid phosphatase test, 1. a presumptive forma, shape], shaped like a cluster of
test for the presence of semen in suspected grapes. The term refers particularly to
rape cases. 2. A diagnostic tool used to glandular tissue.
acinitis 18 acoustic cavitation
acinitis /as′inī″tis/, any inflammation of in which secondary pyogenic infection
the tiny, grape-shaped parts of certain in and around pilosebaceous structures
glands. results in keloidal scarring. It is mani-
acinotubular gland /as′inōt(y)oob″yələr/ fested as persistent folliculitis of the back
[grape-shaped], a gland in which the of the neck associated with occlusion of
acini are elongated or tube-shaped. the follicular orifices. It is most often
acinus /as″inəs/ pl. acini [L, grape], any encountered in black and Asian men.
small saclike structure, particularly one acne medicamentosa, any type of acne
found in a gland. resulting from a reaction to medication,
acitretin /as″e-tret′in/, a second-genera- such as to a steroid or the salt of a halogen.
tion retinoid used in the treatment of severe acne necrotica miliaris, a rare, chronic
psoriasis. It is administered orally. type of pruritic, pustular folliculitis of
A.C. joint, abbreviation for acromiocla- the scalp, forehead, and temples occur-
vicular joint. ring mostly in adults and characterized
acknowledgment /əkˈnäl əj mənt/, a by tiny pustules, probably a pyoderma or
therapeutic technique characterized by tuberculid.
providing feedback to individuals, assur- acne neonatorum, a skin condition of
ing them that they have been heard. newborns caused by sebaceous gland
ACL, abbreviation for anterior cruciate hyperplasia and characterized by the local-
ligament. ized formation of grouped comedones or
Aclovate, a topical corticosteroid medi- papules on the nose, cheeks, and forehead.
cation. Brand name for alclometasone acne papulosa, a common skin condition
dipropionate. in which comedones develop moderately
ACLS, abbreviation for advanced car- inflamed papules. It is considered a papular
diac life support. form of acne vulgaris.
acme /ak″mē/ [Gk, akme, point], the acne pustulosa, a form of acne in which
peak or highest point, such as the peak of the predominant lesions are pustular and
intensity of a uterine contraction during may result in scarring.
labor or the peak of perfection. acne urticaria /ur′tiker″ē·ə/, a form of
acne /ak″nē/, a chronic disorder of the acne marked by papules that are predomi-
hair follicles and sebaceous glands char- nantly edematous and wheal-like and that
acterized by pimple outbreaks, cysts, have been aggravated by scratching.
infected abscesses, and sometimes scar- ACNM, abbreviation for American Col-
ring. Characteristic lesions include open lege of Nurse-Midwives.
(blackhead) and closed (whitehead) com- ACOEM, abbreviation for American
edones, inflammatory papules, pustules, College of Occupational and Environ-
and nodules. mental Medicine.
acne atrophica /atrof″ikə/, a skin disorder ACOG, abbreviation for American Col-
characterized by small scars or pits left by lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
an earlier occurrence of acne vulgaris. acognosia /ak′og·nō″zhə/ [Gk, ako(s),
acne cachecticorum, an eruption or irri- remedy, gnos(is), knowledge], a knowl-
tation of the skin that may occur in patients edge of remedies.
who are very weak and debilitated. It is acorea /ā′kôrē″ə/ [Gk, a, without, kore,
characterized by soft, mildly infiltrated pupil], an absence of the pupil of the eye.
pustular lesions. acoria /akôr″ē·ə/ [Gk, a, without, koros,
acne conglobata /kon′glōbā″tə/, a severe satiety], a condition characterized by
form of acne with abscess, cyst, scar, and constant hunger and excessive ingestion of
keloid formation. food, not from hunger but because of loss
acneform /ak″nifôrm/, resembling acne. of the sensation of satiety.
acneform drug eruption, any of vari- acorn-tipped catheter, a flexible cath-
ous skin reactions to a drug, character- eter with a bulbous triangular-shaped tip
ized by papules and pustules resembling used in various diagnostic procedures to
acne. occlude an orifice and prevent backflow of
acne fulminans, severe scarring acne in dyes used during the procedure.
teenage males, which may be accompanied acousma /əkooz″mə/ pl. acousmas, acous-
by fever, polyarthralgia, crusted ulcerative mata [Gk, akousma, something heard], a
lesions, weight loss, anemia, arthritis, and hallucinatory impression of strange sounds.
blood disorders. acoustic /əkoos′tik/ [Gk, akouein, to
acnegenic /ak′nijen″ik/ [Gk, akme + hear], pertaining to sound or hearing.
genein, to produce], causing or produc- acoustic apparatus, the various compo-
ing acne. nents of the sense of hearing.
acne keloid [Gk, akme, point, kelis, spot, acoustic cavitation, a potential biologi-
eidos, form], an acneform disorder cal effect of ultrasonography, marked by
acoustic center 19 acquired trait
large-amplitude oscillations of micro- light waves by ultra-high-frequency sound
scopic gas bubbles. waves. A
acoustic center, the portion of the brain, ACP, 1. abbreviation for American Col-
in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum, in lege of Pathologists. 2. abbreviation
which the sense of hearing is located. for American College of Physicians.
acoustic-immittance audiometry, audio- 3. abbreviation for American College of
logical testing used to evaluate the status Prosthodontists.
of the external and middle ears and of the acquired /əkwī″ərd/ [L, acquirere, to
acoustic reflex arc. obtain], pertaining to a characteris-
acoustic impedance, interference with tic, condition, or disease gained and/
the passage of sound waves by objects or obtained as a result of external condi-
in the path of those waves. It equals the tions after birth. An example is acquired
velocity of sound in a medium multiplied immunity.
by the density of the medium. Testing acquired cystic kidney disease, the
middle ear acoustic impedance is part of development of cysts in a formerly non-
audiological evaluation batteries used to cystic kidney during end-stage renal
detect middle ear problems. disease.
acoustic meatus [Gk, akoustikos, hearing; acquired hypogammaglobulinemia [L,
L, meatus, a passage], the external or acquirere, to obtain; Gk, hypo, a defi-
internal canal of the ear. ciency, gamma, third letter of Greek alpha-
acoustic microscope, a microscope in bet; L, globulus, small globe; Gk, haima,
which the object being viewed is scanned blood], an acquired deficiency of the
with sound waves and its image recon- gamma globulin blood fraction.
structed with light waves. acquired immunity, any form of immu-
acoustic neuroma, a benign unilateral nity that is not innate and is obtained
or bilateral vestibular schwannoma that during life as a result of the development
develops from the vestibulocochlear nerve of antibodies in response to an antigen. It
and grows within the auditory canal, occur- may be naturally or artificially acquired
ring rarely with the vestibular or cochlear and actively or passively induced. Natu-
apparatus of the inner ear. Depending on rally acquired immunity is obtained by
the location and size of the lesion, tinnitus, the development of antibodies resulting
progressive hearing loss, headache, facial from an attack of infectious disease or
numbness, papilledema, dizziness, and an by the transmission of antibodies from
unsteady gait may result. Paresis and dif- the mother through the placenta to the
ficulty in speaking and swallowing may fetus or to the infant through colostrum
occur in the later stage. and breast milk. Artificially acquired
acoustic reflex, a paired reaction with immunity is obtained by vaccination
