389 2010 H.edn

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Higher Education (G) Department



[G 0. (P) No. 389/2010/H. Edn. Dated 7-12-20101

Government of Kerala





G. 0. (P) 389/10111. Edn. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 7th December,2010.

Ref—i. Letter No. 2/2008-TS.1 1 dated 7th October, 2009 from. Government of India,
Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Higher Education).

Notification F. No. 37-3/Lea1I2010 dated the 5th of March, 2010 by Government of

India, published in the Gazette of India Ex1raordinaryof 13th March,, 2010.

G. 0. (P) 171/99/11 Edn. dated 21-12-1999 of P1. Secy., Higher Education

Department. •

G 0. (P) 58/2010/H. Edn. dated 27-3'2010 -


1. Government of India in their letter first cited informed that the Central Government have decided
to continue to provide financial assistance to the State Governments which wish to adopt ard implement
the revision of pay scales at par with AICTE scales of pay to teachers in degree level Technical
Institutions in the States subject to the following terms and cOnditions:
Financial assistance from the Central Government to State Goveiriments opting to revise pay
scales of teachers covered under'the Sche!ne shall be limited to the extent of 80% (eighty
per cent) of the additional expenditure involved in the implementation of the 'revision.
The State Government opting for revision of pay shall rneet.the remaining 20% (twenty per
cent) of the additional expenditure from its own sources from 1-1-2006 to31-3-2010.
Financial assistance referred to in sub-clause (a) above shall be provided for the period from
1-1-2006 to 3 1-3-2010 by the Central Government.
The entire liability on accOunt of revision of pay scales çtc. of teachers in degree level
Technical Institutions shall be taken over by thç State Government opting for, revision of pay.
scales with effect fr6m l-4-2010.

Financial assistance from the Central Government shall be restrited tO revision of pay scales
in respect of only those posts which were sanctioned for appointment by the Government of
Kerala and in existence and had been filled up as on 1-1-2006.
The pay in the revised scale shall be payable in cash w.e.f. 1st March, 2010. The arrears
for the period from 1St January, 2006 to 28th February, 2010 would be released on receipt
of financial assistance from the Central Government. -.
GCPT. 3/4838/2010/DTP. -

-The pay for the existing incumbents,, who are in position as on 1-1-2006 in various
categories of posts shall be fied in accordance with the formula appended to this order as
Appendix I and fltment tables (Table 1 to 6) for fi*ation of pay, which is 'appended to this
order as Appendix II. -
The payment will be made after taking in undertaking from the existing incumbents that the
excess amount,. if aiy 'made onaceount of in&rrect fixation of pay in the pay band or AGP
shall be adjuste.l against the future payments due.

2. The AITE 'has revised the. Pay Scales of teaáhes and other Academic Staff in Technical
Institutions (Degree) and issued -regulations as Government of India Gazette NOtification' vide Ref. cited
2nd above. The Government has decided to accept the revised AICTE Scheme for revision of pay
scales in degree level Technical Institutions and are pleased to issue the following orders in this regard.

3. Coverage '

3.1 The revised AICTE Scheme istapplicable to teachers who are in pOaition in approved cadre

- posts/posts sanctioned by Government in Degree Level Engineering Colleges/Universities.

3.2 Teachers appointed to administrative ppts in the Directorate of Technical Education and
Regional Directorate of Technical Education and four Joint Directors of Polytechnic Stream'
as per existing rules shall also be covered under.the scheme. .

- 4. Date of implementation of revised pay and allowance .

4.1 The revised Pay and revised rates of Dearness Allowance under this Scheme shall b
effective from 1-1-2006. The revised rates of other allowances such as the non-compounded
- advance increments shall take effect from 1-9-2008. -

5. General • . ;
5.1 There.shall be only three designations in respect of teachers in Universities and Colleges,
namely, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. '

5.2 Existing sanctioned posts of Lecturers shall be declared/iedesignated as posts of Assistant


5.3 Existing'Cadre posts of Assistant Professors shall be declared/redesignated as Cadre posts

of Associate Professors. I

5.4 Existing 'Cadre posts of Professors shall be declared/redesignated as Cadre posts of

Professors. . •, .

5.5 Incumbent Lectureis appointed to sanctioned posts shall be redesignated as Cadre

Assistant Professors and incumbent Assistant Professors appointed to sanctioned posts
shall be redesignated as Cadre Associate Professors and incumbent Professors appointed to
sanctioned posts shall be continued to be designated as Cadre Professors. Appointment to
the Cadie posts of Associate Professors and Cadre posts Professors shall be by.
promotion from among eligible candidates on the basis of seniority subjeci to the
onditions specfIed in clause 6 . , ,
5.6 The work load of Assistant Professors shall, be sixteen hours per week, the work load of
Cadre Associate Professors and Cadre Professors shall be 14 hours per week. The work
load of Head of Department shall be twelve hours per week. The work load of Principal
shall be four hours per week. Headship of each department (including non-engineering
departments) shall be rotated among Cadre professors/Associate Professors every two yeairs
on the basis of Cadre seniority. This method of rotation shall be calculated from the date of
holding of charge of Headship by all existing incumbents. The dut!es and responsibilities of
various cadre posts shall be the same as that of the duties and responsibilities of equivalent
cadres under the 1996 Scheme until amended by AICTE/notified by the Government.
5.7 No one shall be eligible to be appointed, promoted or designated as Professor, unless he or
she possesses a Ph.D. and satisfies other academic condijions, as laid down by the All India
- 'Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from time to time and/or notified by Government..
' This shall, howev,er, not affect those who are already designated as 'Professor' and those
who were appointed from PSC Lists/Selection Listswhich were live as on 27-3-1990 (Date
of 1986 AICTE Order) in the case of appointments to Governmeht College/Private Aided

Colleges respectively -.
5.8 The pay of tachers and equivalent, positions in the Universities and Colleges shall be fixed
according'to their' designations in two pay 'bands of Rs. 15600-39100 and
Rs. 37400-67000 with appropriate "Academic Grade Pay" (AGP in short). Each Pay Band
shall have different stag6 of Academic Grade Pay which shall ensure that teachers and other
equivalent cadres covered under this ScheIe, subject to other conditions of eligibility being
satisfied; have multiple opportunities for upward movement during their career.
'5.9 Government shall by order defermine the dumber of Cadre posts of Assis'tant Professor,
Associate Profesor and Professor in each Department/College/University and the criteria
followed for determining the same. The benefit of this order' shall be entitled only to those
teachers holding posts so detèrminëd by Government by such. order. However the existing
cadre posts shall continue as such.
5.10 To ensure that no teaôher is deprived of the benefit of upward movement' because of the
limited number, of Cadre posts at the level of Associate Professor" and Professor, the
teachers satisfying the conditions stipulated for placement at these levels through
career advancement, schemes specified in clause 6 of this order, shall be. appropriately placed
as Associate Professors/Professors in addition to the sanctioned strength of Associate
Pro'fessor/Professor cadre posts. The work load, duties and responsibilities of teachers
placed under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) shall be the same as that of their
original cadre position. . .. . .
5.11 Ensuring accountabifity: Recommendations made by the Pay Review Committee and the
AICTE in regard to the various selection processes, service, 'working conditions and
work load of teachers, training/refresher courses etc. and other conditions for careef
advancement, code of conduct and norms of professional ethics shall be as per regulations
framed in this regard by the AICTE and/or as notified by Government from time to time.
Universities shall amend their respective statutes, ordinances and regulations in line with these
orders. Special rules issued by the Government covering the teachers included' in this order
shall also be amended accordingly. Within such 'periods as. directed by the Government.

6. Revised Pay Scales, Service conditions and. Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for
teachers and equivalent positions
The pay structure for different categories of teachers and equivalent positions shall be as
indicated below:-
6.1 Assistant Professor/Associate Professors/Professors in Technical Institutions
6.1 1 Persons entering the teaching profession in Universities/Colleges shall be designated as Assistant
Professors, and shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 1'5600-39100 with AGP of Rs.6000.
Lecturers already in service in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 8000-13500, shall be' re-designated
as Assistant Professors with the said AGP of Rs. 6000.
6.1.2 An Assistant Professor with completed service of 4 years, possessing Ph. D. Degree in the
relevant discipline shall be eligible, for moving up to AGP of Rs. 7000.
6.1.3 Assistant Professors posessing. Master's Degree in the relevant branch/discipline as defined for
technical education shall be eligible for the AGP of Rs. 7000 after completion of 5 years
service as Assistant Professor.

6.1.4• Assistant Professors who do not have Ph. D. or a M,aster's Degree in the relevant branch/
discipline of a program shall be eligible for the AGP of Rs. 7000 only after completion of
6 years' service as Assistant Professor.
6 • 1.5 The upward movement from AGP of Rs. 6000 to AGP of Rs. 7000 for. all Assistant Professors
shall be subject to their satisf,'ing other conditions as laid down by the AICTE and/or as notified
by Government.
6.1.6 The Incumbent Lecturer (Senior Scale) (i.e, pre:revised scale of Rs. 10000-15200) shall be
redesignated as Assistant Professor, and his pay shall be fixed at the appropriate stage in Pay
Band of Rs15600-39100 based on their present pay, with AGP of Rs; 7000.'
,6.1.7 Assistant professors with completed service of 5 years at the AGP of Rs. 7000 shall be
eligible, subject to other requirements laid down by the AICTE and/or as notified by
Government to move up to -the AGP of Rs. 8000. .
.6.1.8 Posts of Asso.ciate Professor shall be in the Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000, with AGP of
Rs. 9000. Directly, recruited Associate Professors shall be placed in the Pay Band of
Rs. 37400-67000 with an AGP of Rs. 9000, at the appropriate stage in the Pay Band in teims
of the conditions of appoiniment.
6.1.9 Incumbent Assistant Professors and Lecturers (Selection • Grade) who, have completed 3 years
in the current pay scale of Rs. 12000-18300 on 1-1-2006 shall be placed, in Pay Band .of
Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP Pay of Rs. 9000 and shall be re-designated as Associate Professor.
6.1.10 Incumbent Assistant Professors and Lecturers (Selection Grade). ho had not completed three
years in the pay scale of Rs. 12000-18300 on 1-1-2006 shall be placed at the appropriate
stage in the Pay Band of Rs, 15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 8000 till they complete 3 years
- of service in the grade of Assistant Professor/Lecturer (Selecti9n Grade), thereafter shall be
placed in the higher Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 and accordingly designated as
Associate Professor. . . .
6.1.11 Assistant Professors/Lecturers (Selection Grade) in service as on the date of this order shall
continue, to be designated as Assistant Professors/Lecturers (Selection Grade) until they are -
. placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 3 7400-6.7000 and re-designated as Associate
Professor in the manner described in (6.1 .10) above. • .
- 6.1 .1 2 Assistant Professors completing 3 years of teaching in the AGP of Rs. 8000 shall be eligible,
subject, to the condition that they fulfill the qualifications and other requirements laid down by
AICTE or/as notified by Government to move to the Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 with
AGP of Rs. 9000 and to be designated às Associate Professor. . .

