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Text 1

Once upon a time, there was a mystical place deep in the woods known as the
castle of one-thousand reflections.
A pleasant and happy young man told about this place and decided to pay a
visit to this castle. After travelling for many days, he arrived at the destination. Upon
seeing the castle, he said to himself, ”What a beautiful place!”
He peeped into the hall to check if there was anyone there. He took off his
baseball cap and scratched his head wondering why nobody was around in such a
beautiful castle.
As he walked further, he was extremely surprised to see one-thousand young
men taking off their caps, waving and smiling at him. He didn’t know the walls in the
hall were covered with one-thousand mirrors. He was very happy with his new
discovery and thought to himself, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back again”.
Soon, news about this wonderful place spread. There was another young man
who was unhappy with the life and wanted to visit the castle to find happiness.
After many hard days of travelling, he finally arrived and grumbled at the
mystical castle. He said to himself, “What a horrible place!” As he walked into the
room of one-thousand mirrors, he saw one-thousand sad and unfriendly-looking
young men, staring at him and appearing as hostile as him. Not only was angry but he
was also terrified of the images. He thought to himself, “ What a terrible place with so
many angry aggressive faces. I swear I will never return here again”.

1. What did the young man say when he reached the castle ?
A. He said that it was a great place.
B. He said that it was a beautiful place.
C. He said that it was a wonderful place
D. He said that it was like a place in heaven
E. He said that it wasn’t as beautiful as he thought

2. According to paragraph 3, what did the young man do?

A. He put on a jacket.
B. He put on a helmet.
C. He tiptoed into the castle.
D. He walked into the castle and sat on the ground
E. He took off his baseball cap and scratched his head

3. What did the young man see inside the castle ?

A. He saw God.
B. He saw devil.
C. He saw a lost soul.
D. He saw one-thousand happy young man
E. He saw his grandmother who had passed away decades ago

4. After this pleasant young man visited the castle, what happened next ?
A. The king issued an order to close the castle
B. The fortune hunters wanted to visit the castle
C. News about the castle spread to other villages
D. Another group of people wanted to visit the castle
E. Some scientists wanted to visit the castle to do research

5. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

A. To persuade the reader that the story is interesting
B. To tell the reader about the young man
C. To describe about a castle with one - thousand reflections
D. To amuse the reader
E. To discuss about a castle with one - thousand reflections

6. He said to himself, “What a horrible place!”

The underline word has the same meaning with ...
A. interesting D. enjoyable
B. wonderfull E. attractive
C. frightened
Text 2

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with her
stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She had to do all the housework.
One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsister did not let her go,
so Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her. Fortunately,
the fairy good mother came and helped her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella
danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her then he married her. They
lived happily ever after.

7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Cinderella lived with her stepsisters
B. Cinderella felt happy with her husband
C. Cinderella felt annoyed with her stepsister
D. Cinderella was helped by a fairy to get the ball
E. Cinderella was helped by her stepsisters to do all the house work

8. Who is the main participant from the text above?

A. Cinderella
B. The prince
C. The fairy
D. Cinderella’s stepsister
E. Cinderella’s stepmother

9. The communicative purpose of this text is….

A. entertain the readers with a fairy tale
B. describe how Cinderella went to the ball
C. persuade the readers to read the story
D. inform the readers about Cinderella’s marriage
E. explain to the readers why Cinderella’s stepsister hated her so much

10. “They were very bossy.” (paragraph 1)

The word “bossy” means….
A. furious
B. arrogant
C. sensitive
D. offensive
E. domineering
Text 3

