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No good deeD

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

rocket age

c ontent s c r e d i t s
Reel One: Countdown to Disaster 3 Line Developer: Ken Spencer
Scene One: Things Start to go Wrong 3 Creative Director: Dominic McDowall
Rocket Ship Map 6 Art Director: Jon Hodgson
Scene Two: The Air That You Breathe 7 Writing: Tony Kenealy
Scene Three: The Taste of Fresh Air 8 Cover Art: Jon Hodgson
Scene Four: Blinded by the Light 9 Interior Art: Paul Bourne, Jon Hodgson, Brandon Leach,
Scene Five: Show me the Way to Go 10 Scott Purdy and Kieran Yanner
Scene Six: Brace for Impact 11 Layout and Graphic Design: Paul Bourne
Editing: Andrew Kenrick
Reel Two: All is Not as it Seems 12 Publisher: Dominic McDowall
Scene One: On the Surface of Rhea 12 Playtesters: Cory Fink, Jeremy Hedge,
Scene Two: From Out of the Rocks they Came 13 Nathan Hyrule, Moxon Julian, and Samantha Parish.
Scene Three: Researching the Researchers 17
The Research Station Map 18
Scene Four: RADIO Silence 19 Published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Scene Five: All that Glitters is not Gold 19 Riverside House, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Scene Six: Wrapped and Packed 19 Reg. no 6036414
Scene Seven: Enough for Everyone 20 © 2014 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
Scene Eight: Home from Home 20
Scene Nine: “Please Come into my Office
and Make Yourself Comfortable” 20
Scene Ten: Unexpected Rendezvous 21

Reel Three: Woman and Children First 22

Scene One: The Truth Revealed 22
Scene Two: Terrible Conditions 23
Scene Three: Emergency Support Requested 24 Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal.
Scene Four: Freedom 25 Any trademarked names are used in a historical or
Scene Five: Dr Grant Must be Stopped 25 fictional manner; no infringement is intended.
Scene Six: Honors Befitting Heroes 25
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Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

- r o c k e t a g e -

no good deed

No Good Deed is a Rocket Age episode for 4-6 heroes No Good Deed is divided into three reels. In Reel One the
with a maximum of 15 Story Points on average. No Good heroes’ ship suffers a critical failure and they must work
Deed can be played on its own or as part of a larger series. fast to save it. The damage is severe, and the best they can
hope for is a controlled crash landing. Reel Two sees them
At several points throughout this episode the full results stranded on Saturn’s moon Rhea, where they discover
for a roll are detailed. As with any roll found in an episode, hostile natives and an Earthling research station. They will
a clever player should be permitted to come up with their explore the station and the moon, and learn the dark secret
own attributes or skills that can be applied to the roll. Also, of this isolated research base, as well as the true origins
the Gamemaster is free to vary the results of the roll to fit of the native Rheans. Finally, in Reel Three our heroes
the current situation. embark on a mission to free the enslaved natives. After
liberating the Rheans, the heroes’ ship can be repaired and
The heroes need to be on a rocket ship in the Saturn they can get help.
system, either their own ship or as crew of an exploration
vessel. In the latter case, the heroes should be senior crew,
or the captain and other department heads should be
incapacitated during the episode in order to permit our Intro Montage
heroes greater autonomy. Thrill to the adventures of Rocket Age starring (player
name) as (character name), (player name) as (character
Although this episode can accommodate a variety of name), (player name) as (character name), (player
different types of play styles and characters, it is best suited name) as (character name), in No Good Deed. We
to one with a smaller vessel. If the Gamemaster wants to rejoin our heroes as they travel close to Saturn, on the
use a larger ship then there are many ways to accommodate edge of explored space…
the rest of the crew into the adventure. The most dramatic
would be to have the heroes as the only survivors after the
crash that killed off the rest of the crew. Another way is
for non-player crewmembers to accompany the heroes on R e e l On e : C o u n t d o w n t o D i s a s t e r
their mission. Alternatively, they could remain with the In this reel the heroes’ ship suffers a critical failure that
ship either because they are injured or they are working sends it out of control, and also threatens to kill the crew
on repairs. by shutting down vital systems. Our heroes must act fast in
order to save the ship and themselves. After experiencing
There are many reasons for the ship to be in the region the malfunction in Scene One, the order of the following
of Saturn: it could be part of a scientific expedition, a scenes depends on the heroes and their actions. Scenes
patrolling military vessel, a merchant vessel that has Two-Five involve repairing various damaged systems.
strayed off course, or even on a law enforcement mission Scene Six finishes the reel with the ship crashing on Rhea.
hunting down a group of fugitives. Dr Grant would be
extremely nervous at the presence of law enforcement on
the planet given the activities she is involved in. If the ship S c e n e On e : T h i n g s S t a r t t o g o W r o n g
is part of a large scientific expedition, then it could have The purpose of this scene is to establish the heroes on
become separated from the main group, either through the rocket ship and introduce the malfunctions that will
misfortune or being sent off on a side mission. eventually force the landing on Rhea.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Setting the Scene rings. Silhouetted against her surface the moons of Saturn
Space is silent; the interior of a rocket ship however, is can be seen traversing space, dwarfed by the planet they
anything but. The background hum of the engines is orbit.
everywhere, inside your head from the moment you wake
until you fall asleep on your bunk at day’s end. On the Suddenly, there is a loud explosion from below. Sparks
Flight Deck the constant drone of the engines is joined by jump across the Flight Deck as warning lights blink
the intermittent beeps and pings from the mass of control furiously and a cacophony of sirens fills the air. The floor
panels that cover the walls of the circular room. The panels tilts violently as the rocket ship veers off course and Saturn
are full of switches, lights, and dials; gauges report on the slides out of view.
equipment status while lights flash with a random rhythm.
Navigation, flight control, environmental and gravitational The explosion is the result of a power surge in one of the
controls, all systems have their place on the panels. The rocket engines. It has caused a serious malfunction in a
Flight Deck is not spacious, but there is some room to number of systems, including life support and navigation.
move around. Four metal chairs with gyroscopic stabilizers The heroes have to determine where the failures are and
are arranged in front of the control panels to enable the then attempt repairs.
operators to work the buttons, switches, dials, and levers
that control the various functions of the rocket ship. With problems on multiple decks the characters will need
to access each deck, determine if there any problems
In the center of the floor sits an open hatch, which reveals there, and fix them, prioritizing where necessary. The
a ladder down to the lower decks where the sleeping control panels on the Flight Deck contain circuit diagrams
compartments, engine room, and equipment locker can be showing the status of critical components by means of a
found. Around the walls are hand and footholds that can red or green light.
be used when the rocket ship has to change orientation or
if the motion gets turbulent. Life Support Panel
The life support panel indicates that there is a loss of air,
Through the round portholes the darkness of space is and that the oxygen scrubbers, located in the Air Recycling
broken by the occasional glimpse of Saturn and its fabulous Compartment on Deck 3, are offline. To secure the breach,

Rocket Ship Details

The interior configuration of the rocket ship is the standard top-down layout. The decks are circular in shape, each getting larger
in size the closer they are to the base of the rocket. The Flight Deck is at the top and is where all the controls for the ship’s main
systems are located. The lowest deck houses the Engine Room with its huge radium engines, above which are the cooling systems
that maintain the engines’ operating temperature; if the temperature runs too high, the engines should shutdown, otherwise they
might explode and take both the ship and its crew with it!

