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Acha : "Hi guys, I am Dewi Richa Fernanda Surya, She is (Izza Afkarina) and the boy one is
(Ahmad Irwanto). We are from SMK 1 Pancasila Ambulu. In this special occasion, we are
going to have an adventure in a place that is still quiet and uninhabited, but this place is also
beautiful and still natural you know. And of course it is suitable for adventurers especially
for camping here"
Karin : "Are you curious where are we going?"
Acha : "Where do you think you're going?"
Irwan : "we will go to Nanggelan Beach, right?"
Karin : "Yep! Right"
Irwan : "Nanggelan beach is located in Blater hamlet, Curanongko village, Tempurejo sub-district
and coincidentally this is included in my village, yes, even though it's a different hamlet"
Karin : "Well, now we are also in the motorcycle parking lot and this is our first place to start the
Acha : "That’s true, why? It is because the road is very narrow and it is impossible if pass the road
by using motorcycle, so we have to go on foot there"
Irwan : " Yup, and the distance to go to our naggelan beach takes about 30 minutes"
Karin : "Are you ready guys?"
Acha and Irwan: "ready!!"
Karin : "So, what are you waiting for? Let's walk while enjoying this natural beauty!!"


Acha : " ah .... this road is quite steep as it turns out "
Karin : "hahaha, that's right, that's why we can't bring motorbikes. And you should know, this is my
second trip to this place"
Irwan : "Really?"
Karin nodded : "I used to come here with my friends from film extracurricular."
Acha : "Wow, you are so lucky, even this is my first visit"
Karin : "You two have to cheer up, a hidden paradise on earth is waiting for us there!!"
Irwan : " so what are you waiting for? Please go on! I can't wait !!"
Acha : "Irwan, wait for us!!"
Irwan : "You are too slow, you know?"
Karin : "Hahaha, can't wait!"
Irwan (nodding)

Acha, Irwan and Karin ran while shouting happily.

Irwan : "ah.....this is the truly heaven"
Acha : "Yes, that's right, even though it's a little tiring once we get here the tiredness is cured
Karin : "Yes, you are right, and one thing you must remember. There is also a fountain here, so if
we are thirsty or our water supply runs out, we can take it immediately."
Irwan : "Really, then we are not in the wrong place!"
Acha : "It's still quiet here, apparently, but when we are in a crowd like in a city we are easily
stressed and here is the cure"
Irwan : "especially after we finish school exams, this is the best refreshing place"
Karin : "When are we coming here again!?"
Acha : "Come on, we'll invite all of our friends later"
Acha, Irwan, Karin returned to the coast to be precise under a big tree to sit and enjoy the beauty of
Naggelan beach.
Acha : "The blue sea water, the rustling of the waves, the green of the trees and the chirping of
birds become a beautiful song when we are in nature"
Irwan and Karin looked at Acha then looked back at the sea.
Irwan : "yes, when all the beaches are dirty but different, at Naggelan beach, it's still beautiful"
Karin : " really, and we have to introduce this beach to the world that in South Jember there is a
paradise on earth that they have never seen before"
Acha and irwan nodded.

The End.

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