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Software Project Management Questionnaire

Q. Uk based KPO company working on “License Management System”. They are using number of expensive and licenced software
tools. More than 5000 team members are sharing these tools. You have been deputed as project manager to ensure that a project
finishesh within original budget, with the required scope of work and within the required timescales, and to ensure that throughout
this process all the stakeholders, especially the client , are satisfied with the project results.

Risk management process based on below points

i) Risk Identification:

To identify risks in the License Management System project, we'll start by looking at potential challenges related to the extensive use of
expensive and licensed software tools. Some risks to consider include:

- Licensing Costs: There's a risk of unexpected increases in licensing fees or additional licensing requirements for the software tools
being used.

- Technical Compatibility: Compatibility issues may arise when integrating multiple software tools, leading to delays or disruptions in the

- Resource Constraints: With over 5000 team members sharing these tools, resource constraints such as limited access or conflicts in
tool usage may hinder progress.

- Security Concerns: There's a risk of data breaches or security vulnerabilities associated with the use of licensed software tools,
especially when dealing with sensitive client information.

ii) Risk Analysis:

Once risks are identified, we'll analyze each one to understand its potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. For example:

- Licensing Costs: We'll assess the financial impact of potential increases in licensing fees and the likelihood of such changes based on
past trends and vendor communications.

- Technical Compatibility: We'll evaluate the complexity of integrating multiple software tools and the likelihood of encountering
compatibility issues based on the tools' specifications and previous integration experiences.

- Resource Constraints: We'll analyze the potential impact of resource constraints on project timelines and deliverables, considering
factors such as team availability and tool access policies.

- Security Concerns: We'll assess the potential consequences of security breaches on project outcomes and client satisfaction,
considering the sensitivity of the data being managed.

iii) Risk Mitigation:

To mitigate these risks and ensure project success within the original budget and timescales, we'll implement the following strategies:

- Licensing Costs: Negotiate favorable licensing agreements with vendors and establish contingency funds to cover potential cost

- Technical Compatibility: Conduct thorough compatibility testing before full-scale implementation and have backup plans in place to
address any issues that may arise.

- Resource Constraints: Implement resource management strategies such as scheduling tool usage to minimize conflicts and provide
training and support to ensure efficient tool utilization.

- Security Concerns: Implement robust security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive data and regularly
audit systems for vulnerabilities.

Notes by Manthan
Q. Write Risk Management Process by considering any project you came across w.r.t.

i) Risk Identification:

In Project XYZ, we conducted thorough risk identification using diverse methods like brainstorming, expert interviews, and historical
data analysis. This process allowed us to identify various types of risks, including technical challenges, organizational constraints, and
external factors such as market dynamics and regulatory changes.

ii) Risk Analysis:

Following identification, we performed a detailed risk analysis to evaluate the severity of each risk and its potential impact on project
objectives. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative techniques, we assessed the likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of impact.
This analysis helped us prioritize risks based on their significance to the project's success.

iii) Risk Mitigation:

Our risk mitigation plan involved a multi-faceted approach, incorporating strategies to address identified risks effectively. For technical
risks, we implemented phased approaches and rigorous testing protocols. Organizational risks were mitigated through resource
management strategies like cross-training and contingency planning. External risks were managed through continuous monitoring and
adaptive project strategies to respond to changing market conditions and regulatory requirements. Overall, our mitigation efforts aimed
to minimize the negative impacts of risks on project outcomes and enhance the likelihood of successful delivery.

Q3. A large construction company engaged in real estate construction business decided to develop ERP through Astha softech. The
output of system will be cost sheets detailing the relevant information for contracting, budgeting, progress monitoring and bill
payment. Astha softech team has no domain knowledge. As a project manager, you have been asked to suggest risk management
strategy after identifying the risk

i) Risk Identification:

Identifying potential risks in the development of the ERP system with Astha Softech:

Lack of Domain Knowledge: The Astha Softech team's lack of domain knowledge in real estate construction could lead to
misunderstandings or misinterpretations of requirements, resulting in an ERP system that doesn't meet the company's needs.

Scope Creep: Without clear requirements and scope definition, there's a risk of scope creep, where additional features or functionalities
are requested during the development process, leading to delays and increased costs.

Integration Challenges: Integrating the ERP system with existing systems and databases within the construction company may pose
technical challenges, such as data compatibility issues or disruptions in workflow.