6.1.. 13 AssQciate Professor completing 3 years of service in the AGP of Rs. 9000 and possessing a
Ph. D. Degree [except as otherwise provided in this order (clause 5.7)] in the relevant discipline
shall be re-designated as Professor, subject to conditions of academic performanee as laid down
by the AICTE and/or Government. The Pay Band for the postof Professors shall be
Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 10000.
6 1.14 No teacher other than those with a Ph.D. shall be promoted, appointed or re-designated as
Professor except as otherwise provided' in this order (clause 5.7).
6.1.15 For, an Incumbent Assistant Professor, experience of the level of Assistant Professor shall be
considercd as equivalent to experience at the level of Associate Professor, provided the
Incumbent Assistant Professor has acquired or acquires Ph. D. Degree in the relevant discipline
except as otherwise provided in this order (clause 5.7).
6.1 .16 The pay of a directly recruited Professor shall be fixecr at a, stage not below Rs. 43090 in the
Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67900, with the applicable AGP of Rs. 10000.
6.1.. 17. Ten per cent of the posts of Professors in AICTE approved institutions shall be in the higher
AGP of Rs. 12000, however, teachers appointed to the posts shall continue to be designated as

Professor. Eligibility for appointment as a Professor in the higher Academic Grade Pay shall be
as may be laid down by the AICTE and such eligibility conditions shall, inter alia, include
publications in peer reviewed! referred Research Journals and the requirement of at least 10
years of teaching as Professor and post-doctoral work of a high standard. No person appointed
directly as Professor in the AGP of Rs. 12000 shall be fixed at a stage less than Rs. 48000
along with the AGP. For initial direct recruitment at the level of Assistant Professors and Professors, the eligibility
conditions in respect of cademic.and research requirements shall be as may be or have been
prescribed by the AICTE through Regulations and as may be laid down by the AICTE and/or
as prescribed by the Government.
6.1.19 Discretionary award of advance increments for those who enter the profession as Associate
Professors or Professors with higher merit, high nunber of research publications and experience.
at the appropriate level, shall be within the competence of the appropriate authority of the
concerned University while negotiating with individual candidates in the context of the merits of
each case, taking into account the pay structure of other teachers in the faculty and other
specific factors. .
6.1.20 All advancements to higher Academic Grade Pay.in the cadres Assistant Professor and
Professor, wiWbe effected subject to the completion of AICTE approved refresher programmes.
or similar courses sponsored by TEQUIP/Short term courses sponsored by. Directorate of
Technical Education'lndustiy Institute Interaction Programmes/Courses sponsored by Universities
etc. of a total duration of minimum 20 (Twenty) days. ,
6.1.2 1 The conditions laid down by the AICTE and/or Government for Career Advancement Scheme
(CAS) and the refresher courses mentioned in clause 6.1.20 shall be' applicable for those
Promotion/CAS placement/advancement to higher AGP which are effective from and after the
date of issue of this order.
7. ' Pay Scales of Principal of Colleges/Director of Technical Education
7.1 Appointments to the post of Principal in Technical institutions shall be made from among Cadre
Professors based on the conditions of eligibility in respect of educational qualifications and
teaching/research experience laid down by AICTE from time to time. The posts of
Principal shall be in the Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 10000 or Rs.12000

as -the,case may be plus a Special Allowance of Rs.3000 per month, subject to the condition
that the sum total of pay in the.Pay Band, the Academic Grade Pay and the Special
Allowance shall not exceed Rs. 80000.
7.2 Appointment of the post of Director ofTechnical Education shall be made in accordance with
AICTE norms and in accordance with the rules governing such appointments issued by the
Government of Kerala. The post of Director of Technical Education shall be in the'Pay.Band of
Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 12000 plus as a Special Allowane of Rs. 4000 per
month subject to the condition that the sum total of pay in the Pay Band, Academic Grade Pay
and Special. Allowance shall not .exceed Rs. 80000.:

8 .. Incentives for Ph. D./M. Tech.- and other higher qualification

8.1 Five non-compounded advance increments shall be admissible at the entry level of recruitment
to persons possessing the Degree of Ph. D. awarded in the relevant discipline by a University
following the process of registration, course-work and external evaluation as prescribed by the

8.2 Those possessing Postgraduate Degree in a .professiOnal course such as M. Tech, in relevant
branch/discipline recognized by a statutoly University at the time of recruitment to the post of
Assistant Professor shall be entitled to 2 non-compounded advance increments at the entry
level. . . . -. . ..
8.3 Teachers who complete their Ph. D. Degree while in service shall be entitled to three non-
compounded increments if such Ph. D. is in the 'relevant branch/discipline and has been
awarded by a University complying with the process prescribed by the UGC/AICTE for
enrolment, course-work and evaluation etc. . ..
8.4 -However, teachers in service who possess Ph. D. at the time of coming into force of this order
or having been enrolled for Ph. D. have already undergone course-work, if any, as well. as
evaluation, and only notification- in regard to the award of Ph. D. is awaited, shall also be
entitled to the award of three non-compounded increments even if the university awarding such
Ph. D. has not yet been notified.
8.5 Teacher in service who have not yet enrolled for Ph. D. shall therefore derive the benefit of
ce only if such enrolment
- three -non-compounded increments on award of Ph. D., while in servi
is with a University recognized by UGC/AICTE. -
8.6 Teachers who acquire M. Tech. Degree in a relevant branch/discipline recognized by a
statutory University while in service, shall be entitled to one advance increment.
8.7 Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing clauses, those who have already availed the
benefits of advance increnieñts for possessing Ph. .D.iM.Tech. at the entry level under the earlier
scheme shall tiot be entitled to the benefit of advance increments at the entry level
under this Scheme. •. -. . ' . - -

8.8 For posts at the entry level where no such advance increments were admissible for possessing
Ph. D./M. Tech. under the earlier scheme, the benefit of five advance increments for possessing
Ph. D./M. Tech. shall be available to only thOse appointments which have been made on or
after the coming into force of this Scheme. As the Scheme is implemented with effect from
I -1 2006 those teachers appointed between 1-1-2006 and the date of this order, with Ph. D.
at the entry level shall not be entitle to advance increments 'at, the entry level again but
hbwever will be eligible for the benefits specified in clause 8.4 above.
9. Other terms and conditions
9.1 Increments •'

9,. 1.1. Each annual increment shall be equ{valent to 3% of the suth total of pay in the relevant, Pay
Band and the AGP as applicable'for the stage in the Pay Band.
9.1.2 Each advance increment shall also be at the rate of 3% of the sum total of pay in the relevant'
-. Pay Band and the AGP as applicable and shall be non-compoundable. .
9.1.3 The number of additional increment(s) on placement at each higher stage of AGP shall be as
per the existing scheme of increment bn promotion from lower Pay Scale 'to higher Pay Scale;
however, in view of the considerable raise in effe&ive pay between the two Pay Bands, there
shall be no additional. increment on movement from the Pay Band' of Rs. 15600-319100 to. the
Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000.
9.1.4. All issues relating to grant of advance 'increments to teachers engaged in engineering/
technical courses in' the University system shall be subject to recommendations of the
Committee separately constituted by the Central Government for pay review of teachers in
technical education.

92 Pay Fixation Formula

The pay fixation 'formula'is furnished in Appendix I 'and the Fitment Table approved as per
notification second ciedis given in Appendix II.
9.3 Allowances
9.31 Dearness Allowance: The employees who opt for the AICTE S.cheme-with effect from
1-1-2006 will be eligible for the' following 'rates of Dearness Allowance frcim the date
mentioned below:"
Date from which Payable Percentage Rite of DA per Month
1-1-2006 'Nil
1-7-2006 2'',
1-1-2007 6.
1-7-2007 9
1-1-2008 12
1-7-2008 16.
1-1-2009' 22
1-7-2009 27
The payments' of DA from the dates indicate abov shall be made after adjusting the
installments of DA already. paid.'

9.3.2 Other Allowances: Allowances other than Dearness Allowance shall be as applicable to State
Government employees.
9.4 Study 'Leave: The study' leave with'pa for acquiring higher qualifications for incumbent
teachers shall be in accordance with the regulations framed by AICTE from time to time in this
9.5 'Research Promotion Grant: The Research Promotion Grant is applicable to teachers shall
be in accordnce with the regulations 'framed by the AICTE from 'time to time in this regard.
9.6 Sabbatical Leave:' In 'Order to encourage interface between technical education and industry
a faculty ñiember in an Engineering College shall be giverv Sabbatical Leave for six mtnths 'for
working in an industry after completion of six years of teachihg. Such leave however shall be
available to a teacher only twice' in his/her teaching career. ,
9.7 Age of Superannuation: The age of superannuation is at present 55 for Engineering College
Teachers 'shall continue as such. .
9.8 Consultancy Assignment: Consultancy assignments applicable to teachers shall be as pr
regulation framed in this regard by the AICTE.
99 Pension
9.10 Family Pension . •. as applicable
9.11 Additional Quantum of Pension to-senior pensioners to State
9.12 Gratiity and Encashment of Leave Goveniinent
9.13 Ex-gratia Compensation j Employees
9.14 Provident Fund
.9.15 Anomalies of the last PRC: Anomalies and unimplemented recommendations of the last pay
review committee if any shall be decided in accordance with the Orders and guidelines issued
by AICTE in this re'gard from time to time.
Anomalies of the Sixth Pay Implementation: Anomalies if any.in the implementation of

the pay scales may be brought to the notice of-the Depa±ment of Higher Education for,
clarifications/decisions in accordance with AICTE orders and guidelines issued from time to
Faculty. Norms and work load Faculty norms and w&k load shall be as fixed by the
AICTE from time to .time and/or as notifiej by the Government of Kerala.- -
Fixation of Pay and Grant of Benefits: The pay, allowances and benefits entitled/accruing
by this order shall be mdê only in terms of the Formula for Fixation ofPay, Fixation Table
and Illustrations subject to approval by the Accountant General. I

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to Government.
- The Director of Thnica1 Education. .
Registrars of All Universities. • . . - .
Regional Director, AICTE, Southern Region, Bangalore.
The Secretary, KPSC, Thiruvananthapuram (with C. L.). .
The Director of Information and Public Relations. .
Principals of all Engineering (olleges. . .. . . .
General Administration (SC) Department (vide item No. 5275 dated 26-10-2010).
All Sections of the Higher Education Department.
- All Managements. and Principals of Aided Colleges.
- The Accountant General, Kerala, Thinivananthapuram (this issues with the concunence of Finance
Department). .. . . . . .

The Finance Department (vide U. 0. No. 80650/Educati6n C3/10/Fin. dated212-2010).

Stock File/Office Copy.
Copy to:
.Private Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister. . .
Private Secretary to .Hon'ble Minister for Education and Culture.
P. A. to Principal Secretary. - . .



I. The pay of teachers in Technical Education and. Engineering Colleges, Plysica1 Education Teachers
and Librarians shall be fixed in the revised scales of pay in the following manner:
The pay in the pay band/pay scale will be determined by multiplying the basic pay as on
1-1-2006 by a factor 1.86 and rounding off the resulting figure to the next multiple of 10.
If the minimum of the revised jay band/pay scale is more than the amount arrived as
per (1) above, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay band/pay scale.
Where, in the fixation of pay, the pay a teacher drawing pay at two or more consecutive stages
in an existing scale gets bunched, that is to say, gets fixed in the revised pay structure at the
same stage in the pay band, then, fçr every to stages so bunched, benefit of one increment
shall be given so as avoid bunching of more than two stages in the running pay bands. For this
purpose, the increment will be calculated on the pay in the pay band. Grade pay would not be
taken into account for the purpose of granfing increments to alleviate bunching.

