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Obsessed Wolf Daddy: Age Gap Shifter

Romance (Silverstar Wolves Book 6)

Ruby Knoxx
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Age Gap Shifter Romance

Silverstar Wolves Book 6

Ruby Knoxx

Copyright © 2024 by Ruby Knoxx.

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced,
scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the
publisher, except for brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1 - Cole
Chapter 2 - Saffy
Chapter 3 - Cole
Chapter 4 - Saffy
Chapter 5 - Cole
Chapter 6 - Saffy
Chapter 7 - Cole
Chapter 8 - Saffy
Chapter 9 - Cole
Chapter 10 - Saffy
Chapter 11 - Cole
Chapter 12 - Saffy
Chapter 13 - Cole
Chapter 14 - Saffy
Chapter 15 - Cole
Chapter 16 - Saffy
Chapter 17 - Cole
Chapter 18 - Saffy
Chapter 19 - Cole
Chapter 20 - Saffy
Chapter 21 - Cole
Chapter 22 - Saffy
Chapter 23 - Cole
Chapter 24 - Saffy
Chapter 25 - Cole
Epilogue - Saffy
About the Author
Books by Ruby Knoxx
Chapter 1 - Cole
Approaching the inter-pack sports tournament, I feel conflicted. I’m happy that my daughter Annie is so clearly excited
to be a part of this community, as I can already see how much being back in my family pack will benefit her. But I also feel
tense. However good the close-knit pack community is for Annie, it's always been a struggle for me.
A true lone wolf is rare, but growing up, I always knew that was my path. Although I had many friends, played sports,
and excelled at almost anything I turned my hand to, the pack structure always rubbed me the wrong way.
I was friends with the alpha's son, played all the team sports, and was polite and courteous when it was the right thing
to do. But I could never toe the line or stomach the total allegiance to my alpha required to become an adult in the pack.
Perhaps that's why I built my own empire. A business one, at least. You see, it wasn't that I wanted to be the alpha of my
own pack; I genuinely don't fit within that power structure. But I do want power and respect, and that's what I get as the CEO of
Matherson Industries, running a swath of tech start-ups to rival any of the biggest names across the globe.
I guess I am the alpha of my own world. Just minus all the pack bullshit. No one questions me or my leadership—there
are no contests—and I don't owe anyone a thing because they're paid well to defer to me in all areas.
I am well-aware of what kind of leader I am, which extends to most of my relationships. Except with Annie. I strongly
suspect my beautiful, sweet, and willful child will be the only female ever to dictate my behavior.
And so, I find myself back in the mountains. Living not quite in Silverstar, but instead on the edge of Brite Mountain,
where I've relocated my latest start-up. There's a compelling business argument for the move, but essentially, I'm here for
Annie. Once it became clear that her mother was never going to give her the childhood she deserved, and I knew I didn't want a
host of random nannies caring for her, I knew it was time to return home. My doting grandparents and sister Emma, with her
close-knit family, can provide Annie with the security she needs to flourish.
"Daddy!" Annie calls out to me. She'd been skipping ahead but is running back to me excitedly. "Can we get some
My sister Emma laughs as she takes my daughter's hand. "I say yes. It's the fair, after all."
I roll my eyes at my sister. "It's also only 10 am. But yes, of course," I say to my daughter and watch her face beam with
happiness. Turning to my sister, I add, "Remember to make that introduction. I might even buy you a cake, too."
"You know, I'm really not Tanya's favorite person. But okay."
"I'm sure she's over it," I reply, dismissing her concerns. Apparently, my sister didn't give Tanya the warmest welcome
when she returned to the pack, but ever since Tanya’s family was cleared of stealing from the pack years ago, Emma has still
felt bad.
I keep telling her she's too soft and should get over it, and I do so again now.
"It's still a bit embarrassing, that's all," she says.
"Well, this is your chance to strike up a conversation," I reply, scooping Annie up into my arms as we mingle among the
I almost couldn't believe my ears when I heard that Tanya was living with Zack. I could hardly believe it. To be honest,
I was surprised to even hear her name at all. Not many people knew the name of the infamous black-hat hacker who was able
to make the move from the dark web to the heart of the FBI. Though, not many people have my government contacts. I had even
reached out to Tanya a few years ago to run some covert corporate spying for me, but she'd declined.
If I'm honest, the main reason I want to meet Tanya is that I'm a fan of her work. Not many people impress me, and she
does. It doesn't hurt that she's now running a cybersecurity program at the local college. From what I've heard, it's possibly the
best in the country. Considering my latest start-up has a division linked to cybersecurity, I'm hoping that college will provide a
steady stream of new minds. I've had to relocate an entire team from California. Not the most cost-effective way to launch a
business, but these mountain areas aren’t exactly known for their tech innovation.
Until I arrived, of course.
Annie wriggles out of my arms and reverts to skipping, weaving in and out of Emma and me. Looking around, I can see
why Annie is so happy. There's a wholesome small-town vibe here that you only get in the smallest pockets of LA, and even
then, it feels manufactured. I've noticed a positive change in my daughter since the moment we arrived. My little wolf feels
freer here, even if she doesn't have the words to express it.
I spot Tanya before Emma nudges me in her direction. She's standing behind a cake stall, arranging some of the baked
goods. I can't help but shake my head slightly. What is it about this town that can reduce even the most successful minds to
running a cake stall? It's that pack community gene that has entirely passed me by.
I pull Annie along. "Time to get you that cake,” I tell her.
I try to keep a straight face as Emma awkwardly approaches Tanya. I can't quite decide if there's genuine animosity
lingering between them or if it's just plain awkward. From what Emma told me, Tanya had quite a rough ride when she came
back to town, and then it turned out her family was innocent all along. I think some members of the pack, my sister included,
have a bit of a shame hangover.
Emma is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known. She just suffers from the pack mentality. She’s wary of outsiders,
and loyalty is everything to the pack.
I listen to the two women exchanging pleasantries. I'm sure they'll sort it out eventually. Finally, Emma introduces me,
and I see recognition flare in Tanya's eyes as I confirm I'm behind the new start-up on Brite Mountain.
"You're a long way from LA, Mr. Matherson," she laughs.
"I could say the same about you," I reply, "though I hear you're doing excellent things in cybersecurity at the college. A
little ironic, no?"
Amusement flashes in Tanya’s eyes as she shows Annie some of the cakes she's putting out. My daughter's eyes flit over
them in delight. "I see your point,” Tanya says. “Those students are going to do great things."
"With you teaching them, I have no doubt," I say sincerely.
"Here comes one of them now—my star student. I am a little biased because I know her, but she really is one to watch."
Tanya gestures to my left.
I turn slightly and then freeze, my breath completely stolen by the woman I see walking toward us.
She is an absolute vision of beauty, with long, wavy red hair cascading down her back. I can't help wondering if it feels
as soft as it looks. Her skin is flawless, and her eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I have ever seen. She is wearing a
simple blue sundress that shows off her curves and dips, revealing just a hint of her breasts, but still manages to make her look
Much too innocent for someone like me.
I am lost in her beauty until Tanya's voice brings me back to reality. "This is Saffy. Saffy, this is Cole Matherson. From
Brite Mountain."
Saffy's eyes go wide as she suddenly realizes who I am.
Uncharacteristically lost for words, I reach out my hand in greeting. The moment our fingers touch, I feel a startling jolt
of electricity, like I have been plugged into an outlet. It’s almost too much.
I release her hand, stepping back and trying to compose myself. Saffy looks up at me with her big green eyes, and my
heart skips a beat for the first time in as long as I can remember.
"It's very nice to meet you, Saffy," I manage.
"Likewise. Everyone's talking about your new company over at Brite Mountain," she replies, her voice soft and gentle.
I watch her cheeks heat up, and I enjoy the sight immensely. It's clear that I'm having an effect on her, and that
knowledge gives me a thrill. She looks so beautiful standing there that I almost forget why we're here. Almost.
"So, Tanya was just telling me you're her star student," I say, trying to sound casual but probably failing miserably.
Saffy smiles, blushing furiously before replying, "I don't know about that, but she's a great teacher."
"I'm sure she is. Not every day you find the FBI's top hacker teaching college classes," I say with amusement, my gaze
still locked on hers.
We stand there for a few moments, just looking at each other. I can't help but notice how her eyes sparkle when she
looks at me, and how her lips curl into a shy smile when she catches me staring. My heart races in my chest as an unexpected
feeling of desire begins to build inside me. She's not my usual type. She looks so...sweet.
Finally, I break the silence, remembering why I wanted to be introduced to Tanya in the first place. "So," I say, clearing
my throat, "Tanya will have to arrange a visit for her students out to Brite Corp. We will be running an internship. I trust you'll
apply, seeing as you're the star student, of course?"
Saffy nods eagerly. "Oh, yes, definitely. That sounds incredible."
I smile, satisfied by her enthusiasm. Her eyes seem to shine even brighter as she rambles slightly about how much she
loves her course and her latest project. I can appreciate her zest for the subject, though, considering I am a bit of a tech nerd
myself. She sure has a hell of a head start with someone like Tanya teaching her. I really have lucked out, having a ready-made
future workforce practically on my doorstep here.
"Saf, can you help finish unpacking while I wrap these?" Tanya calls over, breaking the spell between us. I instinctively
want to tell her to get lost. I want to hold onto this moment for as long as possible.
But of course, I don't. Instead, I smile and gesture toward the stall. "It looks like we're being summoned."
Annie is jumping up and down in front of a selection of cakes, and Emma seems to be putting a large order in,
presumably to take some home for her boys.
I stand back slightly and watch as Saffy helps Tanya, my eyes glued to her every move. I can't help but think about the
way our hands touched earlier and the electricity that passed between us. It was unlike anything I've ever felt before.
As they finish packing the last of the cakes, Saffy turns to me, her eyes meeting mine once more. "It was nice to meet
you, Mr. Matherson," she says, her voice soft.
"It's Cole, please," I reply, unable to resist the urge to step closer.
She nods, a small smile playing on her lips. "Cole, it was nice to meet you. And you, too, Annie," she says to my
daughter, handing her a sample from the plate Tanya is busy arranging.
I'm sure I can see a hint of attraction in Saffy’s eyes. I don't think I'm imagining it. There's something between us,
something powerful and undeniable. I just need to figure out how to explore it.
"We should go," I say reluctantly. "Tanya, I'd like to set up a meeting to discuss the internships and a site visit."
I don't miss the hint of disappointment flashing across Saffy's face as Tanya turns to me and smiles. "That sounds great,”
Tanya says. “Just have someone contact the college. It's very nice to meet you."
"Likewise," I reply, and I turn to nod at Saffy, my eyes lingering on her for a moment longer before I turn and walk
away. Annie grasps my free hand and starts telling me about all the different cakes she and Emma chose to eat later.
We walk through the other stalls before taking our seats for the sports tournament. Emma's sons arrive, and Annie
proudly hands out the cakes. She takes her role very seriously, explaining exactly what’s in each one.
As she snuggles against me, watching the games, my thoughts return to Saffy. One thing I know for certain: she's already
on the internship list. She's not getting away from me.
Chapter 2 - Saffy
My hand shakes as I hand some of the fresh sample slices to Annie, barely able to take my eyes off Cole the whole time.
I'm relieved when she grabs them enthusiastically before I drop them. She's an adorable little girl, and I can't help smiling at
her reaction to tasting the sweet treats.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she chants, twirling on the spot. I briefly consider she might not need much more
sugar today, but I'm sure she'll burn off all that energy at the fair this afternoon.
"You're very welcome, Annie," I say, smiling. My eyes can't help flicking back toward Cole, now standing closer to the
table. He's staring straight at me, and our eyes lock once again.
I feel a shiver run down my spine as he takes a step closer, and I'm suddenly aware of the way my heart is pounding in
my chest. His gaze is intense, and I can't look away. I'm not sure if it's the way he's looking at me or the way my wolf is
howling inside me, but I can feel my body responding in a way it never has before.
My mouth is suddenly dry, and I feel like I need to say something to break the heavy tension. "It was nice to meet you,
Mr. Matherson." My voice comes out strange, almost like a whisper, and I notice his eyes crinkling with amusement.
"It's Cole, please," he replies, and I smile, attempting to swallow down my nerves.
"Cole, it was nice to meet you. And you, too, Annie," I say as Tanya passes me the last small sample for Annie to try.
Annie beams as she declares the last one is the best.
I try to busy myself, arranging the samples we prepared while Cole and Tanya discuss the possible internship and
arrange a meeting. I don't want to appear too eager, but the thought of working at Brite Corp is a dream come true. There aren't
many tech opportunities in the mountains—make that no tech opportunities. Brite Corp launching a new start-up here could be
the beginning of a whole new industry.
Not to mention, all my research has been in mobile cyber security. I'm even developing my own program, so it's a
perfect fit for Cole's company.
Cole turns back to me and gives me a simple nod as he says goodbye to Tanya. I nod, unable to form words, as his gaze
lingers on me for a moment longer before he turns to leave. My wolf practically howls inside me, begging me to follow him,
wanting to be near him. Which is ridiculous. My sensible side kicks in, reminding me I barely know this man. I don't even
know if he has a wife. Annie must have a mom somewhere. She could even be here at the fair.
As I watch him disappear into the crowd, I can't help but wonder what it would be like to be his. To be the woman on
his arm, the one he desires above all else. It's a dangerous thought, but I can't help entertaining it as I try to refocus on the stall.
Tanya's talking to me, but I'm barely aware of what she's saying.
"Earth to Saffy," Tanya giggles, jerking me back to reality.
I know I'm blushing furiously as I turn to face her and just hope she can't read my mind. "They seemed nice," I say,
trying to sound casual.
"Nice, huh?" Tanya says thoughtfully, "Any other adjectives you want to throw in?"
I groan. "Don't tease me, okay? He probably thinks I'm a total douchebag."
Tanya laughs. "What on earth makes you say that? From the look on his face, I don't think he was thinking douchebag."
I return to packing the empty boxes we don't need until the stall to tidy the area before we get busy. I'm hoping Tanya
will drop the subject, but I'm also secretly keen to know what she means. The silence drags on for what feels like minutes but
is probably only seconds before I can't take it any longer. "He must have a wife, right? I mean, Annie must have a mom?"
"Well, I'm sure she does have a mom, but you probably don't need the FBI to investigate the rest."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. "Google him, silly."
I roll my eyes, pretending not to be bothered as Tanya types in a quick search and scrolls for a second. "Here we go.
Divorced for a year. Wife was called Carmela, who must be Annie's mom. No girlfriend, but lots of pictures with women at
events. See?"
She turns the phone around, and we scroll through a whole host of images from various events, all of which show Cole
with a whole range of stunning women on his arm. I feel sillier the longer I look. I'm nothing like these women, not even close.
And his life looks so glamorous. It almost makes me wonder why he's living out here at all.
My cheeks burn even brighter as I step away and continue puttering around the stall, almost willing some customers to
come along and keep me busy, but the fair is only just starting.
"Hey. You okay?" Tanya asks after a moment.
The last thing I want is for her to think I'm actually pining after some man I've just met, especially a super-hot
billionaire who probably wouldn't look at me twice. I paste a smile on my face, relieved as I see some customers heading our
way. "Yeah, of course. Looks like we're going to be busy."
"I really hope we can get over to the sports ground before Zack comes out," Tanya says, and I can't help but smile. She's
obviously besotted with my brother, and considering that I know he's about to propose to her, I know he feels the same.
Their love appears so unlikely on paper. Their parents were enemies, with Tanya's parents framed by ours and
banished for years. Tanya was full of hatred toward our family and only came back to get revenge on Zack and me. In the end, it
became clear we were all victims of my evil and abusive parents—story of my life.
I'm so glad Tanya and Zack were able to find their way back to forgiveness. Even Tanya's parents appear to be healing.
I love Tanya and already feel like she's part of our family, so I can't wait to make it official.
A sudden influx of customers keeps us busy as everyone wants to get snacks before the games begin. I smile as the
baked goods almost completely sell out in record time. As much as I love my course and working with computers, I'll always
have a special place in my heart for my time working at the store and our county-renowned cakes.
As the crowds start to fade with people rushing to take their seats, Tanya and I rush to clear the mess and secure the
stall before heading over to the ground, too. The games are already underway, and we just managed to snag some of the last
seats left vacant for the stall holders by the edge of the field.
I always loved watching the pack games as a pup, but they stopped for a few years when Diego's son caused a war
between the neighboring packs. If Diego hadn't been able to forgive Mateo's pack for their part in his son's death and find a
way back to peace, they'd never have restarted.
I watch Zack lead his team to victory on the field, stealing a glance at Tanya, who looks like she might burst with pride
and happiness. Mid-celebration, Zack heads our way, jumping the barrier and stopping in front of Tanya. I realize what he's
about to do before anyone else because he's been incessantly talking to me about it for the last couple of days, wanting it to be
perfect. He drops to one knee and proposes.
The crowd around us goes wild as she accepts, and he spins her around. I hug each of them in turn, my cheeks almost
hurting from the beaming smile that's taken over my face. I have to shoo Tanya away as she attempts to return to the stall with
me for the afternoon shift. "You can't work on the stall when you just got engaged. Go enjoy the fair with Zack," I tell her.
"I can't leave you in the stall alone, Saf," she points out, and I think for a moment.
Spotting my friend approaching through the crowd, I beckon her over. "Emily will help, won't you?"
Emily rolls her eyes, but after congratulating Tanya and Zack, she reluctantly agrees, and we start walking back to the
stall. Em is chatting away about how romantic Zack's proposal was, but I start to get a funny feeling, like someone is watching
me. I turn and scan the crowd, my shifter senses on high alert. It's not necessarily a threatening feeling, just unsettling.
As we approach the stall, I catch a glimpse of Cole out of the corner of my eye. He's standing toward the edge of the
crowd, his gaze locked on me. My heart races at the sight of him, and I can feel my wolf stirring. I can't help but wonder if he's
the source of my unease.
"Hey, you alright?" Emily asks, noticing that I haven't been listening to a word she's said.
I shake my head, trying to shake off the strange feeling. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit...off."
Emily smiles sympathetically, adding, "You just need some sugar to perk you up. Are we allowed to eat the stock?"
I laugh. "You're allowed two cakes as payment. And my thanks, of course."
"Payment in cake will have to do, seeing as it's for charity.” She starts looking in the tins to pick her favorites.
I try to refocus on the stall, but my mind keeps drifting back to Cole. I can't get his intense gaze out of my head, and I
can feel my body responding to him in a thrilling and terrifying way. I remind myself of the pictures Tanya found. There's no
way he'd be interested in some small-town nobody like me.
Despite the busy afternoon, I continue to feel off balance. It's as if my wolf is constantly aware of someone's presence.
Several times, I see Cole strolling among the crowd with his family. I hear his name mentioned too occasionally, and I get it.
He's a big deal around here. A billionaire coming home and launching a tech start-up doesn't happen every day.
"Damn, he is hot," Em mutters. I spin around to see what she's looking at, but no one is there.
“Who?” I laugh.
“That new guy, the billionaire,” she says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "He was just over there. I'm not
into older men, you know, but I'd make an exception."
I laugh, trying to sound casual. "I'm sure your boyfriend would be thrilled to hear that."
Em shrugs. "You know I like Michael, but I think even he'd admit he's not a trillionaire with a lodge in Aspen." My
mouth drops open at her words, and she smirks. "Just kidding. He is hot, though."
Scanning the crowd again, I finally spot him. Annie is now holding a massive balloon that looks like it could lift her
right off the ground, and Cole is smiling at her before she runs off with her aunt. Watching him with his daughter really shouldn't
make me want him more. Is that just weird? Just as I'm contemplating that, he suddenly looks around, locking eyes with me.
The strength of his gaze nearly knocks me sideways, stealing my breath. I'm unable to look away as my heart pounds.
Flustered, I try to pull myself back to reality. I can't just be imagining this, surely. Does he feel it, too?
His expression suddenly changes, and the smile disappears. He shifts his gaze away quickly with an almost
imperceptible shake of his head, turning and walking off without looking back.
I watch him go until he and Annie have disappeared into the crowd before finally allowing myself to take a deep breath
and release it slowly. What was that? I've never felt anything like that before, and for a second, I thought Cole had been just as
affected by our connection as me.
My heart sinks at the realization that he could have been just looking at me out of politeness or maybe even pity. I
probably looked ridiculous, standing there with my mouth hanging open, staring at him like an idiot! It doesn't change the fact
that being near Cole has sent my emotions into overdrive, and now all I want is more of whatever this feeling is.
Chapter 3 - Cole
"Don't tell me you were actually here at 5 am," Jonah, my COO, says, walking straight into my office with a cup of
coffee in each hand.
"Who told you that?" I ask, not even looking up. I've told Jonah a thousand times that I hate people barging into my
office but to no avail. He'd be gone if he wasn't so good at his job. Luckily for him, he's the best. Good enough that I practically
forced him to relocate here from California temporarily. It's a move I'm not sure he's totally on board with, so I'll let this
intrusion slide. For now.
Jonah chuckles, placing a coffee in front of me. "Your very sexy receptionist who saw your log-in time."
I take a long sip of my coffee and nod in thanks before finally looking up at him. "Do not have sex with my receptionist.
Finding good staff has been a challenge, Jonah."
"Tell me about it. I've just signed off on some more transfers from the West Coast offices. A start-up in an area with no
resources was always going to be an uphill battle." His words remind me of the conversation we've had so many times since I
decided to return to my pack and launch Brite Corp in the mountains.
"Build it, and they will come. Isn't that what they say?" I remind him. Unlike Jonah, I'm not concerned. My name alone
has enough people clambering to be part of any project I turn my hand to. We turn more people away than we could ever
employ on the tech side. Having said that, finding reliable and experienced functional staff like receptionists has strangely been
more of a challenge.
And Jonah has a habit of loving and leaving them, which means they feel compelled to leave me, too.
"So, we're agreed. Not my receptionist," I say, leveling him with a stare that shows how much I mean it.
He rolls his eyes but nods. "Agreed, for now. I might revisit this conversation if things don't pick up around here,
"Not having fun?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Jonah is missing our old life in LA. "Give the mountains a chance.
You always said you want to explore your wolf's natural instincts. Better to do that out here than in the city."
Jonah is a half-shifter who grew up in the human world. He’s a true friend, but I see his darkness. He's repressed his
wolf side for so long that it occasionally breaks through in unhealthy ways, though he presents as a typical Californian surfer.
Many would be forgiven for thinking he's all fun and laid-back, but I know the truth. He's one of the smartest men I know,
intensely ambitious, and potentially more dangerous than most full shifters.
I've learned the best way to keep Jonah on the straight and narrow is to keep him busy. He needs to be occupied in both
mind and body. This trait of his is also useful for me because there's always lots to do.
I stand, stretching my limbs after working for the last few hours. Hell, maybe I should occupy my body more than my
mind sometimes. The truth is, I woke early because I couldn't get that girl off my mind. Over the last few weeks, I've consumed
every scrap of information I can find on Saffy. Pretty much her entire life story, from the mess with her awful-sounding parents,
to her being raised with her brother Zack, and now her burgeoning career in cybersecurity. I even know her best friend is
named Emily, and her favorite color appears to be cornflower blue, if social media is to be believed.
And there's no boyfriend, but I already knew that because I would have smelled him on her. And then I'd have gotten rid
of him.
I turn and look out at the mountain range. This view is the entire reason I bought this plot and built the new facility with
my office at the center, towering over the cliff drop and affording me a view I'd dreamed of for years. A little narcissistic,
perhaps, but what's the point of all this success if I don't get the office and the view I want? I get Jonah's reservations, but for
me, coming back to the mountains has been the right move. I thought I was doing it for Annie, but in reality, I was the one who
needed this.
I just didn't realize it until I got here. And now I think I know why.
Weeks of preparation, fast-tracking the internship program, just to get her here. I contemplated a more direct route, but
after hours of researching her history and watching her from afar, I see her naivete and innocence. Both are things that should
put me off, but somehow only spur me on. Unlike Jonah, I care very much about my carefully curated image. My shareholders
depend on it, as does my daughter. My tastes may be as dark as his, but they'll never make the front pages because I'm careful
about who I play with.
So the question is, can Saffy handle my attention?
I guess we're going to find out.
But for now, I turn my attention back to Jonah. I can't have him getting bored and causing chaos by reverting to
destructive behaviors. He's worth too much to the company. "I've sent over those files,” I tell him. “There's enough in there to
keep you busy for the next couple of weeks. It's make-or-break for that department. I'm not throwing money at it anymore if they
can't turn it around."
He nods, and I see his mind working. He's as shrewd as I am, which is saying something.
"But I can't have you sitting around after work,” I continue, “so come check out the fresh snow on the ridge tonight. It's
about time you let your wolf run."
Jonah looks doubtful, and I know why. He struggles to control himself in wolf form. "I don't know, Cole. Don't you have
to get back to Annie?"
I laugh. "Nice try. I'm having dinner with Annie, but the nanny is staying over all week. We can still run later."
He blows out a breath, shrugs, and stands. "Yeah, whatever. We can run. I still don't like the snow, though."
"You'll get used to it.”
"I'm here for you, Cole. But I'm not giving up the beach forever, man."
"Yeah, I know." I'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I think to myself.
I need to steer the conversation away from Jonah missing his precious waves. Thankfully, I'm saved by the intercom and
my admittedly very sexy receptionist, Carla. "Mr. Matherson, you wanted to be notified when the interns arrived."
I thank her, grab my jacket, slide the tailored material over my shoulders, and fasten the buttons. I turn to find Jonah
looking at me quizzically. "Since when do we give a shit about the interns?" he asks, and gives a laugh.
I take a deep breath and keep my face neutral. "These are Tanya's students. I'm expecting great things, to be honest."
Clapping him on the back as I walk toward the door, I add, "You're the one worried about staffing issues out here. These interns
are homegrown and cheap."
Jonah follows me onto the gallery landing outside my office, which overlooks the reception area. I immediately spot
Saffy standing with two other interns, talking to Carla.
"I still don't get it. This isn't like you at all. I mean—" Jonah's words die on his lips as he clocks who I'm looking at.
"Oh, my. This is actually exactly like you. Looks like I’m not the only one looking for some entertainment out here.” He laughs
"I don't need entertaining," I snap.
Jonah holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Cole, it's admirable you're here doing the right thing by Annie. You know
I love that kid. But we both know that certain itches need scratching. So I have to say, as fun as corrupting that sweet little
intern will be, it will cause more of a stink than me fucking your receptionist."
I roll my eyes at Jonah's comment. He really has no idea what he's talking about. Saffy isn't just some random girl I'm
trying to corrupt for the hell of it. She's different. Special. And I don't want to just scratch an itch with her. I want something
more. Something real.
But Jonah doesn't need to know that. He wouldn't understand, anyway.
