CPC Football Championships 2024 - Entry Form and Rules

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18th February 2024

De ar F ri e nds ,

Ca l cu t t a P a rse e Cl ub c or di a ll y i n vi tes y ou to par ti ci pa te i n t he 2 9 t h ed i ti on o f t he C PC Fo otb a l l

Ch ampi on shi p s, to be he ld a t th e Cl u b gro u nd s fr om Fri d ay , 22nd March 2024 to Saturday, 27th April 2024.

We a re p le ase d to a n n ou n ce t ha t t hi s yea r w e wi ll be hos ti n g th e C orpo r a te, Cl ub , Wom en, a nd O ver -

40 t o ur na me nts , as a lw ays , a n d a ne w ly i n tro du ce d J uni o r f orm a t a s we ll .

Ma t ch es wi ll , fo r t he mos t par t , b e pl aye d fr om 6 P M t o 9 P M o n w eek da ys , 3 PM to 9 P M on Sa t ur day s

an d 1 0 A M t o 9 P M o n S un da ys .

Yo u ar e req ue st ed to k i nd l y s u b mi t yo ur e n tr y for ms (e nc l ose d) t o th e C l ub Te n t or to a n y me mb er of

th e Or ga ni zi n g Co mmi t tee by 7 t h M ar ch 2 02 4 . D o re me mb er th at we ha ve a c a p o n th e t o ta l nu m ber of
tea ms t ha t we ca n a c c omm od a te, an d unf or t u na te ly , we a lw ays e n d u p di s a p poi n ti n g a f ew. So p leas e
hu rry !

The C ap t ai ns Me e ti n g has b ee n s c hed u le d f or F ri d ay , 8 t h M a rc h 20 2 4 a t 7 P M a n d wi l l be c on d u ct e d

on li ne o n Zo om. De t ai ls of th e s ame wi l l b e s har ed wi th a l l par ti ci pa ti ng tea ms i n du e co urs e. T he
Ca pt ai n or a R e pre se nt a ti ve of ea c h t eam MUST at te nd so th at t hey may c lea rl y u n ders ta n d al l r u les
pe rt ai ni n g to thi s t ou rna me n t a n d a t te nd t he to ur na me n t d raw – th e g ro u ps wi l l b e dra wn a t t he
Ca p tai ns Mee ti n g.

In case yo u ha ve s p eci fi c r eq ui re me n ts re ga r di n g d a te s and ti mes of fi x t ure s , ki n dl y le t us k now b y

emai l b efo re t he Ca p t ai ns Mee ti n g , a n d we wi l l d o o ur bes t t o a c co mm od at e yo ur req ui reme n ts . W e
ex pe ct a ll t ea ms to abi de by t he fi x tu res , o n c e ci rc u la te d .

We loo k for war d to yo ur p ar ti ci p ati o n i n m a ki ng t hi s to ur n ame n t a su c cess .

A pro m p t re p l y fr om y ou wi l l be g rea t ly a p pr eci a te d .

Tha n ki n g y ou .

Yo urs fai thf u l ly ,

Rayzad Bulsara
Vice President – Sports

For general tournament queries, please contact:

Yohan – 96749 35089 | Rayzad – 98310 20888 | Varun – 70032 39188

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations

The Calcutta Parsee Club Football Championships are organised by the Sports Council of Calcutta Parsee
Club. The Championships comprise of five separate invitational tournaments for Corporates, Clubs, Women,
Over-40s and Juniors, and it is entirely the Sports Council’s decision to accept or refuse the entry of any team.

The ‘Corporate’ tournament is purely for amateurs - no current ISL, I-League or CFL Premier Division players
(or players playing in the premier division of any national league) will be permitted to participate. All
players must be full-time executives. While the definition of an executive is subjective, players must hold full-time
executive appointments in the company.

In the ‘Club’ tournaments (Open, Over-40 and Women), each team is allowed a maximum of two current ISL, I-
League, Indian Women’s League or CFL Premier Division / Kanyashree Cup players on the field at any point in

Players in the Corporate, Club, Over-40, and Junior tournaments may be of any gender.

