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What is caregiver stress?

Caregiver stress is the emotional strain oI caregiving. Studies show that caregiving takes a toll on physical and
emotional health. Caregivers are more likely to suIIer Irom depression than their peers. Limited research suggests
that caregivers may also be more likely to have health problems like diabetes and heart disease than non-caregivers.
Caring Ior another person takes a lot oI time, eIIort, and work. Plus, most caregivers juggle caregiving with Iull-time
jobs and parenting. In the process, caregivers put their own needs aside. Caregivers oIten report that it is diIIicult to
look aIter their own health in terms oI exercise, nutrition, and doctor's visits. So, caregivers oIten end up Ieeling
angry, anxious, isolated, and sad.
Caregivers Ior people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other kinds oI dementia are particularly vulnerable to
burnout. Research shows that most dementia caregivers suIIer Irom depression and stress. Also, studies show that
the more hours spent on caregiving, the greater the risk oI anxiety and depression.
Women caregivers are particularly prone to Ieeling stress and overwhelmed. Studies show that Iemale caregivers
have more emotional and physical health problems, employment-related problems, and Iinancial strain than male
caregivers. Other research shows that people who care Ior their spouses are more prone to caregiving-related stress
than those who care Ior other Iamily members.
It is important to note that caring Ior another person can also create positive emotional change. Aside Irom Ieeling
stress, many caregivers say their role has had many positive eIIects on their lives. For example, caregivers report
that caregiving has given them a sense oI purpose. They say that their role makes them Ieel useIul, capable and that
they are making a diIIerence in the liIe oI a loved one.
Who are our nation's caregivers?
About one in Iour American Iamilies or 22.4 million households care Ior someone over the age oI 50. The number
oI American households involved in caregiving may reach 39 million by 2007.
O About 75 oI caregivers are women.

O Two-thirds oI caregivers in the United States have jobs in addition to caring Ior another person.

O ost caregivers are middle-aged: 35-64 years old.

What kind of caregiver services can I find in my community?
There are many kinds oI community care services such as:
O Transportation

O eals

O Adult day care

O ome care

O Cleaning and yard work services

O ome modiIication

O Senior centers

O ospice care

O Support groups

O Legal and Iinancial counseling

What kind of home care is available?
There are two kinds oI home care: home health care and non-medical home care services. Both
types help sick and disabled people live independently in their homes Ior as long as possible.
Caregivers and doctors decide what services are necessary and most helpIul.
ome health care includes health-related services such as:
O edicine assistance

O ursing services

O Physical therapy
on-medical home care services include:
O ousekeeping

O Cooking

O Companionship
ow will I pay for home health care?
edicare, edicaid and some private insurance companies will cover the cost oI limited home
care. Coverage varies Irom state to state. Other times, you will have to pay out oI pocket Ior
these services.
The cost oI home care depends on what types oI services are used. on-medical workers like
housekeepers are much less expensive than nurses or physical therapists. Also, some home care
agencies are cheaper than others.

Who is eligible for Medicare home health care services?
To get edicare home health care, a person must meet all oI the Iollowing Iour conditions:
O A doctor must decide that the person needs medical care in the home and make a plan Ior
care at home.

O The person must need at least one oI the Iollowing: sporadic (and not Iull time) skilled
nursing care, physical therapy, speech language pathology services, or continue to need
occupational therapy.

O The person must be homebound. This means that he or she is normally unable to leave
home. When the person leaves home, it must be inIrequent, Ior a short time, or to get
medical care, or to attend religious services.

O The home health agency caring Ior the person must be approved by the edicare
To Iind out iI a person is eligible Ior edicare home health care services, call the Regional
ome ealth Intermediary at 1-800-DICAR or visit the edicare Web site at: and select "elpIul Contacts."
Will Medicaid help pay for home health care?
To qualiIy Ior edicaid, a person must have a low income and Iew other assets. edicaid
coverage diIIers Irom state to state. In all states, edicaid pays Ior basic home health care and
medical equipment. In some cases, edicaid will pay Ior a homemaker, personal care, and other
services not covered by edicare.

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