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Maths —1 (® LAQ's (#Mosks) 4. Ctacles (#+4= 14m) eS LoyFfnd the eqn of the ciacle passing (4,0) (6, 5) and having the centse on bhe bine Ax+Y-(620 Find the ean of @ Ciscle which passes through 2-2, 64,5) aod having the cent on LeX+39 4120: &) Find the can ob a cincle which passes through CN,G5) anc houving the Centae on 4-4+3Y4-24-=0 a) Find the ean cb the Ciacle whose centre Ses on X-ans and Passiog £hnough (-2.3) and (4,5), 2) Find the €an oly cincle Passing Lhnouyh the poinks. % (34) (3,2), G4) 0.2), (3-4), (5-6) (21), (55), CE Fz) UAC Gor rar 3) 90.0), 20, a DST te following A--poinks ane congychic and Find she Can db the cincle on which thy die. ® (10, C60), 62,2) 62-8) > Cy 2), (3-4), (5-6), G4 ® 2 (-6), (5,2), (HO), GCuL-4) AD) C41) (4.4), Cala, (6 (0) AY 62.0), (0,1),(44,5) and (0,0) ant conychic then Pind ‘ec’. 5) Find the eans of cincles which bouch -Qx-3Y +1=O ak (41) ond having radius (13. 6) or foun commen bangenks con be drown for bhe ie Given by We yriax-+oy+33=0 0d +Y4+30%x-24y41=0 and Find Lhe iolonal and external centses of simididude. zy eam the Ciscles obeylud-6y-2=0 and HAYA 6x+4184Y 426-0 touch each other. Also find the point of conk okock aed Common tbngint ob . this Polot of contack Fano shee 2g 6n-ay tiz0, Was 2-88 4180 othe. Find the point of contact anol the common tangent ab thin polot of contact CYS. ota sLer-ayriszo, wry tar-1ey =o touch cach obhen. Find Lhe point of contack and eqn os Common ban~ gent ok thin point oF conkack. B> Q) Find Lhe cliseck common Jangents of the cincles ot dh g91-4y-loo=O aod ote yt 29% +4Y +0070 & Find Lhe taansverse common cangeds of the cincles SY ga ioy+28=0 and ate GE uH- 6g +o =O Q) ay Find the ean de the cincle which touch he cise okey aa-ay-20=0 exbennolly ob (5,5) with sadius © b> Find the ean ds fhe cisicle which Jouches ota grax +64-i2=0 at CLD inkermadly with @ nadius ‘2’. toy RT the Combined ean of Lhe pain of Jongints olsawon Ryom an extemal poink PO, 4%) bo Hu cince S=° fs SS y= 7, _2. Posrabela_ (4) Db PT the ean of the panabola in shanderd Form ts Yogaxr. 2d ad Find te ea ds panobola passing though the Poin C12), =), (@D and having tks cous posalbel ko the K- aS b> Find th ean ob the ponabola whose axis is Posall) K- aU s which passes through Lhe points (-2, ), OQ), O18, cy) Find the ean ds the pomobela whose axis is ponall to Y-a amis and chich paswes though He points (4) 5,C BN) C47) 3) Find the ean ds the povobola whose focus 18 62,3) and dinectux ts the Linn Qx+BY-4 =O - Also fiod the Jength of the Jahus vecturs and the €90 ok dhe ants of the panabela. LSA) PT the coua oy the bsraingle mascubed the porobola. < Jeuan is che (id) Ge Ys) a8) bYPT the ana ob the triangle formed by bhe Fangen’s ot C9), C4), 704s) to Eh ponabola w=4o% (aro) is Pal Ge) Gets) Gr wl Se anil, | se onils. SYST He ean of common toognts fe ba cincle d= 20° and $he parabola