Other decks are taken up with crew quarters, cargo space, equipment lockers, laboratories, and systems vital to the safe
operation of the ship and the safety of the crew. The Flight Deck is Deck 1; Deck 2 contains the crew quarters and the space
suit equipment locker; the oxygen scrubbers are located on Deck 3 in the Air Recycling Compartment; more crew quarters are
located on Deck 4 along with a small science lab with medical facilities. Deck 5 is the main electrical relay room and deck
6 contains the engine room and waste recycling plants. There are equipment storage lockers on all decks. Some Decks are
effectively one large area; others are segregated into multiple compartments, but all have a central access point onto the axial
corridor that runs down the center of the ship from the Flight Deck to the engines. Manual hatches along the access corridor can
seal one deck from another.

The outer hull of the ship is separated from the inner hull by a series of maintenance tubes accessible from each deck via access
panels. They are large enough to crawl through even if wearing a space suit. The tubes also act as air ducts to distribute the
recycled air. As the tubes are interconnected, a breach in any tube will have catastrophic affect on the air levels throughout the
entire ship.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

the heroes will need to enter the maintenance tubes on Communications Panel
Deck 3. They will also need to get the oxygen scrubbers The RADIO is located on the communications panel; it has
operational. If the heroes decide that space suits are power, but there is also a warning light flashing. RADIO is
necessary, they can be found in the equipment locker on powered through Navcon and until that is repaired, it will
Deck 2 immediately below the Flight Deck. not work.

Engine Control Panel Moving to the Next Scene

The engine control panel indicates that the engines are still When the heroes have investigated the different control
operational, but are running at a higher temperature than panels and discovered the problems they are faced with,
normal and rising; they will soon be at critical. The cooling the following bad news should be given:
system is offline.

Power Control Panel

The power control panel indicates damaged power control The Ticking Clock
units; two require replacing. One controls the cooling Suddenly, an emergency light flashes red on the life
system and one powers both the navigation control support panel. The ship’s oxygen level is dropping
panel and RADAR. They are both located on Deck 5 in rapidly. Almost half of your air supply has been lost
the Electrical Relay Room above the engines. The cooling and what is left is not being recycled as the oxygen
system is also controlled from this compartment. scrubbers are offline. At the current rate of oxygen loss,
there is not a lot of time left.
Navigation Control Panel (Navcon)
The Navcon operates RADAR and directional controls. As
heroes approach the panel, there will be a small explosion Countdowns
and the RADAR screen will go blank. Navcon power has To increase the tension and add to the sense of urgency, as
been lost and the rocket ship is now drifting out of control. soon as “The ticking clock” has been read to the heroes,
As a result of the power surge, one of the vacuum valves start a countdown of how much air is left.
inside the panel has blown, it will need to be replaced
after the power control unit has been. If the heroes replace Use four dice and have each begin with the 5 face up (for
the vacuum valve before repairing the damaged power a total of 20). This represents how much time is left before
control unit, the replacement will also blow in a shower of the air runs out. The count should be decreased by one each
sparks. Replacement vacuum valves are located in storage time the heroes have completed an action, or if they move to
compartments on each deck. another compartment or level; as decided by the Gamemaster.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

Once the breach in the hull has been repaired, the • Good: The panel finally comes open. Countdown -1.
countdown is reset to 20. This now indicates how much • Success: The panel is stiff, but finally opens. Countdown
time before the air will becomes too stale to breathe -2.
without operational oxygen scrubbers. The Gamemaster • Failure: The panel moves, then gets jammed and will not
should stop the second countdown once the oxygen open. Countdown -2.
scrubbers are operational. • Bad: You struggle with the panel, but it is sticks.
Countdown -3.
If either countdown reaches 0, when all air has been lost • Disastrous: The panel is permanently jammed.
or the air has become too stale to breathe, the heroes will Countdown -4.
need to be wearing space suits to be able to breathe. Each
hero will suffer 4 levels of damage per minute that he is
not wearing a space suit. With the clock ticking, the heroes
must now decide in what order they are going to attempt A Rush of Air
to repairs: The panel finally opens. You feel the rush of air as it
escapes into the tube. The constant creak of straining
• To repair the leak in the outer hull proceed to Scene metal is heard as the affect of the escaping air is felt
Two. They may choose not to repair the air leak and across the entire ship. In front of you is a small breach,
instead put on space suits. approximately 4 centimeters in diameter, in the outer
• To restart the oxygen scrubbers proceed to Scene Three. hull.
They do not have to switch on the oxygen scrubbers
especially if they opt to wear space suits, but this will
increase the difficulty of all repair rolls by 2. A Hole New Problem
• To repair the destroyed power control units proceed To use a kit, roll the following:
to Scene Four.
• To repair Navcon to get navigation, RADAR and RADIO Roll: Ingenuity + Technology.
working proceed to Scene 5. They have to complete the Difficulty: 15
repair of the power control units first. If they attempt Results:
to repair Navcon before the power control units this • Fantastic: They manage to fix the seal without any
will not work. trouble. Start the second countdown at 20.
• Good: It was not easy, but they managed to fix the
Once the Navcon has been repaired this will lead the seal. Start the second countdown at 18.
heroes directly to Scene Six and the climax of Reel One. • Success: The breach is finally sealed. Start the second
countdown at 16.
• Failure: The seal does not stick. Air loss countdown -2.
Scene Two: The Air That You Breathe • Bad: The seal breaks. Air loss countdown 3 -.
In this scene, the heroes attempt to repair the breach in • Disastrous: The seal disintegrates and the breach
the hull of rocket ship caused by an explosion in the Air doubles in size. Any characters in the area may get
Recycling Compartment. The air in the ship is being sucked sucked out, a Coordination or Strength + Athletics
out into space through the maintenance tubes. They need (Difficulty 12) to avoid (the Gamemaster should be
to patch these holes or all the work repairing the Air lenient with Bad and Disastrous results here and let
Recycling will be for naught. heroes have a chance at rescue). Air loss countdown -4.

Opening the Access Panels

There are multiple access panels on each deck, but the
escaping air has caused some of them to jam shut. To open The Calm before the Storm
any access panel roll, the following: The seal on your Emergency Hull Breach Kit finally
holds and the repair is complete. The air loss warning
Roll: Coordination + Strength siren on the Flight Deck above stops, but the recycling
Difficulty: 12 warning siren continues.
• Fantastic: The panel comes straight off. Do not reduce
the air loss count for this action. The heroes can now move onto the next repair.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Scene Three: The Taste of Fresh Air Clean Air Action

The purpose of this scene is for the characters to start the To fix the oxygen scrubbers, roll the following:
oxygen scrubbers that recycle the air.
Roll: Awareness + Technology
Difficulty: 15
The Foul Taste of Silence • Fantastic: The repair is quick and easy, allowing
As you enter the Air Recycling Compartment, the air is the character to make another repair in the same
stale and cloying. It looks like this is the source of the compartment this round.
explosion. The main power control unit has exploded, • Good: The secondary power switch is located and the
probably due to a power surge, causing the breach in system restarts. Stop the second countdown.
the ship’s hull, it is blackened and burnt and its vacuum • Success: The secondary power switch is located and the
valve is cracked and broken. A similar power control oxygen scrubbers are slowly restarting. Stop the second
unit is located next to the oxygen scrubbers, but this countdown after one more tick.
one is intact. The oxygen scrubbers are contained in • Failure: The secondary power switch is stuck. Countdown
a large cylindrical machine made of heavy glass with -1.
metal pipes that disappear through the walls behind • Bad: The secondary power control unit sparks; take 3
into the air tubes. Inside the central cylinder, the internal levels of damage. Countdown -3.
mechanism is silent and still… • Disastrous: The secondary power control unit explodes;
take 4 levels of damage. Countdown -4.