If by stepping up of the pay as above, the pay of a teacher gets fixed at stage in the revised
pay band/pay scale (where applicable) 'which is higher than the stage in the revised pay band at
which the pay of a teacher who was drawing pay at the next higher stage or stages in the same
existing scale is fixed, the pay of the 'latter shall be stepped up only to the extent by which it
falls short of that of the former. . ., . .
The pay in the pay band will be determined in the above manner. In addition to the pay in the
pay band, academic grade pay corresponding to the existing scale will be applicable.,
Rate of increment in the pay structure:—The rate of increment in the pay structure will be
3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and academic grade pay applicable, which will be .
rounded'off to the next multiple of 10. The amount of increment will be added to the existing
pay in the pay band. . .
Date of next increment. in the revised pay structure:—There will be a uniform date .of
annual increment, namely, .11 July of every year. Teachers completing 6 months and above in
the revised pay structure as on 11 of July will be eligible to be. granted the increment. The first
incfement after fixation of pay on 1-1-2006 in the ,.revised pay structure will be granted on
1-7-2006 to those teachers, for whom the date of next increment was between 1st of
July, 2006 to 1stt January, 2007. ..
8; In case of persons who had been drawing maximum of the existing scale fOr more than a year.
as on the 1 day of January, 2006, the next increment in the revised pay structure shall be
allowed on the first day .of January, 2006. Thereafter the provisions of rule (7) above would
apply. . . . . .
In cases where an emplOyee reaches the maximum of his/her pay band, shall be placed in the
next higher pay band after one year of reaching such a maximum. At the, time of placement in
the next higher pay band, benefit of one increment will be provided. Thereafter, he/she will
continue to move in the higher pay band till his pay in the pay band reaches the maximum of
pay band 4, after which no further increments will be granted.
Fixation of pay on placement/promotion on or after 1-1-2006:—In, case of placementl
promotion from one academic grade pay to another in the revised pay structure, the fixation will
be doie as follows :
3f4836110. '

One increment equal to 3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the existing academic
grade pay will be computed and rounded, off to the next multiple of 10. This will be addecf to
the existing pay, in the pay band. The academic grade pay corresponding to the promotion 'pOst
will thereafter be granted in addition to this pay in the pay band. In cases where promotion
involves change in the pay' band also the same methodology will be followed. However, if the
pay in the pay band after adding the increment is less than the minimum of the higher pay band
to which promotion is taking place, the pay in the pay band will be stepped to such minimum.
In view of the considerable raise in effective pay between'the two pay bands, there shall be no
additional increment on movement from the pay band. 3 to pay band 4.

11. Exercise of option:—The employees who are eligible to come uner the revised AICTE
Scheme have an opportunity of exercising option to come over to the revised scale on a' later
date other than 1-1-2006. Provided that the option should be, exercised, within three months'
from the date .of this order. The option should be submitted in writing in the form prescribed in.
Appendix III 'to Accountant General in the 'case of Government Engineering College teachers

Director of Technical Education concerned in case' aided college teachers.

Provided' that—

In case of an employee, on the date of order, out of 'India or on' leave or. deputation or foreign
service, the said option shall be exercised, in writing so as to reach the said authority within three
months of the date' of taking charge of post. . .

Where an employee is under suspension on. the, first day of January, 2006, the 'option may be
exercised within three months of the date of return to duty if that date is later than the date
prescribed in this rule

If the intimation regarding option is not received within the time mentioned in sub-rule (i), the
employee shall .be deemed to have elected to be govened.by the revised pay structurà with
effect from the 111 day. of January,' 2006.

, The option once exercised shall be final.

Note:-1. Persons whose services are terminated' on or after 1st January, 2006 and who cOuld not
exercise the option within' the prescribed time limit, on account of discharge otr.the expiry of
the sanctioiied posts, resignation, dismissal or discharge on disciplinary grounds, are entitled to'
the benefit of this rule.

I'ote:-2. Persons who have died on or after the 1st' of January, 2006 and could not exercise option
within the prescribed time limit' are deemed to have been opted the revised pay structure from
the 11 of January,' 2006 or such date as is most beneficial to their dependents:

Note:-3. Persons who were on leave on 1- 1-2006,' which entitled to them leave salary will be allowed
the benefits of this rule.

The form of option is 'given as Appdix III.




(0 Incumbent Assistant Professor (currently Lecturer)

Pre-revised scale Revised Pay Band +AGP

Rs. 8000-275-13500 (Group.A entry) Rs. 15600-39100± AGP 6000
Revised Pay 3

Pre-revised Basic Pay Pay in the Academic Revised

Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay '

8000 :- 15600 6000 ,21600

8275 - 15600 6000 21600

8550 15910 6000 21910


8825 16420 6000 22420

9100 1630 6000 22930

9375 17440 6000 23440

9650 ; 17950 6000 23950

995 18470 - 6000 24470

10200 -- 18980 6000 24980

1047' 19490 6000- - - 25490

10750 .-. 20000 6000 26,000

•. 11025 20510 6000 26510

11300 - 21020 .: 6000 27020

.11-575 -. .21530 6000 -. 27530

11850 22050 6000- 28050
. 12125 •. : 22560- 6000 28560

12400 '. . 23070 6000 - - 29070

12675 , '• 23580 - 6000 29580-

12950 24090 6000 30090

13225, • 24600 6000 30600

• 13500 - 25110 6000 31110

13775 • 25630- 6000 31630

'14050 - . 26140 • - 6000 32140 -•

14325 -,: • . '26650 -6000 . 32650




(i) incumbent Assistant ProfessOr [Currently Lecturer (Sr. Scale)]

Pre-revised scale Revised Pay Band +AGP

Rs. 10000-325-15200 Rs. 15600-39100+AGP 7000
Revised Pay
Pre-revised Basic Pay Pay in the Academic .Revised
- Pay Band Grade Pay Basic ,Pay

10000 18600 7000 25600

10325 . 19210 - 7000 ' 26210

10650 ... 19810 7000 26810

10975 20420 7000: 27420


11300 21020 7000 28020

.11625 21630 - 7000 28630

11950 22230 7000 . '29230

12275 22840 7000; 29840

12600 23440 7000 30440

12925 24050 7000 31050

13250 24650 7000 31650

13575 . 25250 7000 32250

13900 25860 ', :7000 3280

14225 . 26460 . 7000 . . 33460 -

14550 . 27070 7000 ., 34070 •.

14875 . . 27670 7000 . . 34670.

15200 - 28280 7000 35280

15525 .28880 7000 - 35880

. 29490 7000 3,6490 .•

16175 . 30090. 7000 31090



(i) Incumbent Assistant Professor; and Lecturers (SG) [Currently Assistant Professor and
Lecturers (SG) with less than 3 years of service]

Prë-revised scale Revised Pay Band +AGP

Rs. 12000-420-18300 Rs. 15600-39100+ AGP 8000
Revised Pay
Pre.-revised Basic Pay Pay in the Academic 'Revised
Pay Band Grade Pay Basic Pay

12000 22320 8000 30320

12420 23110 8000 31110

12840 23890 8000. 31890


13260 .. 24670 8000 32670

13680 25450 8000 33450

141Q0 . 26230 8000 34230

14520 27010 8000 35010

14940 27790 • 8000 35790

15360 28570 • 8000 36570

15780 29360 8000 . 37360

16200 • 30140 8000 •. 38140

16620 30920 8000 38920 •

17040 31700 V 8000 • 39700


17460 - 32480 8000 . 40480

17880 • 33260 8000 41260V

18300 • . 34040 • 8000 • 42040,

1720 • • 34820 8000 •• 42820 •
• •V •

- 19140 35610 . 8000 . 43610

19560 3639.0 • . 44390

- S - -


(i) Incumbent Associate Professors [Currently Assistant Professor and Lecturers (SG) with 3 years
or more of Service in the pre-revised scale of 12000-18300]

Pterevised scale . Revised Pay Band +AGP

U iiniu_,fl(L1flfl Rs. 37400-67000±AGP 9000
Revised Pay
Pre-revisêd Basic Pay Pay in the Academic Revised
Pay Baid Grade Pay Basic Pay.

13260 37400 9000 46400

13680 9000 46400

141 00 37400 9000 4640


14520 37400 9000 46400

14940 38530 9000 47530

15360 38530 - 9000 -. 47530

15780 3.9690 9000 48690

16200 39690 - 9000. 48699'

16620 - 40890. 9000 49890

17040. 40890 -- 9000 49890

17460 42120 .9000 51120

17880 42120 9000 51120

18300 4339 9000' 52390 I

18720 43390 9000 52390

19140 44700 ' '- 9000 - -. 53700

19560 44700 9000 •• . 53700


TLE5 -

(1) Incumbent Professor in Colleges and Technical Educati6n Department'

Pre-revised. scale Revised Pay Band +AGP

Rs. 16400-450-20900-500-22400 (S27 and S29 Rs. 37400-67000+AGP 10000
Revised Pay . .

Pre-revised Basic Piy. Pay in the Academic Revised

• Pay Band Grade Pay .Basic Pay

'16400 40890 10000 50890

16850 40890 10000 50890

17300 42120 10000 52120


. 42120 10000 .52120

-I .• - 18200 ' - 43390 10000 - 53390

18650 - 43390 ' 10000 53390

19F00 '447.00 10000 54700

. .
19550 .. - 44700 - 10000. 54700

20000 46050 10000 56050

20450 . 46050 10000 - 56050 -

20900 - . . ••. .47440 . 10000 57440

• 21400 • . 47440. • . 10000 . .57440
21900 48870 10000 58870
22400 • .• 48870 10000 58870
22900 • .
50340 • : 10000 . ' 60340
23400 •- 50340 • 10000 -. 60340
23900.' . . 51860 . . 10000 6180


Incumbent Principals -

Pre-revised Scale
Rs. 18400-500-22400 Revised Pay Band
(minimum pay of Rs. 19400)
Revised Total
Basic Pay Basic Pay AGP Basic Pay

46050 10000+3000 59050


19900 47440 10000+3000 60440

20400 47440 10000+3000 60440

20900 48870 10000+3000 .. 61870


21400 48870 10000+3000 61870

50340 10000+3000 63340


51850 10000+3000. 64850



Director of Technical Education

Pre-revised Scale Revised PayBand

Rs. 22400-24500
Revised Jbtal
Basic. Pay . Basic Pay AGP. Basic Pay

51850 12000+4000 . 67850


. 53410 . 12000+4000 . . 69410


55020 .12.000+4000 ..• 71020


56680 12000+4000 72680

58380 12000+4000 .. 74380



[See G 0. .(P) No. ............................... dated ...................... .........

*(j) I• ................................ ............................................................................... (Name) hereby

elect the revised pay structire with effect from 1st January, 2OO6.

*(jj) 1 ...............................................................•................................................(Name) hereby

elect to continue in the existing scale of pay of my post mentioned below until

Existingscale of pay ..........................................................................................

Signature' ............................................................

Name' ..................................................................

Designation' ..................... ..

University /Collège: • .

Date: ....................................................


*To be scored out, if not applicable.





l. Existing . Revised
No. Category ,Scales of Pay Scales of Pay Designation

(1) (2). . (3•) .• .(5)

1 Lecturer . 8000-215-13500 15600-39100+AGP 6000. Assistant Professor

2 Lecturer (Sr. Scale) 10000-325-15200 15600-39100-t-AGP 7000 Assistant Professor

.3 Lecturer : 12000-420-18300 . 15600-39100+AGP 8000 Assistant Professor.

(Sel Grade)! . . . . . .

Reader/Assistant . . . . . •. . . . . -

Professor (with

. . . . .

less than 3 years .. . . . . . ..

of service) . . •. . . S

4 Lecturer . . 12000-420-18300 37400-67000ThAGP 9000 Associate Professor

(Sd. Grade)! . . . . .
. . . .

Reader/Assistant . . . .

Professor (with .

3 years of service) .

:5 Professor . 16400-450-22400 37409-67000+AGP 10000 Professor,

3740067000±AGP 12000

6 Principals of (i) 12000-420-18300 37400-67000+AGP 1000. 0+ Principal

Colleges. . Special Allowance of
•. .
. Rs. 2000 pm for under
. . .
. graduate colleges and
Rs. 3000 for post graduate
colleges .

(ii) I 6400-450-20900- 37400-67000+AGP 10000+ Principal
500-22400 Special Allowance of
Rs. 2000 pm for under
graduate colleges and
Rs. 3000 for post graduate
colleges . .

7 Director of 22450-525-24500 37400-67000+AGP.. Director of

Technical Education ' 12000+ Special . Technical Education
. Allowance of Rs. 4000 pm

8 Pro Vice-chancellor 18400-500-22400 37400-67000+AGP .

10000/12000+Special . .

S . . . • Allowance of Rs. 4000 pm .


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

9 Vice-Chancellor 25000 (fixed) 75000 (Fixed)± Special

Allowance of Rs. 5000 pm

For Universities

10 Asst. Librarian! 8000-275-13500 . 15600-39100±AGP. 6000 Assistant Librarian!

Asst. Director of Assistant Director of
Physical Education Physical Education

ti. Asst. Librarian! 10000-325-15200 15600-39100+AGP 7000. Assistant Librarian!

