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Pl HW: upon sZwGon, uf WaMTs,6TUsCW HL: 5 G3GU,Guin Lo: ann: eo AMNAVITFOUCHTLO HHT LIT: Version 3.0 April 18, 2018 2 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: UGag ws 1d . 255) BUTTW6oTLD LO QAI MBIT TTULIGOOTLD ass ssssssssssssssssnssnessnssncecseseesessesesecsessesessesee D GSY MoH wio JGengnd ,6orld FEEAQMAMG SVT CUE zOMG: .....eococeececseseeseseeseseereeseseeeeeee 16 Geromlomws NS GLOCSH..........ceseseeee DUIHFMSHOuUT AMEUTAM 2 vps: L,Géagan) Lomssauo SF,GAMTSN 5 4G oo nserogs (HSM. AS3,01 25,65, WT 5 Qasr: vAGHT ait G55, WQEHerouw . ATM EUMTH ZH GUM SOME “COTS ....cccscssreesssrseseneeee 34 MOFFAT TCE SOMO: nee eseesesserssesseeeeeessseseeeneeee ST THONG JOD W gOUBV esssssrsssssesesesssscesesnssssnseesessnssssseeeseee 3Q QhS53657 UGS) amsaun......... MUvtEsiGs,Gausr meu UjQTus): AS,01GW CHzGeutl ,W:. QVIHSMVsSZaiT aMouroam Sf préCagid Geno ugré.. Page 2 of 72 3 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: NOTES:- Abhisravanam means dignified hearing. Abhisravana Mantra should be chanted during ceremony to forefathers like Sraadham etc. This should be chanted loudly while the Brahmins are partaking food so that these mantras are to be heared by Brahmins, who represent “Pitrus”of Sraadham ceremony. Since these Mantras are about “Pitrus”, when chanted they are pleased and depart contented after Sraadham ceremony. These Mantras will also keep the “Raakshasaas' (evil forces)/ other hindrances at bay. Brahmins will be invited to perform Abhisravanam. They should be offered dakshina after the Sraadham for chanting = Abhisravanam. For Ekodishtam (the eleventh day of death ceremony), Sapindeekaranam (the 12th day ceremony), Maasikam, Anumaasikam, Naandi, Gaya Sraadham, 1*Sraadham of the deceased(1* Death Anniversery) etc., Abhisravanam Mantra shall not to be chanted. The Abishravana Mantras are the part of “Taittiriya Shaka” and the Mantras are from “SAMHITA” and “BRAHMANA" Notes: This Book has been brought to you with the courtesy of some Veda learners who have collaborated to prepare this book. Please give your feedback, comments and report errors to the e-mail id We shall strive to make this book more accurate and error-free You may note that there are inherent “paata bedhas” when we compare various sources and books, the Taittiriya Sakhaa compiled and commented by Shri Sayanacharya of 13" Century and Shri Bhatta Bhaskaracharya (period unknown). Their manuscript compilations were later converted into books by great Scholars. One of such sets of “Taittiriya” was printed and published during earlier 1900 A.D. at Govt. Branch Press, Mysore and another set later published under “Anandaashram Series”. These Books were referred to by us as our primary source material for this Book We have also referred “Yaajusha Ratnaakaram” in Sanskrit and “Abisravana Mantra Pataha” in grantha Script published in 1923 by Shri T.M. Narayana Shastri Page 3 of 72 4 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: This book has not been prepared with any commercial purpose and is purely for studies. Conventions used in Letters: © —is represented by (gg) wv — is represented by (gm) —_ is represented as anunaasikam Panchaati Notes: *L’ is represented as the end of a “panchaati”, not a full-stop nor a sentence break. Hence donot stop the chant on the mark of “[ ]” and continue till a sentence break till a ruk-stop comes. Page 4 of 72 5 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: apf: ei II Gog ,5.yWT gid | 216,0mbGen UGHTaD sib arvUL! Gg ould GHoNgQW I Gamngmnib Teor g1,510lb | QGagsGoury Ces eurr amusucivervgm, umuaicivetos, Gg,Geum ausvernallgm umgugs voGyeipL_ 5.0m sid Gero | A530 ayuiras6l afscus $3 Goon Geo am sugi45Gu | HCasrsn org,6r0) ufos | unsinGsort Gg oh oipu- ws 2yGur LOS! S5cul | vot Gumi, eogeugyon: 1 1 Udag Noh sHid TA. 3.12.1 evamstvyuth.apn uGas: | eramegrgag: evanstomuns I or yg *ofvvauGert sug@sour | SSWiHeoL $35 qVOTHIG,001 | ugag JGalg,Y srojeat | WSs L4Btd ‘ues usu | 2. smb ps gsou-sfvGUIVOTTOH: | wig gonCorronn§Gyrasy si | gsmeutrenrcrous oashiior | aGer Quimureuos yGas: 1 Page 5 of 72 6 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: TA. 3-12-2 ur gSef OWL efvbeur ec I Slug, FOUL 1d GH HHO | SUTIN F501 2 ong 5 UGOS: | umrGgit,SefeGuiamm- S81 ours yor: | SGaT alleigeums eisymiog I 218, UGos: | ov gnsr sues | uuans, Uy BIOGgt, UN: | 2 TA. 3-12-3 ws LGCagson amaiagt | Gs,our WIGS crags, | eros SIH VUITENS-TgABLIID | SyFcinw Qsys,LOv0-LOTF5 4: | ervtigirervustrervssr uf gu | Sflerverotig ovis S@SM: | Gg,our wig BG -Sobrourroom: I SiLig digg goer Uygagi uuTPLb | Bb WREW ugfaHlaA WAyarsapcirr | Gass Qngwéys: 11 3 TA. 3-12-4 Ggon Gg,our SUES | erom 45 4 Goouurs Gui | SRM WAGS, VfUMIrS: | ovidL GE LGassn guid | Wun ¥-cfvgTy-ivEsGy oumrusciaciredt I SA TOGO SHT- HT LDUITUDE 0 1 1 1 CU | SHOTH WETS, TOHURMS: | GF: room eeQeblGy | Page 6 of 72 7 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 5 henWy6r9 R2RACT sarong | wigg fg efvuorr SzQMWS || 4 TA 3-125 Servo Squveur AQMUGS | Gu Ce Gamu ung 45: I e1,Ceult an RBB@Gr safvors I seoumgensi Sigman: I wisuGagibd “ul 5 Bly: | SHSM, eile Lueireit I Ws hl Sueow GSer LIT, ANT | SOSH UTE oysCUsCs | LgpaininGovartofous (Und ptorrerS | UTE regu: SGS: || 5 T.A3-12-6 2a 559o0) wg goneuuivu: | UsgL WIT UTOS,GNT SieQmUsg: | SS 70 wanGoror QT: | sGeagratv-onvejGuit AQMUS | (Wan ,HlybSTU0-sTS_oi0s | Uiyresorn gs, eumuyy QMS | pm ,u 465 gb 5 Hleagtd | UB.cigGovr § Quien: evans 55 | US. LIM YYBF Hqvove VOOM OTs, | Sait, Goorany sssoLusoirein 6 LA. 3-12-72 Gaigm,amGn sip uGasia wwamnbg tb | BALSuorhoon sieves umGy | erofeur ont egurrant onAgw 8: | Bmore S GSO ug, 46. wsr,eoCs | STS Uperogsm- SWS, gammy | US: je S,ourret-Lig§),v0v0 BS6t0N: | Page 7 of 72 8 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: SGCwaud “og aur GS Qan Lous) | MoT: LISI gulenmu oN§ WIGS | WAG WAGNWIES Gg oun: | Sirol Sgforrooh Lipg ptomtrust oro sire QI Gs an Bretb