Blue Tongue Lizard and his wife camped near a swamp long ago. Blue Tongue
Lizard went to get some food. While he was down at the swamp, he left his wife
sitting under the shady tree. A little while later, Taipan, a snake, passed by Blue
Tongue Lizard’s camp.Taipan saw Blue Tongue Lizard’s wife sitting under the tree.
He decided he would steal her from Blue Tongue Lizard.
He took her with him and together they ran along long way. Taipan didn’t
know that Black Bird had been watching him. As soon as he ran away with Blue
Tongue Lizard’s wife, Black Bird began singing out to Blue Tongue Lizard, “Your
wife is gone, Taipan has taken her away”, he cried. Blue Tongue Lizard heard
Black Bird’s call. He wanted back to the shady tree where he had left his wife and
saw she was gone. He put down his bag which was full of food and made a fire. He
cooked his food and after he had finished eating it, he went to get his spears.
He found they had all been broken by Taipan. Then he found the tracks of his
wife and Taipan and he followed them. Blue Tongue Lizard followed their tracks
until he came to a freshly killed ‘emu’. It had been killed by Taipan. Blue Tongue
Lizard knew that Taipan and his wife must be nearby. He soon found them near a
river. When Taipan saw Blue Tongue Lizard he ran to get his spears but Blue
Tongue Lizard had already broken them.
‘We can fight with our teeth’, said Blue Tongue Lizard. Taipan agreed and two
of them fought wildly. Until finally Blue Tongue Lizard caught hold of Taipan’s
body in his powerful jaws, and bit him in a half. With Taipan’s death, Blue Tongue
Lizard took back his wife and together they returned to the swamp.

11. The main characters of the text are …

A. Taipan, emu, and Black Bird.
B. Blue Tongue Lizard and Taipan.
C. Emu, Taipan and Blue Tongue Lizard.
D. Black Bird, Blue Tongue Lizard, and emu.
E. Taipan, Blue Tongue Lizard, and Blue Tongue Lizard’s wife.

12. He found “they” had all been broken by Taipan (paragraph 3 )

The word “they” refers to ………
A. his food.
B. his teeth.
C. his body
D. his tracks.
E. his spears
13. Blue Tongue Lizard killed Taipan by ………
A. Fighting widly.
B. using his spears.
C. bittingTaipan with his teeth.
D. holdingTaipan’s body tiedly.
E. bittingTaipan with his powerful jaws.

Text 4

Once there was a woman who was greatly troubled by her husband. He no longer
loved her. He neglected her and seemed to care little whether she was happy or sad.
So the woman took her troubles to the local witchdoctor. She told him her
story, full of pity for herself and her sad plight. “Can you give me a charm to make
him love me again?” she asked anxiously.
The witchdoctor thought for a moment and replied. “I will help you, but first
you must bring to me three hairs from the mane of a living lion. These I must have
before I can make the charm for you.” The woman thanked the witchdoctor and
went away. When she came near to her home she sat down on a rock and began to
think. “How shall I do this thing? There is a lion who comes often near to my
village, it is true. But he is fierce and roars fearfully.” Then she thought again an at
last she knew what she would do.
And so, rising early next morning she took a young lamb and went to the lion
approaching. Now was the time. Quickly she rose and, leaving the lamb in the path
of the lion, she went home. And so it was that everyday early in the morning the
woman, for she was always in the same place at the same time everyday with a
young and tender lamb, which she brought for his pleasure. She was indeed a kind
and attentive woman.
It was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and
coming close to her he would let her stroke his head and soothed his back. And each
day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion, gently and lovingly. Then one
day when she knew that the lion trusted her she carefully pulled three hairs from his
mane and happily set out for the witchdoctor’ home.“See,” she said triumphantly as
she entered, “here they are!” And she game him the three hair from the lion’s mane.

source :
14. The woman went to the witchdoctor because she wanted …
A. him to take pity on her.
B. to share her sadness with him.
C. him to help her save her marriage.
D. to ask him why her husband neglected her.
E. to ask him to persuade her husband to love her

15. The woman succeeded in taming the lion because…

A. she gave him a lamb to play with
B. she offered a lamb for his meal everyday
C. she approached him and soothed his back.
D. she influenced him with the witchdoctor’s charm.
E. she waited for him everyday at the same place.

