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SWINBURNE University of Tecbnology:

Diploma of Carbon Management (1 year)
This course aligns with current greenhouse reporting methodologies including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Graduates of the diploma will be able to meet the current and future industry requirements in carbon management.
This will enable them to effectively work within their chosen fields with a comprehensive understanding and capacity
to build, robust approaches to carbon management.
This course aligns with current greenhouse reporting methodologies including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Graduates of the diploma will be able to meet the current and future industry requirements in carbon management.
This will enable them to effectively work within their chosen fields with a comprehensive understanding and capacity
to build, robust approaches to carbon management.
Units of Study:
O VU20131 Apply principles of energy and resource efficiency to greenhouse gas management
Participants learn to apply the principles of energy and resource efficiency to determine options for the
mangement of greenhouse gas emissions. Participants research scientific, social and enviromental issues, and
apply findings relevant to energy and resource utilisation.
O VU20303 Develop and implement a program to support behaviour change for a sustainability initiative
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan for, and implement, a sustainability practices
initiative addressing behaviour change for an individual, organisational and/or community context. This unit
describes the skills and knowledge required to design, lead and facilitate behaviour change.
O VPAU324 Develop carbon inventory for the workplace
This unit describes the outcomes required to identify and categorise the carbon emissions of an organisation,
determine the correct methods for estimating those emissions and produce a carbon inventory for that
O VPAU325 Develop a carbon report for the workplace
This unit applies to the business environment of any organisation, including commercial operations, community
organisations such as not-for-profit non-government organisations and government agencies that wish to provide
a report on that organisation's carbon emissions and their response to it.
O VU20132 Create and implement a professional development program to support greenhouse gas management
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design, implement and review a professional
development program to inform and engage individuals and organisations to support greenhouse gas
O VU20133 Create a greenhouse gas management plan
The purpose of this unit is to design and create a greenhouse gas management plan. Participants research
current practice in greenhouse gas management and approaches for organisational change.
O VU20134 mplement a greenhouse gas management plan
Upon successful completion of this unit , participants will be able to implement an emissions management plan;
document the results; promulgate them to a range of stakeholders, and apply continuous improvement strategies
to the plan.

. Bond University
raduate Certificate in Carbon Management
ond's Graduate Certificate in Carbon Management focuses on the economic, environmental, legal and asset /
buildings performance aspects of the new carbon emissions environment. You will be equipped with knowledge and
skills pertaining to:
O The regulatory and legal framework that guides and influences new developments.
O The evolving requirements of carbon reporting and verification for business.
O The asset and performance requirements of the new carbon emissions environment.
O The implications of climate change for the operations of business and other organisations in the Australian
O SO 14064/5 Greenhouse Gas Accounting Standards.
O The evolving business and economic environment of carbon trading and auditing
O The asset and performance requirements of the new carbon emissions environment
O The environmental, ecological and sustainability requirements and impacts of carbon trading and carbon
management on the operations of business, and other organisations in the Australian economy.
Program Structure - 4 Subjects
Program structure:
Asset & Facilities Management
Economics of Sustainable Development
Environmental Management and Climate Change
Environmental Legal ssues
. Carbonmanagers Institute
Course detailed
O Record - Carbon Footprint
4 Emissions from all identified sources of energy either purchased and generated by your
organization is collected and converted to CO2-e
O Report - Carbon Accounting
4 Using and choosing different reporting protocols (like NGERs, EEO, GR, GR-AMS, SO 14064,
O Reduce - Energy Abatement and Efficiency Programs
4 Studying best practice case studies in various industry sectors which have been shown to reduce
both energy consumption and costs.
O Rebates - Subsidies Funding, Tax reaks and Offsets
4 Studying the effect of funding, tac breaks and offsets on assisting carbon accountability
O Research and Development Funds
4 Studying the nature of funding requires for R&D
O Revenue Protection and Opportunities
4 Securing the best energy contract on the Energy Market is increasingly important as the price of
energy on the futures market is indicating costs of supply

. Tbe university of Edinburgb {MSc- year]