wamiuometrero SVEHCS | wis ugar ern 48 uinetv-orvb 8) Gg oun: || 7 (Korvai uGas: - yeni - SéqgG5mt - SQnwg - &@¢gr- 1 SHOOLIWICT - SITET IHS ,Cou &) 2 DHS] HITTWeooTL LA. 3.13.1 ; h AS UAWEY orvidLy 5: UGH sinus yororss | eflvveussfjuosmm: endaisaasl, | serous sous 095,555 UGS) \ suc ogous alvoeu onggreoiné,i | Gag ,amGio stb uGesta wosunmbgb | B55 aljonnts sider: upetesng | SGwoeutd “ong gaumomd ws Qan Lous) | ITT: UIT, og G5 Swemmus I Leni soay St 5)CU, bB: | SigmuonGean Lig.oy? 51, aNgnuis, |) 8 TA. 3-13-2 sor § 49m: uplegraai Gusmedthia I wot Soom use 6H Gous oro: | Gur Gs,Gaull ws 45uUH | Page 8 of 72 9 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Gur Gg youren uCyrasils: | ygGeun Guim Gg,,Geul,,Guit aig: | BCL gem UpmaioGus | web Ligon io es gems: | G§,0IT 26,67 5B gl lg Geustrotr I Wier gsoneusud LgptaipoGevar og ,uins | serv Gg,ouT stow sieuGut Ol aif oe e evsag five usssiQuuer I aGanmgrsey umij.voGeu I Heagsqman Bub I gidaNGener sITss1d | QeioLtd Weagrenn | aiid ethers | eogeu Wevflagnrest || 9 (Korvai - T.A. 3.13 - QTWGS - aucun mus 8) 3 WOM HIATT -A6.11.1 cvansiogutti.agh Gs, “avvsureegib “oMvveody,eutd | eflvbeuta BmpTuLeoH Gg cunsagid upto Ug,Ib I clube: uptonér Asund “oAuvand BIIyMULSOOTy ania | aAVAGH Gast Gag vss eiuveu-wougeus) | ug “avo sGiovdAITY vorvoags viaunéwgid | BIYTULIGoLD ammg@e wi “flvveungorreod upmuteran I BITULI6eOT UChr gQGunsign gion pinguseen: un: | SBITTUL6OH uid L,jaMo sShout pitgmusen: un: | Page 9 of 72 10 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: TTULIGoOT uGytr SUIT SM F WaT oor ppigmusena uy: I Wiss AGALLS,5, crjas F,Gv0US voegswues90 our | SSH uous 58, srofoaud *swsmiws pitgmusenn: aivg)g: || 10 (TA. 2 IHS WSU GON eoUDS,GISHSL “eAvvewvDDL oud | us wGenur-uySanvow ai G56 amiusGam,0s,tb I arcs, Beier wit algcvsumbes pmd,umepurf Heo Hl | QameowTeomG sob um,5 alvveustousmusgoonb ams | ope5w vieomi orgy eolbuigswi Genvvervstrosh Lyi | SHOUMEGS rads vos’ soiviblis, orvijeutb UPPeion. Si | SoU 0H,Gui WaMTené,oh ovoeunhAy allvvauGgir WS: | GorvnSéghu446 of yggeit Alig pein pew. wgy: Gal: | Hjwsa,5,5 40 ng ovorus-guowowierog stows onobs. 5m I evps musi erveuh Gg ,009 OTL 45560 weg: I Sev WH ,GW alainenh uilen, S1606CUI 4 oT suseucivdl,s: Ol Bots i, WW$ WEST 53 ag qujedG0dGe,6u um,feugm I souny wTesasgcrot gsr um erveugswenpmor | Page 10 of 72 1 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: serous uflem wit S98 Cus ugwom torr Sass} ,g: \ ero Uji ero uBleucro or amiero Corns 7610 Goronseagq: uplero event || 11 1 (TA. 6.11.1- BIIgTWI6OTErO avgi,cem - sass) ,sv0ssouns) &) 4 SY oshuwid (T.A.6.12.1) GSY sud Up Laan Gores Soins ss ,60.d | ea § ou@y Bib “alepumrsagid *evbaues UML. meu BGT Bw: I] 12.4 ( ppmpmusevorTu alg 40Gan eumeror@g ours §,0a | goirCentt allciggay): upGeng uns || 12.B (.S.1.2.23) AeipComnijgosib “aNjuureoh LyCeutrerd Yu: unjs 1 ours emi gmegrefor Gut MAVSUTAL-HI4S ST ag oH 91d “Assos. ctvsG7Gsm,(GanGun ofleip Goon yymL_t06r8 AAeigGont: LggeigL pine efleipGosmmuv VosMLsGTorvGEm, AeigGomatv-ctoyyjor AMeigGamny 5 yqGeuderd anausigannaunder elleigantGeu Sour || 12C Page 11 of 72 12 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 5 TGGngr & 461d (1: 1) SGaosigai mg: Luger Sleiroo Ug@saf,b Sumas meg uma ony gcu, | SGeigailogy Layer. Hi CH ooan Goon SefvgitSor8) og ,ul eagero Svsiteinanty: | sal,giomend Suri Lg isugo) AWVUGUI-§,Gogsr Cuonurerren: I SUWsigwis,Cen epaineut US MII, B ooh 1,G5m aAsivGg aileigal G,0sm: | LipslerouGuor aMlaro G5eg-sijerm S5Gum Loum uTujaNGuor s\erowim IB stg: \ Gur cpr 31,67 215,00 Goon, [1 13 Gum 215 u15,Coor ordieigGL. Gini 5 545-085 | 25 ,6,Ge Hei, LSU SHIcoucsMlHsyTY gagsn- SHSwCamGs | Gur Cor eum SVLAST {61 FCT Benshs sug eV EHTEOT vorsiggib I eas ,Gourr teu inlols ,win-g weiss, ollsings apgunsioou 60g gSUULISTULés, Cour | aialetogiggm Seoie06) wT! ezO oat gqmioggriBtb Lipid gamit vosemsit | eno SB, [1 14 Page 12 of 72 13 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: (TS. 1-2-14-3) egitooin§) arse Sib al allio jw reuGg Lgyai. Gen Bir giO1ogs | aSuivautsuervento oro gomr goGuin SUouTsUIGUT AGE UTS GWOT | Corrs} _é_ Gor ATS) oor 48 4670 NP SMO wiervsouir HSCusoor ameilagn Ws 2b6H,: | “uag Hioveu ayujad Bi,G7TGe auvGex 5 ,c7vs0 eno") sm-oroTSen0H),61919: I aijemo GCs ovrglb Gam, siquijoumé, ervbCg, eur out sir Q7en,[ ] 15 (TS. 1-2-14-4) Blu: | eivenivanetg our aw ygit, LofegGus-LomervGio sapgiymonth STHCU-DS_wyor | Pam sour afm Gy HiUSswsir- Cgryagrauciesh §zH1,OY oro G1 Hy 661 | SGU bg eros our erveineareroeto eroGuLomih, Syuj Loon Sovgi,oun Goromggontrearmb I wisivg sur-siveuvvalsty env aug ecorGuim S160 auuimTs) aie" gt 5B p6or | sor! Syrgn Lysuerd SVU VSI, weirs HS us orgpiagé erGegnaps | wGamrGgma 1 116 (1S. 1-2-14-5) UgfH1 ST auGemisfvssinom IgijGang.0n 596e-oTUs I Page 13 of 72 14 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: SaisirGent aero alservut- 855,51, Camrsjueieior, nr éiCsr Sq¢ioun: I sieiveution gv yomusto eroeGuveumt OSHS GoronSei Gam ouoy eign: | Gg rue: avs MuieGen lags wins Con salsa: LM Souelpy | Gu umusGeut womnGswibeS 6 ,Com uUvDWiGgr FHT MSTF, Teogcivon | yyegsmbs, MrSGCEn aAvoaGagn, H,0055 OS NuGeur pram, 1 1 17 (TS. 1-2-14-6) GC53U4! | sauut ou avg sou-ctvsGeur-gretogeu Lijeoor sw uDWTLo eurggyrst | QuUM, UY oor MDGs GFW Gs SaicigG .uin SGaniainw-sinyusmeon | gui cs 15,600 erouigit, ANGg 40 LpGervsmoy vocous.orreots $,G@um4W | s,ampmvvGeron eager: umainuieto.ortr $,CGamn HST, Spam SUS gUITS; | (1S. 1-2-14-7) sGsepromemb “aunghenong 5, STD Ls),cipLy qouwima vojia | vBvonGenm ASoM: Sy gi ato ero gg5 got oo Gor §,0uT (), 18 Page 14 of 72 15 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: anoflag: urgiBés tb | algGuing\aor i.@ansr UT, Sus aMjraly Avdaunah sGepCs wasgeur | Lips, eal Lomumero vanes. 