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Mythic Powers Comprehensive

Sourcebook Manbearscientist
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Total Fitness and Wellness, 8th Edition Scott K. Powers

Caregiving Sourcebook Kevin Hayes

Cancer Sourcebook Kevin Hayes
Mythic Powers
Comprehensive Sourcebook

AUTHOR Table of Contents
0 Introduction iii
none 1 Classes 1
Alchemist......................................................................................... 2 Ranger..............................................................................................16
Barbarian...........................................................................................4 Rogue...............................................................................................17
DESIGNERS Bard....................................................................................................5
Champion......................................................................................... 6
none Cleric...................................................................................................7 Swashbuckler................................................................................20
Druid.................................................................................................. 8 Witch................................................................................................21
Fighter.............................................................................................. 9 Wizard............................................................................................22
ADDITIONAL Gunslinger.......................................................................................10 Other Considerations..................................................................23
Inventor............................................................................................11 Spellcasting Archetypes............................................................23
DEVELOPMENT Investigator....................................................................................12 Animal Companions....................................................................23
none Magus..............................................................................................13 Futureproofing.............................................................................23
Monk................................................................................................14 Legendary Items..........................................................................24
EDITING LEAD 2 Low Level Mythic Play 27
Aberration......................................................................................32 Hierophant.....................................................................................68
Aeon................................................................................................34 Lich.................................................................................................. 72
Agathion.........................................................................................36 Marshal............................................................................................74
EDITORS Alignment......................................................................................38 Martial Master.............................................................................. 76
Silvermourn, Teshub, Zenith Angel...............................................................................................40 Occult Exemplar........................................................................... 78
Archmage.......................................................................................42 Ooze.................................................................................................80
Archon............................................................................................44 Primal Paragon.............................................................................82
Azata...............................................................................................46 Protean...........................................................................................84
COVER ARTIST Clockwork......................................................................................48
manbearscientist Demigod.........................................................................................52 Sahkil...............................................................................................90
Demon.............................................................................................54 Spirit................................................................................................92
Devil.................................................................................................56 Swarm-That-Walks......................................................................94
INTERIOR ARTISTS Dragon............................................................................................58 Titan.................................................................................................96
manbearscientist Elemental.......................................................................................60 Trickster.........................................................................................98
Ennosite..........................................................................................62 Vampire.........................................................................................100
Fey...................................................................................................64 Velstrac.........................................................................................102
ART DIRECTION AND Graveknight...................................................................................66 Werecreature.............................................................................. 104

GRAPHIC DESIGN 3 Mythic Feats 107

4 Mythic Spells 119
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mythic Heightening Spells......................................................120 Reading Entries.....................................................................121
manbearscientist Heightened +X Spells............................................................120 New Heightened Effects (Focus Spells)............................... 124
New Heightened Effects (Spells)............................................121 New Heightening Effects (Rituals)........................................ 125


DESIGN Running Mythic Campaigns....................................................128 Reputation............................................................................... 145
Mythic Story Structure............................................................ 129 Leadership............................................................................... 145
none Elements of a Mythic Adventure...........................................131 Hexploration............................................................................ 145
Mythic Themes........................................................................... 132 Ability Score Variants........................................................... 145
PROJECT MANAGER Designing Encounters.............................................................. 136
Mythic Trials............................................................................... 137
Dual-Class PCs.............................................................. 145
Free Archetype PCs...................................................... 146
none Mythic Boons.............................................................................. 139
Ancestry ....................................................................... 146
Mythic DCs.................................................................................. 140
Simplified Ancestries PCs............................................ 146
PUBLISHER Treasure by Level........................................................................141 Simplified Skill Feats PCs............................................. 146
Treasure for New Characters...................................................141 Magic Item Variants.............................................................. 146
none Proficiency Without Level....................................................147
Relics............................................................................................. 142
Earn Income/Craft..................................................................... 144 Skill Points................................................................................147
Alternate Systems..................................................................... 144 Stamina......................................................................................147
Victory Points......................................................................... 144 Building Creatures......................................................................147
Influence.................................................................................. 145 Designing NPCs..........................................................................160
Research................................................................................... 145 Building Hazards........................................................................ 163

6 Mythic Monsters 167

7 Credits 177

Legends speak. Darkness gathers. When the stakes are at their highest, those that are beyond
exemplary answer the call. These are the mythic heroes.

(Repeated from Mythic Adventures) makes a mythic story exciting: these heroes might fall, just
WHAT IS MYTHIC? as non-mythic heroes might succumb to lesser threats.
And when they do succeed, their victory often comes at
Everyone knows the story of the blacksmith’s son who, a high cost, and usually leaves them scarred. The rules
after taking up arms to defend his village, continues on in this book give players and GMs the tools they need to
to become a renowned adventurer. And of the young elf run mythic adventures. The mythic rules add to the base
who spends years studying musty tomes and practicing rules of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, either as part
simple spells before she heads out into the world to seek of an adventure in which the PCs attain mythic power for
ancient lore. These are the stories of everyday adventur- a limited time, or as the backbone of an entire campaign
ers, risen from the ranks of the common folk to make charting the legend of a group of mythic characters.
a name for themselves in places harsh and unforgiving.
But these are not the only stories of heroism. Some
The original Mythic Adventures gave a system that ran
adventurers are beyond exemplary—their stories forge
alongside the regular level based system that Pathfinder
the greatest sagas of history, and their every deed births
1st Edition ran on. In contrast, this system is focusing
a legend. From the children of gods, blessed with the
on content that starts after a player has reached their fi-
divine spark, to the lucky heroes born under auspicious
nal level, colloquially "epic levels'.
stars, these characters are destined to greatness. They are
mythic: possessed of unparalleled heroism and capable Classes advance as they did previously, gaining access
of astounding acts. to boosts for their proficiencies and mythic feats, which
takes the place of path abilities and boons. Gaining a new
To be mythic means to draw upon a power that few
level also means progressing in tier (for the abilities that
even dare to understand, and even fewer hope to wield.
scale off tier).
An air of destiny surrounds mythic characters, and each
choice they make shapes the world at large. Their story is The content in this book attempts to address some of
intertwined with the great events of the day, and their ac- the criticisms of the mythic content in Pathfinder 1st
tions are central to the outcomes. Mythic characters are Edition, while maintaining the flavorful aspects of that
more resilient and powerful than others, and as a result content. In particular, it does not try to push a 'rock-
are awe-inspiring in ways their non-mythic counterparts et-tag' style of gameplay, where combat is decided upon
could never match. Other adventurers might balk at tak- rolling initiative as either party is capable of wiping the
ing on a dragon that plagues a village, but mythic heroes other out in a single turn. As such, all of the following
would not only take on the dragon, but also clear the en- were avoided when converting from 1st Edition:
tire region of threats.
• massive boosts to rolls
Ultimately, the story of mythic heroes is defined by the
• abilities that allowed a player to consider a roll as
challenges they face. The GM has a number of new and
a natural 20 on the dice
awe-inspiring tools with which to confront mythic play-
er characters, ranging from immense and deadly myth- • breaks in the action economy
ic monsters to vile and cunning mythic villains. Mythic
• anything that simply scales up damage beyond
monsters are unique creatures or remnants of a bygone
normal progressions (such as mythic disintegrate
age when such terrifying beasts ruled over the land. They
firing two beams in 1st Edition)
now dwell in the lost places of the world, waiting for their
time to bring great terror. Mythic villains have many of It is also less interested in the dichotomy between
the powers of mythic characters, but they use their abil- mythic and non-mythic characters. This is rather clean-
ities selfishly—to subjugate kingdoms, slaughter the in- ly addressed through 2nd Edition's incapacitation trait
nocent, and bring ruin to the world. Unless heroes rise where appropriate. Punching down doesn't exemplify
to stop them, mythic villains can cause destruction and the heroics of mythic characters, and it isn't great for
chaos on an unimaginable scale. gameplay. Simply having a higher tier is no guarantee of
success in this edition.
Even with such great power, mythic characters are not
invulnerable, just more able to deal with the dangers of This is particularly true because monsters are handled
the world around them. If a mythic character dies, her separately from mythic player characters. Obviously,
loss is a great tragedy to the world, as the light of one of monsters above level 20 already exist. A mythic party
its true champions has been extinguished. This is what will have to contend with many of these creatures before
running against foes that a non-mythic party of level 20 domains like a god or gaining access to your own
player characters could not hope to handle, such as full legendary items.
demon lords, kaiju, or Baba Yaga herself.
Chapter 4, as mentioned above, covers mythic
Spellcasting is another issue. While player characters heightening spells in full detail, and provides new
advance up to level 21, spellcasters will not gain access heightened versions of spells.
to further levels of spell. Rather than invalidating
Chapter 5 is all about the gamemastering for a
10th level spells, which already represent the peak of
mythic campaign, and provides the tools needed to do
magic's capabilities, this book introduces a new form of
so. This includes a wide variety of new or expanded
heightening spells: mythic heightening. This allows a
tables, especially relating to monster creation as well as
spell to be treated as if it were level 11 or higher even
information needed to run mythic content with alternate
though actual spells at that level do not exist. See
or variant system.
information under the spellcasting classes for more
information, and Spells to see new heightened effects for Chapter 6 will present some challenges appropriate for
spells. a mythic party to face. This is meant to act as inspiration.
Finally, a new level of proficiency has been added: GLOSSARY
mythic. Characters that have mythic proficiency add
This book uses several terms that are new to the Path-
their level + 10. For class abilities, characters may
finder 2nd Edition, or that previously existed but were
increase their proficiencies through mythic boosts in an
rarely used. These terms are worth reviewing before con-
a la carte manner, though no ability may be boosted more
tinuing on with the rest of this book.
than once. Skills may be increased to mythic proficiency
starting at level 21. Ascension The moment of ascension is the moment
when a normal character becomes a mythic character.
These boosts are largely numeric. There are no new
This event is usually a critical moment in the story that
class feats, general feats, skill feats, or, as mentioned
helps to define the mythic character’s origin and the
above, higher level spells in this book. By ascending to
source of her power.
level 20, a character has already reached the peak of what
they can accomplish by traditional means. Rather than Mythic With abilities seemingly beyond the those of
invalidate these as lesser options, this book chooses to ordinary mortals, a mythic character or mythic monster
allow these to still stand as capstones while keeping their becomes part of a story that plays out on a greater scale
functionality through numeric increases. than ordinary people can understand.
To allow GMs to run mythic games, this book will Mythic Boon When a mythic character completes
expand upon the level-based tables presented in various a particularly difficult task, the GM might reward that
2nd Edition books, including fully diving into mythic character with a mythic boon. A mythic boon represents
monster creation and providing a few examples of such having earned the favor of the source of the character’s
threats. It will also cover in brief detail the differences power. Mythic boons typically allow a character to ignore
between running such a game and a normal game, and the frequency limit on Quick Surge for one encounter,
cover using the material in this book with alternate but can include other temporary benefits (See Mythic
systems. Events). Boons can also provide permanent benefits,
such as additional mythic feats, access to powerful items
The main focus of this book is on expanding options
(such as relics, legendary items, and even artifacts), or
for level 20 characters, namely characters that have
even a deity's boon. More information is available under
completed a 2nd Edition Adventure Path. Chapter 2 will
Chapter 2: Mythic Events.
go into further detail on class advancement for each of
the current classes, and will also cover how to advance Mythic Boost Mythic boosts are the permanent man-
classes that don't yet exist as a form of future-proofing. ifestations of mythic power that separate mythic charac-
ters from their common counterparts. There are seven
Chapter 1 will give level tables for classes for level s 21
possible boosts, and players choose two each time they
through 25.
receive a mythic boost, with each boost increasing the
Chapter 2 will explore incorporating mythic play into proficiency of that aspect by one, up to mythic profi-
your campaigns from the very beginning. ciency (trained > expert > master > legendary > mythic).
Those boosts are: attacks, defense, spellcasting, Percep-
Chapter 3 will introduce mythic feats, includes a wide tion, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. These boosts apply ret-
variety of mythic feats based largely on the archmage, roactively, and any future increases will instead increase
champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal and trickster your proficiency by one level.
paths from 1st Edition. These feats are about granting
you additional power and opportunities not available For instance, if a Fighter gains a mythic boost at level 3
to non-mythic characters, such as being able to grant and selects "attacks" and "AC", they would increase their

proficiencies to master in simple, unarmed, and martial When a mythic boost to Perception, Fortitude, Reflex,
weapons, and expert in advanced weapons. At level 5, or Will is taken, increase your proficiency in that catego-
they would choose a weapon group for Fighter Weapon ry. This does not convey any additional benefits.
mastery and increase that weapon group's proficiency to
Mythic Feat Mythic feats are special feats that be tak-
legendary, instead of master.
en at 21 and above or after a character has a mythic tier.
Likewise, they would increase their proficiency in light, Each character may select one mythic feat at 21, and again
medium and heavy armor to expert. At level 9, when they at each level past 21. Characters may also choose to ex-
gain Armor Expertise, their proficiency in light, medi- change ancestry, class, and general feats for mythic feats.
um, and heavy armor, as well as for unarmored defense,
Mythic Heightening When you mythic heighten a
instead increase to master.
spell, that spell increases in level, heightening to a spell
When a mythic boost to attacks is taken, increase the level equal to one level higher than you can cast without
proficiency of your simple weapons and unarmed attacks mythic heightening, or to the value given by your class
if you are at least trained in that category. Do the same progression, whichever is higher. When a spell cast from
with martial weapons and advanced weapons and any your spell slots is mythic heightened, you lose one of
other category you are at least trained in. Additionally, your highest remaining spell slots (up to 9th level).
you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on any skill attack
For example, a 7th level Wizard could mythic heighten
fireball to 5th level, rather than 4th, but even if they origi-
When a mythic boost to defense is taken, increase the nally cast fireball from their 3rd level slots, they lose a 4th
proficiency of your unarmored AC if you are at least level slot of their choice rather than the slot containing
trained in that category. Do the same with light armor, the 3rd level fireball. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
medium armor, and heavy armor and any other category from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic height-
you are at least trained in. ened.
When a mythic boost to spellcasting is taken, increase Both prepared and spontaneous casters can mythic
the proficiency of all spell attacks and DCs you have re- heighten spells. A prepared spellcaster does not need to
ceived from your primary class. Proficiencies gained prepare mythic heightened spells in a higher-level spell
from archetypes are not increased. slot, and spontaneous spell caster does not need to know

that spell at the specific level that they want to cast it. Table 0-1: Low Level Tiers
Mythic Tier An alternate name for the levels that myth-
ic features are given at. Mythic tiers are described in the YOUR
Table 0-1: Low-Level Tiers (assuming standard progres- LEVEL TIER
sion) and Table 0-2: Epic Level Tiers, which describe
3 1
when tiers are attained based on when a group started to
5 2
incorporate mythic elements into their game. In general,
8 3
if mythic elements were incorporated from the begin-
ning tiers are gained when mythic boosts or feats are giv- 10 4
en, and if mythic elements were incorporated with epic 13 5
levels each epic level is worth two tiers. Some mythic 15 6
feats and other aspects refer to tier. 18 7
20 8
Quick Surge An action that each mythic character re- 9
ceives at level 21, or as soon as they receive a mythic boost.
25 10
Quick Surge augments Surge, making it a free action.
Surge An action that each mythic character receives at
level 21, or as soon as they receive a mythic boost. Surge
Table 0-2: Epic Level Tiers
augments your next action, letting you utilize your myth-
ic power in a basic way. YOUR
21 2
22 4
SURGE a 23 6
25 10
Frequency Once per round
You empower your next action with mythic energy. This
always produces an obvious visual effect.
If you would gain a circumstance bonus and are at least 23rd
level, the bonus increases to +2. If you are at level 25th level,
the bonus increases to +3.