The following courses are compulsory and are studied in the first and second semester:
O Applied Carbon Methods (10 credits)
O usiness and Climate Change (20 credits)
O Carbon Economics (20 credits)
O Climate Change mpacts and Adaptation (20 credits)
O Climate Change Management (20 credits)
Available elective courses are outlined in the Elective Handbook.
O Climate Change Science
O Climate Change Management
O Carbon Economics
O usiness and Climate Change
O Carbon Finance and Carbon Markets
O Carbon Methods
usiness School courses
O Advertising Management
O Africa: Land of Entrepreneurial and usiness Opportunity
O Emissions Reduction Project Development
O Change Management
O Comparative Studies in usiness Management n Emerging Markets
O Economics for Postgraduates
O Management of R&D and Product nnovation
O Outward nvestment from Emerging Markets
O Green Entrepeneurship
School of GeoSciences courses
O Applications in Ecological Economics
O Carbon Storage and Monitoring
O Environmental mpact Assessment
O Forests and Environment
O ntegrated Resource Planning
O Land Use / Environmental nteractions
O Management of Sustainable Development
O Rural Development
O Society and Development
O Waste Reduction and Recycling
School of Law / School of Social and Political Sciences courses
O Energy Policy and Politics
O Law and Climate Change
!ast dissertation topics have included
O Achieving a low carbon future energy supply in the US. Published in 2011: Warnatszch E & Reay DS (2011)
Carbon Management, 2, 1
O REDD and indigenous rights: can the lessons leart from forest-carbon projects be successfully incorporated
into the REDD framework
O GHG emissions from and health impacts of diesel generators in Nigeria and their mitigation.
O Assessing the Carbon Footprint of a distillery
O The legal basis of carbon capture and storage.
O Cryospheric archaeology and climate change impacts. Published in 2011: Molyneaux K & Reay DS (2011)
Nature Geoscience, 4, 2.
O CDM project development in China
O Corn ethanol as a biofuel for US transportation. Published in 2011: Galt H & Reay DS (2011) Carbon
Management, 2, 1
O iochar and nitrous oxide emissions from soils
O Methane hydrates: climate risks and exploitation potential
O Carbon implications of road construction and use.
. Imperial College
Eng. Kashefi, lmperlal College and many oLher uk unlverslLles (ManchesLer unlverslLy keele
unlverslLy WolverhampLon unlverslLy Cambrldge unlverslLy klngs unlverslLy unlverslLy
College London Cxford 8rookes unlverslLy) use a carbon managemenL plan under Carbon 1rusL
8eadlng abouL carbon LrusL may also help you Lo flnd ouL more SC lL ls a good ldea Lo sLarL a
same experlence ln Lhe unlverslLy of even ln Lhe 8ll lL ls also a good adverLlslng acLlvlLy and
you can galn applled experlences Lhrough Lhls
Plan with the following components:
O Setting of an aspirational 5 year carbon reduction target, based on most recent year of data (2008/9)
O Establishment of our baseline carbon footprint typical scope is carbon emissions from buildings, transport,
water and waste
O Determine the value (financial and carbon) at stake of business as usual versus the reduction target
O Generation of a list of quantified carbon reduction opportunities and assessment of how this relates to the
O Development of a strategy to engage the whole nstitution; academics, students and facilities to embed
carbon management
O Production of the College's Carbon Management Plan, which was signed off in February 2010
%e program pIan
1. Step 1 Mobilise the organisation
2. Step 2 Set baseline, forecast and targets
3. Step 3 dentify and quantify options
4. Step 4 Finalise Carbon Management Plan
5. Step 5 mplement Plan
. University of Clasgow
pplied Carbon Management (MSc: 12 months full-time; 24
months part-time.)
Core courses
O Carbon auditing and management
O Climate, carbon and change
O Theory and principles of sustainability
O Environmental ethics and behavioural change.
ptional courses
O Climate change: impacts on ecology
O Sustainable uildings
O Environmental economics
O Sustainable energy technologies
O Tourism sustainability and climate change
O Policies for sustainability and development
. Tbe university of Adelaide
Master of Carbon Management
The Masters is made up of 48 units, requiring four core courses (12 units), 21 units of courses from both prescribed areas plus
either a 15-unit research project or additional electives. The research project can be taken after the completion of 15 units of
O ENV OL 7016 Climate Change: Past, Present and Future (Note: This course is to be offered in 2012)
O ENV OL 7018EX Thinking Critically about global Warming
O ECON 7221 Economics of Climate Change
O COMMGMT 7000 usiness and Carbon Management
O TECHCOMM 7023 Carbon mpact and Strategy
ll candldaLes shall compleLe aL leasL 21 unlLs of elecLlve courses as below
O LAW 7068 nternational Energy Law (Note: This course is offered in alternate years. t will be offered in
O LAW 7040 nternational Environmental Law
O ECON 7200 Economic Principles
O TECHCOMM 7033 Ongoing Carbon Management
O ENV OL 7019 Sustainable Development: Concepts and Applications
O CHEM ENG 7032 Principles of Sustainability and Decision Making (Note: This course will not be offered in
Resource Management
O S1 3002 Environmental Planning and Governance
O GEST 5004 Environmental Economics and Policy (Note: This course will be offered in 2012)
O WRM 7025 Ecosystem Modeling for Environmental Management
O PETROENG 7061 Carbon Capture and Storage
O ENV OL 7017 ssues in Sustainable Environs
O TECHCOMM 7037 Energy Management Economics and Policy
O Optinial Research Project
CandldaLes may compleLe 13 unlLs ln lleu of elecLlve courses comprlslng
O ENV OL 7305 Carbon Management: Research Methods
O ENV OL 7307 Carbon Management: Research Project (F/T)
O ENV OL 7306A/ Carbon ManagemenL 8esearch ro[ecL (/1)
noLe Lhe research pro[ecL would normally be Laken afLer compleLlon of 13 unlLs of coursework
raduate Certificate in Carbon Management
Core Courses
All candidates shall complete the following core courses:
O ENV OL 7016 Climate Change: Past, Present and Future (Note: This course is to be offered in 2012)
O ENV OL 7018EX Thinking Critically about Global Warming
O ECON 7221 Economics of Climate Change
O and
O COMMGMT 7000 usiness and Carbon Management
O or
O TECHCOMM 7023 Carbon mpact and Strategy