je sax an $F + (x42, on YE Zeon mecks the ponabola bybgt HH 2= 0 on th, PORe bola y= Gax QO The noymal at a point 'E,? agaio in the polok ‘Ep. Then PT b> Ub a vosmal chord @ point b Subkends a oughh angle ob ventea, bhen PT beef. Dod From an exkennal point P tangents ant drnaion bo the pala wola geuax and thug bongentt moke ongles 6,0, csibh ir ons, such thot CotQ,+CokOris 2 constant &. Thn ST all such be ona hosizonted Lin b) From an external Point P, tongerts axe drown bo Hi posabola Geaan ana these tangents make angles ©,,@, with ike ods, such Hhak Ean@, + tan@, is a constant ‘b> Then ST P dig on the tine Y= bX S) 3-7 the common Sanger bo the ponabola geno and ateaby ts x oe yee ais 2s. 6, QY ST the locus of point of inkensechon of purpendi cua tangents to tu parabola Yodan ts the diechnin %+a=O- 10) Us daxsmysn=o is @ Noxmal fo the ponabola ye aaa. then s.r af Qqdm4 arse. WPT the foo Posabolas Yeaan and Xe aby toknseck Cothes than the ovi3m) ab an angle ob Tad! sob <2 CoS HS) J. 3B. Takegvahion CH+9= 1a") ‘ ft) ) Evaludde \Gaereem ax. by J dx “ j da SCOSA+ 4. SioM+E Bt 4 COSA 4) f ey jae ; Pore 4COSK+ SSINA §) 5 ) fe D eesesat oo 2) 2} Evaluate jf Beseurssios 4COSA +5 SiOW by Fcosa— Sinx 4. Sina + FCOSN c) (ee QSinA+ 3COSH + & aa Bsiog +4 cosa4e +4 Cosase ax dy J COSA+ SSA Gy Cosx + Si0x+) QUtT XI eS 2 Evalue a) fog tig o by § Beer c) a ay f a, © | = Ea #) [exes Je-axan dx J Sesx-m axe xri dex AX 4) Evaluate Q) SS » cape 2 ————— Cat) (Rae sat B) Evaludle @) {Bee coon ce COSK+ Bc0sK+2 An + a, 4 Saaapes 2 jeanne oD 6) Obbaio the neduchon formes fox Lhe Followicy a) Y sida da & S$ cox an S JStan'x da Ay f cok’ bx > J seh la $) J cose’ dx. 4. Debiaite nlegzation C#™) r 1) Evaluale oe KNOX Ary l4+ sina 2) Evalude 5, SOX dx l+ cos ic B> Euduabe 5 ae da l+ Cos” oh AS Evaluate J __ Sint +605%_ 6 FIG Cos2r ‘ D> Evatuale f A290+9 yy, ° \ar x ax Wy 6% Evalucse f —% — =5ah ? J Sin%+ Cosa ae 2Ta get) 6b FS Evalue J [G-adlb-a) da a 7 Find Sx sina Cosa da. 3 MST the cowg enclosd blo the ceoves ae aD T= RG) Ye 200-w is 64[F u Dyan g YeaG-a) to) ST Lhe coua of dh sugion beun ected by Bete is Tab, Also cleduce She awa ok the cincle “Kage a - W) Lek AOT be the He auednank ch Un ellipse e+eb=I With OA=@, OCB=b. Then ST tht anea bounded bleo the chead AB and the anc AB of Hx ellips is Gpeb E Diffewental Eqaloas (4m) 1) Solve Gy QAt+Y+S ax QY+At | 2 Solve (Qa+yri) da# (4ary-vdd =O 3) Solve 4) Solve 5) Solve 6) Solve > Sdue — ora ax ~ Qatay+s Cr-Ddy = (aryl) ox teed ES delat An 3Ba-Fy-3 ay yo any aa 3 aey ay (ety4) Sl : pater icles (4 assing Hough (2,3) and concen biotic AY Find the ean & the cincle with the cincle ay Wey Ex+129+15=O D E214), wWeyr6x- 4y-12=O DaST AC3-i) lie op he cincle otey an tay =0- Also Hod) bhe othen end of the diameten Hhnough A- by ST ACO) Lie on odey tt ext iay +15 =O and Pind He obhen end ok the diameter through A. cincle agit ox ey +2950 ©) Fied the othen end of