Choose one:
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all checks (but not
DCs or saves) until the start of your next turn
• you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saves until
the start of your next turn
• you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the DCs of your
spells and abilities until the start of your next turn

After gaining the ability to mythic heighten spells, you may

also use the below option.

• Surge gains the metamagic trait. If your next action is

to Cast a Spell from your spell slots, that spell is mythic


Frequency Once per 10 minutes

Trigger Your turn begins

If your next action is to use Surge, reduce the number of

actions to cast it to a free action.


Having reached the pinnacle of innovation, mythic alchemists strive to go even further beyond the
bounds of what lesser minds call 'the possible'.
Table 1-1: Alchemist Class Progression
Alchemical overdrive, ancestry feat, greater weapon Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
21 specialization, legendary alchemist, mythic boosts, 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
22 Alchemist feat, mythic feat, skill feat if you're mythic.
Alchemical overdrive, general feat, mythic boosts,
mythic feat, skill increase LEGENDARY ALCHEMIST 21ST
24 Alchemist feat, mythic feat, skill feat
Ability boosts, alchemical overdrive, ancestry feat, Your alchemical concoctions are the stuff of legend.
25 mythic alchemist, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill Your proficiency rank for your alchemist class DC in-
increase creases to legendary.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose two
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected only once):
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- trained or better proficiency in.
my to create an alchemical item, it is treated as • Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
being your level. Your counteract bonus for such trained or better proficiency in.
items is equal to your Class DC - 10. • Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
• Item bonuses from alchemical items produced by DCs for the tradition from your class. This benefit
advanced alchemy or quick alchemy increase by cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
+1, up to a maximum of +5. trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Al- DC with the same class features (such as Champion
chemy to create an alchemical poison that deals or Monk).
damage in stages it deals an additional 1d6 poison • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
damage at each stage of its affliction for each tier
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
you possess.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
my to create an elixir of life, it heals an additional
1d6 Hit Points for each tier your possess. MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Alche- You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
my to create a bomb, it deals an additional dice of thereafter.
damage. It also gains a bonus to splash and per-
sistent damage equal to your tier.
• When you use Quick Alchemy or Advanced Al-
chemy to create an alchemical item that requires
a saving throw, the DC is increased by up to 4, to At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
a maximum of your class DC. If you have Power- skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
ful Alchemy, you can increase it to your Class DC your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
instead. trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
mythic feats. ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain an
alchemist class feat. These alchemist class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.


At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill feat.


At 23rd level, you gain a general feat. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.


Your skill in alchemy is mythical. Your proficiency
rank for your alchemist class DC increases to mythic.

Add the following additional option:
• If you are at least level 21, you can spend up to a
month of downtime applying the quicksilver ei-
ther to iron to create silver or to lead to create
gold. Treat this as a task at your level to Earn In-
come using Crafting, except that you create twice
the value of your chosen metal on a Success or
Critical Success (example: at level 21, 600 gp on a
success and 1,200 on a critical success).

Standing atop the world as an exemplar of fury and violence, you transcend your limitations. When
you rage, the world itself watches with bated breath as you destroy all in your path.
Table 1-2: Barbarian Class Progression
your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
Your trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
Level Class Features
crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick
21 you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
surge, skill increase, surge
Barbarian feat, mythic feat, skill feat rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
General feat, legendary barbarian, major weapon ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill skill in which you're already legendary.
24 Barbarian feat, mythic feat, skill feat BARBARIAN FEAT 22ND
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
feat, skill increase barbarian class feat. These barbarian class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for skill feat.
mythic feats.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your fury is recorded in legend. Your proficiency rank
trained or better proficiency in. for your barbarian class DC increases to legendary.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
trained or better proficiency in.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with if you're mythic.
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level thereafter.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase

You are an unparalleled artist, a scholar without repute, someone who could charm a devil or make
archon cry with a word. You don't just tell myths and legends, you make them.
Table 1-3: Bard Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Bard feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Bard feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening. rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
bard class feat. These bard class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You are no longer a mere emissary of your deity. You are a champion of myth of legend, a trusted ally
more than a capable servant. Your defenses are impregnable, protecting your faith and allies alike.
Table 1-4: Champion Class Progression
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Level Class Features skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
Ancestry feat, legendary champion, mythic boosts, your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
22 Champion feat, mythic feat, skill feat
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
General feat, major weapon specialization, mythic
23 crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase
24 Champion feat, mythic feat, skill feat you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
25 ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
feat, mythical champion, skill increase
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic feats. champion class feat. These champion class feats can be
exchanged for mythic feats.
Your devotion to your deity, tenet, and code is legend-
ary. Your proficiency ranks for your champion class DC At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
and for divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to skill feat.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have if you're mythic.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL CHAMPION 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- Your divine cause is the subject of myth. Your profi-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with ciency ranks for your champion class DC and for divine
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or spell attack rolls and spell DCs increase to mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

You are more than a foot soldier in the army of your faith. You are a leader, a general, a symbol. Your
divine magic is spoken of as if it were the acts of the gods themselves.
Table 1-5: Cleric Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Cleric feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Cleric feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
cleric class feat. These cleric class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

Nature is inevitable. So are you. Others stand in awe of the power you bring. You are a force of nature,
not a just a force for nature, and the primal magic you wield are the stuff of hushed stories.
Table 1-6: Druid Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Druid feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Druid feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ening rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
druid class feat. These druid class feats can be exchanged
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
if you're mythic. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

Your storied strikes are said to never fall short. If martial skills are truly an art, then you are no mere
painter. You are a virtuoso, an unmatched prodigy, and fighter unparalleled and unrivaled.
Table 1-7: Fighter Class Progression
Level Class Features SKILL INCREASE 21ST
Ancestry feat, improved weapon specialization At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
21 mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick surge, skill skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
increase, surge your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
22 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat
trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
General feat, legendary fighter, major weapon
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
24 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
25 ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
feat, skill increase
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a fighter class feat. These fighter class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.
21ST At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to skill feat.
10 if you're mythic.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your martial prowess is the stuff of stories. Your pro-
trained or better proficiency in. ficiency rank for your fighter class DC increases to leg-
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in. MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or if you're mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
You are storied marksmen, a fabled sharpshooter of unmatched renown and skill. The deeds you
commit have passed into myth, the way you follow a code others can't help but follow.
Table 1-8: Gunslinger Class Progression
Your You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Level Class Features thereafter.
Ancestry feat, improved weapon specialization,
21 legendary gunslinger, mythic boosts, mythic feat, SKILL INCREASE 21ST
quick surge, skill increase, surge
22 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
General feat, legendary fighter, major weapon skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
increase trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
24 Fighter feat, mythic feat, skill feat skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
feat, mythical gunslinger, skill increase you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- skill in which you're already legendary.
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. GUNSLINGER FEAT 22ND
IMPROVED WEAPON SPECIALIZATION At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
a fighter class feat. These fighter class feats can be ex-
21ST changed for mythic feats.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
10 if you're mythic. SKILL FEAT 22ND
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your shooting prowess is the stuff of stories. Your pro-
ficiency rank for your gunslinger class DC increases to GENERAL FEAT 23RD
legendary. You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
only once): 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained or better proficiency in. if you're mythic.

• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have MYTHICAL GUNSLINGER 25TH
trained or better proficiency in.
Your fabled sharpshooting is the subject of myth. Your
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and proficiency rank for your gunslinger class DC increases
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- to mythic.
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
You aren't a mere tinkerer; you are a creator of myth. When others examine your work, it is as though
they wonder at the artifice of ages past or the fantastic advancements of the far future..
Table 1-9: Inventor Class Progression
Level Class Features SKILL INCREASE 21ST
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, precise At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
strike (7d6), quick surge, skill increase, surge skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat
your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
General feat, legendary swashbuckler, major weapon trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
increase, vivacious speed +35 feet
Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
feat, precise strike (8d6), skill increase rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for swashbuckler class feat. These swashbuckler class feats
mythic feats. can be exchanged for mythic feats.
The inventions you'd made are the subject of myth. At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Your proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increas- skill feat.
es to legendary
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained or better proficiency in. if you're mythic.

• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL INVENTOR 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
Your fabled inventions are the subject of myth. Your
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increases to
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

Your pursuit of the truth has led you to new heights. Nothing lays hidden with you involved. No problem
is too complicated. If knowledge is a weapon, then the arms you wield are the deadliest of all.
Table 1-11: Investigator Class Progression
in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in
Your which you’re already trained to expert, or to increase
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re
Level Class Features
already an expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, quick
legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master, or
21 surge, skill increase, skillful lesson, strategic strike
to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in
6d6, surge
22 Investigator feat, mythic feat, skill increase, skill feat which you're already legendary.
General feat, legendary investigator, major weapon
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill SKILLFUL LESSON 21ST
increase, skillful lesson At 21st level and every odd-numbered level thereaf-
24 Investigator feat, mythic feat, skill increase, skill feat
ter, you gain a skill feat. This feat must be for an Intelli-
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic gence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill, or for the skill
feat, skill increase, skillful lesson, strategic strike 7d6
you gained from your methodology.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- When you strike carefully and with forethought, you
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for deal a telling blow. When making a Strike that adds your
mythic feats. Intelligence modifier on your attack roll due to Devising
a Stratagem, you deal an additional 6d6 precision dam-
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose As your investigator level increases, so too does the
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected deadliness of your strategic strike. Increase the number
only once): of dice by one at 25th level.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain an
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
investigator class feat. These investigator class feats can
trained or better proficiency in.
be exchanged for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- SKILL FEAT 22ND
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or skill feat.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion GENERAL FEAT 23RD
or Monk).
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
• Increase your proficiency in Perception. can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
Your detective talents have spawned legends. Your pro-
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves. ficiency rank for your investigator class DC increases to
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
thereafter. Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
SKILL INCREASE 21ST expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill if you're mythic.
increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained

You are a master of both the arcane and martial arts. You have perfected the art of fusing spell and
strike. With tome or sword, your achievements have entered into the halls of myth.
Table 1-12: Magus Class Progression
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Level Class Features
10th level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
mythic boosts, magus' majesty, mythic feat, mythic thereafter.
heightening, quick surge, skill increase, specialty
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, magus feat
11th-level mythic heightening, general feat, major
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
23 weapon specialization mythic boosts, mythic feat, your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips, focus spells,
skill increase and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened
12th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, are heightened to half your level, rounded up minus 1
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill even past the normal bounds of 10th-level. At 23rd level,
increase your mythic heightened spells are treated as being 11th-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST level spells. At 25th level, your mythic heightened spells
are treated as being 12th-level spells. See Mythic Spells
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- for more information on mythic heightening.
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for
mythic feats. SKILL INCREASE 21ST
MAGUS' MAJESTY 21ST At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
You break through all boundaries and gain the ability your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
to cast spells of truly incredible power. You gain a single trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
10th-level spell slot and can prepare a spell in that slot skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
using arcane spellcasting. You can't use this spell slot for crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
abilities that let you cast spells without expending spell you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
slots or that give you more spell slots. Unlike with other rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
spell slots, you don't gain more 10th-level spells as you ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
level up. skill in which you're already legendary.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected a magus class feat. These magus class feats can be ex-
only once): changed for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in. SKILL FEAT 22ND
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
trained or better proficiency in. skill feat.

• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and GENERAL FEAT 23RD
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk). Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. if you're mythic.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.

You have transcended the limitations of an unperfected body and mind. Other may believe that you
have reached the peak of enlightenment, but now you strive to go beyond the merely perfect.
Table 1-13: Monk Class Progression
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Level Class Features thereafter.
Ancestry feat, legendary monk, mythic boosts,
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge
Monk feat, mythic feat, skill feat
General feat, incredible speed +35 feet, major weapon At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
24 Monk feat, mythic feat, skill feat trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
feat, mythical monk, skill increase crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for MONK FEAT 22ND
mythic feats.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
LEGENDARY MONK 21ST monk class feat. These monk class feats can be exchanged
for mythic feats.
The strength of your fist is legendary. Your proficiency
rank for your monk class DC increases to legendary. If SKILL FEAT 22ND
you have ki spells, your proficiency rank for spell attack
rolls and spell DCs with the tradition of magic you use At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
for your ki spells increases to legendary. skill feat.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in. You gain a +35-foot status bonus to your Speed whenev-
er you're not wearing armor.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in. MAJOR WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or if you're mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion MYTHICAL MONK 25TH
or Monk).
Your search for perfection has given rise to myths and
• Increase your proficiency in Perception. legend. Your proficiency rank for your monk class DC in-
creases to mythic. If you have ki spells, your proficiency
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
rank for spell attack rolls and spell DCs with the tradition
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves. of magic you use for your ki spells increases to mythic.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.

Your conduit to divine power screams. No longer do does it whisper faint hints at divine truth. No, it
roars. Divine secrets and mysteries surround you, empower you, and draw you down to the abyss.
Table 1-14: Oracle Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Oracle feat, mythic feat, skill feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Oracle feat, mythic feat, skill feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for an oracle class feat. These oracle class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You laugh at civilization. You conquer the wilds. You protect what needs protected. Wherever there is
nature, you thrive. Wherever there is prey, you hunt. And you consider almost everything prey.
Table 1-15: Ranger Class Progression
Level Class Features
Ancestry feat, legendary ranger, mythic boosts, At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic feat, quick surge, skill increase, surge skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
22 Ranger feat, mythic feat, skill feat your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
General feat, major weapon specialization, mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
24 Ranger feat, mythic feat, skill feat crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
feat, mythical ranger, skill increase rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a ranger class feat. These ranger class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your talents in the wild are told of in legend. Your pro- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
ficiency rank for your ranger class DC increases to leg- skill feat.
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
trained or better proficiency in. 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have if you're mythic.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and MYTHICAL RANGER 25TH
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- Your protection of the wilds has given rise to myths.
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with Your proficiency rank for your ranger class DC increases
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or to mythic.
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.