bilateral contraction following unilateral or by the injection of immune gamma
sound exposure. The muscle contractions globulin. Acquired immunity can be
pull the stapes out of the oval window and divided into cell-mediated i­ mmunity
thus protect the internal ear from damage (T cells) and humoral immunity
caused by loud noise. The acoustic reflex (B cells).
threshold is the lowest level of sound that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
will elicit an acoustic reflex and is in the (AIDS), a syndrome involving a defect
range of 85 to 90 dB hearing level in indi- in cell-mediated immunity, character-
viduals with normal hearing. ized by a susceptibility to infection with
acoustic reflex measures, measurement opportunistic pathogens. The U.S. Centers
of the acoustic reflex in response to intense for Disease Control and Prevention has
sound, a component of the evaluation of defined AIDS as beginning when a person
middle ear function. with HIV infection has a CD4 cell count
acoustics /əkoos″tiks/ [Gk, akoustikos, below 200.
hearing], the science of sound. acquired pellicle, an acellular film com-
acoustic shadow, in an ultrasound image, posed of salivary glycoproteins that closely
the absence of echoes produced by the pres- and firmly adheres to the oral cavity. It is
ence of dense material, such as calculi, which distinct from bacterial plaque, which is cel-
impede the transmission of sound waves. lular and loosely adhered to the teeth until
acoustic trauma, a sudden loss of hear- calcified into calculus.
ing, partial or complete, caused by an acquired sterility [L, acquirere, to obtain,
extremely loud noise, a severe blow to the sterilis, barren], the failure to conceive
head, or other trauma. It may be temporary after once bearing a child.
or permanent. acquired trait [L, acquirere, to obtain +
acoustooptics /əkoos′tō·op″tiks/, a field trahere, to draw], a physical character-
of physics that studies the generation of istic that is not inherited but may be an
ACR 20 acroparesthesia
effect of the environment or of a somatic acrokeratosis verruciformis /ak′rōker′ətō″
mutation. sis/, a skin disorder characterized by the
ACR, abbreviation for American Col- appearance of flat, wartlike lesions on the
lege of Radiology. dorsum of the hands and feet and occasion-
acral /ak″rəl/ [Gk, akron, extrem- ally on the wrists, forearms, and knees.
ity], pertaining to an extremity or apex. Lesions may transform into squamous cell
acral erythema, erythema localized carcinoma.
to the palms and soles, as in hand-foot acrokinesis /-kīnē″sis/ [Gk, akron,
syndrome. extremity, kinesis, motion], a state in
Acremonium /ak″rĕ-mo′ne-um/, a genus which the limbs possess an abnormally
of Fungi imperfecti of the former class wide range of motion or unusual extension
Hyphomycetes. Some species produce of movement.
cephalosporin antibiotics. acromegalic eunuchoidism /-məgal″ik/, a
acrid /ak″rid/ [L, acris, sharp], sharp or rare disorder characterized by genital
pungent, bitter and unpleasant to the smell atrophy and the development of female
or taste. secondary sex characteristics occurring in
acridine /ak″ridēn/, a dibenzopyridine men with advanced acromegaly caused by
compound used in the synthesis of dyes a tumor in the anterior pituitary gland.
and drugs. acromegaly /ak′rəmeg″əlē/ [Gk, akron +
acrimony /ak″rəmō′nē/ [L, acrimonia, megas, great], a chronic metabolic con-
pungency], 1. a quality of bitterness, dition in adults caused by oversecretion of
harshness, or sharpness. 2. feelings of growth hormones by the pituitary gland.
anger and negativity. It is characterized by gradual, permanent,
acrivastine /ak″ri-vas′tēn/, a nonsedating marked soft tissue enlargement and widen-
antihistamine used in the treatment of hay ing and thickening of skeletal bones in the
fever. It is administered orally. face, jaw, hands, and feet. Hypertrophy of
acrocentric /ak′rōsen″trik/ [Gk, akron, the vocal cords leads to deepening of the
extremity, kentron, center], pertaining voice. −acromegalic, adj.
to a chromosome in which the centromere acromicria /ak′rəmik″rē·ə/, an anomaly
is located near one of the ends so that the characterized by abnormally small hands
arms of the chromosome are extremely and feet. The person may also possess
uneven in length. unusually small facial features, such as the
acrocephalosyndactyly /ak′rō·sef′ə·lō·sin· nose and ears, due to a deficiency in pitu-
dak′ti·lē/ [acrocephaly + syndactyly], itary function after puberty.
any of a group of autosomal-dominant acromioclavicular articulation
disorders in which premature fusion of the /-mī′ōklavik″yələr/, the gliding joint
cranium results in a conical deformity of between the acromial end of the clavicle
the skull. Webbed fingers or toes are also and the medial margin of the acromion
present. The term is often used alone to of the scapula. It forms the most superior
denote Apert’s syndrome. portion of the shoulder. The joint has six
acrochordon /ak′rōkôr″don/, a benign, ligaments.
pedunculated growth commonly occurring acromiocoracoid /-kôr″əkoid/, pertaining
on the eyelids, neck, axillae, or groin. to the acromion and coracoid process.
acrodermatitis /-dur′mətī″tis/ [Gk, akron acromiohumeral /-hyoo″mərəl/, pertain-
+ derma, skin, itis, inflamma- ing to the acromion and the humerus.
tion], chronic inflammation of the skin acromion /əkrō″mē·ən/ [Gk, akron +
of the hands and feet caused by a parasitic omos, shoulder], the lateral extension of
mite belonging to the order Acarina. the spine of the scapula, forming the high-
acrodermatitis enteropathica /en′tərō est point of the shoulder and connecting
path″ikə/, a rare, chronic disease of with the clavicle at a small oval surface
infants characterized by vesicles and in the middle of the spine. It gives attach-
bullae of the skin and mucous mem- ment to the deltoid and trapezius muscles.
branes, alopecia, diarrhea, and failure to −acromial, adj.
thrive. acromioscapular /-skap″yələr/, pertain-
acrodynia /ak′rōdin″ē·ə/ [Gk, akron + ing to the acromion and the scapula.
odyne, pain], a rare disease occurring acro-osteolysis /ak′rō·os′tē·ol″isis/, destru­
in infants and young children caused by ction of the digit tips, including the bone,
heavy metals poisoning, especially mer- usually caused by vasospasm. It is charac-
cury poisoning. terized by loss of bone tissue in the hands,
acroesthesia /ak′rō·esthē″zhə/ [Gk, akron, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and sensitivity to
extremity, aisthesis, sensation], a condi- cold temperatures.
tion of increased sensitivity or pain in the acroparesthesia /ak′rōpar′isthē″zhə/ [Gk,
hands or feet. akron + para, near, aisthesis, feeling], 1. an
acrophobia 21 actinomycosis
extreme sensitivity at the tips of the overt behavior that is usually pathological,
extremities of the body, caused by nerve defensive, and unconscious and that may A
compression in the affected area or by be destructive or dangerous.
polyneuritis. 2. a disease characterized actinic /aktin″ik/ [Gk, aktis, ray], per-
by tingling, numbness, and stiffness in taining to radiation, such as sunlight or
the extremities, especially in the fingers, x-rays.
hands, and forearms. actinic burn, a burn caused by exposure
acrophobia [Gk, akron + phobos, fear], a to sunlight or another source of ultraviolet
pathologic fear or dread of high places that radiation.
results in extreme anxiety. actinic conjunctivitis [Gk, aktis, ray, + L,
acrosomal reaction /ak″rəsō′məl/, the conjunctivus, connecting; Gk, itis, inflam-
pattern of various chemical changes mation], an inflammation of the conjunc-
that occur in the anterior of the head of tiva caused by exposure to the ultraviolet