51,Gyeurv0 vauies voGmGs, ea9Gero allaGeap 126 evaurannGoroi A,eapisas, Cer efvSéuomul gir, eapGero ams aur 2 I W065, Ag, 60 MGS um Lom Raunies, uflum, Gsm, 210508 || 19 (Korvai - T.S. 1.2.14 91 ,UOYerv: ero Cs eusme @eani ams ,maisagouns Wunés) Page 15 of 72 16 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: QUT VOTO LOT UIT 4: 6 FCangramGemnr OQ16VH 36 601: TS. CeagmamGennt alos, amContt OEUGLOGO CUT EST 8 60mB- S,Wamh Hib *oue0s, (9S OUT wid i: erolonGeont wiinerdtor Geni flesr,Cong ,Cideming 4m eGymi Guim i: erowonGent Gwin erd.on Gent syn$wis) SMTZUFGIOT ofS 46°01 Souuir,CLy OES: Sosy U5 39 5651 ooren eam ogi g6r8 SOUS STAM evi gerd) O,57§ Geuwanor aivaugm ,6F0u- H),Lom Samm avvaungme yor efvveureromb Brel preva aMhSsM, { ] 20 T.S._ GeagmamGennt AUCVE z6M 601: UGyrsagmiA MOU EUITEST, CeagnamCernt e108 oun GeomrSau BWLD sneucigesoreumrest, wGeunserd WeuwiTeroLod, §,CauGagt wemingrg, GeagremGoont e108 oun GeomnSeu VS GOON sHeicigevot ounest, 7CsegnamGenn Us ,aMGCoon SN, PCa MUGEN CUTE, TCsagnamOsvoren a1ds ,AMsorTEIL 55140 eneucigsoorers, Page 16 of 72 17 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: JGeaprem Oars 2160s, Clearer ujyjamma enoucigesas, TGeagmsmnGerrat AVS ,AM Clement ust fos Gooobl ousigorIay , Ceara Garrat aus esp Genet meusiocrmas , Ug Gawoeirrerd b,Gans,6,yeun 1,G008-0s 7s () eure “ougy |) 21 (Korvai- T.S. - - aMbGS - beg $,Gal 8) 7 Geromomus NS 50CH T.S. Geromomus 15 Goes yom muy aglsumang Ajeuush TS GH,Cum ugjelags,0,Gun sryemn: 1s qo yCutt SéyoMejpoungsegu,Cum Sour sutton Blz8365, nis ,C05sCs 55 Gu & Sour-ncnGau-55G5 AgsmoaM UpAsmoaM Gu & Soun-wereusy UISGHT WSM UT .Hel0 05 5.45,00N nranoh ss Gu0b Soin ovwitd 108 oer nbS,08000) | Uy rem Lypfooorenb 5149: eg IGSr waiter ' all a Hy QUOT Y SIs) | Cuimegn-si ONS 37 1) anh I| 22 Page 17 of 72 18 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: LS. t t aisageiron. bos 465 amar coflwirr AST,ALS | aevesrags veut genGeut enuyn pafeiou,wir og | Gungnos. ahig.7 C5 ami | sisager gCyr Shs . . . = 1 1 WsGgn BS Guns secon sbigris Msg: | UCTS Msg: Gorombuit &31D4 ,6m9: usiathy: Ly eiiemus: | 215 DS bd. enrolls Sry ais wGLwen Gu ong ,LOTS9tb 05455) | LoGsorn eum amr auminGap BINTUDYGervesr aivGgnCinen NS Goons wosindiN,: 12 (),01 23 TS. B JH) Won: Yom: SY HGOu 548097 GarGord I Qcunss onvoquls 5,GGu0 | yor fom: WsGor LoGeorr 53545) OH 6uGWIT 2am: | Goud sung, eGewam | wis gbstheapib UGH,oF ps Swim Swisiomsigib ‘sib “our DaAMwerdo | 1s,6oAjwor servL0T-Gs ,earGorot arf ousuu: og wees Ser wrreh F5 G0 Gong) Loud Genrearerdib || 24 (TS. - amit Losin gr sgivvesounfiunss) Page 18 of 72 19 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 8 DUIHAAMVSHOIM OMaOITINOM 2 VO: T.S. @vubgervseur AMAITAM 2UOHH: oii S,.0gub) I e_vnsirgnuDs & ain US Gor. amalGag 216 6Cou | sol Gero LyAAGEn tosfagm sou pAlcioLpiog) Gpat upg | Sou Lyon ‘sGyn QwCSEr, C5,Golnge néer-wu,ebs Bom: | Sun oH H: By: Corona WAAL sihorrenh 5G: deuoresr 84m: | ausiroustronoung: US Gun jenny ATEN ggdsaus- ns,eut uot, [ ] 25 TS. _2.6.12.2. : | Su Geromn Ia, ori algr,Connsen) SMTA GH, a F555, | Seivend § OKET, aehagn oNGS5,10 awiy eos ug Gui GuSewomi | a1,Meipauns gm: as7 gan 5655 os: 653: 05,5 NPFS: | B5ST amayas Cajuigsiredh uph.aDisiguigit, TUIY ervfalaihs 557,50 | ujadioos,: O57 ea guijeurg.or Can meu sé qq erogg alld | ' Jt a 5 AY SSMU voHFCOoMsMcrvwou4wY ,[ ] 26 Page 19 of 72 20 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: LS. vod *cumpyGur 5457,5 | apsamid 15 cbs. or alls my 10S 26791 BUTS ee oS LD EH & eisigG ovat: I Ui. amlagGsm, Gu efvaug uur ene serv U48358 Agsoucros Qawns Belg n,: | 2.Lenogs: Ng): CoombunGornt uyf.sbleigcuiar HS,as UiflGuag | BA SOS! 5 Qan voGaubsous), Lj Gabs C5 Seubseustvwoetr | 2S, waly 2 Surry Qe 0g 4utom: 50: Gorombuserd: | glerueib, [ ] 27 LS. fu rujeugpemt GSAGravCS GmrSeutgy WsGor anGaias I 5,0 08 @0,Gun Cin aovsoaug,u cw ygautGoron w ougme FEU: | Gu ung g},Gou Degerowinr Hessen Gu eur grow ero" sxggegoatrero* ANgar | SGM, WEI, ®: gy: utter: UgSemnGorot 25,601 Gswivvragrsvam: | wur8s; quis §,5148)-wS5 ,UUTOTD: segmuomt ybsgbGemr 1G S08 euaettost | 15 44,Cen, [1 28 Page 20 of 72 24 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: TS. _2.6.12.5. SSIS NEBR. was GENIE | Ly & oMsMuTAN asagUiETH C5 ,CouLuiv0s NS GLU 2 | Saudsgen Fig. Gam aiisGaGsm, Seu gL ,ciuiToah enor oo SGSou | Lapis DS Giyul: ores uit CS isagsion 5), Sou 5,01 Gui anaiyash I womrge8 SoUCHUITLIGLOT SmuBGyMA yi L,Gansvug) Gays SITE CGM 46M: | wiryu0e Gg our eure Ggi4hGus 8 Gg ,oumbS. erveumammsetGu oPVEUS WIT STL 5568) || 29 T.S._2.6.12.6. Qu ‘Lito uyerosgiom ssh) erSgr gid Gym: IGN: oroib alg gem: | % sour wos gm: salupevsit alamisGousor miregein, amsiagit LOTS ,WIErVEU | isl GoM ST 5,000) wgHCuiid 5 wid DOU SOUP oy Long ,werveu I Sacvabs sirGo w: Ign Gs Servier. wee Ui -arleiouir Hops qu I idl yGoron : ASGyT paudoun 215 phen Gera UigGSg0u: Garombusrerd: | Ggagma “omy eager we3Husirenmio U,5367 1 I GenveninetGero ( ) erwin || 30 Page 21 of 72 22 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: (Korvai -T.S - - U,oulT - efoLoi4W - Loeruelb - ug 48,Cer - WH iS) - Clerventossrero 556 &) 9 L4G: Lorssa fluo LS. U,Géagash LomsSaf\uo Sher uygsourus voi g gos ours gmuervGumagmus eue Gero eringr-vgancwad) euGeront yGyn euGeror Gifu cw ain@esit, Sefvusvva Gonrrefvgseur Lira Lgwumrey 6s giTenoth bGssogavh Sot C561 Geromo err Fag 161 &,Guiagib OHS ITN Ly Bk Gasit WigQ@HmonmD ‘ound sqrogromn Gerominerous SGU) wHS97 evaljouréus§),8)-yert as UBT cigent? ounré, eg opr Carmien Soiuseaad Huveusj.acGen,, ] 31 T.S._ ULL 4 Guim: eroaieg) wm aMfleujenr oy ay éygpGou 54509 gmuereGurapmus enor aSiygironut lor won irggotre Gy0,Gagr wr Cio ammig), Sogn af, | suGagCoon voreiptomunssuyGag aujaGero I Page 22 of 72 23 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: aero" Logs 965 600167 OU Germ C5, CS nog: ugrsero srvausoefout SITGISIE of 55,670 Oss nis orows ByTUOerd Ggserow 1g Giscivu 10g) 4105 2 ems 4VGuiT-lsmeCE U4gagwiTiA GSyIAUs,_S,emsFvw Conn C5301 C5 Ws laNGsr, Lon§.8 UPAeTarvU croalenshows Sif'einG Ue 5 oro Obs S50 pymunyerd Ggerow, [ ] 32 15 Giscrou 108} 4105 2 Hames cvGumuameGen U,gaguit- DUIS) SwiAls,smTGFvUL Germ C540 CS Glens vd GSusiow eroalonefo 25,85 15,00 