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Intelligent Systems

Lecture 1

MSc Course/ 2023-2024

Electrical Engineering Department/ University of Basrah 1

❑ Artificial intelligence is a field of science concerned with building computers and machines that can reason,
learn, and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence or that involves data whose
scale exceeds what humans can analyse.

Artificial Intelligence History

❑ The term artificial intelligence was inveted 1956, but AI has become more popular today due to increased
data volumes, advanced algorithms, and improvements in computing power and storage.
1950s–1970s 1980s–2010s 2011–2023s Present Day
Neural Networks Machine Learning Deep Learning Generative AI
Early work with neural Machine learning Deep learning Generative AI, a disruptive
networks stirs excitement for becomes popular. breakthroughs drive AI tech, soars in popularity.
“thinking machines. growth.

What is Generative AI?

❑ By definition, Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that generates fast output in the form of text,
video, audio, or images based on raw or training data.
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How Does Generative AI Work?

❑ Generative AI is typically a machine learning

framework. At the foundation of machine learning,
are neural networks (inspired by neurons in the
human brain) that process large amounts of data
such as text, code, or images, using a complex
structure of algorithms.
❑ Generative AI models utilize these neural networks
and analyse large datasets to identify patterns from
❑ This enables them to produce novel and original
data or content.

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Intelligent Control Systems
➢ Intelligent behavior is the ability to reason, plan and learn, which in turn requires access
to knowledge.
➢ Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an attempt to replace human intelligence with machine
➢ An Intelligent control system combines from the fields of AI with those of control
engineering to design autonomous systems that can sense, reason, plan, learn and act in
an intelligent manner.
➢ Such a system should be able to achieve sustained desired behavior under conditions of
uncertainty, which include:

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Control System Structure

➢ An intelligent control system comprises of a number of subsystems as shown in figure


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The perception subsystem
➢ This collects information from the plant and the environment, and processes
it into a form suitable for the cognition subsystem. The essential elements

Raw data, also known as primary data, is data (e.g., numbers, instrument readings, figures, etc.) collected
from a source.
Data fusion is the process of integrating multiple data sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and
useful information than that provided by any individual data source.

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The Cognition Subsystem

➢ Cognition is an intelligent control system is concerned with the decision making

process under conditions of uncertainty key activities include:

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The Actuation Subsystem

➢The actuators operate using signals from the cognition subsystem in

order to drive the plant to some desired states.
➢In the event of actuator (or sensor) failure, an intelligent control
system should be capable of being to re-configure its control

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Fuzzy Logic

❑ Allows a smooth, gradual transition between human and computer

❑ Deals with variations in linguistic terms by using a degree of
❑ Designed to help computers simulate vagueness and uncertainty in
common situations
❑ Works based on the degree of membership in a set

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Artificial Neural Networks
❑ Networks that learn and can perform tasks that are difficult with
conventional computers
❑Used for poorly structured problems
❑ Use patterns instead of the “If-Then-Else” rules that expert systems
❑ Create a model based on input and output

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Computational intelligence (CI):

❑ is a set of nature-inspired computational methodologies and approaches

❑ to address complex real-world problems to which traditional approaches, i.e.,
first principles modeling or explicit statistical modeling, are ineffective or


✓ Natural Computation
✓ Nature-Inspired Computing
✓ Soft Computing
✓ Adaptive Systems

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Sample Modeling Methodology

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✓Intelligent systems apply AI methods and introduce intelligent

✓Intelligent systems combine advantages of computer systems
(cost, availability) with some human properties (simple
engineering intelligence – learning, adapting, reasoning), and
achieve better cost/benefit for several tasks.

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