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Oo ¥00 415 - auaovNVAVG a2 E - waste Mane ne Triroduction : Tn the new ‘world A materials whage dy -eheukracad and electric .ctems thor been Ancrea\ing rapidly year have tether Ash Span duredion duc to fat charge fue, capabiditac, cumulative awl 4 ‘de ‘and discarding’ “A opsd A life dechonih and ant electrical atems on 4. their wehul by year Drese raatersals and alto wed for loser an features and increased manudact uring : wag Amurease the ammount ‘urd Clectricol items. ALL eLecbonic which ave dsbcwrtled | on complet Life togtrey th -colled — @- waste. Jhere a rapid Grmsth in e-waste gprereon Aince 19905 and will continue of dubter vate an future, AB per an ottimafe, Khe’ average , ommual gob E-vwabte Volume 24 about 65-4 million tore An the yeu” 2014: qb. M. PRASANNA Agsuciate Professor ment of Chemistty ofan en een MAGERE - 87 © scanned with OKEN Scanner Sources. of E- walle: iain Kourtcs A C~worle ave, ') computer peripherals Monitor, Key: board, mouse, mother board ,dup tops, CDs del- ’) Telecommunccabion ‘Devices: photeyh cals phones routerh |; Pagers, Sux machine etel-. 9 Pechold applsanced : Tv, fridge , 2athing machine, Video ployevs., ovens ebel- A) Taduktnral clecbonich? senlors, medieal. Lewweel, autimobsbe -dovces ecl- , - S) Blectrs cal Aeseeh > Swatches, Wares, Bulbs ete]- compotion de E-vable! i €-wubte | +4 - chartered by morethan 1000 Sugurdowd “ound non - bozo rlous made raalh, 1) G- vosrte corkanh about 65 7% 4 kro sted. and other metallic matersals anduding ‘costly swath Acke plodinum, gold , Sidver, and bonic © scanned with OKEN Scanner ms © A mekuth Itke head, weveury , codmiwen , Chromium etcl-. d) E- table tortuirs about 217 tb poly mers c mon - biodegradable amabersals anchudling poly - Vira chloride CPVCA) , polychlorinated biphanals D | eeenated stn nearer 3) E- valle alto” contnin’s whouk! Wee oF okuer mate rialh and Cerannch, ORT and £00 Acres and bike: glk. wood, play wood most. of . these producks are ended Up in Lad $2 UA wrubbshh dumps, amc recycling cenbeh creaking Keverrod compl cok ond & for wote rnamagennert ki crls , policy makers, and veh: dents. : : charac itn eects © scanned with OKEN Scanner fe, Need. ay E= wat woste _ Management f c-untte zh a comple menture of metal Open S and coremscs , Déhpohing A this miature Ain Lordfellh ‘coon duuhe Sextoud — Cnvsronmertal sAw Dhe arnounts ’ being. buraed have. deen Ancreshing An the) Landfall cites, shes reulkA in Aeatoud | Mr bntmenta povblemA due to poten «db danger BechamiealA tnky, Soil, wader, ate and human eiwgh.» Adio, st endls on 10x G metals rhotel Guunkitics ae heatted tat tae earth's ent. Dic to frche | ee FAAS, Peper efficient : for tive e- wodte managemert ae = Binet Cane Lompor rewvery and. reuse \ob. Lomp maberrals ee in raanutectu ring Hibben produ. ae tre types + AulAtaned 30 types, Toue and_sleubvicel to toxsccty : According ke daliitzed santo hoe D) Haz a) Non- © scanned with OKEN Scanner Hagurdous AubMunces are tonic, and Can abet the quudity dy the ecodystem and Cun have dehermental ehhect& on human health. dheahe include, 1) vreavy wehelt Like ed cr 72 and MG. nds lke cMorefluwro camber , Compe’ hydrocarbons Coats) , 2) “orpanse poly chic apornaiC, ated dephomyl etnerA (paves) biphenyls Ciceg). and Aieranh C26 rons) poly braman _ poly chbons inated pola chlaviriked dey! dioun stealth Heigard - due to enpedure te Ee ranhte. problem with tne ‘e-waste * as Pedi $ suncls prtert a Ad an oe : doing hagas, <4 , major, done metals cal oegers'c compo e-vowhte in to. eLotydAtem thd. puck hadi and ultimiately te