16. To win her husband back, the woman was advised by the witchdoctor …
A. to brave in achieving her goals.
B. to get up early before her husband did.
C. to please her husband with whatever he wanted.
D. to serve delicious food for her husband everyday
E. to treat her husband as lovingly as she had treated the lion.

17. In the story, the witchdoctor is a/an ... person

A. wise
B. brave
C. patient
D. attentive
E. courageous

18. The best title of this story is …

A. a miserable wife.
B. the taming of a lion.
C. how to feed a lion.
D. advise for a bad marriage.
E. three hairs of a lion’s mane.
Text 5
One day a donkey 19 _________ some grashopers chirping and loved a melody. The
donkey wished he could sing in the same way. He asked the grasshopper what sort of
food the leaved on. The donkey 20 ________ grasshopper food was the secret of their
beautiful voices. The grasshoper told the donkey that the lived on dew. After that the
donkey decided that he would only eat dew. A short time later he 21_________ of
19. A. saw B. met C. imitated D.heard E. learnt
20. A. think B. told C. found D. asked E. thought
21. A. left B. lived C. walked D. died E. run

Text 6

Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was
announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left except for
Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had
almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love
said, ‘Richness, can you take me with you?’ Richness answered, ‘Sorry Love, I can't.
There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.’ Love
next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
‘I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,’ Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, Sadness, take me along with you.’ ‘Oh . . . Love, I
am so sad that I need to be by myself!’ sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed
by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear
when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, ‘Come, Love, I will take you.’ It was
an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask
where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.
Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked knowledge another elder, ‘Who
helped me?’ ‘It was Time,’ Knowledge answered. ‘Time?’ thought Love. Then, as if
reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, ‘Because only Time is
capable of understanding how valuable Love is.’

22. The story tells us about?

A. Time.
B. Love.
C. The sink island.
D. Valuable Love.
E. The feeling and emotions.

23. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Difficulty makes people forget of other.
B. Don’t think about yourself.
C. Share our sadness with other.
D. Everybody needs love to live.
E. Share our happiness with other.
24. ‘It was Time,’ Knowledge answered. The word it refers to…
A. elder
B. vanity
C. richness
D. knowledge
E. the one who saved love

25. The word vanity in the text can be best replaced by ….

A. love
B. anger
C. wealth
D. selfish
E. richness

Text 7
Once, there was a young man named Manik Angkeran who loved gambling. After all
of his wealth lost, he went to Naga Besukih the sacred dragon to ask for wealth. Having
arrived in a cave where Naga Besukih lived in, Manik Angkeran rang the bell to call Naga
Besukih. Naga Besukih had already known what Manik Angkeran wanted to. The sacred
dragon agreed to give him wealth with one condition that he should stop gambling.
Hearing that, Manik was angry and directly cut the dragon’s tail off. It made Naga
Besukih angry and burnt Manik Angkeran till his death.
Luckily, Manik’s father was the dragon’s best friend so the dragon agreed to bring
him life again. In his second chance, ManikAngkeran realized his fault and he said sorry
to his father. He promised not to gambling again, but Manik’s father refused to live in
together with Manik in one island and he made an arbiter straits which is known as Bali
Source: DongengAnakcerdas

26. What can be learnt from the story above?

A. Gambling make us live in suffer
B. Respecting our parents is a must for children
C. We have to keep our promise
D. Don’t make the dragon angry
E. Second chance will make us realize our fault
27. What made Manik’s father refused to live with Manik’s in one island?
A. Because Manik love gambling
B. Because of Manik’s bad behavior
C. Because Manik had been death before
D. Because Manik was not a good boy
E. Because Manik’s father has given his promise to Naga Besukih

28. The story is a kind of…

A. Legend C. fairy tale E. myth
B. Fables D. folktale

Text 8
1. The elephant went to the rat king and told him about the trapped elephants.

