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Puji syukur kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan semesta alam, Allah SWT. yang telah
melimpahkan segala kenikmatan dan rahmat-Nya kepada kita semua sehingga kita
bisa menyusun modul yang sederhana ini.

Modul ini kami susun dalam upaya untuk membantu meningkatkan

pemahaman siswa instansi ataupun sekolah yang sedang melaksanakan program
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bersama kami. Dalam modul ini kami sajikan beberapa
materi yang biasa dipelajari di Kampung Inggris Pare.

Semoga dengan adanya modul ini bisa meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dan
siswa bisa menerapkannya di lingkungan sekolah maupun diluar lingkungan sekolah.
Dan besar kiranya harapan kami, jika ada saran maupun masukan terhadap apa yang
ada di dalam modul ini, kami sangat terbuka untuk menerimanya. Terimakasih.

Kampung Inggris, Kab. Kediri 2020,

CV. Kampung Course Indonesia


Dilarang Menjual jual ulang dalam bentuk apapun (Cetak, Ebook, , Video / Media Lainnya)

“Peraturan Undang-Undang Tentang Hak Cipta : UU No. Audio 28 Tahun 2014”


Perusahaan Teknologi yang telah berdiri secara legal dengan legalitas atas
nama “CV. Kampung Course Indonesia” yang berlokasi di Kampung Inggris Pare
Kediri Jawa Timur. Kampung Course Merupakan Platform Marketplace yang
menghubungkan pencari kursus dengan penyedia, baik Lembaga kursus ataupun


1. Kursus di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri

2. Kursus Secara Online
3. Pengiriman Tutor ke Lokasi Anda (Sekolah, Perusahaan, Institusi, dll)
4. Kerjasama Jangka Panjang



Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................... 1

Kampung Course (KC) ................................................................................... 2

Daftar Isi ......................................................................................................... 3

A. Procedure teks ................................................................................ 5

B. He often does this........................................................................... 5
C. Telephone conversations ................................................................ 7
D. Telephone Expressions................................................................... 8
E. Telling a Favorite Movie ................................................................ 9
F. Problem & solving ......................................................................... 10
G. The future plan ............................................................................... 13
H. How to make brochure ................................................................... 15
I. The Historical Event ...................................................................... 17
J. The Battle of Surabaya ................................................................... 18
K. Supersemar ................................................................................... 19
L. CCU .............................................................................................. 21
M. The Wheels of Life ........................................................................ 24
N. Advice and suggestion ................................................................... 25
O. Foods ............................................................................................. 26
P. Drinks and Taste ............................................................................ 27
Q. Side dish and Transportation .......................................................... 28
R. The Politics part 1 .......................................................................... 29
S. The Politics part 2 .......................................................................... 30
T. Antonyms / Opposites ................................................................... 31

U. In front of TV................................................................................. 32
V. Daily Expressions .......................................................................... 33
W. Languange Function In Presentation ............................................. 34
X. How to do speech ........................................................................... 36
Y. Celebration around the world ......................................................... 37
Z. Penutup ......................................................................................... 38



A. The ingredients :
 Sweet banana
 Cheese
 Frying oil
 Cornstarch
 Flour
 Water
 3 tables spoon sugar

B. The equipment :
 Frying pan
 Spatula
 Bowl
 Spoon
 Scraped
 Plate
C. The process :
 Firstly , you must prepare all the ingredient, and start to peal the
banana. Then, prepare water and flour, give 3 tables spoon of sugar
into a bowl, and mixed it into a good batter.
 Secondly , put the banana into batter and pour cornstarch carefully.
Then , turn on the stove and pour the frying oil into frying pan. Try
to fry the banana into good smell and bright browny. And take out
then dry it !
 Thirdly , put the cooked banana into a plate and sowing a scraped
 And a Fried Banana Cheese has been ready to serve.
 Enjoy your meal 

Let’s Try To Practice By These Topics Below !




A. Let’s read the text carefully !

After i had my lunch at village inn, i looked for my bag. I

had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn’t there! As
i was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in.

“Did you have a good meal?” He asked.

“ yes, thank you, “ i answered, but i can’t pay the bill. I have not
got my bag.”

The inn-keepper smiled and immediately went out. In a

few minutes, He returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

“i’m sorry” He said. “My Dog had taken it into the garden. He
often does this.

B. Answer the questions below carefully !

1. Who had a lunch?

2. Why did the writer look for her Bag?
3. Who often does this?
4. Where did He bring the bag?
5. What did the inn-keeper say?

C. Try to tell about your pets !


A. Pay attentions to the conversations below !

Formal telephone conversations

When the phone is ringing .....cring cring cring....

A : Hallo here is Xelixa Hotel kediri. What can i do for you?

B : Hi , i‟m Tantin, from Dewata Guidance, i need to speak with Mr. John

A : Wait for moment ! He still has a meeting

B : Tell him, to call me back later !

A : Yes. Obsolutely . Thanks for calling.

B : Anytime.

B. Pay attention to the conversations below !

Informal telephone conversations

Santi : yes , i‟m speaking

Andi : santi will you go to cinema next week?
Santi : why not ! let‟s visit there !
Andi : okay, wait for moment , i will call Niswa for joining us
together !
Santi : it‟s great idea, hang on the phone ! my mom calls me !
Andi : it‟s okay i will end up the phone, bye
Santi : bye !


Who’s speaking ? : siapa yang sedang berbicara?

Who’s calling ? : siapa yang menelpon?
Call me please ! : telepon aku dong !
Call me back later ! : telepon aku balik nanti !
Wait for minutes ! : tunggu sebentar !
I’m speaking here : Dengan Saya sendiri disini
Hang on ! : tunggu !
Hold on please ! : tunggu sebentar !
End up the phone ! : matikan telepon !
Dial up : memanggil
Ring up : berdering
The phone is ringing : Telepon nya berdering
Could i leave the message please? : bisakah saya meninggalkan
Sorry Wrong number ! : Maaf, Salah sambung !
Engaged ! : sambungan dialihkan !
Thanks for calling : terimakasih telah menelpon.

C. Please make a conversations content of telephone expressions!


Do you have a favorite movie?