the spermatozoon in response to con- radiation of sunlight or other sources, such
tact with the ovum and that lead to the as acetylene torches, therapeutic lamps
sperm’s penetration and fertilization of (sun lamps), and klieg lights.
the ovum. actinic dermatitis, a skin inflammation
acrosome /ak″rəsōm′/ [Gk, akron + or rash resulting from exposure to sun-
soma, body], the caplike structure sur- light, x-ray, or radiation. Chronic or recur-
rounding the anterior end of the head of a rent actinic dermatitis can predispose to
spermatozoon. skin cancer.
acrotic /əkrot″ik/ [Gk, a + krotos, not actinic keratosis, a slowly develop-
beating], 1. pertaining to the surface of ing, localized thickening and scaling of
the body or to the skin glands. 2. pertain- the outer layers of the skin as a result of
ing to an absent or weak pulse. chronic, prolonged exposure to the sun.
acrylate, an anion, salt, ester, or conju- Treatment of this premalignant lesion
gate base of acrylic acid. includes surgical excision, cryotherapy,
acrylic acid (CH2COOH) /əkril″ik/, a and topical chemotherapy.
corrosive liquid used in the production of actinism, the ability of sunlight or simi-
the plastic materials used in medical and lar forms of radiation to produce chemical
dental procedures. changes.
acrylic resin base, a form made of acrylic actinium (Ac), a rare, radioactive metal-
resin molded to conform to tissues of the lic element. Its atomic number is 89; its
alveolar process, used to support teeth of atomic mass is 227. It occurs in some ores
a prosthesis. of uranium.
acrylic resin dental cement, a cement for Actinobacillus /ak′tinōbasil″əs/, a genus
restoring or repairing damaged teeth. of small, gram-negative bacillus, with
ACS, 1. abbreviation for American Can- members that are pathogenic for humans
cer Society. 2. abbreviation for American and other animals. The species Actinoba-
Chemical Society. 3. abbreviation for Amer- cillus actinomycetemcomitans is the cause
ican College of Surgeons. 4. abbreviation of actinomycosis in humans.
for anodal closing sound. 5. abbreviation Actinomyces /ak′tinōmī″sēz/ [Gk, aktis,
for acute confusional state. 6. abbrevia- ray, mykes, fungus], a genus of anaero-
tion for Association of Clinical Scientists. bic or facultative anaerobic, gram-positive
7. abbreviation for abdominal compartment bacteria. Species that may cause disease
syndrome. in humans, such as Actinomyces israelii
ACSM, abbreviation for American Col- (which causes actinomycosis), are nor-
lege of Sports Medicine. mally present in the mouth and throat.
ACTH, abbreviation for adrenocortico- Disease activity is normally limited to
tropic hormone. periodontal disease.
Acthar, an adrenocorticotropic hor- actinomycin A, the first of a group of
mone injection. Brand name for ACTH, chromopeptide antibiotic agents derived
corticotropin. from soil bacteria. Most are derivatives of
actigraph /ak″tigraf′/, any instrument phenoxazine and contain actinocin. They
that records changes in the activity of a are generally active against gram-positive
substance or an organism and produces a and gram-negative bacteria and some fungi.
graphic record of the process, such as an Because of their cytotoxic properties, they
electrocardiograph. are effective for certain types of neoplasms.
actin, a protein forming the thin filaments in actinomycin B, an antibiotic antineo-
muscle fibers that are pulled on by myosin plastic agent derived from Actinomyces
cross-bridges to cause a muscle contraction. antibioticus.
acting out, the expression of intrapsy- actinomycosis /ak′tinōmīkō″sis/, a
chic conflict or painful emotion through chronic bacterial disease most frequently
actinomyosin 22 active exercise
located in the jaw, thorax, or abdomen. It activated prothrombin complex concen-
is characterized by deep, lumpy abscesses trate (APCC), a therapeutic concentrate
that extrude a thin, granular pus through of activated coagulation factors II, VII, IX,
multiple sinuses. The most common caus- and X, used to treat patients with hemo-
ative organism in humans is Actinomyces philia who have developed coagulation
israelii, a normal inhabitant of the bowel factor inhibitors, usually anticoagulation
and mouth. Disease occurs after tissue factor VIII or IX.
damage, usually in the presence of another activating enzyme, an enzyme that pro-
infectious organism. motes or sustains an activity, such as cata-
actinomyosin, the complex consisting lyzing the combination of amino acids to
of parallel threads of actin and myosin form peptides or proteins.
proteins that constitutes muscle fibers. activation /ak′tivā″shən/, 1. the promo-
It is responsible for the contraction and tion or production of an activity, such as
relaxation of muscle. When a muscle fiber the generation of a catalyst, protein synthe-
contracts, the two proteins slide past each sis, or enzymatic function. 2. the treatment
other, shortening the fiber while increasing of sewage using a combination of bacteria
its apparent thickness. and air.
actinotherapy, the use of ultraviolet light, activation energy [L, activus, active], the
other parts of the spectrum of the sun’s energy required to convert reactants to
rays, or x-rays to treat various disorders, transition-state species or an activated
particularly skin diseases. complex that will spontaneously proceed
action, an activity or exertion of power to products.
used to carry out a function or produce an activator /ak″tivā′tər/, 1. a substance,
effect. force, or device that stimulates activity in
action level, the level of concentration at another substance or structure, especially
which an undesirable or toxic component a substance that activates an enzyme. 2. a
of a food is considered dangerous enough substance that stimulates the development
to public health to warrant government of an anatomical structure in the embryo.
prohibition of the sale of that food. The 3. an internal secretion of the pancreas.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration tests 4. an apparatus for making substances
foods for action levels. radioactive, such as a cyclotron or neutron
action potential, an electric impulse generator. 5. (in dentistry) a removable
consisting of a self-propagating series of orthodontic appliance that functions as a
polarizations and depolarizations, trans- passive transmitter and stimulator of the
mitted across the plasma membranes of perioral muscles.
a nerve fiber during the transmission of a active anaphylaxis [Gk, ana, up, phylaxis,
nerve impulse and across the plasma mem- protection], hypersensitivity caused by
branes of a muscle cell during contraction the reaction of the immune system to the
or another activity. injection of a foreign protein.
action therapies, treatments stressing active assisted exercise [L, activus], the
physical activity or interactions. movement of the body or any of its parts
action tremor [L, agere, to do, tremor, primarily through the individual’s own
shaking], a slight shaking that occurs or efforts but accompanied by the aid of a
is evident during voluntary movements of member of the health care team or some
the upper extremities. device, such as an exercise machine.
Activase, a commercial form of tissue active carrier [OFr, carier], a person
plasminogen activator. Brand name for without signs or symptoms of an infectious
alteplase. disease who carries the causal microorgan-
activated charcoal, a general-purpose isms and can transmit the disease to others.
emergency antidote and a powerful phar- active electrode [Gk, elektron, amber,
maceutic adsorbent prescribed in the treat- hodos, way], an electrode that is applied