2. The elephant herd was totally set free, they danced with love and tanked the

3. Once upon time there lived a ground of mice under a tree in peace.

4. One day elephant hunter came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in
huge nets, then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats.

5. The rat King immediately took his entire group of rat and they cut open the nets
which had trapped the elephant herd.

6. Then the king of rats decided to approach the elephant chief and request him to
guide his herd through another road and so the life of the rats were saved.

7. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the

all the rats home. Many of them were even crushed to death.

29. The correct order of the text is …

A. 3 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2– 5 – 6
B. 3–7–2–4–1–5–6
C. 3–7–2–4–5–1–6
D. 3–7–4–5–1–6–2
E. 3–7–6–4–1–5–2
Text 9
Ecotourism is broadly defined as low impact travel to endangered and often
undisturbed locations. It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler
to become educated about the areas – both in terms of the physical landscape and cultural
characteristics, and often provides funds for conservation and benefits the economic
development of places that are frequently impoverished. Due to the growing popularity of
environmentally related and adventure travel, various types of trips are now being
classified as ecotourism. Most of these are not truly ecotourism however because they do
not emphasize conservation, education, low impact travel, and social and cultural
participation in the locations being visited. Therefore, to be considered ecotourism, a trip
must meet the following principles set forth by the International Ecotourism Society as
follows. It minimizes the impact of visiting the location (i.e. – the use of roads). Also it
builds respect and awareness for the environment and cultural practices. Ensures that the
tourism provide positive experiences for both the visitors and the hosts, and provides direct
financial aid for conservation. In addition, it provides financial aid, empowerment and
other benefits for local people, and it raises the traveler’s awareness of the host country’s
political, environmental and social climate.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Ecotourism is determined on the focus on the travel.
B. Ecotourism needs to be differentiated from conventional tourism.
C. In travel industries, not all of trips to enjoy the nature are called ecotourism.
D. Travelers claim to have ecotourism, which turns out to be an incorrect claim.
E. Tourism is ecological when it meets at least four essential elements to happen.

2. Which is true about the text?

A. All people aware of the importance of tourism.
B. Every trip must meet the principal set for ecotourism.
C. Tourism industry brings more benefits for local people.
D. Sometimes tourism brings bad impact to the environment.
E. Physical landscape and cultural characteristic are the main factors in ecotourism.

3. Traditional tourism is different from ecotourism because ….

A. it allows the travelers to have fun
B. it helps poor places to develop their economics
C. it provide funds for conservation the environment
D. it gives experiences for the travelers about the cultures
E. it allows the travelers to become educated about the area visited.
4. “ Most of these are not truly ecotourism however because they do not emphasize
conservation, …”
The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. support
B. release
C. promote
D. focus on
E. stress on

Text 10
On a warm spring day, in Xia times, some children went out in the fields to play.
In those days, if you had a problem you went to see the local wise woman.
In this village, the wise woman's name was Loawnu.
Alarmed at what they saw in the fields, the children ran up the hill to Loawnu's
house. ‘Loawnu,’ they shouted. ‘The sky is falling down!’ Loawnu smiled at the
children. ‘Don't be worried. Find all the pieces of sky that have fallen, and bring them to
me. I'll sew them together again in time for the festival.’
The spring festival was nearing. This was a time when the young people
gathered from many villages to meet one another and to find husbands and wives. The
children's village had been honored this year as the meeting village. It would be a
horrible time for the sky to fall down. The village would be disgraced!
Off the children ran to pick up the pieces. But some were missing! ‘Loawnu!’
cried the children, as they tore up the hill, breathing heavily. Loawnu only smiled.
The next day, the children ran outside and looked up. The sky looked as it
always looked on a warm spring day, clean and fresh and blue. They were so happy.
That night, they were amazed! The sky had always been dark at night. That
night, it was filled with light! Loawnu had patched the missing pieces of sky with bright
twinkling light! How beautiful! How clever! We shall have the happiest spring festival
in all the land! How lucky we are to know Loawnu! All the village agreed.
Source :