Starting the Oxygen Scrubbers If the secondary power control unit explodes, it will need
The oxygen scrubbers are controlled by a power control to be replaced. Use the same roll used in Scene Four:
unit with a secondary unit as backup. They are located on Blinded by the Light.
either side of the main control panel. The oxygen scrubbers
can operate on the back-up control unit, but the automatic
switchover has failed.
A Breath of Fresh Air
If a hero is wearing a space suit while conducting repairs As the oxygen scrubbers power back up, the fresh air
here, its insulation means that he will suffer 2 less levels starts to circulate around the ship and you can breathe
of damage. There are two scrubbers and each needs to be freely once again.
repaired separately.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

S c e n e F o u r : B l i n d e d by t h e L i g h t units are located in a storage locker in this compartment.

In this scene the heroes repair the power control units in When replacing the power control units, one wrong move
the Electrical Relay Compartment, located on Deck 5. They could damage other equipment and may cause serious
can enter the deck through either the central hatch or via injury. If a hero is wearing a space suit while conducting
the maintenance tubes. repairs here, its insulation reduces damage by 2 levels.

Power Up!
To replace each power control unit, roll the following:
When Sparks Fly
On entering the Electrical Relay Compartment, you Roll: Coordination + Ingenuity
are confronted with a blinding flash and a shower of Difficulty: 15
sparks. Hanging cables snake down in front of you; Results:
each time they touch more sparks spray out across the • Fantastic: The power unit comes on and the character
compartment. The walls are lined with pipes spouting can make a roll to replace the other one at +2. If this
jets of steam and it is just possible to see racks of is the second unit to be repaired the engine cooling
electrical equipment, some blackened and burnt, system automatically starts.
through the steam. To the left is the lifeless engine • Good: The power unit comes alive. If this is the second
cooling system. The temperature of the compartment is unit the engine cooling system automatically starts.
almost unbearable with the steam and sparks combining • Success: The power unit comes to life. If this is the
with the heat from the engines below as they overheat second unit the engine cooling system needs to be
to critical levels. switched on.
• Failure: The replacement power unit is broken and
While the heroes are moving around the compartment, • Bad: The replacement power control unit sparks and is
they will need to dodge the swinging cables and avoid unusable, take 4 levels of damage
the jets of steam. If a hero is wearing a space suit while • Disastrous: The replacement power control unit
conducting repairs here its insulation reduces damage by explodes; take 8 levels of damage.
2 levels.
Turning on the Engine Cooling System
A Blinding, Burning Mess When the power control units have been replaced, the
To avoid the cables and the jets of steam, roll the following: engine cooling system can be restarted. If a hero is wearing
a space suit while conducting repairs here, its insulation
Roll: Coordination + Athletics reduces damage by 2 levels.
Difficulty: 15
Results: Keep it Cool
• Fantastic: The character easily makes it past the To turn on the engine cooling system, roll the following:
shorting wires and gouts of steam. When she gets the
power control panels she can make a repair to fix each Roll: Ingenuity + Technology
one without suffering penalties for extra actions. Difficulty: 15
• Good: The character takes no damage and manages to Results:
make it across to the power control units. • Fantastic: The engine cooling system restarts and the
• Success: The character avoids damage, but makes little character is able to remodulate the power outputs
progress this action round. to this deck and shut off the steam venting, thus
• Failure: Take 2 levels of damage. requiring no roll to find her way out through the wires
• Bad: Take 3 levels of damage. and steam.
• Disastrous: Take 4 levels of damage. • Good: The engine cooling system restarts and the
system is stable.
The Power Control Units • Success: The engine cooling system restarts, but
Located against the rear wall of the Electrical Relay someone with at least one level in the Technology or
Compartment are the main power control units that Transport skills must stay here to monitor the power
distribute power around the ship’s systems. Two have been levels.
destroyed and need replacing. Replacement power control • Failure: The engine cooling system fails to restart.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

• Bad: One power unit blows, cooling system does not Impact) expanded roll gains a +2 bonus.
start, take 2 levels of damage. • Good: The Navcon comes to life and is ready for use.
• Disastrous: Two power units blow, take 4 levels of • Success: The Navcon slowly comes to life, but the
damage. vacuum valve is poorly installed. The RADAR is fuzzy
with interference. Any Landing You Can Walk Away
From expanded roll suffers a -2 penalty.
Power is Restored, • Failure: The vacuum valve is broken and unusable. The
repair needs to be attempted again.
But is it too Late? • Bad: The vacuum valve sparks and is unusable; take 3
As the engine cooling system starts, the giant fans inside levels of damage
start to spin, but the temperature in the room is still rising. • Disastrous: The vacuum valve unit explodes; take 4
levels of damage.

Scene Five: Show me the Way to Go

This scene allows the heroes to repair the Navcon on
the Flight Deck and get the ship’s RADAR, RADIO, and
navigation controls operational.

Smoke Rises
There are wisps of smoke rising from around the
edges of the Navcon. The RADAR screen is blank. All
navigation controls are dead. You have no control over
the ship.

The Navcon consists of several smaller panels, all of which

can be lifted out of the main panel revealing numerous
wires and vacuum valves. The damaged vacuum valve is
visible when the panel containing the RADAR screen is
removed. Replacement vacuum valves can be found in the
emergency storage locker on the Flight Deck.

If the heroes have not already completed the replacement

of the damaged power control units, when the damaged
vacuum valve is replaced it will immediately glow red hot,
crack and burn out regardless of the rolled result. If a hero
is wearing a space suit while conducting repairs here, its
insulation reduces damage by 2 levels.

Navcon, Where Are We?

To replace a vacuum valve, roll the following:

Roll: Coordination + Ingenuity When the navigation panel has been repaired, the RADAR
Difficulty: 15 screen will immediately come to life and the warning light
Results: on the communications panel will go out.
• Fantastic: The character quickly completes the repair,
giving the pilot crucial seconds needed to figure out Red Alert
where the ship is and react to danger. Any Landing The RADAR screen comes to life and you immediately see
You Can Walk Away From (see Scene Six: Brace for numerous contacts appear on the screen, approaching your

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

position. Asteroids! It may be just a debris field, but it is RADIO Free Rhea
still a danger to the ship. On top of this a new warning siren To hear the background voice, roll the following:
suddenly sounds on the engine control panel as the engine
temperature reaches critical. The rocket ship switches to Roll: Awareness + Knowledge (Language)
auxiliary power as the engines perform an emergency Difficulty: 15
shutdown. This is a temporary measure that maintains life Results:
support, but provides only minimal lights and power to the • Fantastic: A Venusian voice is clearly heard in the
rest of the ship. background, “Help, help, can anyone hear us, we ar…”
the signal fades.
The ship jolts violently and lurches out of control. • Good: A faint voice can be heard speaking in Venusian,
but the words are cut through with too much static to
At this point, no further repairs will make a difference; the be understood.
rocket ship is in serious trouble. Go to the next scene. • Success: A faint voice is heard but is quickly cut off.
• Failure: Something is heard in the background, but
whether it is a voice or background noise is unknown.
Scene Six: Brace for Impact • Bad: Nothing is being picked up, perhaps the repairs
In this scene the rocket ship comes down onto the surface were faulty?
of Rhea. This scene can only be played out after the • Disastrous: A sudden burst of noise and static, as well
RADAR has been repaired. One of the ship’s engines has as feedback, shows that the character operating the
performed an emergency shutdown and the rocket ship is RADIO has the pick up on and the volume turned up.
spiraling out of control, with the added complication of a Everyone suffers 1 level of damage to Awareness due
shower of small asteroids heading their way. to the piercing noise.