Certainly, everyone has a favorite movie and favorite genre of the


A. Please Read this text below !


This movie from disney , And the actor are :Angelina joli as
meleficent, Brenton , Shartlto, Elle fanning ,And others

This movie tells about one day in a big jungle there were a
beuatiful fairy called meleficent, but she fallen in love with human. And
the man broke and betrayed her, and one day he cut off the meleficent „s
wings. And brought it to the castle.

And the meleficent was mad and sad, and would have a plan to
take of what she had. She stole his baby with name is Aurora and she
would kill her, but Meleficent was falling in love with her so much at first

Severals years later, Aurora was getting adult and be beautiful girls
and she was invited to the castle to join a dinner party with the prince.
And because of that meleficent not allowed her to go. For last , aurora
was being trap by the king. And Meleficent was looking for her and
wanted to bring her back . But the people in the castle made her mad and
meleficent was angered and she broke all the thing around her and the
castle. And she went back to the florest and live sadly.

B. Would you like to tell about your favorite movie to your friends?


Everbody could have a problems, and problem – solving is an essensial

skill in the workplace and personal situations. And we learn how to solve our
problems more effectively.

A. Read this conversation below please !

Andi : Hi Steven.
Steven : Hi Andi, what‟s up?
Andi : Do you have spare time to accompany me to the librarian?
Steven : For what?
Andi : I have a problem that i could‟nt get it back somebooks in
the librarian. And i‟m afraid of the keeper.
Steven : it does‟nt matter. I will accompany you.
Andi : but, what will i say to the keeper later?
Steven : just saying honestly that you forgot to get it back.
Seriously the keeper will understand about it.
Andi : okay steven, that‟s good idea, thak for your suggestion.
Steven : anytime 


1. Who asks for accompany him to the bookstore?

2. What will they do?
3. What a good message we can take from the conversation?

B. Let’s practice our speaking by solve these problems below !

No Problems Solving

What will you do if you have a friend

and He addicted to use drugs ?

2 Do you agree about young marriage?

How do you do when your girl/boy

friend cheats on you?

How if your mother getting sick and you

have an examination at school?

5 What‟s your opinion about SMOKE?

Why must woman only gets married at

Which do you prefer being a carrier
woman or house wife? Give the reason!
Your brother has stolen some apples in
8 the fruit‟s store. How do you overcome
9 Stop bullying! Why ?

What is your opinion about woman


C. And now you can start to ask your friend’s or family part’s problem and
give them the best solving !

No Problems Solving



A. Pay ettention to the conversations below !

The conversation 1

Nina : What are you going to do this saturday?

Suzan : I‟m going to museum with my boyfriend. what about you?

Nina : This saturday, i‟m going to visit my grandmother‟s house with

my family.

The conversation 2
Karina : Do you have any plan for next week?

Greg : I will swimm with Nanda, do you wanna join us?

Karina : That‟s sound great, i‟m going to the cinema next week, with john.

Greg : That‟s good idea, say my greeting to him.

Karina : Yes. I will

The conversation 3

Tantin : Hi, Danang. After graduating from our university, what‟s your

Danang : I will continue my next studying in Jakarta.

Tantin : What Univesity is that?

Danang : that would be University of Indonesia

B. Let’s write down your 10 future plans below !

No Future plans

C. Would you like to make a good story of your plans into a good
paragraph and tell to your partner !

Well guys, here i‟m going to tell you about my 5 big future plans.
First,in the future, i want to continue my next education for Master
Degree in Germany by getting Scholarship from DAAD.
Second. I really want to have twins baby. May God will grant my prayer.
Next, i will work hard together with my husband, so we can buy our own
house and car. Aamiin.
And next, i want have shop like clothing and accecories.
Last one is, i really want to do pilgrimage/hajj with my family. Insyallah.
Thank guys, that all about my five big dreams in future plans.


Brochure is an informative paper document that can be folded into

a template, phamphelt, or leaflet. It helps the reader to inform prospective
of the benefits.
Form the brochure above we can conclude that brochure has many
parts. There are :
 Logo
 A good content
 Information about price, address, contact person and web.

A. Kinds of brochure

What brochure is that?

What information do you get from it?

What brochure is that?

What information do you get

from it?

B. The example how to explain brochure !

Education brochure

Well everyone, today i would like to explain about the

education brochure. This brochure infrom us in learning at school
is fun with ANONA ELEMENTARY . this school has a good
program such as :
 character education
 Chorus
 pear mediation
 stem activis
 clubs
 gifted programs
 and bugs

This school has a good mission to focus on student‟s ability

with a good character. You can register your children here, by
knowing our website, and the adress on the phamphelt brochure
or for the contact person below : 081234675090 .

Thanks for the kinda attention.

C. The exercise
Let‟s try to make your own brochure by yourself !


A. Look at and pay attention to the picture!





1. Do you know what are those pictures?

2. Can you give your opinion?
3. Are those important for us? Why ?

B. Let’s read the text below !


On 10th November, Indonesia celebrates Hari Pahlawan or Heroes Day in

remembrance of the Battle of Surabaya which started on that very date in the
year 1945. The bloody battle took place because Indonesians refused to
surrender their weaponry to British army. British Army at that time was part of
the Allied Forces. The defiant Bung Tomo is the well-known revolutionary
leader who played a very important role in this battle.
It all started because of a misunderstanding between British troops in
Jakarta and those in Surabaya, under the command of Brigadier A.W.WS.
Mallaby. Brigadier Mallaby already had an agreement with Governor of East
Java Mr. Surya. The agreement stated that British would not ask Indonesian
troops and militia to surrender their weapons.
However, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets all over Surabaya.
The leaflet told Indonesians to do otherwise on 27th October 1945. This action
angered the Indonesian troops and militia leaders because they felt betrayed.
On 30th October 1945, Brigadier Mallaby was killed as he was approaching
the British troops‟ post near Jembatan Merah or Red Bridge, Surabaya. There
were many reports about the death, but it was widely believed that the Brigadier
was murdered by Indonesian militia. Looking at this situation, Lieutenant
General Sir Philip Christison brought in reinforcements to siege the city.