Only those players born before 22nd March 1984 are eligible to play in the Over-40 club tournament. All those
playing in the over-40 tournament may be required to submit their age proof in hard or soft copy.

The ‘Junior’ tournament will be for under-16s. All players in the squad must be born after 21st March 2008.
However, there must be at least four players on the field at all times who are under 15 (born after 21st March 2009),
of which two players need to be under 13 (born after 21st March 2011).

Any team found to have flouted eligibility criteria will be disqualified.


The participating teams are to use the Dressing Rooms located inside the Club Tent. Teams are allowed to wear
colours of their choice, but the full team must be kitted uniformly. Teams are not allowed to change on or
around the ground. Any untoward behaviour by any team, its members, or its supporters will be
unacceptable, and a team may face disqualification in such circumstances. The Sports Council reserves the
right to disqualify any team from taking further part in the tournament for violating any of the norms mentioned
in this entry form.


The tournament will be played on a league-cum-knockout basis. Each team will play all the other teams in their
respective group. Depending on the number of entries in the Corporate and Club tournaments, the top two or

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations

three teams from each group will qualify for the MAIN PLATE. The remaining teams will qualify for the SILVER
PLATE. In the over-40 Club tournament, the Women’s tournament, and the Junior tournament, each team will
also qualify for a fixture beyond the league phase. As a result, every participating team will qualify for a knock-
out stage of the tournament.

All matches will be divided into two halves of ten minutes each, with a two-minute break in between.


Teams must report at the registration desk 15 minutes before the start of their match. In the event that a
team arrives late and cannot field a minimum of three players at the time of scheduled commencement of their
match, the team will concede a walkover, if the opposition has taken the field with a minimum of three players.


Points are applicable in the league stage only and will be awarded as follows:
• 3 points for a win
• 1 point for a draw
• 0 points for a loss

In the event of a team giving a walkover, the opponents will be awarded a win. They will be awarded a 3-0 victory,
or a scoreline representing the average goal difference that their opponents have conceded, whichever is higher.
This is to be calculated at the end of the group stage. Fractions will be rounded off (upwards or downwards), as
applicable. In case a team gives two consecutive walkovers, they may be disqualified from the tournament and all
their games declared null & void.

If two or more teams tie for a place in the group, the result between the teams will be considered as the tiebreaker.
The winner will be ranked higher. If the deadlock persists, the higher ranked team will be determined using
criteria in the following order: goal difference, goals scored, toss of coin.


In the event of a tie at the final whistle of any Main Plate game, extra time (of 3 minutes per half with no
break between the halves) will be applied. If scores remain tied at the end of extra time, there will be a penalty
shootout. For Silver Plate games, in case of a tie at the final whistle, the match will directly be decided by a
penalty shootout.

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations

Any five players from the squad will be nominated to participate in the penalty shootout. The match will be
decided if there is a clear winner after three penalties are taken by each team. If the scores are level after three
penalties each, then there will be a sudden death penalty shootout. The first two rounds of sudden death will
involve the remaining two nominated players from each team. If the scores are still tied after five penalty kicks
each, the sudden death will continue as per the order of penalty kicks already taken, starting with the first kicker of
each team.

Please note that teams are permitted to assign any squad member as their goalkeeper prior to the
commencement of the penalty shootout. Teams may not, however, change their goalkeeper once the shootout has
commenced. The goalkeeper must be one of the five players from each team taking a penalty.


Rolling substitutions are permitted. A player may be substituted and re-enter any number of times. The referee /
linesperson need not be informed every time a substitution is made. However, the outgoing player must leave
the playing area before the substitute enters. All substitutions will be made from one side of the field, as
nominated by the referee, and from the half line only.