The ship is about to crash. There is no way the heroes can

prevent this, but they can make the landing a whole lot
We’re Going Down safer, or least try to! If a hero is wearing a space suit when
The ship is spiraling out of control and vibrating violently. the ship crashes, its padding means reduces damage by 1
Loud concussions echo through the hull as you make level.
contact with the asteroid field. Suddenly, an enormous
jolt spins the ship off on a different trajectory and new Any Landing You Can Walk Away From
warning sirens echo around the Flight Deck. If the heroes try to control the rocket ship they must roll
the following:
Above the noise, your RADIO bursts into life; through
the static, you hear a voice… Roll: Coordination + Transport
Difficulty: 21
“… RADAR contact … sector … unknown …” More Results:
static, followed by a different voice “maintain … silence • Fantastic: They fight with the controls and manage
…”, then nothing. to raise the nose to reduce the impact. Each character
takes 1 level of damage upon impact. The ship suffers
Meanwhile the surface of Rhea is looming large in front 1 level of damage.
of you. • Good: They fight the controls to reduce the impact.
Each character takes 2 levels of damage on impact.
The ship suffers 2 levels of damage.
If the heroes try to make RADIO contact, at first they will • Success: They fight the controls and manage to avert a
get only static, but with perseverance they will eventually total crash. Each character takes 3 levels of damage on
get a response. impact. The ship suffers 3 levels of damage
• Failure: The ship sets down, skips, jumps, and finally
The voice on the radio will do everything possible to try to comes to a rest. Each character takes 4 levels of damage
persuade them that they cannot land on Rhea (it is unsafe; on impact. The ship suffers 3 levels of damage.
they have no landing or repair facilities, etc.) However, a • Bad: The ship impacts too steeply and with too much
second transmission keeps fading in and out and another speed, leaving a long furrow in the surface of the
voice (Venusian) can be heard. moon and throwing everyone and everything around.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Each character takes 5 levels of damage on impact.

The ship suffers 6 levels of damage.
• Disastrous: The ship crashes, hard, and is likely
wrecked. At the Gamemaster’s discretion the ship
is on fire and the radium tanks will explode soon.
Each character takes 8 levels of damage on impact.
The ship suffers 12 levels of damage. This is also the
appropriate level of damage to use if the party never
manages to repair the damage to the controls.

Brace for Impact

The ship hurtles through the upper atmosphere of Rhea
with its surface looming closer and closer. The terrain
is barren with rocky outcrops and high mountains. Just
as it appears that crashing into the mountains is to be
your fate, the ground widens into an open plain and the
rocket ship’s stabilizers kick in, causing it to change its
trajectory violently. It skims along the surface and finally
embeds itself into the sand. Length of Day: 4.5 Earth Days
Length of Year: 4.5 Earth Days
The noise on the Flight Deck ends abruptly. The lights on Average Distance from Earth: 1,272 million km
the control panels flicker and start to fade. In its dying Theme: Isolated moon inhabited by aliens.
moments, the RADAR screen pinpoints the location of a Complication: What crimes does humanity commit?
group of buildings on the moon’s surface.

Then everything goes dark.

S c e n e On e : On t h e S u r f a c e o f R h e a
The purpose of this scene is to introduce the surface of
Rhea and its environment, and for the heroes to reach the
Reel Two: All is Not as it Seems conclusion that they need local help.
This reel opens with the heroes having crash-landed
on Rhea, a moon of Saturn. The first scene sees our
heroes recovering from the crash and investigating their
new surroundings. Before they can get their bearings, a You Survived the Crash
group of primitives attack the party, and a small number You have survived the crash, but the rocket ship has lost
of Earthlings come to the heroes’ assistance. These main power. Emergency power is operational, but only
Earthlings are part of a research station on Rhea, one that provides minimal lighting and life support as well as
hides a dark secret. short range communication.

As the heroes enjoy the hospitality of the scientists,

two mysteries present themselves. Who are the strange Any attempt to restore power to the ship will result in
primitive sophonts that inhabit this distant moon, and failure; the heroes will need to get help. Using the RADIO
what are the researchers hiding? As the reel progresses, to reach the research station will only get static. Rhea does
the general pacing should be building towards answering have a breathable atmosphere and the emergency hatch on
these questions, and then the final reveal leads into Reel the Flight Deck can be used to exit the rocket ship. The
Three. rocket ship shows the impact of its violent descent and
landing, although the hull looks intact.
If the heroes piece together the information before the last
scene of Reel Two, the Gamemaster should jump right into
Reel Three, skipping any additional scenes in Reel Two.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

On the Surface of the Moon A Beacon of Light

The surface of Rhea is a desolate place. Low on the To the south you suddenly see a flash of light. As you
horizon, Saturn dominates the skyline, its rings clearly watch, three figures appear around the nearest rocky
visible. High peaked mountains ring the plain on which outcrop. They are humanoid and appear to be armed.
the rocket ship has crashed and a dim light shrouds the
landscape in the perpetual twilight of dusk.

The air is full of a grey dust that covers the ground like a Scene Two: From Out of the Rocks they Came
blanket and you can taste the grit in your mouth as you The purpose of this scene is to meet the representatives
breathe. Sparse vegetation covers the rocky dunes that from the research station and the subsequent attack by
stretch off into the distance. Nearby a splash of color the sophonts that have been shadowing the heroes since
is the only bright spot in the desolation. Here, tree-like they arrived. The representatives are all Earthlings; two
plants sway in the swirling wind, their red, orange, and are armed security guards and the third is a scientist who
yellow foliage rippling with movement… introduces herself as Dr Lidia Grant. She is uneasy and
unwelcoming; she does not seem pleased that the party
is on the moon. Her main concern is that they should
If they investigate the trees, the heroes may inadvertently leave this area as it is not safe. When questioned, the
disturb the trip line deployed by a Trip Line Spider. Alerted only information she will give is that she is part of a local
to their presence, it will then attack. See the Rocket Age research station that was set up on Rhea to survey the moon
Core Rulebook, pg. 245. and study the local sophonts. During the conversation, the
two security guards are constantly scanning the area.
The rippling in the trees is one of the first clues about the
origin of the sophonts living here (Difficulty 14 Ingenuity + Surrounded
Science or Knowledge). The entire time that the heroes are Everyone is suddenly aware that the dunes around them
investigating the area around the landing site, they will get are now lined with figures. Each is bipedal and over three
the feeling that they are being watched. They may notice meters tall, with thick hairy pelts covering its skin. The two
rocks falling, catch a brief glimpse of a figure behind security guards open fire and immediately the sophonts
distant rocks, or hear animal cries that could be signals. begin their charge. The ape-like figures sweep done the
The heroes should be made to feel uneasy. dunes, their long arms brandishing stone axes above their
heads, their feral faces contorted with savagery. As the
To end the scene, read the following: security guards continue to fire, Dr Grant shouts, “Run!”

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Research Station Personnel Max Harper, Scientist

The number of personnel in the research station and at the Max Harper is a not a tall man, standing at 1.7 meters.
mine is dependent on the number of heroes: enough for He walks hunched forward, leaning heavily on a cane that
a challenge, not too many to overwhelm them in a fight. emphasizes the limp of his left leg. His gait makes him look
The personnel consist of several security guards, various older than his 42 years. He wears glasses, but his eyesight
scientists, Brent Morris (Head of Security), Max Harper (a has long since deteriorated past the level of his current
scientist), and Dr Lidia Grant (Lead Scientist) who is in prescription and he squints when he is talking to you. His
charge. There are also several elderly sophonts that are hair is long, curling over his collar, and his clothes look
living at the research station. creased and untidy. He is wearing a dirty white lab coat.