In the early morning of 10th November 1945, British troops began to
advance into Surabaya with cover from both naval and air bombardment.
Although the Indonesians defended the city heroically, the city was conquered
within 3 days and the whole battle lasted for 3 weeks. In total, between 6,000
and 16,000 Indonesians died while casualties on the British side were about 600
to 2000.
Battle of Surabaya caused Indonesia to lose weaponry which hampered the
country‟s independence struggle. However, the battle provoked Indonesian and
international mass to rally for the country‟s independenwhich made this battle
especially important for Indonesian national revolution

C. Pay attention to the text below !


The abbreviation “Supersemar” is a play on the name of Semar, the

mystic and powerful figure who commonly appears in Javanese mythology
including wayang puppet shows. The invocation of Semar was presumably
intended to help draw on Javanese mythology to lend support to Suharto‟s
legitimacy during the period of the transition of authority from Sukarno to

The Supersemar, the Indonesian Order of March the Eleventh, was a

document signed by the Indonesian President Sukarno on 11 March 1966.
In effect, the Supersemar came to be seen as the key instrument of the
transfer of executive power from Sukarno to Suharto.
It is said that it was giving the army commander Lt. Gen. Suharto
authority to take whatever measures he “deemed necessary” to restore order to
the chaotic situation during the Indonesian killings of 1965 – 1966.

The questions are :

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the background of sentences?
3. What is the purpose of sentences?
4. What tense is mostly use in the text? Why?
5. Would you like to retell about that story by your own words ?

D. The exercise

let‟s start to make a paragraph contains of historical event !




A. Learning CCU
Why would you learn about Cross Cultural Understanding?

The importance of learning cross cultural understanding is to help you in

learning a foreign languange ( not arrange or choose a word) how to make
communiction with the native speaker, cause they have many different
expressions. We can not translate one by one or lexical, cause it has the big
connection with custom and culture and also situation and conditions.

Cross Cultural Understanding is to understand the relationship among

different countries. It means that Cross Cultural Understanding is the ways to
understand the different culture of different country to avoid missunderstanding.

Here is the five tips to i mprove Cross Cultural Understanding in a

new place are :

1. Do not isolate yourself from the local languange and local way of

2. Participate with the local community to help the social interactions
and understand the local custom and traditions.
3. Learn a lot about the local lifestyle, the local education system.
4. Share your own culture and customs.
5. Do not rush yourself to form an opinion about another cultures.

B. The example of difference culture in America and Indonesia !

No America Indonesia

 A child calls their parents as  A child calls their parents

a name as a mother, and father,
Ex : Hi John, Hello Jenny ! mom and dad.
Ex : Hi dad, Hello momy
( Hi bu laura)
 The american speak “
 The indonesian speak
soccer ”
2 football as olah raga sepak
As olah raga sepak bola

 American like eating bread  Indonesian like eating rice

3 and potato for their daily
 American has a freedom  Indonesian has a rules
association in ethic and morality

 The american people  The indonesian people

respect to TIME unrespect to TIME

C. The Exercise
Now, you can prepare to look for the differences from another country to
another else.

No What cauntry is it ? What cauntry is it ?



In this life, we will pass the process of wheels of life, it starts from baby till
adult, getting old and be passed away.

A. The helping vocabulary

 Hamil : pregnant
 Melahirkan : gave birth
 Bayi : baby
 Dewasa : adult
 Tua : old
 Menjaga : look after, care
 Menikah : get marry
 Meninggal dunia : pass away

B. Let’s pay attention to the pictures below !

And try to explain it !

well guys i would like to explain about my wheels of

my life, my mom bore me on may 1995


A. Read this conversation below !

Alvin : you seem troubled. Is anything the matter?
Boby : yes. As a matter of fact. I‟ve been having this pain in my chest
Alvin : well can i over you some advices?
Boby : sure, what‟s that?
Alvin : I think you should visit to hospital and see the doctor.
Boby : you‟re probably right, thanks.
Alvin : anytime, just call me if you need my help.
Boby : Thank so much brother.

B. Here are some expressions you need

 Would you advise me to.....
 What do you think i should......
 Which..... should i .........
 Can you advise me......
 Can you give me any advise.....

C. Giving and offering advise

 You should/shouldn‟t.......
 You‟d better......
 Can i offer you some advice.....
 I‟d suggest......

D. Let’s start our speaking practice by telling your problem and ask
your friend to give the advise!

Can you give me some advise?

A. I have problem to manage my time and my money well,

could you give me some advise?
B. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Nasi : Rice Makanan Pencuci Mulut : Dessert

