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Risk Assessment Template and Examples

Inherent Risk Assessment Residual Risk Assessment Risk Treatment Monitoring notes /
Ris Risk Category Description of Risk Review
Risk Name Current controls Toleranc Treatments Responsibility Implementatio treatment
k# (optional) Consequence Consequenc Likelihoo Risk Consequenc Likelihoo Risk date
e d rating e d rating e n date effectiveness

authorities may
choose to [summarise [provide status
group/categoris consequence of update of risk
e the identified [what could the identified risk. treatment as at
risks. For happen and why? And consider [summarise additional [summarise who has review date. This
example: This may include what/who the controls/future responsibility for may include a
[Insignifica [Rare [Insignifican [Rare [Low
- planning risks that are risk could impact nt Unlikely [Low t Unlikely Mediu [Accept actions/strategies to be managing/monitori reassessment of risk
[summarise how the
- common to all e.g. the Minor Possible Medium Minor Possible m Avoid implemented that will lower ng the risk, and (therefore increase
1 Moderate Likely High
risk is currently Moderate Likely High Transfer
goods/services procurement procurement the likelihood of the risk implementing or decrease of risk
Major Almost Extreme] managed] Major Almost Extreme Reduce]
- procurement processes and objective, Critical] Certain] Critical] Certain] ]
occurring, or the treatments (these rating), and
process risks that are client/end-user, consequence if the risk did may be different updated review
-industry/ specific to this employees, the occur] functions)] date. If treatments
suppliers procurement] public authority, are effective, this
- stakeholders suppliers or other may change the risk
- contract stakeholders] tolerance level]
- political


Further information: Procurement Services SA Effective: 20.02.2023
Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 1
Version: 1.1


Inherent Risk Assessment Current controls Residual Risk Assessment Risk Treatment Risk Monitoring notes /
Ris Risk Category Description of
Risk Name Toleran Treatments Responsibility Implementatio Review treatment
k# (optional) consequences Consequenc Likelihoo Risk Consequenc Likelihoo Risk
e d rating e d rating ce n date date effectiveness

 Adherence to
 Complaints from Communication
Sector / s
Industry / policies/proced
Community ures
 Impact on public  Robust contract
Change in
authority management  Keeping up-to-date  Contract
government Accept
reputation. Possibl Mediu and Mediu with any policy Manager
1 Political policy / Minor Minor Possible &
 Uncertain e m administration m changes or issues that  Senior Manager
political Manage
monitoring of process impact the Sector / Executive
performance including
 Client/end-user regular
dissatisfaction meetings to
due to service manage any
disruption potential
contract impact
 Adherence to
 Being prepared for the
need to respond to
media / minister etc –
contract manager to
 Robust contract
 Embarrassment ensure they are across
Public and surprises for all issues occurring
and  Contract
sensitivity Minister  Consistent and regular
Political / administration Mediu Manager
2 and/or a high  Adverse publicity Major Likely High Minor Likely Reduce monitoring and
Stakeholders process m  Senior Manager
level of media for both supplier reporting of known
including / Executive
scrutiny and the public issues
verification of
authority  Regular contact with
processes for
management of
 Prioritise issue without
delay depending on the
risk involved
and media
responsible to
 No public liability receive, check,
Insurances not cover if incident register and file
 Required insurance is a
current or do occurs insurance  Central
mandatory criterion in
not have the  No Workcover for policies during Unacce Procurement
Mediu Insignifica tender evaluation
3 Suppliers required cover workers injuries Critical Rare tender process, Rare nil ptable Unit
m nt  Insurances are
when contract  Financial liability and append to & Avoid  Contract
appended in the
period for the supplier the contract Manager
contract prior signing
commence. and public  BU to review
authority insurance for
currency at
4 Procurement Lack of  Breaches – policy, Major Unlikely Mediu  Adherence to Moderate Rare Low Reduce  Apply public authority  Central
process probity, audit findings, m policies/proced processes Procurement
unethical legal ures relating to  Consistent and regular Unit