I turn to him and give him a half-smile. "You're not fucking my receptionist, Jonah. Carla is off-limits. Understood?"
He grins at me, clearly amused. "I know, I know. I was just making a point. But seriously, Cole, you need to relax a
little. Let loose. Have some fun. It's been too long."
"I am having fun," I say, glancing back toward Saffy. She's still talking to Carla, her expression earnest and focused. "In
my own way."
Jonah shakes his head, but I can tell he's not going to push the issue. "Fine, whatever. But if you get bored of whatever
this is," he says, waving his hand in the intern's direction, "you did promise a trip back to the coast. You know there are plenty
of women who share our tastes there. Not little college girls who will probably run screaming. Just say the word." He winks at
I chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind."
Just then, Saffy turns and catches my eye. I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through me, and I can't help but smile at her.
She smiles back, and I swear I can literally feel my heart racing.
I want nothing more than to go straight down and speak to her, but listening to Jonah, although it’s harmless teasing,
makes me appreciate how unusual it would look for me to involve myself with the interns.
So, instead of going downstairs as planned, I send Jonah away with a slap on the back and return to my office. I think
he's going to say more, but then he thinks better of it and walks away, chuckling to himself.
Once I'm back in my office, I bring up the security feed on my tablet. This will have to do for now. I watch as Saffy and
the other interns are shown around by Carla and one of the women from HR.
I zoom in on her face, removing the distraction of the others, and can't help but remember that morning. Unable to sleep
because I'd been obsessively anticipating today, I'd taken an early shower and had imagined her kneeling before me, her eyes
bright with excitement as she awaited my next command. Submitting to me completely. I could almost feel those soft lips as
they wrapped around my hard cock. Her dainty hands cupped my balls as she moaned for more, struggling to take me as deep
as possible. My desire felt as alive as my wolf, and I reveled in the feeling of power this sense of possession had over me.
I shake my head to try to clear the thoughts, feeling heat rise in my chest. I know I want her, but if I'm going to have her,
it needs to be on my terms, with my rules. Unless I’m serious about her, no one needs to know I’m interested.
Chapter 4 - Saffy
"I'm really not sure about this," I groan, tugging my pencil skirt down again as we walk up the steps to the glass and
steel reception doors.
"The skirt, or the entire intern thing?" Charlotte asks from behind me, slapping my hand away. "Stop fussing with it."
"I know, I know," I say, giving it one final yank. "I just feel so out of place already."
Charlotte pauses on the top step, reaching for my arm. "Hey, I know what you mean. But honestly, you look gorgeous as
always. And besides, we're here as interns, not to CEO."
I look into my friend's intelligent brown eyes and nod. I know she's nervous, too, but she's just less bothered about what
other people think and more interested in advancing her career. I only wish I could be so focused and less nervous.
Before I can reply, I hear someone shout our names from the parking lot. I turn and see Terrance, our friend from class
and the third intern, sprinting over to meet us. "Wait for me!"
I can feel Charlotte rolling her eyes beside me. "Do we really have to wait for him?" She sighs.
I laugh. "Yes, don't be mean."
"He's such a douchebag," she groans. She's not entirely wrong; Terrance can be a handful, and he's probably Charlotte's
polar opposite. Where she’s studious and known for being very quiet and academic, Terrance is the life and soul of college, a
party-loving extrovert on every team. He's also incredibly smart, so they have that in common, at least.
"Be nice,” I say. “It’s his first day, too. Maybe he’s nervous.”
As soon as the words leave my mouth and we watch him bound up the steps, I know he's not nervous at all. His face is
flushed from running, but his eyes are shining with excitement rather than nerves. Terrance is a good-looking guy, popular with
all the girls, but to me, he's just a loveable comedian. He always makes me laugh. Unfortunately, he and Charlotte seem to rub
each other the wrong way, so it might not be much fun being stuck in the middle of them while we're here.
Charlotte gives me a quick eye-roll but doesn't say anything as Terrance stops in front of us.
"I can't believe you were going to go in without me. We're a team." He pouts, throwing his arms around us.
Charlotte immediately shrugs his arm off. "We need to be professional, Terrance. This is a huge opportunity."
"I know, I know." He laughs. "Chill, Lottie."
Charlotte pauses with her hand on the door. "For the last time, Terrance. It's Charlotte."
This time, I roll my eyes. At both of them. They're both great—the class clown and the class overachiever. And me? I'm
not sure who I am. Just your average small-town girl, hoping not to embarrass herself on her first day.
Especially in front of Cole Matherson.
Just conjuring up his name makes my cheeks burn in anticipation. I doubt he'll even remember me, and I'm sure I won't
even see him while we're here. It's a massive company, after all, and we're just interns. Despite knowing that, I still haven't
been able to stop thinking about him or fantasizing about what it would be like to see him again.
I cringe as the thought runs through my mind again. He's not going to be interested in someone like you.
Pulling myself together, I follow Charlotte and Terrance into the building, trying to focus on their conversation even
though they're just bickering. Thankfully, Charlotte takes it upon herself to go and introduce herself to the receptionist, who
smiles at us all in greeting.
"Don't wind her up, okay?" I say to Terrance.
He winks, flashing me one of his winning smiles as he winks. "Sure thing. You know I'm only messing with her." He
lowers his voice to a whisper, leaning in slightly. "I know how important this is to you, Saf. I got you."
The look in his eyes is so open and reassuring, I can totally see why he seems to have a different girlfriend every other
month. I'm sure he's a lot of fun to go out with, but I've just never felt an attraction to him. He did ask me out the first week we
met in college, but I'm so glad we were able to become friends instead. Charlotte can be a bit too serious sometimes, and I
think Terrance and his antics will be a great distraction to stop me from brooding over Cole the entire time I'm here.
"Just look at this place," Terrance says with genuine wonder in his voice. "I mean, wow."
I scan the reception area while Charlotte chats with the woman at the desk. Being in such a corporate environment for
the first time is a little intimidating. There are hardly any tech industries around here, and certainly, none are this impressive.
Brite Corp has been built into the side of the mountain. A huge glass and steel complex blends into the rock face, with eco-
roofing and living walls blending seamlessly with the forest from the approaching road. It's incredible.
The interior is no less impressive. The harder glass and steel elements are offset with warm wood accents and
comfortable soft furnishings.
And I have never felt so inferior in all my life.
Before I can spiral into self-doubt, Charlotte walks back to us, followed by two women.
"Saffy and Terrance?" a very attractive woman asks. She’s in a skirt suit, wearing glasses that only make her look
sexier. We nod and introduce ourselves. "I'm Carla, Mr. Matherson's personal assistant. This is Ruby Bailey from HR, and
we're going to be giving you a tour and assigning your first department teams. Excited to get started?"
We all nod enthusiastically, but inside, I'm dying. Carla is so sexy. If that's the kind of woman Cole surrounds himself
with even here, then I'm an idiot for thinking he'd ever look twice at me.
As I stand, listening to Carla and Ms. Bailey talk about the security protocols, I feel a familiar feeling creeping through
me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up—the feeling of being watched. I subtly glance around the expansive
reception area, but everyone else is ignoring us, rushing around and certainly not looking in our direction. I can't shake the
feeling, though, and although I try to listen to what the women are saying, I feel more flustered the longer we stand there.
Carla’s voice snaps me back to reality. "Okay. Follow us.” She turns and leads us through the maze of corridors off the
reception area.
I can't help but gawp as we walk past the various open-plan workstations. The Brite Corp employees seem so young
and trendy. Although plenty are wearing suits, others appear more casually dressed. Hanging out in smaller labs, they seem to
be having the time of their lives, with music playing and people standing around, laughing and chatting. It's not what I was
"This is definitely my kind of place," Terrance laughs as if he can read my mind.
"It's so cool," I admit. "Look at all of them. We're so lucky to have been chosen."
We stop at a small glass conference room, and Carla picks up a small remote on the table. Instantly, the frosted glass
doors slide open. "This is the training room,” she says. “We'll do your orientation here. You've got time to settle in while I help
Ruby with something. Look through these files, and we'll get started in ten."
She smiles before disappearing in the opposite direction. I'm so distracted by my surroundings that I barely notice her
leaving until the doors close.
The conference room is large, with a circular table in the middle surrounded by six chairs. On the walls are various
framed photos of Cole Matherson's business achievements and awards, along with a giant LCD screen that looks like it could
be used for presentations. The room has all the latest technology, with an interactive whiteboard system and multiple ports to
connect laptops or tablets.
I straighten my skirt again and sit, still feeling completely out of place. Terrance continues walking around, checking
everything out.
"It looks like someone has been spending all the company’s money here,” he jokes lightly before leaning back on his
chair and asking me, "So, what do you think of Cole? Do you think he's really as bad as they say?"
I feel my cheeks flush and quickly look away before answering, trying to sound casual even though my mind is racing. "I
don't know much about him. And what do you mean, bad?"
Terrance nods conspiratorially before leaning in. "It seems like he's into some kinky stuff, if you know what I mean." He
raises his eyebrows suggestively, and I can feel my heart race faster as I realize what he's implying.
"That can't be true," I stammer, hoping to convince myself more than anyone else.
Terrance just laughs and shakes his head before picking up one of the files and flicking through it absentmindedly before
setting it back down.
"Believe what you want," he says with a smirk on his face. "But trust me when I say Cole sounds like a total legend."
"We are absolutely not discussing this," Charlotte snaps, glaring at him from across the table. "They could be listening,
and Saffy looks like she's seen a fucking ghost, Terrance."
Terrance looks suitably scolded for a second before grinning at me. "Sorry, Saffy. I didn't realize you were that
My cheeks burn bright red at the insinuation, and I find myself shaking my head. "It's not that. It's just what Charlotte
said. They might be listening."
"Sure, they're bugging the interns," Terrance says with a dismissive laugh. I have to admit he's right. I doubt anyone here
cares much about the lowly interns.
I'm relieved when Carla and Ruby return to start the orientation, apologizing for the late start. I'm just grateful that
Terrance is forced to actually listen and stop gossiping about Cole. Surely Cole’s not into anything weird.
I try to stop my mind from wandering, considering what might be considered kinky in Terrance's mind. Tanya and I
Googled Cole, but nothing out of the ordinary came up, so I'm sure Terrance is trying to be provocative.
I listen as Carla and Ruby run through the departments we'll have the opportunity to spend time with. "So, Terrance and
Charlotte," Carla says, directing her attention to them, "you're going to start out with our analytics team. They've looked at your
files and are really excited to show you both what they're working on."
I sense Charlotte and Terrance's eyes flicker to me, probably mirroring my confusion, so I paste a smile on my face to
hide my nerves. I hadn't considered that we might not be staying together. Charlotte is an academic superstar, and Terrance
already has a reputation as a wannabe highflyer. Perhaps I didn't come across as well in my video application to the company,
and I'm going to end up working in the mailroom. I internally brace myself.
"Saffy," Carla says, her perfect smile never faltering, "you'll be in our R&D department."
I don't hear the rest of her sentence because my relief almost overwhelms me. That's exactly where I wanted to be. I've
been working on my own software project, and the thought of being in a proper R&D department where I can get loads of new
ideas to perfect my ideas is overwhelming. I try to keep my expression neutral, but I can't help smiling.
"Erm, Carla?" Charlotte pipes up. "What if we want to be in that department, too?"
I cringe slightly as I realize my friends might be put out by me being in R&D. Given our recent work at college, it's
undoubtedly the most exciting department.
"Oh, you'll all move around. Don't worry,” Ruby replies breezily.
This seems to make Charlotte happier, as she nods. The women continue the orientation.
I would have preferred to stay with the others—my wolf never likes being alone—but I'm also really excited that I've
got my first choice in department. I’m still nervous as hell, but I’m determined to make this internship a success.
Chapter 5 - Cole
As the call wraps up, I'm jerked back into the moment by someone thanking me for being there. Amusing, really, as my
face may have appeared on the screen, but I most certainly haven't really been with them. Thankfully, it was simply a call
where my presence gave the meeting some gravitas rather than one where anyone was expecting my input. I'm sure I looked
disinterested and aloof. The way people like their billionaires.
"No, thank you for having me,” I say. “It's really great to touch base and see how the team is dealing with these issues. I
know you've got this," I tell Hilary. She's one of my more ambitious department heads back on the West Coast, and I know she
always appreciates the pat on the back. To be fair, her team is killing it as usual.
I'm starting to think I should only concern myself with these snoozefest meetings when something is actually going
I leave the call running as everyone wraps up, but what little attention I was giving it has now completely evaporated. I
don't even notice when the final person logs off. It's not that I don't care about my business or give it 1000% usually, but today,
my mind is firmly somewhere else.
Or rather, on someone else.
I push the laptop away and turn back to the security feed on my tablet. I honestly can't explain why watching Saffy tour
the building is so riveting. The camera quality is excellent, of course, so I can see her laughing with her friends, asking Carla
questions, and catching the eye of nearly every male she passes.
She's stunning. Not in the flashy way I'm usually drawn to. Her clothes are pretty simple and understated. She's wearing
a white shirt with a black pencil skirt that hugs her curves perfectly. It's like she doesn't even know how sexy she looks. But I
bet the other males here see it, too, and just the thought of her attracting attention out there makes me feel a little crazy. She tugs
self-consciously at the skirt as it rides up, and I can't help but smile.
An image of me pushing the tight skirt over her hips and driving into her from behind...
Her long, wavy red hair is tame today, but it only makes me wish I could fist it in my hand to feel how soft it really is.
And her skin, so pale that it practically glows in the office lights. She looks ethereal. And much too young and innocent for me
to ever consider pursuing anything with her.
But still, mesmerized by her beauty, I can't look away from the security feed. I itch to make her mine.
Make her mine.
The thought pulls me up. I stare at her image on the screen, trying to rationalize the thought. Sure, I want her. But there
are lots of women I've wanted; this feels different somehow. I wanted Carmela once. Who wouldn't? My ex has a sinful body
and an intellect to match. It's just a pity I never noticed she had zero maternal instincts until it was too late. A witch through and
through, in every sense of the word.
I wouldn't change anything, though, because I have Annie now. When Carmela announced she was taking a job overseas
—with my main competitor, no less—I think she thought it would get a rise out of me. Instead, it freed me to bring Annie home
to the mountains. As a half-witch/half-shifter, she's going to be formidable in her own right when she's grown. For now, I just
want her to enjoy being a kid.
Watching Saffy, though, I find myself comparing her to my usual type. I like women who know what they want from sex.
Strong women who aren't afraid to test their boundaries. Not necessarily brash women, just those who are comfortable in their
own skin. Jonah always jokes that I only date models, which isn't strictly true. But I am drawn to women who are free with
their bodies, and shifters often are, even more so than humans.
Saffy seems very reserved, though. I watch her tugging down the hem of that damn skirt again, and it makes my fingers
itch to reprimand her. Make her understand how sexy she is, and that she doesn't have to hide. Especially not from me.
I've already considered if Saffy could be my mate. Deep down, shifters all believe in the principle of finding their true
mate—even me. However, after living away from my pack for so long while predominantly surrounded by humans, witches,
and other paranormals, I've all but given up on the concept.
But my wolf's reaction to Saffy is undeniable. Perhaps it's simply infatuation. Perhaps I just need to fuck her and get her
out of my system.
I look at my next meetings and immediately cancel them, having massaged enough executive egos for one morning.
Firing off a quick note to Carla not to disturb me, I settle back to review our latest projections and try not to look at the security
feed. I can't let my obsession with Saffy distract me from my work. I shake my head and bury my head in the figures in front of
An hour or so later, my eyes flick to the security tablet and I do a double take. "What the fuck?"
Saffy is stationed with the R&D department. It's absolutely no coincidence that it's my favorite department, the one I
spend the most time with, and the only one on the same floor as my office. The last time I checked the security feed, she had
been set up at a workstation and was being given an introduction to our systems by one of the technicians. So why am I
watching that other intern fawn all over her? I can't see her face from this angle, but her head is tilted toward him as she's
sitting down, and he's grinning down at her like he's just won a fucking prize.
Before I can even process my own reaction, my wolf engages, and I'm striding toward the door. It slams shut behind me,
causing Carla to jump in her seat, but she doesn't say anything as I walk away. I may be raging inside, but I have a carefully
controlled public image, so I run a hand through my hair and button my jacket as I walk, calming my wolf more with each and
every step. I nod in greeting to a few people as I pass, but I don't stop. My entire focus is on the department at the end of the
glass walkway.
I can feel the burning heat of my wolf threatening to rise in my chest as I approach. My eyes lock onto Saffy and the
other intern. I think his name is Terrance, and I feel my jaw clenching as I fight my wolf's baser instincts.
He's leaning in, leaning over her. He's whispering something in her ear that makes her giggle, and I swear I feel my
wolf snarling. I don't know why I'm so possessive over her. I barely know her. But there's no denying the way she makes me
feel as a shifter and a man. I'm not used to this level of obsession. It's unsettling, to say the least.
I walk through the department and clear my throat, interrupting their conversation. The young male wolf looks up in
surprise, but Saffy doesn't seem to notice at first. When she finally turns to face me, her eyes widen in surprise.
"M-Mr. Matherson," she stammers, a little breathless.
"Hello again, Saffy," I reply tightly, my eyes flicking to the boy. "Have you not been assigned somewhere to be?"
Terrance looks momentarily lost for words, but quickly regains his usual swaggering composure and extends his hand to
me. "Mr. Matherson. It's a pleasure to meet you."
I simply regard his hand until he drops it, his smile never faltering. "Yes,” he says. “I was just on my way back there.
Let me know if you need that ride, Saf?"
I want to remain calm, but I'm finding it harder and harder to do so. Turning to Saffy, I simply say, "I need a word in my
"Of course," she says, standing up and smoothing out her skirt. Terrance looks a little taken aback, but wisely doesn't
say anything and walks away.
I watch him go before indicating for Saffy to follow me. I turn and walk back along the glass walkway, painfully aware
of her presence behind me. She's feeling nervous, and it's rolling off her in waves. Frankly, it's turning me on.
I say nothing to Carla as we pass, but I don't miss the way her eyebrows shoot up as she watches Saffy follow me into
my office. I don't stop. I walk behind my desk and lean against the solid hardwood desk.
Saffy closes the door behind her and stands there, looking at me expectantly. I observe her for a moment, taking in the
way her chest rapidly rises and falls and how she tries to hide her nerves. Her fingers twist together, and her eyes are wide and
bright. I can tell that she's scared. But I'm not sure what she's most afraid of. Me? The way I'm looking at her? The tension in
the air? The feeling she's done something wrong?
I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. This is ridiculous. I'm acting like a jealous teenager. "Saffy," I begin, my
tone firm, "I need to know something."
She blinks, looking confused. "What is it, Mr. Matherson?"
The way she says my full name has blood rushing to my cock, but I ignore it for now. I need to know. "Are you and the
other intern dating?" I ask bluntly.
Her eyes widen even further, and she shakes her head so quickly that her hair flies around her face. "Terrance? No, no.
We're just friends, that's all. Why?"
I'm not sure why I feel so relieved. It's not like I have any kind of claim on her. But still, the thought of her with another
man, even one as annoying as Terrance, makes my blood boil. "Good,” I say gruffly. “I need to know you're going to take this
internship seriously. Not standing around, flirting with a boy for everyone to see."
There's a moment of silence between us, and I can feel the tension in the room growing thicker by the second. I know I
should probably just let her go, tell her to get back to work or something. But I can't resist the pull she has on me. I take a step
forward, crowding her against my desk.
I know I'm probably coming across as a dick, telling her not to flirt when I didn't say the same to him—especially as he
was the one doing the flirting. I just can't seem to control my reactions around her. I'm not sure what I hoped to achieve with all
this. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get that boy away from her. I wanted to get her alone.
But now what am I going to do? What will I risk?
My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can see her breath hitch. I'm about to send her away when I look into her eyes,
and for the first time, I'm convinced I see pure desire reflected there. I am known for being a closed book, but right now, it's as
if she can read my thoughts and knows exactly what I want.
"Mr. Matherson?" she whispers. I'm not sure if she's even aware of the huskiness now lacing her words.
I know that the wolf is in my eyes now. I take another step closer and look at her lips. It would be so easy to kiss her
now, but something holds me back. Instead, I whisper, "Don't squander this opportunity, Saffy. You're too good, too special, for
a boy like that."
The words are soft but filled with meaning, warning her not to take this opportunity lightly or waste herself on someone
like Terrance. Am I suggesting she give herself to someone like me? Someone with probably far darker intentions than a cub
like him?
Saffy swallows hard and nods before turning around and retreating from my office without looking back.
The moment the door closes behind her, a wave of regret hits me. What have I done? My actions were completely out of
character, and I'm left puzzled by the encounter.
Later that night, in an attempt to shake off the events of the day, I take a shower. But even then, I can't escape my
growing obsession with Saffy. I have a vision of pulling her naked into the shower with me before I push her to her knees. I can
almost feel her lips around my cock as she takes me deep into her throat. I imagine myself gripping fistfuls of her soft, deep red
hair as I move her mouth up and down my shaft. She's hesitant at first, but then, with growing confidence, she starts exploring
and teasing me until I'm panting hard and wanting more.
I can imagine all the dirty things I would say as I thrust deeper into her mouth, making her gag slightly. I can feel the
warmth of the water against my skin and the pleasure building inside me until I'm moments away from climaxing. The sensation
is indescribable—like nothing else in this world—and sends shivers down my spine. Bracing one hand on the shower wall, I
release hot cum on the tiled floor, wishing to God it was going down Saffy's willing throat instead.
But then reality hits me like a ton of bricks. She's too innocent, and she’s the beta's fucking sister. I'm used to playing
with women who understand my needs. Saffy practically trembles in front of my wolf, and I can’t decide if that’s a turn-on or a
sign I shouldn’t play with fire.
With a heavy sigh, I turn off the water and step out of the shower, drying myself and then collapsing, unsatisfied, into
Chapter 6 - Saffy
I fight the urge to yawn as I park in the lot and wait, looking around for Charlotte or Terrance so we can walk in
together. I know it's a bit childish to want to walk in with a friend, but I've been feeling off-kilter ever since my encounter with
Cole yesterday.
I barely slept last night. I repeatedly played the scene in my mind, trying to work out what happened. At first, it almost
seemed like he was chastising me for flirting in the office, which would have made him a complete douchebag because I wasn't
flirting. And even if I was, I'm pretty sure women don't get told off for talking to a man in an office in 2023.
Besides, I was at my workstation. It was Terrance who approached me and was in the wrong department. But I'm the
one who got hauled into Cole’s office.
It seems so incredibly unlikely that Cole was jealous. I'm almost embarrassed to even consider that possibility. But the
way he looked at Terrance was murderous. At first, I thought he was pissed at both of us, but when we got into his office, the
atmosphere changed. He changed.
I'm used to being around dominant shifters. My brother is the beta, and his best friend Diego is the alpha. Our house has
always been full of strong and boisterous men. But Cole is something else, dominant but unfamiliar. I used to be terrified of
Diego as alpha; his wolf was so overpowering that I struggled to be in his presence for a long time. Zack always assumed it
was some kind of hangover from our parents’ abusive ways.
However, rather than making me want to retreat, Cole's form of dominance only seemed to pull me in. Like a magnet or
a moth to a flame.
I spot Charlotte's truck pulling across from me, and I get out of my car, waving to get her attention. She greets me with a
brief side hug. We've never been super close, mainly because she's so serious, but I feel like we're really starting to bond over
this internship. I look around but don't see Terrance, so we start walking into the building together.
"So, what did you do last night?" Charlotte asks, eyeing me.
I groan. "Tried and failed to sleep. It was terrible."
"Honestly, stop worrying about this. I'm sure it's all forgotten today," she says, nudging me with her elbow. I appreciate
her words, but I can still remember her face when I relayed most of the incident yesterday after work. She'd looked horrified.
I shake my head. "I just don't get it. He seemed so worked up about me and Terrance. He thought we were dating." I
admit to having skipped over that bit when we spoke yesterday because I was too embarrassed.
Charlotte raises an eyebrow and barks out a laugh. "Dating Terrance? Why would he care about you dating Terrance? I
thought this was about him thinking you guys weren't taking the internship seriously."
"I have no idea," I say, shrugging. "But he was acting a bit weird, and it kind of freaked me out."
Charlotte's eyes go wide. "Maybe he's into you."
I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. Like Mr. Matherson would ever be interested in someone like me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Charlotte says, nudging me again. “You’re gorgeous, Saffy. Unfortunately, I’d say Terrance thinks
so, too. Maybe Mr. Matherson is just pointing out the obvious."
I smile at first, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks, but when she mentions Terrance, it vanishes. "No way, Charlotte.
Terrance and I are just friends. He's like that with everyone. Well, not you, I admit, but you bite his head off."
She laughs again, her whole face lighting up. "That is very true. He really is insufferable, though. You're too nice to
him." We pause at the top of the steps, and she touches my arm lightly. "If Mr. Matherson was really warning you to be seen
taking this opportunity seriously, maybe get Terrance to back off a bit when he's being too much. Okay?"
I nod, more confused than ever. Terrance is just my friend, but I know Charlotte finds his exuberant attitude annoying, so
she's probably not the right person to talk to him about, anyway. But what I'm really thinking about is Mr. Matherson. Cole. I'd
like to believe Charlotte's nice words, but I don't feel particularly gorgeous. I know I'm not unattractive; I'm just not in the same
league as the women someone like Cole would know.
I doubt I'm even on the same planet as those women.
As we walk into the building, I can't help but feel a sense of apprehension. I don't want to mess up this internship
opportunity or make a fool of myself over wanting Cole. But I saw something in his eyes in his office. He’d stood so close to
me, my wolf had practically clawed through my skin to get to him.
I decide to push it all to the back of my mind today. Otherwise, I might go crazy. I've already had three strong coffees,
and I don't want to come across as a jitterbug on my second day.
Charlotte and I head straight to the elevator, and the doors are about to shut when Terrance rushes in. His eyes flick
between the two of us, and I think I catch a slight look of annoyance in them before he masks it with a smile.
"Morning, ladies. You both look lovely as always," he says, his voice smooth and charming.
I smile back, but can feel Charlotte's eyes on me. I know she's waiting for me to say something to him about yesterday.