Nasi Goreng : Fried Rice Makanan Siap Saji : Fast Food

Bakso : Meatball Makanan Sampah : Junk Food

Roti : Bread Telur Dadar : Omelette

Gandum : Wheat Burger : Burger

Ketan : Sticky Rice Pizza : Pizza

Coklat : Chocolate Mie Goreng : Fried Noodle

Kue : Cake Mie Ayam : Chicken Noodle

Brownis : Brownies Pudding : Pudding

Spageti : Spaghetti Rumput Laut : Seaweed

Sayur Lalap+ Saus : Salad Gado Gado : Hodge Podge

Daging Panggang : Steak Bubur : Porridge

Keju : Cheese Ubi Talas : Yams

Mentega : Butter Ubi Jalar : Sweet Potato

Biskuit : Biscuit Makanan Pembuka : Appetizer

Popcorn : Popcorn Sayur Mayur : Vegetables

Kripik : Chips Kaldu : Broth/Stocks

Kentang : Potato Nasi Kuning : Yellow Rice

Ketela : Cassava Kari Ayam : Chicken Curry

Roti Bakar : Toast Sate : satay

Makanan Ringan : Snack Gulai : gulay


Es : Ice Teh : Tea

Es Cream : Ice Cream Air Panas : Hot Water

Es Batu : Ice Cube Jamu : Herb

Es Jeruk : Orange Juice Susu : Milk

Es Teh : Ice Tea Jahe Panas : Hot Ginger

Es Jus : Ice Juice Sirup : Syrup

Es Susu : Ice Milk Coklat Panas : Hot Chocolate

Teh Lemon : Lemon Tea Susu Kocok : Milkshake

Teh Susu : Milk Tea Kolak : Compote

Minuman Soda : Soft Drink Kolak Buah : Fruit Compote

Minuman : Beverage Anggur : Wine

Air Putih : Mineral Water Minuman Keras :Liquor/Cocktai

Kopi : Coffee

Manis : Sweet Pedas : Spicy

Masam : Sour Panas : Hot

Asin : Salt Dingin : Cold

Pahit : Bitter Segar : Fresh

Sedap : Tasty Enak : Nice

Amis : Fishy Lembut : Soft/Mild

Lezat : Delicious Lumer : Melt

Hambar : Tasteless Gurih : Crispy

Telur : Egg Lele : Cat Fish

Telur Asin : Salted Egg Kerupuk : Crackers

Telur Rebus : Boiled Egg Sambal : Chili Sauce

Tempe : Soybean Cake Sambal Terasi : Shirmp Paste

Tahu : Tofu Daging : Meat

Ayam Goreng : Fried Chicken Daging Domba : Mutton/Lamb

Ayam Bakar : Roasted Chicken Daging Sapi : Beef

Sop : Soup Udang Shirmp

Ikan : Fish Kepiting : Crab

Ikan Asin : Salted Fish Cumi Cumi : Squid

Bandeng : Milk Fish Lobster : Lobster


Transportation : angkutan Plane : pesawat

Bus : bis Boat : perahu

Car : mobil Motorcycle : motor

Taxi : taksi Bicycle : sepeda

Public bus : bis kota Pedicab : becak

Truck : truk Ship : kapal laut

Train : kereta api Vehicle : kendaraan


A. Part 1

Allied force : pasukan sekutu Emperor : kaisar

Allied soldiers : tentara sekutu Empire : kekaisaran

Allied state : negara sekutu Envoy : utusan

Ambassador : duta besar Foreign aid : bantuan luar

Attack : serangan
Foreign citizen : WNA
Authority : kekuasaan
Freedom : kebebasan
Betray : berkhianat
General election : pemilihan umum
Betrayer : penghianatan
Goverment : pemerintah
Campaign : kampanye
Guerilla : gerilya
Candidate : calon
Human right : : hak asasi
Citizen : warga negara
Civirl war : perang saudura
Independence : kemerdekaan
Civilization : peradaban

Colonist : penjajah

Colonization : penjajahan

Colonize : menjajah

Constitution : UUD

Crisis : pertahanan

Defence : pertahanan

Democracy : demokrasi

Embassy : kedutaan

B. Part 2

Justice : keadilan Regency : kabupaten

Kingdom : kerajaan Regent : bupati

Law : hukum Regulation : peraturan

Mayor : walikota Representative : perwakilan

Minister : menteri Sacrifice : pengorbanan

Ministry : kementerian Welfare : kesejahteraan

Nation : bangsa Society : masyarakat

Peace : perdamaian Souvereignty : kedaulatan

People : rakyat Spokesman : juru bicara

Politics : politik Strike : menyerang

Political party : partai politik Strunggle : perjuangan

Politician : politikus Subdistric head : camat

Poverty : kemiskinan Subdistric : kecamatan

President : presiden Village : desa

Poclamation : proklamasi Head village : kades

Prosperous : makmur Voter : pemilih

Rebellion : pemberontakan War : perang

Rules : peraturan World war : perang dunia



A. Please read these vocabulary carefully and try to memorize it!

Buyer - Seller : Penjual- Pembeli

Benefit- Harm : Untung-Malang

Begin-End : Awal-Akhir

Customer-Owner : Pelanggan-Pemilik

Day-Night : Siang-Malam

Demand-Supply : Permintaan-Sedia

Employer- Employee : Juragan- Karyawan

East-West : Timur-Barat

Evil-Kind : Jahat-Baik

Engagement-Disengagement : Tunangan-Lepas Ikatan

Enthusiastic- Apathy : Antusias-Acuh

Expansion-Stagnation : Perluasan-Stagnan

Fear-Bravery : Ketakutan-Keberanian

Friend- Enemy : Teman- Musuh

Girl- Boy : Wanita Pria

Guest-Host : Tamu-Tuan Rumah

Hope-Hopeless : Harapan-Putus Asa


( Expressions)

A. Pay attention and get your time !

1. Turn on TV, please !

11. Switch back the channel, please !
Nyalakan TV nya dong !
Kembalikan ke channel
2. Turn off TV, please ! sebelumnya !
12. I’m watching TV all the day
Matikan TV nya dong !
Aku nonton TV seharian !
3. Turn it up, please ! 13. I have ever seen this movie before !
Besarkan suaranya dong ! Aku udah pernah liat flim ini
4. Turn it down, please ! sebelumnya !
Kecilkan suaranya dong ! 14. It’s my favorite movie !
5. What’s on TV ? Ini acara kesukaanku !
Acara apa di TV ? 15. The remote control is not working !
6. What do you want to watch ? Remotnya gak bisa !
Kamu mau nonton apa? 16. There is going to be a good movie
7. What TV show do you like most? tonight !
Program TV apa yang paling Nanti malam ada flim bagus loh!
kamu suka? 17. The movie really touches my heart

8. Don’t switch the channel, please ! !

Jangan pindah channelnya ! Flim nya sangat menyentuh !

9. Commercial break 18. Don’t watch too close !

Iklan Jangan nonton terlalu dekat

10. Stop jumping the channels,please ! 19. This is not a good show for kids !

Jangan pinda pindahin channelnya Ini bukan acara yang bagus untuk

! anak anak !
20. The picture is too blurry !
Gambarnya terlalu buram !