Asst. Director of .. Assistant Director of
Physical Education . Physical Education
(Sr. Scale) . . .. . (Sr. Scale)

12 Deputy Librarian! 12000-420-18300

. . 15600-39100+AGP 8000 Dputy Librarian!
Assistant Librarian. . . . . . . Assistant Librarian
(Sel: Grade) Deputy . (Sel. Grade) Deputy
• Director of Physical . . Director of Physical.
Education (Sel. Grade) . .. . .. Education (Sel.
(with less than 3 . . . Grade) (with less than
years of service) . . 3 years of service).
13 Deputy Librarian!. 12000-420-18300.
. 37400-67000+AGP 9000 Deputy Librarian!
Assistant Librarian . . . Assistant Librarian
(Sel. Grade) Deputy . . . . . (Sel. Grade) Deputy
Director of Physical . Director of Physical
Education (Sel. Grade) . . . Education (Sel.
(with 3 years of . . . . . Grade) (with 3 years
service)/Assistant . . . . . . of service) Assistant
Director, ofPhysical . . . Director of Physical
. Education (Sel. . . . Education(Sel.Grade)
Grade) (with. 3 years . . . (with 3 years of
of service) . . ., service)

14 Librarian,Directorof 16400-450-22400 37400-67000+AGP10000 Librarian/Director of

Physical Education • . . Physical Education
. .

For Colleges .

1 1

15 College Librarian! 8000-275-13500 15600-39100+AGP 6000 . College Librarian!

Director of . •• . Director of
Physical Education • • . . • Physical Education

16 College Librarian! 10000-325-15.200 15600-39100±AGP 7000 College Librarian!

Director of • •• • • • Director of Physical
Physical Education • • • • Educailon (Sr. Scale)
(Sr. Scale) . • .• • • .

(1) 2) (3) (_________

,17 College Librarian! 12000-420-18300 15600-39100+AGP 8000 College Librarian!

Director of, Director of Physical
Physical Education Education (Si. Grade)
($L Grade) (with less (with 3 years of
3 years of service) service)
18 College Librarian! 12000-420-18300 '37400-67000+AGP 9000 College Librarian!
Director of Director of Physical
Physical Education Education (Sl. Grade)
(Sl. Grade) (with ' (with 3 years of
3 years of service) - service)


A Lecturer is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 8275 as on 1-8-2005 in the existing scale of pay of
Rs. 8000-275-13500. in the revised pay structure • 'the applicable Pay Band is 15600-39100 with
Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 6000. His date of increment is 1St August every year..
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows:
Basic Pay . ... ..= R& 8275
1.86x Basic Pay . .. . . Rs. 153'92
Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 15400
Pay in'the PayBand (as per Fitment Table) = Rs. 15600
AGP applicable •. .. . = Rs 6000
Revised Basic Pay . = Rs. 21600
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 21600 and re-designated as Assistant Professor. Th next
date of arnua1 increment shall be 11 July, 2006 and pay. after increment is Rs. 22250. .

A Lecturer (Sr. Scale) is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 11625 as. on 1-102005 'in the existing
scale of pay of Rs. 10000-325-152Q0. In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is 15600-
39100 with Academjc Grade Pay of Rs. 7000. His date of increment is 1st. October every year.
His pay in the revised Pay Band .shall be fixed as follows': .• .

Basic Pay .. . . = Rs. 11625

1.86xBasic Pay . . . = . .i; 21623

'Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 =. Rs. 21630
Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitfnent Table) = Rs. 21630
AGP applicable, . . . . .. . = Rs. .7000
Revised Basic Pay . . . . . . = Rs. 28630

He shall b.flxed
% ic Pay
at Basic PfRs.o 2863. 0 and re-designated as Assistant Professor. The next
date of annual increment shall be 1st July, 2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 29490.

.A lecturer is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 10200 as on 1-4-2005 in the existin scale of pay of
Rs. 8000-275-13500. His datebf increment is 1st April every year and he opts for revised pay.
on 1-3-2006. In the revised pay structure the applicable. Pay Band is 15600-39100 with Academic
Grade Pay of Rs. 6000. . .. . ..
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows: .
1. Basic Pay ..
. = Rs.10200 ..
2. Dearness. Pay .'. . . . . . . = Rs. 5100.
3. Dearness Allowance . . = Rs. 3213
4. Total emoluments (1+2+3) . . = Rs. 18513
5. Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 18520 .
6. . Pay in the. Pay Band -(as per Fitment Table). . . Rs.18980
7. AGP applicable . - . .. Rs. 6000
18. Revied Basic Pay . .. .• . . = Rs. 24980
He shall be fixed. at Basic Pay of Rs. 24980' and re-designated as Assistant Professor. The next

date of annual increment shall be .1st July, 2006 and pay after'incrernenLis •Rs.' 25730.
A lecturer (Sr. Scale) is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 14875 as on 1-2-2005 in the existing'
scalô of pay of Rs. 10000-325-15200. In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is
15600-39100 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs7000. His date of increment is 1st February every year.
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows: . . . . .
Basic Pay . .• . .= R.l4875
Dearness Pay . . . = Rs. 7438 '
Dearness Allowance . . = , Rs. 468.6 '
Total ern'olumei'its (1+2+3) . ' = .Rs. 26999
Rounding 6ff the 'resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 27000
.6. Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) . ' . 'Rs. 27670
7. AGP applicable . . . • .• . . .. = .'. . Rs. 7000
8. Revised Basic Pay ' .. = Rs. 34670
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of-Rs. 34670 and re-designated as Assistant Professor. The next
date of annual increment shall be 1st July, 2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 35720.

A lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader was 'placed in the pre-revised scale of 12000-420-18300 on
2-11-2004 and is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 12420 as on 1-11-2005 in the existing scale of pay.,
Since he has not completed three years in the pay scale of, 12000-420-18300 on 1-1-2006, the revised
Pay Band applicable is 15600-39100 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000. His date of-
increment is 1st November every. year; . . •
His pay in the revised Pay Bançl shall be fixed as follows:
Basic Pay • r . .. . =. Rs.12420

1.86xBasic Pay . . • . '. = Rs. 23101

3: Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs:231 10
Pay in the Pay' Band (as per Fitment Table) , Rs. 23110
AGP applicable '• • .' = Rs. 8000
Revised Basic Pay. ..- ' Rs.31110
': ' =


He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 31110 without change in his designation till he completes
three years in the pay scale of 12000-18300. Thereafter shall be placed in the higher pay Band
37400-67000 with AGP 9000 as described in il1utratiàn-6 dnd shall be re-designated a
Associate Professor. The next date of annual increment in PB-15600-39100 shall be. 1st July, 2006 and
pay after increment is Rs. 32050.

ALectu'rer (Selection .Grade)/Reader was placed in, the pre-revised scale of
12000-420-18300 on 2-11-2004.and is drawing abásic pay of Rs. 12420 as on 1-11-2005 in the
existing scale of pay. Since, he had not completed -three years in the pay scale of 12000-420-18300 on
1-1-2006, the revised, Pay Band applicable as on 1-1-2006' is 15600-39100 with Academic Grade Pay
of Rs. 8000. His pay in the revised Pay Band shall' be fixed as described in illustration 5 above and
shall draw th revised pay in PB- 1 5600-39100 till 2-11-2007 with the same designation as case may be.
Thereafter his pay on 2-11-2007 (i.e. on completion of three years from the date of placement in
Selection Grade/Reader) shall be fixed as follows:

Basi Pay' as on 2-11-2007 e would have drawn

inpre-evised Scale) . . =. Rs. .1360

1.86xBasicPãy ' .. ' . ' ' = Rs. 24664

Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 ' Rs. 24670

Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) ,. . = Rs. 37400

AGP applicable . ' ' =. Rs. 9000

Revised Basic Pay ' . ' . Rs. 46400

He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs.46400 ason 2-11-2007 and re-designated as Asociate
Professor. The 'next date of annual increment shall be 1st July 2008 and pay after
increment is Rs. 47800.

A ' Lecturer ('Selection Grade)/Reader was placed in the pre-revised scale 'of
12000-420-18300 on 27-7-1998 and is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 14940 as on 1-7-2005. in the
existing ' scale of pay. Since he has completed more than three years in the pay scale of
12000-420-18300 on 1-1-2006, the, revised Pay Band applicable is 37400-70O0 with Academic
Grade.Pay of 'Rs. 9000: His date of increment is 1st July every year. His pay in The revised Pay Band
shall be fixed as 'follows :

1.' Basic Pay , . , . ' Rs. 14940

1:86xBasic Pay " ' .' . ' 'Rs.27788 .

Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = , Rs. '27790.
Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table)' = Rs. 38530
AGP applicable '. ', .. . ', ' = •Rs. 9000
Ievised Basic Pay' ' .. ' = , Rs. 47530
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of R. 47530 and re-designated as Associate .Professoii The next
date of annual increment Shall be 1st July, 2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 48960.

A Professor is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 20450 as on 1-7-2005 in the existing scale of pay of
Rs. 16400-22400. In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is 37400-67000 with
Academic Grade.Pay of Rs. 10000. His date of increment is 1St July every year.
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows:
Basic Pay = Rs..20450
Dearness Allowance = Rs. 7362
1.86xBasic Pay = Rs. 38037
Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 . Rs. •38040
Pay in the Pay Band (as perFitment Tablë . =. Rs. 46050
6: .AGP applicable . . . . . = Rs. 10000
7. Revised Basic Pay . . . Rs. 56050
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 56050. The next date of annual increment shall be 1st July,
2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 57740.

. . .
. 'A.Principal is drawing .a basic pay of Rs. 17040 as on 1-9-2005 in the existing scale of pay of
Rs.: 12000-420-18300 (mm. at Rs.. 12840). 'In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is
37400-67000 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000. His date of increment is 1st September eVery
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows:
1.. Basic Pay . .= Rs 17040,
' 2. 1.86xBasic'Pay . = Rs.31694
3. Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 31700
4. Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Talle) = Rs. 40890
5. AGP applicable ,. . . = Rs. 10000
6. Revised Basic Pay .. . .= Rs. 50890 .
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 50890. The 'next date of annual increment shall be 1st July,
2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 52420. .

A Principal is drawing a baip pay of Rs. 21400 as on 1-12-2005 in 'the existing scale of pay of
Rs. 16400-22400. In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is 37400-67000 'with' Academic
Grade Pay of Rs. 10000; His date of increment is 1st December every year.
His pay in the revised Pay. Band shall be fixed as follows, :
Basic Pay . '. . ' = Rs. 21400
, 1.86xBasic Pay . .. ' ' = Rs.- 39408
Rounding off the resultant figure .to the next multiple of .10 = Rs. ¼394'10
Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment'Table) , '. = Rs. 47440
5. AGP applicable . - ' ' •.'
= Rs.• 10000
6.. Revised Basic Pay Rs. 57440
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 57440. The next date of annual increment shall be
1st July, 2006 and after increment, is Rs. 59170. • ..


The fixation of a Lecturer who was placed in the senior scale on 30-9-2002 and placed in the
Selection grade on 30-9-20O7
ALecturer (St Scale) is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 10975 as on 1-1-2006 in the existing scale
of pay of Rs. 10000-325-15500. In the revised pay structure the applicable Pay Band is 15600-39.100
with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 7000. His date of increment is 1 st September every year.
His pay in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed as follows • :
1.. Basic Pay . . . = Rs. 10975.
2. 1.86xBasic Pay = Rs. 20414
3. Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 Rs. 20420
4. Pay in the Pay Band ,(as per Fitment Table) := Rs. 20420
5. AGP applicable . . .= Rs. 7000
= Rs.27420

6.. Revised Basic Pay . . .

He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 27420. The next date of annual increment shall be 1st July,
- 2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 28250. . ..
As on 1-7-2007, his basic pay is 29100 (28250 + 3% increment) . . S.