Security Guards Max Harper

Awareness 3 Presence 3
Coordination 3 Resolve 4
Ingenuity 3 Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 3, Convince 1, Fighting 3, Marksman 3.

TRAITS: Fighting Man or Woman (Minor Good), Run

for Your Life (Minor Good).

equipment: Walther PP Semi-automatic Pistol (2/4/6),

or Mauser Model 40B Bolt Action Rifle (3/6/9), Knife

story points: 4


Awareness 3 Presence 3
Awareness 3 Presence 3
Coordination 3 Resolve 3
Coordination 2 Resolve 3
Ingenuity 4 Strength 3
Ingenuity 5 Strength 2

Skills: Knowledge 3, Medicine 3, Science 4, Technology 4.

Skills: Knowledge 3, Medicine 3, Science 4, Technology 4.
TRAITS: Gadgeteer (Major Good), Man or Woman
of Science (Major Good), Obsession (Minor Bad), TRAITS: Gadgeteer (Major Good), Enslaved (Major
Technically Adept (Minor Good). Bad), Linguist (Minor Good), Man of Science (Major
Good), Technically Adept (Minor Good).
equipment: Walther PP Semi-automatic Pistol (2/4/6),
Knife (2/5/7). equipment: Knife (2/4/6) (hidden).

story points: 4 story points: 6

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

Brent Morris, Head of Security Dr Lidia Grant, Lead Scientist

Brent Morris may not be very tall – 1.6 meters – but he Dr Lidia Grant is a tall thin woman. Her dark hair is
makes up for it in a well-built, muscular upper body. His immaculate, without a hair out of place. She wears a lab
dark hair is close-cropped, military style and his voice coat, but unlike Max, Grant’s coat is pure white and pristine.
definitely commands attention. He walks and talks with She commands respect and dominates any conversation.
authority, always with a purpose. He wears the military
style uniform of a security guard.

Dr Lidia Grant
Brent Morris

Awareness 4 Presence 4
Coordination 3 Resolve 4
Awareness 4 Presence 3
Ingenuity 5 Strength 3
Coordination 4 Resolve 3
Ingenuity 3 Strength 4
Skills: Knowledge 8, Medicine 7, Science 9, Technology 8.
Skills: Athletics 3, Convince 1, Fighting 3, Marksman 3. TRAITS: Gadgeteer (Major Good), Woman of Science
(Major Good), Obsession (Minor Bad), Technically Adept
TRAITS: Fighting Man (Minor Good), Voice of Authority (Minor Good).
(Minor Good).
equipment: Walther PP Semi-automatic Pistol (2/4/6),
equipment: Walther PP Semi-automatic Pistol (2/4/6), RAY Pistol (4/8/L), Knife (2/5/7).
RAY Pistol (4/8/L), Knife (3/6/9).
story points: 6
story points: 6

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Sophont Elders
For the sophont elders use the same traits and skills as the
Sophont Rebels (Venusian) Sophont Rebels with the following changes to attributes.

Sophont elders

Awareness 3 Presence 2
Coordination 4 Resolve 2
Ingenuity 2 Strength 4
Awareness 3 Presence 2
Coordination 3 Resolve 2
Skills: Athletics 4, Craft 1, Fighting 4, Subterfuge 3, Survival
Ingenuity 2 Strength 3
2 (Jungles).

TRAITS: Alien Appearance (Major Species Bad),

Climbing (Major Species Good), Empathic (Minor Good), As the sophonts attack, Dr Grant urges the heroes to follow
Enslaved (Major Bad), Impulsive (Minor Bad), Keen her and will start running towards the research station. She
Senses (Major Good), Natural Weapons (Minor Good), will repeat this plea all the time she is running, calling out
Psychic Training (Minor Good), Swinger (Minor Good), that the sophonts are killers and will show no mercy. If
Tough (Minor Good). the heroes flee the attack and follow Dr Grant she leads
them to the research station, and as they approach the
equipment: Stone Axe (4/8/12), Claws (3/7/14), gate it opens and they will be allowed inside. If the heroes
Knife (3/6/9), Venusian Wood Axe (5/9/14) (only the choose not to follow Dr Grant the sophont attackers will
leader of the rebels has this, it is a rare weapon even for turn on them. If they still do not choose to run to the
Venusians). research station several more security guards will appear
from the direction of the research station and help fight off
story points: 4 the sophonts. They will take charge and lead them to the
research station “for their own safety”.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

Scene Three: Researching the Researchers be honored if you will join me in my office later for some
This scene introduces the research station and people who refreshments.”
live there. The order for playing the subsequent scenes
is not set, and the heroes can choose to explore in any
direction after the initial introduction.
Staying at the Research Station
Inside the Complex After the crash, the heroes may want to focus more on
As you enter through the gate of the research station, you making repairs to their ship rather than investigating
see a large metal security fence surrounding it. You can the research station. However, Dr Grant is anxious to
still hear the cries of the pursuing sophonts along with the keep them there until she knows more about them. If the
sound of sporadic gunfire. The research station is made up heroes start to ask about getting equipment to repair
of a series of metal buildings, some of them connected by their ship, they will be told that the research station does
metal tunnels. There are numerous security guards rushing not have a rocket ship, as the researchers are to be
to the defense of the outpost. Amongst the chaos, you collected at the end of their mission. Any engineers in
notice a number of sophonts similar to those who attacked the research station team who could help with repairs
although they appear to be elderly as their fur is a silvery are otherwise engaged away from the station. Dr Grant
grey. They are taking no part in the action and appear very will counter any questions with excuses to keep the
frightened. heroes at the research station.

An older man approaches you walking with a cane. When

he gets close enough, he leans forward and whispers, “You
are not safe here, you must leave…” He stops abruptly as
Dr Grant approaches. “Max, get back to the lab, I am sure Carrying Weapons while at the
you have work to do?” She turns to you and says, “Please
come this way. I will show you somewhere you can rest. I Research Station
am sure you need it after your ordeal.” The carrying of weapons openly at the research station
is not acceptable. The heroes should be encouraged
Max limps away. You are shown to a large, sparsely by Dr Grant or Morris, Head of Security to give up any
furnished room. It contains a number of small cots and a weapons that they are carrying. This could mean that
washstand. they agree to have their weapons taken from them or to
leave them in their room. If taken, the weapons can be
“Please make yourselves comfortable. It is safe here, but, found in Dr Grant’s office later.
as you have seen, the natives are not very friendly. I would