But I don't, and the silence stretches between us.
"Do you think the boss will tell us off for talking again today?" Terrance asks me conspiratorially as we step out onto
the main floor. "Bit odd, don't you think? What did he say to you?"
I immediately feel my cheeks begin to burn, and I suddenly regret telling Charlotte what Cole asked about Terrance. I
really hope she's not going to say anything. I can feel her eyes on me as we walk to the coffee machine.
"Oh, um, it was a bit odd," I mumble, searching for the right words. "I think he just doesn't like people standing around
Terrance scoffs. "That's a load of crap—everyone here stands around talking. I think it's very suspicious. You get the
best department, and now one-on-one chats with the boss."
I hear Charlotte gasp behind me and step forward, but Terrance interjects, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"Only joking. Jesus, Charlotte.”
I laugh, but it feels forced as I take the coffee he’s holding out for me. Terrance has always been a good friend at
college, and while I know he has a reputation for being a prankster, this conversation doesn’t feel very funny right now.
Though it thankfully ends there, I can't help feeling a little uneasy as I wait for Charlotte to finish making her drink. I
look around the room, hoping Terrance won't mention Cole's name again. I notice Ruby from HR walking toward us, talking to
a man I haven't seen before. He looks completely out of place in this corporate environment with his surfer blond hair and sun-
kissed skin, but he's incredibly good-looking.
"Ah, you must be the new interns," he says, flashing a wide smile. "I'm Jonah, Brite Corp's COO. It's nice to finally
meet you."
I can't help but smile as Charlotte immediately blushes under his gaze, and she quickly introduces herself. I was
beginning to think she might be immune to any man, but it appears she’s not. Although I can't blame her, I find myself comparing
Jonah to Cole, and while his good looks are certainly hot, it's Cole I can't help thinking about.
I give my head an internal shake, wondering why I'm thinking like this at all. Jonah has a mischievous sparkle in his
eyes, though, that tells me he's used to garnering a certain reaction from women.
"It's nice to meet you, Jonah," I say softly. "We're really excited to be here."
He cocks an eyebrow, almost considering his next words before replying. "Well, don't worry, ladies," he says, grinning
playfully at both of us. "You're in for an interesting ride, that's for sure."
I'm really not sure what he means, but before I can ponder it, he's already moved on to introducing himself to Terrance,
who appears to be just as besotted with Jonah as Charlotte. "I sense a bromance," I whisper to Charlotte, who snorts.
"Well, that settles it," Jonah says to Terrance as I tune back into the conversation.
"Settles what?" I ask.
"I've been meaning to have a party at my new place for a while," Jonah explains. "We've had quite a few new starters
recently, including yourselves. Seems like a good time. I'll email out the details."
"He's got a hot tub on the roof!" Terrance exclaims, clearly excited by the prospect.
"You'll have to bring your swimsuits," Jonah says, winking at Charlotte, who practically melts on the spot.
I suspect everyone here likes Jonah; he just has a really likable energy. He also seems to flirt with anything that moves,
so I can't help wondering if Cole has an issue with it.
"Have you all met Cole yet?" Jonah asks, his voice betraying nothing, but he's looking straight at me. Does he know
about the incident yesterday?
"Yep," Terrance replies. Does he still sound pissed? I'm not sure why. He wasn't the one who got called into Cole's
I just nod, trying to keep my expression neutral. But Jonah seems to miss nothing, and I note the twinkle in his eyes
again as he smiles and asks me, "You have met Cole before, haven't you?" I panic slightly as he continues. "You're Saffy, right?
Tanya, our local super hacker, is marrying your brother, right? That's got to be exciting if you're interested in this line of work."
I breathe a sigh of relief, more than happy to discuss Tanya rather than my meeting with Cole yesterday. I can't help but
think Jonah isn't quite the harmless, laid-back surfer type he initially appears to be. There's a calculating intelligence behind
those eyes. I think his mischievousness might be a bit of a mask.
"Yes, that's right,” I say. “I only met Mr. Matherson briefly, though. Tanya says nothing but good things." I keep my voice
neutral and professional.
Jonah smiles, seemingly satisfied with my vague answer.
Suddenly, Charlotte gasps beside me and grabs my arm, nearly knocking my coffee out of my hand. “We’re late! We
can’t be late.”
I can’t help smiling. That’s the Charlotte I know. Not the one making googly eyes at Jonah but panicking about not being
seen at her desk within five seconds of arriving in the building.
Terrance rolls his eyes but wisely doesn't say anything. They're in the same department, after all, and despite his
predisposition for messing around, I know he wants this job to be a success, too.
"You really shouldn't be late, Charlotte," Jonah agrees. “I’d have to get the boss to tell you off.”
He flashes her another wink, but this time, I don't think it has the same effect on her as she's already dragging Terrance
down the hall. Terrance glances back at me like he's going to say something, but turns away. I really hope Charlotte's wrong
about him liking me. I like him as a friend and don't want things to be weird.
I smile at Jonah and Ruby. "It was nice to meet you, Jonah," I say before turning to walk to my department.
"You too, Saffy." As he walks away, Jonah says, " I'll organize that party. Maybe we can even talk Cole into coming,
He doesn't wait for my reaction before he and Ruby walk away, and I'm left standing there, wondering if he deliberately
mentioned Cole's name because he knows something about yesterday. Which is ridiculous, really. I think I'm actually losing it.
The conversation in Cole's office must have affected me even more than I thought.
I walk into the R&D department, still feeling a bit nervous about my new surroundings, though everyone here has been
so friendly and welcoming. As I approach my desk, one of the researchers, Sarah, waves me over.
"Saffy, you're helping me today,” Sarah says. “We're going to be running diagnostics on some new software. Just give
me five minutes."
I beam. That's precisely the kind of project I was hoping to work on. The software I've been developing is at the testing
stage, and I'm hoping I can use some of the ideas I learn here to fine-tune it.
"Amazing, thank you," I reply, sitting at my station for a moment.
Again, I feel the all-too-familiar sensation of being watched. My wolf is alert but strangely not nervous, just intrigued
and slightly on edge. I glance around the department, but everyone seems busy and certainly not bothered about me. Looking
through the large glass panels that face out onto the walkway, I almost freeze as I make eye contact with Cole. He's on his
phone, talking, but his eyes are fixed on me.
My mouth goes dry, and I find I can't look away. I'm almost pinned to the spot.
He smirks at something on his call. Or at me, I'm not sure. My cheeks are on fire as I manage to pull my eyes away and
pretend to look for something in my bag. When I look up again, he's gone.
What the hell?
Chapter 7 - Cole
"Are you going to be bored?" Annie asks from the back seat.
I turn slightly to look at her. Already in her PJs, she looks tiny in her seat with her teddy sitting on her knee. "Of course
not. I've got some work to do," I reassure her. "Besides, I'm just happy you're having a good time with your cousins."
"Work sounds boring. Why don't you come, too? We don't mind," she says, and the sentiment is so sweet, I feel my heart
"You know, I find some parts of my work really fun. So I promise only to do the fun parts this weekend. Your aunt has a
full plan for this sleepover, and I don't think she wants her big brother hanging around. She probably doesn't even have enough
Annie giggles. "You do eat a lot of marshmallows, don't you?"
"Almost as many as you," I say with a laugh. "I tell you what, when I pick you up tomorrow afternoon, I'll have our
whole hot chocolate station set up at home. Including marshmallows. If you're not too stuffed, of course?"
Annie rubs her tummy dramatically and declares, "I always want marshmallows."
As I pull up to my sister's house, I can see her cousins already dancing around on the porch, waiting for her. This is why
I moved back here. I may be a bit of a lone wolf, but I still value my family. Seeing Annie with them means everything to me.
"They look pretty excited to see you." I point to her cousins, who are now running inside to tell their mom we're here.
"I like having a family now," Annie says, and her words take me by surprise.
"You've always had a family, Annie," I reassure her.
"But not like this with Mom. I miss her, but I prefer having lots of cousins to play with."
The innocence of her words pulls me up for a moment, but she's already moved on, grabbing her things and opening the
door. She eagerly runs toward her cousins, who are rushing down the drive to her.
After catching up with my sister and saying goodbye to Annie, I'm back in my car, driving away. I can't help thinking
about what she said. There was no sadness when she mentioned her mom, which I'm glad about, but I can't help feeling like she
deserves so much better. Hell, she's a great kid and deserves it all. A mom who cared enough to stick around should be the bare
When Carmela announced she was taking a new role overseas, I think she expected me to fight for her. But the truth is,
our relationship was long since over. She should have fought to stay with her daughter. I only ever wanted them to have a
relationship. In the end, her decision worked out better for me and Annie.
I don't miss Carmela, either. I should have listened to my shifter friends who warned me about getting involved with a
witch. I thought we were kindred spirits to start with, both lone wolves in our own way. But I soon learned that her lifestyle
was simply down to selfishness.
I’ve always yearned to belong. I just haven't found that feeling of contentment yet. On the other hand, Carmela is a free
spirit who will never be tamed, even by the love of her family.
Damn, if she isn't sexy, though.
An alert on my dashboard flashes to tell me I've missed a call from Jonah. He must have called when I was dropping
Annie off. I press the button on the screen and listen to the voicemail.
“Please tell me you're free, man. I need a party. Thinking of heading into the city.”
I do nothing for a moment, my head a swamp of thoughts involving Carmela and Annie's words before I left. I feel
pissed off and conflicted.
The next moment, I'm calling my pilot and having him prepare the jet I keep at the local airfield. Then, I call Jonah
"I have a better idea," I say as soon as the line connects. "Meet me at the jet."
Jonah whoops. "Alright, now we're talking. What's the plan?"
"Our standing booth at Hakkasan and my penthouse at the Bellagio are waiting.”
"Thank God," Jonah sighs. "The mountains are almost starting to grow on me, but my God, I need Vegas."
"You deserve Vegas," I say seriously. "You've been handling some heavy lifting to get Brite Corp to where I want it to
be. Let's go celebrate that everything's lining up."
"Yes, sir!" Jonah exclaims. I can hear rustling in the background and smile, knowing he's already throwing things in a
bag. He's so up for this trip, he'll probably be at the jet with a drink in his hand before I get there.
Before too long, we touch down in Vegas, ready to go. I showered and changed on the jet, and my pilot has arranged for
our things to be taken to the penthouse. Jonah and I must have done this trip a hundred times, so we know the drill. I used to
think I was the king of Vegas—or at least the latest king—but that was before I met Jonah. The guy knows everyone. He may
not run companies like I do or look to build a global business empire, but he builds connections like no one else I know.
Everyone loves him, and he either loves them back or has dirt on them. Sometimes both.
As I listen to him list the places we're going to hit up tonight and the people he's already called ahead, I shake my head
in wonder. I'm a hedonist, but I don't think even I do excess like Jonah. Still, it suits him. And it's precisely what I need tonight.
After checking with my sister that Annie is settled in, I’m able to shake off thoughts about Carmela. But that still leaves
me with one female who’s always on my mind at the moment.
I seriously overplayed my hand in the office this week. I acted like a jealous cub over that other intern. I just saw red
when I watched the other male crowding her and acted before thinking about the optics.
Jonah was ribbing me about it all the way to Vegas. Apparently, he even made a point of introducing himself to Saffy so
he could see what the fuss was about. After he started agreeing she was hot enough to bang, I had to warn him to shut the fuck
up—this wasn't going to be one of the times we could share. He took the hint pretty quickly. After all, we’re in Vegas, and he’ll
have no shortage of fun tonight.
“Mr. Matherson," the hostess at my favorite restaurant greets us, leaning in to kiss my cheek as though we're old friends.
"It's been too long."
I have a feeling either Jonah or I have slept with this woman at some point, but I can't be sure so I opt to play it friendly.
"It really has. You look stunning, as always. Is our table ready?"
The woman blushes, obviously happy with my response, and she laughs. "Your table is always ready for you."
I already know as much, but I'd never want to come across as a dick. I place my hand on my chest as thanks and let her
lead the way. As we take our seats overlooking the Bellagio fountains, Jonah cheers as the display begins with perfect timing.
The champagne pops.
"This was the best idea, Cole," he says as we toast.
Several tables have already noticed our arrival, and the usual dance begins over dinner. Jonah has bottles sent to
various tables full of either clients or beautiful women. His enthusiasm is infectious, and by the time we reach the club, we're
in our usual whirlwind of drinks, friends we haven't seen in a while, beautiful women, and excess.
Within moments of arriving, Jonah has his tongue down some model's throat as she grinds against him. I can't help but
be a little bit envious. I'm torn between wanting to pick one of these beautiful women to fuck senseless—to fuck all thoughts of
Saffy away and just have some fun—and knowing it won't work.
None of these women have the pull that Saffy does, and she's all I'm interested in now. Sure, these other women would
give me a good time—they always do—but what's the point? They won't be able to satisfy me like I know Saffy could. My
cock is rock-hard just thinking about the ways I want her to satisfy me. I groan as I consider how earlier, I'd actually thought
letting off some steam in Vegas would distract me from thinking about her. And now, I'm only thinking about her more.
I accept another drink from the waitress and sit back, watching Jonah have all the fun for now. I promised him a night of
celebration, and I've no doubt my penthouse will be packed with naked women in a couple of hours. I'll never admit to him that
there's only one particular redhead I want tonight.
As the evening progresses, more friends, old and new, join our party, including a beautiful woman currently pressing
herself against me as though she knows me already. She looks familiar, and after a few minutes of conversation, I realize she's
an actress. Someone famous enough to recognize, even if I can't remember her name or what movies she's been in.
She's hot as hell, and I should be able to get in the mood. I don't owe Saffy anything, and there's nothing to stop me. The
woman is stroking my chest, and her dress is so low, I can see the alluring swell of her considerable breasts. I laugh at
something she says about Jonah being a man whore—something I can't deny as he's currently getting blown by one woman
while kissing another in the corner of the VIP area.
I decide to test the waters and lean in, trailing kisses down her neck. She gasps in delight as I nibble the sensitive skin
and palm her breasts. I know in an instant that this would be an easy lay. I could be getting head right now if I just push her
head down.
For fuck’s sake, I mutter internally as a picture of Saffy flashes through my mind.
I pull away, pretending to get a call. She looks disappointed as I make excuses and pretend I need to find somewhere
quiet. Slipping out of the main VIP area, I summon a waitress to bring me a drink to my private booth, which I keep available
for our most private parties. Funnily enough, I don't think I've ever been in here alone. Right now, I feel grateful for the peace
and quiet. Not like me at all.
I pull out my phone and bring up Saffy's number. Debating with myself for far longer than I've ever thought about texting
a woman before, my finger finally flies over the screen.
Just to let you know, you're going to be working on a new project on Monday. Is that ok?
I reread the message and groan. It's a crappy message. What am I hoping to achieve by this? I do know, though—I need
an opening. I want contact.
I down my drink and order another, enjoying the temporary buzz. As a shifter, I know it won't last. We metabolize
human alcohol much too fast, but this buzz is what I need right now.
I open the screen again and see the dots under Saf's name flashing. She's typing. I look at the time: 1 am.
Of course, Mr. Matherson. Thank you.
A lot of people call me Mr. Matherson, but no one makes it sound or feel as perverted as Saffy. She has no idea she's
doing it.
It's late. Shouldn't you be asleep? I reply instantly.
There's an agonizing wait before the dots reappear. I could say the same about you.
I smile. Good girl. Then a thought occurs to me: maybe she's at a party.
Are you out? Are you at a party? I ask, ordering another drink while I wait.
No. I'm in bed.
She's in bed. The thought of her lying in her bed, talking to me, makes my cock grow hard. I unbutton my trousers and
pull it free, using my other hand to reply.
Good girl. I'm in Vegas, but I wanted to check in and see how your first week went.
I wait, my breath coming in shallow gasps as I fist my cock, grateful for the privacy of my booth. I imagine Saffy in bed,
her hair spread around her shoulders like a halo, her skin pale and flawless. She's so innocent.
She replies, asking what Vegas is like, and I can feel the smile tugging at the corner of my lips.
It's called Sin City for a reason, I type back before adding, "I wonder if you'd like it?
I know with almost certainty that this place would blow her mind. I want to blow her mind. I tell her to get some sleep,
and I'll see her on Monday.
Ok, thank you,” she replies. Have fun.
I slam my phone on the table and start to stroke my cock faster as I think of Saffy riding me, her tight little pussy
gripping my length as her breasts bounce with each thrust. I come quickly, the intensity of the orgasm overwhelming me as I
spill onto the nightclub floor.
I grab a napkin to clean myself and down the rest of my drink. All the beautiful women ready and willing to fuck me
tonight, and I'm in here alone, texting a girl I hardly know and shooting my load all over the floor.
I shake my head and lean back in my seat. I'm going to need another drink.
Chapter 8 - Saffy
Pulling into the lot, I park in the corner so I can check my makeup and hair in the mirror before getting out of the car. I
almost put on some of the lipstick I brought with me, but then I shake my head. I never wear makeup and can't go in there like
that. I don't want to look like I've made too much of an effort. Even though I have, from choosing a tighter sweater to curling my
hair into soft waves.
Sunday dragged so much after Cole's messages kept me up all Saturday night with my mind racing. I'm actually relieved
it's Monday morning.
Forget the Monday blues—I practically skip up the steps to the reception. As I enter the reception area, I hear Jonah's
booming voice before I even see him. He's standing next to the reception with a few colleagues, including Terrance, who are
all laughing at something he said. He's gesturing wildly, and I hear him mention something about his weekend in Vegas with
Cole. I consider rushing by to get to the elevator and ignoring their conversation, but my ears perk up when I hear the word
My heart sinks as I realize Cole's spent the weekend at some wild party in Vegas while I've been overthinking every
word in his texts. I instantly feel foolish for thinking he might have been interested in me.
I stand frozen in the doorway for a second, trying to decide whether to head for the elevator or say hello to Terrance.
Before I can decide, he spots me and waves me over.
"Saffy! You've got to come hear about Jonah's weekend. I can't believe you got to go to Vegas," he says to Jonah, his
eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey, you look different," he adds to me, his eyes sweeping over my tight sweater in a way that
makes me blush with embarrassment.
I force a smile and nod, trying to act interested. But inside, I feel like I want to run away. I feel stupid for getting so
dressed up today—even though, in reality, I'm still not as made up as some of the women who work here. But it's a lot for me.
Most of all, I feel disappointed. And a little childish. How could I have thought Cole was really thinking of me when he
texted so late? He's a billionaire—don't they all work crazy hours? He was probably just thinking about this project, not me.
Despite my disappointment, I force myself to stand there and listen to Jonah's story. He regales us with the tale of his
wild weekend at the most exclusive Vegas nightclubs, beautiful women, and expensive champagne. I can see Terrance is
lapping it all up. Jonah has quickly become his idol.
I just feel like I'm living in a completely different world, one where I don't belong at all.
"Obviously, Cole was a gentleman all night. You'll hear nothing else from me, or he'd have my balls. He's the boss."
Jonah laughs. As I look up, I see he's looking straight at me with that mischievous glint in his eyes again.
Part of me wants to believe him, that Cole did nothing and Jonah was the wild one. I actually have no idea how wild
Vegas nightclubs really are, only what I know from TV or social media. But I think back to the photos Tanya and I saw online of
Cole with various models and actresses draped all over him and inwardly groan.
I'm grateful when the small crowd starts to disperse. For a moment, I think Jonah is about to say something to me or
Terrance, but I don’t give him a chance. I tug Terrance’s sleeve and say, "Come on, you. We don't want to be late."
"Have you morphed into Charlotte today?” Terrance says to me. “Please don't." He laughs.
We say goodbye, and Terrance heads off to his department. I presume Charlotte is already there because she'd never be
late. I decide to stop at the coffee machine to steady my nerves for a moment. I know I'm going to see Cole when I get to the
R&D department, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that just yet.
As the machine whirs and I wait for my cup to fill, I try to focus my mind away from Cole. Sarah, the friendly analyst
I've been working with, said I could use their system to test my project. She was asking about our final college projects, and
when I gave her a rough outline of what I've been working on, she seemed really impressed.
That's what I need to be focusing on. Not whether Cole likes my sweater or if he had sex with some model in Vegas this
With that last thought, the cup practically flies out of my hand, spilling hot water on my fingers. Damn.
I turn at the sound of Terrance's voice, grabbing some napkins to wipe my wet hands and trying to ignore the burn.
"That was quick," I say, rescuing my coffee from the machine.
I notice he looks a bit stressed. "I really need your help, Saf."
"What have you done?" I sigh. Not to be mean, but Terrance tends to get himself into situations.
He looks affronted for a moment, but then his shoulders slump. "I've locked myself out of my workstation. Charlotte is
off on an errand, and I can't ask anyone else...it's the third time I've done it. Please, Saf, just come and have a look. Charlotte
got it to reboot last time."
"How do you not know how to do this yourself?" I ask as I follow him quickly down the hall. I'm already a few minutes
late and don't have time for this.
"We all have our zones of genius, Saf. This log-in system just hates me." I have to admit, Terrance sounds genuinely
The department is quiet when we walk in, and I casually sit at his workstation. He really is locked out. I try a few
things to get the system to revert to the home page, but it's frozen. Terrance leans on the back of the chair, leaning over my
shoulder. I don't think we've ever stood so close, and my wolf feels a little on edge to be so crowded in.
"How great does Vegas sound, Saf?" Terrance murmurs in my ear. "We should go sometime. Get out of here and live it
I laugh nervously. I don't know why he's making me feel so nervous all of a sudden. He's my friend. "I'm sure you'd have
a better time with your friends rather than me. The Vegas Jonah was talking about sounds a bit crazy to me."
I try to concentrate on the screen, but Terrance's hand has drifted to rest on my shoulder, making my heart race. I'm sure
he doesn't mean to make me uncomfortable, but I just want to get this screen working and get back to my own department as
quickly as possible.
"Let's just switch the whole thing off and restart,” I advise. “If anyone says anything, just say it froze, which is kinda
true. They don't need to know you locked yourself out first." I lean down to switch off his system, grateful to shrug his hand off
my shoulder as I do.
He groans, and I understand why. No one wants to cause drama when they're an intern. Fingers crossed I haven't made
things worse for him rather than better.
We wait with bated breath to see if it's going to work. "If this works, I'll owe you that trip to Vegas," he says, nudging
me with his elbow.
"Private jet included?" I tease.
The screen flashes up with the home page, and I type in the credentials he has written on a Post-It. As his system comes
to life, he hugs me, squishing me to his hard chest. "I'll work on getting that jet, Saffy. Thank you. You’re a lifesaver."
"What the fuck is going on?" A voice booms from behind us, and my heart drops as I spin around in my seat. Terrance
steps to one side, revealing a furious-looking Cole standing at the door.
My mouth goes dry.
Cole's face is expressionless as he takes us in, his eyes cold and calculating. His jaw is clenched tight, and I can see the
muscles in his neck ticking away. Terrance wisely steps further back as Cole strides into the room, radiating strength and
authority with every step.
His presence fills the whole department with a tension that feels so thick, you could cut it. No one else speaks, and I
notice a couple of people making themselves look busy, obviously hoping to stay out of whatever this is.
Cole stands with his arms crossed over his chest, looking powerful and intimidating. Wearing a tailored suit that
accentuates his broad shoulders and chest while the crisp white shirt flexes over his muscles, he looks achingly handsome. His
eyes are dark and intense, and they have an edge of danger to them.
I should be scared right now, but my heart just beats faster. His gaze moves to me, and I feel a shiver run through my
body. He stares at Terrance and me searchingly for a few moments before speaking again, his voice just as hard and demanding
as before. “Am I interrupting something?” he asks coolly, raising an eyebrow at us both.
"N-no," I stammer, standing quickly. "Terrance had a problem logging onto his system. I was just helping him."
To his credit, Terrance steps forward slightly. Cole's expression is murderous as he turns to him. "She was just helping
me out," he confirms.
"My office. Now." Cole snaps.
"Both of us?" Terrance asks as Cole turns to walk away.
"No. You're not the one who's late." He walks out of the room.
I go to follow him, and Terrance grabs my arm. "I'm really sorry, Saf. Tell him it's all my fault. Okay?"
He looks genuinely concerned as I follow Cole along the hall toward his office. As we walk, the tension between us is
palpable. Cole doesn't so much as look at me, his face set in a cold expression. My heart races as I try to think of something to
say. I want to explain myself and tell him I'm sorry I was late, but I just wanted to help my friend. But I can't seem to find the
words, and I think perhaps it's best to wait until we're in his office.
The thought of being alone with him again sends a shiver through my body, even though the silence between us is
When we finally reach his office, he slams the door behind us, making me jump. I can't read his expression as he turns
to face me, but my wolf paces at the frustration I can feel radiating off him in waves.
I really don't understand it myself, but I can't help but feel turned on by his demeanor. My body and wolf are both
reacting to the intensity of his emotions.
"What were you doing with Terrance?" he demands, his voice low and dangerous.
"I was just helping him with his log-in. He locked himself out, and he..." I start to explain, but he cuts me off.
"You were late. You were supposed to be in my office ten minutes ago." He steps closer to me, his wolf burning
brightly in his eyes.
"I know, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to leave Terrance stranded." My voice is barely above a whisper.
"You should have thought about that before you made me wait. I thought you were serious about this internship." He
growls, his hand coming up to grip my chin and tilt my head to meet his gaze.
My breath catches in my throat as he leans closer, his lips hovering just inches from mine. I can feel the heat of his
body, and I find myself closing my eyes. His presence overwhelms me, but while Terrance’s proximity made me feel crowded
earlier, Cole is setting me on fire. And I know if he looks into my eyes, he'll see I'm burning for him.
My cheeks must be bright red. I open my eyes and find him staring down at me, his fingers still lightly holding my chin.
"What the hell am I going to do with you?" he whispers.
Chapter 9 - Cole
I lost it. I saw her on the security feed, with that idiot's arm practically draped around her, him leaning in to whisper in
her ear. And I lost it.
I've spent all weekend thinking about her. I even jacked off in the club over a few simple texts; I'm that far gone from
wanting her. My appetite is becoming insatiable. The thought of seeing her today kept me so distracted that the entire trip to
Vegas was a washout.
Well, for me. Not for Jonah. I don't think I've seen him go quite that wild in a long time. I'm almost concerned about
him. But it's hard to be concerned about someone just because they manage to fit two foursomes into one weekend. I think most
men would be commending him, but I can't help but feel something is not quite right about his behavior. He looks like he's
having fun, all right, but I think it's something else, too.
I really can't have my COO spin out. He's absolute magic, business-wise. And he's my friend.
But right now, the only problem I'm focusing on is the fact that Saffy chose to hang around with her fellow intern rather
than coming to see me about the project we discussed.
Am I really going to pretend this is about her commitment to the internship?
I storm through the building toward them, and my claws partially descend, digging into my palms so no one will notice.