Data Security: Ensuring the security of sensitive financial and operational data within the ERP system is crucial to protect against data
breaches or unauthorized access.

Vendor Reliability: Astha Softech's reliability as a vendor in terms of meeting deadlines, providing ongoing support, and addressing
issues during implementation and post-implementation phases is a potential risk.

ii) Risk Analysis:

Analyzing the impact and likelihood of each identified risk:

Lack of Domain Knowledge: The impact of this risk could be significant, leading to a system that fails to meet business requirements and
potentially causing financial losses and damage to the company's reputation. The likelihood depends on the extent to which Astha
Softech can compensate for their lack of domain knowledge through research, collaboration with domain experts, and thorough
requirements gathering.

Scope Creep: Scope creep could delay the project, increase costs, and affect resource allocation. The likelihood of scope creep occurring
depends on the clarity and stability of project requirements, as well as effective change management processes.

Notes by Manthan
Integration Challenges: Integration challenges could impact project timelines and require additional resources for troubleshooting and
resolving issues. The likelihood of integration challenges depends on the complexity of existing systems and the level of compatibility
with the ERP solution being developed.

Data Security: The impact of a data security breach could be severe, resulting in financial losses, legal consequences, and damage to the
company's reputation. The likelihood of a breach depends on the effectiveness of security measures implemented by Astha Softech and
the company's internal controls.

Vendor Reliability: The impact of vendor unreliability could range from project delays to incomplete or subpar deliverables. The
likelihood of vendor reliability issues depends on Astha Softech's track record, communication and project management processes, and
the company's ability to monitor and address performance issues.

iii) Risk Mitigation:

Developing risk mitigation strategies to address identified risks:

Lack of Domain Knowledge: Provide Astha Softech with comprehensive domain training, access to subject matter experts within the
company, and detailed documentation of business requirements. Regular reviews and feedback sessions can help ensure alignment
between the system and business needs.

Scope Creep: Establish a clear and well-defined scope at the outset of the project, with a formal change control process in place to
manage scope changes. Regular communication with stakeholders can help manage expectations and prioritize requirements effectively.

Integration Challenges: Conduct thorough compatibility testing early in the development process and engage with IT teams and
stakeholders from the construction company to identify and address integration issues proactively. Establish clear communication
channels between Astha Softech and the company's IT department to facilitate collaboration and problem-solving.

Data Security: Implement robust security measures within the ERP system, including encryption, access controls, regular security audits,
and employee training on data handling best practices. Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations and industry

Vendor Reliability: Establish clear expectations and milestones in the contract with Astha Softech, including penalties for missed
deadlines or deliverables. Regularly monitor progress and address any performance issues promptly through effective communication
and escalation procedures.

Q4. “Splendid Holidays”, one of the distinguished service providers of International and Domestic Tour & Travel. Due to their reliable
and flexible services, they have earned a large number of customers across the nation. They want to upgrade their ERP softwere. As
a product owner you have to identify all possible epic, Features and User Stories for the same.

1. Epic: System Upgrade

Feature: Upgrade ERP Software

User Story: As a system administrator, I want to upgrade the ERP software to the latest version to ensure compatibility, security, and
access to new features.

2. Epic: Improved Booking Management

Feature: Enhanced Booking Interface

User Story: As a travel agent, I want a user-friendly booking interface that allows me to easily search for available tours, select packages,
and make bookings efficiently.

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Feature: Integrated Payment Gateway

User Story: As a customer, I want to have multiple payment options integrated into the booking system for convenience and security
during online transactions.

3. Epic: Streamlined Customer Management

Feature: Customer Profile Management

User Story: As a customer, I want to be able to create and manage my profile, including personal information, booking history, and

4. Feature: Automated Communication

User Story: As a travel agent, I want the system to automatically send confirmation emails, updates, and reminders to customers
regarding their bookings and travel plans.

Epic: Comprehensive Tour Package Management

5. Feature: Package Customization

User Story: As a travel agent, I want the ability to customize tour packages based on customer preferences, including destinations,
activities, accommodations, and transportation options.

Feature: Real-time Inventory Management

User Story: As a tour operator, I want to monitor and manage inventory for various components of tour packages, such as hotel rooms,
flights, and excursion tickets, in real-time to avoid overbooking or stockouts.

