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Test results RT for Divyanshu Singh

Conscious Mind Solutions

Divyanshu Singh

Date of birth 10/23/1985 male 38;0 Years Education level 5

Reaction Test

Test form S5 Choice reaction yellow/tone, yellow/red

Start of testing 10/31/2023 9:01 PM End of testing 10/31/2023 9:07 PM Duration 6 min.

Language of test presentation English (USA)

Test results
Representative norm sample

Test variable Raw score PR T

763 8 36
Reaction speed
(2-24) (29-43)
163 66 54
Motor speed
(50-79) (50-58)

Measure of dispersion reaction speed 168 10 37

Measure of dispersion motor speed 15 88 62

Number of correct reactions 11

Number of missed reactions 5

Number of incomplete reactions. 0

Number of false alarms 0

Working time 0:02:57

Note(s): Percentile rank (PR) and T-score (T) result from a comparison with the entire comparative sample 'Representative
norm sample'.
The confidence intervals given in parentheses next to the norm-referenced scores have a 5% error probability.
Since the test was not worked in accordance with the instructions (too many errors) this test variable can only be interpreted to a limited extent.
Working time in hours:minutes:seconds

Comments and explanations on the test variables

Reaction speed
The time that elapses between the start of the stimulus presentation and leaving the rest button (golden sensor) serves as the
measure for reaction speed and is defined as a partial aspect of reaction speed in addition to motor speed. Reaction speed
indicates how fast a person is able to perceive a stimulus and initiate a corresponding reaction. The reaction times of all stimuli
are then transformed (Box-Cox transformation) and the mean is formed. The higher the percentile rank, the better a person is
able to quickly react to relevant stimuli.

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Test results RT for Divyanshu Singh

Comments and explanations on the test variables (continued)

Motor speed
Motor speed provides information on a person’s processing speed and is defined as the second part of reaction speed. The
time between leaving the rest button (golden sensor) and pressing the reaction button (wide black key) is used as the measure
for motor speed. The motor times of all stimuli are then transformed (Box-Cox transformation) and the mean is formed.
Accordingly, a high percentile rank corresponds to a good ability of the person to quickly implement courses of action as the
result of a reaction.

Measure of dispersion reaction speed

The "measure of dispersion reaction speed" is a measure for the intra-individual dispersion of the reaction times in the test.
This value is the mean of the standard deviation of the transformed reaction times (Box-Cox transformed). The higher the
percentile rank, the less the individual reaction times of a person differs over the course of the test.

Measure of dispersion motor speed

The "measure of dispersion motor speed" is a measure for the intra-individual dispersion of the motor times in the test. This
value is the mean of the standard deviation of the transformed reaction times (Box-Cox transformed). The higher the percentile
rank is, the less the individual motor times of a person differ over the course of the test.

Representative norm sample

PR 0 16 25 50 75 84 100

Reaction speed 8

Motor speed 66

below average average above average

Note(s): The shaded area represents the usual average ranges on the norm-referenced score scale.

Progress chart reaction speed

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Test results RT for Divyanshu Singh

Reaction time (in msec) (Choice reaction yellow/tone, yellow/red)





1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

= reaction time
= missed reaction
= false alarm
* = incomplete reaction
= regression line

Progress chart motor speed

Reaction time (in msec) (Choice reaction yellow/tone, yellow/red)








1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

= motor time
= missed reaction
= false alarm
= regression line

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Test results RT for Divyanshu Singh

Test protocol
No. Stimulus RS EV RT (ms) MT (ms)

1 yellow + red ✓ + 856 140

2 tone ❌ +

3 yellow ❌ +

4 red ❌ +

5 red + tone ❌ +

6 yellow ❌ +

7 yellow + tone ✓ + 608 170

8 tone ❌ +

9 yellow ❌ +

10 red ❌ +

11 red + tone ❌ +

12 yellow ❌ +

13 yellow + tone ✓ -

14 red + tone ❌ +

15 yellow ❌ +

16 yellow + red ✓ + 604 145

17 tone ❌ +

18 yellow + tone ✓ -

19 yellow + red ✓ + 641 184

20 red + tone ❌ +

21 yellow ❌ +

22 yellow + red ✓ + 664 174

23 tone ❌ +

24 yellow + tone ✓ -

25 yellow + red ✓ + 826 167

26 tone ❌ +

27 yellow ❌ +

28 red ❌ +

29 red + tone ❌ +

30 yellow ❌ +

31 yellow + tone ✓ -

32 tone ❌ +

33 yellow ❌ +

34 red ❌ +

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Test results RT for Divyanshu Singh

Test protocol (continued)

No. Stimulus RS EV RT (ms) MT (ms)

1 yellow + red ✓ + 856 140

2 tone ❌ +

35 red + tone ❌ +

36 yellow ❌ +

37 yellow + tone ✓ -

38 red + tone ❌ +

39 yellow ❌ +

40 yellow + red ✓ + 513 174

41 tone ❌ +

42 yellow + tone ✓ + 1047 144

43 yellow + red ✓ + 907 163

44 red + tone ❌ +

45 yellow ❌ +

46 yellow + red ✓ + 868 173

47 tone ❌ +

48 yellow + tone ✓ + 797 145

The entries in the fields mean, in order:
Stimulus = type of stimulus
RS = stimulus occurred: ✓ = stimulus occurs, ❌ = stimulus does not occur
EV = evaluation of the reaction: + = correct reaction, - = incorrect reaction, O = incomplete reaction, empty field = no reaction
RT = reaction time in milliseconds, no reaction time = stimulus was not answered
MT = motor time in milliseconds, no reaction time = stimulus was not answered
——: stimulus was not presented.

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