Despite my wolf wanting blood, that's not going to happen. I'm not going to kill some kid and blow up my entire professional
life, however much he's pissing me off. I don't see him as a serious threat. He just seriously needs to stop touching her.
I always get what I want. However, after my experience with Carmela, I learned that sometimes what I want comes
with a price. Now I have Annie to think about, so when I saw Saffy and realized how much my wolf wanted her, I knew I had
to tread lightly.
Funny how knowing I should tread lightly and doing it aren't the same thing.
This is not treading lightly.
As I approach them, my eyes locked on Saffy's figure seated next to Terrance, something inside me snaps. A surge of
possessiveness floods my veins, overwhelming any rational thought that may have remained. My jaw clenches as I envision
ripping Terrance away from her, claiming what is rightfully mine.
But I know I can’t do that. Not here. Not now.
With every step closer to them, my dominant nature takes over, urging me to exert control over the situation. My wolf's
power radiates from within, commanding attention and submission from those around me. The atmosphere in the department
subtly shifts as people instinctively recognize my mood.
Saffy's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and apprehension as she turns in her chair. Terrance, seemingly oblivious to
the brewing storm, continues his casual conversation with her for a moment. His hand is still resting on her shoulder, inciting a
possessive growl from the back of my throat.
"What the fuck is going on?" I snarl, my words cutting through the air like a blade.
Saffy’s eyes flicker with confusion and a hint of fear. I hear her as she tries to justify the situation, but honestly, I'm not
even listening at this point.
Terrance appears to finally realize the seriousness of the situation, and his hand jerks away from her shoulder. His face
pales as he stammers out his own explanation, wisely keeping some distance between the two of them now.
Ignoring his feeble attempts to explain himself, I focus solely on Saffy. The way she shifts under my gaze only
intensifies the possessive fire raging within me. It's clear she knows she's in trouble, and deep down, a twisted part of me is
thrilled by that.
"My office. Now," I command, my voice laced with authority and dominance. There's no room for negotiation or
defiance in my tone. I expect her to comply without question.
Saffy hesitates for a moment, her cheeks blushing as her eyes dart between Terrance and me. I don't even wait to see if
she's going to follow; I know she will. Sure enough, I hear her footsteps rushing to catch up as I cross the walkway.
The tension between us is palpable as we walk in complete silence. Every second feels like an eternity, the anticipation
building with each passing step. I can practically taste the implied power imbalance between us. I shouldn't like it so much.
Honestly, it's never been my thing. I chuckle to myself at the ridiculousness of that thought because I'm pretty sure it's an
illusion—it may seem as though I have all the power here, but I'm the one who has been held hostage all weekend just thinking
about her. I'm not sure I'm actually in charge at all, and that rattles me.
Once inside my office, I slam the door behind us and lean against it, trapping her with my imposing presence. As our
eyes lock, the air thickens with unspoken desire, and the space between us seems to shrink.
"What were you doing with Terrance?" I demand, my voice low and dangerous.
Saffy swallows hard, her cheeks flushed with fear and something else. Her eyes sparkle dangerously before her gaze
drops to the floor briefly before meeting mine again. "I-I was just helping him with his log-in..." she stammers.
The thing is, I think she's telling the truth. I don't think she was ever flirting with Terrance. However, I do think the boy
is head over heels for her, and the thought really pisses me off. Doesn't she see the way he looks at her?
I take a step closer, intentionally invading her personal space. My proximity causes her breath to hitch, the scent of her
arousal taking me off-guard completely.
"What the hell am I going to do with you?" I mutter, an inner war raging over how far I'm willing to go. How much am I
willing to risk?
Saffy's eyes flicker with anticipation, mirroring the turmoil within me. She opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off
with a firm gesture, my hand reaching out to touch her cheek, tracing the outlines of her trembling jawline.
"Don't," I murmur, my voice commanding yet laced with a hint of desperation. The power dynamic between us is
shifting as an undeniable hunger pulses through my veins, and I try to control my wolf. I'm playing a dangerous game, teetering
on the edge of what is socially acceptable. But right now, the desire that has consumed me all weekend overrides any
semblance of propriety.
Leaning closer, the scent of her intoxicating arousal fills my nostrils. My lips brush against the shell of her ear as I
whisper in a low, gravelly tone, "You have no idea what you do to me."
Saffy's breath hitches, her body trembling as she presses against me involuntarily. The air crackles with tension, our
bodies gravitating toward each other as though pulled by an invisible force. The intensity of our connection is undeniable, and
it's consuming us both. I know for certain now that I'm not imagining it—desire burns brightly in her eyes. But there's also fear
and a whole lot of innocence there, too.
My mind flickers back to Vegas and the wild party at my penthouse after the club. I didn't partake, but Jonah and a few
of our friends from my Nevada office made sure to entertain the women who flocked to the afterparty. Which, in this case, was
just another word for an orgy.
I gaze down at Saffy, her eyes sparkling with desire and her beautiful, soft red hair dancing around her face. She feels a
million miles away from those other women. They represent the kind of female I usually go for, secure in their sexuality and
confident with their bodies. Saffy is so innocent, her purity evident. My wolf recognizes it and only wants her more. But am I
willing to corrupt her? Deep down, I know I can't just fuck her to get her out of my system. This whole situation feels weighted.
"C-Cole?" Saffy whispers.
I cut her off by trailing my fingers down her jawline to caress the delicate curve of her neck, my touch both tender and
possessive. She jerks slightly as her pulse quickens beneath my fingertips, matching the erratic beat of my own heart. I feel like
a predator closing in on its prey. Is she going to pull away and save us both?
Fuck it.
Feeling a sudden surge of dominance, I grip her chin firmly and tilt her head back, forcing her to meet my gaze. Our
eyes lock just before my lips crash down onto hers.
The kiss is even more than I ever could have imagined. It engulfs us like a wildfire, instantly consuming us. My lips
claim hers with a ferocity that surprises even me, my tongue seeking entrance, demanding a response.
Saffy yields to me without hesitation, making my wolf howl in satisfaction. Her lips are warm and pliant against mine.
Her sweet taste is intoxicating, a heady mixture of innocence and desire swirling together in a sinful dance. I explore her
mouth, my tongue coaxing hers. She responds with an innocence that drives me wild, her timid movements matched by the
flutter of her eyelashes against my cheeks.
I can feel the pounding of her heart against my chest, the rapid rise and fall of her breaths mingling with mine. Her body
molds against mine as she lifts her hands to grip the lapels of my jacket. She clings to the fabric as if holding on for dear life.
A low moan escapes from deep within me as I deepen the kiss, my hands now roaming her body, exploring every inch
of her delicate frame. I trace the contours of her waist, tugging roughly at the fabric as I slip a hand beneath her blouse to feel
the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips.
Saffy gasps at the contact, a sound that only ignites the fire within me even more. My other hand trails upward,
caressing her neck before tangling in the strands of her hair. I pull gently, tilting her head back further and intensifying our
For a moment, all thoughts of morality and consequences fade away. There is only this raw, primal need between us that
demands to be sated. But just as I fear my control has completely gone, I'm suddenly pulled back to reality. Stepping back, I
growl in frustration as I turn away from her.
Part of me doesn't want to confront the situation I've created. I pulled her into my office, in almost clear view of my
staff, to what? Take advantage of her? I'm not an idiot; I can see this has the potential to be a very difficult situation. The media
would have a field day. Glancing back at her, though, I'm shocked by what I see. Not only is she the sexiest vision of tousled
hair and swollen lips I've ever seen, but her eyes are still shining with desire. But there's conflict there, too. And nerves, as
though she's scared of what I'm about to say.
I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts and regain control over my wolf and mind. Saffy takes a step back and
leans against my desk, her chest rising and falling rapidly, waiting for me to speak. I can see the wariness in her eyes, an
uncertainty that mirrors my own thoughts.
"Saffy," I begin, my voice rough with a mix of desire and apprehension, "I can only apologize. This...this is dangerous.
I'm sure you realize there are potential...ramifications."
Her lips part slightly as she searches my face for something, maybe an answer or a sign of what all this means. I know
her wolf feels the connection, too. I've never been more sure of anything. But right now, I can't provide her with any
reassurance because even I don't know where this will lead us.
I step forward and gently run my thumb over her swollen lip, tracing the curve of it before pulling away. The electricity
between us crackles in the air, filling the room with a now familiar tension. It takes every ounce of self-control not to succumb
to the overwhelming desire to pull her back into my arms.
"Yes, of course," Saffy whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'm not going to tell anyone. I won't say anything."
I close my eyes for a moment. I'm not asking her to be a dirty secret…or am I? “It’s undeniable how much I want you,
Saffy,” I say. “But there are risks to something like this. To you and me. I'm your boss, I'm older, and I have a daughter to
consider." I pause, searching for the right words. "I want you to take some time. I won't force you into anything."
She nods slowly, considering my words for a moment. "Is this real? I, er, I...this is important to me. The internship. I
need anything else to be completely separate."
She lifts her eyes to look at me, and I appreciate her candor. "The project is very real, Saffy,” I say truthfully. “Nothing
I do in business is a ploy. Sarah and David have the details, and they're getting started this morning. See for yourself this week.
I'll give you the space to settle in here."
I know this is the right thing to do, to give her space and see if this inferno in me is still burning in a few days. I'm not a
horny teenager. This is more than just physical attraction; there's something deeper here, something that I didn't anticipate. I can
But I'm not sure for how long.
Chapter 10 - Saffy
I survey the mountain of empty containers I need to pack before 9 pm. Usually, my heart might sink a little at the sheer
amount of work I have to do, but I'm grateful for the distraction right now.
Besides, I love Mrs. Roberts the owner of the store. Ever since her mate passed, all her regular part-time staff have
been putting extra hours in to make sure she can keep the store going. This place is the heart of the community. These boxes
will soon be full of all the expiring bakery goods and collected by our local homeless charity.
This is literally the perfect distraction—thinking of others, not Cole.
The store is never busy on a Thursday night. Hence, it’s my favorite shift. I usually have time to get some work done on
my laptop between customers. In fact, if I can get all this packaged quickly, I might have time to work on my project before we
close at 11 pm.
As it's so quiet, I know Mrs. Roberts wouldn't mind me putting some tunes on while I sort through the stock. Soon,
music is drifting through the space, Mrs. Roberts's favorite mix of soft rock and old country. It may not all be to my taste, but it
fits the store perfectly. I wouldn't play anything else.
The general store is split into two, with groceries on one side and hardware on the other. In the middle is a space
usually reserved for displays or craft stalls. Right now, there's an empty pallet waiting to be filled, so I grab Mrs. Roberts's list
and start pulling items from the bakery cabinets.
Someone banging on the window makes me jump, and I turn to see the Jones kids standing there, waving at me. I've
been babysitting them for years, and they're great kids, but Mrs. Roberts would kill them for banging on her windows. I can't
help smiling, though, as they pull funny faces at me. I wave back but wag my finger at them, too. They're lucky she's not here
This is good, I tell myself. Distraction. Distraction. Distraction.
It's been four days since Cole kissed me in his office. Four long days since he set my world and body on fire.
And four very long days since he's even spoken to me.
I've seen him slipping in and out of his office, speaking to the team leaders and going about his business. I've felt his
presence, turning at the last minute to see his back walking out of the room or turning away from me. It feels like we're dancing
around the edge of what’s acceptable, being pulled together like magnets.
After we kissed, I saw the conflict in his eyes, the hesitation. But I also felt the all-consuming passion when he kissed
me—no, not kissed. Devoured. I've never felt anything like it in my life. Though I don’t have much experience, I have been
kissed before. And never like that.
Even days later, I swear I can still feel the ghost of his lips on mine.
I felt connected to Cole from the moment we met at the fair, and the kiss in his office only confirmed my feelings. My
wolf recognizes his, and the potential depth of that scares and excites me.
I feel like I'm walking a tightrope at Brite Corp. I'm an intern, and I have my own aspirations. The project I'm working
on has the potential to revolutionize mobile app security; I could be on the cusp of really making a difference in my field if it
stands up to more rigorous testing.
I know exactly how it will look if I'm seen kissing my much older boss. Will anyone take me seriously? Plus, Cole
kissed me after apparently having a wild weekend in Vegas with Jonah. Did he sleep with all those women, too? Am I just
being naive?
Was it regret I saw in his eyes? Or does he truly want to give me space to find my feet in the company?
Is he just unsure whether he wants me at all?
An incredulous bubble of laughter escapes my lips at the thought that someone like Cole would want someone like me. I
take in the homely but slightly musty general store, the smell of firewood we sell mingling with the baked goods and cakes. My
apron is still cute, but it's a world away from representing the style and glamor of Cole's world.
I stack another couple of boxes and add them to the pallet before heading behind the counter to get more items. I'm
genuinely trying not to dwell on Cole, but he's infiltrated every cell in my being. I turn the music up slightly, swaying my hips as
I grab as many things as I can carry in one go.
Suddenly, I hear rustling from the front of the store. I didn't hear the bell over the music, but I assume it's a customer. I
don't have a hand free to turn the music down, so I rush around the counter to put the items on the pallet. I stumble around the
counter, trying to balance everything while hurrying.
I come to an abrupt halt when I see who it is. Annie, Cole's daughter, skips toward me with a huge smile on her face.
I suddenly regret trying to carry so many things at once as one of the smaller boxes slides off the stack I'm holding and
falls toward Annie. Luckily, it only has a couple of small buns in it, and she easily catches it, laughing.
"Are you okay?" I gasp.
"Of course," she giggles. "What are you doing?"
"I'm, uh, packing some things for our homeless charity. Let me just put these down."
I move quickly to the pallet, and it's only as I place them down and turn back to Annie that I see Cole appearing from
one of the aisles. My stomach drops as I take in his appearance. Gone is his usual suit, but he still looks incredibly smart in a
cashmere navy coat and a button-down shirt that perfectly accentuates his broad shoulders and toned body. His usually
immaculate hair is slightly ruffled and falls effortlessly over his forehead, making him look hotter than ever. A slight stubble
adorns his chiseled jawline, adding an air of rugged masculinity to his striking features.
My heart races, and I try to compose myself, desperately hoping my cheeks aren't bright red. Annie rushes back to her
father, her small hand grasping his larger one as they approach me together. Her eyes sparkle as she holds the small box out for
me to take.
"Hi, Daddy! Look who's here." Annie’s voice is laced with sheer delight.
Cole's gaze shifts from his daughter to mine, and I'm momentarily lost in the depths of his piercing blue eyes. They hold
a warmth and tenderness I can’t help but be drawn to. It's as if they can unravel every ounce of uncertainty within me.
"Saffy?" he asks as he takes in my outfit and surroundings. "I didn't expect to see you here."
My lips form a nervous smile, and a mixture of excitement and apprehension courses through me like an electric
current. "I work here. I mean, I used to. Mrs. Roberts, the owner, her mate passed, and we're all helping out for a while,
working some shifts. I'm just packing up some things for the charity collection tonight."
Cole's gaze never wavers from mine as he releases Annie's hand and steps closer. The air around us seems charged
with tension, and I try not to hold my breath. My pulse quickens, and I wonder if he can tell. "Do you have time for all this?"
He gestures around him, looking a little confused.
"Yes, yes, of course," I reply, not wanting him to think I'm stretched too thin. "The store's so quiet in the evening, I
usually get some work done."
He looks doubtful for a moment, but then our attention turns to Annie as she starts jumping up and down on the spot.
"Can I help pack the boxes, Daddy?"
The little girl looks adorable, and I love how Cole smiles at his daughter like she's the most amazing thing in the world.
"I thought you wanted to get those marshmallows?" he tells her.
"I want to help Saffy, too," she replies, skipping around.
"Well, only if Saffy says it’s okay. We don't want to get in her way." Cole looks at me and shrugs. I get the feeling he'd
never say no to his daughter, and the thought makes me smile. I wonder how many people see this side of him.
"How about you help me stack these boxes?” I say to Annie. “I'll get you a hot chocolate from the machine with some of
our special marshmallows to say thank you." I hold my hand out to the little girl. She nods enthusiastically and rushes to the
counter to help me.
I must admit, the job goes much quicker with some help, and we soon have all the boxes filled with food for the
homeless shelter neatly packed on the pallet. Cole steps forward to take the last box from me, our fingers brushing slightly as
he does. Every touch, every subtle glance, every word he says has the same effect on me. It's like molten lava running through
my veins.
Seeing how he is with Annie throws me off-balance, too. Is he the wild CEO partying in Vegas with Jonah, the sexy
shifter who dominates my thoughts and kissed the life out of me in his office, or this playful and caring father currently spinning
his daughter around? I feel so painfully inadequate as I look at them. I nervously straighten my apron, suddenly wishing I wasn't
wearing it at all.
"Let me get you that hot chocolate, Annie,” I say. “You've certainly earned it.” I’m grateful for an excuse to do
something other than stand there, gawking at Cole.
I step behind the counter, and my hands are deliberately slow as I retrieve a large takeaway cup. The machine comes to
life as I press the buttons, releasing a rich stream of steaming hot chocolate into the awaiting cup. Annie watches me with wide
eyes, her small body vibrating with anticipation.
As the liquid fills the cup, I take extra care to ensure that each layer is just right. I add a generous portion of cream to
the top so it billows like a fluffy cloud. With practiced precision, I sprinkle a handful of mini marshmallows on top of the
cream, the white and pink contrasting against the velvety brown of the chocolate. For good measure, I add a few extra
marshmallows into the lid of the takeaway cup, sensing how much Annie loves them.
Cole took a call while I was making the drink, but Annie's excitement draws him back toward us. He chuckles softly,
amusement dancing in his eyes as his daughter enthusiastically takes the drink. "Thank you, Saffy," he says, his voice filled with
genuine appreciation. "I think she's enjoyed helping out here more than she would have if we'd just gotten the marshmallows."
"This place just has that vibe,” I say. “Besides, Annie is the one who helped me, so I should really be thanking her."
And I mean every word.
Annie beams at me with a mouth full of hot chocolate. "This is the best hot chocolate!" she exclaims. "I don't know why
anyone doesn't like hot chocolate. My mom doesn't like it. She says it makes people fat."
My eyes go wide at that, and I look at Cole, who cringes slightly. "Well, your mom has some pretty strong opinions," he
says, and I think he's trying to be diplomatic.
"I guess she's not wrong,” I say. “If you had hot chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you might get a little fat after
a while. But maybe not if you run around lots."
Annie nods, looking serious. "I'll get Mom to try your hot chocolate when she comes to visit soon. I think she'll like this
one." She tips her cup dramatically to drink the remnants of the beverage.
I didn’t miss Cole's eyes flicking to his daughter as she spoke. "Did your Mom mention when this visit is happening?"
he asks, his voice steady. I find myself wondering what kind of mother only visits her child, then shake the thought. I don't know
Annie’s mother, and I really shouldn't judge.
Annie simply shrugs, swinging her legs against the stool.
“Come on, honey,” Cole tells her. “Let's get out of Saffy's way now."
"Aww, do we have to?" Annie whines, but a look from Cole has her jumping down from the stool.
"What do you say to Saffy?" Cole instructs his daughter, and I smile as she huffs lightly, obviously still put out about
However, when she turns to me, it's with a big smile on her face. "Thanks, Saffy," she says, and rushes into my arms for
a hug. Her small body folds into mine as I return the embrace.
I look up to see a strange look cross Cole's face. His eyes on me are dark, reminding me of the look he had right before
he kissed me in his office.
I shiver slightly as I release Annie. "You are very welcome."
I wonder briefly how to say goodbye to Cole. I don't want to make things even more awkward between us. Before I can
dwell on it, though, he steps forward, his presence crowding me for a moment. I instinctively hold my breath, wondering what
he's going to do. His masculine, slightly woodsy scent envelopes me, and I almost step back before he leans in lightning-fast
and kisses my cheek. His stubble brushes my skin, sending a shockwave straight to my belly.
“Thank you, Saffy,” he murmurs. “It's been interesting."
His eyes linger on mine for a moment before turning away and leading Annie out of the store. She waves to me as they
pass the window outside, and I wave back before sitting on the stool she just vacated.
What the hell? I brush my fingers against my cheek, the tingle of Cole’s touch still dancing on my skin.
Chapter 11 - Cole
I watch like a hawk as Saffy studies her monitor closely. I can practically hear the cogs turning in her mind as she looks
at the data on the screen.
I'm glad the project is going so well. I'm always glad when a new product is nearing launch and my teams are
successful. But this time, I'm more invested in watching Saffy. I'm captivated by how her tight pencil skirt hugs her curves,
emphasizing every contour of her body. It's as if the fabric was tailor-made to showcase her exquisite curves. My breath
catches in my throat as she shifts in her seat every now and then, causing the hemline to ride up slightly.
Heat surges through my veins as I imagine tracing the path where the fabric meets skin with my fingers. The sight of her
exposed thigh sends a shiver down my spine, awakening the most primal of desires. I can feel the familiar ache growing
between my legs, igniting a hunger I know only she can satisfy now.
I can't help thinking of our encounter at the general store just days ago. The memory keeps resurfacing, almost taunting
me. Her presence there had been so unexpected. Clad in simple overalls and a plain white tee, she radiated an innocence that
was both captivating and unnerving to me. Honestly, the scene would have normally put me off. Standing in the general store of
a small mountain town with my daughter and a woman packing charity items is a far cry from my usual pursuits with women.
But somehow, this encounter has only made me want her more.
It was also a reminder of how badly this could go for me if I'm not careful. Saffy is the beta's sister. I may have been
away from the pack for many years, and I still distance myself from them in many ways. But even I know not to screw around
with an important female member of the pack who's nearly fifteen years younger than me. Not if I want to keep my balls intact
and my business running smoothly, anyway.
This isn't Vegas.
And there's Saffy herself, so young and innocent. Is she too fragile for me? For my wolf? I've always stuck with women
who can match my darkest desires. I briefly picture Carmela, a true witch with enough power to match my shifter side. Hell,
she belongs to one of the most formidable covens in the US and is one of the strongest witches on the West Coast. I never
worried about breaking her.
Ironically, I should have been more concerned with her breaking apart our family. I can't help thinking I won that war,
though, seeing as I have Annie. My daughter is all that ever mattered to me. Carmela and I were never really family. We were
actually toxic as hell together. I briefly mistook lust for something more, and I'm not going to make that mistake with Saffy. I
need to be sure before I make a move. Because once I do, I don't think my wolf will let go of its prey.
I return my attention to the screen and watch as Saffy laughs at something Sarah, my head of R&D, is saying. Her whole
goddamn face lights up as she does, and I sit back in my chair to watch the scene play out in front of me, struck once again by
how fucking sweet she looks.
Before I can spiral on that thought, I’m pulled back to reality by my phone beeping. I assume it’s my one o’clock and tap
the message without really checking the screen. After a quick scan of the first line, I realize it's from Carmela.
I'm not surprised to hear from her; we message regularly about Annie. Or rather, I send her pictures and updates, and
she replies accordingly. What does surprise me is that she says she's flying to the US tonight and looks forward to seeing me
and Annie.
So, Annie was right about her mom visiting. I groan. A little heads-up would have been nice. It's not that I don't want
Carmela to have a relationship with Annie. I'm not a total jerk. I just don't want Annie to get hurt. Carmela is a force to be
reckoned with, but her focus is entirely on building wealth and becoming the best in the tech world. She's obsessed with
success and power. Not a little girl who just wants to be loved.
In many ways, I was initially attracted to Carmela’s drive and thirst for success. After all, I'm no different. But after
Annie was born, my sense of success simply expanded to include my daughter. Carmela's, apparently, did not.
At the moment, Annie seems well-adjusted to the reality of having a mom who lives far away and only exists in the
form of video calls and elaborate gifts that arrive occasionally. But I wonder how obvious Carmela's rejection will be as she
grows. My own attraction to Carmela died years ago, and I feel ambivalent toward her, but knowing how much she could
potentially hurt Annie with her careless attitude always has me on edge.
I sigh, staring at my phone for a moment before replying.
Let my assistant have your travel details, and I'll have them prepare an apartment for you.
I don't bother putting my phone down because I know she'll fire back a response.
I can stay at the house with you. I know Annie will want me there.
Not a fucking chance.
You'll be more comfortable in the apartment. I'm going into a meeting now. Give my assistant the details.
I slam my phone onto the desk in front of me and lean back in my chair again, pivoting so I can look at the mountains.
Taking a few deep breaths, I try to cleanse Carmela from my system. Not that I can completely; she's Annie's mom, and I'm just
going to have to deal with that.
She's also now heading up my biggest competitor, a tech firm with offices on the West Coast and in Singapore, where
Carmela currently lives. Is this visit to truly see Annie, or to spy on my company? Or, to try to reignite things between us? As
she usually does, though to no avail. Between managing the first few months of Brite Corp's transition to the mountains and my
growing obsession with Saffy, the last thing I need is Carmela playing games.
And if there's one thing witches love to do, it's play games.
The intercom buzzes, briefly distracting me from thoughts of Carmela. "Jonah is here to see you," Carla’s voice says.
"Send him through." Pausing for a second, I add, "And Carla, you'll be getting a call from Carmela. She's arriving
tomorrow, so have the penthouse ready."
"Of course," Carla replies just as Jonah waltzes into my office. He sits dramatically on the sofa by my picture window,
eyeing me carefully.
"Tell me I didn't just hear that," he groans. "Is the witch really coming?"
I roll my eyes slightly, well-aware of Jonah's feelings regarding Carmela. To be fair, she's not his biggest fan, either.
"Don't start, Jonah," I warn, my voice harder than intended. "She's Annie's mom, and she's visiting. That's it."
Jonah is one of the few people who don't instinctively back down from me. The others are probably my grandparents,
Diego, and Zack. I'm not entirely sure how Jonah and I developed this dynamic, but I wouldn't change it. He's one of the few
people my wolf feels on a par with. Perhaps because Jonah’s been a lone wolf most of his life, too.
He's also a complete pain in my backside regarding Carmela. Not helped at all by the fact that he fucked several
witches from her coven, upset everyone, and started something of a hex spat. For that reason, he's probably safer out here in the
mountains for a while.
Before he can reply, my phone buzzes again. It's Carmela.
If you insist. I have an exciting cross-market proposal for you, though, so clear your schedule.
So she is visiting for business. I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or not.
"She's not even here yet, and she's pissing you off," Jonah chuckles. "I really don't know what you saw in her. Actually,
scratch that, of course I do."
I shoot Jonah a pointed look, resisting the urge to throw something at his smug face. "Now is not the time, Jonah. I've
got enough on my plate without your constant commentary on the situation."