6. Epic: Reporting and Analytics

Feature: Customizable Reports

User Story: As a manager, I want to generate customizable reports on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales, bookings,
customer satisfaction, and revenue to track business performance and make informed decisions.

7. Feature: Predictive Analytics

User Story: As a marketing team member, I want to use predictive analytics to forecast travel trends, identify potential opportunities,
and optimize marketing strategies to attract more customers.

8. Epic: Scalability and Performance

Feature: Scalable Architecture

User Story: As an IT administrator, I want the ERP system to have a scalable architecture that can accommodate increasing data volume
and user traffic as the business grows.

9. Feature: Performance Optimization

User Story: As a user, I want the ERP system to be fast and responsive, with minimal downtime and delays, to ensure smooth operation
and efficient workflow.

Notes by Manthan
Q5. Differentiate agile project management Vs traditional project management.

Q6. Highlight upon Project Management Process.

The project management process involves several key steps to effectively initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control, and close a project.
Here's a highlight of each phase:


Identify the project's objectives, scope, and stakeholders.

Define the project's purpose, goals, and deliverables.

Conduct feasibility studies and assess risks.


Develop a detailed project plan outlining tasks, timelines, resources, and budget.

Define roles and responsibilities.

Identify potential risks and develop risk management strategies.

Establish communication and reporting channels.


Implement the project plan by allocating resources, assigning tasks, and managing activities.

Monitor progress and track performance against the plan.

Manage changes and address issues as they arise.

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Ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members.

Monitoring and Controlling:

Continuously monitor project progress and performance.

Compare actual progress to planned targets and identify variances.

Take corrective actions to address deviations from the plan.

Manage scope, schedule, budget, quality, and risks throughout the project lifecycle.


Finalize all project deliverables and ensure they meet stakeholders' expectations.

Obtain formal acceptance and approval of project outcomes.

Close out contracts and financial accounts.

Conduct a project review or lessons learned session to document successes, challenges, and areas for improvement.

Transition project deliverables to the appropriate stakeholders.

Throughout the project management process, effective communication, stakeholder engagement, and collaboration are essential to
ensure project success.

Q7. Explain the roles of Scrum Master, produce owner, and development team in agile.

• Product Owner: The product owner is responsible for representing the stakeholders and the end customers. They define the
product vision and roadmap, prioritize the product backlog, and accept or reject the resulting work or outcome. They also
manage stakeholders expectation, communicate goals, and ensures the team is delivering maximum business value.

• Scrum Master: The scrum master is responsible for managing the agile processes and removing obstacles that prevent the
development team from being productive. They facilitate meetings, promote collaboration, and encourage the team to
improve its practices. In simple terms, they act as a binding force towards reaching conclusion of the project.

• Development Members/Developers: The developers are a cross-functional group that carries out the actual work to build
the product incrementally. They collaborate daily in short, high-paced meetings to analyse, design, develop, test, and
implement the user stories from the product backlog. The development team are usually structured yet flexible and self
organized while carrying their task execution.

Q8. What are the various techniques to estimate story points in agile?

1. Determine Matrix:

- Explanation: The Determine Matrix technique involves comparing the size and complexity of a new user story to previously completed
stories. Teams assign story points based on how similar the new story is to ones they've already finished. For example, if a new story is
similar in size and complexity to a previous story that was assigned 3 story points, the team might also assign 3 points to the new story.

- Simple Way: It's like looking at a menu in a restaurant. If a new dish is similar to one you've already tried and know the price of, you
can estimate its cost based on that familiar dish.

2. Hold a Round of Planning Poker:

Notes by Manthan
- Explanation: Planning Poker is a collaborative estimation technique where team members discuss and vote on the story points for a
user story. Each team member privately selects a card representing their estimate, and all cards are revealed simultaneously. Any
differences in estimates are then discussed until a consensus is reached.

- Simple Way: It's like playing a game where everyone guesses how long a movie will be. Each person writes their guess on a card, and
when everyone reveals their guesses, they discuss until they agree on a final estimate.

3. Use Fibonacci Sequence Numbers:

- Explanation: The Fibonacci Sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding
ones. In Agile estimation, teams assign story points using the Fibonacci sequence to reflect the uncertainty and increasing difficulty of
estimating larger tasks. For example, a team might assign 1 point to a small and simple task, 3 points to a moderately sized task, and 8
points to a larger and more complex task.