A Green card is a caution and will be followed by a yellow for the next infringement. A Yellow card will mean a
temporary suspension from the game. The duration would be a minimum of two minutes, and a maximum based
upon the referee’s discretion. Two yellow cards in a game will automatically mean a Red card and will result in an
immediate suspension from the game and a minimum of a one-game ban. The player will miss the next game. A
straight Red card will also result in an immediate suspension from the game and a minimum of a one-game ban.
The Sports Council will discuss all Red cards and, at their discretion, decide the eventual fate of the offending
player. They may also be debarred from the rest of the tournament and the team would automatically be subjected
to strict scrutiny for future tournaments.


1. Sliding tackles and unnecessary, excessive physical contact are not allowed.
2. A ball played above the height of the crossbar shall be a ‘High Ball’ offence. If this:
• arises out of a defensive play, it shall result in a direct free kick
• occurs due to an offensive move, it shall result in an indirect free kick
3. The third successive back pass to the goalkeeper shall result in an indirect free kick and shall be taken from a
spot 3 yards from the D and from the line of point of entry, unless:
• The ball had travelled across the half line

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations

• The ball was touched by an opponent

• A foul had been committed
4. If a defender enters the ‘D’ or plays the ball when it is inside the ‘D’, and the referee feels that they may have
interfered and caused a disadvantage to the attacking side, a penalty kick shall be awarded.
5. If a goalkeeper comes out of the ‘D’ or plays the ball when it is not inside the ‘D’, and causes a disadvantage to
the attacking side, then in this case also, a penalty kick will be awarded.
6. If a deliberate foul is committed outside the ‘D’ and the referee feels that the attacking side was in a goal-
scoring situation, a penalty kick will be awarded. The person committing such a foul could also be eligible for
a Yellow or Red card.
7. A deliberate handball is a direct free kick and a Yellow card offence.
8. All of the above situations are dependent on the referee’s judgement / discretion, and their decision
is to be considered final.


The goalkeeper may roll, throw or kick the ball out of the ‘D’ to start a move. The legality of the goalkeeper’s rolls,
throws, and kicks will be governed by the normal high ball rule. It should be noted that if a goalkeeper throws the
ball ‘overarm’, the ball will probably leave their hand above the high ball limit. Hence, side-arm throws are
advisable. In case of an infringement, an indirect free kick will be awarded.


When a game is started / restarted with a kick from the centre spot (other than a corner kick), the ball must be
passed backwards.

For all free kicks, the opponent(s) shall stand three strides away from the ball (approximately 9 feet). If the
opponent has not retreated the required distance at the time that the kick is taken, the referee will award a free
kick from the spot where the opponent had created the infringement or move the ball three strides forward, per
their discretion.

If a foul occurs near the corner flag or near the goal line, then the resultant free kick will be taken back to the
diagonal line, specifically drawn for this purpose. The referee shall decide the spot for the resulting free kick.

For all free kicks taken from the half line or in the opposition’s half, one defender is allowed to stand in the angle
between the ball and the goalposts. If there are two players in the angle formed by the ball and the goal posts, and
this results in a disadvantage to the attacking team, a direct free kick will be awarded from the spot where the
defender standing closer to their own goal was positioned.

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations

For Indirect free kicks, the dead ball must move at least 6 inches prior to another player kicking it. If a defender
has not retreated the required distance or caused a deliberate delay for the kick to be taken, the referee may
change the decision and award a direct kick.

PENALTY KICKS (also read under FOULS)

A penalty kick will be taken from the spot marked for this purpose, and only after the referee’s whistle is blown.
The kick must be taken directly at goal, and the ball may not be passed to a teammate. The goalkeeper can only
move along the goal line before the ball is kicked. A re-kick will be awarded if the referee feels that the
goalkeeper has moved forward off the goal line prior to the ball being kicked, if the resultant kick was saved or
shot wide; in case the ball enters the goal, a goal will be awarded.

For all penalty kicks, the goalkeeper may not indulge in any form of gamesmanship involving approaching the
penalty taker or touching the ball before the kick is taken. Such infringement may result in a yellow card. If this
happens during a penalty shootout, the goalkeeper will be debarred from the remainder of the shootout, and a
replacement will need to deputise.