He holds up his hands in mock surrender, a grin still playing at the corners of his mouth. "All right, all right. I'll keep
my thoughts to myself...for now."
"When have you ever been able to keep your mouth shut, Jonah?" I scoff. "Besides, she's here on business, apparently. I
don't let my personal feelings get in the way of business—Carmela knows that. Her team has been making waves with some
new security software. I don't know if Congress will let it pass, so I suspect they want a US stake to ensure it gets through. Dig
into it for me."
A Singapore company using Chinese data will rarely get approval. I know Carmela will aim to use her contacts to
access the US markets.
Jonah nods thoughtfully. "Sure thing. I heard their board wasn't very happy with some of the latest data on that, so I'll
see what's new.” He shoots me a knowing look. “I still think the real business here will be her trying to get back into your
pants. Though from what I saw in Vegas, I'd say your pants are out of order."
I snap my head up, about to lose it, but all I see is mischief in his face.
"Considering you came back to the office and gave everyone a literal blow-by-blow account of your weekend in Vegas,
I'd say it's a good job I didn't partake. Don't you?" I raise my brow at him.
Jonah looks almost contrite for a moment before his amused mask returns. "I may have gone a little overboard with the
highlights, but these small-town folk need a bit of a shake-up. I don't think some of them have even been to an orgy."
He looks so serious as he delivers his final statement that I can't help the bark of laughter that escapes. "Jonah, I don't
think many people routinely have orgies. The fact you don't know that...is troubling. Everything okay with you?"
My change in subject is probably making him feel as uncomfortable as I do. We don't typically talk about our feelings.
But something about his over-the-top behavior in Vegas isn't sitting right with me—and that says something because I'm usually
all for over-the-top behavior.
"I'm just not built for small-town life, Cole,” Jonah says. “You know that. I get restless. But I'm good, and I'm proud of
what we're achieving here. I just need to let off some steam now and then." He momentarily drops the bravado. "Besides, it's
you we should be concerned about, with your spitfire of an ex landing in town. You going to revisit that shitshow, or has your
wolf learned his lesson?"
"I have no interest in Carmela beyond her doing right by Annie,” I say firmly. “And whatever business she's bringing, of
Jonah nods thoughtfully.
"I moved on long ago," I add.
"But does she know that?"
I shrug. "I really don't care."
"And who are you moving on to? Or shall I guess?" Jonah smirks knowingly. Have I been that obvious?
"Who's to say I've decided yet?" I say noncommittally.
Jonah stands, buttoning his jacket as he walks to the door. "Well, while you make up your mind about that, I'm going to
have a party, maybe fly some of the guys in from the coast, bring in some fresh blood. Shake things up. See how many we can
get in the hot tub. I might invite our young interns..."
I know what he's doing. I also know he loves to create chaos—chaos I don't want or need right now.
"Don't make things difficult for yourself here, Jonah,” I warn. “Keep business separate. Okay?"
He salutes me as he exits my office. "Sure thing. You're the boss. I'll get that data to you before Carmela arrives."
I nod. I don’t believe him for a second about the party, but that's the least of my concerns right now.
Chapter 12 - Saffy
"Are you coming down for lunch?" David asks me from the other side of the lab. I suddenly realize we're the only ones
left at our desks. "Apparently, someone brought in five boxes of donuts."
I can't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm for donuts. I shake my head, though. "I'm a bit behind on running those
numbers for my college project, so I'll stay and get them done."
He nods. "Strawberry or chocolate? I'll grab you one."
I smile as he walks toward the door. "Chocolate, every time. Thank you!"
He nods and heads out the door, leaving me alone in the lab. I breathe a sigh of relief at having the space to myself for a
while. Not that my new colleagues haven't been welcoming, but we've been so busy working on getting the new project
together that I've barely had time to finish running my data. I'm grateful for a quiet hour to get these numbers finished before
everyone gets back from lunch.
Firing up the account Sarah set up for me to run my program, I look through the latest analysis. I can't conceal the smile
that spreads across my face as I note the success of all the variables she suggested running. Although I haven't shared the full
scope of the project, Sarah has been so encouraging. The truth is, this software could really be something special. Tanya helped
me tweak the initial program, and now, with this new data, I can close some of the data holes. In theory, the software could be
installed on any device, automatically updating security protocols every time someone logs in, therefore protecting the device
from cyber-attacks.
This could be huge, I think to myself as I work on some of the code, cross-referencing the data as I go. I save it all to a
flash drive so I can ask Tanya to run through it, too. Her opinion is invaluable, and I know how lucky I am to have her in my
corner. I wonder if Cole would look at it, too, or maybe I should ask Sarah and David, as they head up R&D. I don't want Cole
to think I'm going to him just because we kissed. That I'm looking for some kind of favoritism from him.
Just thinking about Cole and the kiss sends a shiver rushing through my body. Seeing him at the general store with Annie
had been delicious torture, being so close to him, but keeping our distance because I was working and Annie was there. I
wonder what would have happened if we'd been alone? Does he regret kissing me, or does he want more?
I wish he hadn't seen me in my work clothes. I groan, thinking of the apron Annie insists we all wear; it's not exactly
sexy or sophisticated. How will Cole ever see me as a serious contender in the cybersecurity game if he thinks I'm just a kid
working in a general store? I haven't seen him since.
He kissed me, though. I've never felt passion or desire like it. That has to mean something, doesn't it?
Am I just being naive? Now that I've been here a few weeks, I've heard snippets of gossip about Cole. He comes across
as aloof and business-like, but according to some of the staff who have transferred here from the West Coast, he's every bit as
wild as Jonah appears to be. Darker, even…whatever that means. Just more discreet than Jonah.
Why on earth would he want someone like me?
I shake my head, trying to shake Cole's sexy face from my mind. I'm wasting valuable time thinking about a man who
probably hasn't given me a second thought. I know for a fact he's going to haunt my dreams tonight, the way he’s done every
night since we met. But right now, I need to focus. It feels like my wolf is obsessed with him.
"Hey, girl, what are you doing hiding in here?" Terrance calls out, causing me to spin around. "Didn't you hear about the
donuts? Even Charlotte's coming down for them."
Charlotte hangs back at the door. "It's true. I'd only go anywhere with Terrance for donuts."
I laugh at her jibe. I wonder if working together has softened her feelings toward him, but perhaps not.
"I'm just working on a little side project," I say evasively. "They've been really great, letting me use some of their
systems to test an idea."
Charlotte nods with approval. If anyone gets ambition, it's her.
Terrance, on the other hand, rolls his eyes. "Seriously?" he groans. "You're something else. Beauty and brains."
"Oh my God. Seriously." Charlotte rolls her eyes. "I've heard enough. I’m going to find a donut now. Don't work too
hard, Saf."
I wave as she walks away, secretly hoping Terrance will follow her. The last time we were alone like this, Cole had
appeared, and then we'd kissed in his office. The memory gives me goosebumps, and I fight the growing burn in my cheeks.
Unfortunately, Terrance doesn't leave. Instead, he steps closer. "Let's see what this project's all about then," he says, and
before I can stop him, he turns the screen around.
"Don't be silly,” I say flippantly. “Let's go get those donuts." I laugh, desperately wanting to distract him. I'm not ready
for anyone to know about this project yet. Ironically, stealing software is notorious in the cybersecurity field. Tanya's warned
me to be careful so many times.
Terrance is many things, but he's not an idiot. In fact, he's actually quite brilliant. I see the look of shock and then
recognition on his face as he scans the data. "Damn, Saf. This is amazing."
The honesty in his voice is both exhilarating and scary, and I know I need to play this down. “Thank you, really,” I say.
“It's just something I'm playing around with for now. It's got so many holes in it."
Before I can stop him, he's clicked through another couple of pages. "Don't be modest. I don't see any holes here."
There’s a look of concentration on his face. "This is major."
I panic slightly and pull the screen away from him. He looks at me in surprise, but before he says anything, I cut him off.
"I don't know if it's major, okay? I need time to figure out my next steps. Can you please not say anything to anyone? I don't
want to look stupid if it comes to nothing."
He chuckles. "Firstly, it's not going to come to nothing. This is hot shit, Saf. Secondly, I've got you. You know you can
always trust me."
He steps forward and puts his hand on my shoulder. I think it's supposed to be a comforting gesture, but my wolf doesn't
like it. I shrink back slightly, but I'm not sure he notices.
"We, uh, shouldn't get too close,” I tell him nervously. “Mr. Matherson doesn't seem to like any of that in the office,
does he?" I turn to shut off my screen.
Terrance scoffs. "I really don't know what that guy's problem is. I think he just likes throwing his weight around. He
needs to stay out of our business, right?"
I pause, not wanting to have this conversation with Terrance. And I definitely don’t want to think about Cole again.
"Come on, let's go get a coffee from the machine," I say. "And thanks for not saying anything about my project."
"Sure thing," Terrance says, following me. "It's our little secret."
For some reason, the thought of Terrance knowing about my project makes me feel really nervous. Still, I try to smile
and brush off my unease as we head toward the drinks machine. I’d hoped to get more done over lunch, but this distraction is
worth it to get Terrance away from my workstation. Hopefully, he'll forget all about it.
"Whoa,” Terrance says suddenly. “Can't say the guy doesn't have taste, I'll give him that." He gives a low whistle,
looking at the mezzanine level.
I follow his gaze and freeze. Cole is standing by the rail, talking to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her
dark, flowing locks cascade down her shoulders in perfect waves. The tight black dress she wears clings to her every curve
and shows off her slender figure. I watch in dismay as she shifts position, the movement only highlighting her tiny waist and
large breasts. The damn dress molds to her body like a second skin, leaving just enough to the imagination to be professional. I
doubt there's a man in the building not gawking at her.
The mystery woman's eyes are lined with a smoky gaze that makes her look sophisticated and sultry, and every time she
throws her head back to laugh at something Cole says, her perfectly white teeth sparkle under the office lights.
As Terrance and I watch from afar, both captivated by her presence for very different reasons, I notice how effortlessly
she commands attention. Her laughter rings through the air like music, drawing everyone's gaze toward her, including Cole's.
She playfully touches his arm, causing a shiver to race up my spine.
My wolf is practically howling within me. The way they interact is magnetic. I sense the undeniable connection
between them, and it sends waves of jealousy coursing through my veins.
Terrance nudges me slightly, breaking my trance-like state. "Looks like Cole doesn't mind flirting in the office after all.
At least not when it's him doing it," he whispers with a smirk.
I tear my gaze away from the enchanting woman and force a smile onto my lips. "Yeah, I guess so," I manage to reply,
my voice laced with a tinge of disappointment that I hope Terrance doesn't notice.
"Who wouldn't flirt with her, though? I can't believe he let her go at all. He must regret that. What a shmuck."
That gets my attention. "W-what do you mean?" I ask, trying to sound casual.
"That's Carmela, his ex," Terrance replies, as though I should have already known, "Everyone's talking about it.
Apparently, she flew in last night with some big new proposal. I wonder if they're still fucking. They look like they're fucking."
I cringe at his crude language, but can't help staring at them. It's true—the chemistry between them is physically painful
for my wolf to observe. I should have realized it was Carmela. There was a picture of them together online, but it was taken at
an event. She looks even more beautiful in person. She looks like Annie.
There is something about her I can't quite put my finger on, though. Something that's bothering my wolf. "Is she a
shifter?" I whisper.
Terrance leans in, and I can almost feel his delight in having gossip to share. "No. Can't you tell what she is? I mean,
she's sexy as hell, in that slightly sinister way they always seem to be." I look at him, slightly confused, and he chuckles. "She's
a witch. Isn't it obvious?"
I'm taken aback by Terrance's words. A witch? It suddenly makes sense, though, with that aura of power my wolf feels
emanating from Carmela. Witches are known for their enchanting beauty and ability to manipulate the world's natural forces.
It's no wonder she exudes such an irresistible presence.
"Wait, you're serious?" I ask in disbelief, my eyes still fixed on Cole and Carmela. "I had no idea. That seems...unusual,
doesn't it? A witch and a shifter?"
Terrance shrugs nonchalantly. "Maybe out here in the mountains. On the coast and in cities, it's not so unusual, Saf. And
hey, I'd be banging that if I was Cole, magic be damned. Do you know how hot witches are in the sack?"
"Shut up, Terrance," I finally snap. "I'm not one of your college buddies."
I know he wouldn't talk like that if Charlotte was around, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being a pushover. Then I
remember the project and his promise to keep it a secret. Plus, he's my friend, and I don't want to fall out with him. "Sorry,” I
apologize quickly. “I think I'm getting a headache. I'm going to grab that coffee."
Terrance throws his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Saf. I'll come with you."
I can't help stealing one final look at Cole before we walk away. As I do, I see he's turned and is now looking directly
at me. Carmela is still talking, but Cole's eyes are burning into mine.
I instinctively shrug Terrance's arm from my shoulder. However, as I turn to walk away, I wonder why I care so much
about what Cole thinks. His chemistry with Carmela is obvious. And why wouldn't it be? She's everything I'm not.
Chapter 13 - Cole
I really need to get out of here.
Carmela hasn't stopped talking since she arrived. There's nothing new there; she's usually got a lot to say. She's damn
good at telling a story, captivating her audience, and drawing people in with tales of her international travel, meetings with
presidents, and global billion-dollar contracts.
She positively radiates success...and magic.
Objectively, I can see how intoxicating she is. Her long, dark, wavy hair cascades enticingly down her back, swaying
with every movement she makes. Any man would itch to touch the silken strands. Her simple yet sinful dress clings to her like a
second skin, accentuating her perfect figure. The tight-fitting material hugs her in all the right places, leaving little to the
imagination. Not that I need to use my imagination, because I already know how amazing her body is. The outfit is a daring but
natural choice for her, boldly displaying her confidence and fierce femininity. The deep shade of midnight blue makes her
bronzed skin practically glow, adding an ethereal allure to her already potent sexiness.
“Ethereal” is the perfect descriptor for Carmela. Having known her for long enough, I see the magic flowing through
her. She's stunningly beautiful in her own right, but witches can't help but use the occasional glamor for added spice. Her eyes
are glowing bright blue today, though they might be emerald green tomorrow. Her appearance, like her moods, constantly shifts.
Despite the allure of her physical beauty and the undeniable magnetism she exudes, I feel completely empty as I look at
her. Instead of captivating me, her long monologue about her latest trade visit to Europe and all her escapades in Paris just bore
I'm watching her beautiful face light up as she tells me about her latest visit to our favorite Parisian libertine club,
sharing stories of sinful excess. She leans over and strokes my arm, giggling as she reminds me of our last visit before we
parted ways.
The things we used to do...
But at the back of my mind, I can't help but rage that she hasn't asked about her daughter once since she arrived. I
deliberately decided not to mention Annie's name to see how long it would take Carmela to bring her up or ask to see her. She's
been here all morning so far and...nothing.
We pause on the walkway overlooking the reception area as I conclude our tour of the new facility. In all honesty, I just
didn't want to be alone in my office with her. The moment Carmela arrived, she was all over me. My wolf practically snarled
in disgust, so I decided the best thing was to put a bit of professional distance between us. Not that it appears to have had the
desired effect, because she’s persistent with her not-so-subtle touches and overly enthusiastic displays of affection.
She's still talking, and I'm trying to find a break in the conversation to excuse myself. I've already given her team the
conference room so they can prepare for this afternoon's presentation. Frankly, I need some air before then. Standing there, my
wolf suddenly goes alert, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Ignoring Carmela's occasional intimate touches, I look
around the vast space. Standing on the opposite mezzanine level, I see Saffy. Her eyes lock onto mine...and then flick between
Carmela and me.
It only takes me a moment to notice that Terrance, that stupid intern, has his arm flung around Saffy’s shoulder. She’d
told me there was nothing between them, and it's true, I would have scented him on her. But looking at them now, I can’t be so
sure their relationship isn’t moving in that direction.
My claws partially descend as I take in the scene. Saffy’s already walking away, and I want nothing more than to chase
after her. Instead, I stay rooted to the spot and witness her shake off Terrance's arm.
Good girl.
Turning back to Carmela, I spot Jonah approaching, then attempting to turn back as he notices us. Too late.
"Jonah," I call, waving him over. "Look who's here. I have to run through a few things for some international partners,”
I tell Carmela. “Jonah will make sure you have everything you need."
She looks disappointed. "Why him?" she whines.
I suppress a mirthless laugh as Jonah glares at me, his mask of a smile reappearing as he turns to Carmela. "Now, now,”
he says to her. “Is that any way to greet a friend?"
Carmela rolls her eyes. "We are not friends, Jonah. But you can get my team some coffee."
I can practically feel the tension and animosity rolling off the pair of them as I walk away, and I couldn't care less. If
Carmela's team has a legitimate business proposal, then I'm happy to hear it. If she wants to see Annie, I'm happy to facilitate it.
And if Jonah wants to whine about this later, I'll give him five minutes to get it off his chest. But right now, I'm done with this
Walking into my office, I slam the door behind me and stand in front of the large picture window, concentrating on the
mountains and taking some deep breaths. God, Annie deserves so much better than that woman.
Instinctively, I activate the security cameras in Saffy's department and take a seat as I have done every day for weeks
now, leaning back in my chair as I study the screen. Saffy's back at her station, and that idiot Terrance is nowhere to be seen,
thank God.
Just seeing Saffy soothes my wolf somehow. Seeing Carmela today has only solidified how much I want Saffy. Deep
down, I know I'll be too rough with her. I know my wolf wants to corrupt her innocence. This probably makes me a bastard, but
ultimately, I always get what I want.
I actually think I've shown considerable restraint in pursuing Saffy. Fucking the beta's clearly innocent little sister
would probably be a foolish move. It's hard to operate in the mountain without the respect of the alpha. Diego and I have an
understanding—I respect the pack and his leadership, and he allows me to live on the periphery, which allows me to maintain
my global interests. I know he recognizes my wolf's need for autonomy. And I acknowledge my daughter needs this pack to
flourish and embrace her shifter side, which she'll need to do if she's going to balance her magical heritage.
If I fuck Saffy and cause an uproar, I know there will be consequences. But it feels inevitable, and I'm growing tired of
trying to control my wolf around her.
Heading out after I wrap up some calls, I deliberately take the long way to the meeting room, intending to grab a coffee
on the way. I smirk as I consider getting one for Jonah, too, as a peace offering for leaving him with Carmela.
The hallway is quiet, the only sound my purposeful strides hitting the polished concrete floor. I sense Saffy’s presence
before I even look up from the message I'm typing on my phone.
She pauses, seemingly frozen to the spot about five feet from me. My lips curl into a smile that I'm not sure scares her
more. She takes a step back, but I cover the ground too quickly for her to retreat.
"Were you about to run away from me?" I ask, secretly loving the way she gasps slightly as I pull her into one of the
glass alcoves overlooking the central staircase.
Her eyes go wide as she turns to me. "W-what do you mean?"
I'm about to say something light and teasing, but I pause, taking in her appearance. I didn't see it on the screen or from a
distance, but up close, she looks distinctly more tired than normal.
"Were you at the store last night?" I ask, stroking her cheek absentmindedly and marveling at the shiver that spreads
through her body.
"Er," she pauses. "Yes, why?"
I sigh. "You look tired. I appreciate a strong work ethic more than anyone, but this internship is demanding. You still
have college work, I'm sure, too."
I stop short of telling her not to work at the store. Though if she keeps showing up looking this tired, it's not in my nature
to let her keep running herself into the ground.
Christ. Do I want to fuck her or take care of her?
The thought is temporarily unnerving, and I find myself pulling back slightly.
"Yeah, but it's not that," she replies quietly, glancing around to see if we're being watched, though I couldn't give a fuck.
"I just didn't sleep well."
I narrow my eyes, studying her closely. "Is something bothering you? You can tell me," I say, my voice laced with more
concern than I intended.
Saffy hesitates for a moment before finally meeting my gaze. Her eyes flicker with a heady mix of innocent vulnerability
and desire, making it hard for me to focus on anything but her. "It's nothing, really," she murmurs, chewing that damn lip again.
I step closer, closing the gap between us until there's no air between our bodies. My hand travels down her arm.
"Nothing at all you want to tell me?" I whisper huskily, my breath grazing her neck. "I'm all ears."
I can feel her delicate body trembling against mine, and it only spurs me on, the sensations rushing through my body,
setting my nerves on fire. The way I'm feeling right now, I could take her right here against the glass.
My wolf pulls me back to reality before I can act on my desire, sensing someone else in the hall with us. I step back,
turning to see Carmela walking toward us, her arms crossed, her gaze fixed. I can feel the jealousy rolling off her in waves, and
her magic hangs heavily in the air. As soon as our eyes make contact, she softens her expression, like a mask falling into place.
"Cole!" she exclaims breezily. "We've been waiting for you in the conference room. I told the others you were probably
getting a coffee. I know you can't sit through a meeting without one."
Carmela's face appears open and friendly enough, but I can see the amber and black swirls in her eyes betraying her
rage. Not wanting to draw Saffy into a conflict that doesn't concern her, I step toward my ex. "I was just on my way," I say,
hoping to divert her attention.
"Was this girl helping you get your coffee?" Carmela asks, her tone light, but I can still detect the sting behind her
"No. As I said, I was on my way," I say. As I move around her, Carmela steps closer to Saffy instead of following me.
"And who are you, I wonder?" Carmela asks in a singsong voice, her magic practically crackling around her. Carmela's
jealousy has always intrigued me slightly. Witches are highly sexual, and though she just spent all morning boring me about her
recent sexual exploits in Paris, she's jealous.
I roll my eyes, knowing I have to put an end to this. For Saffy's sake and mine. "Saffy is an intern here," I say before
Saffy can answer. "We were discussing the project she's working on. Not coffee. Now, come, Carmela."
My harsh tone seems to snap Carmela out of her reverie, and she stops walking, turning to me. "Very well," she says.
Turning to Saffy, she adds, "He is very easily distracted, you know. Terrible shiny-object syndrome."
I'm furious by the time we get to the conference room, though I suspect only Jonah and Carmela can tell. I wear my
professional indifference like a mask throughout Carmela's presentation. Jonah had already drafted his concerns, so I let him
take the floor. Although Carmela is a skilled negotiator, so is Jonah, and watching them go toe to toe for a while over the
Chinese data issue keeps me briefly amused.
Carmela's deal is practically dead in the water, and I suspect she already knows it. That technology would never pass
through Congress with the security risks attached to it. I'd like to think she's just wasting my time as an excuse to see Annie, but
as we walk through the reception area later, she still hasn't even mentioned our daughter. I'm loathe to be the one to bring it up,
but Annie deserves the best from me.
"So, are you leaving now that our meeting has concluded?” I ask as neutrally as possible.
As Carmela is about to answer, I notice her pause, her eyes narrowing slightly. Turning, I spot Saffy with Sarah and
David by the reception desk. Carmela smiles broadly as she straightens her shoulders and replies loudly, "I'll be spending
tonight with you and our daughter, of course. I bet Annie can't wait to see me."
Her seemingly enthusiastic statement carries across the reception area, but I don't even turn to see if Saffy heard.
Ultimately, this is family business, and I have no interest in drawing Carmela's attention to her.
"I will send a car for you," I reply curtly, and stride away from her without looking back.
The worst part is that Annie will be thrilled to see her mom, and Carmela doesn't deserve it.
Chapter 14 - Saffy
"I'm not sure. Maybe. We'll see," I tell Terrance, cringing as he rolls his eyes at my response.
"Saf, these sorts of things don't happen very often around here. Ever, actually." He pleads, "No way in hell is Charlotte
going to come, so you have to. Probably best she doesn't. What a buzz kill."
"Stop it," I admonish. "You two are just very different. She's not a buzz kill."
He holds his hands up placatingly. "Whatever you say, Saf. But come on, you've got to come."
I groan slightly, hating that he's piling on the pressure when I don't know what I want to do. Just then, Jonah approaches
and starts making a drink at the machine next to us.
"You both look very serious," he remarks, his eyes bright with amusement. "You must be talking about my party tonight.
It's all anyone's talking about, obviously. I trust you'll both be there?"
Terrance gives me a meaningful look before replying, "I was just trying to talk Saffy into coming."
Thanks, Terrance, I think as Jonah turns his full attention to me.
"Why would anyone need talking into a party, Saffy?" he asks, looking genuinely confused. “Frankly, everyone here
desperately needs some good old-fashioned fun. And luckily, I like to provide just that. Can I count on you to be there, Saffy?"
Terrance is still giving me puppy-dog eyes behind Jonah, and I can't help but chuckle. "We'll see. I've just got a lot
going on—"
Jonah interrupts me, waving his hand. "Nonsense. I personally signed off on your project this morning. David gave you
a glowing report, by the way. So, you need to celebrate." Stepping closer to me, he adds, "I'll make sure you get to celebrate
I can feel the heat radiating from Jonah's body as he purposely moves into my personal space. The playful intensity in
his eyes sends a shiver down my spine, making me feel like all the air has been pushed out of my lungs. Women always seem to
be drawn to him like moths to a flame, and for the first time, I understand why. His magnetism is undeniable. But I have never
found myself actually wanting Jonah. Probably because I only seem to have eyes for Cole, but also because there's a darkness
to his playfulness, something bubbling beneath the surface.
I tear my gaze away from him and glance over his shoulder, surprised to see a dark look on Terrance's face. I know he's
not thrilled with my indecisiveness about attending Jonah's party tonight. I just haven't been in the mood to think about it since
Carmela arrived. Not that anything was actually happening between me and Cole, but it's only now that she's here that I can see
how unrealistic my hopes were. To say that we're very different would be an understatement, and if that's the kind of woman
Cole likes, then I really am deluding myself.
Terrance is always finding snippets of scintillating gossip about Cole, and if only half of them are true, then his
behavior with me is probably nothing out of the ordinary. He's probably leaving women all over town drooling over him while
he just moves on to the next.
Just the thought of Cole playing me for no reason makes me straighten my shoulders slightly. I suspect Jonah knows
more than he's letting on, and I'm not going to let him think I'm pining over Cole.
I step back from Jonah a little as I reply. "Yes, okay, I'll be there."
Jonah looks satisfied by my answer, and I notice the intensity fading from his eyes as quickly as it developed. He claps
his hands together. "Excellent," he says, slapping Terrance on the back. "I will see you both there."
As soon as he's rounded the corner, Terrance turns to me. "You want to watch that guy, Saf. I mean, I think he's great, but
he's a real use-them-and-lose-them type."
I laugh. "I don't fancy Jonah, Terrance. Not my type at all."
The relief that flashes across his face is palpable, and I cringe for a second. I really hope Charlotte isn't right about
Terrance having a crush on me. I just don't feel that way about him at all.
"So, we'll stick together, yeah?” I say. “You'll be my only proper friend there, and loads of people from the West Coast
office are going.”
Hopefully, he noticed me emphasize the word friend.
"Sure thing, Saf,” he says with a grin. “You won't regret it. It's going to be a blast."