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
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Version: 1.1

Inherent Risk Assessment Current controls Residual Risk Assessment

Finance, and meetings, periodic
Procurement. Risk assessment and Treatment Risk Monitoring notes /
Ris Risk Category Description of
Risk Name  Robust contract Toleran reporting
Treatments Responsibility Implementatio Review treatment
k# (optional)  Financial liability
management ce  Address financial and n date date effectiveness
for the supplier
and performance issues  Finance Unit.
and public
behaviour; administration with the supplier  Contract
fraud. processes immediately Manager
 Commitment to
including  Regular training for  BU Manager
regular relevant procurement
meetings to & contract
manage any management staff re
potential probity requirements
service impact
 Contract
 Breach of variation
contract process
 Ensuring resources are
Dedicated  Impact on undertaken
Procurement adequately allocated to
Contract clients/end- Mediu  Implications on Mediu
5 planning / Major Unlikely Manage assign a dedicated  Contract Owner
Manager not users/community Unlikely m stakeholders Moderate m
Contract Contract Manager.
assigned  Commitment to assessed
Govt  Any impact on
compromised whole-of-life
cost assessed
 Contract
complexity is  Ensure public authority
regularly Contract Management
reassessed Framework is
 Apply best maintained and
contract implemented
 Breach of
management  Apply public authority
principles to processes for
 Ineffective
align public workforce
service delivery
authority’s management and staff
 Adverse publicity
Contract is Contract development  Contract Owner
Contract for both the Possibl Mediu
6 poorly Moderate Management Minor Low Reduce  Succession planning  Contract
Management supplier and the e m Unlikely
managed Framework and workforce Manager
public authority
 Ensure management to
 Impact on clients
experienced encompass
 Commitment to
contract transitions/handover
manager processes
manages the  Regular capability
contract assessments
 Regular  Regular professional
contract development training
management opportunities
7 Procurement Changes to the  Ineffective Moderate Possibl Mediu  Regular Minor Possible Mediu Reduce  Briefing subject matter  Contract
planning scope/ delivery of e m meetings with m experts/internal Manager
specifications outcomes subject matter stakeholders on  BU Manager.
due to change  Adverse publicity experts/interna supplier performance  Public authority
in needs for both supplier l stakeholders and feedback Senior
identification and the public and  Working Management
authority industry/comm collaboratively within  Subject matter
 Impact on unity public authority and experts.
clients/end-users stakeholders industry on needs
 Up to date identification and

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 3
Version: 1.1

Inherent Risk Assessment Current controls Residual Risk Assessment

market analysis
s plan Risk Treatment Risk Monitoring notes /
Ris Risk Category Supplier does Description of
Risk Name Toleran Treatments Responsibility Implementatio Review treatment
k# (optional) not deliver consequences
ce n date date effectiveness
across the
 Lack of
 Apply public authority
 Consistent and regular
 Apply best monitoring and
contract reporting
 Complac
management  Robust performance
ency in  Breach of
principles to management of KPIs
long term contract.
align with through regular
supplier  Ineffective
public authority meetings, periodic
relations delivery of
Contract assessment and
hips. contract
Management reporting
 Non- outcomes.
Contract Framework.  Address poor
performa  Adverse publicity  Contract
Management Mediu  Ensure Mediu performance indicators
8 nce of for both supplier Major Reduce Manager
/ Supplier Unlikely m experienced Moderate Unlikely m with the supplier
supplier and public  BU Manager
Performance contract immediately.
(e.g. KPIs authority.
manager  Succession planning
not  Impact on
appointed to and workforce
met/outc clients/end-user.
manage the management to
omes not  Commitment to
contract. encompass
achieved) Govt
 Regular transitions/handover
. compromised.
contract processes
 Inapprop
management  Regular capability
meetings. assessments
 Regular professional
development training
 Services
e or
to access.
9 Supplier Disputes occur  Time delays to Moderate Mediu  Performance Insignifica Rare Low Reduce  Apply public authority  Contract
between critical Possibl m guidelines and nt processes. Manager
supplier and milestones. e rating are  Consistent and regular  BU Manager
public  Quality of service documented, monitoring and
authority that less than and clear reporting.
impact service expected. transition  Robust performance
delivery  Impact on processes management of KPIs
clients/end-user. outlined with through regular
 Terminate suppliers. meetings, periodic
contract.  Negotiate as assessment and
required with reporting
the supplier.  Address poor
performance indicators
with the supplier