- Simple Way: It's like counting blocks when building a tower. You start with 1 block, then add 2 more to make 3 blocks, then 3 more
to make 5 blocks, and so on. Similarly, in Agile, you start with small estimates and gradually increase them as tasks become more

Q9. Explain the process to plan & execute iteration in agile.

Planning and executing an iteration (sprint) in Agile involves several key steps:

Backlog Refinement:

Before the iteration begins, the team conducts backlog refinement sessions to review and prioritize user stories and tasks
for the upcoming sprint.

The product owner and team collaborate to ensure that the backlog contains enough well-defined and estimated items to
be completed within the iteration.

Sprint Planning:

The team holds a sprint planning meeting to select user stories and tasks from the backlog to work on during the iteration.

During the meeting, the team discusses the requirements and acceptance criteria for each selected user story and breaks
them down into smaller tasks.

The team estimates the effort required for each task and collectively commits to completing a set of tasks within the sprint.

Daily Stand-ups:

Throughout the iteration, the team holds daily stand-up meetings to synchronize their work and identify any obstacles or

Each team member shares what they accomplished since the last stand-up, what they plan to work on next, and any
challenges they are facing.

The stand-up meetings help the team stay focused, identify potential issues early, and collaborate on solutions.

Iterative Development:

The team works on the selected user stories and tasks, implementing features, fixing bugs, and completing necessary

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The development process follows Agile principles such as incremental delivery, continuous integration, and frequent
feedback loops.

Continuous Integration and Testing:

As the team develops features and completes tasks, they integrate their work frequently to ensure that the codebase
remains stable and functional.

Automated tests are run continuously to validate the functionality and detect any regressions or defects introduced during

Review and Demonstration:

At the end of the iteration, the team holds a sprint review meeting to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders,
including the product owner, customers, and other relevant parties.

The team showcases the implemented features and collects feedback to validate that the work meets the acceptance
criteria and aligns with stakeholders' expectations.


Following the sprint review, the team conducts a sprint retrospective meeting to reflect on their performance during the

The team discusses what went well, what could be improved, and any action items to address identified issues or areas for
enhancement in future iterations.

The retrospective helps the team continuously learn and adapt their processes to become more effective and efficient over

Q9. How to facilitate retrospective process in agile management with suitable example.

Explain the process of Retrospective, Making Team Decisions and Closing out Retrospective

Explain sprint retrospective in detail.

. Set the Stage:

Kick-start by inviting the concerned people to the meeting.

Notes by Manthan
Set up the meeting room and stuff that will help the team visually understand the retrospective.

If it’s an in-person meeting, then a whiteboard will be good enough.

A remote meeting needs an application to interact and visually represent ideas. Like, Microsoft Teams, Trello board, Confluence, and
so on, and it is time for the team to take it ahead.

2. Gather Data:

Make a table having 3 columns (what went well, what went wrong & what requires improvement).

Put data from the sprint into those columns respectively. The data can be actions taken, results that occurred, decisions made, new
approaches undertaken, milestones accomplished, and anything important in the sprint.

3. Generate Insights:

It is time for expressing ideas not for criticizing others.

Observe, analyze and understand the “problems, patterns and possibilities of improvements in the gathered data”.

Once their brains get the required input with the data, they will start ANALYZING them.

And then discuss. By this time, each one of the attendees of the meeting will be expressing their opinions and start finding smart

Make an Action Plan, After stage 3, the team knows what they should stop doing, what they should start doing, and an ideal approach
that brings in the real improvement of teamwork.

5. Close the Retrospective:

Hereby, the meeting has come to the end. So, review the retrospective and the action plan.

Fuel the fire inside by appreciating the efforts of the team for reaching the milestones successfully.

Make note of the meeting in a document/record the meeting for future references.

Get feedback on the retrospective.

At last, do not forget to express Thank you for the cordial cooperation and for coming up with fruitful ideas. And then end the

Write short note (any one)

i) Overview of project management framework

Project management framework provides a structured approach to initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing projects. It
outlines the processes, methodologies, tools, and techniques used to manage projects effectively. A project management framework
typically includes key components such as project initiation, scope definition, schedule development, resource allocation, risk
management, communication planning, and project closure. By following a defined framework, organizations can ensure consistency,
transparency, and accountability in project delivery. The framework serves as a guide for project managers and teams, enabling them
to navigate through the complexities of projects and achieve their objectives efficiently.

ii) Role of project manager.