You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level

You are the bump in the night. The empty vault that shouldn't have been crackable. Your wits are
sharper than a knife's edge. The breadth and depth of your talents is unfathomable.
Table 1-16: Rogue Class Progression
At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill
Level Class Features increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill feat, proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained
quick surge, skill increase, surge in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in
22 Rogue feat, mythic feat, skill feat, skill increase
which you’re already trained to expert, or to increase
General feat, legendary rogue, major weapon
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, sneak
attack 5d6, skill feat, skill increase
already an expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to
24 Rogue feat, mythic feat, skill feat, skill increase legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master, or
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in
25 which you're already legendary.
feat, skill feat, skill increase


ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST At 21st level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for ROGUE FEAT 22ND
mythic feats.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST rogue class feat. These investigator class feats can be ex-
changed for mythic feats.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected SKILL FEAT 22ND
only once):
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have skill feat.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have SNEAK ATTACK 23RD
trained or better proficiency in. When your enemy can’t properly defend itself, you take
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and advantage to deal extra damage. If you Strike a creature
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- that has the flat-footed condition with an agile or finesse
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or ranged weapon attack, you deal an extra 5d6 precision
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown melee weap-
DC with the same class features (such as Champion on, that weapon must also be agile or finesse.
or Monk).
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your roguish talents are talked of in legends. Your pro-
ficiency rank for your rogue class DC increases to leg-
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
if you're mythic.

You have ascended to the raw power that is your birthright. You didn't choose to become a spellcaster,
but your actions have made you a myth. The sorcery in your bloodline is practically overflowing.
Table 1-17: Sorcerer Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, sorcerer feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, sorcerer feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for sorcerer class feat. These sorcerer class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-

You and your eidolon have become the subject of myth and legend. The connection you share is just
one factor among many marking you as truly extraordinary, two beings that cannot be compared.
Table 1-18: Summoner Class Progression proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re untrained in,
or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which
Your you’re already trained to expert, or to increase your profi-
ciency rank to master in a skill in which you’re already an
Level Class Features expert, or to increase your proficiency rank to legendary in
10th level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater a skill in which you’re already a master, or to increase your
weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic proficiency rank to mythic in a skill in which you're already
feat, quick surge, skill increase, specialty spell, legendary.
summoner's ascension, surge
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, summoner feat
11th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten your
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat spells using Surge. Your cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
12th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic heightened.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill Spells that are mythic heightened are heightened to half
increase your level, rounded up minus 1 even past the normal bounds
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST of 10th-level. At 23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 levels treated as being 11th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic
thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for mythic heightened spells are treated as being 12th-level spells. See
feats. Mythic Spells for more information on mythic heightening.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 By fully embracing the power of your Eidolon, you gain
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an ex- the ability to cast spells of truly incredible power. You gain a
pert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10 if you're single 10th-level spell slot and can prepare a spell in that slot
mythic. using your tradition. You can't use this spell slot for abilities
that let you cast spells without expending spell slots or that
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST give you more spell slots. Unlike with other spell slots, you
don't gain more 10th-level spells as you level up.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose two
of the following benefits, which apply both to you and your SUMMONER FEAT 22ND
Eidolon (each benefit can be selected only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a sum-
trained or better proficiency in. moner class feat. These wizard class feats can be exchanged
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have trained for mythic feats.
or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs SKILL FEAT 22ND
for the tradition from your class. This benefit cannot At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
be taken by classes that do not start with trained pro- feat.
ficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or for any class
that increases their Class DC and spell DC with the GENERAL FEAT 23RD
same class features (such as Champion or Monk).
You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat can
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
be exchanged for a mythic feat.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your eidolon's damage from weapon specialization in-
MYTHIC FEATS 21ST creases to 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which it is
an expert, 9 if they are a master, 12 if they are legendary , and
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level there-
15 if they are mythic.


You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat can
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
be exchanged for a mythic feat.
increase. You can use this increase either to increase your
Your flair inspires poems, books, and not a few imitators. But you are far more than just a stylish
warrior. You are a graceful death, courting death and charming fate like others would a lover.
Table 1-19: Swashbuckler Class Progression
damage. If the strike is part of a finisher, the additional
Your damage is 7d6 precision damage instead.
Level Class Features As your swashbuckler level increases, so does your ad-
Ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, precise ditional damage for precise strike. Increase the amount
strike (7d6), quick surge, skill increase, surge of additional damage on a Strike and the number of ad-
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat ditional dice on a finisher by one at 25th level.
General feat, legendary swashbuckler, major weapon
23 specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill SKILL INCREASE 21ST
increase, vivacious speed +35 feet
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, swashbuckler feat At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
25 your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
feat, precise strike (8d6), skill increase
trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
ANCESTRY FEATS 21ST crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
mythic feats. skill in which you're already legendary.


At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected swashbuckler class feat. These swashbuckler class feats
only once): can be exchanged for mythic feats.
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
skill feat.
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and GENERAL FEAT 23RD
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene- You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell LEGENDARY SWASHBUCKLER 23RD
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
or Monk). The flair you fight with is storied. Your proficiency rank
for your swashbuckler class DC increases to legendary.
• Increase your proficiency in Perception.
• Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves. VIVACIOUS SPEED 23RD
• Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves. You gain a +35-foot status bonus to your Speed whenev-
er you're not wearing armor.
• Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level 6 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an
thereafter. expert, 9 if you’re a master, 12 if you’re legendary, and 15
if you're mythic.
You strike with flair. When you have panache and you
Strike with an agile or finesse melee weapon or agile or
finesse unarmed attack, you deal 7 additional precision

You are an overflowing vessel. The powerful magic you wield has exceeded whatever plans your
patron may have had. Without study, without devotion, you wield the powers of myth.
Table 1-20: Witch Class Progression
trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
Your for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
Level Class Features
or Monk).
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat, • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
quick surge, skill increase, surge
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, witch feat • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, witch feat • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts,
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells. Your cantrips. focus spells, and spells cast At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
from your 10th level spell slot are always mythic height- skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
ened. Spells that are mythic heightened are heightened to your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
half your level, rounded up even past the normal bounds trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic heightened spells skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
are treated as being 11th-level spells. At 23rd level, your crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
mythic heightened spells are treated as being 12th-level you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
spells. At 25th level, your mythic heightened spells are rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
treated as being 13th-level spells. See Mythic Spells for ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
more information on mythic heightening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for witch class feat. These witch class feats can be exchanged
mythic feats. for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with

You are an archmage. When others speak of the titans whose work lays the foundations for new
magic, they are speaking of you. You've forgotten more than lesser spellcasters will ever know.
Table 1-21: Wizard Class Progression
fit cannot be taken by classes that do not start with
Your trained proficiency in spell attack rolls and DCs, or
for any class that increases their Class DC and spell
Level Class Features
DC with the same class features (such as Champion
11th-level mythic heightening, ancestry feat, greater
or Monk).
21 weapon specialization, mythic boosts, mythic feat,
quick surge, skill increase, surge • Increase your proficiency in Perception.
22 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat
12th-level mythic heightening, general feat, mythic • Increase your proficiency in Fortitude saves.
boosts, mythic feat, skill increase • Increase your proficiency in Reflex saves.
24 Mythic feat, skill feat, wizard feat
13th-level mythic heightening, ability boosts, • Increase your proficiency in Will saves.
25 ancestry feat, mythic boosts, mythic feat, skill
increase MYTHIC FEATS 21ST
You gain a mythic feat at 21st level and every level
At 21st level, you gain the ability to mythic heighten
your spells by using Surge. Your cantrips. focus spells,
and spells cast from your 10th level spell slot are always At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
mythic heightened. Spells that are mythic heightened are skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase
heightened to half your level, rounded up even past the your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re un-
normal bounds of 10th-level. At 21st level, your mythic trained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one
heightened spells are treated as being 11th-level spells. At skill in which you’re already trained to expert, or to in-
23rd level, your mythic heightened spells are treated as crease your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
being 12th-level spells. At 25th level, your mythic height- you’re already an expert, or to increase your proficiency
ened spells are treated as being 13th-level spells. See rank to legendary in a skill in which you’re already a mas-
Mythic Spells for more information on mythic height- ter, or to increase your proficiency rank to mythic in a
ening. skill in which you're already legendary.


You gain an ancestry feat at 21st level and every 4 lev- At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain
els thereafter. These ancestry feats can be exchanged for a wizard class feat. These wizard class feats can be ex-
mythic feats. changed for mythic feats.


Your damage from weapon specialization increases to At 22nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an skill feat.
expert, 6 if you’re a master, 8 if you’re legendary, and 10
if you're mythic. GENERAL FEAT 23RD
MYTHIC BOOSTS 21ST You gain a general feat at 23rd level. This general feat
can be exchanged for a mythic feat.
At 21st level and every 2 levels thereafter, you choose
two of the following benefits (each benefit can be selected
only once):
• Increase your proficiency in all weapons you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in all armor you have
trained or better proficiency in.
• Increase your proficiency in spell attack rolls and
DCs for the tradition from your class. This bene-


Some archetypes grant you a substantial degree of Ancestry Feats Continue progressing ancestry feats as
spellcasting, albeit delayed compared to a character from before. In general, this means one ancestry feat at 21st
a spellcasting class. At the time of this book's publication, level, and another at 25th level. For ancestry paragons,
these archetypes were the bard, cleric, druid, eldritch ar- instead gain an ancestry feat at 21st, 23rd, and 25th level.
cher, oracle, sorcerer, witch, and wizard. Class DC If a class increases their class DC to master
To emulate some of that progress, this book grants at 17th level, they gain legendary proficiency at 21th level
an additional level 22 feat to these archetypes. This feat and mythic proficiency at 25th level. If they gain master
grants the Legendary Spellcasting benefits described be- DC at 19th level, they gain legendary proficiency at 23rd
low. Other classes that come out after this book would level. Classes that increase their proficiency with spell at-
also have this benefit, so long as they already have the tacks and DCs at 17th level also increase them at 21st and
basic, expert, and master spellcasting feats. 25th, but can't increase them with mythic boosts.

Legendary Spellcasting Feat: Upon reaching 22nd level, Class Feats Classes continue to gain class feats at the
these feats make you legendary in spell attack rolls and same rate as before. In general, this means one class feat
DCs of the appropriate magical tradition and grant you a at 22nd level, and one at 22th.
9th-level spell slot. If you have a spell repertoire, you can Class Features Classes generally do not get expansions
select a fourth spell from your repertoire as a signature of their class features in mythic levels. The exception are
spell. At 24th level, they grant you a 10th-level spell slot, class features that advance numerically with levels, such
if you do not already have a feat granting an additional as sneak attack adding dice or incredible speed adding
10-level spell slot. You can never gain another 10th-level larger status bonuses to Speed. Continue progressing
spell slot from an archetype or class feat. these at the same rate.
You can still take the legendary spellcasting feat from General Feats Continue progressing general feats as
other archetypes. When you do, you decide which feat before. In general, this means one general feat at 23rd
grants the 10th level spell slot. level.
Archetypes refer to these benefits as the “legendary Greater Weapon Specialization Classes that gain weap-
spellcasting benefits". on specialization gain greater weapon specialization 8
levels later.
Item Based Boost Classes that grant increased access
Classes and archetypes that grant an may take the fol- to items as class features (but not feats) gain additional
lowing mythic feat at level 21 or after gaining a mythic boosts for their items at levels 21st, 23rd, and 25th levels.
tier. In general, these increase the following:
Mythic companion benefits: Your animal becomes a • The item bonus (up to a maximum of +5)
beast out of legend. It gains the following: its proficiency
rank for unarmed attacks increases to master. Its pro- • The damage (1d6 per tier, or 2d6 if the ability is
ficiency rank for unarmored defense and barding each more limited than an alchemist's bomb)
increase. Its proficiency ranks for saving throws and • The counteract level, to a maximum of the charac-
Perception increase to legendary. Increase its Strength, ter's level
Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. Its
unarmed attack damage increases from three dice to four • The healing (1d6 per tier)
dice, and it increases its additional damage on unarmed • The savings throws (+4, up to a maximum of class
attacks from 4 to 6 or from 6 to 9. It's proficiency in all or spell DC, whichever is higher)
skills it is at least trained in increases.
Major Weapon Specialization Classes that gain greater
FUTUREPROOFING weapon specialization gain major weapon specialization
8 levels later.
For future classes, follow the following guidelines
when extrapolating levels out beyond level 20: Mythic Power, Surge, Heightening, etc. Classes gain
mythic feats every level, mythic boosts at 21st, 23rd, and
10th-level Spell Slot A class that only gains 9th level
25th level, and surge at level 1. All classes gain mythic
spells through level 20 gains an additional class feature
heightening for spells at 21st, 23rd, and 25th level, but it
granting a 10th-level spell slot at level 21. This is on top
is only listed under spellcasting classes for brevity. Char-
of any spell slots they would normally earn (if they nor-
acters that gain class features that give proficiency boosts
mally lose access to spell slots after gaining a new level,
to two characters at once may apply their mythic boosts
this doesn't apply for this spell slot and they keep their
to the other character as well as their own. If a class gains
proficiency in something that is not a skill and isn't cov- hardness and hit points increase to match steel's
ered under mythic boosts, they might gain an additional statistics in the CRB if they were lower.
mythic boost at 21st level for each such feature that can
• Horacalcum - Weapons add a +1 circumstance bo-
only be applied to those features.
nus to your first attack roll each turn if you are
LEGENDARY ITEMS quickened. Armor grants a +1 status bonus to ini-
tiative. The items hardness and hit points increase
Like class advancement, Pathfinder Second Edition as- to match mithral's statistics in the CRB if they were
sumes that a character will accumulate larger and larger lower.
item bonuses in the form of stronger weapons and ar-
mor. Legendary items (available through treasure drops • Mithral - as per the CRB
and mythic feats) fulfill this progression under mythic • Noqual - Objects made of noqual gain a +3 circum-
advancement. All legendary items scale with the level of stance bonus vs any save against a magical effect,
their bonded owner, and are a minimum of level 21. and use your saving throw even if unattended.
A legendary item is typically bonded to a single crea- Weapons made of noqual gain a +1 damage bonus
ture. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its per damage dice versus constructs and undead cre-
basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), ated or controlled by magic (such as the Create Un-
but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it dead Ritual or Summon Contruct). Armor made of
fully. Creatures that aren’t bonded to the legendary item noqual grant a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and
can typically use all of its special abilities that aren’t leg- saving throws versus such creatures. The items
endary item abilities. hardness and hit points increase to match mithral's
statistics in the CRB if they were lower.
LEGENDARY ITEM ABILITIES • Oricalchum - as per the CRB
Dedicated Bond: An item with this ability can’t be used • Sovereign Steel - as per Legends
by anyone not bonded with it. Furthermore, using a spe-
cial ritual that takes 10 minutes to perform, the bonded Endless Spell The item gains an innate spell, height-
creature can sequester the item in a solid object at least ened to 5th level. Its owner or the creature bonded to it
twice as large as the item (such as putting a sword in a can cast that spell at will from the item once per day.
stone or an oak tree). The item becomes impossible to Eternal Bond When this ability is taken, the item be-
remove by any creature not bonded to it, unless the bond comes intimately tied to the creature that gave it this
is transferred to another creature designated upon com- ability. This item can’t be bonded to another creature as
pleting the ritual. An item must be an artifact to have this long as the creature that gave it this ability is alive. An
ability. item must be an artifact to have this ability.
Empowered Any effect from the item that requires a Everlasting This ability grants its bearer limited im-
DC used the Class DC or Spell DC of its original owner, mortality. While in contact with this item, the bond-
whichever is higher. ed creature doesn’t age; doesn’t need to eat, drink, or
Enhanced Material When this ability is taken, the item breathe; and doesn’t suffer any ill effects from extreme
is infused with a specific material. This ability can be heat or extreme cold. An item must be an artifact to have
taken multiple times, but each time a different material this ability.
must be taken from the following options: Flexible Bond The bonded creature can lend this item
• Adamantine - as per the CRB out with full utility to other creatures. As a standard ac-
tion, the bonded creature can grant a temporary bond to
• Cold Iron - as per CRB up to 5 creatures. A creature with a temporary bond can
• Darkwood -as per the CRB fully utilize all of the item’s legendary abilities. This tem-
porary bond ends either when the bonded creature wills
• Djezet Alloy - Spell attacks and DCs for effects it—a mental command requiring no action, which can
generated by this item gain a +1 circumstance bo- be done at any time while she is conscious.
nus. The items hardness and hit points increase
to match steel's statistics in the CRB if they were Increased Charge If the item is a staff, it gains an addi-
lower. tional 10 charges when you invest in it, and gains addi-
tional spell options until it has two spell options from 1
• Dragonhide - as per the CRB to 9. If it is a wand, you may cast the spell in the wand an
• Elysian Bronze - Weapons add a +1 bonus per additional time with no penalties.
damage dice on attack rolls versus mythic beasts, Increased Rune Slots The item permanently gains the
humanoids, and giants. Armor grants resistance 3 effects of a property rune. Can only be taken if the item
versus attacks made by such creatures. The items
is armor or a weapon. uisite: Darkvision.
Intelligent A legendary item with this ability becomes Darkvision The item gains darkvision.
an intelligent magic item. It gains the ability to speak,
Fly The item gains a fly speed of 30 feet and an Acrobat-
with up to three languages chosen at the time it becomes
ics proficiency of trained. Prerequisite: Animate.
intelligent. It starts at +4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, and +4
Charisma. Increase these modifiers up to 4 times, with Read Languages This item can read script in any lan-
no bonus going above +7. It gains up to 5 skills. It is myth- guage regardless of its known languages.
ic in one of those skills, legendary in two of those skills,
Shape Change The item can change its shape into one
and master at two of those skills. It is legendary at Will
other form of the same size.
Saves. Choose up to three of the following bonuses:
Skill Ranks This item becomes an Expert in two skills,
Animate This item can sprout limbs and move with a
a Master in one skill, or increases one of its current skills
Speed of 10 feet.
by one level of proficiency. This must be an Intelligence-,
Blindsense This item gains blindsense 30 feet. Prereq- Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill, unless the item has
the animate ability (allowing it to choose Acrobatics). If the item deals damage, it should give at least a basic
save. Use table 5-22 to determine an appropriate amount
Spellcasting This item allows its bearer to cast a limit-
of damage for an item of a given level.
ed number of spells. This ability can be taken more than
once. Each time it’s taken, the bonded creature gains 5 If an item's ability is similar to a preexisting spell (such
points to spend on selecting what spells the item can as dealing damage in a given area or granting a condi-
cast. Choose a tradition the first time you select this abil- tion), it should have a Frequency of no greater than once
ity, all spells the item learns must come from that tradi- per day.
tion. A spell costs a number of points equal to its level
(minimum 1). The intelligent item can cast the spell as
an innate spell of the chosen tradition once per day. By
spending double the cost, the intelligent item can cast a
spell at will.
Telepathy This item can hold private mental conver-
sations with its bearer, regardless of whether they share
a known language. The item must be in physical contact
with a creature to communicate this way.
Item Knowledge Activate Single Action (divination,
scrying); Requirements You aren't wielding the bonded
item and you are its true owner. ; Effect You sense the
world around the item as though you were in its location
and can use any of your innate spells through the link
as if it were the source of the spell. If another creature is
wielding the item, it must succeed at a Will save against
the higher of your spell DC or class DC, or be slowed 2
until it relinquishes it.
Mythic Advancement The item’s item bonuses in-
crease to +4. This option can be taken a second time on
weapons to increase their weapon damage dice by one
(up to 5 dice).
Mythic Magical Item Spells cast from this staff or wand
are treated as heightened +2, up to a maximum of your
mythic heightened level.
Returning Activate Free Action command (conjura-
tion, teleportation) Requirements You aren’t wielding
the bonded item and you are its true owner. Effect The
bonded item appears in your hands, teleporting instantly
from its prior location.
Powerful Spell The item gains an innate spell, height-
ened to 10th level. Its owner or the creature bonded to it
can cast that spell from the item once per day.
Unique Ability The item gains a unique ability. This
ability should be thematic for the item, and gains all the
necessary traits. It should require at least one action (but
can require a longer activity), and should be no more
powerful than a grand gift of a relic, a spell heightened
to your mythic heightened level that requires a similar
number of actions, or a similar effect granted by an ar-
tifact. The item must be an artifact to select this ability.

