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Checklist for Student-Selected Components

Course(SSCC) Report

Student Information:
Name: _________________________

Course/Class: ________________

Date of Submission: ________________

Section 1: Introduction (5 points)

- [ ] Clearly outlines the objectives and relevance of the SSC course.

- [ ] Provides a concise overview of the chosen topic or area of study.

Section 2: Objectives (5 points)

- [ ]Clearly defined and relevant objectives.

- [ ]Demonstration of how each objective was addressed and achieved.

Section 3: Course Overview (5 points)

- [ ] Detailed exploration of the SSC area.

- [ ] Inclusion of key topics, clinical experiences, and research


Section 4: Educational Activities (10 points)

- [ ]Comprehensive discussion of educational activities.

- [ ] Reflection on how each activity contributed to the overall learning


Section 5: Clinical Experiences (10 points)
- [ ] Detailed overview of clinical experiences.

- [ ] Reflection on the impact of clinical exposure on personal and

professional growth.

Section 6: Communication and Presentation Skills (10 points)

- [ ] Assessment of personal communication and presentation skills.

- [ ] Reflection on improvements made in effective communication.

Section 7: Reflection and Critical Analysis (10 points)

- [ ]Critical evaluation of knowledge gained.

- [ ]Demonstrates self-awareness and identifies areas for improvement.

- [ ] Offers insightful reflections on the learning experience.

- [ ] Engages in critical analysis of the research conducted or knowledge


Section 8: Ethical Considerations (5 points)

- [ ]Exploration of ethical challenges encountered.

- [ ]Reflection on how ethical considerations were navigated.

Section 9: Interdisciplinary Collaboration (10 points)

- [ ]Discussion of collaborative experiences with peers and

- [ ]Reflection on the value of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Section 10: Conclusion (5 points)

- [ ]Summary of key takeaways and accomplishments.

- [ ]Reflection on how the SSC has influenced personal and

professional development.

Section 11: Future Directions (5 points)
- [ ]Identification of areas for further exploration.

- [ ]Consideration of how the knowledge gained will inform future

career choices.

Section 12: Acknowledgments

- [ ]Recognition of individuals, mentors, and organizations.

Section 13: Appendix (5 points)

- [ ]Additional materials supporting the content of the report.

Section 14: References (5 points)

- [ ]Proper citations for referenced literature, guidelines, or resources.

Section 15: Overall Presentation (10 points)

- [ ]Clarity, organization, and professionalism in the report.

Total Score: _____/100 points

Name of Mentor and Signature-----------------------

Comments and Feedback:





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