Further information: Procurement Services SA Effective: 20.02.2023
Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 4
Version: 1.1

Inherent Risk Assessment Current controls Residual Risk Assessment

Risk Treatment Risk Monitoring notes /
Ris Risk Category Description of  Succession planning
Risk Name Toleran andTreatments Responsibility Implementatio Review treatment
k# (optional) consequences  Implement workforce
ce n date date effectiveness
Record management to
 Loss of key skills,
Management encompass
Turnover of processes transitions/handover
knowledge and
procurement/c  Regular processes
experience  Central
ontract updates to  Regular capability
depart with the Procurement
Procurement management contract assessments
people who hold Mediu Unit Manager
10 Planning / staff & loss of Moderate management Minor Rare Low Reduce  Regular professional
them Unlikely m  Contract
Resources corporate plan and development training
 Reduction of Manager
knowledge performance opportunities
performance due  BU Manager
relating to monitoring  Maintenance of
to inaccuracy of
contract documents internal reporting and
 Information records documents
sharing across with critical
the BU. performance and
contextual data
 Adherence to
 Loss of time and policies/proced
resources. ures Records  Apply public authority
 breaches of Management processes
confidentiality.  Robust contract  Engage in Transition
 reputational management Planning with suppliers
 Contract
Lack of damage. and in advance of contract
Procurement properly  legal action. Mediu administration transitions
11 Moderate Possibl Minor Low Manage  BU Manager
Process maintained  Loss of valuable m process Unlikely  Maintain strong
e  Public authority
records information. including relationship with
Policy team
 compromised regular records management
accountability meetings and and data system
and targeted stakeholders
transparency. discussions
 Fraud. relating to

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 5
Version: 1.1
The below Risk Assessment tables and matrices are examples only. Public authorities should review and implement their own specific risk
assessment protocols
Likelihood Table Risk Decision Matrix
Likelihood Description
Rare Once in ten years.
Critical High High Extreme Extreme Extreme
Event may occur in exceptional circumstances.
No known past occurrences.
Major Medium Medium High High Extreme

< 1% chance the event will occur.
Unlikely Once in five years.
Moderate Medium Medium Medium High High
Event could occur but is not anticipated.
Very few known past occurrences.
Minor Low Low Medium Medium Medium
1 - 25% chance the event will occur in foreseeable future.
Possible Once a year.
Insignificant Low Low Low Low Low
Event could occur at some time.
Past occurrences have been minimal. LIKELIHOOD
26 - 50% chance the event will occur in medium term.
Likely Once a month. Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost
Event could occur in most circumstances.
Past occurrences are known.
Required Actions
51 - 85% chance the event will occur in short term.
Almost Certain Once a week or daily. Risk Rating Action Required
Event expected to occur in most circumstances.
Immediate action required with specific treatments required. Report
Occurrences are happening now. Extreme
action in risk management plan.
> 85% chance the event will occur.
High Risk treatment should be a priority. Report action in risk
management plan.

Medium Determine specific monitoring or response procedures and assign

management responsibility.