Pulling at the dress's fabric, I try to encourage it to stay closer to my knees. As soon as I move, though, it slides back up
my thighs, showing a lot more leg than I'm used to.
"Stop fiddling with it, Saf," Tanya laughs as she hands me my coat. "I wouldn't let you go out in something that didn't
look great. It's a little shorter than you normally go for, but I promise it's not that short. It's party-appropriate. Just be glad your
brother's not here to see you go out."
I groan. Maybe it is too short. I look at my reflection in the hall mirror. The short black dress clings to my curves,
accentuating every contour of my body. I almost never wear heels, but the extra height makes my legs look so much longer.
The dress is low-cut without being too revealing. I don't want anyone gawking at me. Tanya insisted on doing my
makeup, and I must admit she's really enhanced my features, giving me perfectly smoky eyes and rosy cheeks that make me feel
more confident than usual.
Tanya watches me with a mischievous grin, her eyes full of admiration. "You're going to turn heads tonight, Saf," she
says, her voice filled with intrigue. "Anyone interesting going?"
I roll my eyes at her. I'm sure she knows I have a crush on Cole. "I don't think so. I really wish Charlotte was going, to
be honest." I suddenly feel nervous.
"At least you have Terrance," Tanya says, then her eyes widen. "You two are still just friends, aren't you? This isn't a
"No!" I exclaim. "Charlotte said the same earlier, but this is not a date. There is literally nothing between me and
Terrance. He's just a friend."
"Mmm," Tanya teases. "Well, your friend is coming up the drive."
I look at the security monitor and see Terrance's car approaching. I feel almost sick with anticipation. I tell myself I'm
just nervous about attending my first proper party. The rumor is that Jonah's parties are always really wild, and the worry of
not fitting in hangs heavily over me. But that's not the main reason my stomach is in knots.
Will Cole be there? He's all I've been thinking about while getting dressed and doing my hair. I'd never have agreed to
wear this dress if, deep down, I didn't hope Cole would see me in it.
Later, Terrance is practically bubbling with excitement as we ride the elevator to Jonah's penthouse. The building sits
on the very edge of town near Brite Corp. It’s an old warehouse that was derelict just a few years ago. It now houses private
apartments, most of which Brite Corp owns. I wasn't surprised at all to discover Jonah has a penthouse with a hot tub on the
roof. He just has that kind of vibe.
I take a deep breath as the elevator doors slide open. The penthouse entrance is nothing short of incredible. The
luxurious interior takes my breath away, and this is only the foyer. As I step into the lavish space, my eyes widen in awe. I've
never seen anything like this. Exposed brick walls, meticulously preserved from the original warehouse structure, stretch
across the room, adorned with modern art pieces that add sophistication to the industrial finish. A sleek, black marble
countertop stands against one wall, lined with bottles of expensive liquor and crystal glasses that shimmer under the dimmed
Someone hands me a glass of something as soon as we step off the elevator. I accept the drink, not even sure what it is,
and grip the glass tightly, feeling incredibly out of place already. Looking around, I notice the walls are filled with photographs
capturing moments frozen in time—glamorous parties, exotic locations, and enigmatic faces posing with Jonah.
Terrance looks over my shoulder as I admire some of them, amazed at Jonah's lifestyle. He gives a low whistle of
admiration as he glances back at me. "This guy is my hero."
I laugh as I shrug off my coat and hand it to an attendant who has materialized beside us. I almost wish I could keep my
coat on for a bit longer; I don't want to feel exposed. But I don't feel like I can say no. Standing there in just my dress, I feel the
cool air kiss my bare shoulders, sending shivers down my spine.
Terrance's eyes linger on my outfit, his lips curving into an appreciative smile. "Damn. You look great, Saf."
"Oh, thanks," I say, not entirely liking how he's staring at me, but I know he's just being nice. I wave the compliment
away, trying not to blush. "It's Tanya's. One of the benefits of having her move in."
As we move into the main room, the scale of the party becomes clear. A jazz band is playing in the corner, filling the air
with a sultry vibe. There are sexy people everywhere, their beauty and confidence like nothing I've ever seen before. I thought
my dress was too short, but I'm way overdressed compared to some of the women here. Their barely-there dresses leave little
to the imagination, and I don't know where to look. It's both mesmerizing and overwhelming, and I can't help but feel self-
"Now we're talking." Terrance grins, pointing to a couple kissing passionately against the wall, their bodies entwined
in a sensual dance for dominance.
I'm blushing furiously now, and my gaze darts from one couple to another, unsure where to look. I take a sip of my
drink, hoping it will ground me, only to realize that it's shifter alcohol. Regular alcohol does not affect us; in fact, we're
practically immune to its intoxicating properties. But this drink is different. It burns down my throat, and I hastily put it to one
side. "It's shifter alcohol," I tell Terrance. “You shouldn’t drink any. You’re driving.”
Terrance rolls his eyes, but picks up my glass. "Wait here. I'll get you something else."
I nod, grateful he listened, and lean against the wall, trying not to stare at the couple now grinding against each other.
Suddenly, Jonah rushes past, coming to a stop when he sees me.
"Tell me you're not hiding in a corner, Saffy,” he says. “Not when you look so beautiful."
I look over to see a couple of beautiful half-naked women waiting for him. His eyes are so full of mischief that I can't
help smiling. "I'm just waiting for Terrance to get my drink, I promise."
Jonah nods, seemingly satisfied, but before he rushes off, he adds, "Go easy on the good stuff. I can't be getting Cole's
intern into trouble."
I want to ask if Cole's here, but Jonah has already rushed off chasing the women, who are now screaming with laughter.
I sigh, scanning the room for Cole, but I can't see him. I'm grateful when Terrance returns with a different drink, and we decide
to tour the vast penthouse. The drink is delicious, and Terrance gets me a couple of refills as we catch up with some of the
R&D team hiding out on the deck, obviously overwhelmed by the party, too.
Everyone is talking and laughing, but I find myself yawning. Sarah catches me and laughs. "Are we keeping you up,
I groan, embarrassed. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so sleepy." I didn't feel tired when I arrived. Perhaps
I'm just not cut out for parties. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, but when I stand, I wobble slightly, blood rushing to my
head. I grip Terrance's shoulder to steady myself.
"Whoa, you okay?" he asks. I think he looks concerned, but it's hard to tell as my vision blurs slightly. I nod and exit the
deck quickly, hoping no one else noticed. I keep my head down as I concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, passing
through the main room where the band is still playing. People unintentionally jostle me as I try to navigate the space. I think I
spot Jonah and briefly consider asking him for help, but I'm too embarrassed, so I head toward the bathroom instead.
Stumbling up the last couple of steps, I'm grateful to see the corridor looking empty. Which door is the bathroom, I
wonder. I try the first two, but they don't open. Finally, the third opens, but as I feel around for a switch, I begin to wonder if it's
the wrong room. The darkness envelopes me, only making me feel worse. I try to step backward, but hit something hard. It's a
person, and I feel hands wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer.
"Wha—" I murmur.
"It's okay, Saffy, I've got you. Okay?" a male voice replies in the dark. His hands begin stroking my bare arms,
skimming my breasts. Through my mental fog, the voice sounds familiar. Safe, even.
I step away in an attempt to clear my head. "Cole?"
"Why the fuck would I be Cole?" The voice’s harsh tone helps my mind to clear temporarily, and I focus on the voice.
"Terrance?" I ask, confused.
The man doesn't answer. Instead, he grabs my arm and pulls me closer, sealing his lips against mine and pushing me
back until I'm falling onto something soft. A bed? Panic begins to set in as I feel his weight on top of me, but my limbs feel so
heavy. I try to push him off, but it has no effect.
My wolf is quiet. She's not fighting, and even as I try to shift, nothing happens.
"Come on, Saf, just relax," he whispers, and now I know for sure it's Terrance. A tear leaks from my eye as he roughly
palms my breast.
"S-stop, please," I sob.
He doesn't listen and simply resumes kissing my neck, grinding his growing erection against my body. I struggle beneath
him to no avail, and then still, building my strength before wrenching my face away from his and screaming with everything I
have left.
Chapter 15 - Cole
I pour another drink, loosen my top shirt button, and lean against the quartz counter. I hate the quietness. The alcohol
gives me a momentary rush before my shifter blood immediately clears it from my system, so I pour another. I know it's my
choice to be here alone, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow.
I hope to God Annie is having a nice time with her mom. I know it means the world to her. I had hoped Carmela would
step up this time, but that doesn't seem likely. Annie is getting older now, and I know she's beginning to see that her mom
doesn't behave the way other moms do.
I was dismayed when Carmela announced they were going to have a lovely evening with the two nannies she brought
with her. What kind of parent needs two nannies to help look after one small child for the night? I was even more discouraged
when she told Annie she'd teach her some spells before bed. I know that Annie is half-witch and has every right to learn about
her heritage, but the thought of her learning spells so young makes me nervous. Especially if her mom is going to disappear for
months at a time and not give her any real guidance.
I pull out my phone and set a reminder to speak to the local coven about starting classes with Annie. She's not showing
any signs of shifter or magical ability yet, but she will. It's inevitable. Just as inevitable as the fact that her mom won't be there
to help her.
I'm so used to being in control of every aspect of my life and business. Sitting here, wondering if Annie is having a
good time, is driving me crazy. I'm not used to the feeling, and I definitely can't just sit with it.
Finishing my drink, I fire off a message to Carmela, asking how Annie has settled in at the apartment. I watch as the
dots flash on my phone for a few minutes. Eventually, she replies with a photo of my beaming daughter making pizza with
Katie, one of her nannies, and the caption, They’re having a great time.
I have no doubt Annie’s having a great time with Katie. They always do. But I release a heavy sigh, noting that Carmela
doesn't see anything wrong with this scenario. Yes, I use nannies, too. But that's for work, not simply to hang out together in the
evening. Yet, despite my annoyance over how Carmela chooses to spend her precious little time with Annie, I am at least
reassured that my daughter is having fun.
I put my phone on the counter and pour another drink, trying to drown out the intense silence with some music. My
phone beeps again. Assuming it's from Carmela, I'm surprised to see a video message from Jonah.
I press play, and a scene from Jonah's penthouse comes to life. I instantly recognize some of the faces as he pans the
phone around the room. He’s flown in his favorite jazz band, and I see the cabaret twins he always enjoys doing one of their
seductive routines on a podium in the background.
The camera pans back to his face, his eyes glowing with enthusiasm as he begins trying to talk me into attending the
party, which I'm sure is just warming up.
"...even Dom's here, Cole. And he never comes to my parties! Max is over from Miami, and he brought his new wife or
boyfriend, I'm not sure." He laughs. "I know you've had a shitty week, but I've got you. If anyone can cheer you up, it's me. Or
maybe your redhead. She's here looking hot..."
Redhead…does he mean Saffy?
I close the video and immediately call Jonah. It rings a few times, but eventually, he answers with a laugh. "Sorry, man.
I was busy in the hot tub. Wet hands, you know—"
"Is Saffy there?"
He laughs again. "I knew that would get your attention, but I didn't expect you to be so fucking obvious."
"Just answer me," I bark, in no mood for his jokes right now. Jonah's parties are always wild. No place for someone as
innocent as Saffy.
"Yeah, man," he says. "Looking hot, too."
I pinch the bridge of my nose. I had a feeling that Jonah's grand plan to bring his party lifestyle to the mountains would
be a bad idea, but I didn't think it would ever involve Saffy.
"Who did she go with?" I ask.
Jonah pauses for a moment, obviously trying to think through his shifter alcohol-addled brain. "That kid that's always a
bit overexcited. The other intern."
"I'm on my way," I tell him.
Before I hang up, I hear him announce, "Cole's coming!" A raucous cheer goes up in the background, but I'm in no mood
to party.
Or, more accurately, I'm not in the mood for Saffy to be partying with anyone else. My wolf is riled and won't be
satisfied until he sees her.
Thankfully, the penthouse isn't far from my cabin, as I bought up a chunk of real estate near the new office. Soon, I'm
impatiently hitting Jonah's elevator button, frustration threatening to overwhelm me as I wait for the doors to open. I run a hand
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Fig. 318.—A Diagram of an Orchid-flower.
B, Cephalanthera. Stylar-column: a anther; s
stigma; at the foot are seen scars indicating the
position of the parts which have been removed.
Order 2. Orchidaceæ. The epigynous, petaloid perianth is
strongly zygomorphic in having the posterior leaf of the interior whorl,
the lip (labellum), differing from all the other leaves in form, size, and
colour (except Apostasieæ); the position of the labellum is very
frequently reversed, being turned forwards and downwards by the
twisting of the ovary (Fig. 318 A). Only 1 of the stamens—the
anterior of the external whorl—is developed and bears an anther (by
the twisting of the ovary it is turned posteriorly and upwards); the
others are entirely wanting (indicated by * in Fig. 318 A) or present
as staminodes (Fig. 318 A, δ δ) (except Apostasieæ, Cypripedileæ);
the filaments are united with the style to form a column (Fig. 318 B),
the stylar-column[30] (gynostemium), and the anther (a) is thus
placed on its apex and exactly behind or over the stigma (s). The
anther is 4-locular; the pollen-grains do not separate (except
Apostasieæ, Cypripedileæ) but remain united either in tetrads or in
masses, which correspond to a pollen-mother-cell (Fig. 320 C, D, E);
or the pollen-grains, formed in each of the two anther-halves, remain
united and form one or a few wax-like masses (pollen-masses,
pollinia). The 3 carpels form a unilocular ovary with 3 parietal, deeply
bifid placentæ (except Apostasieæ, Selenipedilum). Only the two
lateral carpels are prolonged and developed into the stigma (Fig. 318
B, s), while the one lying in the median line, which is situated just
within the anther (Fig. 318 A), becomes either rudimentary or
developed into the “rostellum” (“a small beak”), on which the sticky
bodies (glandulæ) arise; by aid of these the heavy, connected pollen-
masses may be glued to the insects which visit the flower, and
pollination is thus secured (in Apostasieæ and Cypripedileæ the 3
carpels each contribute to the formation of the stigma). The fruit is a
capsule which most often dehisces by 6 valves, 3 of which are
broader and bear the placentæ, and 3 alternating with them are
narrower and barren (except Vanilla). The very numerous and
exceedingly small seeds have no endosperm, and have a somewhat
spherical embryo without any trace of external organs. The testa is
membranous and loose.
The Orchids are all perennial herbs with diverse habits and
varying morphological structure (see the genera); the leaves are
scattered, of the usual Liliaceous form, and the inflorescences in all
cases are racemes or spikes (sometimes branched), with subtending
bracts, but without bracteoles.
The forms which are the least modified are described first.
1. Apostasieæ. The perianth-leaves are almost alike and free.
The column is straight, with 3 equally-developed stigmas. Neuwiedia
has 3 perfect stamens (1 median of the outer whorl, and 2 lateral of
the inner whorl); Apostasia has only 2 perfect (inner lateral) and one
barren (the median of the outer whorl), which however may be
entirely wanting. The 3 posterior stamens are entirely suppressed.
The pollen is powdery. The ovary is 3-locular with axile placenta. 7
species (Tropical East India, Australia).
Fig. 319.—Cypripedilum calceolus: 1 front view of the flower; 2
lateral view, after the removal of all the perianth-leaves with the
exception of the labellum, which has been divided longitudinally; 3
the stylar-column; ov ovary; s-s exterior, p interior perianth; p’ the
labellum; a the two fertile stamens; a’ the staminode; st the stigma;
i entrance for the insects; ex exit.