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for developing the following attributes:

O Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that
are internationally recognised.
O The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a wide variety of sources in a
planned and timely manner.
O An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to
current and future problems. Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and
O A proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies.
O A commitment to continuous learning and the capacity to maintain intellectual curiosity throughout life.
O A commitment to the highest standards of professional endeavour and the ability to take a leadership role in
the community.
O An awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues and their importance in the exercise of professional skills
and responsibilities.

Eng. Kashefi, You may also concentrate on developing carbon management plans

%. Danube University Krems
The Program ,Energy and Carbon Management" is a specialised initiative developed for professionals responsible for or
involved in Energy and Carbon Management of companies participating in the European Emissions Trading Scheme.
People working in related markets or institutions will also benefit from this program.
Language English
Start September, 2012 - rolling admission
Certificate ProfessionaI MBA Energy and Carbon
Certified Energy and Carbon
Duration 10 Modules - 4 semesters part time / 3 Semester full
4 Modules - 2 semesters 1 Module (5 days)
90 (nfo about ECTS) 30
Course fee EUR 21,900
plus EUR 950 for course materials
EUR 8,300
plus EUR 350 for course materials
EUR 2,200
Organizer Department for Management and Economics
Contact Andrea Hltl, MA MES
Phone: +43 (0)2732 893-2123 , Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-4100

%. Tbe university of Queensland
Master of Energy Studies (MES-1.5 years) -
Course List
Part A
GeneraI Foundation Courses taken by students in bot streams.
A student is required to obtain #24 comprising -
#12 from Part A;
#4 from Part B; and
#8 from Part C.

Course Code Units Course %itIe
ENGY7000 2 Energy & Technology Principles
ENGY7001 2 Fundamentals of Climate Change
ENGY7002 2 Drivers for the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy
ENGY7003 2 Low Emission Technologies & Supply Systems
ENGY7004 2 Energy Options to Fuel the Low Carbon Economy
ENGY7107 2 Economics & Finance of Carbon Management
Part B
SpeciaIisation Courses
FieId of Carbon Management steam
Course Code Units Course %itIe
ENGY7200 2 Mitigation Responses - A Risk Management Approach
ENGY7201 2 Applied Carbon Methods - MRV for usiness and Government
Low Carbon SoIutions stream
Course Code Units Course %itIe
Course Code Units Course %itIe
ENGY7300 2 Power Generation Technologies
ENGY7301 2 Energy Efficiency Opportunities
Part C
SpeciaIisation Project or Dissertation
Course Code Units Course %itIe
ENGY7115 2 Professional Project in Energy Studies

. Norwicb Business Scbool

Course Content
ackground to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and carbon reduction
Legislative and regulatory background
ntroduction to carbon footprinting
Pathways to a lower carbon future
The role for low carbon innovation