He was placed in the Lecturer selection grade on 30-9-2007 and his pay is fixed as follows: .
1. . Basic Pay . . . . = Rs. 29100
2. Pay in the pay band . . . . . = Rs. 22100

One increment equal.to3%Qf the sumof the pay in

the pay band and the existing academic. grade .pay .. .
(APPENDIX -I) . = Rs. 880
New pay in the Pay Band = Rs.22980
. AGP applicable . . . = Rs. 8000
Revised Basi Pay .. .. . = Rs.30980
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 30980 without change in his designation till he completes
three.years. Thereafter shall.be placed in the higher pay Band 37400:67000 with AGP 9000 as
described below:
. Hecompletes 3 years in selection grade on 30-9-2010 and his pay is fixed as follows:
1. Basic Pay as on 3-9-2010 (he.would have . .
drawn in pre-revised Scale) •. . . . . = Rs. 13260

2. 1.86xBasic Pay . . .. = Rs. 24664

3. Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = . Rs. 24670
4. Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) . Rs. 37400

5. AGP applicable' . . . = Rs. 9000

6. Revised Basic Pay . Rs. 46400 .
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of R$. 46400 as on 30-9-2010 and re-desgnated as Associate
Professor. The next date of annual increment shall be 1st July, 201.1 and pay after increment is
Rs.47800. S • . 1 . .


The fixation of a lecturer who was placed in .the senior scale on 30-9-2004 and placed in the
Selection Grade on 30-9-2009

A lecturer (Sr. Scale) is drawing a Basic Pay of Rs. 10325 as on 1-1-2006 in the existing scale
of pay of Rs. 10000-325-15500. In the revised pay structure the.applicable Pay Band is 15600-39100
with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 7000. His date. of increment is 1st September every year.

His pay. in the revised Pay Band shall be fixed- as follows:' . . .

Basic Pay . . . . . . .. . = Rs. 10325

1.86xBási6 Pay . '• . . . = • Rs 19205

Rounding off the resultanf figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 19210
4. Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) = Rs. 19210

AGP applicable . . . = Rs. 7000 .

Revised Basic Pay . .' = Rs. 26210

He-shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 26210. The next date of annual increment shall be 1st July
2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 27000. • ' . •

His Basic pay in subsequent years will be as f011ows: , . .. .

. 1. As on 1-7-2007 is 27810 (27000 + 3% increment) . • -

2. As on 1-7-2008 is 28650 (27810 + 3% increment) .. .

3. As on 1-7-2009 is 2,9510 (28650 + 3% increment)

He was p1ced in the Lecturer Sel. Grade on 30-.9-009 and his pay, is fixed as follows:.

1. Basic Pay , , - . . . Rs.29510'

2: Pay inthe Pay Band : . •. = .R.22510

- . 3. One increment equal to 3% of the sum of the pay in the . ' •, .

'pay band and the, existing academic grade pay -
(APPENDIX-I) -.. .' .. •' = Rs. 890 '

. 4. New ay in the Pay Band • , ". : , Rs. 23400

AGP applicable . , . = Rs. 8000 '

'Revised Basic•Pay . .. , • . = Rs.31400 -

He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs-. 3.1400 without• change in his designation till he completes
three years Thereafter shall be placed in the higher Pay Band 37400-67000 with AGP 9000 as
described in illustration-Il.

, • . . . . •
26 •. -


Fixation of Assistant Professor who was promoted is Professor in the pre revised
scale on 1-7-2007

An Assistant Professor in the pre revised scale is drawing a Basic Pay of Rs 17040 in the existing
scale of pay of Rs. 12000-375-18000. In the revised pay.structure, the applicable Pay Band is
37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 9000. His pyin the revised Pay band shall be fixed as follows:

Basic Pay on 1-1-2006 . Rs. 17040

1.86xBasicPay. . Rs. 31694

Pay rounded i5ff . = Rs. 31700

Pay in the Pay Band =Rs.40890


AGP .. =Rs. 9000

Revised Basic Pay S = Rs. 49890

The pay is fixed at Rs. 49890. on 1-1-2006 and re-designated as Associate - Professor.

The next increment date is on 1-7-2006 ... . .

Increment on 1-72006 = 49890 x 0.03 - = Rs. 1496.7

Basic Pày after increment =40890+1500 = R. 4'2390 .

. V. . V.

Pay after increment 42390.(BP) + 9000 (AGP) = Rs. 51390 V


increment on 1-7-2007 =513904.03 . . Rs. 1541.7

Basic Pay after increment = 42390+1550 = Rs 43940

Pay, after increment 43940 (BP)+9000(AGP) . Rs. 52940 V

He was promoted as Professor in the pre revised scale on 2-7-2007 in the existing scale of pay
of Rs.14300-45Q-19250. In the revised pay' strucinre, the applicable Pay Band is 37400-67000 with
AGP of Rs.10000. His pay in the revised Pay band shall be fixed as follows:

Basic Pay before promotion = Rs. 43940

Pay before promotion = 43940 (BP) + 9000 (AGP) = Rs. 52940. . V

Fixation increment = 1590 (3%'of 51390) . . . . . .

B P fixed in the profesbr grade = 42940+ 1590 . Rs. 44,530, . .

AGP in Professor grade . .' . . = Rs. 10000


Total Pay . . . . = . 54530


Next increment on 1-7-2008 V •• . . .. .

V . .

- . ILLusTRATIpN 14 '
Fixation of a teacher who jomed m service on 1-6-1984, placed in the selection grade on
1-6-1997 and promoted as Assistant Professoron 2-4-2001

The teacher was placed in . the pre-revised scale of RJ2000-420-18300 on 1-6-1997

and is drawing a Basic Pay of Rs.15360 as on 1-1-2006 in the pre revised scale of pdy. Since he has
completed more than three years in the pay scale of 12000-420-18300 on 1-1-2006, the revised Pay
Band applicable is 37400-670.00 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 9000. His date of increment is
1st July evety year. His pay, in the revised Pay band shall be fixed as ;follows:.

Basic. Pay . . . . . '. . Rs. 15360' .

1.8'6x 'Basic Pay '.' ' . ; .:' = Rs. 28569.6

1 Rounding off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. 285,70
Pay in "the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) = Rs. 38530

.AGP applidable ' ,. .. = 'Rs. 900.0 'S

Revised Basic Pay .. ' ' ' ' . , = Rs. 47530

He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 47530 on 1-12006 and re-designated as Associate
Professor. The next date of annual increment shall be 1 st July, 2006 and pay after increment is
Rs. 48,96.0..

As per 6.1.13, Associate Professor completing 3 years of service in the' AGP of Rs. 9000 and
.ossessing a Ph.D. degree [except as otherwise provided in this.order (Clause 5.7)] ih the relevant
discipline shall be re-designated as Professor. As pcI Clause 6.1.15, for an incumbent Assistant Professor,
the experience at the level' of Assistant Professor shall be considered;as equi'alent to experience at the
level of Associate Professor.

'The teacher' was promoted as 'Assistant Professor in the pre-revised ,scale' as on 2-4-2001.
The teacher has completed more than 3 years as Assistant Professors in the pre-revised scheme on
1-1-2006 and hence he shall be re-designated as Professoras on 1-1-2006 and his pay in the revised
'Pay band shall be fixed as follov's::

Basic Pay before promotion , ' , = Rs. 38530 '

Pay before promotion = 38530 (B) + 9000 (AGP) . = Rs. 47530

'Fixation increment = 1430 (3% of 47530)'

B P fixed in the Professor grade '= 38530+ 1430 '' ' Rs. 39960

AGP in Professor grade = Rs..10000

1otid Pay : ' . , = Rs. 49960.

'He shallbe fixed at Basic Pay of R. 49960 on 1-1-2006 and re-designated as Professor. The
'next date of anniial increment shall be 1st 'July, 2006 and pay after increment is Rs. 51460.
Next increment on 1-7-2006

Fixation of a teacher who joined in servite on 1-5-1992, placed in the selection grade
on 1-5-2003 and acquired Ph.D. while in service
A Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader was placed in the prerevised scale of Rs.12000-420-18300
on 1-5-2003 and is drawing a Basic Pay:bf Rs. 13680 as on 1-1-2006 in the existing scale of pay.
Since he has not completed three years in the pay scale of Rs.12000-420-18300 on.,1-1-2006, the
Revised Pay Band applicable is 15600 —39100 with Academic (rade Pay of. Rs. 8000. His pay
in the revised Pay band shall be fixed as follows: ..
'Basic Pay.' ' '• . •. = Rs. 13260
1.86xBásic Pay . . = Rs. 24664
Rounding Off the resultant figure to the next multiple of 10 = Rs. .24670
4; Pay in the Pay Band (as per Filmént Table) . = Rs. 24670
AGP applicable . .' .. Rs. 8000
Revised Basic . = ,Rs. 32670
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. . 32670 . without. change .. in his designation till he

completes three years in the pay scale of Rs.12000-18300 on 1-5-2006. Thereafter shall be placed in
the Higher Pay Band 37400-67000 with AGP 9000 as described below and shall be re-designated
as Associate Professor: . . . . -. .. .
:1. Basic Pay as on 1-5-2006, (he would have. . .
drawn in prerevised Scale) . = Rs. 13680
2; 1:86 x Basic Pay . . = Rs. 25445
3. Rounding off the resultant ilgure to the next multiple of 10 =. Rs. 25450
4 Pay in the Pay Band (as per Fitment Table) .. • .37400

AGP applicable ,. '. . . = Rs. 1900

Revised Basic Pay .. . = Rs. 46400.
He shall, be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs. 46400 as on 1-5-2006 and re-designated as Associate
.Professor. The next date of annual increment shall be 1st July, 2007 and pay after increment is
As per 6.1.13, Associate .Professor',completing 3 years ofservice in the AGP of Rs. 9000 and
possessing a Ph.D. degree [except as; otherwise provided in this order (Clause 5.7)].in the relevant
discipline shall be re-designated. as Professor. . . . .. ..
The teacher who is having Ph.D., completes 3 years in the AGP of Rs.• 9000 Qh 1-5-2009. Hence
he shall be re-designated as Professor on 1-5-2009 and his pay in the Revised Pay Band shall be fixed
as follows:'
Basic Pay 'be'ore promotion ' ' - . Rs: 40240
Pay before promotion = 40240 (BP) + 9000 (AGP) .. = Rs. 49240
Fixation increment = 1480 (3% of 49240)
B 'P fixed in the Professor grade = 40240 ± 1480 =' Rs. 41720
AGP: in Professor grade , ' . -' . ' , Rs. 10000
Total Pay. ' ." . . ' Rs. 51-720
He shall be fixed at Basic Pay of Rs., 51.720 on, 1-5-2009 and re-designated as Professor.' The next
date of annual increment shall be 1st July, 2010 and pay after increment is Rs. 53280.
Next incrtheht on 1-7-2011
www.keralagovernmentorders.blogspot.in 29





[See G. O.(P)No.............................................dated ...............................................]

'L Name of the College/Upiversity :

2. Name of the Employee

3. Designation of the post in which pay is to


4. Pre-revised scale of pay applicable to the post :

5. Existing emoluments as on 1-1-2006


- (a) Basic Pay in (including stagnation :

- .-
inen if any) -

(b) Dearness Pay -

Dearness Allowance applicable AICPI.

average 536 (1982=100)

(ci) Total existing emoluments [(a) to (c)]

6. Revised pay band and academic grade pay :

conesponding to the pre-revised scale as
shown at (4) abbve-

7 Pay in the revised pay band in which pay :

is to be Fixed -as per the fitnent table at
Appendixil -•

8 Academic Grade pay to be applid as per
the fient table

9. Stepped up pay of junior with refrence to

the revised Pay of the junior, if applicabl
(Name of the junior is to be indicated
S disfily)

10 Revised with reference to SubstahtiVe pay, • : .•

if applicable

11. PersOnal pay, if any • -• : • S • •


12.. Resed emoluments after fixation. .