B. Please make your conversation about TV Expreesions !






A. Please read these expressions below carefully !

1. God is almighty : Tuhan yang maha agung

2. Glory my lord : Tuhan yang maha agung
3. I pray for you : saya berdoa untukmu
4. Heaven knows ! : entahlah !
5. By God ! : demi tuhan !
6. I swear ! : saya bersumpah !
7. Stop thief ! : awas maling !
8. What a lovely flower ! : betapa indahnya bunga ini !
9. How lazy you are ! : betapa malasnya dirimu !
10. Hurry up ! : Cepetan !
11. Take it easy ! : gampang !
12. Don‟t be so serious ! : Jangan terlalu serius !
13. Anybody home ? : Ada orang dirumah?
14. Don‟t interrupt ! : jangan menyela !
15. Don‟t distrub me ! : Jangan ganggu aku !
16. Don‟t tease me ! : Jangan menggoda ku !
17. Keep your spirit ! : tetap semangat !
18. I have learnt the lesson ! : aku udah kapok !
19. I give up ! : aku menyerah !
20. Watch out ! : awas !


1. Introducing presenter
Well, good morning/ afternoon ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to this presentation program
Today, I‟ve great pleasure in introducing our speaker. Here is……
she is from….. and……

2. Starting the presentation

Well, let‟s start our presentation by…..

Well, as we know that…..
Without further doing, I‟d like to give the chance to……

3. Checking understanding

Asking Responses
Do you understand? Off course
Do you get my point? Sure
You get it? Yes, I got it
Do you see the light? Yes, I see
Are you with me? I am with you all the time

4. Asking question
- Any question?
- Excuse me, may/could I ask a question?
- Would you like to explain why….
- Do/Did……
- Who/ where/ when……

5. Interrupting
- Sorry for interrupting, but….
- May I interrupt you?
- I am sorry, but….

6. Giving addition
- Is there any addition/ Any addition?
- Can/could/ may I add some…?
- I am gonna add some explanation about…..

7. Showing agree/disagree
- Do you agree/ disagree with……..?
- I agree/ disagree
- I believe that….
- I am with you
- I am behind you
- I think so
- I don‟t think so

8. Asking/ giving opinion

- What do you think about ?
- What is your opinion about…..?
- I think….
- In my opinion….
- Based on…..
- According to……
- I have no idea about it

9. Conclusion
- The conclusion is…..
- The point is……

10. Closing

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think it‟s so clear for my

presentation. I hope it will be useful for us. Thanks for your
attention and the last I say…….


a. Opening
A. Greeting ( Salam )
Assalamualaikum Wr. W.b.
Good morning everybody
Morning everyone
B. Respect greeting ( Salam penghormatan )
Excellencency Mr. Danang pamungkas, the director of Kampung Course
Respectable all the staff of Kampung Course
Honorable to Mr. Jimmy as the chief of commitee
And unforgettable to Brothers and Sisters, ladies and gentlemen who
loved by our God. May God bless you. Amin.
b. Content
Firstly, let‟s pray and thank unto our God, Allah SWT, who has
given us some mercies and blessings, so we can attend and gather in this
place in a good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the jahiliyyah era to islamic
era namely Islam religion.
Thirdly, i don‟t forget to say thank you so much to Master Of
Ceremony (MC) for giving me time to deliver my speech under the Title
“ Education”
c. Closing
Thank for your nice attention, and remember Education is our key
to be success, success is in our hand. so, see you for our success !
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


A. Review
1. Have you ever attended a celebration held in your country? What‟s
2. How do people get involved ?
3. Is there any specific reason to celebrate it ?
B. Things to discuss
Look at these celebration picture below ! and let‟s discuss it with your
partner !
You can start Discuss by asking:
a. Where do people celebrate it?
b. How do people celebrate it?
c. Is there any special thing in this celebration?


1. Disguise
2. Lantern
3. Pumpkin
4. Trick or treat

Ied mubarak

1. Praying
2. Ketupat cake
3. Visits
4. THR Gift


A. Vocabulary
Mobile phone : Telephone genggam
Sosial media : Social media
Pulsa : Pulse
Kuota data : Data quota
Internet : Internet
Sinyal : Signal
Aplikasi : Application

B. Read and Answer by giving symbol (✓) tick on below !


Questions You Your Partner

1. Do you watch mobile phone more

than twenty four hours?
2. Have you ever played mobile
phone all night?
3. Do you ever work or study with
mobile phone on?
4. Do you sometimes have dinner
with playing mobile phone?
5. Have you ever missed something
important because you wanted to
play and watch program on

C. Read the article !

Could you live without Mobile Phone for a week?

That‟s what a million people do, they can‟t stop play
and watch some programs at youtube, instagram and
Sure, Mobile Phone sometimes can be our friendship
And exciting, especially when we‟re tired, lonely at the end of the day.
You may be surprised how many times you
spend in playing mobile phone. This means we
spend over years of ourlife to play mobile
phone what a frightening thought .

Without knowing a lot of negative impact of

playing HP too over are :

1. Eye disorders
2. Triggers neck pain
3. Make a rigid finger joints
4. Trigger the risk of brain cancer
5. interfere with mental health
Although the negative impact of mobile phone for health is real, it
does not mean you should discontinue its use altogether. However, this
technology has become a part of life that is difficult to separate.

You just need to be wiser in using a mobile phone. Don't overtake the same
position when using it. In addition, make sure to always manage your time
to play mobile phone and keep your hand and phone clean, to reduce the
risk of infection.

D. Exercise
1. Are you a telly addict?
what something makes you addict?
tell and explain about the definition, the positive and negative side !

ADVERBS ( kata keterangan )
The other day : hari yang lain
At present : sekarang
Nows day : akhir akhir ini
Recently : akhir akhir ini
In the future : dimasa mendatang
Present day : saat ini
Just now : baru saja
Up to now : hingga saat ini
Presently : sekarang ini
This time : hari ini
Next week : minggu depan
In the first time : pertama tama
Every other day : setiap dua hari sekali
The day before : kemarin lusa/ hari sebelum
Yesterday : kemarin
The day after : besok lusa/ hari setelah
Tomorrow : besok
In time : pada waktunya
On time : tepat waktu
All day : sepanjang hari
Almost/ nearly : hampir
Rather : agak
Only : hanya
Really : sungguh
Quite : cukup
Temporarily : untuk sementara waktu
Entirely : sama sekali
Finally : akhirnya
First and foremost : yang terpenting
Mostly : terutama
Afterwards : sesudah itu
At least : paling tidak/setidaknya
Other wise : sebaliknya
Absolutely : sangat

1. The Conversation

Daniel : Hi dude ! morning !