If the item requires a save, use a High DC from Table
5-20 to determine the DC of that save.

Low Level
Mythic Play

Not All Mythic Characters Are Epic Adjustments
While the primary focus of this book is on creating Any ability that increases a bonus to +4 or above should
options for characters that have already reached the instead increase a bonus by +1 if it is accessible to low level
highest level of the game, it is also perfectly valid to play mythic players. For instance, a legendary item should have
mythic characters at a lower level, using a system similar a higher item bonus, but not a +4 item bonus unless the
to that practiced 1st Edition Pathfinder. player that wields it is above level 20. You may decide that
such boosts break the math of the game when accessed
However, there are some differences. The system
at a lower level; if you do, instead prohibit these abilities
described below still operates from levels 1 to 25, with
entirely until their appropriate level.
levels above 20 largely following the progression tracks
given earlier in this book. The party's effective party level for encounters should
be increased by 1 the first time they gain mythic boosts,
Rather than advancing their mythic tier twice at each
but not at any other time, and this stops applying after
level past 20, low level mythic characters will advance in
the party reaches level 21.
tier whenever they gain a mythic feat or mythic boost.
Even past level 20, ancestry, class, and general feats that Mythic monsters should be distinguished by their
can be exchanged for mythic feats do not advance a unique abilities, access to Surge, and ability to mythic
mythic tier for any character. The recommended levels heighten spells. They otherwise follow monster creation
to gain mythic tiers are 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, and 25 guidelines and are not treated as being higher level
but these can be altered as appropriate for a given story. encounters. However, given the role mythic monsters
The chart below, however, will assume that these are the are meant to play, they should typically not be used as
levels that a party advances in tier. mooks or lackeys. Instead, they should normally be at
least equal to the party's adjusted level.
Additionally, characters that have gained mythic tiers
but are not yet level 21 may not replace ancestry, class, or
general feats with mythic feats.
Mythic Archetypes
Low level mythic characters get substantially fewer
Many mythic feats require mythic proficiency in a
opportunities to gain mythic feats, and players may find
given skill. As this is not possible to obtain before level
that a few options aren't enough to fully realize their
21, GMs running low level mythic adventures should
character. Like with regular archetypes, mythic archetypes
reduce this requirement. In general, a character should
allow a character to expand the scope of their ambitions.
require the maximum possible proficiency at a given
Applying a mythic archetype allows a character to select
level to select such a skill: expert at level 2, master at
feats from that archetype instead of class feats.
level 7, and legendary at level 15.
Start by finding the mythic archetype that best fits your
The following chart details the recommended
character concept, and select the archetype's dedication
mythic progression for lower level mythic characters;
feat using one of your mythic feat choices. Once you
mythic heightening and specialty spells are only
have the dedication feat, you can select any feat from that
granted to classes that gain spell slots. Once a low level
archetype in place of a class feat as long as you meet its
mythic character reaches level 21, they follow the class
prerequisites. The archetype feat is still subject to any of
progressions given earlier but do not gain mythic boosts,
the selection restrictions on the class feat it replaces. For
mythic feats, or mythic power until level 25.
example, if you gained an ability at 10th level that granted
you an 8th-level class feat with the dwarf trait, you could
Table 2-1: Standard Progression swap that class feat only for an archetype feat of 8th-level
or lower with the dwarf trait. Mythic archetype feats you
gain in place of a class feat are called mythic archetype
class feats.
Level Tier Mythic Features
Occasionally, an archetype feat works like a skill feat
3 1 mythic boosts, quick surge, surge
instead of a class feat. These archetype feats have the skill
5 2 mythic feat
trait, and you select them in place of a skill feat, otherwise
8 3 mythic boosts
following the same rules above. These are not mythic
10 4 mythic feat
archetype class feats (for instance, to determine the Hit
13 5 mythic boosts
Points you gain from Aberration Dedication).
15 6 mythic feat
18 7 mythic feat Each mythic archetype's dedication feat represents a
20 8 mythic feat certain origin or type of mythic power your character
23 9 mythic feat has tapped into, so once you select a dedication feat for
10 mythic feat a mythic archetype, you must satisfy its requirements
before you can gain another mythic dedication. Typically, relates to their archetype's tradition, and can have up to 3
you satisfy a mythic archetype's dedication feat by gaining secondary casters.
a certain number of feats from the mythic archetype's
The cost of the ritual is always 100 gp x the level of
list. You cannot retrain a mythic dedication feat as long
the character. The character with the transformation
as you have any other feats from that archetype.
feat corresponding to the ritual must be the primary
Sometimes a mythic archetype feat lets you gain spellcaster and they are the only character that can be
another feat. You must always meet the prerequisites of transformed by this ritual. No other character may learn
the feat you gain this way. this ritual, as it is unique to the primary spellcaster.
Higher level mythic characters may also take mythic A target can't be under the effect of more than one
dedications. However, this is less directly a benefit to transformation effect at a time. If it comes under the
them, as they may take mythic feats with class, ancestry, effect of a second transmutation effect, the second
or general feats already. A few mythic dedication feats transmutation effect attempts to counteract the first. If
may count the number of mythic archetype class feats for it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no
a numerical benefit, however, and this may be a reason to effect on that target. Any Strikes specifically granted by a
take a mythic archetype. Higher level characters may use transmutation effect are magical.
their general or ancestry feats to take mythic archetype
If a transformation feat specifies one or more creature
feats, and when they do so those feats will also count as
types, you lose all creature types after succeeding at the
mythic archetype class feats if they do not have the skill
ritual, and gain the types listed.
If a transformation feat specifies an alignment shift, you
Mythic Spellcasting Archetypes automatically become one of the alignments it specifies
Some mythic archetypes grant you a substantial degree after completing the ritual.
of spellcasting, albeit delayed compared to a character Transformation rituals create a permanent effect. Only
from a spellcasting class. A spellcasting archetype allows wish or similar spell can counteract the transmutation.
you to use scrolls, staves, and wands in the same way that Polymorph spells can temporarily suppress a
a member of a spellcasting class can. transformation for their duration.
Mythic spellcasting archetypes always grant the Each transformation ritual has the following outcomes:
ability to cast cantrips in their dedication and the
basic spellcasting benefits. They then have an expert Success You succeed at the transformation ritual. You gain
spellcasting feat, and a master spellcasting feat as normal the traits, alignment, and other benefits of the ritual as detailed
for a spellcasting archetype. These feats share their name in the transformation feat.
with the archetype. Mythic spellcasting archetypes also Failure You fail to complete the ritual. You can salvage the
grant the ability to mythic heighten spells, and access to raw materials you supplied for half of their value. You may not
the legendary spellcasting feat as detailed in the Class attempt the ritual again for at least a month.
section of this book.
Critical Failure You fail to complete the ritual. You ruin the
All spell slots you gain from spellcasting archetypes have materials supplied, and you may not attempt the ritual again
restrictions depending on the archetype; for instance, the for at least a year.
bard archetype grants you spell slots you can use only to
cast occult spells from your bard repertoire, even if you are Mythic Free Archetype Variant
a sorcerer with occult spells in your sorcerer repertoire.'
Sometimes the story of your game calls for a group
Mythic spellcasting archetypes gain the option to mythic where everyone draws power from the same source, or
heighten spells when they select their dedication. Other has a greater connection to mythic powers in general.
mythic archetypes gain the option to mythic heighten The mythic free archetype variant introduces a shared
spells when they gain a mythic focus power. aspect to every character without taking away any of that
character’s existing choices.
Mythic Transformations
Building a Character
Some mythic archetypes have a special feat, called a
transformation feat. These feats grant the character The only difference between a normal mythic character
a unique ritual, which has the transmutation and and a mythic free-archetype character is that the character
transformation traits, along with a trait associated with receives an extra class feat at the first even level after
the traditional most linked to the archetype. receiving their first mythic feat and every even level
thereafter that they can use only for mythic archetype
Each of these rituals take at least 1 day, require the feats. While playing with this variant, it is recommend
primary caster to make a Very Hard DC check that
but not required for the first mythic feat a character gets that grant additional Hit Points). Allowing a character to
to be a mythic archetype dedication feat. If they do not benefit from a number of these feats that provide no more
select such a feat, the GM may provide a list of mythic than 2 Hit Points times their level is appropriate, as this is
feats that best fits their concept that they may use instead the maximum amount that a player could normally take
of exploring a specific mythic archetype. under the standard progression.
Depending on the needs of the group and the theme PLAYING LOW LEVEL MYTHIC
of the game, you might restrict the free feats to those
of a single archetype each character in the group has CHARACTERS
(for a shared backstory), those of archetypes fitting Low level mythic characters will typically be balanced
a certain theme (such as only ones from magical with by considering the party to be one level higher
archetypes in a game set in a magic school), or entirely when it comes to encounters. However, there are still
unrestricted if you just want a higher-powered game. significantly differences when it comes to math and how
If the group all has the same archetype or draws encounters play out.
from a limited list, you might want to ignore For starters, characters are limited in what they can
the mythic free archetype’s normal restriction of boost at any given time. This is particularly true of the
selecting a certain number of feats before taking a level where a character receives their first mythic boosts.
new archetype. That way a character can still pursue In general, it is easier to increase a character's offense than
another archetype that also fits their character. their defense.
It is recommended to not allow characters to take mythic Low level mythic characters will also both be more
feats with class feats if the mythic free archetype variant susceptible to incapacitation effects and more capable of
is used. As mythic feats tend to be slightly more powerful inflicting them by mythic heightening spells. This can be
than normal feats, this can lead to characters that eschew a desired element of a low level mythic game, but if it is
building onto their class and instead simply pick as many not this can be offset in several ways.
dedications and mythic feats as possible.
First, mythic creatures (typically denoted by having
The most common level for mythic archetype feats Surge and unique abilities related to it) should be
to start is level 6, after receiving a mythic tier at level 3 generally resistant to incapacitation effects. This can be
granting mythic boosts and another at level 5 granting a shown by treating their level as two levels higher for the
mythic feat. If you want to start mythic advancement at purposes of incapacitation trait effects, or simply treating
level 1, it is recommended to change the order of mythic them as being more than twice the level of any spell with
progression to that described in the below table. incapacitation trait, regardless of their actual level.
Table 2-2: Fast Progression The same adjustments can be made to players, however
incapacitation traits can alternatively be handled in more
Your active ways. Players may gain access to more consumables
Level Tier Mythic Features that can negate the effects of such spells and abilities, or
1 1 mythic feat, quick surge, surge
they may be able to counteract all active spells and effects
2 mythic boosts with the incapacitation trait with Surge, even if they would
3 mythic feat otherwise be prevented from acting. Using Surge this
way should count as a high investment, preventing the
8 4 mythic boosts
character from using Surge again for at least 10 minutes.
11 5 mythic feat
13 6 mythic boosts MYTHIC EVENTS
16 7 mythic feat
18 8 mythic feat Incorporating mythic features into a low level game
21 9 mythic feat can require more than just mythic characters and mythic
10 mythic feat enemies. While the tools mentioned in Chapter 5 can
help develop mythic stories, some additional care should
Playing With Mythic Free Archetypes be taken to make a low level mythic game feel both mythic
Mythic free-archetype characters are a bit more versatile and still grounded for its level.
and powerful than normal, but usually not so much One way to accomplish this is to lean into the premise of
that they unbalance your game compared to the generic borrowed power or outside forces. Occasionally, normal
mythic progression. However, due to the characters’ characters will be enveloped in an area that allows them
increased access to mythic archetype feats, you should access to fantastic powers or abilities, some of which they
place a limit on the number of feats that scale based on can draw permanent power from in the form of mythic
a character’s number of archetype feats (mainly feats boosts and feats.