The Project Manager (PM) in software project management plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the project:

iii) Overall Project Planning: The PM creates a detailed project plan outlining scope, objectives, timelines, resources, and budget,
serving as a roadmap for the team.

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iv) Stakeholder Management: Acting as the primary contact for all stakeholders, the PM ensures clear communication, manages
expectations, and addresses concerns throughout the project lifecycle.

v) Resource Allocation and Management: The PM allocates resources effectively, including human resources, equipment, and budget,
to ensure tasks are completed on time and within budget constraints.

vi) Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks is crucial. The PM anticipates, assesses, and manages risks to minimize their
impact on project objectives.

vii) Team Leadership and Motivation: Leading and motivating the project team, the PM fosters a collaborative work environment,
providing guidance and support to ensure success.

viii) Quality Assurance: Ensuring deliverable quality is paramount. The PM defines standards, establishes processes, and conducts
regular reviews to verify compliance.

ix) Progress Monitoring and Reporting: The PM monitors project progress, tracking milestones, deliverables, and resource utilization,
providing regular updates and reports to stakeholders.

x) Change Management: Managing changes effectively, the PM assesses impacts, evaluates options, and implements adjustments while
minimizing disruptions.

xi) Conflict Resolution: Resolving conflicts within the team or with stakeholders, the PM acts as a mediator, employing effective
communication and problem-solving.

xii) Closure and Evaluation: Finally, the PM ensures proper project closure, delivering the final product, documenting lessons learned,
and conducting post-project evaluations for continuous improvement.

iii) Software configuration management

Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the discipline of systematically controlling changes to software artifacts throughout their
lifecycle. It involves managing and tracking changes to software components, documentation, requirements, design specifications, and
other related items. SCM aims to ensure the integrity, consistency, and traceability of software assets by providing mechanisms for
version control, change control, and configuration management.

Key components of SCM include version control systems (VCS) such as Git or Subversion, which track changes to files and facilitate
collaboration among team members. Change management processes ensure that proposed changes are evaluated, approved, and
implemented in a controlled manner to minimize risks and disruptions. Configuration management involves managing the configurations
of software products and ensuring that they are well-defined, documented, and reproducible.

SCM plays a critical role in software development by enabling teams to manage complexity, maintain consistency, and facilitate
collaboration. It helps ensure that software products are delivered on time, within budget, and with the desired quality. Overall, SCM is
essential for achieving successful software development projects and maintaining the long-term maintainability and evolution of
software systems.

iv) Agile tools

These Agile tools provide essential features for effective project management:

1. **Jira Agile**: Tracks user stories, plans sprints, manages issues, and offers reporting and analytics.

2. **GitHub**: Offers version control, issue tracking, pull requests, and integration with CI/CD tools.

3. **LeanKit**: Provides Kanban boards, WIP limits, analytics, and integration capabilities.

4. **Backlog**: Manages product backlogs, aids sprint planning, tracks progress with burndown charts, and facilitates collaboration.

5. **Zoho Sprints**: Supports agile project management, offers Scrum and Kanban support, aids sprint planning, and enables

Notes by Manthan
6. **Wrike**: Facilitates task management, provides Gantt charts, supports collaboration, and offers workflow automation.

7. **Taiga**: Manages user stories, aids sprint planning, offers Kanban boards, and facilitates collaboration.

These tools empower teams to manage backlogs, plan and execute sprints, track progress, and collaborate effectively, thereby
supporting the Agile development process.

v) Git hub

GitHub is an web based platform which hosts software development projects and uses Git for version management. Git is a distributed
version control system that helps developers to work together on same software projects and keep track of changes made to their
code by on another. GitHub offers a user-friendly interface, which is very collaborative tools, and more project management tools,
GitHub will enhance the potential of the Git.

GitHub allows developers to create and manage the code in the repository in the remote location where others can aceses the code
or Github is an collection repositories which contains the files of the project.

following are some of the use cases of GitHub

• Version Control: GitHub is also called an version control system because of it uses such has if the certain developers are
working on the same project and if any developer make changes at it is effecting the entire code then they move back to
previous version with immediate actions.