Avaing, ! Contasnsnattion ° a a by ve~ vaste; oman’ “duet,” i) Dntoom od enable rey techniques ‘ employ ef for, mahal ietevery | hom printed © Creust Loads Altnowgh tre ‘weeyehing aA relpentsble te remove © scanned with OKEN Scanner GF doluy Are releake contuminants into the A envivonment.. unicxendstic wayA wed tor revytling muy retult an acormulabion An Lind falls 29, and end wp Within the enviroment 2) open burning 4 printed creuit boards and dedic cables to recover copper, Jhis rebates releaht doxin’ , perkistent ommance pollutants , PAY, PCBS , perkistent halogenated compounds xnto tne Cava ronment | 3) wabcienti tc dumping 4 e-waste She etfluent fon, Swabte reeyling cenbes and the caumping Sites 9% vich vot, heavy metals and Aubpended partaculale molterA, 1) The use of Primitive methods to procw e- wubte hud reulted in lontuminadion toe Soil. Many ds tue efflutnts are acidic and relponkible Sor Changeng the PH ot the natural Sol and Wults in reduction de harvest in commercial agercultural Systems. concenkation pb, Ba, ed, He, Gy ond Zn 26 found to be very much higher hewn davenping sitet. a © scanned with OKEN Scanner oe = « Ton:c cements were found to disturb the nibogen and potuu abhorption by planth which are important Component in plant growth and developement, Toure Awbhtances gradually Kovough Crop enter inky ecobyten, 8) able wader fom e-wabte vecyle @ duumping sites 5 anotner major transport pathioeny fox Contuminatzm A aquedsc SyAtens, open burning SiteA dy e-woakte for metal rerovery sh the mague contr: butor dor vreleate & dHerent contaminants from ¢- baste to abmodphere. Towic Substances are entering huuman body from asy , wakey and Sexk throwgh inhalation, Angation amd dermal combat patrrsugA. They a7e faveng dHerent types of Sevsouh healtn ampacts. 6) moat dy taker hew metals ave carcino gong . Parts (ulate mattss elected fom Open burning can adsarh wehul partaclef and enter Anko human bode » People Living near to e-wahfe collection d. a and sneuneredion Sites are dred Vadim tor kee once cantaminants .Dheve ave higher numbdr A Anudences’ with Akn dumugth , headache , Vertigo, chronic quid, gastric ulcers w-dundensl ulpenh © scanned with OKEN Scanner \ 2) conbuminanhs Suth ah heavy rath , daring Fucrank, pag, PCBs md polybrominated diphengls are able bo create twman gebbrantetfinal sro; takin) and Lunatave effets , ebrarrmed Sper Chromohome Aberration , DNA damage , redured Seeundity ng adverse birdy ethetd 9) cadmwe Ced) metal can damage lsdneys and dead (pb) raetal hak a direct sntluence toward central newvous SyAtem a4 well ah Adkersoratim 4 Ankedlegent quotient xn Childvenk Mercwr sh a potential mutagen: ound a oan, ater hawne? aes D) Placentus collected from otners who Live Near e-waste dumping Sites have shown very Argh concentration of tonic Chemuceds, n) Ditterent hazurdout chemicals con accumulate in human blood Serum and urinary tract ae hors Syrergabic edtert> wade a oumulakive swapact.. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Reeguhng $ Rewovery Tn’ ¢-warte antong Various doabtituents, mebod conkerbult ty the Significant evonomic valine, and the ebtorbs Are, focoused! on, cnc Hohe metals durtang recycling operations, Revovery and A Rewyling Technalog eX ack: Dhe recy dling A c- waste * antioted warn PhayAiceih @ mechanical Pre- procemes. pee treatment step snvolver ee removal dy tonic vmalerials and Unwanted components and then manual Aebmantling and Aeperalion c+ components Auth ab PCBs monitors balfemnics , tel- -anty: va riows Fractions — Like metal, covamich plastics , wood: anc Paper Wing hrannmevs, Svrersdravers and conveyer