Eng. KusIeII, LIere ure ucLuuIIy zz IIrms seIIIng soILwure Lo IeIp compunIes und governmenLs munuge
LIeIr curbon IooLprInLs. Here`s VerdunLIx`s zz curbon soILwure munugemenL compunIes, runked by
euders, CIuIIengers Lo LIose Ieuders, SpecIuIIsLs, und EnLrepreneurs.
Inublon: TIe rencI compuny counLs cusLomers IIke AIr runce KM Group, DeII, DeI MonLe, `OruI,
McGruw HIII, SymunLec, Texus nsLrumenLs, TIe TImberIund Compuny, und ToLuI.
Inviunce: CusLomers IncIude Iurge power und oII compunIes IIke CHzMHIII, CIevron, GeorgIu Power,
SouLIern Compuny, AEP, DuPonL, VuIero ReIInIng. ounded In 1qqq, LIe compuny Is bused In CurIsbud, CuIII.
ISS: TIe neurIy Lwo decude-oId ESS, wIIcI Ius u IIsLory oI mukIng crIsIs munugemenL soILwure, wus recenLIy
bougIL by compeLILor HS (see beIow). ESS suys over IuII oI LIe orLune oo und ; percenL oI LIe orLune 1oo
Iuve purcIused ILs soILwure.
Huru: TIe newesL und onIy sLurLup compuny In LIe Ieuders secLIon, Huru, Ius sIgned on cusLomers IIke Cocu-
CoIu, LIe cILy oI PuIo AILo, CuIII., und Ius ruIsed $zo mIIIIon Irom venLure cupILuIIsLs IncIudIng KIeIner PerkIns.
TIe compuny Is bused In Redwood CILy, CuIII.
IHS: ounded In 1qq, pubIIcIy-Lruded HS provIdes soILwure Ior usseL munugemenL Ior compunIes. TIe
compuny Is bused In EngIewood, CoIorudo.
ProcessMAP: L. uuderduIe, IorIdu-bused ProcessMup seIIs soILwure Ior envIronmenLuI, IeuILI und suIeLy
compIIunce wILI cusLomers spunnIng ucross IndusLrIes.
Chullengers {oI the leuders):
CA: ounded In LIe mId-`;os, CA recenLIy scored UK reLuIIer Tesco us u cusLomer Ior ILs ecoSoILwure. TIe
compuny Is bused In sIundIu, New York.
Curbonetworks: ounded In zoo und bused In Sun runcIsco, CuIII., CurboneLworksruIsed u $ mIIIIon
SerIes A round Irom NGEN PurLners.
Greenstone Curbon Munugement: GreensLone Is u specIuIIsL curbon munugemenL IIrm und works wILI
cusLomers IIke ujILsu, Ocudo, SAB MIIIer, VIrgIn Group, ZBD, und
SAP: MussIve soILwure compuny SAP bougIL up z-yeur-oId sLurLup CIeur SLundurds, wIIcI soId soILwure Lo
munuge curbon emIssIons, energy consumpLIon, und wuLer use.
SAS: AnoLIer Iuge soILwure compuny bused In Cury, NorLI CuroIInu, SAS seIIs u vurIeLy oI soILwure IncIudIng
susLuInubIIILy munugemenL.
Speciulist solotions:
Cumco: A Lwo-decude oId compuny, U.K.-bused Cumco Ius Luken u Ieud In deveIopIng susLuInubIe projecLs
ucross InduLrIes.
CurbonView: OnIIne murkeL reseurcI IIrm CurbonVIew oIIers suppIy cIuIn experLIse, LIe compuny wus
Iounded by LIe MV Group, wIIcI Is owned by AIIIed CupILuI CorporuLIon.
PI Internutionul: ounded In 1q8q, Germun PE nLernuLIonuI Ius cusLomers IIke AIIIunz, Buyer, DuImIer,
SIemens, ToyoLu, TIyssenKrupp und VoIkswugen.
Intrepreneors {which Verduntix suys need to invest in prodoct development):
Curbon Hob: Bused In EngIund, LIe sLurLup suys IL sLrIcLIy IoIIows LIe uccounLIng LooI LIeGHG ProLocoI.
Cintellute: ounded In 1qqq, LIe compuny mukes envIronmenL, IeuILI und suIeLy soILwure Ior LIe buIIdIng
und consLrucLIon, munuIucLurIng, oII und gus, und power IndusLrIes.
Ioresite Systems: TweIve yeur oId, Sun Jose, CuIII.-bused oresILe seIIs u GIobuI EnvIronmenLuI MunugemenL
SysLem Ior compunIes Lo munuge LIeIr envIronmenLuI IooLprInL.
Green Ouk Solotions: ounded In zooq, LIe ScoLLIsI compuny seIIs soILwure Ior compunIes Lo deuI wILI
wusLe munugemenL und recycIIng.
Intelex Technologies: ounded In 1qqz, nLeIex seIIs soILwure Ior envIronmenLuI, IeuILI, und suIeLy und
IncIudes cusLomers IIke VIrgIn ALIunLIc, VoIvo, AEP, HeInz, Suru ee, und WyeLI.
Perillon: ILLIeLon, MussucIuseLLs-bused PerIIIon seIIs soILwure Ior uudILs und InspecLIons IncIudIng uIr quuIILy
compIIunce, wuLer und wusLe, energy LruckIng, us weII us greenIouse gus uccounLIng.
Trudeslot: TIe onIy AusLruIIun compuny on LIe IIsL, TrudesIoL oIIers curbon soILwure Lo geL compunIes reudy
Ior AusLruIIu`s unIque curbon envIronmenL.
Verteego: ounded In Junuury oI zoo8, PurIs-bused VerLeego suys IL works wILI over oo compunIes und
governmenL orgunIzuLIons.

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