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

Investigating the Research Station so that the corridors can serve as airlocks between the
There is a lot for the heroes to investigate and uncover at buildings.
the research station: • The second types of buildings are the sophont
habitats. These are small, only large enough to house
• A large metal fence surrounds the whole complex. one family. They are domed with low circular doors
The gate is located on the north side, facing in the requiring anyone to bend down to enter. The heroes
direction of the crash site. may notice that the outside walls have many indents as
• The overall shape of the complex is an octagon with a if something was once imbedded in the walls. These
watchtower at each corner. once held the sophonts’ decorations for their homes.
• Just outside the fence to the south and visible from a
watchtower are the ruins of a sophont village. The research station is made up of the following buildings:
• The area around the main courtyard is filled with
metal crates and boxes, the kind used for storage of • Three living quarters: Scene Three
food and equipment. • RADIO room: Scene Four
• Wherever the heroes go they will be closely watched • Laboratory: Scene Five
or openly followed by one of the security guards. • Equipment storage: Scene Six
• Inside the complex, there are two distinct types of • Kitchen: Scene Seven
buildings. The first are the standard prefabricated • Sophont Accommodation: Scene Eight
metal buildings used as portable research stations in • Dr Grant’s Office: Scene Nine
hostile locations. These are very angular buildings,
functional without any pleasing ascetic quality. The order of exploration is not specific. The heroes will
Most of these buildings are connected by a tube-like start in the living quarters where they were first taken, but
corridor, taller than the average Earthling and twice as the exploration should lead eventually to Dr Grant’s office
wide. These corridors have strong doors at either end to bring the Reel 2 to a climax. Morris, Head of Security,

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

will meet the heroes and take them to Dr Grant’s office anyone to touch it. If asked, he will say that currently the
where they have been requested to join her. RADIO is only capable of picking up and broadcasting short
range signals due to interference. The heroes may remember
that this could not be true as they received the communication
on the rocket ship. The security guard will deny this and will
Rhea Research Station also state this is the only RADIO in the complex.
Theme: Scientific research station misused by greed
and speciesism. If the heroes ask too many questions the security guard
Complication: The natives are restless, but so are will ask them to leave, since they are interrupting his work.
their oppressors.

Scene Five: All that Glitters is not Gold

The Living Quarters The location for this scene is the laboratory that is set apart
The research station has three rooms designated as from the main complex. Normally, this room should be a
living quarters. Two of these rooms are part of the main hub of activity as all of the scientists should be working
complex of buildings; the third is standalone and is located in this room if they are not resting or out in the field. All
furthest away from the gate and slightly apart from the specimens gathered from across Rhea would be brought
other buildings. This is the room that the heroes are given here, tested, and recorded. Currently and unusually, this
for their use. Inside are six small metal cots with thin room is now empty of scientific personnel and holds only
mattresses and coarse blankets. The room does not appear minimal number of specimens.
to be in regular use and it could be said that it resembles
a prison, especially as the only windows are small and
locked. The other two rooms used as living quarters are The laboratory is full of scientific equipment ranging from
not as basic as this one. test tubes and glass containers to large electrical devices.
In a metal cage in one corner are two gas bottles. A
large metal table sits in the middle of the room with
several stools around it. The room is surprisingly empty
Security Guards of personnel and specimens for a scientific expedition.
While the heroes are exploring the research station
there is always the possibility that a security guard will
approach and interact with them. The security guards On the table is a large round tray that contains green gem
will avoid any hostilities, but they will try to stop the stones. The stones vary in size from a few centimeters to
heroes from entering locked rooms. those that would sit in the palm of your hand. Some of
the stones appear to be part of brooches and pendants. A
large microscope is focused on a slide that contains a sliver
of one of the green stones. A small table near the door
S c e n e F o u r : RADIO S i l e n c e appears to act as a desk as it is covered with piles of paper.
The location for this scene is the RADIO room, part of the Many contain scribbled notes of formulas and equations.
main complex of the research station. There is only one If any of the heroes searches through the paperwork they
entrance where there is a security guard posted. will find a notebook with some pages ripped out of it.
Should they examine the first intact page for indentations
they may be able to work out some of what was written on
The RADIO room is very small with only one table, upon the removed pages. An Awareness + Knowledge (Difficulty
which sits the RADIO equipment. To one side there are 15) roll is required to read the word “Priceless”.
a set of shelves with spare parts. Reels of electric cables
are piled in one corner. There is a security guard in the
room, hunched over the RADIO, listening. Scene Six: Wrapped and Packed
If the heroes locate the storage room, the door is locked
(Difficulty 15 Coordination + Subterfuge, though less
There is a security guard monitoring the RADIO in this covert means such as kicking in the door with a Difficulty
room 24 hours a day, seven days a week on a rotating basis. 12 Strength + Athletics is possible). If the door is opened,
He is very protective of the equipment and will not allow a storage room is found on the other side.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

When the heroes enter the kitchen, one of the sophonts

You enter a storage room. There are numerous large will drop a plate and will cower down waiting to be
metal crates stacked against the walls, most of them reprimanded before scurrying around to pick up the mess.
sealed. There are two open crates in the middle of the At that time, a security guard will come into the room and
room. The room also contains shelves stacked with food seeing the mess on the floor, immediately stride over to
rations, medical supplies, and other general equipment. the sophont and whip him across the head with the pistol
However, the majority of the space is taken up with the grip of his pistol.
If the heroes intervene, the guard will push them away
and tell them not to interfere. If necessary, he will use his
The crates contain ancient artifacts plus jewelery gun to dissuade them interfering with the reprimand or
incorporating the green stones. They have been wrapped from preventing him from leaving the room. He should be
in cloth and carefully placed inside the crate. allowed to leave the room without further incident.

What is this Thing?

To identify the artifacts in the crates, roll the following: Scene Eight: Home from Home
The location for this scene is one of the sophont habitats
Roll: Awareness + Knowledge (Alien Cultures) that are scattered around the research station.
Difficulty: 18
• Fantastic: The artifact is Venusian, although the type The habitats are very small and could house three or
of crystals used is different. four sophonts. They contain no furniture, just several
• Good: The artifact is Venusian in design. blankets scattered on the floor.
• Success: The artifact is definitely not Earthling, and
seems above the technological level of the natives.
• Failure: You do not recognize any of the artifacts. Although the habitats are small, the heroes will find eight
• Bad: The item is unique in design and manufacture, elderly sophonts in an area that is obviously too small to
but its origin is unknown. house them all. They appear to be very frightened and
• Disastrous: The artifact is nothing of the sort, simply a subdued. There are no women or children either here or
cheap knockoff probably for the black market. elsewhere in the complex. If any of the characters try to
communicate with the sophonts, the sophonts will be
too terrified to speak and will even run away and hide
S c e n e S e v e n : En o u g h f o r E v e r y o n e elsewhere.
The location for this scene is the kitchen.

Scene Nine: “Please Come into my Office

The kitchen is well stocked with food and supplies. and Make Yourself Comfortable”
Shelves contain tinned food, standard rations for The location for this scene is Dr Grant’s office to which
research stations. A large stove stands in one corner the heroes will have been escorted by Morris, Head of
connected to twin gas canisters and there is a large Security, who then leaves the room.
table in the middle of the room with numerous chairs. At
the rear, a door leads into another room that contains
the air and water recycling units.There are two sophonts Dr Grant’s office is luxurious compared to the other
in the room. One is clearing away the remains of a meal, buildings. In the middle of the room is a large oak desk,
depositing food waste into a large metal container from definitely not a usual sight in a basic research station.
which a pipe snakes across the floor and disappears Behind the desk is an ornate, high backed chair with
into the wall. The other sophont is putting food onto carved arm rests and legs and a red leather seat. A
plates that he hands to you whether you request it or large ornate cabinet stands behind the desk.
not. The sophonts do not make eye contact and their
manner is very subservient.
Dr Grant will invite the heroes to sit down. She will be very
keen to find out more about them. She will want to know:

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

• Where they came from. S c e n e T e n : Un e x p e c t e d R e n d e z v o u s

• Where they were going. The purpose of this scene is for the heroes to receive a
• What happened to make them land on Rhea? message from Max and to be drawn outside of the research
• Have they radioed for rescue? station where the rebel sophonts will capture them.