beds tov AchaMembbing : | Bestop: shredding dp the matersals wmechanicully Anrough Cruthers and grinders to collect fragments A rete) beating Lomponenté. D-step! Dhe wabte 44 pomed through eledtrica sepurebo to Aepevate the metals aed mon meblhic Lowpo nents. a — — — © scanned with OKEN Scanner and magnekic Aeperabry sh bed to seperate KK ferrous mactulls . Creavity Sperution 5 hed, b pent) Aly mek ie oa Be step ! Atter phydscad Aepuration various Chemical fechniquis cre employed | 0° recovew rmetolh | Mel can be rerycled on number. of times and Es conkeabuteA: te vcontér vation of tne nekuval ebourees And ako Terovery of metals” from - ¢- dehte “aS mere —etonoms cal . than, enbrachion \ from trary ‘ores, |” Co woaste Contains 10 times More’ encesiive eohcentradion a gold Compared tv gold orth, vancenkratim of GH copper ani Pegi ah 20-4o i tames. more» than Khot A> prehent An. ath ove. all ‘Mont widely ‘Wed Tetoveny’ teehniguel-ave D) Pyrometalluxgrcel procem » hydire metaluivg seal ProceM. “| © scanned with OKEN Scanner Dr. B. M. PRASAN Pr Ri ANN) epactman ate Profe: tof Ch Pepyelalangiel poe Pyrometallargy technology cA wed cntrach pure e-worte, Ihe rnon-ferous ard preciows metal trom tempevatuves to reduce @ mettodh eyWirt elewoted cabal metus and therefore THY WE high onmount sapuk - 4 molten Salt Pre smelting , combustion : pyroly dia cur fre Moin pyromokabla rg cod metros employ ed for ametalh from e- wate. Copper smelking ‘A wm ous metal fractions fo after prekiwsnary Atoge plum Cal), copper (0%) ) and precy’ are reo 4 (4) molting * recovery non fe he proceMed Scvap monly 470 (Fe) , tin. Gon) , arbor Cob), Zane (ta combituentd.. reorly ured fr m e- wahbe coakuinh Lead (pb), uA metals) de #h dMalved and pure copper (44-991 ch depokited ove catrede eavang a slury shedge, sekduc., dhs Awry wekidue sh Called anodic slime and contarns wrdiNtolved metallic dractan © scanned with OKEN Scanner | x / xs ene é (2) combultim of e-waste! ee! combutim sh a low - technology , low cost \y 2 Sbrasght tarvoard Operation focouking oly on te \ ‘erovery 4 valuable metuld. Here e-vuble 4A dubjecked to open burning an uncontrolled manner vilich releases all AovtA of pollutants into abvantphere | Hence the meted 24 highly. clangerous for the cavavonment and abbo Anureakes the health risk of te workerA ©) Tauneation od e-voaste: Tnuneration i a conbolled combustion cd tre Wobte yt Auitiable emsMim wats . Ihe smcneredor | tab to connected Furnaces. In the Sarat furnace, envoehte ch burnt of temperature above $00 °c and an the Aecond Atuge tor the gaseous products cd, the first ancneratory ave furtrer ondssed above Moo'c, Heavy rebels ot collected an tae bottom and fly oth. Bydvometablicrgical proceltes are uted fry furkte retovery wall \ \ \ © scanned with OKEN Scanner /[ decwopoksts auth of Wugher tempenstu re An an orygen Free - anvavonment . (de | Goenka d&- Lowes -- molewlay wei ght products ju Faeyr biypAvA 4 e-wakté > -pyrolyAsA 3 a Arenmnal| Ye Cae & Laqinseds) at Clonomical recovered eahily by | Ate proces atmolphere C) wollen salt “procem / @. son dy eovtnkte mt, Antal eoetion During pyrelyks , srvevecksble — theomal Eornpolatsin wrens takes ie Jeading by the tenaperatures bebseen 49° ond’ and char have an ee be wed, oo fuel and chemical Feedstock. She mekallic components con be seperation. Main danger wsty anto vo °C. pyrvly Ans gus, valine and ar ee wath flue geses- In ts procds, the e-wahte iA fed an wath the Aolt , and Salt sh melted of the dered tompersture under an avert admodphere ee Vironmenh The organic parts decompose An dhe wekten Salt forming cothonetes ard Sadrcateh