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Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Read the word then match with the correct picture.

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Look at the picture, then circle the correct sentence.

Sloth walks slow.

Slug walks slow.

I eat a slice pizza.

I eat a slice bread.

Open the door!

Slam the door!

She climbs the slide.

She plays the swing.

Here , I see a yellow sled.

Here, I see a green sled.

He wears a sling in his hand.

She wears a sling in her hand.

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Complete these senteces by drawing the correct

picture has the sl sound.

1. I on the bed. (sleep)

2. The walks slowly. (slug)

3. I eat a pizza. (slice)

4. We play in the playground (slide)

5. My feet wear the . (slippers)

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Cut out the pictures. Place the pictures that have the sl
sound under the letters sl. Place the others under the trash
Name : __________________

Class : __________________
Name : __________________

Class : __________________
Name : __________________

Class : __________________

1. Write the sound “sl”

sl____ __ __ __ 2. Circle

“sl” sound.

br sl oo ee br cl gr sl sl cl sl

cr sl cl sl sl sl str br ck st cl sl

3. Flashcards “ sl” sound. Read the words.

sled slide sling

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

sloth slice slam

Read the story, circle all the words with “sl”sound,
then illustrate the story.

Sloth Sleeps
Sloth wants to sleep.

But, he eats a slide of pizza.

Then, he slams the door.

He takes off the slippers.

He slips into the sleeping bag.

The sleeping bag is blue.

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Illustrate the story


1, who does want to sleep?


2. what does Sloth want to do before aleep?


3. where does Sloth slip?


What is the colour of Sloth’ Sleeping bag?

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Complete the word with “sl” sound, then read the word and
paste the correct picture.

__ic __in __id

e g e
Name : __________________

Class : __________________

__ot __ed __a

h m
Name : __________________

Class : __________________
Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Read the word then match with the correct picture.


Name : __________________

Class : __________________

1. Write the sound “sl”

sl____ __ __ __ 2. Circle

“sl” sound.

br sl oo ee br cl gr sl sl cl sl

cr sl cl sl sl sl str br ck st cl sl

3. Flashcards “ sl” sound. Read the words.

sleep slip slow

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

slug slippers slime

Read the word then draw the correct picture.

slow slug slip

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

slime slippers sleep

Name : __________________

Class : __________________
Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Read the story, circle all the words with “sl”sound,

then illustrate the story.

Slater and the Slug

Slater has a pet slug.

It is very slow.

It is slippery.

It slides around the slime.

Now, the slug sleeps.

Hush,hush! Do not make a sound.

Illustrate the story

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Look at the picture, then circle the correct sentence.

He slips on the floor.

She slips on the floor.

It is a slime.

I see a slug.

My big slippers

My red sloth.

I sleep on the chair.

I sleep on the bed.

We have slime.

We have book.

Walk slowly!

Jump high!
Name : __________________

Class : __________________
Name : __________________

Class : __________________

Name : __________________

Class : __________________

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