She will also answer the heroes’ questions, but the answers
that she gives are not necessarily the truth. Her answers
will provide the following information: An Invitation
As you leave Dr Grant’s office, you notice that a small
• The research station was set up to study the sophonts group of sophonts are gathered in the corridor. They do
that live on Rhea’s surface. not look at you, but as you pass them, one of them slips
• The sophonts are not native to this moon; it is believed a piece of paper into the hand of one of your group,
that they came from Venus a long time ago. unseen by Morris.
• After they had set up the research station, the sophonts
became hostile. The security guards had to put down a You are returned to your room.
rebellion and unfortunately there were some sophont
• The attackers at the rocket ship crash site are the last Once back in their room, the heroes can examine the piece
remnants of the rebels that escaped. of paper given to them by the sophonts. It reveals the
• The sophonts who now live within the confines of the following message:
research station are here by choice. Dr Grant does not
believe that they are mistreated by the security guards “You must leave now. You are in danger. Use hidden
who maintain discipline as part of their job. entrance on south side of fence, behind your room. Come
• If asked about the absence of any children, he will immediately. Max.”
explain that the sophont race has been afflicted by a
disease that has killed off most of their young. Behind their room, there is a large sheet of metal bolted
• If asked about the sophont habitat ruins near to the onto the fence, but the bolts will turn easily so that the
research station, Dr Grant explains that these were all metal plate can be lifted aside.
that were left after the rebellion; the sophont survivors
chose to live inside the research station for safety. Outside the fence are the ruins of the sophont village.
It has been almost destroyed with the walls blackened
Dr Grant will not answer any other questions and before and burnt. Investigation of the ruins will find nothing of
the heroes have an opportunity to ask any more, she will consequence, but close examination will reveal evidence
be called away on an emergency, leaving the party to be of a fight, RAY gun blast marks and bullet holes. The ruins
escorted back to their quarters by the security guard. were obviously destroyed by Earthling weapons.

The heroes will notice a small flicker of light from one of

A Secret Message the ruined buildings furthest from the fence.

The door to Dr Grant’s office opens and Morris enters

the room. He walks over to Dr Grant and whispers in
her ear. You cannot hear exactly what is being said, but Trapped
you catch a few words. As you approach the building with light, a fusillade of
hunting bolas fly out from the darkness! Each hero has
“…problem… mine… exhaustion…” a chance to dodge at -4 (Difficulty 18).

Dr Grant stands up at hearing this and says, “Please Those brought down will have a pungent blob of fungus
excuse me, but there are some issues I need to attend thrust against their mouths (those that would be immune
to. Morris here will show you back to your room. I am or are immune to toxins will instead be stunned by
sure you still need to rest.” Dr Grant exits the room and Max). Once subdued you are bound and carried off.
Morris escorts you out of the room.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

The heroes now have an opportunity to ask questions and

Reel Three: Woman and this time they will get the truth.

Children First Here is the information that Max will give, if asked:
This reel brings No Good Deed to its conclusion, hopefully
with the liberation of the Rheans and the escape of the • The only reason Dr Grant has not yet ordered the
heroes back into space. Unlike the previous reels, Reel heroes to be killed is because she needs to be sure
Three is fairly combat heavy. Dr Grant and her cohorts that no one is coming to look for them.
will not be stopped by talking, the only route to freedom
is armed insurrection led by our heroes. • The research station was originally set up to investigate
the sophonts that live on the surface of Rhea.

S c e n e On e : T h e T r u t h R e v e a l e d • The sophonts are not indigenous to Rhea; they are of

Where Max informs the heroes of the truth about what is Venusian descent.
going on at the research station and the nearby mine.
• Over 200 years ago, ancestors of the sophonts found
an old Erisian spaceship buried on Venus. After
many years of work in secret, they managed to get it
Friend or Foe? operational and a group left Venus for the mysteries
As the blanket covering your head is removed, the of space.
bright light causes you to shield your eyes. You are in
a cave with flaming torches around the walls. As your • Unfortunately, they only got as far as Saturn before
eyes adjust to the light, you see that you are faced with they were forced to crash land on the surface of Rhea.
a large group of sophonts, silently watching you, axes Although they pay homage to their roots on Venus,
at the ready. There is movement in the crowd and then it they now consider Rhea their home.
parts as a small hunched Earthling figure limps through
to the front. Max! • They did try to rebuild the Erisian ship, but it was
damaged beyond repair.
“Please accept my apologies. I am very sorry for the
rough treatment, but we had to get you away from • The Erisian race has long been thought of in legend
the others and my friends here are wary of strangers. as being the original forefathers of Venusians. The
Come, please follow me.” original Erisian spaceship could be the first tangible
proof of this.
Max turns away and the sophonts move aside to let
him through. Your hands are untied and you follow
• Despite what Dr Grant may say, the sophonts
Max through the crowd. You can feel the tension as the
welcomed the scientists into their community and did
sophonts watch you go.
not instigate any hostility.
Max leads you to a small room. The walls are covered
• Max was one of the scientists with linguistic skills
with assorted pieces of metal, many intricately carved
who could communicate with the sophonts and
and painted (they can be identified as Venusian in
managed to befriend them.
origin with a Difficulty 18 Awareness + Knowledge). In
the middle, a metal crate is being used as a table.
• Things had gone well at the beginning until the green
“Please sit. You are safe here; we are not your enemy. gemstones were brought to the attention of Dr Grant.
We have brought you here for your own safety as well
as for you to learn the truth. I know you have already • The green gemstones are considered sacred by the
spoken with Dr Grant and have got her explanation as sophonts. The Elders of the tribe wore them as ornate
to the situation here on Rhea, but I am sure she has not decorations and they were highly valued by the
told you the complete truth. I promise I will answer all community.
your questions truthfully.”
• In the spirit of friendship, the sophonts showed the
scientists where the gemstones were mined. The

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

sophonts had set up a small mine in a mountain that • When the heroes’ rocket ship was first spotted on
was considered sacred. RADAR, Dr Grant believed that Earth had sent a ship
to Rhea to investigate the expedition’s activities.
• Unbeknownst to the sophonts, Dr Grant had realized
there was much wealth to be gained by mining the There is a lot of information to be gained in this scene, but
gems. It was she who named it grancite. She formed a it will depend on the questions asked by the heroes as to
plan to obtain as much as possible even at the expense how much they receive. When the Gamemaster considers
of the sophonts and the expedition’s original mission. enough information has been gained, Max will ask for help.

• Mining grancite is dangerous as it is only found deep There are four locations that could be visited in the next
below the surface. The sophonts had never mined scenes. It is up to the heroes as to what they do first,
large quantities of grancite as there was no need to but whatever they decide to do, their actions will have
do so. consequences:

• Dr Grant did not have the personnel to mine the • Scene Two: The caves where the women and children
quantities she wanted so she tried to arrange for the are held prisoner. The able bodied sophonts are
sophonts to help them. Shocked at this abuse of their only working in the mine because the lives of their
sacred stones, the sophonts refused and that was women and children are threatened. Free them and
when the trouble started. this leverage is gone. If the women and children are
not freed first, one possible repercussion is that the
• The security guards rounded up the women and security guards may kill them if they think something
children and imprisoned them in caves close to the has gone wrong.
mine to force the able bodied sophonts to mine the
grancite. • Scene Three: The scientists’ rocket ship. This is hidden
to keep it safe from the rebels. It has a working long
• There was no mysterious illness that had killed the range RADIO that can be used to summon help.
children; they are all being held captive.
• Scene Four: The mine. Free the sophonts who have
• Some sophonts rebelled and refused to work in the been forced to work the mine. This could have terrible
mine. They managed to escape and have been trying consequences if the security guards holding the
rescue their families ever since. It is these rebels that women and children learn that the miners have been
brought you here. freed.