and are wnverted to alkal: wetal halides. - which a © scanned with OKEN Scanner al an the srodben Salk, Dhere fore , the flue gu ony > a dagh content of Hy Cg) that can be Stored av — fel Ihe meballec component 3h Jiberated — by : vemoving dhe organics, and ah — xcbbesd collected \ bottom d the furnace, After rentoving molten dal) modture Contain Valuuble metals xh turtrer , trealed & obtarn pure mouth. Various wedten munture , are Med oh oltterent temperatures bebreen 300 andl “IN00 € depending on the reapivemend . Py obo mettle rpicad “Procels | | Tradteonal hydro rmehallargs cal proces which aoe been whed Som So Many yours for metal — enthraction hoe Ware Ores oe Weed | for tue Weovery of webalh from @- Wabte. ) Zee are three Atages hn etal ve Lovey by huyelre Arenal metnod, | (4) pre- treatment Stage . | les chenncal breabnent Stage | (e) Metal vEwverny Stage. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ay pre-treatment Singe | ’ pre-treatment Atoge anvolves phyArcol seperation eb | mebal Components from, e- wahle aA dacwred obove followed by Amelting dh tee minture sn Aome | case hey alrro motu burg 3 col process, main Abeps la Chee cal treatment and wnetal TEOVER} ateps. es Gs) % | 2 Tr Chenscal , freament Alege, the metals are wands. to. heath inks folubins oheng different | Leaching reagents. Tn fre ‘metal -TeLovery Siege, tre Leathed Solutions tedion , conrentadion wttalh Aare peed From Weng Anrough devbro- refining preups adiorptean -bokvent entrachion, and son exchange. ametrads. dhehe ~heebrigenes cee —bense fly —friven Petahy, (b) Chemnscal Trentmaent Stooge : (1) cyaminde Leaching ! Eventhough , cyanide Solutao ome bomc , they are mainly Wed to Leath gold ametal. Alkal: cyanide Like Kew witn 2- nie benzene subfers. Sulphonic atid Sodium Solth are wred bo dimolve gold under acrated conditem , Further, | tue Same solution can be Subjected to elerbrplatn'ng Me © scanned with OKEN Scanner a / ae Ale to obtain pure. gold metal. . Copper wie NS 7 | AeMolwl ap Cyanwole Aohudson ; pt 2) aud Allel: Leaching : nitrac acds, swfurse acids, and hydwchlorse atiols are the prmnent — mneval \e | cds wed foe denching dh tangetect mebuls actds Suh ob abtorbic acd, — and acedic atils are alto used to and (2 fer ompanie | Ghrece ada | deach Light abals From Agent’ ballerses | Mobile demsceh, dg ah learhed | trom dethevm som | babtesy bedtery wahte by treatment with GhAC acids [and hydrogen Perrmide reducing agent. : (3) Dhschulphade eavhing ' Theshulphahe iA uled: an | sere Leaching agent te for te Wetowery of Preceiows mets tke gold and Salverr solurbilizing eed ob Arceydulphat reagent a4 belter — ath Actereference With the Ofner cotiomic * Apes ah albo. Very Je. Ammon Aniohulfate wed to Mlubslze gold. silver, plibinlun, | Solukion ah and ofner Precous metds an the tom © scanned with OKEN Scanner Jha ent @ ; 4 reo ah Ake, non - toxic non conve and rwetel aun be Vebovered readily from the compler 7 Ihourea denching : Thiowren M6 4 sulfur - babe snd, Kak foams a coksonic Jabable eb metal, Dniowrea Give quick antereference 4 ior, +A ads @ tow cost. The organic complening “g complen Wath the tary rater of Leaching . Les cavirenmentally Sriendly , and an acidic ald and selver sdedky Coke rae complet 5) Halide 4 hacen, +4 (oH) etal Recovery Stege® sae Tn te Jat Mep , watal a&- recovered from Leach selultays. vangeksct dp mukvodhs Like elecrodepelitim, solvent entrattion, «en exchange , adthoxption , re and cementation are used to ervey vielals. ben earthed Coludaons, selectave wecovery a6 por ble foe most proceMes. Cold can allo be extracted from wo sobution by