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‭Assignment for Business Analyst Intern at Jar‬

‭ . Walmart Sales Analysis: You have been given a data set to analyze and answer the‬
‭following questions:‬

‭A. Analyze the performance of sales and revenue at the city and branch level‬
‭1.‬ M
‭ andalay Branch B leads in both quantity sold (664) and revenue (4,398,156.72),‬
‭suggesting better performance.‬

‭2.‬ N
‭ aypyitaw Branch A generates the highest revenue (3,857,900.40) despite lower‬
‭quantity sold, potentially because of higher-priced items.‬

‭3.‬ ‭Yangon Branch B has the highest revenue (3,993,756.75) among Yangon branches.‬

‭4.‬ M
‭ andalay Branch B has the highest average unit price (6,623.73), indicating‬
‭premium product offerings.‬

‭B. What is the average price of an item sold at each branch of the city?‬

‭ .‬‭The average unit price of items sold across all branches approximately ranges‬
‭from 52 to 57.‬
‭ . This indicates that fairly similar pricing strategies are used across different cities‬
‭and branches.‬

‭ . Analyze the performance of sales and revenue, Month over Month across the‬
‭Product line, Gender, and Payment Method, and identify the focus areas to get‬
‭better sales for April 2019.‬
‭1.‬ P
‭ rioritize inventory allocation towards top-performing categories like Food‬
‭and beverages, Sports and travel, and Electronic accessories.‬

‭2.‬ E
‭ ncourage Ewallet payments through incentives to capitalize on higher‬
‭revenue potential.‬

‭3.‬ A
‭ nalyze the reasons behind the low performance of categories such as‬
‭Health and beauty, Home and lifestyle, and Fashion accessories.‬

‭4.‬ A
‭ nalyze seasonal trends and plan marketing activities that align with‬
‭customer purchasing behaviors.‬

‭ . App Exploration: Explore the features and user experience of the Jar app. Identify two‬
‭aspects that you think could be significantly improved and explain your reasoning behind‬
‭each suggestion.‬

‭1. I‬‭nteractive Tutorial for Feature Exploration:‬

‭The Jar app offers a multitude of features, but some users may overlook them, leading to‬
‭a suboptimal experience. Implementing a quick and interactive tutorial for new users can‬
‭address this issue by guiding them through the various features of the app. By providing a‬
‭comprehensive overview, users can explore all aspects of the app without missing any key‬
‭functionalities, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.‬

‭2.‬‭Integrating Gold Price Chart with Additional Features:‬

‭ hile the gold price chart provides valuable information, users may still have questions‬
‭about the gold savings calculator and future trends. To address this, streamline the user‬
‭flow by integrating related features within the gold price chart window. For example,‬
‭including tooltips or links within the chart interface that provide access to the calculator‬
‭and trend analysis can help users find relevant information more easily.‬

‭3. Clear and Accessible Terms and Conditions:‬

‭ stablishing trust with users is crucial, especially when it comes to an application like Jar.‬
‭To enhance user trust and transparency, providing a clear, simple, and easy-to-understand‬
‭terms and conditions page that is readily accessible to users, in the same graphical and‬
‭animated theme that the app follows can instill confidence in users' financial decisions. By‬
‭presenting this information upfront, users can have their questions answered and‬
‭concerns addressed before they arise.‬
‭3. Product Optimisation:‬

‭ he Jar app has an engagement feature called 'Spin to Win'. Right now, if 100 people come‬
‭to the app each day, only 23 of them try out this spinning game. But, we know that people‬
‭who spin are more likely to retain on the app and do transactions. Now, we want to get‬
‭more people to play the game. So, the question is, how can we make sure that at least 50‬
‭people out of every 100 who visit the app each day will play 'Spin to Win'? What can we‬
‭do to get more people interested in spinning the wheel?‬

‭ .‬‭When users receive rewards they can see and enjoy right away, it makes them more‬
‭inclined to come back to the app. Since these rewards are stored in the transactions‬
‭section, tapping into the idea of instant gratification becomes key in keeping users‬
‭engaged and coming back for more.‬

‭ . A well-timed pop-up for the spin-the-wheel game can be introduced. By experimenting‬

‭with different scenarios, we can figure out the perfect timing for displaying the pop-up.‬
‭This way, we can make sure users are encouraged to interact with the feature at just the‬
‭right moment, maximizing their engagement.‬


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