ment of acute poisoning and the control of at a specific point to produce stimulation
flatulence. in a concentrated area in electrotherapy or
activated clotting time (ACT) test, a electrocautery.
blood test primarily used to measure the active euthanasia, the ending of life
effect of heparin as an anticoagulant dur- by the deliberate administration of lethal
ing cardiac angioplasty, hemodialysis, and agents by an individual other than the
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB). patient.
It can also be used to monitor the dose of active exercise, an unassisted effort by an
protamine sulfate required to reverse the individual to engage in activity, exercise,
effect of heparin. or repetitive motion that causes voluntary
activated 7-dehydrocholesterol, a sterol contraction and relaxation of the muscles
precursor to vitamin D3. and movement of the body.
active expiration 23 actualization
active expiration [L, expirare, to breathe result of a specific antigen being injected,
out], a forced exhalation using the ingested, or inhaled into the individual. A
abdominal wall, internal intercostal mus- This sensitizes the individual so that subse-
cles, and diaphragm. quent exposure to the same antigen elicits
active hyperemia [L, activus + Gk, hyper, an immune response.
excessive, haima, blood], the increased active site, the place on the surface of an
flow of blood into a particular body enzyme where its catalytic action occurs.
part, caused by an increase in vasoactive active specific immunotherapy, a ther-
metabolites. apy that attempts to stimulate specific
active immunity, a form of long-term antitumor responses with tumor-associated
acquired immunity. It protects the body antigens as the immunizing materials.
against a new infection as the result of active transport, the movement of
antibodies that develop naturally after an materials across the membranes and
exposure to an infectious agent or artifi- epithelial layers of a cell by means of
cially after a vaccination. chemical activity that allows the cell
active labor [L, activus, active, labor, to admit otherwise impermeable mol-
work], the second portion of the first ecules against a concentration gradient.
stage of labor, characterized by rapid dila- Expediting active transport are carrier
tion and effacement, usually between 4 cm molecules within the cell that bind and
and near complete (10 cm) dilation. The enclose themselves to incoming mol-
progress of dilation is traditionally approx- ecules. Active transport is the means by
imately 1 cm/hr in nulliparae and 1 to 2 which the cell absorbs glucose and other
cm/hr in multiparae in unfacilitated labor. substances needed to sustain life and
active matrix array (AMA), a large-area health.
integrated circuit that consists of millions activities of daily living (ADL) /aktiv″itēz/,
of identical semiconductor elements and the activities usually performed in the
acts as the flat-panel image receptor in dig- course of a normal day in a person’s life,
ital radiographic and fluoroscopic systems. such as eating, toileting, dressing, bathing,
active movement, the movement of parts or brushing the teeth.
of the body as a result of voluntary muscle activity, 1. a general class of human
effort. actions that is culturally defined. 2. the
active-passive, (in psychiatry) a concept action of an enzyme on an amount of sub-
that characterizes persons as either actively strate that is converted to product per unit
involved in shaping events, such as being of time under defined conditions.
proactive, or passively reacting to them, activity analysis, a tool that helps
such as being reactive. occupational therapy practitioners
active phase of labor, the stage of labor ­prioritize, plan, and implement effective­
in which the cervix will dilate from 4 cm interventions. It involves identifying
to 7 cm. Contractions during this phase every characteristic of a particular activity,
will last about 45 to 60 seconds, with 3 to 5 and examining these components to deter-
minutes of rest between contractions. mine the performance skills needed to
active play, any activity from which one complete the activity.
derives amusement, entertainment, enjoy- activity coefficient, a proportionality
ment, or satisfaction by taking a participa- constant, γ, relating activity, α, to concen-
tory rather than a passive role. tration, c, expressed in the equation, α =
active range of motion (AROM), the γc.
range of movement through which a activity theory, a concept proposed by
patient can actively (without assistance) Robert J. Havighurst (1900–1990) that
move a joint. Movement occurs because of continuing activities from middle age pro-
the contraction of skeletal muscle. motes well-being and satisfaction in aging.
active resistance exercise, the movement actual cautery /ak″choo·əl/ [L, actus,
or exertion of the body or any of its parts act], the application of heat, rather than
performed totally through the individual’s a chemical substance, in the destruction of
own efforts against a resisting force. tissue.
active resistance training (ART), a actual charge, the amount actually
conditioning or rehabilitation program charged or billed by a practitioner for a
designed to enhance a patient’s muscular service. The actual charge usually is not
strength, power, and endurance through the same as that paid for the service by an
progressive active resistance exercises and insurance plan.
muscle overloading. actualization, 1. the fulfillment of a
active sensitization [L, agere, to do, sen- potential, as by a person who may develop
tire, to feel], an immune response that capabilities through experience and educa-
is antibody-mediated and occurs as a tion. 2. the fulfillment of the highest level
acuity 24 acute circulatory failure
of human needs based on Maslow’s hierar- in persons with chronic obstructive pulmo-
chy of needs. −actualize, v. nary disease or asthma.
acuity /əkyoo″itē/ [L, acuere, to acute alcoholism, intoxication resulting
sharpen], 1. the clearness or sharpness from excessive consumption of alcoholic
of perception, such as visual acuity. 2. the beverages. The syndrome is temporary
degree of illness, often used to determine and is characterized by depression of the
staffing levels for nursing personnel. higher nerve centers, causing impaired
acuminate /ə·kyoo′mi·nāt/ [L, acumi- motor control, stupor, lack of coordination,
natus], 1. sharp-pointed. 2. to sharpen and often nausea, dehydration, headache,
something or to make it smaller in diam- and other physical symptoms.
eter with an increased length. acute angle [L, acutus + angulus], any
acupressure /ak″yəpresh′ər/ [L, acus, angle of less than 90 degrees.
needle, pressura, pressure] acute anicteric hepatitis [Gk, a, without,
acupressure needle, 1. a slender pointed ikteros, jaundice, hēpar, liver, itis, inflam-
device used for insertion and manipulation mation], an acute hepatitis not accompa-
at acupressure points to improve health nied by jaundice.
and well-being. 2. any of several needles acute ascending myelitis [L, ascendere, to
inserted near a source of bleeding to help go up; Gk, myelos, marrow, itis, inflamma-
control blood loss. The needles exert pres- tion], a severe inflammation of the spinal
sure on tissues adjacent to the damaged cord that extends progressively upward
vessel. with corresponding interference in nerve
acupuncture /ak″yəpunk″chər/ [L, acus functions.
+ punctura, puncture], a method of acute ascending spinal paralysis, a
producing analgesia or altering the func- severe progressive spinal paralysis that
tion of a body system by inserting fine, spreads upward toward the brain.
wire-thin needles into the skin at specific acute atrophic paralysis [Gk, a, trophe,