2. Cypripedileæ.[31] The flower is strongly zygomorphic with a

large boat-shaped labellum. There are two perfect stamens
belonging to the inner whorl, and the median anterior (later on the
posterior) stamen of the outer whorl is transformed into a large,
barren, shield-shaped body (Fig. 319). Selenipedilum has a 3-locular
ovary, but Cypripedilum (Ladies’-slipper) has a unilocular ovary with
3 parietal placentæ—the typical structure for the Orchids. The
pollen-grains are separate (not in tetrads) and all the 3 lobes of the
stigma are constructed to receive them. This group is therefore, next
to the Apostasieæ, the least modified among the Orchids; in all the
following groups, one of the lobes of the stigma is differently
developed from the others, and there is only one stamen.—Terrestial
Orchids.—The pollination of C. calceolus is effected by the forcible entrance of
insects into the boat-shaped labellum (Fig. 319 p’) at i, and their escape at ex (in
2) where the anthers are situated; in this way the stigmas will first be touched and
then the anthers. The pollen-grains are surrounded by a sticky mass in order that
they may adhere to the insects.
3. Neottieæ. The majority are terrestrial Orchids with creeping,
sympodial rhizomes; the blades of the leaves are not detached from
the stem at joints, and have convolute vernation. The anthers do not
drop off, but persist in the withered condition; their apex is brought in
contact with the rostellum (acrotonous Orchids). The pollen-grains
are united in tetrads, which, however, often hang loosely together in
pollinia, attached to a sticky part of the rostellum (“adhesive disc”),
so that they adhere to the insects, and are by them transferred to the
stigmas. Spiranthes. Listera; Neottia. N. nidus-avis (Bird’s-nest) is brown (it
has little chlorophyll) in colour, has no foliage-leaves, and lives mainly as a
saprophyte; the rhizome is studded with unbranched, fleshy roots which may form
buds at their extremities.—Vanilla climbs by aerial roots. The fruit is
fleshy and hardly opens, or does so irregularly.—Epipactis,
Cephalanthera.—Epipogon and Limodorum are saprophytes without
Fig. 320.—A Flower of Orchis maculata (front view): a stamen; b the cup; n the
stigmas; x staminodes; sp the spur; spe the entrance to it; sm-sl-sl exterior
perianth-leaves; pm the labellum, and pl-pl the other 2 interior perianth-leaves. B-E
Orchis mascula: B lateral view of the column; C a pollinium with massulæ (p),
caudicle (c) and adhesive disc (d); D caudicles with the cup (r), front view; the
latter is depressed so that the adhesive disc is seen lying inside it; E a pollinium,
more highly magnified; some massulæ are removed. F Ophrys aranifera: rostellum
and the base of the anther-loculus; an adhesive disc is seen on the right.
4. Ophrydeæ. Anthers 2-locular, not falling off, on a very short
column. The anther is united at its base with the rostellum
(basitonous Orchids, Fig. 320 A, B), while in all other Orchids it is
connected at the apex (acrotonous Orchids). The pollen-grains in
each loculus are united into small “masses” (massulæ), each of
which corresponds to a pollen-mother-cell in the anther, and which
hang together by elastic threads (Fig. 320 C, E). Each pollinium is
attached at the base by a stalk (caudicle) to an adhesive disc,
formed by the modified stigma (rostellum), and is easily liberated
from it (Fig. 320 C, D, F). The pollinium, which is formed in an
anther-loculus, together with its caudicle and adhesive disc, is
termed “pollinarium” (Fig. 320 C).—All Ophrydeæ are terrestrial with
tuberous roots, two of which are present in the flowering period, an
older one (from the preceding year) containing the nourishment for
the flowering-shoot of the year, and a young one which is intended to
contain the reserve material for the following year. Inflorescence
Orchis. The lip has a spur; each of the club-like pollinia is
attached to its own adhesive disc, the discs being enclosed in a
common pouch formed by the rostellum (Fig. 320 C, D). Tubers ovate,
undivided: O. morio, mascula; tubers palmate: O. incarnata, maculata, majalis.—
Ophrys; no spur, the two adhesive discs are each enclosed in a
separate pouch (Fig. 320 F).—Anacamptis and Serapias have one
adhesive disc.—Habenaria, Gymnadenia, Platanthera, Herminium,
Nigritella, Cœloglossum, etc., have naked adhesive discs (no
5. Epidendreæ. Acrotonous Orchids with deciduous anthers (except Malaxis);
2-8 wax-like pollinia, with or without caudicles; generally no adhesive discs.
Malaxis (the flower is twisted through a complete circle, causing the labellum to be
turned upwards), Sturmia and Corallorhiza[32] (Coral-root); the latter has a
creeping, coral-like rhizome without roots, and is destitute of chlorophyll except in
the ovary. The other two somewhat resemble the tropical Orchids in having the
lower internodes of the axis of the inflorescence tuberous. Liparis; Calypso. Most
of the genera are tropical epiphytes and many have aerial, green tubers formed
from one or more stem-internodes; Dendrobium, Eria, Phaius, Bletia, Epidendrum,
Cattleya, Lælia, Pleurothallis, Restrepia, Masdevallia, Bulbophyllum, etc.
6. Vandeæ. These resemble the preceding but have only 2 wax-like pollinia in
each anther, which are attached by a caudicle to the adhesive disc of the
rostellum. Nearly all are tropical epiphytes. Stanhopea, Catasetum, Maxillaria,
Oncidium, Vanda, Polystachya, etc.
6,000 (10,000?) species. The majority live in the Tropics and occur, especially,
as epiphytes on trees or in the crevices of rocks, to which they are attached by
aerial roots. These aerial roots, like those of Araceæ, are covered by several
layers of spirally-thickened cells (tracheides) which contain air and form the
velamen—an apparatus to absorb moisture from the air. The roots have a white
appearance when the cells are filled with air, which changes to a greenish hue
when they are filled with water, the chlorophyll then shining through. They
generally have horizontal rhizomes; the ascending shoots, which bear the foliage-
leaves, may vary, but they very often swell and assume the form of a tuber, which
persists for several years fresh and green after the leaves have fallen off (Fig.
321). Vanilla is an exception (see above). Our Orchids are all terrestrial (or marsh-
plants); the largest number of species is found in calcareous soils.
Pollination takes place principally by means of insects, but self-pollination
occurs in some. The lip serves as a landing-stage for the insect visitors, which, on
sucking the honey, cause the adhesive discs, with the pollinia attached to them, to
adhere to their bodies (generally to the probosces) and so carry them away to
other flowers. In some species parts of the flower are sensitive or irritable, which
has some connection with the pollination. Without doubt there are a great many
biological differences which are closely connected with the infinite multiplicity of
forms; Darwin (1862) has already shown an enormous variety, never even dreamt
of before, in the European species. The genus Catasetum has ♂-♀-and ☿-plants
with flowers of such different appearances that they have been classed in various
genera (Myanthus, Monacanthus). Platanthera is pollinated by hawk-moths;
Ophrys, by flies; Epipactis latifolia, by wasps; Orchis, by bees, especially humble-
bees, etc.