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
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Version: 1.1
Low Manage by routine procedures. Nominated officer should monitor.
Consequences Table
Category Financial People Procurement Service Delivery Contractual Objectives / Reputation
Critical Significant financial loss / Fatality / fatalities or actual Significant breakdown in Systemic failure of Significant contractual non- Significant number of
impact upon budget. or severe permanent governance structures. procurement process and/or compliance or non- procurement objectives not
disability. Significant fraudulent/ contract. performance. Significant achieved.
Inability to recruit staff / corrupt activity. Significant impact upon impact on clients/end-users Sustained negative publicity /
contractors with necessary Inability to procure a critical service delivery (i.e. service and/or community. Parliamentary inquiry.
skills resulting in contract technology or services, with failure or significant service Contract termination and Long-term damage to public
failure or long-term skills, significant impact on disruption). sustained contract disputes authority reputation.
knowledge and/or expertise clients/end-users and Significant intervention almost certain.
shortage. community. required by public authority
Significant breakdown in (Minister/CE level) to address
industry/supplier impact on service delivery.
relationship with public
Major Major financial loss / impact No fatality but inpatient Systemic breakdown in Continued viability of Systemic contractual non- Several procurement
upon budget. hospitalisation and actual or governance structures, or procurement process and/or compliance or non- objectives not achieved.
severe potential disability. one-off major breakdown in contract is threatened. performance, or one-off Widespread negative
Widespread engagement governance structures. Major impact upon service major contractual non- publicity that lasts for
issues resulting in potential Systemic fraudulent/ corrupt delivery (i.e. high risk of compliance or non- months / Ministerial
contract failure or medium- activity, or one-off major service failure or significant performance, having major intervention.
term skills, knowledge fraudulent/ corrupt activity. service disruption). impact on client/end-users Sustained damage to
and/or expertise shortage. Inability to procure a Intervention required by and/or community. reputation and loss of
technology or services, with public authority (Executive) Contract termination and confidence in public
major impact on clients/end- to address impact on service contract disputes are likely. authority.
users and community. delivery.
Breakdown in
relationship with public
Moderate Moderate financial loss / Medical treatment required Repeated breakdown in Effectiveness and efficiency Repeated contractual non- Major components of
impact upon budget. but no fatalities or potential governance structures., or of key elements of the compliance or non- procurement objectives not
disability. one-off moderate breakdown procurement process and/or performance, or one-off achieved.
Short-term skills, knowledge in governance structures. contract is reduced. moderate contractual non- Negative publicity that lasts
and/or expertise shortage. Repeated mismanagement, Moderate impact upon compliance or non- for weeks.
or one-off moderate service delivery. performance, with moderate Significant but short-term
mismanagement of Executive/senior impact on clients/end-users damage to public authority
procurement activity management intervention and/or community. reputation.

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 7
Version: 1.1
resulting in probity breaches. required. High level of performance
Delays/impacts on ability to improvement resources
procure a technology or required.
services, with moderate
impacts on clients/end-users
and community.
Strained relationships
between industry/supplier
and public authority.
Minor Minor financial loss / impact First aid treatment required One-off minor breakdown in Effectiveness and efficiency One-off minor contractual Minor components of
upon budget. but no fatalities or potential governance structures. of elements of the non-compliance or non- procurement objectives not
disability. One-off minor procurement process and/or performance. minor impact achieved.
Minor skills shortage. mismanagement of contract is reduced. on clients/end-users or Some negative publicity that
procurement activity Minor impact upon service community. lasts for days.
resulting in minor probity delivery. Moderate performance Temporary minor negative
breaches. Manager intervention improvement resources impact upon public authority
Delays/ impacts on ability to required. required. reputation.
procure a technology or
services, with minor impacts
on clients/end-users and
Supplier complaints.
Insignificant Insignificant financial loss / No injuries. Immaterial breakdown in Negligible impact upon Immaterial contractual non- No effect upon procurement
impact upon budget. No skills shortage. governance structures. effectiveness and efficiency compliance or non- objectives.
Immaterial mismanagement of the procurement process performance. Potential for public interest.
of procurement activity with and/or contract. No impact on clients/end No damage to public
no impact on probity No impact upon service users and/or community. authority reputation.
matters. delivery.
Immaterial impacts on ability No intervention required.
to procure a technology or Dealt with through normal
services, with no impacts on operations.
clients/end-users and

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Contact Number: (08) 8226 5001 Next review: 01.07.2024
Contact Email: Page Number: 8
Version: 1.1

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