Alesya : everything is okay !

Daniel : by the way, are you free for next Saturday?

Alesya : yes. I‟m . what‟s happend?

Daniel : i want to invite you to my birthday invitation. Join us, and we will have a
great party with my family.

Alesya : thanks for inviting me. Don‟t worry, i will come

Daniel : thank anyway.

2. Starting with simple question

This is the more direct method. It works well in less formal situations,
whether you know someone well or not, you can use these questions to make
an invitation.

Do you have a little time tomorrow?

Are you doing anything on Sunday?

May be we could hang out?

Would you like to catch a movie this weekend?

Do you want to go to the indoor climbing centre after


Are you free tonight?

3. Explain what you would like
- Explain your event or plan
 I‟m having … a party/barbecue/get-together/house warming
 I‟m hosting… a party/barbecue/launch/dinner party
 I‟m… getting married/turning 40/moving into my new place
 I‟m thinking of… seeing a movie/going to the museum
- Let them know what you would like.
 …and I wanted to invite you
 …and I was wondering if you would like to come/join me
 …and I‟d love it if you could come/be there/join me/join us
 …and I was hoping you could make it
 …and I hope you can come/be there/join me/join us
 …and it would be great if you can make it
4. Responses
 Yes, with pleasure
 It‟s a great idea
 Absolutely I will join with you
 It sounds great. When is it?
 Sure. What time?
 I wish I could join. But …..
 I am sorry but I have another appointment
 It will be great party. But I think I couldn‟t follow the event
 I can‟t promise to come up on time.
5. Exercises !!
There are many kinds of invitations, such as Wedding invitation, Birthday
Invitation, Reunion Invitations and etc, and now Please create a dialogue between
you and your partner. Then record it !


Accountant/ Lecturer/ Clerk/ Interpreter/ Musician/

Akuntan dosen pramuniaga juru Bahasa Musisi
Advisor/ Banker/ Dentist/ Janitor/ Midwife/
Penasihat banker Dokter gigi Tukang bersih- Bidan
Athlete/ Biologist/ Entrepreneur/ Judge/ Mayor/
atlit ahli biologi pengusaha hakim Walikota
Author/ Butcher/ Civil servant/ Lawyer/ Marine/
penulis t.daging PNS pengacara Angkatan laut
Actor/ Chemist/ Governor/ Mathematician/ Linguist/
Actor ahli kimia gubernur ahli Ahli Bahasa
Beggar/ Cashier/ Teacher/ Guide/ Director/
Pengemis Kasir guru pemandu Pimpinan


1. Give the meaing to these Vocabularies below please !

Do for living Resign
Retire Employer
Salary/wage Employee
Hire Get fired/ get the sack
Contract ends Jobless
Job seeker Job vacancy
Qualification Resume
Interview Cover letter


Interviewer: So, you've applied for the Saturday position, right?

John : Yes, I have.
Interviewer : Can you tell me what made you reply to our advertisement?
Well, I was looking for a part-time job to help me through college. And I think that I'd
John :
be really good at this kind of work.
Interviewer : Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a shop assistant?
Well I imagine I would be helping customers, keeping a check on the supplies in the
John :
store, and preparing the shop for business.
That about covers it, you would also be responsible for keeping the front of the store
Interviewer : tidy. What sort of student do you regard yourself as? did you enjoy studying while you
were at school?
I suppose I'm a reasonable student. I passed all my exams and I enjoy studying subjects
John :
that interest me.
Interviewer : Have you any previous work experience?
John : Yes. I worked part-time at a take-away in the summer holidays.
Interviewer : Now, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me about the position?
John : Yes. Could you tell me what hours I'd have to work?

We open at 9.00, but you would be expected to arrive at 8.30 and we close at 6.00 pm.
You would be able to leave then. I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank
Interviewer :
you for coming along to the interview.

John : Thank you. When will I know if I have been successful?

Interviewer : We'll be making our decision next Monday we'll give you a call



Personality types



a. Get fired; 1. Someone who leads all staffs
b. Employer; 2. Leaving a job with contract ends
c. Retire; 3. A person who applies for job
d. Salary; 4. A piece of paper which is full of yourself
e. Job seeker; 5. List of requirements
f. Cover letter; 6. A serious with recruiter to score us
g. Promoted; 7. Leaving a job because of some reasons
h. Qualification; 8. Monthly payment for our work
i. Interview; 9. Losing the job
j. Resign; 10. Chosen to get a new position


A. Reading part


The Japanese are known for their discipline and order, and these traits are clearly
manifested through how they use their escalators. When you ride an escalator in
Japan, make sure to be observant of your surroundings. In Tokyo, people stand
on the left side while keeping the right side open for rushing passengers. This is
the other way around in Osaka. So be careful when riding the escalators in
Japan, you might be blocking someone off the way!

B. Discussions part
Discuss some different cultures from various countries below and
compare with Indonesian customs!

1. No watching South Korea film in North Korea

2. You shouldn‟t give your Turkish host white house
3. No laughing loudly for Japanese woman
4. Don‟t shake the hand with Malaysian woman if they don‟t give their
hands first
5. Different with Malaysian, Italian tend to have physical contact when they
have communication or meeting with someone
6. In Thailand, it‟s impolite to touch someone head even he is your friend

7. No jeans in North Korea
8. Don‟t greet Russian if you don‟t know them
9. No public toilet in India
10. It‟s allowed to have physical contact like hugging or kissing with the same
11. In Japan, the cashier only counts your shopping payment and you should
put your stuffs into plastic bag by yourselves.
12. It‟s a weird thing to have Cappuccino in the afternoon or evening in Italia
13. A pedestrian is a king in Japan
14. Don‟t put your chopstick vertically in a bowl of rice in China
15. In Portugal is common to be late in 15 minutes
16. You should give presents with both hands in China
17. Waiter is not bad job in Amerika
18. It‟s polite to call older people by saying hyung, oppa, unni, nuuna in
South Korea.
19. It‟s forbidden to shake your body when you watch concert in North Korea
20. If you are admire something in Arabian house, they feel they should give
it to you.
C. Exercise

Please find 10 habits of our people that you can‟t find in other countries!