Some examples of this type of phenomenon include: doesn't mean that the character that possesses it is evil,
but it can be a draw to evil actions. The Refocus require-
Abundant Energy While this is active, each characters' Strikes
ments are particularly noteworthy in that regard, often
deal an additional 1d6 damage of a type relevant to the source
requiring a character commit heinous activities. At the
of power and each character's spells do an additional 1 damage
GM's discretion, alternative Refocus activities may be al-
of the given type per spell level.
lowed for Good or Neutral characters with such paths.
Endless Power While this is active, characters may ignore the
As noted, these archetypes do not require a charac-
frequency limit of Quick Surge. They may also regain Focus
ter to actively seek power from evil sources. A non-Evil
Points easily, Refocusing with just a single action even if they
character might have acquired such a archetype by being
haven't fulfilled the requirements.
cursed, or by calling on such power in desperate times
Magical Renewal While this active, a character that defeats an for a Good-aligned cause.
enemy may siphon the residual mythic energy and regain one
As a general rule, it is a good idea to keep in mind the
of their highest level spell slots.
topics of consent and comfort when allowing players to
New Options While this is active, a character may tap into take a mythic archetype. Keep in mind the "A Welcoming
the mythic energy in the surroundings to use their Surge in Environment" and "Tools for Responsible Play" sections
a different way. For example, they may gain the option to fire of the Core Rulebook, page 485 when considering allowing
a mythic heightened one-action magic missile, or they might such mythic archetypes.
gain the passive effect of regaining Hit Points whenever they
GMs are free to modify the rarity of any mythic arche-
use Surge.
type to suit the needs of their campaign or setting. See
Nullifying Atmosphere While this is active, mythic powers are "Rarity in Your Game" in the Gamemastery Guide, page
difficult to activate. Using Surge requires a player to make a 35, for more information.
DC 11 flat check, and a failure wastes the action. Creatures
A full list of evil-aligned mythic archetypes and a
native to the area or carrying protective gear may be able to
non-exhaustive list of their potentially negative aspects
ignore this effect.
can be found below:
Omnipotence While this is active, characters receive no
• Aberration body horror, mental health issues
experience from defeating enemies. All enemies have their Hit
Points reduced to 1, and treat their saves and checks as one • Evil Alignment various
degree worse. Characters treat their saves and checks as one
degree better. • Daemon corruption, destruction, death, cannibal-
ism, trading souls
Reknitting Flesh While this is active, characters gain
regeneration equal to their level, making them virtually • Demon corruption, sin, torture, non-consensual
incapable of dying. Alternatively, they may gain a flawed form sex, real world religion
of regeneration that makes one particular mythic enemy halt • Devil corruption, slavery, real world religion
their regeneration.
• Graveknight undeath
Shifting Form While this is active, the appearance of each
character is altered. They either take on aspects relevant to • Lich undeath, sacrificing living creatures
their dedication, or to the source of the energy. • Rakshasa taboo, cannibalism
Siphon While this is active, mythic energy is actively siphoned • Sahkil nightmares, torture, phobias, mental health
to a single item, location, or creature. Whenever a player uses issues
Surge, a portion of that energy is visibly sucked up by the
siphon. If it is a creature, it regains Hit Points equal to half • Vampire undeath, non-consensual sex, slavery,
its level whenever it drains mythic energy. It may also grow cannibalism
in size, or gain a circumstance bonus to its checks and DCs. If • Velstrac torture
it is an item, it may charge up a particularly powerful effect,
or even explode once it gathers too much energy. Locations,
on the other, have no effect unless they absorb a particularly
large amount energy. Once charged this way, the air fills with
ambient energy, possibly changing the event.


Many of the mythic archetypes described in the next
section represent a character gaining power from evil
sources, such as demons. Having such an archetype
Power surges from creatures beyond the plane. You are the vessel of the power, and the cup overflows
with a strange energy unlike any other. You embody the corruption that power represents.

ABERRATION DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action.
When you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION higher than the maximum level you could cast without
mythic heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell
You gain power from your connection to the aberrations, slots, you lose access to one of your highest level spell
whether they be creatures from beyond the planes or slots (of your choice) rather than the slot you originally
corruptions of the natural order. cast the spell from. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
You become an expert in Occultism, or in another trained from your 10th level slot are always mythic heightened.
skill if you were already expert in Occultism. You gain Power Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select
Attack, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already a different aberration focus spell and increase your Focus
possess Power Attack; this does not count as a mythic Points by 1, to a maximum of 3.
archetype feat. You must meet the requirements
for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each aberration mythic archetype
feat you have. As you continue selecting ATTACK CONJURATION FLOURISH
aberration mythic archetype feats, you
continue to gain additional Hit Points in MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TELEPORTATION
this way.
Prerequisite Aberration Dedication
Whenever you use the Surge action, you
gain Temporary Hit Points equal to half You twist space to Strike your
your level. You gain the option to use foes. Make a melee Strike against
Surge to gain resistance to physical each enemy with 30 feet, with a
and precision damage equal to half -2 circumstance penalty. Each
your level, and resistance to critical attack counts toward your
hits equal to your level. multiple attack penalty, but do
not increase your penalty until
Special You may not take another you have made all your attacks.
mythic dedication feat until you You teleport all foes you hit this
have taken two feats from the way to new positions within
aberration mythic archetype. a 30-foot emanation, with
Additional Mythic Feats Available each hit creature attempting a
Absorb Blow, Adamantine Mind, Will save. The creatures must
Beyond Mortal Needs, Hard to Kill, each be able to fit in their new
Shapeshifting Mastery space, and their positions must
be unoccupied, entirely within
the area, and in your line of sight.
After making attacks and choosing
teleportation destinations, you may
ABERRATION POWERS FEAT6 teleport to a space within 30-feet.

Critical Success The target can teleport
Prerequisite Aberration Dedication if it wants, but it chooses the destination
within range.
You gain the ability to use occult magic using focus spells Success The target is unaffected.
specific to aberrations. You learn an aberration focus spell of Failure You teleport the target and choose its destination.
your choice: twisted shape, mindbreak, or outside causality. If
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus
Point, which you can Refocus by pursuing occult means or
embracing your aberration connection. Aberration spells are
occult spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
You become trained in occult spells if you were not already.


Prerequisite Aberration Dedication
Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest to find a way to Cast A (verbal)
transform into an outsider, often in service of an Outer God Range touch; Targets 1 creature
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and Saving thow Will
permanently turn into an aberration. This ritual should cost
rare occult supplies and reagents worth the target's level Your touch forcibly scrambles the targets mind. The target
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. After transforming, you will gain the must attempt a Will saving throw. Regardless of the result
following benefits and/or traits: of that save, the target is then temporarily immune for 10
minutes. Mindbreak's effects happen instantly, so dispel
Darkvision magic and other effects that counteract spells can't counteract
Aberration trait them. However, alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon,
Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral Alignment
restoration, or wish can still counteract the effects.
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
Reposition a (concentrate, conjuration, flourish, occult, Critical Success The target is unaffected.
teleportation) You teleport into an unoccupied space you can Success The target takes 1d6 mental damage.
see within 30 feet. Failure The target is confused for 1 rounds and takes 1d6
Amorphous Anatomy You permanently gain resistance to mental damage at the start of each of its turns.
physical and precision damage equal to half your level and Critical Failure The target is confused for 1 minute and takes
resistance to critical hits equal to your level. 2d6 mental damage at the start of each of its turns.
Aberration Surge When you use Surge, you gain Temporary
Hit Points equal to your level. You gain the option to deal an Heightened (+2) The mental damage increases by 1d6.
additional 2 damage per weapon dice whenever you make a

Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast

Aberration focus spells. You may instead cast them with a
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting
them to ignore the cooldown cost. You may ignore the
frequency limit of Beyond Causality. TWISTED SHAPE FOCUS 3

ABERRATION SPELLS Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 1 minute
BEYOND CAUSALITY FOCUS 3 You warp your form into something that appears to defy the
laws of biology and physics. Your equipment alters to match
your new shape.
TELEPORTATION Your melee Strikes gain reach 10 feet, and if they already have
reach 10 feet they gain reach 15 feet. You can slip through
Cast r (somatic) tiny cracks in this form, and your Strikes deal an additional
Trigger A creature successfully hits you with a Strike or spell 1d6 piercing damage. Each time you’re critically hit while in
attack this form, attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, it becomes
Requirements You must be aware of the Strike or spell a normal hit.
attack Heightened (6th) The flat check is 16.
Frequency once per 10 minutes Heightened (9th) The flat check is 15.
You attempt to counteract the Strike or spell attack. If you Heightened (12th) The flat check is 14.
succeed, you may redirect the Strike or spell attack to another
creature within 30 feet (using the same attack roll as the
original Strike or spell attack) and cannot use Surge for the
next minute.

To mortals, aeons sometimes seem to combine elements that are fundamentally incompatible. But you
are more than mortal. You are the embodiment of these caretakers of order and balance.
AEON DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT your spell slots, you lose access to one of your highest level
spell slots (of your choice) rather than the slot you originally
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION cast the spell from. Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast
from your 10th level slot are always mythic heightened.
You gain power from your connection to the caretakers of
reality and defenders of the natural order of balance, the Special: You may take this more than once. If you do, select
aeons. a different aeon focus spell and increase your Focus Points by
You become an expert in Arcana, or in another trained skill 1, to a maximum of 3.
if you were already expert in Arcana. You gain Combat
Assessment, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you
already possess Combat Assessment. You must meet the TRUESPEECH FEAT 14
requirements for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit
Points for each aeon mythic archetype feat you have. As you
continue selecting aeon mythic archetype feats, you continue Prerequisite Aeon Dedication
to gain additional Hit Points in this way.
Whenever you use the Surge action, your attacks deal an You can speak with and understand any creature with a
additional 4 lawful damage until the start of your next round. language.
You gain the option to use Surge to alter all rolls made by
or against you until the start of your next turn: all critical
successes become successes, and all critical failures become AEON TRANSFORMATION FEAT 18
failures (this is applied after any other effects that may effect
rolls); this ability has a frequency of once per 3 rounds. MYTHIC ARCHETYPE TRANSFORMATION

Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat Prerequisite Aeon Dedication
until you have taken two feats from the aeon archetype. Requirements Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Beyond Mortal Needs, becoming an aeon, such as serving a Pleroma in enforcing
Farwalker, Force Reality, Longevity, Relativity cosmic law
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and
AEON POWERS FEAT6 permanently turn into an aeon. This ritual should cost rare
arcane supplies and reagents worth the target's level (minimum
1) × 100 gp. You choose a concept and its opposite; you represent
Prerequisite Aeon Dedication the balance between those two concepts as an aeon. After
transforming, you will gain the following benefits and/or traits:
You gain the ability to use arcane magic using focus spells
specific to aeons. You learn an aeon focus spell of your Darkvision
choice: inevitable, law of neutrality, or temporal reversion. If True Seeing (as a constant spell)
you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Aeon and Monitor traits
Focus Point, which you can Refocus by exploring Lawful Neutral Alignment.
concepts of balance and investigating those +1 status bonus to all saves vs magic
that break laws of any type. Aeon spells Resistance 10 to negative and positive damage.
Weakness 20 to chaotic damage
are arcane spells, and the key spellcasting Immunities death effects, disease, emotion,
ability for these is Wis. You become trained poison, unconscious
in arcane spells if you were not already. Aeon Surge When you use Surge, you gain
Temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
You may mythic heighten spells with the You gain the option to gain a 30-foot aura
Surge action. When you mythic heighten that attempts to counteract any effect
a spell, it is heightened to one higher than with the teleportation, misfortune, or
fortune traits cast by a creature other than
the maximum level you could cast without you; this effect counts as being mythic
mythic heightening. If the spell is cast from heightened for the purposes of determining
the counteract level.

Special You no longer need to pay focus points

to cast Aeon focus spells. You may instead
cast them with a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or
pay 1 Focus Point while casting them to ignore the
cooldown cost. You may ignore the frequency limit on
Temporal Reversion.

Cast A (verbal)
Duration 5 rounds
Requirement You you missed a Strike this round.
You no longer suffer multiple attack penalties for the duration
of this spell. You take a -2 circumstance penalty to all attacks;
this penalty is reduced to -1 for agile weapons. Make a Strike
against an opponent that you have missed during this round.



Cast D (somatic, verbal)

Duration 10 minutes
You grasp the strands of fate, and pull even mediocrity to
your benefit. Attacks you make count as a critical success on
a 10 on the die as long as that result is a success. The same
is true of saves.



Cast F (verbal)
Trigger You fail or critically fail a check
Frequency once per 10 minutes;

You reroll the triggering check and take the better result.

Nirvana is plane of purest good, and the agathions are the celestial outsiders that call it home. All
agathions start as mortals that were rewarded for their determination, self-awareness, and purity.


Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
You gain power from your connection to the agathions,
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells
native celestials to Nirvana. Agathions start out as mortals
specific to agathions. You learn an agathion focus spell of your
who were rewarded for their determination, self-awareness,
choice: agathion shape, agathion value, or agathion's blessing
and purity of heart and are the most likely good celestials to
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus
intervene nonviolently on the behalf of mortals.
Point, which you can Refocus by acting in line with your
core value or by performing acts of good. Agathion spells are
All agathions possess animal-like aspects, some appear
divine spells, and the key spellcasting ability for these is Cha.
more anthropomorphic, while others spend most of their
time in forms nearly indistinguishable from true animals.
Still others prefer to shapeshift as they see fit, or present as Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
humanoid when in the company of humanoid mortals. They different agathion focus spell and increase your Focus Points
also each serve a specific role in Nirvana. Their duties and by 1, to a maximum of 3.
forms generally reflect the core value they cultivated in life
to reach their enlightenment. Choose a specific animal. You
gain a hybrid form and an animal form related to that animal,
though you need other feats to access these forms. You MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
manifest small aspects of that animal in your natural form.
Additionally, choose a value such as wisdom, grace, cunning, Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
or whimsy.
Agathions have served as moderators between the
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained chaotic azatas and lawful archons, so they know how vital
skill if you were already expert in Religion. You gain access communication with mortals can be to bridge differences
to the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common and ensure that evil doesn't win out. You are affected by
cantrips each day from the divine spell list. You're trained tongues and speak with animals heightened to your highest
in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for divine spells. Your key non-mythic spell level. These count as constant spells. You
spellcasting ability for agathion archetype spells is Charisma, don't need to cast them, their duration is unlimited, and if
and they are divine agathion spells. they get counteracted you can reactivate them by spending
the normal spellcasting actions the spells require without
You gain basic spellcasting benefits. expending a spell slot. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to Diplomacy when interacting with Good-aligned outsiders
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When and mortals, which increases to +2 until the start of your next
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher round after using Surge.
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic AGATHION BREADTH FEAT 8
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you
lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level Prerequisite Agathion Dedication
slot are always mythic heightened.
You can cast more divine spells each day. Increase the spell
slots you gain from agathion archetype feats by 1 for each
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat
spell level other than your two highest agathion spell slots.
until you have taken two feats from the agathion archetype.
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Alignment Insight, Bleed
Holy Power, Divine Guardian, Pure Form, Shapeshifting MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
Prerequisites Agathion Dedication, master in Religion
You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.