body sites along a series of lines, or chan- without nourishment, paralyein, to be
nels, called meridians. Acupuncture is palsied], a severe poliomyelitis involv-
highly effective in treating both acute ing the anterior horns of the spinal cord. It
and chronic pain associated with multiple results first in flaccid paralysis of involved
causes. It is effective for nausea associ- muscle groups and later in atrophy of those
ated with chemotherapy, or postopera- muscles.
tively. −acupuncturist, n. acute care, a pattern of health care
acupuncture point, one of many discrete in which a patient is treated for a brief
points on the skin along the several merid- but severe episode of illness, for the
ians, or chains of points of the body. Stim- sequelae of an accident or other trauma,
ulation of any of the various points affects or during recovery from surgery. Acute
the nervous system in a variety of ways. care is usually given in a hospital by
acus /ā″kəs/, any needlelike structure. specialized personnel using complex and
acute /əkyoot″/ [L, acutus, sharp], 1. (of sophisticated technical equipment and
a disease or disease symptoms) beginning materials, and it may involve intensive
abruptly with marked intensity or sharp- or emergency care.
ness, then subsiding after a relatively short acute catarrhal sinusitis [Gk, kata + rhoia,
period. 2. sharp or severe. flow; L, sinus, hollow], an inflammation
acute abdomen, an abnormal condition that involves the nose and sinuses.
characterized by the acute onset of severe acute childhood leukemia, a progressive,
pain within the abdominal cavity. An acute malignant disease of the blood-forming tis-
abdomen requires immediate evaluation sues. It is characterized by the uncontrolled
and diagnosis because it may indicate a proliferation of immature leukocytes and
condition that calls for surgical interven- their precursors, particularly in the bone
tion. Information about the onset, duration, marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. It is
character, location, and symptoms associ- the most frequent cancer in children, with
ated with the pain is critical in making an a peak onset occurring between 2 and 5
accurate diagnosis. years of age. Cure rates are high.
acute abscess, a recently formed collec- acute circulatory failure /sur″kyələtôr′ē/,
tion of pus with little or no fibrosis in the a decrease in cardiac output resulting
wall of the cavity. It is accompanied by from cardiac or noncardiac causes and
localized inflammation, pain, fever, and leading to tissue hypoxia. Acute circula-
swelling. tory failure usually happens so rapidly
acute air trapping, a condition of bron- that the body does not have time to adjust
chiolar obstruction that results in early air- to the changes. If not controlled immedi-
way closure and trapping of air distal to the ately, the condition usually progresses to
affected bronchiole. Air trapping can occur shock.
acute circumscribed edema 25 acute intermittent porphyria (AIP)
acute circumscribed edema [L, circum, children, primarily between 2 and 7 years
around, scribere, to draw; Gk, oidema, of age. It is characterized by sore throat, A
swelling], a localized area of swelling croupy stridor, and inflamed epiglot-
or fluid retention, often associated with an tis, which may cause sudden respiratory
inflammatory lesion or process. obstruction and possibly death. The infec-
acute confusional state (ACS), a form of tion is generally caused by Haemophilus
delirium caused by interference with the influenzae, type B, although streptococci
metabolic or other biochemical processes may occasionally be the causative agents.
essential for normal brain functioning. Transmission occurs via infection with
Symptoms may include disturbances in airborne particles or contact with infected
cognition and levels of awareness, short- secretions.
term memory deficit, retrograde and acute fibrinous pericarditis [L, fibra,
anterograde amnesia, and disturbances fibrous; Gk, peri, near, kardia, heart, itis,
in orientation, accompanied by restless- inflammation], an acute inflammation
ness, apprehension, irritability, and apathy. of the endothelial cells of the pericardium
The condition may be associated with an with fibers extending into the pericardial
acute physiological state, delirium, toxic sac.
psychosis, or acute brain syndrome which acute goiter [L, guttur, throat], a sudden
constitutes a medical emergency. enlargement of the thyroid gland.
acute coronary syndrome, a term acute hallucinatory paranoia, a form of
encompassing clinical presentations rang- psychosis in which hallucinations are com-
ing from unstable angina through myo- bined with the delusions of paranoia.
cardial infarctions in which there is an acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, a
interruption in the blood supply to the highly contagious eye disease usually
heart muscle. caused by enterovirus type 70 but also by
acute delirium, an episode of acute Coxsackie AZA. Clinical features include
organic reaction that is sudden, severe, sudden onset of severe ocular pain, blurred
and transient. Constitutes a medical vision, photophobia, subconjunctival hem-
emergency. orrhage, chemosis, and profuse watery
acute diarrhea [Gk, dia + rhein, to discharge from the eye. Spontaneous
flow], a sudden severe attack of loose improvement occurs within 2 to 4 days and
stools. is complete by 7 to 10 days.
acute diffuse peritonitis [L, diffundere, to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis [Gk,
pour out; Gk, peri, near, tenein, to stretch, haima, blood, rhegnynei, to gush, pan, all,
itis, inflammation], an acute widespread kreas, flesh], a potentially fatal inflam-
attack of peritonitis affecting most of the mation of the pancreas characterized by
peritoneum and usually caused by infec- bleeding, necrosis, and paralysis of the
tion or by a perforation of an abdominal digestive tract.
organ (e.g., stomach or appendix). It is also acute hypoxia, a sudden or rapid deple-
a complication of peritoneal dialysis. tion in available oxygen at the tissue level.
acute disease, a disease characterized by The condition may result from asphyxia,
a relatively sudden onset of symptoms that airway obstruction, acute hemorrhage,
are usually severe. An episode of acute blockage of alveoli by edema or infectious
disease results in recovery to a state com- exudate, or abrupt cardiorespiratory fail-
parable to the patient’s condition of health ure. Clinical signs may include hypoven-
and activity before the disease, in passage tilation or hyperventilation to the point of
into a chronic phase, or in death. air hunger and neurological deficits rang-
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ing from headache and confusion to loss of
(ADEM), an acute disease of the brain consciousness.
and spinal cord with variable symptoms. acute illness, any illness characterized
It is thought to be an allergic reaction or by signs and symptoms of rapid onset and
immune attack on the myelin tissue after short duration. It may be severe and impair
a viral infection, such as measles, or, normal functioning.
less often, after vaccination for measles, acute infectious paralysis [L, inficere, to
mumps, or rubella. stain; Gk, paralyein, to be palsied], acute
acute diverticulitis, a sudden, severe, disease caused by a poliovirus. Symptoms
and painful disorder of the large intestine, of minor disease include fever, headache,
resulting from inflammation of one or vomiting, sore throat, and frequently stiff
more diverticula, or small pouches, in the back and neck. Major disease includes cen-
wall of the bowel. tral nervous system involvement, pleocy-