A. Let‟s read these vocabularies below !

Season : musim Drizzling : gerimis

Weather : cuaca Springkling : gerimis
Climate : iklim Clearing up : terang (hujan
Dry season : musim kemarau reda)
Rainy season : musim hujan Cloudy : mendung
Summer : musim panas Foggy : berkabut
Fall season : musim gugur Windy : berangin
Autumn : musim gugur Misty : berembun
Spring : musim semi Watery : berair
Rain : hujan Muddy : berlumpur
Rainy heavily : hujan deras / Moist : basah
Strom : badai Hot : panas
Flash : kilat Cold : dingin
Rainbow : pelangi Warm : hangat
Thunder : petir Cool : sejuk
Temperature : suhu
Fresh : segar
Sultry : gerah / pengap

B. read the article !

How many seasons do you have in Indonesia? Right, There are two
kinds of seasons in Indonesia, namely the rainy season and the dry season.
Do you know that in Indonesia, the rainy season lasts from October to April,
which is characterized by a southwest wind.

Then when does the dry season arrive? Well, for the dry season lasts
between April to October is characterized by the appearance of the eastern
wind season. In addition to the two seasons in Indonesia, there are 4 seasons
in the world namely spring, summer, autumn, and winter. But in Indonesia is
located in the tropics, it has only two seasons, namely the rainy season and
the dry season.

C. The exercise !
Which country will you really wanna visit?
Tell please, about the seasons there !


A. Pay attention to the vocabularies !

Mosque : masjid
Church : gereja
Temple : pura, candi, kuil
Pagoda : kelenteng
Monastery : biara
Village hall : balai desa
Sky scraper : gedung pencakar langit
Customs Office : kantor bea cukai
Post Office : kantor pos
Hospital : rumah sakit
Insane asylum hospital : rumah sakit jiwa
Maternity hospital : rumah bersalin
Drugstore : apotik
Clinic : klinik
Bank : bank
Railway station : stasiun kereta api
Airport : bandara
Harbour : pelabuhan
Bus station : terminal bis
Factory : pabrik
Fire departmen : kantor pemadam kebakaran
Radio station : stasiun radio
Departemen store : toko serba ada
Market : pasar

Store /shop : toko
Books store : toko buku
Stationary : toko alas tulis
Godawn : gudang
University : perguruan tinggi
School : sekolah
Town hall : balai kota Theatre / cinema : gedung bioskop
Cottage : pondok/asrama
Boarding house : rumah kos
Dormitory : asrama
Inn : warung
Hotel : hotel
Apartmen : rumah bertingkat


A. Let’s read and try to imagine what’s on the story mean ?

Percy Button

I have just moved to a house in bridge street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my

door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar
stood on his head and sang a songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and
drank the beer. Then, he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.
Later a neighbour told me about him, everybody knows him. His name is percy
buttons. He call s at every house in the street once a month and always aks for a
meal and a glass of beer.
B. The exercise
Everyone has a story in life
Shocking story, sad story or happy moment.
1. Would you like to tell about Nightmare Neighbours ?



1. Definition
A mind map is a type of graphic organizer that uses a diagram to
visually organize ideas and concepts. The central idea or concept is
placed in the center of the diagram, and then related ideas are added to it
in a radial fashion. Mind maps are used to help structure information to
gain a better understanding.

2. How to create
- Create a Central Idea. The central idea is the starting point of your Mind
Map and represents the topic you are going to explore.

- Add branches to your map.

- Add keywords.
- Colour code your branches.
- Include visual signifiers
3. Mind Mapping

4. The exercise
Please explain about this picture below by good explanation !


A. The definition
Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on particular topic. In
debate you have to keep your arguments forward to argue or prove your
B. The exercises
 All af you as a debater
 One you should choose difference points / object
 Take role & happy speaking !
What you have to do is discussing the topic by these points below !


The situation & The job vacancy


The economical The healthy life

The education The environment

Helping vocabularies :
- rural area : area pedesaan - advantage : keuntungan
- urban life : populasi hidup - disadvantage : kerugian
- increase : menambah - provide : ketersediaan
- neighborhood : tetangga
- drawback : kekurangan
- opportunity : kesempatan


Blue : biru, murung, sedih

Out of the blue : tiba tiba

Blue moon : jarang

Blue ribbon : hadiah pertama

Yellow bellied : pengecut

Blueprint : merencakan

In the red : berhutang

Red blooded : jantan

Red faced : malu

Red handed : tertangkap basah

Red hot : bersemangat sekali

In the black : beruntung

Black out : jatuh pingsan

Black and blue : babak belur

Black art : guna guna

Blackmail : memfitnah

Blacktop : mengaspal

Black eye : nama buruk

White feather : pengecut

Whited faced : pucat pasi

Greenback : uang kertas

Greenhorn : orang yang belom berpengalaman

Green eye : mata duitan


Mother day comes once a year exactly it is on December 22nd and the world
celebrates this day to appreciate the mother‟s strunggles.

Vocabularies on expression :

 Like father like son

 Heaven is under the mother‟s feet
 Mom is inspiration in life
 Her smile is happiness
 Her anger is an effection
 Mother is soul of her children
 Motherish
 Sofftness is hers
 Mother is solution when we are sad
 Her love is eternal
 Mother is the best advisor for our problems
 Mom is always with us in Up and Down
 Fussy but i miss it
 She is the spirit of life
 Mom is not only mother but also friend.

How do you response these situations below !

1. You have chosen your own major at university for something you like,
but your mother suggets or even asks you to come with her choice.
2. Your mom is uneducated person and also conservative in daily life and
thinking while you will be a good woman only, not being a good woman
with bussiness, how do you overcome in?
3. You have an own husband/wife future whom you loved very much, and
you have planning to get married wth him/her. But your mother
disagrees with it. And decided to do match maker.


