ACPL-ISMS-C5.2 (Information Security Roles & Responisiblities)

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Information Security Roles & Responsibilities


Document ID ACPL-ISMS-C5.2
Document Classification Internal
Issue Date (effective from) 01.12.2023
Version No 1.0
Latest Review Date 01.12.2023

Nitin Gupta Kunal Parikh Vijay Gupta

CISO Director Director

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Information Security Roles & Responsibilities Policy

1. Control statement

Information security roles and responsibilities should be defined and allocated according to the
organization needs.

2. Purpose

To establish a defined, approved and understood structure for the implementation, operation and
management of information security within the organization.

3. Scope

This document sets forth the policy of the organization with regard to the responsibility for the use
of, access to, review, and disclosure of information system resources, including those stored, sent or
received by the users. This includes all computer and data information systems and ownership of all
assets in the organization.

4. Procedure

1. All information security responsibilities are defined and allocated.

2. Allocation of information security responsibilities are done in accordance with the information
security policies
3. Responsibilities for the protection of individual assets and for carrying out specific information
security processes are identified.
4. Responsibilities for information security risk management activities and in particular for
acceptance of residual risks are defined.
5. These responsibilities have been supplemented, where necessary, with more detailed
guidance for specific sites and information processing facilities. Local responsibilities for the
protection of assets and for carrying out specific security processes are defined.
6. Individuals with allocated information security responsibilities may delegate security tasks to
others. Nevertheless, they remain accountable and should determine that any delegated tasks
have been correctly performed.
7. Areas for which individuals are responsible should be stated.

8. In particular the following should take place:

 The assets and information security processes are identified and defined;

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Information Security Roles & Responsibilities Policy

 The entity responsible for each asset or information security process have been
assigned and documented
 Authorization levels should be defined and documented;
 To be able to fulfil responsibilities in the information security area the appointed
individuals are competent in the area and are given opportunities to keep up to date
with developments; coordination and oversight of information security aspects of
supplier relationships have been identified and documented.
9. The responsibility for resourcing and implementing the controls will remain with individual
10. An owner for each asset who then becomes responsible for its day-to-day protection.

Sr. No. Dept/ section Responsibilities Authorities

5. Reference

1. Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities: ACPL-ISMS-5.3

6. Revision History

Revision Date Description Author

1.0 01.12.2023 Initial release CISO

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