acute epiglottitis, a severe, rapidly pro- tosis in spinal fluid, and paralysis.
gressing bacterial infection of the upper acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), an
respiratory tract that occurs in young autosomal-dominant, genetically transmitted
acute lobar pneumonia 26 acute primary myocarditis
metabolic hepatic disorder caused by a headache, fever, and vomiting; seizures
deficiency of hydroxymethylbilane syn- may occur, and the patient may rapidly
thase. It is characterized by acute attacks lose consciousness.
of neurological dysfunction that can be acute nephritis, a sudden inflammation
started by environmental or endogenous of the kidney, characterized by albumin-
factors. Women are affected more fre- uria and hematuria but without edema or
quently than men, and attacks often are urine retention. It affects children most
precipitated by starvation or severe diet- commonly and usually involves only a few
ing, alcohol ingestion, bacterial or viral glomeruli.
infections, and a wide range of pharma- acute nicotine poisoning [L, Nicotiana,
ceutical products. herb, potio, drink], a toxic condition pro-
acute lobar pneumonia, a form of pneu- duced by acute intoxication with nicotine.
monia that can involve one or more lobes of Characteristics include a burning sensation
the lung, characterized by a sudden onset, in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, diar-
chills, fever, difficulty breathing, pleuritic rhea, palpitations, salivation, agitation,
chest pain, dry cough, rust-colored (blood- respiratory depression, and seizures that
stained) sputum, and consolidation of the may lead to death.
serofibrous fluid exuded by the alveoli. The acute nongonorrheal vulvitis [L, non,
condition results from infection by a viru- not; Gk, gone, seed, rhoia, flow; L, vulva,
lent type of Streptococcus pneumoniae. wrapper; Gk, itis, inflammation], an
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a inflammation of the vulva resulting from
malignant hematologic disease character- chafing of the vulvar lips, accumulation
ized by large numbers of lymphoblasts in of sebaceous material, atopic reactions,
the bone marrow, circulating blood, lymph local infections, or other causes that are
nodes, spleen, liver, and other organs. The nonvenereal.
number of normal blood cells is usually acute nonspecific pericarditis [Gk, peri,
reduced. around, kardia, heart, itis, inflamma-
acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), also tion], an inflammation of the pericar-
called acute lymphoblastic leukemia. See dium, with or without effusion. It often
also chronic lymphocytic leukemia. is associated with myocarditis but usually
acute myelitis, a sudden, severe inflam- resolves without complications.
mation of the spinal cord with a risk of acute pain, severe pain, as may follow
permanent disability. surgery or trauma or accompany myo-
acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a cardial infarction or other conditions and
malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tis- diseases. Acute pain occurring in the first
sues characterized by the uncontrolled pro- 24 to 48 hours after surgery is often dif-
liferation of immature granular leukocytes ficult to relieve, even with medications.
that usually have azurophilic Auer rods. Acute pain in individuals with orthopedic
Typical symptoms are spongy and bleed- problems originates from the periosteum,
ing gums, anemia, fatigue, fever, dyspnea, the joint surfaces, and the arterial walls.
moderate splenomegaly, joint and bone Muscle pain associated with bone surgery
pain, and repeated infections. AML occurs results from muscle ischemia rather than
most frequently in adolescents and young muscle tension.
adults. The risk of the disease is increased acute pancreatitis [Gk, pan, all, kreas,
among people who have been exposed to flesh, itis, inflammation], a sudden
massive doses of radiation and who have inflammation of the pancreas caused by
certain blood dyscrasias. autodigestion and marked by symptoms
acute myocardial infarction (AMI) [L, of acute abdomen and escape of pancreatic
acutus, + Gk, mys, muscle, kardia, heart; enzymes into the pancreatic tissues. The
L, infarcire, to stuff], the early critical condition is associated with trauma, biliary
stage of necrosis of heart muscle tissue disease or alcoholism.
caused by blockage of a coronary artery. It acute pleurisy, an inflammation of the
is characterized by elevated S-T segments pleura, often as a result of lung disease. It
in the reflecting leads and elevated levels is characterized by irritation without rec-
of cardiac enzymes. ognizable pleural effusion and is localized.
acute necrotizing hemorrhagic enceph- acute primary myocarditis, 1. an
alopathy, a degenerative brain dis- inflammation of the heart muscle, most
ease, characterized by marked edema, commonly caused by a bacterial infec-
numerous minute hemorrhages, necrosis tion initiated locally or carried through the
of blood vessel walls, demyelination bloodstream. 2. a severe inflammation of
of nerve fibers, and infiltration of the the heart muscle associated with degenera-
meninges with neutrophils, lymphocytes, tion of the muscle fibers and release of leu-
and histiocytes. Typical signs are severe kocytes into the interstitial tissues.
acute promyelocytic leukemia (AProL, APL) 27 acute urethral syndrome
acute promyelocytic leukemia (AProL, common, and in some instances a more
APL), a malignancy of the blood-form- chronic type of the disorder may develop. A
ing tissues, characterized by the prolifera- acute secondary myocarditis, a sudden,
tion of promyelocytes and blast cells with severe inflammation of the heart muscle,
distinctive Auer rods. Symptoms include resulting from a disease of the endocar-
severe bleeding and bruises. The patient dium or pericardium or a generalized
may also have a low fibrinogen level and infection.
platelet count. acute septic myocarditis [Gk, septikos,
acute psychosis, one of a group of dis- putrid, mys, muscle, kardia, heart, itis,
orders in which ego functioning is either inflammation], a severe inflammation of
impaired or inhibited. The ability to pro- the myocardium associated with pus for-
cess reality-based information is dimin- mation, necrosis, and abscess formation.
ished and disordered. The cause may be acute suppurative arthritis [L, suppurare,
a known psychological abnormality. In to form pus], a form of arthritis charac-
situations in which a physiological abnor- terized by an invasion of the joint space by
mality is not recognized, the functional pyogenic organisms and the formation of
impairment is still clearly present. pus in the joint cavity. It most commonly
acute pyogenic arthritis, an acute bacte- affects children from 5 to 10 years of age.
rial infection of one or more joints, caused acute suppurative sinusitis [L, acutus,
by trauma or a penetrating wound and sharp, suppurare, to form pus, sinus, hol-
occurring most frequently in children. low; Gk, itis, inflammation], a purulent
Typical signs are pain, redness, and swell- infection of the nasal sinuses. Symptoms
ing in the affected joint; muscular spasms are pain over the inflamed area, headache,
in the area; chills; fever; sweating; and chills, and fever.
leukocytosis. acute tonsillitis [L, acutus, sharp, tonsilla;
acute rejection [L, rejicere, to throw Gk, itis, inflammation], an inflammation
back], after organ transplantation, the of one or both tonsils associated with a
rapid reaction against allograft or xeno- catarrhal exudate over the tonsil or the dis-
graft tissue that is incompatible. It often charge of caseous or suppurative material