Requirement Have succeeded a mythic quest connected to
becoming an agathion, such as serving a draconal in enacting Cast D (somatic, verbal)
virtue Duration 1 hour
You learn a unique ritual that enables you to fully and You infuse yourself with the essence of Nirvana and
permanently turn into an agathion. This ritual should cost transform yourself into either the animal shape or hybrid
rare divine supplies and reagents worth the target's level shape you chose with your dedication. This allows you to
(minimum 1) × 100 gp. Your alignment becomes Neutral choose any form from animal form with the same attacks
Good and you permanently gain the hybrid animal shape
you chose with your dedication. After transforming, you will and movement as your chosen animal; you may use the size
gain the following benefits and/or traits: and statistics of that form. When you choose to use your
own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's
Darkvision default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your
Agathion and Celestial traits attack rolls. If you choose a hybrid shape, you do not gain
Neutral Good alignment any attacks but also are not prevented from casting spells,
+1 status bonus to all saves vs magic speaking, and using manipulate actions that require hands.
Weakness 10 vs. evil
Change Shape a (concentrate, divine, polymorph,
transmutation) You can transform only into a specific UNCOMMON AGATHION DIVINATION
individual Small or Medium humanoid, typically your form
before transforming. Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Agathion values You gain the ability to perform a basic Duration 1 minute
trained action that embodies your core value as a free action
with Trigger: Your turn begins (Such as Recall Knowledge for You embody the value you chose with your dedication.
wisdom). Choose one:
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all checks (but not
Special You no longer need to pay focus points to cast DCs)
agathion focus spells. You may instead cast them with a • You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saves
cooldown of 1d4 rounds, or pay 1 Focus Point while casting • You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the DCs of your
them to ignore the cooldown cost. spells and abilities
MASTER AGATHION SPELLCASTING FEAT 18 So long as you continue to act in line with your value, you
retain the bonus for the duration of the spells. Casting this
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Spell counts as using Surge.

Prerequisite Expert Agathion Spellcasting, legendary in Heightened (11th) The bonus increases to +2.
Heightened (13th) The bonus increases to +3.
You gain the master spellcasting benefits. AGATHION'S BLESSING FOCUS 3


Range touch Targets 1 willing living creature
Prerequisite Master Agathion Spellcasting, mythic in Your hands become infused with positive energy,
Religion healing a living creature. You restore 20 Hit Points to
the target; if the target is one of your allies, they also
You gain the legendary spellcasting benefits. gain a +2 status bonus to ACs and saves for 1 round.
Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 8.

You draw your power not from an outsider or a place on the Material Plane, but directly from an
alignment. You are either a champion of Good, Evil, Chaos, Law, or a Neutral agent of cosmic balance.

lose access to one of your highest level spell slots (of your
choice) rather than the slot you originally cast the spell from.
ALIGNMENT DEDICATION MYTHIC FEAT Cantrips, focus spells, and spells cast from your 10th level slot
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE MYTHIC DEDICATION are always mythic heightened.

You gain power from your connection to celestials, monitors, Special You may take this more than once. If you do, select a
or fiends or from any divinity, but from your primordial different alignment focus spell and increase your Focus Points
connection with an alignment itself. Choose an alignment by 1, to a maximum of 3.
you possess: Good, Evil, Chaotic, or Lawful. If your alignment CHAMPION FORM FEAT 6
changes and you no longer possess the alignment you chose
with this archetype, you lose access to its features until you MYTHIC ARCHETYPE
regain that alignment or cast an atone ritual, which will reset
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication
your alignment.
Requirements Good or Evil Alignment chosen with
You become an expert in Religion, or in another trained skill dedication
if you were already expert in Religion. You gain Intimidating
Strike, or another 1st- or 2nd-level fighter feat if you already You gain lay on hands as an alignment focus spell if the
possess Intimidating Strike. You must meet the requirements alignment you chose was good, or touch of corruption as an
for these feats. You gain 4 additional Hit Points for each aeon alignment focus spell if the alignment you chose was evil.
mythic archetype feat you have. As you continue selecting However, you are not bound the tenet of good or the tenet
aeon mythic archetype feats, you continue to gain additional of evil.
Hit Points in this way. Additionally, you gain a blade ally as per a champion's divine
Whenever you use the Surge action, your Strikes deal an ally. A spirit of battle dwells within your armaments. Select
additional 1d6 damage of the alignment you chose. You one weapon or handwraps of mighty blows when you make
gain the option to use Surge to allow your alignment based your daily preparations. In your hands, the item gains the
damage to deal half damage even to creatures that are neutral effect of a property rune and you also gain the weapon's
to that alignment, and to deal an additional 1d6 damage of the critical specialization effect.
alignment you chose on your Strikes. If you chose a good alignment, choose disrupting (greater),
holy, flaming, or ghost touch.
Special You may not take another mythic dedication feat until
you have taken two feats from the alignment archetype. If you chose evil, choose fearsome (greater), corrosive,
unholy, or grievous.
Additional Mythic Feats Available: Alignment Insight,
Contingent Channel, Planar Companion, Sanctum, Deific Bolt
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication
MYTHIC ARCHETYPE Requirements Chaotic or Lawful Alignment chosen with
Prerequisite Alignment Dedication dedication
You can sense the presence of magic auras as though you
You gain the ability to use divine magic using focus spells were always using a 1st-level detect magic spell. This detects
specific to those that gain power directly from an alignment. magic in your field of vision only. When you Seek, you gain
You learn an alignment focus spell of your choice: alignment the benefits of a 3rd-level detect magic spell on things you
smite, alignment armor, or self-actualization. If you don't see (in addition to the normal benefits of Seeking). You can
turn this sense off and on with a free action at the start or
already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, the end of your turn. Additionally, you gain the ability to
which you can Refocus by acting according to your alignment. cast a mythic heightened zone of truth once per day as a
Alignment spells are divine spells, and the key spellcasting divine innate spell if the alignment you chose was lawful,
ability for these either Int, Wis, or Cha (your choice). You or a mythic heightened zone of lies once per day as a divine
become trained in divine spells if you were not already. innate spell if the alignment you chose was Chaotic (which
work identically to zone of truth, but compels creatures to
You may mythic heighten spells with the Surge action. When believe lies, rather than speak truth).
you mythic heighten a spell, it is heightened to one higher Additionally, you may cast a 6th dominate as an at-will divine
than the maximum level you could cast without mythic innate spell but may only target creatures of the alignment
heightening. If the spell is cast from your spell slots, you you chose with this dedication. You may not order them to
do any action that would go against that alignment.
ALIGNMENT SPELLS increase by 2d6, and the damage to adjacent creatures dealt
while in your shining state increases by 1.
Cast D to 2 rounds
Cast A (verbal)
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Area 10-foot emanation
Save Reflex (basic)
Saving thow Reflex (basic)
You draw forth the raw energy of your alignment and blast You heal 3d6 Hit Points and deal 10 damage of the alignment
it onto an area. You deal 4d6 damage corresponding to the you chose at your dedication to creatures within the
alignment you chose with the dedication to all creatures not area. You attempt to counteract any magical effect on you
of that alignment; half of this damage is divine and bypasses that originates from a creature of the opposite alignment.
any immunity or resistance that creature may have had Heightened (+1) The healing increases by 1d6. The damage
(including the natural immunity from not being a neutral increases by 2.
Creatures that fail their saves are also sickened 1; creatures ALIGNMENT ARMOR FOCUS 3
that failed their saves from the opposite alignment are UNCOMMON ABJURATION ALIGNMENT
instead drained 1. The number of actions you spend when
Casting this Spell determines the area and other parameters. Cast D (somatic, verbal)
Duration 1 minute
Creatures with that alignment instead are healed 4d6 Hit
Points. You gain armor fashioned from the primordial energies
d (somatic, verbal) The burst is 20-feet. associated with your alignment. You gain resistance 5 to
physical and resistance 10 to critical hits, but weakness 5 to
t (material, somatic, verbal) The burst is 40-feet.
your opposing alignment.
Two Rounds The burst is 40-feet. If you spend 3 actions
Casting the Spell, you can avoid finishing the spell and spend Heightened (+1) The resistance to physical and weakness
another 3 actions on your next turn to empower the spell increases by 1. The resistance to critical hits increases by 2.
even further. If you choose to do so, the damage and healing
dealt by this spell increases by 2d6, and you gain resistance
to all elements other than your own for 1 minute.
Heightened (+1) The initial damage and healing, as well as
the additional damage for the 2-round casting time, each
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
debt to science; if he had said this in February, 1600, he might
have shared the fate of poor Bruno.
[550] “Le Mystère et la Science,” conferences, P. Felix de Notre
Dame; des Mousseaux: “Hauts Phen. Magie.”
[551] Damascius, in the “Theogony,” calls it Dis, “the disposer
of all things.” Cory: “Ancient Fragments,” p. 314.
[552] Plato: “Timæus.”
[553] “Suidas: v. Tyrrhenia.”
[554] The reader will understand that by “years” is meant
“ages,” not mere periods of twelve lunar months each.
[555] See the Greek translation by Philo Byblius.
[556] Cory: “Ancient Fragments.”
[557] We give the spelling and words of this Kabalist who lived
and published his works in the seventeenth century. Generally he
is considered as one of the most famous alchemists among the
Hermetic philosophers.
[558] The most positive of materialistic philosophers agree that
all that exists was evolved from ether; hence, air, water, earth,
and fire, the four primordial elements must also proceed from
ether and chaos the first Duad; all the imponderables, whether
now known or unknown, proceed from the same source. Now, if
there is a spiritual essence in matter, and that essence forces it to
shape itself into millions of individual forms, why is it illogical to
assert that each of these spiritual kingdoms in nature is peopled
with beings evolved out of its own material? Chemistry teaches us
that in man’s body there are air, water, earth, and heat, or fire—air
is present in its components; water in the secretions; earth in the
inorganic constituents; and fire in the animal heat. The Kabalist
knows by experience that an elemental spirit contains only one,
and that each one of the four kingdoms has its own peculiar
elemental spirits; man being higher than they, the law of evolution
finds its illustration in the combination of all four in him.
[559] Görres: “Mystique,” lib. iii., p. 63.
[560] The ancients called “the soul” the spirits of bad people;
the soul was the larva and lemure. Good human spirits became
[561] Porphyry: “De Sacrificiis.” Chapter on the true Cultus.
[562] “Mysteries of the Egyptians.”
[563] Second century, a.d. “Du Dieu de Socrate,” Apul. class.,
pp. 143-145.
[564] “Eastern Monachism,” p. 9.
[565] “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” iv. 385.
[566] Hardy: “Manual of Buddhism;” Dunlap: “The World’s
[567] Lemprière (“Classical Dictionary,” art. “Pythagoras”) says
that “there is great reason to suspect the truth of the whole
narrative of Pythagoras’ journey into India,” and concludes by
saying that this philosopher had never seen either
Gymnosophists or their country. If this be so, how account for the
doctrine of the metempsychosis of Pythagoras, which is far more
that of the Hindu in its details than the Egyptian? But, above all,
how account for the fact that the name Monas, applied by him to
the First Cause, is the identical appellation given to that Being in
the Sanscrit tongue? In 1792-7, when Lemprière’s “Dictionary”
appeared, the Sanscrit was, we may say, utterly unknown; Dr.
Haug’s translation of the “Aitareya Brahmana” (“Rig-Vedas”), in
which this word occurs, was published only about twenty years
ago, and until that valuable addition to the literature of archaic
ages was completed, and the precise age of the “Aitareya” now
fixed by Haug at 2000-2400 b.c.—was a mystery, it might be
suggested, as in the case of Christian symbols, that the Hindus
borrowed it from Pythagoras. But now, unless philology can show
it to be a “coincidence,” and that the word Monas is not the same
in its minutest definitions, we have a right to assert that
Pythagoras was in India, and that it was the Gymnosophists who
instructed him in his metaphysical theology. The fact alone that
“Sanscrit, as compared with Greek and Latin, is an elder sister,”
as Max Müller shows, is not sufficient to account for the perfect
identity of the Sanscrit and Greek words Monas, in their most
metaphysical, abstruse sense. The Sanscrit word Deva (god) has
become the Latin deus, and points to a common source; but we
see in the Zoroastrian “Zend-Avesta” the same word, meaning
diametrically the opposite, and becoming daêva, or evil spirit,
from which comes the word devil.
[568] Haug: “Aitareya Brahmanam.”
[569] Ibid.
[570] Berosus: fragment preserved by Alex. Polyhostor; Cory:
“Of the Cosmogony and the Deluge.”
[571] Some writer has employed a most felicitous expression in
describing the majesty of the Hindu archaic monuments, and the
exquisite finish of their sculpture. “They built,” says he, “like
giants, and finished like jewelers.”
[572] “Anatomie Cerebrale,” Malacorne, Milan.
[573] Psellus, 6, Plet. 2; Cory: “Chaldean Oracles.”
[574] See “Lecture on the Vedas.”
[575] In order to avoid being contradicted by some spiritualists
we give verbatim the language in question, as a specimen of the
unreliability of the oracular utterances of certain “spirits.” Let them
be human or elemental, but spirits capable of such effrontery may
well be regarded by occultists as anything but safe guides in
philosophy, exact science, or ethics. “It will be remembered,” says
Mrs. Cora V. Tappan, in a public discourse upon the “History of
Occultism and its Relations to Spiritualism” (see “Banner of Light,”
Aug. 26, 1876), “that the ancient word witchcraft, or the exercise
of it, was forbidden among the Hebrews. The translation is that no
witch should be allowed to live. That has been supposed to be the
literal interpretation; and acting upon that, your very pious and
devout ancestors put to death, without adequate testimony,
numbers of very intelligent, wise, and sincere persons, under the
condemnation of witchcraft. It has now turned out that the
interpretation or translation should be, that no witches should be
allowed to obtain a living by the practice of their art. That is, it
should not be made a profession.” May we be so bold as to
inquire of the celebrated speaker, through whom or according to
what authority such a thing has ever turned out?
[576] Mr. Cromwell F. Varley, the well-known electrician of the
Atlantic Cable Company, communicates the result of his
observations, in the course of a debate at the Psychological
Society of Great Britain, which is reported in the “Spiritualist”
(London, April 14, 1876, pp. 174, 175). He thought that the effect
of free nitric acid in the atmosphere was able to drive away what
he calls “unpleasant spirits.” He thought that those who were
troubled by unpleasant spirits at home, would find relief by
pouring one ounce of vitriol upon two ounces of finely-powdered
nitre in a saucer and putting the mixture under the bed. Here is a
scientist, whose reputation extends over two continents, who
gives a recipe to drive away bad spirits. And yet the general
public mocks as a “superstition” the herbs and incenses
employed by Hindus, Chinese, Africans, and other races to
accomplish the self-same purpose.
[577] “Art-Magic,” p. 97.
[578] This phantom is called Scin Lecca. See Bulwer-Lytton’s
“Strange Story.”
[579] In the Strasbourg edition of his works (1603), Paracelsus
writes of the wonderful magical power of man’s spirit. “It is
possible,” he says, “that my spirit, without the help of the body,
and through a fiery will alone, and without a sword, can stab and
wound others. It is also possible that I can bring the spirit of my
adversary into an image, and then double him up and lame him ...
the exertion of will is a great point in medicine.... Every
imagination of man comes through the heart, for this is the sun of
the microcosm, and out of the microcosm proceeds the
imagination into the great world (universal ether) ... the
imagination of man is a seed which is material.” (Our atomical
modern scientists have proved it; see Babbage and Professor
Jevons.) “Fixed thought is also a means to an end. The magical is
a great concealed wisdom, and reason is a great public
foolishness. No armor protects against magic, for it injures the
inward spirit of life.”
[580] “Salem Witchcraft; With an Account of Salem Village,” by
C. W. Upham.
[581] “Odyssey,” A. 82.
[582] “Æneid,” book vi., 260.
[583] “De Dæmon,” cap. “Quomodo dæm occupent.”
[584] Numquid dæmonum corpora pulsari possunt? Possunt
sane, atque dolere solido quodam percussa corpore.
[585] Ubi secatur, mox in se iterum recreatur et coalescit ...
dictu velocius dæmoni cus spiritus in se revertitor.
[586] A magistrate of the district.
[587] This appalling circumstance was authenticated by the
Prefect of the city, and the Proconsul of the Province laid the
report before the Emperor. The story is modestly related by Mrs.
Catherine Crowe (see “Night-Side of Nature,” p. 335).
[588] Pliny, xxx., 1.
[589] T. Wright, M.A., F.S.A., etc.: “Sorcery and Magic,” vol. iii.
[590] “Art-Magic,” pp. 159, 160.
[591] “Art-Magic,” p. 28.
[592] Fakir, beggar.
[593] A juggler so called.
[594] “Mœurs et Pratiques des Demons.”
[595] “Histoire du Merveilleux dans les Temps Modernes,” vol.
ii., p. 262.
[596] Ibid.
[597] Ibid., p. 265.
[598] Ibid., pp. 267, 401, 402.
[599] Ibid., pp. 266, etc., 400.
[600] Ibid., p. 403.
[601] “Histoire du Merveilleux,” vol. i., p. 397.
[602] Ibid., pp. 26-27.
[603] Ibid., p. 238.
[604] Des Mousseaux: “Magie au XIXme Siècle,” p. 452.
[605] Hume: “Philosophical Essays,” p. 195.
[606] “Histoire du Merveilleux,” p. 401.
[607] Ibid.
[608] Ibid., vol. ii., pp. 410, 411.
[609] Ibid., p. 407.
[610] Villecroze: “Le Docteur H. d’Alger,” 19 Mars, 1861.
Pierrart: vol. iv., pp. 254-257.
[611] Bruce: “Travels to Discover the Sources of the Nile,” vol.
x., pp. 402-447; Hasselquist: “Voyage in the Levant,” vol. i., pp.
92-100; Lemprière: “Voyage dans l’Empire de Maroc, etc., en
1790,” pp. 42-43.
[612] Salverte: “La Philosophie de la Magie. De l’Influence sur
les Animaux,” vol. i.
[613] Thibaut de Chanvallon: “Voyage à la Martinique.”
[614] Salverte: “Philosophy of Magic.”
[615] Forbes: “Oriental Memoirs,” vol. i., p. 44; vol. ii., p. 387.
[616] Stedmann: “Voyage in Surinam,” vol. iii., pp. 64, 65.
[617] See “Edinburgh Review,” vol. lxxx., p. 428, etc.
[618] Elam: “A Physician’s Problems,” p. 25.
[619] The “Immortality of the Soul,” by Henry More. Fellow of
Christ’s College, Cambridge.