Pay in the revisçd Pay Band

Academic Grade Pay

Special pay if admissible :

Personal pay, if admissible

Nonprnclicing allowance, if admissible . .. . :

13. Date of next increment

Pay after increment.

Date of incrent
Pay in the Pay Aadeic Grade

. Pay

S .




. . . [See G. 0. () 389/10/H.Edn. dated 7-12-2010]

Name of the Coege/Univçrsity ••

Name of the incumbent
Name of the 'present 'post
, Pay Band, and Academic Grade pay of .'
present post
Designation of the higher post in vhich pay
is to re-fixed . . .
6 Date of placement to the higher post •
7; Pay Band of higher post ..:

' 8. Pay in the pay band of present post' :


Basic pay of the present post (sum total of pay

in the pay 'band and academic grade pay)
3 % of the basic pay (rounded off to the .next
niultiple of 10) . ,. '• •. .
.11. Pay, in the pay band fixed for the higher post :
(Total of columns 8 and 10) ,• , • .

Academic grade pay of the higher post : ••, ,'

Date of next increment • - ' .

,Pay after increment

Date of'iiicrement ,, ' • Pay in the ' Academic
, Pay Band . Grade Pay

Name and Signature of the.

. • Head qf the office

(Office Seal) ' '. ,. • ' ' - • '•


4 - -


(GO (P) No. 68/2000/H.Edn. Dated: 18-05-2000)



Higher Education - Revision of Scales of Pay of Teachers in Engineering Colleges

- Iftiplementation of the Sëherne Recommended by AICTE as approved by Gov-
ernment of India - Orders issued.

Higher Education (G) Department

G.O.(P) 68/2000/H.Edn.• . Dated 18.5.2000

'Read:- 1. G.O. (P) 81190/H.Edn. dt. 27.3.90.

Letter No.F.37-104/5 T.S.II dt. 9.10.98 from the Govt. of India,
MHRD,Dept. of Edn.
G.O. (Rt) No. 976/991H.Edn. dt. 28.8.99.

Government of India in their letter read as second paper above have
informed that the Central Government have decided to provide financial assist-
ance to The State Governments who wish to adopt and implement the 'Scheme of
revision of Pay Scales subject to the following terms and. conditions
The Central Government will provide financial assistance to the State Gov-
ernments which have opted for thee revised pay scales to the extent of 80%
of the additional expenditure involved in the implementation of the revision.
The State Government will meet the remaining 20% of the expenditure from
their own sources. .

The financial assistance, indicated above would be provided for the period
from 1.1.1996. to 31.3.2000.

(d) The entire liability on account, of revision of pay scales, etc., of teachers of
.. degree-lèvéUecfinical institutions would be taken over by the State Govern-
ment w.e.f. 1.4.2000.

(e) The Central assistance would be restricted to revision of pay scales in re-.
spect of only those posts which were in existence and filled upas on 1:.1.1996.

(f) The entire schemes of revision of pay scales, together with all the conditior
to be laid down in this regard by the AICTE is implemented by the Stal
I r

Governments as a composite scheme.

2. The government as per G.O. read as 3rd paper above have decided to accei
the revised AICTE scheme for revision of pay scales in principle and constitut€
a Committee to work out the details for the implementation of the scheme in ft
State and submit the recommendations for the consideration of the Govemmen
The Committee submitted its recommendations to the Government. Aft
having examined the recommendations, Government are pleased to issue the fo
lowing orders. .. .. "•-' .'

3.1. Coverage
.The revised AICTE scheme 1998 will be restricted to those categories of stä
only who were brought under the AICTE scheme 1986.

3.2. Date of Effect

The revised scales of pay effective from 1st January, '199.

3.1 Pay Scales •' .' . '. . . .

The 'revised 'scales of pay will be admissible to the various categories frp
.1/1/96 as given 'in Appendix I. While arriving at the revised scale of pay a C

1.1.1996, the Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Interim Relief, if any admissible
on 1.1.1996, will be taken into account.
The fixation of pay of Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Assistant Professors in tI
pre-revised scale of Rs. 3700-5700 who were selected strictly in accordance wi!
the stipulation with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Human Resourc
Development letter No.6-1188-T.5 dated 28.2.1989 and who were in position
Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Assistant Professor as 'on 1.1.1996 will be made in
manner that they get their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs. 14940/- in the revis
scale of ks. 12000-420-18300 as and when they complete 5 years service in ti
grade. ' ' •. . '

3:4Dearness Allowance and Other Allowances

The 'revised scale 'of pay and Dearness Allowances will be given' from 1.1.19
The teachers will be entitled to receive the Dearness Allowance at the rate âdm
sible:to the. State Government Employees from time to time. They will be entitI
to ,receive. other allowances viz., House Rent Allowance, city Compensatq1

3 -

- Allowance etc., from the date of order at the rate applicable to the employees of
State Government. Regarding the DA of the employees who -opt for-AICTE scale
with effect from 1.1.. 1996 will be eligible for the following rates of DA from the
dates mentioned below.
Dates from which Rates of DA per
-payable mensum.
1.L1996 - Nil
1.7.1996 . 4%
- - 1.-1.1997 - -. 8%
- 1.7.1997 - 13%
V .

- 3.5. -Payment of Arrears


- -. -• -- -.-- -
.The thears.wilibe- paidfrpm.L1J996 The arrears upto the thteof order• -. V

Will be credited to the General Provident Fund Account of the individual. V

3.6. Incentives for Ph.D/M.TecJi. - ••. -. --

1 At the time of recruitment as lecturers, four and two advances mcre-
-- ments will be admissible to those of the Science/Humamties faculties
who hold Ph.D and M.PbiI. respectively and to those of the Technical
--- faculty, who hold Ph.D. and M.E.IM.Tech. Degrees respectively.
2 A Lecturer with Ph D will be eligible for two advance increments when
he/she moves into Selection Gràde/Assistànt Profesor..
. -. 3. Lectures, will be eligible- for two advance increments as and when they
acquire Ph.D degree. in their service career. - -
Note : All the incentives mentioned above will be effective only from 9-10-1998
z e, the date of issue of letter of Muustry of Human Resources Develop-
- inent Government of India.

- . - 3.7. Age of Superannuation . -. •.

- The age of superannuation will be 'the same as thatV of the State Government
V I 8rRm1m-t
The retirement benefits for teachers in Engineering Colleges will be allowed
as per the existing'Pensjon Rules of the State Govt. - •- •.

I 11I 3.9. Leave Rules

Leave Rules as per KSR will be continued for all teachers in Engineering
Colleges. •• .•

3.10.Workload and Staff Pattern - 11

3.10.1. Workload -
The norms of work load stipulated in the revised AJCTE scheme will be strictly

The total working hours of the faculty including Teaching, Research, Labo-
ratory, Drawing and Practical Classes, Assignment Valuation, Preparation for Class
work, Library and Reading, students counselling, guidance of extra curricular
activities of students and other similar activities in the campus will be 40 hours

per week. The following number of contact hours will be suggested for various
category of teaching posts. •. -

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Selection Grade Lecturer 16 hrs.

Assistant Professor 14 hrs.
Professor • S . 12 hrs.
Principal - 4 hrs.
In order to•cope up with the work load of 40 hours/week. a working -time of
8.30 A.M to 5 P.M will be ordered. To ensure the compliance PUNCIIING OF
ATTENDANCE will be introduced in Engineering Colleges.
The Heads of institution shall ensure that the above guidelines are complied
strictly in the institution. w
3.10.2 Staff pattern fai
The desirable ratio for Professor: Assistant Professor; Lecturer will be fixed
as 1:2:4 as per the norms of the AICTE. The teacher will engage in Group! Class
f wit
sizes for formal teaching in the ratio given below.
Student-Teacher Ratio teac
Theory Lecture Class 60:1 tioll
Tutorials 20:1
* catj
Lab practicaL/workshop! Drawing 15:1 stipi
-• -- Work .:... ••. - 9:1. bys
I -- -
- 5 -

3.10.3 Teaching days and accountability

AICTE urges upon the institutions and the Universities to strictly adhere -to
the number of working days IRRESPECTIVE of 'the date of admission. Under
Semester scheme the full length of semester (i,e.90 working days) must be run
before the students are permitted to take the examinations. Hence the number of
working days per semester will be fixed as 90. The stipulation' on workload and
number of teaching days should be strictly enforced.
Proper records should be maintained by the teachers as well as the College
authorities on the number of working days/teaching days attained. These records
must be made available for inspection of authorisedOfficer of the Department of

Technical - Education. The format of these records would be prescribed by the

Director of Technical Education.
In the Performance Appraisal of teachers, there should be an entry on the
actual number of teaching days achieved by the teachers. The Form of Perform-
ance Appraisal Report is given in Appendix IV A.
Student's Evaluation form is given in Appendix IV B.

3.10.4. The code of professional ethics should be applicable to all teaching

and non -teaching staff including Administrators (Appendix IV)
3.10.5. Qualifications and method of recruitment '
In G.O.(P) 81/901H.Edn. dated 27.3.1990, the AICTE scheme 1986 was
ordered to be implemented in the State. Even though the benefit of new pay scales
was given to the teachers the stipulations regarding qualification and method of
appointment to the various posts could not be enforced till date because 'of the
failure of Government to amend the existing Technical Education Special Rules
1967 in line with the AICTE scheme, 1986. The AICTE scheme was envisaged
-as a package to bring over all improvement in, standards of' technical education
with higher incentives by way of better pay scales and'also higher qualifications
and direct recruitment to higher level posts to ensure healthy competition among
teachers for better performance. The failure to adopt the stipulations on qualifica-
Ofis andecruit nentin 'State Government service has tesulted in higher emolu-

- ments without corresponding level of imprOvement in standards of technical edu-

cation. The AICTE scheme should' be implemented as a package only and the
stipulations on qualification and method of recruitment should be strictly enforced.
by suitable amendment of the special rules and University statutes wherever nec-
essary and Government will invoke special powers to over rile the objections of -
r -

P.S.C. This will be done within a period of three months from the date of the order
accepting the new scales of pay. bef

3.11 Career Advancement

All Lecturers who have completed six years of service after regular appoint-
ment, participated in refresher courses or summer institutes,or similar training Ap
programmes, of eight weeks (total) duration and have consistently satisfactory intl
appraisal reports will be placed in the Senior Scale. For those who have M.Tech.i Y men
M.E/M.Phil, the above period will be five years and for those who have Ph.D, the
above period will be four years. All Lecturers (Senior Scale) who have completed
five years of, service will be placed in the Lecturers . (Selection Grade).

( The period of deputation of teachers in Engineering Colleges under Quality


(Jmprovement'Programnie scheme of AICTE will be reckoned as qualifying serv- .

I ice for placement m
. Senior/Selection Grade..

The Following past service will be considered for placing the teachers in
Senior/Selection Grade .' .

1.. Period of service as Lecturer ILecturer (Senior Grade) in AICTE approvcd

Engineering Colleges in the state.
Period of service as Lecturr/Asst. Lecturer in Polytechnics in the State after
acquiring a degree in Engineering. . . .
Experience in a Scientific or Industrial Organisation under Govt. of Kerala
or Govt. of, India service and State Govt.service subject to a maximum of
three years, provided the post is comparable (the minimum qualification for
the post as• same as that of Lecturer in Engineering Colleges).The provi-.
sional /contract service of teachers in Engineering Colleges/. Polytechnic
will also be counted as qualifying service.
Note: A grace period upto 31.3.2001 will be given to the existing staff for corn-
pleting the required number of short term courses with the following con-
ditions. ' . . .. Copy'
(1) The sanctioning of the increment in the post to which they have been placed Copy
(Senior Grade/Selection Grade) will be postponed to the date on which they
complete the required number of short term courses.
(2) If the' did not complete the required number, of courses by 31.3.2001 the.
excss- amount they- have drawn. should .be. refunded immediately. .