occurs a week after treatment, during from the tonsillar crypts.
which the immune response increases in acute toxicity, the harmful effect of a
intensity. toxic agent that manifests itself in seconds,
acute renal failure (ARF), renal failure minutes, hours, or days after ingestion or
of sudden onset, such as from physical exposure.
trauma, infection, inflammation, or toxic- acute transverse myelitis, an inflam-
ity. Symptoms include uremia and usually mation of the entire thickness of the spi-
oliguria or anuria, with hyperkalemia and nal cord, affecting both the sensory and
pulmonary edema. motor nerves. It can develop rapidly and
acute respiratory failure (ARF) [L, acu- is accompanied by necrosis and neuro-
tus + respirare, respiratory, fallere, to logical deficit that commonly persist
deceive], a sudden inability of the lungs after recovery. Patients in whom spastic
to maintain normal respiratory func- reflexes develop soon after the onset of
tion. The condition may be caused by an this disease are more likely to recover.
obstruction in the airways or by failure of This disorder may result from a variety of
the lungs to exchange gases in the alveoli. causes, such as MS, measles, pneumonia,
acute rheumatic arthritis, joint inflam- viral infections, and the ingestion of cer-
mation that occurs during the acute phase tain toxic agents.
of rheumatic fever. acute tubular necrosis (ATN), acute
acute schizophrenia, a disorder con- renal failure with mild to severe damage or
sisting of various degrees of psychosis, necrosis of tubule cells, usually resulting
characterized by the sudden onset of from nephrotoxicity, ischemia after major
personality disorganization. Symptoms surgery, trauma (crush syndrome), severe
include disturbances in thought, mood, hypovolemia, sepsis, or burns.
and behavior. Positive symptoms include acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, an
delusions, which may be bizarre in nature; early stage of tubulointerstitial nephri-
hallucinations, especially auditory; disor- tis similar to acute pyelonephritis but
ganized speech; inappropriate affect; and with involvement farther into the renal
disorganized behavior. Negative symptoms medulla to involve the tubules, resulting in
include flat affect, lack of volition, alogia, decreased renal function.
and anhedonia. Episodes appear suddenly acute urethral syndrome [Gk, oure-
in persons whose previous behavior has thra, urethra, syn, together, dromos,
been relatively normal and are usually course], New, rapid-onset painful urina-
of short duration. Recurrent episodes are tion, urinary frequency, and suprapubic
acute vulvar ulcer 28 adaptive hypertrophy
pain, most commonly associated with Adam, Evelyn, a Canadian nursing theo-
recent vigorous coitus and/or infection rist who applied the structure of a concep-
with gonorrhea or Chlamydia. Urethral tual model for nursing in her book, Être
discharge may be present. Infirmière in 1979 (To Be a Nurse, 1980).
acute vulvar ulcer, a nonvenereal, usu- She describes the goal of nursing as main-
ally shallow lesion of the vulva, often taining or restoring the client’s indepen-
associated with a febrile illness. Its cause dence in the satisfaction of 14 fundamental
is uncertain. needs. Each need has biologic, physio-
acyanotic /ā′sī·ənot″ik/ [Gk, a, not, kya- logic, and psychosocial aspects. The nurse
nos, blue], lacking a blue appearance of complements and supplements the client’s
the skin and mucous membranes. strength, knowledge, and will.
acyanotic congenital defect, a heart Adams-Stokes syndrome [Robert Adams,
defect present at birth that does not pro- Irish surgeon, 1791–1875; William Stokes,
duce blue discoloration of the skin and Irish physician, 1804–1878], a condi-
mucous membranes under normal cir- tion characterized by sudden, recurrent
cumstances. However, the condition does episodes of loss of consciousness caused
increase the load on the pulmonary cir- by incomplete heart block. Seizures may
culation and may lead to cyanosis, right accompany the episodes.
ventricular failure, or other complications adapalene /ah-dap′ah-lēn/, a synthetic
during physical exertion. analog of retinoic acid used topically in the
acyclovir /əsī″klōvir/, an antiviral agent treatment of acne vulgaris.
with activity against herpesvirus types adaptation /ad′aptā″shən/ [L, adaptatio,
1 and 2 and varicella zoster virus. It is act of adapting], a change or response
prescribed topically in an ointment for to stress of any kind, such as inflammation
the treatment of herpes simplex lesions of the nasal mucosa in infectious rhinitis
(cold sores) and both orally and systemi- or increased crying in a frightened child.
cally (oral and IV) in other types of herpes Adaptation may be normal, self-protective,
infections. and developmental.
acyl /ā′sil/, an organic radical derived adaptation model, (in nursing) a concep-
from an organic acid via removal of the tual framework that focuses on the patient
hydroxyl group from the carboxyl group. as an adaptive system, one in which nurs-
It is represented as R—CO—. ing intervention is required when a deficit
acylation /as′ilā″shən/, the incorporation develops in the patient’s ability to cope
into a molecule of an organic compound of with the internal and external demands of
an acyl group, —C(O)R. the environment. These demands are clas-
AD, abbreviation for Alzheimer’s sified into four groups: physiologic needs,
disease. the need for a positive self-concept, the
a.d., (in pharmacology) an abbreviation need to perform social roles, and the need
identified by the Institute for Safe Medica- to balance dependence and independence.
tion Practices as an error-prone abbrevia- Nursing care is planned to promote adap-
tion. Now written in full as right ear. tive responses to cope successfully with the
A/D, 1. abbreviation for analog-to-dig- current stress on the patient’s well-being.
ital. 2. abbreviation for anodal duration. adapted clothing, clothing that has been
3. abbreviation for average deviation. modified, such as with taped hook and loop
ADA, 1. abbreviation for American or Velcro fasteners, to permit individuals
Dental Association. 2. abbreviation for with disabilities to dress themselves with
American Diabetes Association. 3. abbre- minimal difficulty.
viation for American Dietetic Association. adapter [L, adaptatio, the process of
4. abbreviation for adenosine deaminase. adjusting], a device for joining or con-
5. abbreviation for Americans with Dis- necting two or more parts of a system to
abilities Act. enable it to function properly.
ADAA, abbreviation for American Dental adaptive device /adap″tiv/ [L, adaptatio,
Assistants Association. process of adapting; OFr, devise], any
adactyly /ādak″tilē/ [Gk, a, without + structure, design, instrument, contrivance,
daktylos, finger or toe], a congenital or equipment that enables a person with a
defect in which one or more digits of the disability to function independently.
hand or foot are missing. adaptive hypertrophy [L, adaptatio, pro-
Adalat, a calcium channel blocker. Brand cess of adapting; Gk, hyper, excessive,
name for NIFEdipine. trophe, nourishment], a reactive exten-
adalimumab, an antirheumatic immu- sion, growth, or expansion in the amount
nomodulating agent used to treat patients of tissue that compensates for a loss of the
older than 18 years of age with moderate same or similar tissue so that function is
to severe rheumatoid arthritis. not impaired.
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no related content on Scribd:
Elemente, isotope 57
Endmoränen, fennoskandische 31
Eoanthropus Dawsoni 40
Eolithen 40
Extrapolation 39
Exzentrizität 24