A. Read this conversation !

Nawang : I can‟t believe how much clothes cots.
Ikvy : I know, every shop we went to was far and too expensive.
Have you considered buying what you need ?
Nawang : No, i canceled to buy any clothes.
Ikvy : okay, we have to try to buy things from website or online.
Nawang : Have you ever tried? And how is it? Is it trusted? Cause there are
many lier seller online shop or it might bad materials in selling
Ikvy : You have to see the comments from the customer before, if it‟s
good comment, we can see the collection on the home online shop,
and we can buy it. Don‟t worry, nowsday you can buy everything
in Shoopee , cause it‟s trusted and saved payment.
Nawang : well, i will follow you. In other, we don‟t have to go anywhere .
they deliver everything what we buy and we just wait the things
Ikvy : yes, you right, so we can buy everything easly now.
Nawang : i‟m going to do all my shopping online from now on.

B. Discuss the following online service with your friends, explain some
positive and negative effects on it !
1. Online games
2. Online learning
3. E – Banking
4. E – Module


Good heaven ! : astaga !

Dear me ! : ya ampun !
My goodness ! : waduh !
Thank goodness ! : untunglah !
Fancy that ! : aneh !
Good gracious : ya Allah
Oh dear ! : ya ampun !
Ouch ! : aduh !
Hush ! : sssst !
Watch out ! : awas !

PREPOSITION : Kata depan

On : diatas In front of : didepan

Above : diatas In the front of : dibagian depan
Under : dibawah Behind : dibelakang
Beneath : dibawah In the back of : dibagian
In : didalam belakang
At : di Ouside : disebelah luar
Between : diantara Inside : dibagian dalam
Among : diantara
Beside : disamping
Next to : disebelah
By : didekat
Near : didekat
Into : kedalam


A. Pay attention to the text !

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the process of getting
more knowledge, skills, values, and habits. Education can be divided into two,
namely formal or informal education.. Formal education is an education at
schools that are obtained regularly, systematically, storied or tiered, and by
following clear requirements. And here are several levels of formal education :
 kindergarten school
 elementary school
 junior high school
 senior high school
 University
And how about Non formal education?
Non formal education is held for citizens who need educational services that
serve as substitutes, enhancers, or formal education complements in order to
support lifelong education. such as course institutions and etc.

B. The exercise
Would you like to explain to about education in indonesia by these point
below conduct of formal and informal education!


TThe duration The quality


A. Read the article !

Lifestyle or also called Life style is an overview of a person's behavior,

pattern or way of life that will be shown how a person's activities, or interests
and what they will think of themselves so as to distinguish their status from
others or the environment through the social symbols they have.

According to Amstrong the factors that will affect a person's lifestyle are
attitude, experience or observation, personality, self-concept, motive,
perception, reference group, social class, family or culture.

B. The exercise
From the explanation above, would you like to give more understanding
about life style in your environment and some of the factors by your own
opinion ?

C. Helping vocabularies
 Attitude : sikap
 Social life : kehidupan bersosial
 Order system : tata cara
 Manners : tata krama
 Ethic : etika
 View of life : pandangan hidup


Have you ever done debating? well English debating will improve your
skill in speaking practice by keeping your arguments and holding your
statement to prove the relevan result and getting win.
Our topic English Debate today is talking about :

1. Should the cigarette factory be closed ?

What you have to explain is :
 The Economic global
 The Future employee
 The job vacancy

2. Supermarket Vs Traditional market

What you have to explain is :
 The health
 The cleanest
 The price global

3. Online education is effective than offline education

What you have to explain is :
 The time
 The understanding
 The quality
Note :
Well, you have to prepare the topics above and happy speaking  !


A. Pay attention to the text !

One day an earthquake shook Abu nawas‟country, it damaged little part

of king Aaron‟s palace, including his most precious stone pot. It was broken
into some pieces. The king called on Abu nawas to sew the stone pot.
“To sew the stone pot, you majesty !”. Abu nawas asked.
“Yes !” .The Majesty replied.
“But, Your Majesty, it‟s impossible”. Abu nawas answered.
“I know it, but you are the martest man in my country, you must be able to do
that! And i will give you some prizes.
Abu nawas left the palace , He was very confused, on His way home he
took a rest under a shady tree, near a small river. The river had clean and clear
water. Abu nawas could see the stones at the bottom of the river, suddenly He
jumped up and His face was bright, “I have got a good idea !” he shouted to
He walked so quickly, “Hi Abu nawas, have you already sewn my stone
pot?” The king said.
“Not yet, your majesty. Before i do that i‟d like to ask some questions to one of
your ministers”.
One minister came up to Abu nawas to answer his questions.
“Sir, Please tell me what things you need to sew your torn clothes”. Abu nawas
“Thread, of course, “The miniter answered”.
“And what is thread made from?” Abu nawas asked again.
“Cotton, Why ? ”
“Well, then, since your majesty ordered to me to sew the broken stone pot,

I need some thread made from stone,” after saying this, Abu opened His bag
and let the small stones out.
“Hey, what are these stones for ?” asked the minister.
“I can not sew your majesty‟s broken stone pot, unless I given some thread
made from these stone,”said Abu nawas while walked away clamly, and eft
everyone in puzzelement.

B. Helping vocabularies
 Thread : benang
 Eartquake : gempa bumi
 Precious : berharga
 Sew : menjahit
 Bottom : dasar
 In puzzelement : dalam kebingungan
 Stone pot : pot / suatu benda yang terbuat dari batu

C. The exercise
Please retell about that story above by ur own words.


Complete name : Tantin Nawangsari

Birth & place : Jember, 05th of May 1994
Profession : Tutor

Tantin Nawangsari, everyone calls her Ms.Thin

She comes from Jember and
She has been teaching in Kampung Inggris
Pare-Kediri for 7 years and has been
Experienced. After taking course at BEC in 2013 and
She continues to study at UNISKA kediri.
She took English Education Major, cause She wants to be English Enthusiastic
to help everyone in practicing Their English skill.

Hopefully this E-Module will help everyone in improving Their English

specially in Speaking skill.

” Families Are The Compass That Guides Us. They Are The Inspirations To Reach
Great Heights, And Our Comfort When We Occasionaly Falter ”

Tantin Nawangsari



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