ODS Tisciouw pITMYoGgcou NSGiscow wg) os eUapepevauniagecs tasopuimis | cy tuustusetoeu evGng) GS alvvaug: Geromo cugpsigothush I u,eumr angers MIG 4C5, | aufisirat Gu anégt anMfGam sens Gio Lom all $3 qos: I vAGam Gd cwigi.oS—u SoipL,cve wr GwSeurtis pm 5) rf] 33 Page 23 of 72 24 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: LS. SI: | umn Gorvomd-oib@egit iy ong gHuiow gcung)- gol grrgt0 Gg ours | So ehvonr6it SGorner-H9 Hi Au HH IATOGS wiSSuiorow | weird yg i0Geot DET SY Sess YsoynaMMy grsGas, oEp.ageeh: | Yay s,oAD-s ses" YSOAISS,COM La cGsuDStOUs: | yoory@io AVANT WyUughsE sag? HT §,S5108apGui: I QoioL weragsives, G5, Geromo sogiseivGsmosiuws, 1] 34 TS. wWeVresrss, cou amflas Qsdgiiscru w3),i05 elas civGur-lamecgr U,soQuimiB) | BU Sure VST, wot Uggs Luyeguat & 5 {Coren | abe 5S Gus Sair-nsr Cais SCs Wgsrboam UjAsmoam Gu F sameness WsCor wigs Li Std 101559 gout pet ar: gCq yoru Cio ou: NS: uorsigiomus Cin ou: NsGyn Seurus 5G ar gga , | 13 ~ LS. VEU SOU Cor ar: ASGyM wemTwIGou 5Gion ou: WSGCoT Gen,jmu IS Cqr 5CLon Gout ws gpstotheir “cons, oS wjsigLom vervGs Sen! cu Seroulest “cance Lom GHSsHI Page 24 of 72 25 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: w gactlleir “coonGs, VS. Whul CSagmid *cuerdheigu.y Ly uiTerogs cul SeruiAlsst "cones Ggagmb *auerSleigGL i, Uy 4uuteno ub unegruGs, SouCs ,SromueTGur eftvveutt eigen up sm Ligh ou () i 36 LS. ws smomevGs er aur watogeirGamt aig) Quy sown ug¢wir uSeoomi | Gg oud 05g sivenuienGeron Seuuggominerd) lngpjcigués pg cfvanuics Coron Seuigemioer6 15 GS GS eivemucsrGoron Seuluigsminerowitlgens agen, 6FvU! Govmn 65,01 CH bGN,e0 err getvGuisipLulgragary etugisofvGgmnetvus vn Ggnés Fo Guit U,Geagr SWACwAAjCuT Carovaherrscvus G5 15 e145 Usa GSovGUT-Las eg or VGuIT-LaMeGEr U,soQuiTib} || 37 (Korvai - T.S . alluveu éj.agGer SfoG,UF 55,0 OHS TIsHowu pHTVOYED GsetouT - 4 sugiscivGsmncious - gown Cwm ou: - WSGym - U Uzi, sgiuvEmpwervesy Page 25 of 72 26 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 10_S4ChOinsen)_F 4 (th Horn sew S CHM LS. Sq Gounsord Hy Goomnseivs GET alvvaussfuosm mrs oesn | lon sour vip 539 253 aug sino ero" Lj ooo Seuss omen UGH, 0m $,G%an | Lpegmugieroseur orgs) UGscuum: UGG, awscvaBid ups ,crreBib LyGsir,Sor0 LGH,Gubed yod ydlyeroussys7e8 oHvdeyp uur AAC LeU 54157 UGA,ald Wee, UGA $,6%am UGH,0%b wr asi wersi euvalevento ipmreworrut- urreormu euutoonGuit- gir gon Lp SleigLarysmus »t 1] 38 TS. SASHT-UINs oNervsou 11, ung) WaMu erersoswir & HH),00m vobs C.ose gut Gp cus uiTSHiAlgoFv6Us 4 5,goun obs, | SIGHT gg SMOG 5, LnCoramsg, gag: ugag: uh | gour cnt SI,FGou Ly 5) ewamevGysmm woGsen | wir unc gen Lig Gonmangh eramavGyson el@yraspend I souuiteoeg Gp,abinLce aGg uo ansiagt uu | Page 26 of 72 27 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Sagi myer ewan torent evamavamyrg: evan evenings: ervameiver ugsenn: evamaves UGSenugs: | croampetopjafus, t 1 39 TS. Ser6\ orom wt Dotto || WH, eungr GSmuGs gi, so9H5 SH orbs OH: | ONS A 15: rsSGCouvagB,: | wSl4 BSS wGEmager 10g} 410 Ling) ou re | Sl, S,0wieny ors) 6: Hn | 10g} grein Geant aust eVUSNI Log) ome MVS envofu: | ong galijenn Gout US) Bb: | wash §Cusen: UGA & Quo “wg@ib iAsapsmi | Gsm Cor ufo, | BS, alleigGeoatt: ug ,{ | 40 T.S. US.Y OVS, LUDA evOW!: | Haier seagrrgngswd | Sq GounSord UGH,o0 eam aver UGSomus: | eS G5,Gout), jb G@gonnSssir | wineoGs, BS ,Con envojGus we 2 SuGer Hiauiong seus gun | smi: ervjaurdy GGe goomus Hervs GH, | Page 27 of 72 28 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: wit Gaur Gg,oum: erve7Gu GGer Gamn,cinavsCarage wit GS: I OHS IMS,A smI,cH crvjoms, GF Con 5455 U,GamevuGs | oigms, [ ] 41 T.S. acung-y5r,jus, envoy, acung}-y5n,7u18, eveunm, Qcungi-jgm,gus | 21,Cen wWjsagourr anf) Gu gainvveunGeron C530 eromrg go: | ouguo “san bduumval: | wgageum af) Gs, euamoS omy supeury 21546001 8h | aA} Ganngm Leu: ms5: I Sapllerov0s VSS, UGH, aio) S,WMM Es Cuming) wivoe yan: | SGSuwid *cusmeefuog) Vesybsb SgIUloVG er Cammbuigy) els, [ ] 42 TS. Camnggm: I iLL (Blg5 at “oftvvalorvus Lyeasororois aunggominé, Bons snaviveunemyeroul & | ASOT gGunglasn QCunAsiowoned-~GSGion eujecron eujeatvaureir | GCE gaur Ge geur orviilds, spars eoflcsn 5 Cajon: | ASST. AD GSM, wossreromt {uot n: | &,Gsoou sms an, srevtlil | asf sim Gust GougGeront 0954) ASTD | Page 28 of 72 29 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: savblis, erorLiyGeonrr 09,868 @eomus UgQetreninoGS ! " t L u WS1, C5,05TU,W: | SeoUITSSevCS amjw: eos FCy () VAST 5 1,000 Ten slbGgavu sm,gmb | 43 (Korvai - T.S . - LpSlsipL.n,smu - evsunstvyesuin ~ uigtowb - “oli 559 - lis 8@y edourst &) 1 2163601 2.5365, win & Qag: LS. 215,601 25365, wit 5 @ogrjujour TLD suit Cpr DBL souuiTrees piodvsdounars, ou Saubegn iyquuteroiomé,,Gomt 5i35,7 &,00W Avie sus wit 5 garry weur ro suit Cpr GL, sefounreroGs, pinches etoutehogs ou Saupesn LU qUMeroLo UG5 ott acs S&,60GUIT weASW 25,,H1,670 pM js 2Gion §1,5,67T, 1] 44 LS. SASGUT s,anuicrs GSui: AxHovoegujGsn, cus: USswovesL Cun WET MTB 5 TaTrUNS 6 cus! wigauoren és & uy S,Camuys WG5 35m 2a 8) ercamns Page 29 of 72 30 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Un ,505 ,Culesnamorent 5-6 1081 pnS55H}-Lomjés 95 - Soups weguomGear ound Meroe hGorvm: tat ana SsagGuImUDE sage: ajo @usmu0: voGymgsqu ume Gouri L1,60-€10 (5 Geur-GqnGegr sfleipue aAlDsuTsirusTuestr seal SOM, | | 45 LS. saan Cw evan iDGvGS, aehvg) Lo wom asf ferSqu oulr gpshuong Liyrresonr: aymng sh Cum Sé coe Aciroucinons), ayn. eumrutd ALT Goro: LIgTSsOT Q@éumam Lint soot Geor - OUMTSSH LWT 5,505 Gur GH,Cgn a16,Cenon Gui gIL,6rv" Ww ern8,or Gut G$,GHT alvoour YaueomSSoNGewo sarvenin GSM Gon Sov Seuss” SUIT, SAT, Our SSCL GH4HT am out 5, [ ] 46 (Uszlb am siijun sr TS. BIST VSGSFUY amy Hour Bi 651,565 FGCUCH ot wegragr SqLOMUN- Help SMUT 554th, un 5465 ,Gul- snsrancucy WULNWH! Hervus Heneu WIS GSFUY amps Sumy WAMOUFS5,Cloren Sus Qs auerdoustoseut Page 30 of 72 34 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 4 A nu, . a 1 1 Ds GS309: Yovsrs UTS