Finniglaziale Epoche 31

Geer, de 27–32
Gilbert 37
Gotiglaziale Epoche 31
Grabau 39

Häckel 46
Halbwertszeit 52
Heim 34
Helium 51
Heliummethode 62, 63, 67
Hildebrandt 26
Holmes 60, 64, 73
Homo Heidelbergensis 40

Interpolieren 69
Irawadi 14

Jahresringe 10, 28
Joly 15

Keilhack 33
Kepler 24

Lawson 64
Litorinazeit 32
Lyell 43, 45

Matthew 43
Mauer b. Heidelberg 40
Mellard Reade 15
Muota 35
Murray 15

Neandertalrasse 41
Neckar 12
Niagarafälle 36
Nüesch 35

Olbricht 33, 39

Penck 22, 43
Pendeluhren 10, 26
Pilgrim 26
Po 14
Präzessionsbewegung 24

Radium 48
Ragunda 32
Reuß 14, 35
Röntgen 47
Rutherford 50
Salz, zyklisches 16
Sanduhren 20
Scharnhausen 13
Schelfregion 17
Schürmann 12
Schweizersbild 35
Soddy 50
Sollas 17
Spencer 37
Steck 35
Strutt 60

Taylor 37
Tertiär 43
Thomson 70
Thorium 55, 62
Thuner See 35

Uranblei 56
Uranreihe 54
Uranuhr 59, 61, 72, 73

Vierwaldstätter See 34

Walcott 45
Wasseruhren 9, 20, 61
Werth 33, 39
Wintermoränen 30
Zerfall 50
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1. Gruppe 1904–1907. Broschiert M 1050.—,

gebunden M 1660.—
Bölsche, W., Abstammung des Menschen. — Meyer, Dr. M. W.,
1904 Weltuntergang. — Zell, Ist das Tier unvernünftig? (Dopp.-Bd.)
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Bölsche, Stammbaum der Tiere. — Francé, Sinnesleben der
1905 Pflanzen. — Zell, Tierfabeln. — Teichmann, Dr. E., Leben und
Tod. — Meyer, Dr. M. W., Sonne und Sterne.
Francé, Liebesleben der Pflanzen. — Meyer, Dr. M. W., Rätsel
1906 der Erdpole. — Zell, Dr. Th., Streifzüge durch die Tierwelt. —
Bölsche, W., Im Steinkohlenwald. — Ament, Dr. W., Die Seele
des Kindes.
Francé, Streifzüge im Wassertropfen. — Zell, Dr. Th.,
1907 Straußenpolitik. — Meyer, Dr. M. W., Kometen und Meteore. —
Teichmann, Fortpflanzung und Zeugung. — Floericke, Dr. K.,
Die Vögel des deutschen Waldes.

2. Gruppe 1908–1911. Broschiert M 1050.—,

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1908 Die Vererbung. — Sajó, Krieg und Frieden im Ameisenstaat. —
Dekker, Naturgeschichte des Kindes. — Floericke, Dr. K.,
Säugetiere des deutschen Waldes.
Francé, Bilder aus dem Leben des Waldes. — Meyer, Dr. M.
1909 W., Der Mond. — Sajó, Prof. K., Die Honigbiene. — Floericke,
Kriechtiere und Lurche Deutschlands. — Bölsche, W., Der
Mensch in der Tertiärzeit.
Koelsch, Pflanzen zwischen Dorf und Trift. — Dekker, Fühlen
1910 und Hören. — Meyer, Dr. M. W., Welt der Planeten. —
Floericke, Säugetiere fremder Länder. — Weule, Kultur der
Koelsch, Durch Heide und Moor. — Dekker, Sehen, Riechen
und Schmecken. — Bölsche, Der Mensch der Pfahlbauzeit. —
Floericke, Vögel fremder Länder. — Weule, Kulturelemente der

3. Gruppe 1912–1916. Broschiert M 1310.—,

gebunden M 2075.—
Gibson-Günther, Was ist Elektrizität? — Dannemann, Wie
1912 unser Weltbild entstand. — Floericke, Fremde Kriechtiere und
Lurche. — Weule, Die Urgesellschaft und ihre Lebensfürsorge.
— Koelsch, Würger im Pflanzenreich.
Bölsche, Festländer und Meere. — Floericke, Einheimische
1913 Fische. — Koelsch, Der blühende See. — Zart, Bausteine des
Weltalls. — Dekker, Vom sieghaften Zellenstaat.
Bölsche, Wilh., Tierwanderungen in der Urwelt. — Floericke, Dr.
1914 Kurt, Meeresfische. — Lipschütz, Dr. A., Warum wir sterben. —
Kahn, Dr. Fritz, Die Milchstraße. — Nagel, Dr. Osk., Romantik
der Chemie.
Bölsche, Wilh., Der Mensch der Zukunft. — Floericke, Dr. K.,
1915 Gepanzerte Ritter. — Weule, Prof. Dr. K., Vom Kerbstock zum
Alphabet. — Müller, A. L., Gedächtnis und seine Pflege. —
Besser, H., Raubwild und Dickhäuter.
Bölsche, Stammbaum der Insekten. — Fabre, Blick ins
1916 Käferleben. — Sieberg, Wetterbüchlein. — Zell, Pferd als
Steppentier. — Bölsche, Sieg des Lebens.

4. Gruppe 1917–1921. Broschiert M 1050.—,

gebunden M 1660.—
Besser, Natur- und Jagdstudien in Deutsch-Ostafrika. —
1917 Floericke, Dr., Plagegeister. — Hasterlik, Dr., Speise und Trank.
— Bölsche, Schutz- und Trutzbündnisse in der Natur.
Floericke, Forscherfahrt in Feindesland. — Fischer-Defoy,
1918 Schlafen und Träumen. — Kurth, Zwischen Keller und Dach. —
Hasterlik, Dr., Von Reiz- und Rauschmitteln.
Bölsche, Eiszeit und Klimawechsel. — Zell, Neue
1919 Tierbeobachtungen. — Floericke, Spinnen und Spinnenleben.
— Kahn, Die Zelle.
Fischer-Defoy, Lebensgefahr in Haus und Hof. — Francé, Die
1920 Pflanze als Erfinder. — Floericke, Schnecken und Muscheln. —
Lämmel, Wege zur Relativitätstheorie.
Weule, Naturbeherrschung I. — Floericke, Gewürm. —
1921 Günther, Radiotechnik. — Sanders, Hypnose und Suggestion.
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