30. What is the text about?

A. The spring festival
B. Loawnu the wise woman
C. The children who try to take the piece of the sky
D. Loawnu who can sew the pieces of the sky
E. The falling sky
31. Paragraph 3 tells us about…
A. what the people did in spring festival
B. how Loawnu patched the sky
C. the spring festival that get closer
D. the villagers who worried about the missing sky
E. how young people gathered and find their couples

32. ‘Loawnu had patched the missing sky…..’ (par. 6). The word patched in the text can be best
replaced by…
A. separated D. sew
B. connected E. linked
C. divided

Text 11

Beautiful Climb, Beautiful Challenge

37 Days To March 15, 2014

Jawa Pos Cycling Bromo 100 is a non-competitive, long distance, and climbing
cycling challenge organized by the Jawa Pos newspaper on March 15, 2014.
The ride will start in Surabaya, the capital of East Java province and the second
biggest city in Indonesia, continuing to the city of Pasuruan. After the flat 60 kilometer
trip, participants will then climb up all the way to Wonokitri, a small village in the
vicinity of Mount Bromo, an active volcano and East Java's most favorite tourist

At the finish, participants will reach the highest elevation point of 2,000 meter,
after conquering a long steady climb with 16 % maximum grade. The 100 kilometer
ride will be accomplished in 5 to 6 hours, after which participants can enjoy the beauty
and magic of Mount Bromo.
33. What is the text about?
A. A cycling to Surabaya
B. The flat 60 kilometer trip to Wonokitri
C. A non-competitive cycling to Bromo held by JawaPos
D. An active volcano and East Java's most favorite tourist destination.
E. An activity to enjoy the beauty and magic of Mount Bromo held by JawaPos

34. When was the advertisement published?

A. In 5 to 6 hours
B. On March 15, 2014
C. On February 7, 2014
D. After the participants reach 100 persons.
E. After the participants enjoy the beauty and magic of Mount Bromo.

35. “At the finish, participants will reach the highest elevation point of 2,000 meter, after
conquering a long steady climb with 16 % maximum grade. The 100 kilometer ride will be
accomplished in 5 to 6 hours, after which participants can enjoy the beauty and magic of
Mount Bromo.” What does the word “which” refer to
A. Participants
B. The 100 kilometer ride
C. The highest elevation point
D. Conquering a long steady climb
E. the beauty and magic of Mount Bromo
Text 12

Good Morning, everyone.


Program here in Himalaya Supermarket
Today, you can get:
1 kg of sugar only Rp. 4 000,.
1 kg of pure palm cooking oil only Rp. 6 000,.
1 kg of fresh beef only Rp. 37 000,.
1 kg of eggs only Rp. 2 500,.And stll more.
This one hour super sale will start at 2 p.m. So get
your shopping basket now. Take anything you want.
Have a nice shopping,

Thank you.

36. What is the announcement about ?

A. Cheap prices for certain stuff.
B. Buy two get, get one for free
C. One hour super sale program
D. A big sale program
E. Super stuff in cheap price

37. When will the program end ?

A. One hour
B. Two hours
C. Two and half hour
D. At 2 p.m
E. At 3 p.m
Text 13

The Magic Box.