• Max did not agree with Dr Grant, but he was kept • Scene Five: The research station and Dr Grant. Back at
alive primarily because he could communicate with the research station, Dr Grant has decided it is time to
the sophonts. He was kept isolated from the other cut her losses and leave. She will be accompanied by
personnel. Morris, the head of security, leaving behind a skeleton
crew of security guards who will resist any attempt to
• The elderly sophonts have been kept at the research capture the research station. In this case, the heroes
station and are treated as servants by the personnel should consider the safety of the elderly sophonts.
there. This provides Dr Grant with an extra deterrent
against the rebels from attacking the research station. The sophonts will agree to take the heroes to any of the
locations that they want to go to. They are also willing to
• Dr Grant and her team do have a rocket ship and it is help defeat the security guards, but need leadership and
hidden in a crater nearby. It is flight worthy, but they organization and of course, the heroes are able to use
are waiting until they have mined sufficient grancite Earthling weapons unfamiliar to the sophonts.
before they leave.

• The long-range RADIO located in their rocket ship is Scene Two: Terrible Conditions
operational. Dr Grant uses it to send regular fictitious The purpose of this scene is for the heroes to free the
reports back to Earth with details of the ongoing women and children that have been held as leverage over
mission, but no mention is ever made of the grancite. the sophonts in order to make them work in the mine.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

(Difficulty 14) or Strength + Athletics (Difficulty 14) roll is

needed to open them.
Your sophont guide leads you to a place where you can Depending on what else the heroes have done, the freed
overlook the entrance to a cave. There are two security women and children will either return to the rebel cave for
guards sitting just inside the entrance beside a small safety or be reunited with their families at the mine.
fire. They have chosen a very good location to keep the
women and children as the entrance is narrow and the
area outside of the cave has very little cover. Scene Three: Emergency Support Requested
The purpose of this scene is to gain access to the scientists’
They have set up a perimeter approximately 10 meters rocket ship and then use the long-range RADIO on the
from the entrance consisting of large metal canisters Flight Deck to send a message for help.
and wooden barricades topped with razor wire. You
suspect they may also have something concealed that
can be placed across the entrance as a barricade in
case of an attack by the sophont rebels. Call for Reinforcements
The scientists’ rocket ship is hidden in a small crater
The light from the fire reflects on what appears to be surrounded by high peaks. To gain access to the crater,
metal bars behind the security guards. your sophont guide shows you a small tunnel that leads
under the mountain. The area directly in front of the
entrance has very little cover.
The heroes will need to find a way to overpower the
security guards. They could get the sophonts to create a The cliffs around the tunnel are sheer rock and
distraction to draw the security guards out from the cave: impossible to climb, this is the only way to reach the
or they could see if there is a way to get to the entrance rocket ship.
from above. There is no one answer to this problem and
if they can come up with a valid plan, the Gamemaster
should allow it. Even if the heroes have already freed the sophonts in the
mine, the security guards at the rocket ship will not give
When the heroes finally gain access to the cave, they find up easily and will still resist any attempt to access the ship.
the captives located in four locked cages. If the heroes have
overpowered the security guards, they can use their keys The scientists’ rocket ship is similar to the heroes’ own
to open the cages. If not either a Coordination + Subterfuge ship. Use the map of the rocket ship on page 6 for its layout.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

The RADIO is located on the Flight Deck. The heroes will The heroes need to find a way to overpower the security
need to get there to access the RADIO and send a message. guards and get into the mine. Again, the Gamemaster
should allow them to be creative as there is not just one
The heroes need to get into the ship either through the way to solve this problem.
main hatch located just above the engines or through a
secondary hatch located on the opposite side. The main To free the sophonts that are chained together the heroes
hatch is guarded and the secondary hatch is locked and will will need open the locks (Difficulty 14 Coordination +
need to be opened (Difficulty 14 Coordination + Subterfuge Subterfuge or Difficulty 14 Strength + Athletics). Inside the
or Difficulty 14 Strength + Athletics roll is needed to open mine, there are four security guards plus two small groups
them.). of sophonts to be freed. The security guards will resist.

Once inside, the heroes can choose to climb up the main

interior ladder, where they will definitely meet security Scene Five: Dr Grant Must be Stopped
guards at some point. Alternatively, they could choose to The heroes must apprehend Dr Grant and stop her from
climb up through the maintenance tubes, but will soon leaving!
realize that some of the access panels have been removed,
which will allow those inside the ship to hear them. After the disappearance of Max and the heroes, Dr Grant
and Morris have decided that they have sufficient grancite
To climb up through the maintenance tubes unobserved and plan to return to their rocket ship and leave Rhea. Dr
the heroes must roll against the guards’ Awareness + Grant does not intend to alert the rest of the group of their
Resolve in a resisted roll. When the heroes get to the Flight departure; they can take their chance with the sophont
Deck the RADIO is fully operational and can then be used rebels and, of course, this will mean a larger share for
to send a message. herself and Morris.

Scene Four: Freedom

The purpose of this scene is to free the sophonts in the To Cut their Losses
mine. Your sophont guide has brought you back to the
research station. Everything is eerily quiet. As you
approach, you see the gate is open and there is no sign
of any security guards.
Everyone Deserves Freedom
You are hiding on a narrow rock ledge above a small There are several elderly sophonts lying dead on the
valley. There is a lot of activity below. ground.

Large packing crates, sealed and stacked, stand

stacked three high at the edge of the valley floor near The heroes need to find and detain Dr Grant and Morris.
the entrance to the mine. There are also several open They find them loading up the storage crates onto a cart.
crates which appear empty. A narrow metal track They will both put up a fight as greed is a powerful
leads off into the mine and as you watch, a small cart motivation.
is dragged out of the mine by two sophonts that are
chained together. The cart is full and the sophonts are
struggling to pull it. The guard walking beside them is Scene Six: Honors Befitting Heroes
continually urging them to work harder by threatening The purpose of this scene is to finish the episode with the
them with his weapon. heroes being given a heroes reception by the sophonts.

A group of eight sophonts are sitting on the ground, They should receive a Story Point if they have freed the
chained together. One sophont tries to stand, but is natives. If they did not, or if a large number of natives were
pushed back violently by one of the two security guards killed in the rebellion, then our heroes do not get the Story
nearby. You cannot be sure how many sophonts or Point reward.
security guards are out of sight in the mine.

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)
rocket age

A Hero’s Welcome
You are gathered at the center of the research station. The gate has gone and the fence has been destroyed. In the
aftermath of the rescue from the mine, the sophonts have taken up temporary residence here. Their plan is to rebuild their
village now that they are free to do so. Any survivors from the research station personnel have been locked up safely.

The sophont elders are all dressed in ceremonial robes, their green jeweled decorations gleaming brightly. Max stands
beside them.

The elders speak, Max translates.

“We, the Venusian tribe on Rhea, would like to honor you for saving our people.”

The elder holds up a large grancite intricately mounted on a slim chain. There is one for each of you.

“We grant you the full freedom of Rhea and are forever in your debt.”

You know the rescue ship will be arriving tomorrow as you now have full access to the RADIO in the scientists’ rockets ship.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, but tonight there is a feast to attend in you honor. Enjoy!

Austin Arnold (Order #41209025)

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