• Collaboration and Code Review: GitHub allows group of developers work on same project where there can review the each
others code and can work on the same project which will improve the productivity and where they can develop the complex
application in faster manner.

• Issue Tracking: Has an certain group of developers will work on the same project so when the issue arises in the GitHub then
you can assign the issue to the other developer to whom you want.

• Open Source Development: The most widely used platform for open source development is GitHub.

vi) Capability maturity Model

Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University in 1987. It
is not a software process model. It is a framework that is used to analyze the approach and techniques followed by any organization to
develop software products. It also provides guidelines to enhance further the maturity of the process used to develop those software

• Level One :Initial - The software process is characterized as inconsistent, and occasionally even chaotic. Defined processes
and standard practices that exist are abandoned during a crisis. Success of the organization majorly depends on an

Notes by Manthan
individual effort, talent, and heroics. The heroes eventually move on to other organizations taking their wealth of
knowledge or lessons learnt with them.
• Level Two: Repeatable - This level of Software Development Organization has a basic and consistent project management
processes to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The process is in place to repeat the earlier successes on projects with
similar applications. Program management is a key characteristic of a level two organization.
• Level Three: Defined - The software process for both management and engineering activities are documented,
standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the entire organization and all projects across the
organization use an approved, tailored version of the organization's standard software process for developing,testing and
maintaining the application.
• Level Four: Managed - Management can effectively control the software development effort using precise measurements.
At this level, organization set a quantitative quality goal for both software process and software maintenance. At this
maturity level, the performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques, and is
quantitatively predictable.
• Level Five: Optimizing - The Key characteristic of this level is focusing on continually improving process performance
through both incremental and innovative technological improvements. At this level, changes to the process are to improve
the process performance and at the same time maintaining statistical probability to achieve the established quantitative
process-improvement objectives.

Q11. Explain the benefits of Agile project management in brief.

Advantages Agile Software Development

Deployment of software is quicker and thus helps in increasing the trust of the customer.

Can better adapt to rapidly changing requirements and respond faster.

Helps in getting immediate feedback which can be used to improve the software in the next increment.

People – Not Process. People and interactions are given a higher priority than processes and tools.

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.

Increased collaboration and communication: Agile Software Development Methodology emphasize collaboration and communication
among team members, stakeholders, and customers. This leads to improved understanding, better alignment, and increased buy-in
from everyone involved.

Flexibility and adaptability: Agile methodologies are designed to be flexible and adaptable, making it easier to respond to changes in
requirements, priorities, or market conditions. This allows teams to quickly adjust their approach and stay focused on delivering value.

Improved quality and reliability: Agile methodologies place a strong emphasis on testing, quality assurance, and continuous
improvement. This helps to ensure that software is delivered with high quality and reliability, reducing the risk of defects or issues that
can impact the user experience.

Enhanced customer satisfaction: Agile methodologies prioritize customer satisfaction and focus on delivering value to the customer. By
involving customers throughout the development process, teams can ensure that the software meets their needs and expectations.

Increased team morale and motivation: Agile methodologies promote a collaborative, supportive, and positive work environment. This
can lead to increased team morale, motivation, and engagement, which can in turn lead to better productivity, higher quality work, and
improved outcomes.

Q12. Explain use of MS Project to track agile project progress.

Microsoft Project (MS Project) is a powerful tool commonly used for project management, including Agile projects. While MS Project is
traditionally associated with waterfall project management, it can still be utilized to track Agile project progress effectively. Here's how
MS Project can be used for Agile project tracking:

1. **Task Management**:

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- MS Project allows you to create and manage tasks, which can represent user stories, features, or any other work items in Agile

- You can organize tasks into sprints or iterations, creating a hierarchy that reflects the Agile project structure.

2. **Scheduling**:

- You can assign start and end dates to tasks, reflecting when work is planned to be completed.

- MS Project allows you to set dependencies between tasks, showing the sequence in which work should be performed.

3. **Resource Allocation**:

- MS Project enables you to assign resources (e.g., team members) to tasks, ensuring that work is appropriately distributed among
team members.

- You can track resource availability and workload to ensure that team members are not over or underutilized.

4. **Progress Tracking**:

- As work progresses, you can update task statuses in MS Project to reflect completed, in-progress, or not started work.