[620] Dr H. More: “Immortality of the Soul,” p. 393.

[621] “Transactions of the Medical Society of N. Y.,” 1865-6-7.
[622] “Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science,” vol. xv., p.
263, 1853.
[623] “Recherches d’Anatomie transcendante et Pathologique,
etc.,” Paris, 1832.
[624] “Silliman’s Journal of Science and Art,” vol. x., p. 48.
[625] “Precis Elementaire de Physiologie,” p. 520.
[626] Ibid., p. 521.
[627] “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie,” p. 175.
[628] “Transactions of Medical Society, etc.,” p. 246.
[629] Fournié: “Physiologie du Système Nerveux, Cerebro-
spinal,” Paris, 1872.
[630] Ibid.
[631] “Night-Side of Nature,” by Catherine Crowe, p. 434, et
[632] Henry More: “Immortality of the Soul,” p. 399.
[633] By the word soul, neither Demokritus nor the other
philosophers understood the nous or pneuma, the divine
immaterial soul, but the psychè, or astral body; that which Plato
always terms the second mortal soul.
[634] Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S.: “The Conservation of
Energy,” p. 133.
[635] Fournié: “Physiologie du Système Nerveux,” p. 16.
[636] “A System of Logic.” Eighth ed., 1872, vol. ii., p. 165.
[637] Draper: “Conflict between Religion and Science,” p. 22.
[638] Edward L. Youmans, M.D.; “A Class-book of Chemistry,”
p. 4.
[639] Sprengel, in his “History of Medicine,” makes Van
Helmont appear as if disgusted with the charlatanry and ignorant
presumption of Paracelsus. “The works of this latter,” says
Sprengel, “which he (Van Helmont) had attentively read, aroused
in him the spirit of reformation; but they alone did not suffice for
him, because his erudition and judgment were infinitely superior
to those of that author, and he despised this made egoist, this
ignorant and ridiculous vagabond, who often seemed to have
fallen into insanity.” This assertion is perfectly false. We have the
writings of Helmont himself to refute it. In the well-known dispute
between two writers, Goclenius, a professor in Marburg, who
supported the great efficacy of the sympathetic salve discovered
by Paracelsus, for the cure of every wound, and Father Robert, a
Jesuit, who condemned all these cures, as he attributed them to
the Devil. Van Helmont undertook to settle the dispute. The
reason he gave for interfering was that all such disputes “affected
Paracelsus as their discoverer and himself as his disciple” (see
“De Magnetica Vulner.,” and l. c., p. 705).
[640] Demokritus said that, as from nothing, nothing could be
produced, so there was not anything that could ever be reduced
to nothing.
[641] J. Le Conte: “Correlation of Vital with Chemical and
Physical Forces,” appendix.
[642] The date is incorrect; it should be 1784.
[643] Ecclesiastes i. 10.
[644] Ibid., i. 6.
[645] Ibid., i. 7.
[646] Siljeström: “Minnesfest öfver Berzelius,” p. 79.
[647] “Séance de l’Academie de Paris,” 13 Août, 1807.
[648] Mollien: “Voyage dans l’interieur de l’Afrique,” tome ii., p.
[649] “The Popular Science Monthly,” May, 1876, p. 110.
[650] Malte-Brun, pp. 372, 373; Herodotus.
[651] “The Popular Science Monthly,” Dec., 1874, p. 252, New
[652] The “Periplus of Hanno.”
[653] The original was suspended in the temple of Saturn, at
Carthage. Falconer gave two dissertations on it, and agrees with
Bougainville in referring it to the sixth century before the Christian
era. See Cory’s “Ancient Fragments.”
[654] Professor Jowett.
[655] “On the Atlantic Island (from Marcellus) Ethiopic History.”
[656] “Alchemy, or the Hermetic Philosophy.”
[657] See “Revue Encyclopédique,” vol. xxxiii., p. 676.
[658] “Bulletin de la Soc. Geograph,” vol. vi., pp. 209-220.
[659] See “Revue Encyclopédique,” vols. xxxiii. and xxxiv., pp.
[660] Porphyry: “Epistola ad Anebo., ap. Euseb. Præp.
Evangel,” v. 10; Iamblichus: “De Mysteriis Ægypt.; “Porphyrii:
“Epistola ad Anebonem Ægyptium.”
[661] “Porphyry,” says the “Classical Dictionary” of Lemprière,
“was a man of universal information, and, according to the
testimony of the ancients, he excelled his contemporaries in the
knowledge of history, mathematics, music, and philosophy.”
[662] “On the Scientific Use of the Imagination.”
[663] Epes Sargent. See his pamphlet, “Does Matter do it All?”
[664] In his “Essay on Classification” (sect. xvii., pp. 97-99),
Louis Agassiz, the great zoölogist, remarks: “Most of the
arguments in favor of the immortality of man apply equally to the
permanency of this principle in other living beings. May I not add
that a future life in which man would be deprived of that great
source of enjoyment and intellectual and moral improvement,
which results from the contemplation of the harmonies of an
organic world would involve a lamentable loss? And may we not
look to a spiritual concert of the combined worlds and all their
inhabitants in the presence of their creator as the highest
conception of paradise?”
[665] “Diog. in Vita.”
[666] See the works of Robertus de Fluctibus; and the
“Rosicrucians,” by Hargrave Jennings.
[667] Professor B. Stewart: “Conservation of Energy.”
[668] Cabanis: “Histoire de la Medecine.”
[669] “De Vatibus in Problemate,” sect. 21.
[670] See Max Müller: “The Meaning of Nirvana.”
[671] “The Lankâvatâra,” transl. by Burnouf, p. 514.
[672] “Classical Dictionary.”
[673] See Cabanis, “Histoire de la Medecine.”
[674] “Le Lotus de la bonne Loi,” by E. Burnouf, translated from
the Sanscrit.
[675] “Cosmos,” vol. iii., part i., p. 168.
[676] “Lecture on the Vedas.”
[677] “The Classical Journal,” vol. iv., pp. 107, 348.
[678] See “Mosheim.”
[679] “New Platonism and Alchemy.”
[680] Origen: “Contra Celsum.”
[681] “Fatti relativi al Mesmerismo,” pp. 88, 93, 1842.
[682] “Leonard de Vair,” l. ii., ch. ii.; “La Magie au 19me Siècle,”
p. 332.
[683] “The Tinnevelly Shanars,” p. 43.
[684] Pierart: “Revue Spiritualiste,” chapter on “Vampirism.”
[685] Maimonides: “Abodah Sarab,” 12 Absh, 11 Abth.
[686] Pierart: “Revue Spiritualiste.”
[687] Dr. Pierart: “Revue Spiritualiste,” vol. iv., p. 104.
[688] See “Hauts Phen.,” p. 199.
[689] “Huetiana,” p. 81.
[690] Dom Calmet: “Apparitions,” etc. Paris, 1751, vol. ii., p. 47;
“Hauts Phen. de la Magie,” 195.
[691] “Hauts Phen.,” p. 196.
[692] Ibid.
[693] See the same sworn testimony in official documents: “De
l’Inspir. des Camis,” H. Blanc, 1859. Plon, Paris.
[694] Dom Calmet: “Apparit.,” vol. ii., chap, xliv., p. 212.
[695] Pierart: “Revue Spiritualiste,” vol. iv., p. 104.
[696] “Sadducismus Triumphatus,” vol. ii., p. 70.
[697] Görres: “Complete Works,” vol. iii., ch. vii., p. 132.
[698] “Ashes to Ashes,” London: Daldy, Isbister & Co., 1875.
[699] The author refers all those who may doubt such
statements to G. A. Walker’s “Gatherings from Graveyards,” pp.
84-193, 194, etc.
[700] Horst: “Zauber Bibliothek,” vol. v., p. 52.
[701] See Eliphas Levi: “La Science des Esprits.”
[702] Henry Maudsley: “Body and Mind.”
[703] Josiah Cooke, Jr.: “The New Chemistry.”
[704] Henry Maudsley: “The Limits of Philosophical Inquiry,” p.
[705] “Scientific American,” August 12, 1868.
[706] Le Conte: “Correlation of Vital with Chemical and Physical
[707] The wood-apple.
[708] Incorrect; the Hindustani word for monkey is rūkh-charhä.
Probably chokra, a little native servant is meant.
[709] “Book of Ser Marco Polo,” vol. i., pp. 306, 307.
[710] Delrio: “Disquis. Magic,” pp. 34, 100.
[711] Col. H. Yule: “The Book of Ser Marco Polo,” vol. i., p. 308.
[712] Edward Melton: “Engelsh Edelmans, Zeldzaame en
Geden Kwaardige Zee en Land Reizen, etc.,” p. 468. Amsterdam,
[713] “Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangire,” pp. 99, 102.
[714] J. Hughes Bennett: “Text Book of Physiology,” Lippincott’s
American Edition, pp. 37-50.
[715] “Curiosités Inouïes.”
[716] “Thoughts on the Birth and Generation of Things.”
[717] C. Crowe: “Night-Side of Nature,” p. 111.
[718] Pliny: “Hist. Nat.,” vii., c. 52; and Plutarch: “Discourse
concerning Socrates’ Dæmon,” 22.
[719] “De Res. Var.,” v. iii., i., viii., c. 43. Plutarch: “Discourse
concerning Socrates’ Dæmon,” 22.
[720] Nasse: “Zeitschrift fur Psychische Aerzte,” 1820.
[721] Osborne: “Camp and Court of Rundjit Singh;” Braid: “On
[722] Mrs. Catherine Crowe, in her “Night-Side of Nature,” p.
118, gives us the particulars of a similar burial of a fakir, in the
presence of General Ventura, together with the Maharajah, and
many of his Sirdars. The political agent at Loodhiana was
“present when he was disinterred, ten months after he had been
buried.” The coffin, or box, containing the fakir “being buried in a
vault, the earth was thrown over it and trod down, after which a
crop of barley was sown on the spot, and sentries placed to watch
it. The Maharajah, however, was so skeptical that in spite of all
these precautions, he had him, twice in the ten months, dug up
and examined, and each time he was found to be exactly in the
same state as when they had shut him up.”
[723] Todd: Appendix to “Occult Science,” vol. i.
[724] “A Cornel. Cels.,” lib. ii., cap. vi.
[725] “Hist. Nat.,” lib. vii., cap. lii.
[726] “Morning Herald,” July 21, 1836.
[727] “La Science des Esprits.”
[728] “Vit. Apollon. Tyan.,” lib. iv., ch. xvi.
[729] Salverte: “Sciences Occultes,” vol. ii.
[730] “La Science des Esprits.”
[731] It would be beneficial to humanity were our modern
physicians possessed of the same inestimable faculty; for then
we would have on record less horrid deaths after inhumation.
Mrs. Catherine Crowe, in the “Night-Side of Nature,” records in
the chapter on “Cases of Trances” five such cases, in England
alone, and during the present century. Among them is Dr. Walker
of Dublin and a Mr. S——, whose stepmother was accused of
poisoning him, and who, upon being disinterred, was found lying
on his face.
[732] A. Wilder: “Neo-platonism and Alchemy.”
[733] Iamblichus was the founder of the Neo-platonic theurgy.
[734] See the “Sketch of the Eclectic Philosophy of the
Alexandrian School.”
[735] See “Medium and Daybreak,” July 7, 1876, p. 428.
[736] In Volume II., we will distinctly prove that the Old
Testament mentions the worship of more than one god by the
Israelites. The El-Shadi of Abraham and Jacob was not the
Jehovah of Moses, or the Lord God worshipped by them for forty
years in the wilderness. And the God of Hosts of Amos is not, if
we are to believe his own words, the Mosaic God, the Sinaïtic
deity, for this is what we read: “I hate, I despise your feast-days ...
your meat-offerings, I will not accept them.... Have ye offered unto
me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house
of Israel?... No, but ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch
and Chiun (Saturn), your images, the star of your god, which ye
made to yourselves.... Therefore, will I cause you to go into
captivity ... saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts”
(Amos v. 21-27).
[737] Chapter xviii.
[738] This word “up” from the spirit of a prophet whose abode
ought certainly to be in heaven and who therefore ought to have
said “to bring me down,” is very suggestive in itself to a Christian,
who locates paradise and hell at two opposite points.
[739] Ezekiel iii. 12-14.
[740] William Howitt: “History of the Supernatural,” vol. ii., ch. i.
[741] Lib. i., Sat. 8.
[742] Porphyry: “Of Sacrifices.”
[743] Genesis xviii. i.
[744] Daniel x. 8.
[745] 1 Samuel, x. 6.
[746] Gospel according to John vii. 20.
[747] Our informant, who was an eye-witness, is Mr. N—— ff of
St. Petersburg, who was attached to the flag-ship Almaz, if we are
not mistaken.
[748] “What forces were in operation to cause this oscillation of
the newspaper?” asks J. W. Phelps, who quotes the case