ASyorvsoir wrogmegnent: 15 GF HyzFoHlowag: Ling surg gswumrerogsour elluvenauis Gg ,onau: " I 1 WudEMs UMHS) SWSTOMHVSouT WIGCST WGH30 4 GS5I5: ung), [1 47 TS. Gp,,0ur-oivs Goubs9)-2CussioLm, ac soon ego Sp,cvsnéGer-ufleipLnés UMS! our son YGsr & G0g,5,CuIT LGyTe9f Gs weg on ng: a Bomb UGyTE995) ws, avg Al 5-omgy Guten UGyrégs) Con USMVGCHoT C$, 5 WITCH oT LiGhTEagls: | 48 (Korvai - T.S - . Blz549 - evs son. - amelijun gmt ungys curs Awuvés) 12_vhGon oun Ths 3-2 (6h VU T.S. valor eur 555, Wigg@erous 15 95 oj ,oonb Lim soonrt euyeut ameiign,Gor SICH SeVIOM-6 f.ag6 Lim soot 215 ,o0BITS ST LIGCS SefV1DII-5.5 ,oHVST-EE peigamn: Lim evonrt H@sagn sues ares 45m Goat SH EUGILGOOT ELIT ST SenmiB Sutra Meucgemnein ssh gag CumUgeum glen" yt meu Hijwsesr Page 31 of 72 32 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Gg gcunentti Linn Gemeage GU16L SIT 667 pubes emrir Set ur Tr Lon Gy Seireuotbg 61 servots, UIT, 6u0° LOM ST: Bm LIS Qs5,0aMH Sib faves, ovum, [1 49 wih BB: erotomGeornr wioeroLonGeont He an,Conguin a 53Qeuer eureu uGGagen WUTEHE OU erotonGonir wubsrendtonGeon WeLosurervena Agen alos He mscirs.CinGams, aus) ooh SGeSHA sorvi0ngs, ross cBoinoonn ib |75 Uigmreoor 1 eroub dongs Sof v10T-5 gordi IT ston: Uigm eon aiGur Sau us) Sov SiS S195: Uagm eon wagyas pws, | 1 50 T.S. WF ,6neu wed: Lym evorr euyeum: LpGormeioGeu Geum eas 557,51 ugif.esBiyeu fod Gowns) sefvioited-Geomovor S575: Uyrresorr 2begCulen aureus) GgGgn eur oygguild Uyrrevornr eluyeu: Lip GoonicigGeueu CsGen 5351.5) amg aur 565 WRESSVU WSyHlopaIGon 5 oof Scams su bs GeinGon af amen ssn, 6,9) $,f5,CoronGw Page 32 of 72 33 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: MFFG5CU $,GSOi vACHT an G55, WRGervw ws 5 ,ONJEMomd ,¢ } 51 T.$. Cam event euyeut angn 2181,1991Go.5 Lamar ej &yyrourGoon 53h 5m WS,LoTEMsusEUT proiGen- snus GS3X aGpit, WM, 6269] HOI Gaines Sb2e005), 5125 SWS 2 Wot 535 FH) wm, Ws mI 555 SUG5r,5,1m 8,88,61 Scvots,8,oN}er,Gon shosrensl, grad pA yagrsust SSamauciPGul amy Sour LpSUIGE: uGT su arog gor LU, SoS) Gut neu align @ggi WBE WCE, Ggramib ‘caus, Hi Jono ( ) pind ‘nou oijms Soro sud sjCunGsm, SHyaraiGera evgoon eugeur SgyrounGovor oug,6rom GSsIGgr 5,006) Goromo: uGuwit w goutb ‘caus, 51,00 gsnausaiib | 52 (Korvai - T.S - - euuim 6) wun jeu Bugs) amaljgm, S7Curahyurdives) Page 33 of 72 34 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 13_g1ovrain#,5Cuwin_ server “Cours LS. Sioromeutrg\g5Gust Servuilest coors ahords Sih Gg oun: UGeige.: Lil, Gaiwiorrreusesgtbd *Coors-dsgLoUI6sr Loo Teuctog§-ifiés, HarDomnesr HyeunBHHCuhon MrPUTCH, Gomes Lpguserogs.iussir usm: ures gs Ujulé,@einenneir UGsigo_y Guraneoran ss, ero our slororaun 8G Supeigucir “cance, Uso}. GUUS: us s@asCon ws UGsig mca ues ONTEUijH,GL0O eogsiGoon sid Suiguomeotr wis) any -jouctosi§ uf &,Gansn§) Hyeur BjHCusoo ,t 1 53 TLS. 10.2 svaij6s, Cans ungh Hoo. 5H soy: upeogirs ust &,Ganonp5) UGavene- GureauGyranss ws uGy Lefogir6tt B® efow: umité sero SNvreuljsirg6d-Govm Smoot Aciolg cueir Wis UCTS 6oT & ew: upegr His Camu, Ger Hen &Hjsund uefveromonGeort Leu 5) eroreauija., gomeusutt cr ‘coors, 2 UUs: uf &,Gamovhs wgiomemnt HEU Page 34 of 72 35 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: sion igure oro ous erog: uyjet eromonGeonnr Si,Car Hyer Bund uefveromonGeort uous) oro ug 60g FCOumL wis: » — 1] 54 T.S. Ly) Sop 5H UeGeioL pid “mer HyounjSurd umj.voou uefveromonGeant s9,G5m SyeunSH sud u}:eromton Gear LAA SoG 48: UGS pb unj.voGou ywheieLm, SJAMT &, Gauges YulldioL,Y voces weye@stvonuey Soil WSS UCHT SIH H S/S ,ombsu-choroyyoromu crvoig &,Ganuses els Mor vb}.agoimu: Upm evar: Ligmesom Gear eu WgLonGonrage 55,51 ws Lip Bena UGsigr mc UAIbSUWGoeu osiGors-oiunGrr ames) wil gto1b “core Bet | 55 T.S. UPswAGTGaHUyGs6uT ong ,CuIuys wigQuorem: oy aur CUS. Ws WSFA LeGsigLm,oN uaUsSwGwer ongij Gooreib Ups walGyramssuGsir, Arrieta GorGs uy) t 1 Aso PSUS SUOTGT Gupgs.Cyn our sHliog,s mors. Page 35 of 72 36 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: ero pgm §1-UpuT seus sofviom 75-Chsoyvosignsyib apa suTanys Gsoomtwig95 SG5T Mo oro Ugur Hioio»é,Cus genus) Gem SLipSIoipig yg: »t ] 56 18.73.1005 sous Foi yvosiynsy-orerSyotr Seung uv tomrerom: USE F-Sautosqu QGw Goren stororeuir yous gaol yu ganeugegn EU GB ,auGeoranctvGscipGaicu wismplyjeutd Ly} Alsip. gh Sworomrour | ,SGw 5 aul@yregs eno upegmigi- (ours soft THCnsoNyng grsqo pues sunsangs Georges SCSI MoI Gorvnseqre gs wi geut “ag gourd gaahyvosiynsy-o1TEd 5 ) Gqreis, genousodyvosignrsCon Lous @S aur geolyCuor GeCwos S66 ,h5uGSr, UNSleoLm,Coer LipgleipLn, ainGuisehyvor SBT SyT-oud ss u,aGsr L,jamiooujserve vu fh, c5nuB Sonus || 57 (Korvai - T.S - - &,qainooniS| Hyeurj5Cus- MPHCOML,WEST BMT Lp Slsigg 5 Bs, qechwyungivs ) Page 36 of 72 37 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 14_ WHS ATOM TC &37OMM: T.B. orog S aun Cs Sgyamn: | wasup: EYOMTLOITSOT: | allageeureit HyeunHsuhd | WISI, voreortanws usages | guy enibeus orogerowt usages | WIGS ,C5 oor &, Gain Gugeireir | aageé orvibag erogenous usagers sueuctog WCerowurgsmb | yp Huomgps ce uy: | WES 465 3, Gales | Ws, voreotrsmu usag ens d,5 wold “aryuoioIN, crowd of) 1 58 T.B. Jol ooibtas,crogovu Laagerd HansISuww, orobgctroubs) | pISHAunjss 5H | gealyvrwanh uss | ure éyné 4 éJa00r &,GADuUbES | LFS USS Ugg OU eougeumul | Groen 5554000: LUTHTAdL,WIGS I GovanfGunsHs,imainGun &,@Gainues, | sian eyeu BGLII Sh S36 bs) | ACSI, aiainest FOUL L,6 amfues | aviings-5,007Sé,sraiput S,GANUHCS || 59 Page 37 of 72 38 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: T.B. ervtig oo vb). ageiou: Limesoin: | gieromeu Bi vay: ay egrrenined | UB .agestGeoteu uyegrroninud Lar esort 6ét 55,8) | sors, SOUS UBy.ager Lijec: | @bS,E0n GST amgsaur | Sion MTsT- LITMUS | er Quon *Goomemant wigs I ServunGleroen Goon Ges Sear £915 Boss | Sid *ovvoussjuor yy SOUT wWiegwiss | wis gonslvdeussfLoCevarT ,Ganucs | 60 7.B. avrauayofvu Goorasctouimd Sonus | OF eur Gg Served. GorenéswieubGs | Gu enalvvarsifiocra &,qGeiDsnGS, | BSI: uvGeurr §,Ganucg | Quid Sour oii: I stewie LAA 6H I ieirGuut Guar &,GanCwes | eflvvautteéGweuneinGuseer simon Giheur ovo wis I SAVIO SbTGLIGOT UTA Acie 6H | SrrounSLIMIE by aviitaug oroyerousresrGuuttoir Gut $,GaNGUGS ( ) | SToGusn, sven Wamreuyes &,Gamcucgs I weg@sfvenusoumgs rs &,5our I eu,Guiny GoorsGuin: LSSoioL pH) | aijsulpsslb bes) | t AGGMFZWUEOUT UHH {HW || 61 Page 38 of 72 39 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: (Korvai - 7.B. - T.B. - eomuiée ,SUHS,gTaiDwn &,Ganuhes &,Ganucs avitaus erogetoumenuumetrGum &,GanGucs, uge &) 15_JTHoaNlvuy gag L461) LB.124.1 gaonwuo gag bois I ICH EU Gg,oum JeanyGuvedr | BAISuAS, 2 s50v errr auiesi “Coon stony emuiirein | ow out gag Qs Jeol wyuv: | Serow s,uoTaIsvsT-s,eunreh | 1 . on, it . . HV UTevsngs | oro aut gag aljngQujuwWs: LpHl6i919 25: I ' . , allgmg anf) am gag 2u,wis: LpHleigig 95: I Sov 5 g55C)AL0 GoomGeer wisarsar | ovjGaag mraijes,ar CanCscigalN,susiCons || 62 TB. Gg§,0T ou 4 H,Susrvu) mraujeervu! Coorsctuul \ Il ' re aie al UTGEn SHUMSMT5 INU ,U: | SEE HSMN T- sa . tt ' Pe - at 5,G20h5, GSO | C5, a SH,Swiervws ervroujs,erow Gouraauu I giourGen Som 4B gly Lgl: I Page 39 of 72 40 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 5b used, UDB 5S geuuscresr | SePV1oIT-C5,5aN YCvVSexp6er UGE SoSHfSureah SHwwsEs | JuvGuim eeu Sieur juss | Gu ait uisGy I GS ait usf ages nGun: Ualtomen Guim: || 63 7.B. wamngamejsury Gamng: UGsige i | Aasjamd ogjaiwormow | ut,Gevisé,oieigGLm: | SOE SMO, utter | Loot sme CS ,ourr 81,5 ero" *Gooraioummucirein | Lig Lum usesroér | sSuptrovomd UTHoud | LT GuooLD Lge |W geutb ‘caus, I BIOS SMO efvuigirosin | erouiengiy oOeU G5 ,ourT BS,Suy enrrauegib *Goonaubefounpussirer I Lig gorOLIM Juseéreét | 5,c00ugtrommry erouggeutd | sou SSGweMy eAvugroseh jw goub ‘cous, | 64 (Korvai - T.B. - T.B. - OF) - ueliorrenr Guu: - etvurtrossn ue &) Page 40 of 72 4 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 16_Q\ihS3CNN uso amsein LBLEI01 ' \ OG5,C7T GST angsour | servegmest upmumscuws | GervirSioreurefoustnid Liu 485 8 | Gg gy: Y7Goug .uy- IMS FE ,cinot | MS eGo. WCE MSS EES | Sf Cs your: YooruaTE | sG.bti,cusm 5 YOY 5 ! GSU Gaucit aunt “ci Govamnenamy I 28> ou: oor SITZChOWIMTLD: | sient wwe aGous guy: alums as || 65 T.B. : Hanns Bie: | BOIVLONS SGU WCB yu SfUes | ws MS GIL: YICas,uy: &Eyns) | SGI Jou $$ WRG Megsfur wegoren: syseoves | Geromomus Ig @bsmu SVOISM, LO QSuram | u, SC, NgiGyound}, Goromio$5 1061 GCS, | 5 afl Nger Lig Bu Lorr66H 1 1 ¢ 1 BoaMag Corvmois, DH | Qs Mud “nou Goromo4s,: | Qbs,NwGwe Goromotiss,t06u GHGS, | GsCorpsyNGuio F—Sue erumoi,uiviogies || 66 Page 41 of 72 42 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 1.B. J55,00U Ciggmeinia erm yon autrggvojeucron algn ayes I SAVUTHCS 5,Cou 5a gnGu ai,uiteags | wi gout “caus, | oui, SyoNSuNS gqrumnvogsGs | 216,606 seluueument) sori SVEUBM, HO @Surran | 1 t Wi gor NS Gornnod, 60: | sub cerns) I Aefoy samp Sit eae et oa ale . ECanrs) | SAI-HS,57,5) | aS. TOUS WES || 67 T.B. . t . ag out GHA: | GgErGorar caf enor | I 1 Sieigend Ginny SOLOS 4517 45) I aicivd) our ash ageigt, Gaon aun | Cg,OITSET. enor NS ems LP Srrett | i . . 1. Wepiciquim: AsGyrsey ipuhugs, | Horry sar Si-erGanns) | me ! <- wt, 7 _ 1 SAGI-HS,57,H | 9S, orvbugs,wihCS | agiour GHou: || 68 T.B._1.3.10.5 GSU: 68] Ma! CHoun: sy: | GEIGora Cs ,oursor NS eGo if com) | Seb Lif gibt | logy) sipuut: WsGymssy) uigthucs, | ‘i : - ; - . x ' VSGSTCA,ciremd Ujp.OsHH UUs) | rsGH}eu abl DSN: | = ae ' = ' S15-05,57,5| | SGSCu aim OCsr Cons WSN: | SmGooreu cippoonn I UpmTMT AN} S5CS 1 69 Page 42 of 72 43 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: T.B. amecen an assy: I gsigunGoonnt SUITE BS e.umeoGs, I eacpouran, O19 Hpi: | UessinamB,Gant usb | UipmuDwsm(3)L Caymu‘owsmr(3)L) | ws oO rTuDooPusms I gQaimuiocirooings ing I upiomu serv roungs I wero LipTvvaRUTS | s1ameleo ous || 70 1.B. \ \ DS GU, AUGvosCugs | sous,CouGwor | SHonGorou UnMUAS §-CpeumiTUBStD | af “our OI ON: UIUCST aMIss) | ahd “ut 5456 | 5401 A,on5H) | AMISoOLTSK ad) gy: | DS BCorou AjalguGs | 2559 ABujoA Coomd A585 | MS Goon sinGusi.oH oSaus: 71 1.B. pidevaCyns) | BwefvverGor anh NS Geom I 5Cion ou: WgCqn yer I Cor ou: ‘sy: uvrsigiomus | Con ou: Ws¢yr gem I Cin ou: ay: efvaugi,oul I 5Cion ou: WSCor wwemuGal | CLon ou: WSCor Gen,ym | NS Gqn 5CLor eu: | WwW gpstoblsin “cone Ho || 72 Page 43 of 72 44 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 1.B. WSLOTY G5 Sep) | GuiSever “Cons | wom G55 | w gsctuillen *counGs, MHS. | WhUllh GHagmid *cuereioL.m, L guitars | GulServi it “cons, | aM CsagmD *ouorSlei9CLity LyqWumeriBlgurem I ausrsigu_y: enema U,oug) | wi gourd “oS ouresr DS Gog: sGyng) | Jag ener Lg sipustrosoma “ude: \| 73 1B. Gg ,oureoma ‘our scr WE: | CHor our J5s ds @GonGe ay | ws TS Gu: aGyng) | eno mubeuy: LijcioGgrn: \ LT EQnUsWujper yooreny | WgQCer neu Liyegrisi: I wWECEesnar ergy seo | 5 upom}esn u,08) | NS GCorGs an 755. wguoromive ns | Ws DSGUyul: e@yrgh () | ew MDA ayhsSuomjSCoM: | Linggmuiglerogsaur MU 5H 2 sr§ Suman: | ws iotemsuler yoorsosh I ungmudh.Cencusa 5S 2 crorws | pms Suonj6e,6 wguomren: ll “ ~ - Page 44 of 72 45 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: (Korvai - T.B. - - @ Suungies - Us, - US WICH OL zou @sGam - HSCS Same: oro - sinGonrg gu: 605 - wgGen - wiguomremivens ws DS Gig: eGyngl ue &) 17_ Maids Cais mo Uperus: 7.B. MUUCH Cousot one Lg up egmr SIG GQS I su aligenn Ligsm smaroiy AGomunv0ngs WES I SOT ECLION Sg: Upswierosr,LUss \ STULUZHS GSow yours 15 | 1S GUAGE Mroreujs std *coorsis, ws | wd, enauiveuGg ,Gousn wees | igen goal 585 wegiomanato 0 GRCS5 | sm audgenn Lipsm smeroiy au goomuvoesr wees I OTE LOENS,: Lips eio LUIS) | Shudu,es GSgmid Ajas ues \| 75 7.B. 15 GuRCEs orraugsgid “Coors Sg1OWIH | 5 Sahoo: MTFs Had | 5, 6PeuncuGs 6, NS eGoonmd | SOS, GSu 58 | 2.5895 Jamul PjuCus | Page 45 of 72 46 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 2u,Gu arf) G,aumvvs AsyvvGeRUbeS | aGHT, WS .o SyFoooanj@s 55, VOI | CEs Fq8aHlovaTcNGS | Geromomus 