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<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />



implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0'

create class for connection----

object ApiClient {
private const val BASE_URL = ""

val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()


interface for define service name-----

interface ApiService {
fun getSomeData(
@Field("Key") op: String,
@Field("APPName") APPName: String,
@Field("APPVersion") APPVersion: String,
@Field("APPUserCode") APPUserCode: String,
@Field("APPUserPwd") APPUserPwd: String,
@Field("UserID") UserID: String,
@Field("Pwd") Pwd: String
): retrofit2.Call<YourDataModel>

Service Mnager class----

class ApiServiceManager {
private val apiService: ApiService =
fun fetchDataFromApi( op: String,
APPName: String,
APPVersion: String,
APPUserCode: String,
APPUserPwd: String,
UserID: String,
Pwd: String
): Call<YourDataModel> {
return apiService.getSomeData(op, APPName, APPVersion, APPUserCode,

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val op = "Tecxpert@MP#123\$456%789^"
val appName = "com.tecxpert.saras_pro"
val appVersion = "33"
val appUserCode = "arjun"
val appUserPwd = "a"
val UserID = "arjun"
val Pwd = "a"
var yourDataMode: ArrayList<lovingItem> = ArrayList()
private val apiServiceManager = ApiServiceManager()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
private fun fetchData() {
val call: Call<YourDataModel> = apiServiceManager.fetchDataFromApi(op,
appName, appVersion, appUserCode, appUserPwd,UserID,Pwd)

call.enqueue(object : Callback<YourDataModel> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<YourDataModel>, response:
Response<YourDataModel>) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val dataItem = response.body()
yourDataMode =java.util.ArrayList<lovingItem>()
yourDataMode = dataItem?.loving as
if (yourDataMode != null) {
applicationContext, "data save succesfully",
// Handle the data here
} else {
// Handle the error

override fun onFailure(call: Call<YourDataModel>, t: Throwable) {

// Handle network errors

Model class----
data class YourDataModel (
val loving: List<lovingItem?>? = null
data class lovingItem(

val MCC_Code: String? = null,

val MCC_NAME: String? = null,

val Mcc_Code_VLC_Uploader: String? = null,

val User_APP_Type: String? = null,

val Vendor_Code: String? = null,

val VLC_Code_VLC_Uploader: String? = null,

val Vendor_Name: String? = null,

val Current_UserCode: String? = null,

val Current_UserName: String? = null,

val MP_Code: String? = null,

val MP_Code_VLC_Uploader: String? = null,

val MP_Name: String? = null,

val Result: String? = null,

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