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Ensuring the health and safety of our workforce is of paramount importance to the district. In
line with our commitment to providing a safe working environment, we have decided to
implement a mandatory Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training course for selected field
leadmen/employees. Occupational safety and health regulations mandate that employers provide
adequate training to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. By making OSH
training mandatory, we ensure compliance with these legal requirements, thereby avoiding
potential fines, legal action, and reputational damage.

Workplace accidents and injuries can have severe consequences, including loss of life, long-term
disability, and significant financial costs. Mandatory OSH training equips employees with the
knowledge and skills to identify hazards, implement preventive measures, and respond
appropriately in case of emergencies. This proactive approach significantly reduces the risk of
accidents and injuries, creating a safer work environment for everyone.


See attached


Place names / number of pax


Enhancing Employee Awareness and Competence: Many workplace hazards are not
immediately obvious. OSH training raises awareness among employees about the various risks
associated with their tasks and the workplace environment. It also provides them with the
competence to use safety equipment correctly, follow safety protocols, and understand the
importance of personal protective equipment (PPE). Enhanced awareness and competence lead
to better safety practices and a culture of safety within the organization.

Promoting a Safety-First Culture: A mandatory OSH training program underscores the

district’s commitment to safety and health. It sends a clear message that safety is a top priority
and that we are dedicated to fostering a safety-first culture. This commitment can improve
overall employee morale, as workers feel valued and protected, knowing that their employer
invests in their safety and well-being.

Reducing Financial Costs Associated with Workplace Incidents: Workplace accidents and
health issues can result in significant direct and indirect costs, including medical expenses,
workers' compensation, lost productivity, and potential legal fees. By minimizing the occurrence
of such incidents through comprehensive training, the company can reduce these costs. Investing
in preventive measures such as OSH training is cost-effective in the long run and contributes to
the organization's financial stability.

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