On saving a penalty kick, or if the ball rebounds off the post or crossbar, the ball is automatically declared dead. A
goalkeeper’s roll, throw or kick will restart the game, if the penalty takes place during regular or extra time.


Corners shall be taken from the centre spot. Only one defender shall be allowed to stand in the angle
between the goal posts and the ball. Defenders who do not retreat the required distance at the restart of play at
a corner kick, will be cautioned and may also receive a Green card.

In the event that a second player is present in the angle mentioned above, and this results in a disadvantage to the
attacking team, the defending side will be penalised, and a direct free-kick awarded from the spot where the
defender closer to their own goal causes the infringement to the rule (or at a spot assigned by the referee). A high
ball resulting from a corner kick will automatically result in a goalkeeper’s roll, throw or kick.


If the ball goes out of play from the side-lines, it will result in a kick-in from that spot on the side-line. This will be
an indirect free kick, and the ball must be kicked in from outside the field.

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Rules & Regulations


1. The decisions of the referee are FINAL and no appeal against the decisions shall be entertained.
2. The Sports Council reserves the right to alter the format and timings of the tournament, due to unusual
weather conditions or other compelling reasons.
3. The Club, its officials and employees, and the Sports Council accept no responsibility for any injury caused to
participants during the tournament.
4. Player decorum and sportsmanship are key priorities for this tournament. Over the years, most participants
have conducted themselves impeccably. However, we will have no hesitation to debar a player from current or
subsequent editions of this tournament in case of inappropriate or repetitive unsportsmanlike behaviour.
5. Spectators are not allowed to enter the playing field before, during or after the game. Unsavoury behaviour by
any spectator will not be acceptable and shall be the direct responsibility of the team they support. The
captain of the team they support may be given a yellow card. Unacceptable behaviour by a spectator may
also result in the team they support being debarred from the tournament.
6. Alcohol is not to be consumed on the Club’s premises, by players or supporters.
7. Apart from the above-mentioned rules, all normal football rules will apply.
8. For all matters, the Sports Council’s decision is final.

For any queries pertaining to Tournament Rules & Regulations, you may please contact:

Yohan – 96749 35089 | Cyrus – 98309 99436 | Sherry – 98300 18218 | Rayzad – 98310 20888 | Rasheed – 98360 89544

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024


Name of Team: ………………….…………………

Category (circle one): Company / Club / Women / Over-40 / Junior

Contact Person: ………………………….…………

Mobile: ………………………………….…

Email: ………………………………….…

Authorized Signatory

Team list
# Name











cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

Name: ______________ Name: ______________ Name: ______________ Name: ______________

Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________

Name: ______________ Name: ______________ Name: ______________ Name: ______________

Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________

Name: ______________ Name: ______________

Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

CPC Football Championships 2024

1. The names of the 10 players must be submitted by all teams, along with photographs and signatures on the Entry Form.
2. The Entry Form may be submitted in hard copy at the Club or emailed to cpc.soccer@gmail.com.
3. NO REPLACEMENTS will be permitted once you submit your list of 10 players, irrespective of the circumstances. If you
like, you may initially submit a list of fewer than 10 players and then add the remainder before the commencement of
the knock-out phase of the tournament.
4. A team will not be allowed to take the field until we have received the completed entry form.
5. We can only accommodate a limited number of teams, so kindly submit your forms at the earliest.
6. Kindly submit, along with the entry form, Rs. 16,000 (for Corporates), Rs 11,000 (for Clubs), Rs 9,000 (for over-40
clubs), Rs 5,000 (for Women), or Rs 2,000 (for Juniors) in lieu of food, refreshments and entertainment for the
Tournament Awards Night on Saturday, 27th April 2023. Cheques should be drawn in favour of ‘Calcutta Parsee Club’.
Online payments may also be made to the following account:

Account name: Calcutta Parsee Club

Bank: HDFC Bank Ltd
Branch: 31 Chowringhee Road, Park Street, Kolkata 700016
A/c Number: 06931450000180
IFSC: HDFC0000693

cpc.soccer@gmail.com facebook.com/cpcfootball @cpcfootball

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