Fig. 321.—Chysis bractescens.

The distribution of seeds is effected by the wind, the seeds being so
exceedingly small and light. Many species moreover have peculiar, elater-like, fine,
hygroscopic hairs in the ovary, which eject the seeds in a manner similar to the
elaters of the Liverworts.
The uses are few, mostly as ornamental plants in conservatories. The tubers of
several Orchis-species are officinal; they contain starch and mucilage and are
used us “salep.” The fruits of Vanilla planifolia are used as condiments and differ
from other Orchid-fruits in being rather fleshy and in dehiscing irregularly; the
seeds are very small, shining and black.

Class II. Dicotyledones.

In this class the embryo has 2 seed-leaves, a rule from which
there are few exceptions (e.g. Ficaria, Cyclamen, Pinguicula, certain
species of Corydalis, with only 1; and a few, mostly parasitic forms,
e.g. Monotropa, Orobanche, Pyrola, entirely without cotyledons). On
germination the cotyledons nearly always raise themselves above
the ground as green, assimilating leaves and are then termed aerial
or epigean, in contradistinction to the underground or hypogean
which are always buried. The structure of the seed varies
(endospermous or exendospermous); the embryo may be straight or
curved. In many instances the primary root grows as a vigorous tap-
root, with weaker branches arising acropetally (in annuals, biennials,
many perennials, especially woody plants); but in a large number of
herbaceous perennials, which have rhizomes, the root behaves very
much as in the Monocotyledons. The roots generally increase in
thickness by means of a cambium.
The stem, when seen in transverse section, has its vascular
bundles arranged in a ring; in reality, however, they form a kind of
cylindrical network in the stem; the bundles are open, and thickening
takes place by means of a cambium; annual rings are formed in the
perennial stems. There is a rich and very varied form of branching.
The two first leaves of a shoot (fore-leaves) are placed nearly always
to the right and to the left; the same arrangement is found in the two
first leaves developed on the flower-stalk, and these are, as a rule,
the only two; they are found below the calyx and are usually termed
the “bracteoles.” It has become customary to indicate the bracteoles
by the letters α and β, according to their sequence of growth, and in
that sense these letters will be employed in the following diagrams.
The arrangement of the leaves varies very much; there is also
a great variety of shapes in the leaves and their venation, but the
linear leaves, with parallel venation, so frequent in the
Monocotyledons, are seldom met with, as also the large sheaths
(though the sheath is well developed in the Umbelliferous plants);
stipules occur much more frequently.
The flower is most commonly cyclic, but acyclic or hemicyclic
forms also occur. The type which may be taken as a basis consists
in the majority of instances, as in the Monocotyledons, of 5 whorls, of
which the 4 outer ones (calyx, corolla, and the 2 whorls of stamens)
are most frequently 4 or 5 in number and placed in regular
alternation, whilst the innermost one (the carpels) has generally
fewer members, probably on account of space (Figs. 360, 361, 421,
429, 487, etc.). Trimerous (Figs. 384, 387, etc.) flowers, or those in
which the members of the flower are in threes or a multiple of three,
also occur, as well as dimerous flowers; other numbers are rare. It is
of the greatest importance in connection with the relative position of
the members of the flower to the axis and bract (orientation),
whether the bracteoles are typically present (even though they may
not be developed), or are typically absent. If there are 2 bracteoles
present, then their position in a pentamerous flower is often as
follows: the first sepal turns obliquely forward, the second is posterior
and median, the third obliquely forward, the fourth and fifth obliquely
backward; quincuncial æstivation is often found in these buds (Figs.
360, 429, 471, 475, 584). The first and third leaves, in the following
chapters, are most frequently alluded to as the “anterior,” the fourth
and fifth as the “lateral” leaves. The reversed arrangement, with the
median sepal in the front, occurs for instance in Papilionaceæ (Fig.
511), Lobeliaceæ (Fig. 594), Rhodoracecæ. If any bracteoles are
present below a tetramerous flower, the relation is generally that 2
sepals (the first ones) stand in the median plane, the two next ones
transversely (Fig. 393), and the corolla then adopts a diagonal
position (Fig. 397); but a diagonal position of the calyx generally
shows that the flower is not, strictly speaking, tetramerous, as in
Plantago (Fig. 567), Veronica (Fig. 559 C) and others.
If the bracteoles are not typically present, then the position of the
sepals is changed accordingly, and the two outer sepals endeavour
to assume the position which the bracteoles would otherwise have
occupied, e.g. in Primula (Fig. 547). Other positions are also found
when the number of bracteoles is more or less than two.
The leaves which follow the sepals occupy definite positions with
regard to them, which we may consider later. An arrangement must,
however, be mentioned here; when the flower is “diplostemonous”
that is, has two whorls of stamens (thus, Sn, Pn, An + n), these may
be arranged in two ways. Either the first-formed whorl of stamens,
which are termed the “calyx-stamens,” stands directly in front of the
sepals (that is “episepalous”), and is the outermost whorl, and in this
case a regular alternation takes place between sepals, petals and
the two whorls of stamens, which is also continued into the carpels if
their number is the same as that of the other whorls: the carpels are
then placed opposite the sepals (Fig. 278) and the flower is
isomerous and Gn should be added to the formula above. Or, the
calyx-stamens form the innermost whorl, and the corolla-stamens,
which are subsequently formed (“epipetalous” stamens), stand
outside these (Figs. 360, 429); if the number of carpels is the same
as that of the preceding whorls, they are often placed right in front of
the petals and the corolla-stamens. The first-mentioned arrangement
is termed Diplostemonous, and the second Obdiplostemonous. Both
arrangements may be found in one and the same order, e.g. Caryophyllaceæ. The
size and relation of the members of the flowers, and also the contact with other
members in the early stages of their development, play an important part in
determining the arrangement.
The great number of structural arrangements found in this
enormously large class, may, as is the case in the Monocotyledons,
be further varied by suppression and division of certain leaves
(especially the stamens). Instances of this will occur in the following
(Figs. 559, 568.—426, 441, 445, etc.).
The Dicotyledons were formerly divided into 3 sub-classes:
Apetalæ (those without corolla), Sympetalæ or Gamopetalæ (those
with the petals united), and Choripetalæ or Polypetalæ (the petals
not united). This division has now been abandoned because it has
been proved that the Apetalæ were merely reduced or incomplete
forms of the Choripetalæ, and they have therefore been distributed
among the various families of the latter sub-class.
With regard to the Sympetalæ (or Gamopetalæ) it may be stated
that they form to a very great extent a closely connected and natural
group, having in common not only the character that the corolla is
gamopetalous and the stamens united with it (this being also found
in the Choripetalæ), but also a great many others (such as persistent
calyx, cyclic flowers with the formula S5, P5, A5 and as a rule G2,
the two carpels being united to form the ovary; seeds with a thick
integument and a very small nucellus). They are therefore
considered as an independent sub-class, and must be placed at the
close of the system of classification as the forms which presumably
have arisen the latest. In the future systems of classification this
arrangement will very probably be changed, and the first families of
the Sympetalæ, the Bicornes and others will for instance be to a
certain extent united with the families or orders of the Choripetalæ.
The Sympetalæ may certainly be considered as the youngest types,
the strongly pronounced metamorphosis supporting this theory, as
also the formation of the integument of the ovule, the one thick
integument being undoubtedly derived from the coalescence of two
—a holochlamydeous ovule, etc.
The Apetalæ and Choripetalæ are united into one sub-class. The
leaves of the perianth in this case are, as a rule, free from each
other, the structure of the flowers presents many differences, and the
ovules have as a rule 2 integuments and a large nucellus.
Considerable uncertainty still prevails regarding the arrangement
and the relationship of the individual families of the Choripetalæ, and
some of the following families are hardly quite natural; but the best
arrangement arrived at so far has been adopted here.
At the beginning of the book a review of the orders of the
Dicotyledons will be found.
Sub-Class 1. Choripetalæ. Petals free.

Family 1. Salicifloræ.
Trees and shrubs, which, in the structure of the vegetative shoot
and the catkin-like inflorescences, resemble the Quercifloræ, but the
structure of the flower differs so much from them, that the only order
brought under this heading—Salicaceæ—well deserves to be
separated and to form a family of its own, the nearest relatives of
which are still doubtful. As Juglandaceæ and Myricaceæ also deserve to be
placed in a special family, the name Amentaceæ (Catkin-bearers), hitherto applied
to all of these plants, cannot be retained as the name of a family.

Fig. 322.—Male and female catkins of Salix caprea.

There is only one order.
Order. Salicaceæ (Willows). Trees with simple, scattered,
stipulate leaves. Diœcious. The flowers are arranged in simple
inflorescences (spikes or racemes) which are termed catkins, and
which fall off as a whole after flowering (♂) or after the ripening of the
fruit ( ♀ ) (Fig. 322). The perianth is very imperfect[33] or wanting,
particularly in Salix (Fig. 323 o); the ♂-flower with 2–several stamens
and without any trace of a carpel (a, b, c): the ♀ -flower has a free
bicarpellate ovary, unilocular, and formed from 2 lateral carpels with
2 parietal (median) placentæ and generally ∞ ovules; the style
divides into two stigmas (d, e, f). The fruit is a two-valved capsule
and the very small seeds bear a tuft of hairs at the base. Endosperm
absent.—The catkins are situated on dwarf-branches, which in some species
often develop before the leaves and bear at their base only scale-leaves; in others
foliage-leaves are borne beneath the catkins. The vegetative bud commences with
2 bud-scales which are united on the anterior side into a scale. The capsule opens
by the dorsal suture. The seed-hairs spring from the funicle.

Fig. 323.—Salix: male flowers of S. pentandra (a), S. aurita (b), S. rubra (c),
female flowers of S. aurita (d), S. nigricans (e), S. mollissima (f).
Salix (Willow) has short-stalked, most frequently lanceolate leaves
and erect catkins with undivided bracts (Fig. 322). The flowers are
naked; 1 (o in a-f) or 2 yellowish glands situated in the median line.
In the ♂ -flower generally two stamens, situated laterally like the
carpels in the ♀-flower. Various forms are seen in Fig. 323.—The terminal bud
of the branches often aborts regularly, the uppermost lateral bud taking its place.
Populus (Aspen, Poplar) has long-stalked, more or less round or
cordate leaves with drawn-out apex; catkin pendulous; lobed bracts;
perianth cup-like with oblique edge; stamens usually numerous;
stigmas often divided.—P. tremula (Aspen) has received its name from the
tremor of the leaves: cf. “to shake like an aspen leaf.”
Pollination. The Poplars are wind-pollinated. The Willows have sticky pollen
and are pollinated by insects. The catkins of the Willows, especially the ♂ , are
more conspicuous, from the numerous, closely-packed, yellow flowers, rich in
honey and pollen. The catkins often appear before the foliage and so are much
more easily seen, whilst at this time of the year the number of competing honey-
flowers is smaller, and the insect visits consequently more numerous. On many
catkins of the Willow the flowers open earliest on the side which is turned towards
the sun and in descending order, i.e. the upper flowers develop before the lower
ones. Hybrids frequently appear.
There are about 180 species existing in the northern, cold and temperate
latitudes. Some in the Polar regions are scarcely more than an inch in height, and
have a creeping rhizome (Salix herbacea, polaris, reticulata). Fossil forms are
found in the Tertiary and perhaps also in the Upper Cretaceous.
Uses. Principally for ornamental trees, as they grow very quickly and are easily
propagated by cuttings, S. babylonica, Weeping Willow; S. purpurea; Populus
alba, Silver Poplar; P. pyramidalis, Pyramid Poplar—a form of P. nigra; P.
monilifera, Canadian Poplar. The wood is very poor and little used; the branches of
many Willows are cultivated for basket-making, etc. The wood of the Aspen is
used for matches. The bark contains tannin and, in many Willows, a very bitter
extract, Salicin (S. pentandra, fragilis). Salicylic acid (officinal) is obtained from
Salix. Balsam is extracted from the buds of many Poplars, especially when the
leaves are shooting.

Family 2. Casuarinifloræ.
Trees with verticillate, scale-like leaves forming sheaths at the
nodes. Monœcious. Flowers unisexual. ♂ -flowers in catkins; ♀ in
short spikes. Pollen-tube entering the ovule at the chalaza, and not
through the micropyle. Ovary 1-seeded, unilocular. Carpels uniting
into a multiple fruit. Only one order.
Order. Casuarinaceæ. Trees (30 species), from Australia and
certain parts of S.E. Asia, with peculiar, equisetum-like appearance.
The leaves are verticillate, scale-like and united into sheaths. The
internodes are furrowed. Branching verticillate. The unisexual
flowers are situated in catkins or short spikes. The ♂ -flower has a
central stamen, surrounded by 2 median, scale-like perianth-leaves
and 2 lateral bracteoles. The ♀-flower has a 1-chambered ovary (2
ascending, orthotropous ovules), no perianth, but 2 large, lateral
bracteoles which finally become woody and form two valves,
between which the nut-like fruit is situated. The multiple-fruits
therefore resemble small cones.—Casuarina equisetifolia, cultivated,
gives “iron-wood.”
[The Casuarinas differ from the ordinary Dicotyledons in many important
respects which may be briefly summarised thus:—The bicarpellate ♀-flower has a
well-pronounced stylar-cylinder terminated by two stigmas, but the cavity of the
ovary closes very soon after its formation, and in it are developed two parietal
ovules; these are united by a bridge of cellulose to the stylar-cylinder or summit of
the ovary, and hence the ovules are connected with the walls of the ovary by the
bridge (above), as well as by the funicle (below). The archespore is developed
from the hypodermal cells at the summit of the nucellus, two primordial mother-
cells are first formed and from these by tangential divisions a central cylindrical
mass of cells (sporogenous-tissue) is produced which is surrounded by tapetal
cells. The cells of the sporogenous tissue correspond to the mother-cells of the
embryo-sac of other Angiosperms; they divide transversely and from 16–20
macrospores are formed together with inactive cells which are not crushed
together as in the case of other Phanerogams. The sexual apparatus is developed
from a single cell, but the number of cells composing this apparatus is subject to
variation, the oosphere being accompanied by one or two neighbouring cells which
resemble canal-cells rather than synergidæ. The sexual apparatus is found in the
majority of the macrospores, but in most of these it remains as a number of naked
cells; while in the fertile macrospores the cells are invested by walls of cellulose
(usually only one fertile macrospore is found in each ovule). Antipodal cells are
never developed. The macrospores elongate considerably towards the chalaza,
into which some penetrate. The pollen-tube traverses the stylar-cylinder and
enters the ovules at the chalaza, its passage through the tissue of the nucellus
being assisted by the prolongation of the macrospores. About the centre of the
nucellus the pollen-tube is ruptured; the apical portion which alone takes part in
the fertilisation being firmly attached to the macrospore. Although the actual
impregnation has not been observed, Treub considers that the endosperm begins
to be formed before fertilisation.]

Family 3. Quercifloræ.
Trees and shrubs with small, unisexual, monœcious flowers,
having no perianth or a simple inconspicuous one. The ♂ and ♀
flowers are very different and generally placed in separate
inflorescences. The ♂ -flowers are most often adnate to the bracts.
The stamens are placed opposite the perianth-leaves, when they are
present in equal numbers. The ♀-flower is naked, or has a superior
perianth. The ovary at the base is 2- or 3-(-6) locular with 1 or 2
pendulous ovules in each loculus, only one of which is developed;
the fruit is a one-seeded nut; endosperm absent; embryo straight.
The inflorescences, which are either compound and mixed (small
dichasia in spikes) or simple, are here also termed catkins; but,
strictly speaking, this term is applied to the ♂-inflorescences only. In
all Quercifloræ the leaves are scattered (usually in 2 rows) simple,
and penninerved, and with deciduous stipules.
It is worthy of remark that in Betulaceæ, Corylaceæ and Quercus the ovules,
and to some extent the loculi of the ovary are not developed till after pollination, so
that the development of the pollen-tube proceeds very slowly. The smallness of the
flowers, the absence of honey, the dryness and lightness of the pollen, the size of
the stigma and the abundance of hairs found on many stigmas are all adaptations
for wind-pollination. It is also an advantage that the flowers are generally pollinated
before the foliage-leaves are developed, thus preventing the pollen being
entangled by the leaves.
The two orders Betulaceæ and Corylaceæ mentioned here are by other authors
united into one order. [It is doubtful whether these two should be retained in the
family Quercifloræ, as recent researches (p. 273) have shown that they differ from
the Cupuliferæ in many important points, and agree with the Casuarinas in the fact
that the pollen-tube enters the ovule through the chalaza.]

Order 1. Betulaceæ (Birches). Monœcious, with thick, cylindrical,

compound ♂ and ♀ inflorescences (2- or 3-flowered dichasia in a
spike with spirally-placed floral-leaves) (Figs. 324, 326, 328). When
the perianth in the ♂-flower is completely developed, it is composed
of 4 somewhat united leaves, which are placed opposite the 4
stamens (Figs. 325, 326 A). The female flowers are naked; the ovary
is bilocular, with two styles and one pendulous ovule in each loculus.
The subtending floral-leaves unite with the bracteoles and form a 3–
5-lobed cover-scale, which is not attached to the fruit (Figs. 325 D,
326 B). Fruit a nut without cupule (see Corylaceæ and Cupuliferæ).
In the bud the leaves are flat. The stipules are deciduous. On germination the
cotyledons are raised above the ground. Terminal buds are only found on old Alder
trees; the Birch has sympodial branches.
Fig. 324.—Alnus glutinosus. Branch of Alder with
♂-(n) and ♀-(m) catkins: k bud; b fruit-bearing catkin
Alnus (Alder) (Figs. 324–326). In the majority of species the ♂ -
and ♀ -catkins are both developed in the year previous to their
flowering, and pass the winter naked and bloom before the leaves
expand. ♂-flower: 4 stamens. ♀-flower: the 5-lobed cover-scales of
the ♀-catkin are woody and remain attached to the axis, so that the
entire catkin when ripe resembles a small cone (Fig. 324 b). Each
cover-scale supports two winged or wingless nuts. In the native species
of Alder the buds are stalked (Fig. 324 k). The bud-scales are formed by the
stipules of the lowest leaves.
Betula (Birch). The ♂ -catkins, in the native species, appear in
autumn, the ♀ -catkins in the flowering year on leaf-bearing, short-
lived shoots. ♂-flowers: 2 stamens, divided (Fig. 328 A). The 3-lobed
cover-scales (Fig. 327 a) of the ♀-catkin are detached from the axis;
each cover-scale supports 3 broadly winged nuts (b). The stem has
cork with annual rings. The young twigs and leaves have aromatic resin glands.
Fig. 325.—Alnus glutinosa: A dichasium of ♂-flowers seen from the front; B the
same from inside; C the same from the back; D dichasium of ♀ -flowers with
subtending-leaf and four bracteoles. The letters b, α, β, β′, β are the same as in
Fig. 326 A.
Fig. 326.—Alnus glutinosa: diagram of dichasia of
♂ (A) and ♀ (C) catkins; B a cone-scale. All the
bracteoles in A and C are slightly pressed from their
normal position.
The Inflorescences of the Alder.—In the axil of each cover-scale [b in the
Figs] is situated, in the ♂-catkins (Figs. 326 A, 325 A-C) a 3-flowered dichasium,
the flowers of which have a 4-partite perianth, the posterior perianth-segments
being sometimes almost suppressed, and 4 stamens with undivided filaments. In
the ♀ -catkin (Figs. 325 D, 326 C) a 2-flowered dichasium is found, the middle
flower being suppressed (indicated by a star in C). In both instances the
inflorescences have two bracteoles (α-β) and the flowers borne in their axils have
each one bracteole (β′), the other one (α′) being suppressed and therefore in 326
A and C only represented by a dotted line; these four bracteoles unite with the
cover-scale (b) which supports the entire dichasium, to form the 5-lobed “cone-
scale” (Fig. 326 B) which in the ♀-catkin eventually becomes woody.
The Inflorescences of the Birch.—A 3-flowered dichasium is situated in the
axil of the cover-scale in both ♂ -and ♀ -catkins (Fig. 328 A, B); only the central
flower has bracteoles (α-β) (the lateral flowers having no bracteoles), and these
bracteoles unite, as in the Alder, with the supporting cover-scale (b), and form a
three-lobed cone-scale (Fig. 327 a).
While the ♀-flower exactly resembles that of the Alder, the reduction of the ♂-
flower, already described in the Alder, is carried further, so that often only the 2
median perianth-leaves are developed (Fig. 328 A); there are also only 2 stamens,
these being deeply cleft, while the other 2 are suppressed.
About 50 species; N. Temp.—Fossil-forms certainly occur in the Oligocene.
During the Glacial period the Dwarf-birch (B. nana) extended over Europe; at the
present time it is confined to the moors and mountains of N. Europe and N.
America and Asia. Wind-pollinated.
Uses.—Important forest trees. The bark contains tannic acid. The tar of the
Birch is used in the preparation of Russia leather; whilst its spring sap is very
saccharine, and is used in some places for making a fermented drink. Its external
bark is used for roofing, for baskets, etc.

Fig. 327.—Betula verrucosa: a cone-scale; b fruit.

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