dectrodepohtéon de pola Avo d:ciyancoulde ' gold Complen. pure yold metal taken ak Cakne de, and Anert anode ave dipped ie son © scanned with OKEN Scanner Leathed Soludson, when Current <4 applied, | ve gold “a clectrodepeited on cothode, aN \ Doel Rete a ene De. roi unetul ie bechniqner are wed to prevent dstpobal “of €- waste by mean | of dau ng @? Land tft: Recaur , twA THULIA an wobte of Valuable hissy and cam .alyo, cambe eVweronmentel - Problem due’ te) contamination by heavy ‘metals, But alt * thohe proceres require, bot A envagy Gnd woney. Another colt eHetsve metnod for ree ling Ap e-vwabte: th by direct recycling Direct Tey ding mMeank hanwltang ecbonic components directly “from > tabte, tsithowl breaking 4 reine oe anto Amal’: LomponentA. Havwited cakes are Surtner proceed With healing vmatuods $0 TeRenerake ye uy ued | wate veals coal) © scanned with OKEN Scanner ey Dhe regenerated materials shave pewrerence ean valent wb ovaginally, munutad ured wurst Jha an theh method alt the complscated chem cul and ruotadungs col steps anvolved 47 conver ossginel cheanicals 470 a e-wuhte component any avoided, Recyiling Joop x4 shortened « Hence » wedte (producers, | Contumeier’ Rem clerh, tnd Statutory Bodies) | Batcably reve ave four Ababeholders de cenveranmentad * oS of tne e-wodte, hey: are : Dietabaen baveenmesd Peat Bodh s oo Counubactaring’ tits) + D Rosy » Conhum ers a pq “& sisnyed by, " stadubery government te atory bodich . ohe rember’ ude xt fer te | body frome polveres sand exe protection. tr ae qo ashieve toe plan 4 e-walte a green ‘bat 44 ie ee Grom _Lonhumer through -manwfackurer. he €- wahte’ nage © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4 ‘5 @ : yen a da & e- waste man ngemerh smwit Support the by dos dihmarthi 1, preeMking 4 4 lieng oy veyed don Unith oa paste, comune’ d, Scrap moterscds swakevselh. Due praence ob colle pm green tt e-rowhtt man ngerrent _ Bak fuer * work 4n tundem form ebestive abo Bodie. wD statutory boemmed ‘pig a pevotel vole én (a) To collet reer a vy ply some err oat ita) an tee Form 4 we unth. oy pavede ty sncurtivs an He form d Subsidy to remilers ood olledtors hen eying d e-waste sb mormbored properly. alty val pen Zi from mamct abkcs. are amplied on manufacturey ond conkume ls Ji hen green tay xh not pad. Manufacturing units d, e-vastes, mamageneaks door to door collection fp and be aware aimge to es holders mast} e- watt maanorgenetl. a erg © scanned with OKEN + Scanner L —— (d) To Conduct — the program’ d avwornm ‘a i\ Soudy about awaportance vabte reyding sn reduction oh Megerdona ubhleen?e » producers Cuunuleturing as) ‘ The mean role d producers an mon pgenvent a, e-wable are, (4) dhe accountubslty of collect green tar. ( &) Churtg ing an additaunal amount om contume dumang sell A e- products and relurning at loth xwkerett, ak the time of exchange e- predicts Et Forming the BP Boep A -munufactures Who! wonitoy and entourage tne reny ching id ex wollte, d) Peating tne truntportation ost and coltectim fer to eure the volkeckiin process, ¢) purchare tre —recytled wrutersuk at dine fined Valine and hing o reayiled €-Wrubte dauseing unductursng © scanned with OKEN Scanner Dye @ ? 3) hivang it numer Ge Ck J ease grerted frm guclgalh > Recyters CRecyliny & collec om wntd ) in the “an Dhe main rel 4 reyes a e-warte art, z (a) The accourtebilty renyelng units pay gree tan, (4) Develop Belt - awarnels on e- rouble mantgenent and snvolve 40 aanrarn As Programs. (O Redwenang back oe e-waste ty collection unity W708 © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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