An undertaking should, be .ohtainedirom_the concerned..staff to this effect

before the Proceedings of placement is issued in such cases.

3.12 Pay Fixation Formula

Pay fixation formula for implementing the revised scales of pay is shown as
Appendix II and form for exercising option as Appendix ifi ;Difficulties, if any,
in the implementation of the scheme will be brought to the notiôe of the Govern-
ment for clarification. . .

3.13. The Staff fixation, if any, will be taken up separntely. The DTE willtake.
appropriate action to get central assistance in accordance with the guidelines -
fixed by AICTE forthwith. .
By order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to Government..

- . .. 1. The Director of Technical Education.
2 All Pnncipals, Engmeermg Colleges
AG(A & E), (Audit) Kerala (This issues with the concurrence of Fl)).
Secretary, Govt. of India, NIHRD, Debt. of Edn., New De (with
CL); . --
Finance Lepartment.
GA (SC) Dept. (vide. item 4430 dt. 15.5.2000).
.7. PlgEA Department. . . -.
8.Jfiier Education (J) Department
Director, LBSC, Thiruvananthapuram. -
Director, IHRD, Thiruvananthapuram.
Copy to PS to Minister (Education & Works)
Copy to : PA to Principal Secretary (Higher Education)
Category•• . . Existing Pay Scale Revised Pay Scale
No. . . .

LecturerlTraining Officer 2200-75-2800-100-4000 . 8000-275-13500 .

Lecturer (Senior Scale) 3000-100-3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200

Lecturer (Selection Grade) .3700-1254950-150-5700 12000-420-18300

Asst. Professor . 3700-125-4900-150-5700 12000420-18300 .

Deputy Director (P&T) . . . ..

. Professor 4500-150-5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900-500-22400

Principals of Engineering 4800-150-5700-200-7300 18400-500-22400 .. V

Colleges/Joint Directors . (Minimum to be fixed at . .

Rs. 19,400/-) .

7. Director of Technical 5100-150-5700-200-7300 22000-500-24500

Education . . .. .

Includmg Professor (Direct Payment) in the Directorate of Technical Education

. '. .,

H ...


(1) The pay of AICTE. opted employees in the Engineering Colleges will be
fixed in the revised scales of pay in the following manner:-
- (i) An amount of 40% of basic pay in the existing scales as on 0 1.0 1.
1996 will be added to the existing emoluments.
(ii) After the existing emoluments have been so increased, the pay will be
fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount so .com-
• puted, provided that.
:. . if the minimum of the revised scale is more than the amount so

arrived at the pay will be fixed at the minimum of the revised

......... scales. :

If the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised

. . .
.. scale, the pay will be fixed at the maximum of that scale.

I The existing, emoluments of an employee as on 0 1.0. 1 1996 shall include
Basic pay (including stagnation mcrement if any)
Dearness Allowance applicable at AJCPI points 1510 (ie. D.A. as on
01.01.1996) .

- Interim Relief 1st and 2nd instalments..

Total existing emolument shall include (a to c) above.

f. •. . (e) Total pay will include existing emoluments + 40% of basic pay in the
existing scale.
II. . Dearness Allowance in the Revised Scale:-
(a) Basic pay upto 3500/- per month -. 148% of basic pay..
Basic pay above 3500/- and upto Rs.6000/- 111% of basic pay subject
to a minimum of. Rs.5180/-

Basic pay above Rs.60601 969 of the basic pay subject to a

minimum of Rs.6600/- •
• . •, III. The next increment of an employee whose pay has been fixed in the revised
.• . • scale in accordance with rule 3 shall be granted on the date he would have

drawn his next increment, had he continued in the existing scale, provided
that in case where the pay of an employee is stepped up in terms of the note
under Rule3 the next increment shall be granted.
fying service of 12 months from the date of stepping up of the pay in the
revised scale.
Provided further that in the case of persons who have been drawing maxi-
mum of the existing scale for more than a year as on 0 1.0 1. 1996, the next
increment in the revised scale shall be allowed on 01.01.1996.
W The employees who are eligible to come under the A.I.C.T.E. Scheme have
an opportunity of exercising option to come over to the revised scale on a
later date other than 01.01.1996, provided that option should be exercised

with in three months from the date of issue of this order. E:

EXPLANATION 1: Every Teacher including who retired after 01.01.1996 will .

. elect to continue to draw the existing scale of pay until
the date on which he earns increment or his next or any
. subsequent increment in the existing scale or until he
vacates his post orceases to draw pay in that scale. l.

EXPLANATION 2: .The option to retain the existing scale under this rule should
be admissible only in respect of one existing scale.

EXPLANATION 3:jhe above said option shall not be admissible to anyperson

appointed to a post on or after 01.01.1996. All :EN
appointments and placements made on or after 01.01.1996
shall be deemed to have made in the revised scale of pay.
Teachers who' were given placements on or after
01.01.1996 will not be allowed to exercise option in the
feeder post beyond the date of such promotion. .

EXPLANATION 4: The option should be submitted in writing in the form

prescribed in Annexure UT within 3 months from the date
of publication of the rule to the Accountant General in the sca
case of Government Engineering College Staff and to the. çiat
concerned Regional Director of Technical Education! . pay
Director of Technical Education in the case of Aided .grai
.--- Engineering-CollegeStaff.- ster
. I

vided EXPLANATION 5: In the case of an employee on the date of such publication

note or as the case will be, date of such order is out of India
quali- or on leave/deputation/Foreign Service, the said option
in the shall be exercised in writing so as to reach the said
authority with in three months of date of his taking charge
maxi- of his post.
EXPLANATION 6 : If an employee is under suspension on 01-01-1996, the
option will' be exercised with in 3 months of the date of
haves his return to his duty if that date is later than the date
on a prescribed in the rules.

EXPLANATION 7: If no option is exercised with in the stipulated period, the


date of effect of pay revision ie. 01-01-1996 shall be treated

6 will as the date of option and the officer competent to fix his/
'until her pay is to proceed accordingly. No subsequent option
.r.any shall be entertained.
:til he
If an employee dies before the expry of time fixed for
option and withoUt exercising.option, the officer competent
to fix his/her pay in the revised scale shall fix his/her pay
with effect from the date which is more advantageous to
the survivors of the deceased.
All Where in the fixation of pay under rule 3 pay of an
.1996 'employee, who, in the existing scale was drawing
f pay. immediately befre 01.01.1996, more pay than 'another
after employee junior to him in the same cadre, gets fixed in
in the the revised scale at a stage lower than that of such Junior,
his pay shall be stepped up to the same stage in the revised
form ••- scale as that of the juniOr.
.e date The next increment of an employee whose pay has been fixed in the revised
in the scale in accordance with the rule 3. The next increment shall be granted on 'the
to the date he would have continued in the existing scale of pay, provided that where the
emT estepped up in ternis-of txplanation• 9, the increment shall be
Aided •.• granted on the completion of qualifying - service of 12 months from the date of
stepping up of the pay in the revised scale.

Provided further that in the case of person who had been drawing maximum
of the existing scale for more than a year as on 01.01.1996, the next increment in
the revised scale shall be allowed on 0 1.0 1. 1996.

ILLUSTRATION -1: A Professor is drawing a basic pay of Rs.45001- on

01.01.1996 in the existing scale of pay of Rs.4500-150-5700-200..7300. His date
of increment is 01.10.1996. The revised scale of pay applicable to the post of
Principal is 16400-450-20900-500-22400 with a minimum to be fixed at Rs; 17300.
His pay in the revised scale of pay shall be fixed as follows:-
Basic pay Rs.4500/-
DA at 1510 points - Rs.5180/-
Interim Relief (40 - Rs. 100/-

Interim Relief (2 d) - Rs.450/- (10%)

Emoluments Rs. 10230/-
40% of bàsiè pay - Rs 1800/-
Total - Rs.12030/- IL.
Pay is to be fixed in the revised 01
Scale of pay of Rs. 16400-2240 : Rs. 17300/- (Minimum)
The next increment will be with effect from 01.10.1997.
ILLUSTRATION - 2 : A teacher is drawing a basic pay of a Rs.4075/- with effect
from in the existing scale of pay of Rs.3700-125-4950-1505700.
Revised scale of pay applicable to the posi is Rs. 12000-420-18300: His pay in
the revised, scale of pay shall be fixed as follows:-
Basic pay' .
- Rs.4075/L
DA at 15 1 0 points . ' Rs.5180/-
Interim:Reljef (1st) - Rs. 1 00/-
Interim Relief (2nd) - Rs.408/-
Emoluments . - Rs. 9763/-
40% of basic pay - Rs. 1630/-. •
Total . . . - Rs.11393/-
The next stage in the revised scale of pay : Rs. .12000/-fl ILL
Next increment will be with effect from 01.07.1996. .f Rs.
11. Re\

mum ILLUSTRATION - 3: A Lecturer (Senior Scale) is drawing a basic pay of

nt in Rs.3300/- with effect from 01.10.1995 in the existing scale of pay of Rs.3000-
100-3500-125-5000. Revised Scale of Pay applicable to the post is Rs.10000-
on 325-15200. His pay in the revised scale of pay shall be fixed as follows:-
date Basic pay - R03001-
St of DA at 1510 points - Rs.4884/-(148% of basic pay')
7300. Interim Relief (1st) - Rs. I 00/-
Interim Relief (2nd) - Rs.330/
Emoluments - Rs.8614/-
40% of basic pay - Rs. 1320/-
Total - Rs.9934/-

Next stage in the revised scale of pay = Rs. 10000/-

Next due date of increment is 0 1. 10. 1 996.
ILLUSTRATION -4: A Professor is drawing a Basic Pay of Rs.4650/- on
01.07J995 in the existing scale of pay of Rs.4500-150-5700-200-7300. Revised
scale of pay applicable to the post is Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400. His pay in
the revised scale of pay shall be fixed as follows:-
Basic pay - Rs.46501-
effect IA at 1510 points - Rs.51801-
700. (111% of basic pay,
ay in subject to the
minimum of Rs 5180)
Interim Relief (1st) - Rs. I 00/-
Interim Relief (2nd) - Rs.465/-
Emoluments - Rs. 10395/-
40% of basic pay - Rs. 1860/
Total - 'Rs. 12255/-
His pay will be fixed at = Rs.16400t-(minimum)
Next due date of increment is.01.07J996.
ILLUSTRATION5': A Lecturer in the initial grade is drawing a basic pay of
Rs 2200 as on 01 011996 in the existing scale of pay of Rs 2200-75-2800- 1004000
Revised scale of pay applicable to the post is Rs.8000-275-13500. His date of
increment is 1-7 of every year. His pay in the revised scale of pay shall be fixed
as follows:-

Basic pay - Rs.2200/-

DA at 1510 points - Rs.32561-
Interim Relief (I st) - Rs. 1 00/-
Interim Relief (2nd) - Rs.220/- .'--
Emoluments - Rs.5776/-
40% of basic pay - Rs.8801-,
Total - Rs.66561-
Pay is to be fixed in the revised scale of pay = Rs.80001-
Next due date of increment is 01.07.1996.
ILLUSTRATION 6: A PrincipallJoint Director is drawing a Basic Pay of
Rs.6300/- on 1-1-1996 in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 4800-150-5700-200-
7300. Revised scale of pay applicable to the post is Rs.18400-500-22400 (Minimum

to be fixed as Rs. 19400/-). His pay in the revised scale of pay will be fixed as
follows: ,
Basic pay . ... .- Rs.6300/-
DA at 1510 points - Rs.6660/-
Interim Relief (1st) . - ' Rs. I 00/-
Interim Relief (2nd) . - Rs.630/- .
,. Emoluments H . -. Rs.. 13690/- .
40% of basic pay. .. ' Rs.2520/-
Total , . . - Rs.16210/-
Pay is to be fixed in the revised scale of pay = Rs. 19400/-(minimum)
Next due date of increment is 01-01-1997. . . . .

