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Does The Sun Move Across The Sky?

Total questions: 12
Worksheet time: 6mins
Instructor name: Tyas Nirmala

1. The sun looks like it moves across the sky because of the Earth's rotation.

a) true b) false

2. Which statement is right about the Earth's rotation?

a) The Earth rotates from north to south on its b) The Earth rotates from east to west on its
axis. axis.

c) The Earth rotates from west to east on its



In what side of the sky does the sun rise?

a) north b) west

c) east

4. On which part of the day is the sun on its highest position?

a) midday b) morning

c) evening

Which is not the sky condition on midday?

a) dark b) sunny

c) bright


In what side of the sky does the sun set?

a) west b) north

c) east

7. Which statement below is WRONG?

a) The sun does not move. It always stays on its b) The Earth moves around the sun.

c) The sun moves across the sky.

8. Why CAN'T we see the sun at night?

a) Because the sun disappears at night. b) Because the Earth keeps spinning and it
faces away the sun.

c) Because the sun stop shining at night.

9. What happen if the sun disappeared?

a) We can have daytime and night- time. b) We can still get the sunlight.

c) It will be dark whole day outside.

10. Day and night happen because the sun moves around the Earth.

a) true b) false

11. What will occur to the part of Earth which faces the sun?

a) day time b) night-time

c) sunny time

12. It is day time for everyone on Earth at the same time.

a) true b) false

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