the diameter of the if one eod of ib iS (2.3) ay Phe abscissae of peiols A seg01-B 0 ond ovdinakes cb Aw an tools of ther find the egn of a ciacke for which AL is & diameten. A) ay Uh & poi PWS Moving such thal the danglh ob tangent chawn bwor Pto wry artuy-20=0 + ail ox- sy HI=O om in tha, weal 2st thn st the can dh the ocr ob Pis ate can lay + P= O- by a pow P is moving such Pho Hhe Sungths ok angents olnawon Prom P fo He ciscles pe eax-6y-'2=0 + os fie ox tag +26 = © cou in the babio 223 thin find the ea & te Socus of P. Sb a Pole P is moving such Hhod the lengths fan gedks chain ror Pho wef tertiayrtr=0 + et ia) Win bind the ean ob the Jocus of P 5) The tine Y=mAxte and the ciscle stage d inkrsect of AEB ob AB= 2d. tho sT ce Cae) ca-X). 6) Find He eqns ot boogily to Ha ciacle, eslmarey 1250 which ome, Parl) lp X4Y-S=0 b) Find dhe ean ds hangents to the cine! ane penpendicdad be 3x-Ytlp =O- p an bhe zooks of the ea u 2 aft 2py- T=0 gr ga-bg-12=0 au e ie okeytan-sy rao ohich Fa) Find the lungth ob Be chovol inlercepled by the ctacle oteyia+Sy-22-0 on the Mine 24-3 by Find she length ob the chord inlencepted by the cincle ays ga-99-8=0 of the Line H4Yy+1 =O c) Find Hoe lingth ob the choxd Favmed by tee don the dink Keosx + =P. 8) Find the ote oul with ceokxe C23) cabling & chord Length. Q unl on 34+ 4Y+4=0- A) ay ST xedsi=0 touches the cincle Es point of contack DU 4%-sy4 F=0 is a kangen fo de ciacle eprsnked bY stage 6% 4+4y-1920 Hun bird Its poidk oF cookact~ 10. a) Find the ean ob tangents ob the cinck ay ex-2Y 412=0 ak the points csbos oxdinaks ame 1. by Find Lhe ean ob bangents of the cincle stagiiozo ab the poink whos abscissae aw 1. WU ©, €y cow the angler ch iockockion of bangenls Horoayh a poiek P* fo the ciacle ote yt ab then find the Socas of P ohen cot ®, +col@g = kk. ott yiaatay+iG=0 and Pind 12 Find mid poe of the chord inlercepked by ry 24-log+t<0 aod He Link X-294+7=0 13) 26 the polan ok Hhe poinks on the ciscle 4 fea wate the cine otayte te bouchy phe cincle W4g=ch then PT abc ane i GP. 2. System of cincles (vet) 1) Ub bhe angle bli the ctocles fy (21-6 y +ler=0. ancl att Facnrby-5420 15 45 Pind k. 2) Find the eqn ob bhe ciacle eohich passes Lhrough bhe poiat (0-3) and tabensecks bhe ciacles given by Lhe cans rag gat By4 =O and nts yia-ayeo oathogonally. ch the cixce cohtch passa Ehvough CLD and cals — 3B) Find Lhe ean ovthozonally each ob he cincles ota yt sx-2y +16 =O and le PCa ot- ay - = 0. 4) Find the ean cb the cincle which passes through dhe poink (2.0, (0-2) and oxftogona) ko the cincle Pedi himpeaayrire 2A af 45H 694+ H=O 5) ay Find Lhe can ok bie cincle which cubs Lhe cincles WY" e- esto and AsyZior- yt B=o cxthogovally ond hos cliamelen along dhe i js + 34= #. unrnene lensecbs the cincle ote ea ob en by ach bine 2x+ag=! fo Nee poioks A ard G, thin find fhe ean of the ctsele having AB of a c) Uk w4Hed 19 She Cam of tht chord Ars of She cincle 204-27 + 4-8 Bind dhe ean cb bhe cincle hauviog Au a diamelen. YS Us the ab Line vepusented by xcosx+ysing= P intersechs the cincle saga ak the pois A and B, then 2:7 the exo Sihe ciacte - woth AE cs diameten is (ola gt dD - 2p (Xcose+¥ gina — P)=O- 6.)Find the €4 and Lunghh ob Lhe common chord of the feo clcles Dae ee ond stays ox4aYs =O _ a the ean and luogth ob the common chord ob the too Cineles HY sax+eysi-0 , HY AA+ZY+Q=O- > got Bhe clacley 24 G+ 29-4y-2020 avd otriteen+2 each obhey iolenally. Kind bhein point of contact ond Bhe €2° angen i) Sith cincles Way ex-2y+e=0 and Ty-aa+6y +6=0 fouch Each othen and Pind the point of cootacl. Y-40 =O c& common 3s the hwo Clacle at y+ aga + 2hy =O and a yraglne aby =O fouch each other bun s.0 fy- Pg! if) sr th clacles ads nano xo and sey 2by+cco touch each othey if ae tees QB Fiod the vadicad cembre ob the chnoles ) yt aasyasco, waytar—ay-l-0 , Wy<6x-ay=o0 WD Wavax—-zeo, attayiaxtr5y-q=0, Waysy=o- 10) Find the ean ob bhe cincle whose amtken ts the common Chord of the cincles oftyh +29743Y4120, and 2 fan tay 42 = =O- ID Find the ean ob the cisncle which is orthaséoas fy each of the Cincla() a fe axe 9y+ te oO xayegareytii=O and tae A+ QW 4B=0 Gi) ota gs 4QA+AY+(=O, tags 2A+6Y-S=O, 2CH4Y) +624 BY-S=0. 3. Ellipse (ate 3m) 1. Find the Length of majox os gt oh ct Onis, Cenkae, Foct, ecceotaicity Raid eqn ob the Chere chives of the Fo Mowing ellipse. QI Y = 364+ BAY -IZ=O att yb 9-2y-F =O Ate ye BSx+ Qyrl = Oo a AGHA IBY +e =O A+ IG yrs 1 Lele 2) Us Play) is aoy point on the ellipse x. £ t=), (@>b) Hinough & ti whos foci au 3 and si theo V3.7 SP+sip is @ constant. CIGIGICIS) 3) Find the ean cy the cllipse veferred bo ibs mejor andl minor avis as be coordinale axes x Y- vespectivdy with ladus veclam ob length 4 and distance blo foci 4I2- 4) Find the ean ck the ellipse io the shanclend fom hose distance blio foci is 2 and length & Jak si chue is 42 a 5) Find the ean cb bhe ellipse io the sbandesd form such ‘thal distance blo foci is 8 and distance blo diucknics is 32. 6) Find the eqo dy the ellipse with focus at (U- I), eB and dintcthriig as AtY+R=O DO the Length of the Jalus vectum is equal to hall of ils minor axis of an ellipse io the Standand form, then fied the eccentricity of the ellipse. (®) Find the eccenkucity ob the ellipse Cin stanctinal fore) iP ils length ob the Jaky veclum 15 equal to halk of ths Major aus. @) Us the beogth os the major axis of an ellipse is Hore Himes bhe Lingth cb ibs mines oats thin Hod the eccentricity of the ellipse 3) Find the ean ch bongent ond normal to khe ellipse axe l6ys lag ak the end of the talus vechim in bhe Pixs Quadrant. A> Find the eans of tangent and novmal to the ellipse 2xzyhein at the poink whose ovdinale is 'L Joy Find the eqns of bu tangent to Lhe ellipse Qx+ Ys S which an iS Panallel 40 X-24-G=0 PenptndicWan fy 4442-0 ti) which make an angle z with x-cus Wy Ub the novmal at one end of