- MS Project provides visual indicators, such as Gantt charts and task bars, to show progress and completion status.

5. **Reporting**:

- MS Project offers various reporting features to generate status reports, progress dashboards, and other project metrics.

- You can customize reports to track Agile-specific metrics, such as sprint velocity, burnup charts, or cumulative flow diagrams.

6. **Integration**:

- MS Project can integrate with other Agile tools and systems, such as Azure DevOps or Jira, allowing you to synchronize data and
updates between platforms.

- This integration ensures that project data remains consistent across different tools and provides a centralized view of project progress.

Q13. Explain Agile Manifesto in detail

4 Values of Manifesto for Agile Software Development

Notes by Manthan
1. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools: Focuses on the importance of effective communication and
collaboration among team members.

2. Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation: Prioritizes the delivery of functional software as the primary
measure of progress.

3. Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation: Encourages customers and stakeholders to have active involvement
throughout the development process.

4. Responding to Change over Following a Plan: On changing requirements, embracing flexibility and ability to adapt even late
in the development process.

Q14. What are the various agile principles?

These principles include:

1. Ensuring customer satisfaction through the early delivery of software.

2. Being open to changing requirements in the stages of the development.

3. Frequently delivering working software with a main focus on preference for timeframes.

4. Promoting collaboration between business stakeholders and developers as an element.

5. Structuring the projects around individuals. Providing them with the necessary environment and support.

6. Prioritizing face to face communication whenever needed.

7. Considering working software as the measure of the progress.

8. Fostering development by allowing teams to maintain a pace indefinitely.

9. Placing attention on excellence and good design practices.

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10. Recognizing the simplicity as crucial factor aiming to maximize productivity by minimizing the work.

11. Encouraging self organizing teams as the approach to design and build systems.

12. Regularly reflecting on how to enhance effectiveness and to make adjustments accordingly.

Q15. Explain Agile project management life cycle

Requirements Gathering: The customer’s requirements for the software are gathered and prioritized.

Planning: The development team creates a plan for delivering the software, including the features that will be delivered in each iteration.

Development: The development team works to build the software, using frequent and rapid iterations.

Testing: The software is thoroughly tested to ensure that it meets the customer’s requirements and is of high quality.

Deployment: The software is deployed and put into use.

Maintenance: The software is maintained to ensure that it continues to meet the customer’s needs and expectations

Q16. “Team management drives productivity by getting employees to work better”. Justify.

Effective team management is key to productivity:

• Clear goals and resource allocation optimize work.

• Open communication fosters collaboration.

• Recognition and motivation drive performance.

• Feedback and conflict resolution ensure smooth operations.

• Professional development empowers growth. In short, good management empowers teams to work better, boosting

Notes by Manthan
Q17. “CMM strives to assist organizations in improving the quality of their software development through implementation of
processes”. Comment

Absolutely. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a framework that aims to assist organizations in enhancing the quality of their
software development processes. By implementing and adhering to CMM processes, organizations can achieve greater consistency,
predictability, and control in their software development activities.

CMM provides a structured approach for organizations to assess their current software development practices, identify areas for
improvement, and establish a roadmap for enhancing process maturity. Through a series of defined maturity levels, ranging from initial
(Level 1) to optimized (Level 5), CMM guides organizations towards progressively more sophisticated and effective software
development processes.

By focusing on process improvement, CMM helps organizations:

1. Identify and eliminate inefficiencies and bottlenecks in their software development lifecycle.

2. Standardize best practices and methodologies across teams and projects.

3. Enhance the quality, reliability, and maintainability of software products.

4. Increase stakeholder satisfaction by delivering software that meets or exceeds expectations.

5. Improve project management, cost estimation, and risk management practices.

6. Facilitate continuous learning and organizational growth.

Overall, CMM serves as a valuable tool for organizations seeking to elevate their software development capabilities and deliver high-
quality products in a systematic and disciplined manner. It emphasizes the importance of process maturity as a foundation for achieving
long-term success in software development endeavors.

Q18. Demonstrate value-driven development with suitable example.

Value-driven development is an approach that prioritizes delivering maximum value to the customer or stakeholder with each iteration
or release. It focuses on identifying and implementing features or changes that provide the most significant benefit or impact to the
end-user. Let's illustrate value-driven development with a suitable example:

Example: Online Shopping Platform

Imagine a team developing an online shopping platform. They aim to prioritize features that provide the most value to customers, such
as improving the user experience, enhancing product search capabilities, and streamlining the checkout process.