—“These were the rapid upward motion of heated air, the
downward motion of cold air, the translatory motion of the surface
breeze, and the circular motion of the whirlwind. But how could
these combine so as to produce the oscillation?” (Lecture on
“Force Electrically Explained.”)
[749] “Revue des Deux Mondes,” p. 414, 1858.
[750] “Conservation of Energy,” p. 140.
[751] Eugenius Philalethes.
[752] “Book of Ser Marco Polo,” vol. i., p. 215.
[753] See “Sage’s Dictionnaire des Tissus,” vol. ii., pp. 1-12.
[754] “Book of Ser Marco Polo,” vol. i., p. 230.
[755] “Alchemy, or the Hermetic Philosophy,” p. 25.
[756] See Plutarch: “Symposiacs,” viii. 2. “Diogenianas began
and said: ‘Let us admit Plato to the conference and inquire upon
what account he says—supposing it to be his sentence—that God
always plays the geometer.‘ I said: ‘This sentence was not plainly
set down in any of his books; yet there are good arguments that it
is his, and it is very much like his expression.’ Tyndares presently
subjoined: ‘He praises geometry as a science that takes off men
from sensible objects, and makes them apply themselves to the
intelligible and Eternal Nature—the contemplation of which is the
end of philosophy, as a view of the mysteries of initiation into holy
[757] Prof. Ed. L. Youmans: “Descriptive Chemistry.”
[758] In ancient nations the Deity was a trine supplemented by
a goddess—the arba-Ih, or fourfold God.
[759] Josiah Cooke: “The New Chemistry.”
[760] Prof. Sterry Hunt’s theory of metalliferous deposits
contradicts this; but is it right?
[761] Peisse: “La Médecine et les Médecins,” vol. i., pp. 59,
[762] “The Conservation of Energy.”
[763] Ibid., p. 136.
[764] Extracts from Robertus di Fluctibus in “The Rosicrucians.”
[765] “Philopseud.”
[766] Diog. Laert. in “Demokrit. Vitæ.”
[767] “Satyric. Vitrus D. Architect,” lib. ix., cap. iii.
[768] Pliny: “Hist. Nat.”
[769] “Conflict between Religion and Science.”
[770] “Book of Ser Marco Polo,” vol. i., pp. 133-135.
[771] “Dionysius of Halicarnassus.”
[772] See vol. ii., chap. 8.
[773] J. M. Peebles: “Around the World.“
[774] John Fiske: ” The North American Review,” art. The Laws
of History, July 1869.
[775] J. M. Peebles: “Around the World.”
[776] Savary: “Letters on Egypt,” vol. ii., p. 67. London, 1786.
[777] John Fiske: “North American Review,” art. The Laws of
History, July, 1869.
[778] Sir G. C. Lewis: “Astronomy of the Ancients.”
[779] J. Fiske: “North American Review,” art. The Laws of
[780] We shall attempt to demonstrate in Vol. II., chapter viii.,
that the ancient Æthiopians were never a Hamitic race.
[781] Servius: “Virgil,” Eclog. vi., v. 42.
[782] Ovid: “Fast.,” lib. iii., v. 285-346.
[783] “Titus Livius,” lib. i., cap. xxxi.
[784] Pliny: “Hist. Nat.,” lib. ii., cap. liii.
[785] Lucius: “Piso;” Pliny: “Hist. Nat.,” lib. xxviii., c. ii.
[786] “Columella,” lib. x., vers. 346, etc.
[787] See “Notice sur les Travaux de l’Academie du Gard,” part
i., pp. 304-314, by la Boissière.
[788] “Bell. Jud. adv. Roman,” lib. v., cap. xiv.
[789] “Magasin Scientifique de Goëthingen,” 3me. année, 5me.
[790] “Ammian. Marcel.,” lib. xxiii., cap. vi.
[791] “Oupnek-hat,” Brahman xi.
[792] “Ktesias, in India ap. Photum.,” Bibl. Cod. lxxii.
[793] Buffon: “Histoire Naturelle des Mineraux,” 6me Mem., art.
[794] “Egypt’s Place in Universal History,” vol. iv., p. 462.
[795] “Archæologia,” vol. xv., p. 320.
[796] Lib. ii., c. 50.
[797] Galen: “De Composit. Medec.,” lib. v.
[798] “Ancient Fragments:” see chapter on the Early Kings of
[799] “Pliny,” lib. vii., c. 56.
[800] Jablonski: “Pantheon Ægypti.,” ii., Proleg. 10.
[801] Cicero: “De Divinatione.”
[802] “Telegraphic Journal,” art. Scientific Prophecy.
[803] Professor Albrecht Müller: “The First Traces of Man in
Europe.” Says the author: “And this bronze age reaches to and
overlaps the beginning of the historic period in some countries,
and so includes the great epochs of the Assyrian and Egyptian
Empires, B.C. circa 1500, and the earlier eras of the next
succeeding age of iron.”
[804] “Conflict between Religion and Science,” chap. i.
[805] Psellus: “Chaldean Oracles,” 4, cxliv.
[806] Psellus: “Zoroast. Oracles,” 4.
[807] Proctor: “Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews,” p. 309.
[808] Dioscorides: “Περι Ὑλης Ιατρικῆς,” lib. v., cap. clviii.
[809] Pliny: “Histoire Naturelle,” lib. xxxviii., cap. vii.
[810] Le P. Paulin de St. Barthelemi: “Voyage aux Indes
Orientales,” vol. i., p. 358.
[811] Max Müller, Professor Wilson, and H. J. Bushby, with
several other Sanscrit students, prove that “Oriental scholars,
both native and European, have shown that the rite of widow-
burning was not only unsanctionable but imperatively forbidden
by the earliest and most authoritative Hindu Scriptures” (“Widow-
burning,” p. 21). See Max Müller’s “Comparative Mythology.”
“Professor Wilson,” says Max Müller, “was the first to point out the
falsification of the text and the change of ‘yonim agre’ into ‘yonim
agne’ (womb of fire).... According to the hymns of the ‘Rig-Veda,’
and the Vaidic ceremonial contained in the ‘Grihya-Sûtras,’ the
wife accompanies the corpse of the husband to the funeral pile,
but she is there addressed with a verse taken from the ‘Rig-Veda,’
and ordered to leave her husband, and to return to the world of
the living” (“Comparative Mythology,” p. 35).
[812] Hence the story that Moses fabricated there the serpent
or seraph of brass which the Israelites worshipped till the reign of
[813] A. Gell: “Noet. Attic.,” lib. x., cap. xiii.
[814] Such is not our opinion. They were probably built by the
[815] “Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and
Yucatan,” vol. ii., p. 457.
[816] Max Müller: “Chips from a German Workshop,” vol. ii., p.
[817] Max Müller: “Popol-Vuh,” p. 327.
[818] Why not to the sacrifices of men in ancient worship?
[819] “Odyssey,” xii. 71.
[820] “Chips from a German Workshop,” p. 268.
[821] Villemarque, Member of the Institute. Vol. lx.; “Collect et
Nouvelle Serie,” 24, p. 570, 1863; “Poesie des Cloitres Celtiques.”
[822] “Archæol.,” vol. xxv., p. 220. London.
[823] “Archæol.,” vol. xxv., p. 292. London.
[824] Brasseur de Bourbourg: “Cartas,” p. 52.
[825] See Stephens: “Travels in Central America,” etc.
[826] “Cartas,” 53, 7-62.
[827] “Die Phönizier,” 70.
[828] See Sanchoniaton in “Eusebius,” Pr. Ev. 36; Genesis xiv.
[829] “Archæological Society of the Antiquaries of London,” vol.
xxv., p. 220.
[830] “Cartas,” 51.
[831] “Hauts Phénomenes de la Magie,” 50.
[832] Genesis xlix.
[833] Dunlap, in his introduction to “Sod, the Mysteries of
Adonis,” explains the word “Sod,” as Arcanum; religious mystery
on the authority of Shindler’s “Penteglott” (1201). “The secret of
the Lord is with them that fear Him,” says Psalm xxv. 14. This is a
mistranslation of the Christians, for it ought to read “Sod Ihoh (the
mysteries of Iohoh) are for those who fear Him” (Dunlap:
“Mysteries of Adonis,” xi.). “Al (El) is terrible in the great Sod of
the Kedeshim (the priests, the holy, the Initiated), Psalm lxxxix. 7”
[834] “The members of the priest-colleges were called
Sodales,” says Freund’s “Latin Lexicon” (iv. 448). “Sodalities
were constituted in the Idæan Mysteries of the Mighty Mother,”
writes Cicero (“De Senectute,” 13); Dunlap: “Mysteries of Adonis.”
[835] See Wilkinson: “Ancient Egyptians,” vol. v., p. 65.
[836] Brasseur de Bourbourg: “Mexique,” pp. 135-574.
[837] “Catholic World,” N. Y., January, 1877: Article Nagualism,
Voodooism, etc.
[838] In “Hesiod,” Zeus creates his third race of men out of ash-
trees. In “Popol-Vuh,” we are told the third race of men is created
out of the tree “tzite,” and women are made from the marrow of a
reed which was called “sibac.” This also is a strange coincidence.
[839] “Popol-Vuh,” reviewed by Max Müller.
[840] Frank Vincent, Jun.: “The Land of the White Elephant,” p.
[841] The Hanoumā is over three feet tall, and black as a coal.
The Ramayana, giving the biography of this sacred monkey,
relates that Hanoumā was formerly a powerful chieftain, who
being the greatest friend of Rama, helped him to find his wife,
Sithâ, who had been carried off to Ceylon by Râvana, the mighty
king of the giants. After numerous adventures Hanoumā was
caught by the latter, while visiting the city of the giant as Rama’s
spy. For this crime Râvana had the poor Hanoumā’s tail oiled and
set on fire, and it was in extinguishing it that the monkey-god
became so black in the face that neither himself nor his posterity
could ever get rid of the color. If we have to believe Hindu legends
this same Hanoumā was the progenitor of the Europeans; a
tradition which, though strictly Darwinian, hence, scientific, is by
no means flattering to us. The legend states that for services
rendered, Rama, the hero and demi-god, gave in marriage to the
monkey-warriors of his army the daughters of the giants of Ceylon
—the Bâkshasas—and granted them, moreover, as a dowry, all
western parts of the world. Repairing thence, the monkeys and
their giant-wives lived happily and had a number of descendants.
The latter are the present Europeans. Dravidian words are found
in Western Europe, indicating that there was an original unity of
race and language between the populations. May it not be a hint
that the traditions are akin, of elfin and kobold races in Europe,
and monkeys, actually cognate with them in Hindustan?
[842] “Incidents of Travels in Central America, etc.,” vol. i., p.
[843] They stand no more, for the obelisk alone was removed
to Paris.
[844] See “The Land of the White Elephant,” p. 221.
[845] The President of the Royal Geographical Society of
[846] “The Land of the White Elephant,” p. 215.
[847] The Phœnician Dido is the feminine of David ‫ דידו‬, ‫ דוד‬.
Under the name of Astartè, she led the Phœnician colonies, and
her image was on the prow of their ships. But David and Saul are
names belonging to Afghanistan also.
[848] (Prof. A. Wilder.) This archæologist says: “I regard the
Æthiopian, Cushite and Hamitic races as the building and artistic
race who worshipped Baal (Siva), or Bel—made temples, grottos,
pyramids, and used a language of peculiar type. Rawlinson
derives that language from the Turanians in Hindustan.”
[849] Prof. A. Wilder among others.
[850] See Martin Haug’s translation: “The Aytareya
[851] Judges xvii.-xviii., etc.
[852] The Zendic H is S in India. Thus Hapta is Sapta; Hindu is
Sindhaya. (A. Wilder.) ” ... the S continually softens to H from
Greece to Calcutta, from the Caucasus to Egypt,” says Dunlap.
Therefore the letters K, H, and S are interchangeable.
[853] Guignant: “Op. cit.,” vol. i., p. 167.
[854] “Incidents of Travel in Central America, etc.”
[855] See Paul to the Galatians, iv. 24, and Gospel according to
Matthew, xiii. 10-15.
[856] A. Wilder says that “Gan-duniyas,” is a name of
[857] The appropriate definition of the name “Turanian” is, any
ethnic family that ethnologists know nothing about.
[858] See Berosus and Sanchoniathon: Cory’s “Ancient
Fragments:” Movers and others.
[859] Movers, 86.
[860] Ibid.
[861] Sanchon.: in Cory’s “Fragments,” p. 14.
[862] In an old Brahmanical book called the “Prophecies,” by
Ramatsariar, as well as in the Southern MSS. in the legend of
Christna, the latter gives nearly word for word the first two
chapters of Genesis. He recounts the creation of man—whom he
calls Adima, in Sanscrit, the ‘first man’—and the first woman is
called Heva, that which completes life. According to Louis
Jacolliot (“La Bible dans l’Inde”), Christna existed, and his legend
was written, over 3,000 years b. c.

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