a Iaus zechum of the L : A elLip se der Ge! passes thnough one end ob te minor aus, thn st Ce = 1. IQ a kangen fo the ellipse He Ha Ca>b) meek if major axis and minor aus ab M aod N -vespectuely L a : ke om 4, bos whee ¢ is the Cento thn PT ert * Ent 13) S.T th condition for a sh bine Y=mare bp bea tangent to the ellipse 2s Hay ig Ce dye la) Fiod the cooditon fox the Ling ot © Josmyrnso fo be a doogenk lo Bo+ He =) @ Jarmysnzco bp be @ vovmal to the eblipse YO s.r the points of iolen section of the penpenckiclan tangent bo an ellipse dic on a cincle GD 5.7 the Jocus of the feeb of He Perpend calans obiawn foci to any tangent of th ellipse is the Quaudliong Cincle. \6> Find the value of ke ik 4x4Y4K=0 18 a Fanget Jo Le ellipse x4+3y <5. VF) The faogent and normal Jo the ellipse a+ 4y= 4 oF Q point P(e) on i+ mee}s the major axis io Qand R wespechudy. U O Orn Focu of a hyperbola is localed ob Lhe pois C1,-3) and the Corresponding Ginechnixn is the Lae y=. Find the can of Lhe hypenbola if ids eceenbucily is 2 3) Pind the ean oh the hyperbola whose foci an (+5, 0) the doansvense ans is dh luwgth gs. 45D Ue, & ane the eccenknicitiey of a hypenbola and ifs conjugate hyperbola thin PT et geet. Ci) eh be eccenkricily ofa hypenbela is 2 » then Find the eccentricity of jbs conjugate hyperbola. 2) Binal the can ch Phehypenbola thos tfacin an G4, 2) and (8,2) and eccensoucily is Q. 6) UW B2x-aysk=0 is @ banged bo teaytes, find the value ds k. B® Find the eans ok bangenks $o the hyperbola m= Ley’= 4 which an () Parallel and Penpendicewar fo the lin +2420 @® Find Yor eans ch Lhe bongents to the hyperbola axtag=i2 which an © Panalld and @ penpendicdan o dhe Link Y= A-F BD tb the lin Sxamy+oro is a tangit Jo the hyperbola u aE tho sT th bets nh ®D Ub the dine dox+my =' is a covmad Jo khe hyper bola x 1 - £1, thin Ss. GB. e+e A OPT the point of inter section of boo perpendiicolor foogerts to the hyperbola 2 - P= Lies on the cinck ates dete ST the locus ob feed of he penpendiculars down a f50m foci to any tangemt of the hyperbola ee = is the Quailiay cincle of the hyperbola. 10) Taogents fo the hyperbola 2o- HE =1 makes angles Or Or with tnansunse axis of a hyperbola. Show thab the Point of iolensection of these bangens Lies on fhe cunve Qxay= kG a) when bane, +ban@y = k. W st the angle bly th bwo asymple les of a hyperbola x pie ae =| is Qto0(2) or 2Qseé'(e), 5. Debinile Totegrabion (aw) th a. T) Evalucte JS * gy Sh_ , 6 310% +c08 Ty 2) Evaluate f VSiex — = aa o Vsion+ Jcosx D evaluate “f sina 6 SsiPatt+ cosa 4 Evadluake uf sida cos 6 Sitxtcosm ™~ 5) Evaluate AsiwoA+ beosr Yq 6 Sint + Cosa lx dK 4 6> Evaluale f [2-2 olx 3 \ uw D Evaduabe 5 aa dx Oe al oO a Wh 2) Evaluate © J Sidty cosa da @J Sic’x costa dx ° ° A Find th ano bounds tlio curva = by @ Ytaaa Care, bso) 10) Find the anea of the sugie0 bounded by the panabolas goad and = ay.

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