1. **Identify High-Value Features**:

- The team conducts market research and gathers feedback from users to identify features that will provide the most value.

- Based on customer feedback and market trends, they prioritize features such as a simplified checkout process, personalized product
recommendations, and a mobile-friendly interface.

2. **Implement Incremental Changes**:

- Rather than attempting to implement all features at once, the team takes an incremental approach, focusing on delivering small,
valuable changes with each iteration.

- For example, in the first iteration, they might focus on optimizing the checkout process by reducing the number of steps required to
complete a purchase.

Notes by Manthan
- In subsequent iterations, they prioritize additional features such as implementing personalized recommendations based on user
preferences and browsing history.

3. **Measure Impact**:

- After each iteration or release, the team measures the impact of the implemented features on key metrics such as conversion rate,
customer satisfaction, and average order value.

- They analyze user feedback, monitor usage patterns, and track changes in key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of
the delivered features.

4. **Iterate Based on Feedback**:

- Based on the insights gained from user feedback and performance metrics, the team iterates on the product, making further
improvements and enhancements.

- For example, if users report difficulties finding products, the team may prioritize refining the search functionality in the next iteration
to better meet user needs.

5. **Continuous Improvement**:

- The team adopts a mindset of continuous improvement, constantly seeking opportunities to enhance the platform and deliver
additional value to customers.

- They regularly review and prioritize new features and changes based on evolving customer needs, market dynamics, and
technological advancements.

Q19. Explain release planning and iteration (Sprint) planning in brief.

A Sprint Retrospective is when the team gathers to talk about what went well and what could be better after finishing a project phase.
It’s like a friendly meeting to plan how to do an even better job next time by learning from what worked and what didn’t. The goal is to
improve as a team and deliver great results. A sprint retrospective in software is a scrum event in software development in which the
team looks back on the previous sprint.

In Agile and Scrum software development, a Sprint Retrospective is a regular meeting to evaluate the team’s performance that occurs
after each sprint. The main goals of the retrospective include reflecting on the most recent sprint, determining what worked well,
identifying areas for improvement, and devising ways for the team to enhance its procedures in the upcoming sprint. The retrospective
aims to foster open communication and collaborative problem-solving to establish a culture of continuous improvement. Teams can
enhance their workflow, address issues, and improve their procedures through regular Sprint Retrospectives, contributing to the overall
success of the project.

Purpose of Sprint Retrospective in Software Development

Reflection: The team evaluates its accomplishments and obstacles as they consider the finished sprint.

Findings of Improvement Opportunities: Team members talk about areas of the sprint that could be improved in software, such as
procedures, cooperation, communication, or any additional important factors for raising performance in the future.

Collaborative Decision-Making: It promotes open discussion and teamwork among participants.

Adaptation and Learning: The team could alter its procedures by the knowledge gained from previous sprints by holding regular
retrospectives. It encourages a mindset of continuous learning and improvement to maximize performance in software development.

Motivation and Morale: Giving credit for accomplishments improves morale and motivation within the team while also creating a
positive team atmosphere.

Q20. Consider a project with the following functional units.

Notes by Manthan
i) Number of user inputs = 15
ii) Number of user outputs = 12
iii) Number of user equiries = 07
iv) Number of user files = 20
v) Number of external interfaces = 05

In addition to the above, system requires significant.

- Data communication (5)

- Performance is very critical (4)

- Designed code may be moderately reusable (2)

Other complexity factors are treated as Average.

Compute the functional point for the project.

a) A project of 200 KLOC is to be developed. Software development team has average experience on similar type of projects. The project
schedule is not very right. Calculate the effort, development time, average staff size of the project by using semi-detached mode of
cocomo model.

b) A new project with estimated 325 KLOC system has to be developed. For the development of the project following things also
i) Volatility of the virtual machine environment is low (0.87)
ii) Product Complexity is High (1.15)
iii) Virtual machine experience is high (1.07) iv) Complexity of the product is Extra High (0.90) v) Use of software tools is very high (0.83)
iv) Remaining all drivers are treated as Nominal

Calculate :

1) Effort

2) Development time

3) Average staff size

4) Productivity of the product

Notes by Manthan

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