1S Goes yegme muy apt sumeot Ayah | evi ous eroGytr EU Geum: NS Guorrsst \| 76 T.B. envi eugs ero 7G LD OU Lien) I $5, @L1,GuT Ugh. asBlags 4ti,Cum SMSO: | Leno enou IgGqr ugh asilags, I omeron oor Lif evo 6) | wWieroisireut GOsen yas: Lp BUG, | GorvitSefouim uneioutter “coca, Lous | LNT CLIT SIT {OTT Lous) | ACamnynsymovon 010 ,gAloous | TS GLU,Cum SSoMcjgouns CSL,Cum wps5,1d | AY HH WM oroM smo Agenns S,Meigon HSM: || 77 I. 8.4 ATH 4H som oronGereu af wom 8) | 210 ,oumrestusrenus Blg53C5,4 bush | erom ail 5 665,05WI5 S1,CGam | WH LHovmb | Sor 10 gp) sipuutrevam | LuTWUICEM, G5 ,ourentnid | ASB 4: dg Govamid | W554 2-0 | ajesn, of Ng Govan | SeGusUi0 5 96) | 78 Page 46 of 72 47 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: T.B.16.8.5 gan orp) 43 Goramid | SyFoACovari# 5 96 I SSP AUITENGS HA, NS Gomd | sonny Cuming sf) | 55:5, MSGI 5,665) | Qwomb Hob CuslyWw5~5 4551 | 2u,Gu af Gs,emni0s sTuGE QUES | eget otvyssIh UH) | srojeur aMuisD) Aquv: asi: I S66 U4sug || 79 T.B. Sr,57 ash) Gg ,ounenttib \ 108.8 WUGESé cons wis | ASCSM ooh) Gp ycurenmong Gs | auf. our 10 5,015, Lous Sunde S Sonus | uf vojwg) | St 5H. AHH asp) As @Cencen NgpisieusGeonends \ wsuGaa Hyomd | 5$3 Gg gounentib \ wg 350m | Sor Wapieioustrevormud {| 80 wis ,ervepeotb | 58 hg Gooamd | eroepenid Usf audi Lous SLINGS HOU | Sy8aSlovar evs qpooars) | Seer GS A, NS Goumd | sft: ujCuss | SGSCu ou QC5r CourGs 50: | STGereu af ovo) | Si: Your: UFCW) | ap Sy sribUSLIBCS || 81 Page 47 of 72 48 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: 1.B. 1 . oe Es . agt oT GHA: | GgrGoror cap ooo) | wis Cigeros oud Sugreon S, Gainsofuing | upomuy@en wgguorrser: evs | Wistt6or 5, Galnsvfuins | QASOTITULSS oor: evuing I Seige. ou uteroGus 1B pom) Gem uous I Bromus | Ws Soo Lis ir Lif 96 UT || 82 T.B.16.8.9 bb GSujoor wigguorTemib ust Sz GAN oMuns, | weiner Lif) gH, | yeagreer) WRG em siruy: | Selous ui, upls5m 48) | yeagoromiouem seni I acsmt, bGSCunGya WQLTEH-Lps.,60 GH) I ws SFomth SfooM amafveioulsiranGyu: | Sywietosqus goon rome cpt quigeinesr I Fos s5-gon Soong | Jones Gonouagn- ores: umbwies, | vil svfluswmw I 2 UU) xD o- Up esp sims I aye qQoo-.omes goons | SWS Qer- wo ,WBeRSUTU I u WPM QUIT ,FAGLocneuswr sit LiF evans) || 83 Page 48 of 72 49 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: (Korvai - T.B. - T.B. - Ajaisuies - 15 Guoren- S,oMeiaun SSM: - gaCunuwnis., . Susie us) - logpjcigustromm - UBzUIHCS Lp 45 gir oot - Bucs UGE &) 18 M5360 CU GC§ Gait 4uI: tated 1 ' 1 1 MSOC CH~COULAW: MNHGUW: oroHls ,WLOM sorry Lyeoassutam | Qu,Gu asf) Gs curve Ns svvGeguibes | gemoeneun sy | gar ash NS Goon | Sijsrourewy | sie Gg ,ouremtib I agar sroinast jus | WREGUGGCag- TONS AS oOU | Bry. Caguis cu gens, | Camrgmpid |) 84 T.B. wisn FGoguidtcuconts | wsCHmSTID | Gmiomuy Gar weuomen: rowing | Umiomu|Ger Gamnsit I s.toton een ciGeniits, | wigiorenerous Gasmrgii Gangg,u | oul u,f.anlag: Cwarggireér. wed I ugegrt EI Ug .em)): | Cigegt ga DESCUNGS, <1. GRH I YRUILIT,ASST, Weg) || 85 Page 49 of 72 50 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: T.B. WE AvenUWe soagrah Brbscyh | dyn Foor als Goromib ‘ a anand I ‘ugs) | MSGCs,cagsum a | goonssauwr Ug®ESGSCouT Sarg,uis) | UGE am@uisn G5gousit: | §3Cou AGyTSapeunéGu | wirgquut Gs ,aust euMglsMny: | 5 Jou Caf coor) | cro 5 510015 4418) || 86 1.B. Garon ovis 550 | Lieoyemenit ut: yeuusr YG TS) - aun éuswinSSam | cayoomruss) SeSwun | 5 10U18 wirgguuam | SGSCU aur QCsr Coons O50: | sine Jeneusorn id youu UGMSapjeuréuuuTt Séuner wh) I gms flenws $00 $uun | BQansusortsin. wirguiwn S,WH) | HyeePemnGgiSauggu | 25 gfe }-6mi0g) SuTsiug S560 || 87 T.B. 2% svraGs,Suir-voyraus) | sietvg) svaiGs,5) op SumvogTaMs | VasST, HO Qs euagl.sGynsi | AUST, STGHT oh 3 Gerad I Goromné,8y Wg | Goromd quer as) gy: | Gerombub 15 Gos Fue ds | enol cus oro ene Geromn: OSGeo | Page 50 of 72 51 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: croittaus crogGinss 535 wiegs) | DS wait Lyf. osflagGsm, wes) | 88 LB. GU omer warren: | GS Is Gyr ugh. auflags.s Il SICore 55, WRs | NS eEUd,cigamssnor. wWgQS) | Gw eur gui gaunGenr SGC gi), sm: | Gs USGyISé,oMcipamnsgn: | SrGome 555 Wes) | 180M Seueuramemd Aug | wi gou 1 Govamnés oh | i S5Gwal 55, Wes || 89 LB. ACHT, WHTS6,6RY etoaiiei & qi ‘ugs | STS3GC5,0 55 | 55808 55 Gu samosiang Ase Gas" srgesagr BS 51,8) | SoVUTET, SHSUNS UGooraronmo S,c5sinsombS | FanoUsesn aQues | oS) Meyer ws ,UT 5b 65 ,S,aHSuiTan | ainsen oH Ms: | 2546Ger Meiesymions | Jan seu dg sipusroooms Hé | SAITO 55 ,5),UTL0GH) AeigsymnH || 90 Page 51 of 72 52 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: T.B. i. . avn, Ht . «oe af BAM UCHU-WUS IL gC | HCWIMITEVEOW 5548 ,DIUCS | 1 " 1 ws, VSUTAMAUGIGH | BSTCWST EHH | AsUlegn-Gussio Cs | aS eM COaTLs TSO. SGSom | DS CHT HYOGWHCS | ybsid “our IGS Lugtrovomrsot SEF 55H) | Wi ASUCET-Guslsio 65 | enrevis3Gu05 sour anus wren I 91 T.B. LigmGeror ene oro S 455 | CprrewrGLo our LO6et 545,08 \ Guinggnsiraahig 47 Cs ant g@sunam I UiprresoGio ou YoorTUySS, | 5 ‘ al tei 2 aisagsirombng 55 AHH ST OMUSWUUPU Seige CS | arsagsirombing 515, SCoumuPleioLr,way Qs AUTEMUSST 60 | oubossis ON: Gorombuit Hsu, UUs WES | subos.55 AsGynss, sours, 1 1 LPUSWITOAM OH} auronousHT,OM | SIL: uflopees | Lomipequi gs CLusmeucorreit I] 92 1.B. sitet, sium gCuar I SGU yeu uuveit,: | wi gout “cous, I ail U,f .amlagn aigymiuin legen wed) | Page 52 of 72 53 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Ujegr cro Ugj.e): | upegr go bESCUNGS, CGE I BIN: Cows ggiretr. wes | Soureugomumgar I ag So abu s,WIbCS | agU our GSU: () |) 93 LB. GgIGorar Lut oom 6) IB useirusireuteroGs, IB cuiturgwibs I wis us sinusirourerds | Ws, eroiiumegGuiuy: | upiomuyest eons | sctvLor sirenmreireunctvCg, 1B ooiiunguibs) | usedtenu Gangigirgu || 94 (Korvai - T.B. - T.B. - Gamnginy- Lomgguiui ser, wigs) - evbs 5.00! 