ILLUSTRATION 7 : Director of Technical Education 'is drawing a Basic Pay of

Rs. 6500/- on 1-1-1996 in the existing scale of pay of Rs.5 100- 150- 5700- 200-
7300 . Revised scale of pay applicable' to the post is Rs 22000-500-24500. His
pay in the revised scale of pay will be, fixed as follows;"" . .
Basic pay as on 01-01.1996 - 6500/-.
DA at 1510 points ' .' -.. 6660/-
Interim relief I - , . 100/-
Interim Relief 11 . -' 6501-
Emoluments . - 139 10/-
40% of the Basic Pay - 2600/-
TOtal, . . ' -. 16510/-
His pay will be fixed at Rs 22000/- (minimum)
Next due date of increment is 0 1 .0 1. 1997




(Approved in G.O ....................................... Dated .....................................)

thepost of ...................................................................................................................
y of in the scale of pay of Rs ................. ....................................................................in
.:.............................................................................College do hereby elect to come
under the revised scale of Rs ................ ........... . ......................... ................ . .......... with

as effect from 01.01.1996/ to continue in the. existing scale of pay of

H . . . . Signature:

Station: ,.
Date: . . .. .
y of



I. Goal of Higher Education in Our Country.
The basic purpose of education is to create skill and knowledge and aware- ne
ness of our glorious national heritage and the achievement of human civilization, po
possessing a basic scientific outlook and commitment to the ideals of patriotism, dei
democracy, secularism, socialism and peace and the principles enunciated in the

Preamble to our constitution.
Higher Education has to produce leaders of society and economy in all areas
of manifold activities with a commitment to the aforesaid ideals.
Higher Education should strive for academic excellence and progress of arts and
and science. Education, research and extension should be conducted inconfonnity Wit
with our national needs and priorities and ensure that our best talents make ben- tin
efiting contributions to international endeavour on social need.

H. Teachers and their Rights.

Teachers should enjoy full civic rights of our democratic community, Teach-
ers .have a right adequate emoluments, social position, just conditions of service
professional independence and adequate social insurance. -.


- -. - ------- - - -

•.••• S .


Preamble .•.
• :

,.._L... Goal of Higher Education in Our Country.

The basic purpose of education is to create skill and knowledge and aware-
.'are- A
ness of our glorious national heritage and the achievements of human civihzation,
.tiOfl, . possessing a basic scientific outlook and comniitthent to the ideals of patriotism,
tism, democracy, seculansm, sociahsm and peace and the principles enunciated in the
ithe. . Preamble to our• constitution.


Higher education has to produce leaders of society and economy in all areas
areas ' 1
of mamfôld activities with a commitment to the aforesaid ideals
Higher Education should strive for academic excellence and progress of arts
f artS ' and science Education, research and extension should be conducted inconfonmty
ty with our national needs and pnorltles and ensure that our best talents make befit-
ben- ting contributions to international endeavour on social need

II. . .Teachers and . their Rights .

each- Teachers should enjoy full civic rights of our democratic community. Teach-
rvice ers have a right to adequate emoluments, social position Just conditions of serv-
ice professional independence and adequate social msurance



who,: ever adopts teaching as. a profession assumes the obligation to conduct,
himself in accordance with the ideals of the profession A teacher is constantly
under the scrutiny of his students and the society at large Therefore, every teacher
should see that there is no mcompatibthty between his precepts and practice The
Iiat1ona11eas ofë2lüc'àiion which have already been set forth and which he/she
should seek to inculcate among students must be his/her own ideals The profes-
sion further requires that the teachers should be calm, patient and communicative,
I., by temperament and amiable in disposition. .• •
Teachers should:
adhere to a responsible • pattrn of conduct and demeanour expected of them .
by the community;
manage their private affairs•in amer consistent with the dignity of the

iii) Seek to make professional growth continues through study and research;
Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings,
seminars; conferences, etc., towards the contribution of knowledge;
Maintain active membership of professional orgamsation and stnve to im-
prove education and profession through them,
Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutori s, practical and seminar

work consistently and with dedication; .•

vu) Co-operate and assist in carrymg out house functions relatmg to the educa-
tional responsibthties of the college and the umversity such as assisting in
appraising applicatiofl for admissiox, advising and counselling students as
well as assistmg m the conduct of umverslty and college examinations, m-
cludmg supervision, mvigilation and evaluation, and
vill)Participate in the extension, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
including community service.


Teachers shoi4d. . :.
respect the right and dignity of the students in expressing his/her opinions;
deal justly and impartially with the students regardless of their religion, caste,
political, economic, social and physiéal characteristics;
••). recognise the difference in attitude and capabilities among studçnts and strive
to meet their individual needs; . .
iv) encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities
and at the same time contribute to community welfare,
inculcate among students scientific outlook and respectfor physical labour
and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace; .

vi) 'be aicfectionate to the'students and not bthave in a conductive'amier to-

wards any of them for any reason;
vii)pay attention to only the' attaiim ent of the student in the assessment of merit;
viii)make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and
help and guide students without any remuneration or reward;
ix) aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and na-
tional goals, and
x) refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or adminis-



Teachers should;'

i) treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they the mselves
with to be treated;
ii) speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional
m) refrain from lodgmg unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher
authorities; i.'• "
iv) refrain from allowing considerations of, caste, creed, religion, race, or sex in
their professional endeavour. '


Tea chers should,• ' ' '•

inions; i) discharge their professional responsibilities according 'to the existing rules
and adi ore io procedures and methods consistent with their profession in
caste, '
initiating steps through their own institutional bodies and/or professional
organisations for change of any such rule detrimental to the pEOfessional'
strive Y
refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including
pnvate tuition and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their
- professional responsibilities, -- -
labour ,. ..
in) co-operate in the formulation of policies of the instit tion by accepting'various
offices and discharge responsibilities which, such offices will demand;

co-operate through their organisations in the formulation of policies of theY.

other institutions and accept offices;
co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping
in view the interest and in coiiformity with dignity of 'throfSsian'
I should adhere to the conditions of contract;
give and expect due notice before, a change of position is made; and
viii)refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds
and as far as' practicable with prior intimation, keeping in view their particu-
lar responsibility for completion of. academic schedule.


i) teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners

in a co-operative undertaking, within every educational institution;

ii), teachers should., help in the function of joint staff-councils covering both
teachers and the non-teaching staff. .


Teachers should: Try .to see through teachers bodies and orga'nisations that
institutions maintain contact with the guardians of their students, ,send reports of
their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in
meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit
of the institutiOn. . .


Teachers should
recognise that education is a public service and strive to keep the public
informed of. the educational programmes which are being provid&l;
work to improve, education in the community and strengthen the communi-
ty's moral and intellectual life; . .
be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as would be
conducive to the progress of society and hence the country as a whole;
perform the. duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and
should responsibilities of public offices;
v)' refrain frorn'taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities
which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different commu-
nities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Intega-
- --- -' _ ---------.- --.---..----.- - -.--- - -.-.-.-.---.



• - - - (SELF APPRAISAL) -. -

To be filled at the end of every academic year

nds __A General Information

iCU- - - a. Name . . .

b Date of Birth
• •• • --. .
c. Address esidential)- •-: -
aers -- . . . . . - . • . -

d Designation
)Oth e Department
f Area of speciahsanon
g Date of appointment
diat ..- . . -

., 0f i) In the Institution
is in u) in the present post
efit . . - - . . - .-
- . L._____
• ----------. riunours eumerrea - --
i Academic qualifications
B Teaching
blic -- -. & Classes taught
Steps taken for the
- . . Assigned/week - Taught in the year teaching of periods
-Class -
** L/T/P • - L/T/P - missed during

absenceof leave
TUG . ...
PG - . -

ities __-- Other -•. .• . .


Regularity and punctuality

Details of course teaching plahs,
synopses of lecture
And reading lists supplied to students
d Details of participation in the following
University evaluation .

Internal evaluation
Paper setting
Assessment of Home assignments :

V. Conduct of examinations
vi. Evaluation of dissertations etc.

C. Details of innovations/contributions in Teaching

Design of curriculum
Teaching methods
C. Laboratory experiments
Evaluation methods
Prêparätion of resource material
including books, reading materials
• Laboratory manuals etc.
f; Remedial Teaching/student • . •
. counselling (academic) . . • •. • • :••

g. Academic help tendered to HOD,

other than class work
Acadeniic/College activities -
• help rendered to the Principal,
other than class work.

D. Improvement of Professional Competence

Details regarding refresher courses/orientation attended, participation in sum-
mer schools, workshoiis, seminars, symposia etc., including university courses! •
Mphil, PhD

. • . _.

E Research contributions
No of students (B TechJM Tech/Ph D)

At the beginning Registered during Completed duiing

of the year the year the year
: B.Tech

F. General data

State bnef assessment of your performance indicating

a. achievements b. difficulties faced c. suggestions for improvement

Signature of the Teacher.

I. Verification of faculty data by Head of Department

General Information
B Teaching
Details of nmovations/contnbution in Teaching dunug the year
Improvement of professional compentence
E.1 Research contributions
F. Extension work/community service
G:Participation in Corporate life
H Whether there is any disciplinary action pending against the teacher/any
punishment awarded
I. Remarks of the Head of Department
ourses/ Signature of Head of Department
J. Remarks of the Principal
1 .:,
Signature of. Principal


Name of College: - ---

(Student Rating of Teachers) CONFIDENTIAL AND PERSONAL
Please feel free to contact
Name of Teacher . . Dean or Staff Adviser to
get the details regarding
item 12


Title of the course. .. .


Number of students responded to the questionaire :

Number of students who have rated as
..iUUU i;,- Poor Blank
I Knowledge of the teacher . Excellent . -

in the subject. ... . .. .

Good Fair ,. Poor Blank

2. Clarity and understandability
of teacher's explanations . . . . . . . . .

Good Fair Poor Blank

I Teacher's willingness to help Excellent
10% to More than . Blank
Approximate percentage of Less than
10% 25% 25%
classes not engaged by the
teacher in the subject . . .
'. Yes 'Blank
Whether the teacher dictates No . .

notes only without explanatioi. .' .. ... . . . ' ..

. Excellent Satisfactory Inadequate, Blank

Teachers ability to
organise the lectures
Just right Too -fast Too slow .. Blank
Speed of presentation .
. .

Sometimes No Blank
Does the teacher entourage Yes
questioning? ' . -

Pleasant Indifferent Unpleasant Blank.

Behaviour of the teacher
Sincere Not sincereUnable to judge Blank
10.Sincerity of the teacher
Excellent Good'. , Fair . Poor Blank
11.0verall teaching effectiveness .
of the teacher.
12.StrengthS, weakness and any other relevant information 'about the -

- teacher (specialI5igfl1fiCanUcoflsP0t remarks by the stuUent)

--'- Deañóf StaffAdser.

- .

- ................... -.:-


Students opinion in respect of teachers handling lecture classes for them is
collected as per the Questionnaire-CUm-ReSP0nSe sheet containing thirteen
different items dealing with the different aspects of a teaching.
The survey has been conducted simultaneouslY for all the classes on a date
and time without any prior announcement.
The data collected from the survey has been processed and the indivuduals
are confidentially infcrmed of their performance as per the Score sheet.
The weightage for the various items of the Questionnaire are obtained by
averaging the values suggested by the various Heads of Departments, Deans.
and Principal for the same. the details of the weightage are given separately

Teaching effectiveness index (TEl) of the teacher is computed as follows.

TEl = (Number of students who have recorded a particular ratinE X CorrespondiflE weiEhtagei
Number of students responded

TEl of the College is also obtained in a Limilar way.

The individual teacher is given Oppurttinity to persue the students response
pertaining to him/her only on or before a specified date.
A consolidated statement showing TEl of the teachers of a particular depart-
ment is confidentially made. available to the concerned HOD for taking
appropriate action.
9. Letters of appreciation are given to the top 10% of te teachers on the basis
of the TEl scored by them.

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