Once upon time, there was a poor farmer who lived with his wife. One day, he dug up
his field and found a big box. He took it home with him and showed it to his wife. His wife
cleaned the box and kept it in their house. One sunny morning his wife dropped an apple into
it. Suddenly, the box began fill up with apples. No matter how many the apples were taken out,
more apples took their place. So, the farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples and in short
time they were able to live quite comfortably.
One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apples disappeared and
the box began to fill itself with coins. Every day, the farmer and his wife collected hundreds of
gold coins from the box. Soon they became very rich.
Having heard that his son had gone rich, the farmer’s grandfather visited the couple. He
was not very strong and he could not go out to work any more. So, the farmer asked the old man
to help him take the money out of the box. When his grandfather told his son that he was tired
and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him, “Why are you so lazy? Why can’t you
work harder?”
The old man did not say anything, and continued to work until he fell into the box and
suddenly died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with dead
The farmer had to pull them out and bury them. To do this, he had to spend all the
money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box broke and the farmer was
just as poor as he was before.

38. How was the farmer according to the writer?

A. Mean
B. Generous
C. Kind
D. Humorous
E. Rich

39. The complication started when …………

A. the farmer dug up a big box in his field, took it home and showed it to his wife.
B. his wife dropped an apple into a big box and suddenly the box filled up with apples.
C. the farmer and his wife sold the apples and were able to live quite comfortably.
D. the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box.
E. the apples disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins.

40. Which statement is true according to the story?

A. His wife cleaned and kept the box for her.
B. the box was full of valuable things when it was found.
C. the farmer’s wife was happy after the grandfather passed away.
D. the farmer had to pull dead grandfathers out and bury them.
E. the poor farmer was finally killed by his grandfather.

41. . What did we learn from the story?

A. Being honest is not always wise.
B. It is good to be honest in life.
C. Being a miser is sometimes important.
D. We must respect our parents.
E. All that glitters is not gold.

42. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with dead grandfathers. The
disappeared has the same meaning with ………………..
A. emerged.
B. decline.
C. lost.
D. vomited.
E. bounced.

Text 14
Tanjung Kodok

Have you ever visited Tanjung Kodok? Some of you may have gone there. Tanjung
Kodok is a tourist resort in East Java that has attractive view to see. Tanjung Kodok is a
beach that lies on the north coast of East Java. Exactly, this resort is located in Paciran
Lamongan, East Java. The beach is about 25 kilometers from Lamongan city, near to
Goa Maharani, another popular tourist spot in Lamongan.

Tanjung Kodok has a meaning that describes the most important part of the beach. In
the area, there is a cape, a strip of coral reef projecting into body of water, whose
structural shape is like a frog. That’s why the cape is called Tanjung Kodok as Tanjung
means a cape and Kodok in Javanese means frog.

Tanjung Kodok is a comfortable place to visit. The water of the beach is clean. The air
is fresh with the warm blow of coastal wind. Some waves sometimes can be seen there.
However, you may go down to the sea water, take some photographs and have some fun
with the water.

For the children, in Tanjung Kodok there is a children swimming pool, where they can
amuse themselves. There are also fishing and camping areas that provide specific
entertaining recreations for certain visitors.

To satisfy the visitors some hotels and restaurants are built there. For shoppers, the
resort provides a specific market where souvenirs, foods and drinks are sold with cheap
prices. Since the visitors come from other regions, provinces and countries, the parking
lot is wide enough to accommodate many kinds of vehicles.
(Taken from: Communicative Competence 2A)
43. Where is the location of Tanjung Kodok?
A. In Pacitan D. Far from Goa Maharani
B. In Paciran E. Near Lamongan
C. In East Java

44. We can conclude from the text that ….

A. Tanjung Kodok is the only tourist resort in Lamongan, East Java
B. Tanjung Kodok is beautiful place where visitors can enjoy the hill.
C. Tanjung Kodok is beautiful beach where visitors can view to see.
D. Tanjung Kodok is interesting place to sightseeing.
E. Tanjung Kodok is the most popular place to visit.

45. Goa Maharani is another popular tourist spot in Lamongan.

The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. place D. object
B. cave E. area
C. exercise

46. What does TanjungKodok mean?

A. A cape which looks like a frog C. A frog which likes a cape
B. A frog which similar to a cape E. A cape which likes a frog
C. A coral reef which likes a frog

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