5,8) SUITE GSS oO uyhamlascem, wigg - sGool 553 wigg - Sug eigsym HSwWTMEMeon - S@sGon Bou & ) 19_2uhsRvsour aMainuwam DUUIHHovSouT QAMGITIOAM Cpr 16,661 env Cagycuit | say Geom WEAN LS Huy Geromo LAACE Losfagir | Som aH : Dsy: Coon YIGa Sry Corn MSG: oroib alg gon: | ugfaiblags.,: NST apSamibd NS eget | 2vamosm: Ag CyMsé,,ooNcigeuns sm: SN: | Page 53 of 72 54 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: aS, Mcpans5r-5 GHGs amaimoGam | pymuvyeen) Goromoig,td “Wi ayuor: | G5 Gor aujaupg: araspeut Lyaubgy | vO‘ U,cubgy S,ANUCS, VUE S5/CI9UCS, | Gu SS geMcipau ssn CusSaré,eflsinauns gm: || 95 T.B. yGamm pe: gy: Gorombusmerd: | UGySAGYS GETGeron UUs: | 81H) Lg GUbH. GS Sous ucrowometr | eursérustroous Blgb3C5, eqrapioitovan: eb 4ib | 2 Sypirevat sialey uGy &| MS, QUT SST Gsiny eroi oNgm sor: | QiS saben ANAM 565 erosigmb | iS 8:goor SoUULICUT SM) 6OT Sandon rig. .C5m QrsCass: I og 68 Seem: | GW SIS GUI G5 asym Ggamtomenn: | CamngymsiGs 4: evGgmngeipLnGeron DATOS: | 2455 Cer wires) onrallg Cm gout | ERVSoMU: Seiienw: 15 GN S,finerog ati, I am suiemnespioggita Yy@uplud | S600 &,@esan ampaiiagtt SOLITUIGHTEDT | 2umeogsyih scuULLouTsDLD WS Goormd | on I: Uy egmub *amyagy orvlb Goines) | 96 Page 54 of 72 55 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: La « p (Korvai - T.B. - - HOME ,oM CQO SHIT Ggamtomenm: eros 8) 20_&fmrF6saip T.B. out Somer wi: ales, | GoronSé.,60 BraAGEs: | ero wis LIM ures, | 5,600 vain: | S52 wd, 8 gSaGlovomr | on 5 ,SoQheon: Use9: | WS. WH LPSWS | SH ues 10 I wi S1ySgfT | ero 2.859: Ugag: || 97 T.B._3.11.7.2 ANB. WS. crois*aung) \ 58,000 eros eames & Ljeromponngss | acai, SVDUGS ,OuTervU! Ero | erOY AM amt sieve oro smd: Us ,WIGH | ws eitG.or wie2Gs, | Gum Sé efi BIAGEs es Ages jw a omeoo-GLoeitd ‘Gaus, I GuiT am aun a15,Gomi MAGES oFoUIT- Lig emLd UigSleigr mtb ‘caus, I Quis eareumesr ua) | 5,655) iy SHeigr mtb 1) 98 T.B._3.11.7.3 ssf eeu “our Ad,Goniy STAGES oFoUN-Ws om Lip sieior_m, | wi gould “caus, | qpusgysorourrsir us) | 5,668) Lp Hleigumrytd | Page 55 of 72 56 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Gur aM aT 9&,Goory BACs Sor vof ub ‘cas, I oo wuts gar soaujegd *coonscug | sfdw ‘our b,Gomiy NAGE sor voy I w geub ‘cas, | ow why gai svaigssib *coorsGngi | aG5m, ws, Geo 2§-5UCET ur uiwimg || 99 TB. 3.11,7.4 gaiGwoo ero Gsgoun wuberor | austuiwuve Goons - Supsiguél wus um,8) | 2.5Geur am ser HremLoGs Goorem: | GusSeuGyomr suid I 2B. names euftwinyGeron Goorem: | Gu UGHoooIT Hsu | SOS Y AM aT gag saguiusid “can 56 Qual I Gus Seu Crono 615s ustd | 215 sngspGagt Sanig-wdump.igagtluitb “coreg 2us I Ww: UG HoooIT gud () || 100 TB. 3.11.75 AMHSY QM our SAUNT Deeg “corse Que | GuumSé ofa BIrAC ES Ages jw 2 SM E6o-GLOOULd *Cous., I SIGCET, W5T, TCS, Hiigzon usagers Luang Sg on Goo LpSusClsages \ gandGamnyns@y L7susGlsaes | Page 56 of 72 57 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Broun emmyn Cy Goorrswoitienis: I Guns, GTEGEEE AeyGs | we emsen-Cioeuib ‘cas, || 101 (Korvai -T.B. - T.B. 2.550: uGsagiT 5,668) Lig Sleior mtb rr ,uLwimt g 411: UG Hosoi] u-WeigGar & ) TB. 3.11.81 DUVET. AM ema aurgguoyeucry: enojauGaug, ani5,,05or, | Seu am PACES BM UST afsr | BY an) eungy erg | BySeGhermmens> Swot esiren> vog S451, oAeuvo | ono Gammaune | BS Sorven1w0 wo sitgoruusorSgh I $9 6ulb SOSUId | SY ow up's eauns | b@guscai soir 54611188) | 5 an sfvGiod 6) 950 “our, 65 9H | 102 TB. sens @wnpas) | en Camnours I uGyesh WESGumy S, Gamer | DGSswuGai nor Sons 1S) | Bld “onou Lupeusrd js Sgbgr-or58h Gamneure | sav eon slevGnr mg -poottvveutr $,GGam aueroging | ero whl; Sait UGEéCES | ung 58) ogg yours erSifish | Page 57 of 72 58 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Hervoy OH uy OeeEsms | Alb Lg tomy gngih-tonvose os | 103 1B. jas 5 QS | Hb S,oGuTHS) | wwvoveig OH | Ah SNSUMAH | orongi,SGSums 5 Os | sin “eno Ljauend 5G QSL | saul am slefvGegn mg -yoomtvivsunstr 6,Ga0 eeu | STs Su) ules, | owing 58) msh-jamg 61s) | Heroy OS Lpsujeurs 104 LB. Alb Lip 5 glomrey gg g}.omuvesn Os | Upegm & 9A | As S ANSuMAS | uvvovers OH | Ab SPSUMNS | NTH AEGSUM 5 OS) | pucves, sicrvgy L486 os Gamroure | aunt *suGmnfeigCous | TgICwa: Galsremunss} | $,0NSurid *sgGgenfoieGous) || 105 T.B. QAcormyjssGumy Guo SeaGhs ii Lje5 088) Gamroure | Sarvond OAM Hs, 60Nd BrAGES-Wamne \ SGT seu sovGulioL ryjSCS 50 shies \ BroivGulsip_n-yiSCs sehuics | Page 58 of 72 59 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: CusnSége0fid BraGs se Ages jw a ongoo-Gio ould ‘cas, I SGBuh *icoonifoigGaus) | oor b@ESscuny Gu AH Le 068) Gammeoureé | servonun OHM 5-106 ,6o71Ld BIACss-WWauns | SCS ono Gero Lory d@suwgus i 106 1B. au Yoory Ld GSW e5 Qua \ CusnSé,60Rib BIAGES 65 Ages | we ong on-Gin aut ‘cas, | peggy OU uyggremn- avg Gumsstug, | eno asl sims- psi ross I 55,5,Ce1o Ligmeroulgs | BH orvenw Inés {55 | 55, S,ANSuib opnowigs | 55a onp-amss,5 U5 | 58 S@Swid Lynorouls | 107 TB. 5B,cive10 SHOUTS E 565 gS | 5ST, diosstGooron AD GHWGUSE,Aooron enalvoeuroaGy Lpmerous | 5,000101 HFEF | sofvinng 96) odo. sath ei oi Sasmtoarrtb | Ugereas tiflusgs.o1b | aDGS,uWRY as | oo oo SGU prahbs45 | WerenLo SIM SgSaGhooo- woGoteinusd | ST veutenwie amesmu 54 S0Qlovomumemss I Page 59 of 72 60 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: Bm Lpwsd.,@5aisoonrg |) 108 T.B. 3.11.88 54509 sour 5ysaflooonid LH}, GainsonmBs) | Goro S83 8095 5 ,Saploooms Ly Hlé,@50i0u1 I 5780985 OY sya SyGaflormid L7H, ~Ha0U | wi geub ‘caus, | 95845 oD mal 58, ag auryorort engguojeuerom Gomnggu0r: I SUWIGNCS VOUT Sy6aSloommLd UpHé,cqameooS) | 2.u,Gulen euLL 5,8aSlciouminam gal Sq8oSernm WHS, GaOCUs) | CF SB,6a9H5 Soaflommb Lj Hé,@siDw | 550905 am smo Sy8aShenamd Ly Hd, cpsious | w gout ‘Saus., () | og ares “sued oonh) {| 109 (Korvai - T.B. - T.B. Sus, _ SumUDenT @) - Sujans F,NSud *Geeoarsugus - sGSub Lager ous - &,Gainsvng - wi gourd “coins, 665 ) T.B. BY ogung-Cues LUPUS By sGoun-657Cors. um AlsiteuCg, | 2.$57Ca8), OVID JCagMSs,cNfis) «15955: | Page 60 of 72 61 SUN VOTO ser LOST UML: ssiteo 55, Ghuns | Tsws,oohlwu anGunes swhi5 Cus | eno soars amrGineor Gd GB 9B 4: | anne sig CWS I GerventbGus aurreneu-

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