CFAS Questions

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1. Define accounting 6.

Explain recording, classifying and

Accounting is the business language. It is a service summarizing relation to the
activity that aims to give quantitative information, communicating component of
particularly financial information, to aid in accounting.
decision-making. It is the art of recording, Implicit in the communication process is the
classifying, and summarizing financial transactions recording, classifying, and summarizing aspects of
and interpreting the results thereof. It is also a accounting. Recording or journalizing is the
process of identifying, measuring, and process of systematically maintaining a record of
communicating economic information. all economic business transactions after they have
been identified and measured. Classifying is the
2. Explain identifying as a component of sorting or grouping of similar interrelated
accounting. economic transactions into their respective classes.
This is an accounting process whereas recognition It is accomplished by posting to the ledger.
or nonrecognition of business activities as Summarizing is the preparation of financial
“accountable” events happens. An event is statements.
accountable or quantifiable only when it has an
effect on assets, liabilities, and equity. Hence, an 7. What is overall objective of accounting?
activity should be economic to be recognized in The overall objective of accounting is to provide
accounting. Psychological and sociological matters quantitative financial information about a business
are beyond the province of accounting. useful to statement users, particularly owners, and
creditors in making economic decisions.
3. When is a transaction accountable or
quantifiable? 8. Describe accountancy profession.
An event is accountable or quantifiable when it has An accountant’s primary task is to supply financial
an effect on assets, liabilities, and equity. Only information so that the statement users could make
economic activities, transactions that may be informed judgments and better decisions.
classified as external and internal, can be Accountants are professionals who are in charge of
accountable and recognized in accounting. maintaining and interpreting financial records.

4. Explain measuring as a component of 9. What is R.A. No. 9298?

accounting? Republic Act No. 9298 is the law regulating the
The accounting practice of allocating peso practice of accountancy in the Philippines. This
amounts to accountable economic transactions and Act shall provide for and govern:
events is known as measuring. Accounting
information must be stated in terms of a common (a) The standardization and regulation of
financial denominator in order to be relevant, as accounting education;
failure to do so will result in unclear or (b) The examination for registration of
incomprehensible financial statements. certified public accountants; and
(c) The supervision, control, and
5. Explain communicating as a component regulation of the practice of accountancy
of accounting? in the Philippines.
Communicating is the process of preparing and
distributing accounting reports to potential users of 10. What do you understand by the Board
accounting information. The identifying and of Accountancy?
measuring process of accounting would be The Board of Accountancy is the body empowered
meaningless if it could not be communicated to by law to issue rules and regulations governing the
potential users in some way. Accounting is known practice of accounting in the Philippines. It is in
as the "universal language of business" because of charge of preparing and grading the Philippine
this component. . CPA exam.
11. Explain the limitation of the practice of 21. What is the purpose of the required
public accountancy. CPD credit units?
Single practitioners and partnerships engaged in
the practice of public accounting in the Philippines
must be registered certified public accountants. 22. What is the exemption from the CPD
Furthermore, a certificate of accreditation shall be requirements?
issued to certified public accountants in public
practice only after such registrant has
demonstrated, in accordance with the rules and 23. Distinguish accounting and auditing.
regulations promulgated by the Board of
Accountancy and approved by the Professional
Regulation Commission, that such registrant has 24. Distinguish accounting and
acquired a minimum of three years of meaningful bookkeeping.
experience in any of the areas of public practice,
including taxation. In addition, the SEC shall not 25. Distinguish accounting and
register any corporation organized for the practice accountancy.
of public accounting.

12. 26. Distinguish financial and manageriual


13. What are the three main areas in the

practive of the accountancy profession? 27. Explain generally accepted accounting
principles or GAAP.

14. Explain public accounting,

28. What constitutes GAAP in the
15. Explain auditing, taxation, and
management advisory services.
29. Explain the purpose of accounting
16. Explain private accounting.

17. Explain government accounting. 30. What do you understand about the
Financial Reporoting Standards
18. What do you understand by the
Continuing Professional Development of
31. What is the composition of FRSC?

19. What is the meaning of CPD credit

32. What do you understand about the
International Accounting Standards
20. How many CPD units are required. Committee?
33. What do you understand by the
International Accounting Standards

34. What do you understand by the

International Financial Reporting

35. What are collectivelyincluded in

Philippine Financial Reporting

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