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Name. ______________________________________ Roll no __________

Time 1 hour Total marks 60 Obtained marks Position

Good Luck !!!


Choose the correct answer. 8

Why did the houseboy run off to the store?

a) to ahut the door. b) to collect any bit of matal. c) to burn fire

Where did the travellers stay

a) in a jungle b) under a clamp of trees. c) in a street

The sleep had never experience any

a) pleasure b) climate c rulle

Who is I in the story the use of force

a) the doctor b) the father c) the sick child

The man who keeps on wins

a) the reward. b) The shield c)he race

The rich people gathered at a big hall

a) to watch show. b) to hear a lecture c) for a great meal

The women cook the food and ask the boy

a) to serve b) to eat c) to help

In which season did Mr. Bitteriing stand very Golden eyed

a) winter b) a utumn c) summer

Mark the following sentences true or false. 5

Harry felt like a salt crystal in a mountain stream.

All the space rocket flew up.

The woman asked the boy to bring some food from the store.

The finder of the pocketbook will be rewarded.

Gorgios wanted to prove his children wrong.


Attempt any four of the following questions. 4

What did the king do to find the person and dude with certain qualities?

What did the quack tell the camel man about his treatment of the old woman?

What was the colour of the court curtains hanging in the court?

Did anybody believe the old man?

What was the condition of author when he left the house for the last time?

Attempt any two of the following questions. 2

How does rainwater fall on the poor leaves?

What is meant by the poor in the poem The Rain?

What does the Night Mail bring?

Write an application to the principal to apology for your misconduct in the class. 10


Write a story on the moral "A bird in hand is better than two in the bush."

Use any 3 of the following pair of words in your own sentences. 6

1. Advice Advise 2. Besides Beside

3. Din Dine 4. Elect Select

Explain the following lines with the reference to the context. 5

I hope the Sun shines bright;

It will be a lovely sight.

Punctuate the following extract from Book I 5

mr steward looked embarrassed i m afraid i m not at liberty to tell you that he sid however i assure you
the organization is of international scope

Translate the following passage into Urdu. 15

Once a king and a Persian slave were sailing in the same boat. The slave had never been at sea, and
never experienced any clamity. After sometime the boat was hit by a storm and started tossing. It was
very inconvenient for the passengers. Alll remained quiet except the slave who in fear of being drowned
began to cry and tremble, and created inconvenience for the others. The others tried to pacify him by
kindness and affection but he didn't hear anybody. When the uneasiness lasted longer the king also
became displeased.

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