Tong On Ngu Phap Tieng Anh

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Vy (101962) TONG ON NGU PHAP TIENG ANH eet eer) Oe erecta red Oo ete Ee need yer fey earner ID - [101962] ! NGO PHAP TIENG ANH & /NHA XUAT BAN DAI HQC QUOC GIA HA NOL Hwéng dan tra ID. Lai gi6i thigu.... i dau. Chuyén a1 chuyén dé 2 chuyén dé 3 Chuyén a@ 4 Chuyén a8 5, chuyén a8 6 chuyén a7 Chuyén dé 8 Chuyén d@ 9 Chuyén dé 10 Chuyén a8 11 Chuyén a8 12 Chuyén a@ 13 aur Chuyén a8 15, Chuyén a 16 Chayen a7) Chuyén dé 18 Chuyén dé 19 (Cac cp so sanb [202147]. yen a8 20 chuyén ae 21 Chuyén dé 22 Chuyen at 23 yen a2) :nuyen ae 35 emyen at 26 shuyén dé 27 ‘huyén dé 28 yn 23 Chuyén co) MUC LUC [101962] ‘Thi dong tr [101963]... Su ph6i thi [101998] Sw hda hop gitka chi ngit va dong tir {102006} oe 5B Danh dong tir {102014} : san éng tir nguyén mau [102014] os 5 “Th gd inh [10202}.. cau ent dng bi dng (102039) Cau Aiba Kin [102050] enone Dongetrkhuyéthi6u (102056). Cu tudng that [102063] au h6i dui [102073}.. Menh dé quan hé (102080). Ccloai menh a8 (102080)... Mao tir [102092]... Gii tik [102100] “aes 302108], im dong tie [102124] iio NB [102134] enn ‘TrGt ty tinh ti [102156] au tgo tr [102158]. ‘Tir chi s6 lwong [102167]. (Cum tir €6 dh [102195] non "Thanh ngit [102201] owen Cu tr tOng hop [102237 nnn Phat Am ~ trong am [102178] - [102184]. ‘Tinh huéing giao tiép [102211] enn Stra li sai [102229] cau dong nghia [102224]... K6t hop cau [102216]. HUONG DAN TRA ID |. Kich hoat khéa hec tich hop Séch ID ‘88 tra dvgc bAt ky ID nao trén sch, trudctién ban cr phai kich hoat khéa hoc duge {ch hop theo Sach 1D. * Burée 4: Truy cép hitps:/imoon ynfactvelD. * Buée 2: Cao nhe ma th8 cao 6 bia sau hod bia phu cuén sach * Bue 3: Nhip ma kich hoat * Bude 4: Bién ma ID cubn sach, ma ID nay ném & bia tw6c cubn sch * Bude 5: Kich hoat than cing tai khodn $8 curoc théng bao va bat du tra duee ID. Il, Hung din 04 cdp 46 tra ID trén sach ‘88 tra ID ban chi cn truy cap trang chii Moon vn va din ID vo thanh tim kiém [[Gocawms —— uodin eeuta — Otranv tig y am] Tae 4, Tra ID kh6a hge: Tra ID trén bia sch s& tim dug khéa hoc tich hop theo sach, ban ‘én thuéng xuyén tra ID nay 68 truy cp kha hoc mét céch nhanh nhdt qua mot thao tac. to Win: C6 Trang Anh 10: (101862 LUYEN Th £8 tn om: fra THPT Quoc g oo aitep POUT eu = ‘kha hige Pro S Ngo phép mon Tiéng An la mt phn rdt quan tong trong chuong tinh Pro SAT Tidng Anh ~ gi tn dién cho cdc em tham gla luyén thi ky th THPT Qube gia 2020 2.Tra ID cha dé: Cp 66 chia trong muc luc ela séch twong duvong ofp dé ting chuyén 8 trong khéa hoc, tra ID & cp dd nay $6 c6 két qua toan bb bal hoc cla chuyén a8, ay ng mu ye HE THONG BA GIANG VIDEO VA DE LUYEN TAP abu méi Be ‘chuyén d8 sich d® léy ID tra eth cc bai gidng va a8 th. 3. Tra ID Bai gling hoc Bal luy@n tap: Vao trong cuén sch, méi mét bai hee ho&e mot bai luyén tp sé cO mot ID, tra ID nay ban s& xem duge bai gidng video hodc dap &n chi tit ca ca bai luyén tép. va Idi gli cla cau hai dé. (Chm 34, "Mary looks sed. Did you tel her about the accident?" "Yes, but | ‘A. should have told 7 B.mustathave told __ ber must have told D, should have told ip sn: A 10: Teo084 (hve pn (1) gl bin an HD: = Djeh mghia:~" Mary trdng bud lim. C6 phi cu kd co 6 Ay vd vy ti nn khbog * (7. Numg era minh king nén ki 6 fy” >» Xét fe ip én ‘A shouldnt have tld: 6 ra i King nén kd (atung dk) 'B. musta’ have old + dng ding dang dia dat ly. C- must nave tla: ene hi dk, . should have tod: Ira. d5 nda ké (ohms Kg), = Bip fn, r 4. Tra ID cu hdl: Mdi mét cdu héi bai tap c6 mot ID, tra ID nay ban 8 tim duge dap an) LO1 GIO1 THIEU “Toi ty tin langue sé thay d6i quan diém cia ngudi hoc bang each don gid héa Tiéng Anh dé ngwoi hoc nhén thay hoc Tiéng Anh that dé." CO Trang Anh C6 Trang Anh la m6t c6 gido tré dén tir Thai Nguyén va ¢6 hon 10 nm kin! nghiém luyén thi THPT Quéc gia dnh cho cac em hoc sinh. Véi long véu nghé vi mong mudn mang lai nhting tri thite da tich lay dn véi céc thé hé hoc sinh, tien 2017, c6 Trang Anh da xay dung cc khéa hoc online chat hong, tgo diéu kién ch cc em hoc sinh & bat ky ving min nao cing déu cé thé tiép cn va hgc tap. D& bidt, d& cic em hoc sinh cé thé dé dang tiép can hon, tir 2018, cd Trang Anh third xuyén livestream trén facebook, chia sé tai liéu hoc tap cting nhu phwrong phap ho« nham khoi goi sw himng thd va niém dam mé d6i voi bo mon Tiéng Anh cia céc en hoc sinh. Cho dén thos diém hign tai, facebook cé nhan cia c6 Trang Anh d& thu hi téi hon 100.000 lwot theo dai. Bén canh céng téc ging day, c6 Trang Anh con tryc tiép bién soan va da xu ban hon 20 dau sach tigng Anh néi tigng va dugc hau hét cac em hoc sinh THPI yéu thich. Tir thang 4/2019, c6 Trang Anh da chinh thitc hop téc voi trong xy dmg va phat trién cc kh6a hoc online danh cho céc em hoc sinh THPT. Khing chi cOng tic gidng day tal, c6 Trang Anh con tiép tuc dem nhiét huyét vi dam mé cia minh tap trung bién soan sch tiéng Anh nhumg tich hop thém céc khé: hoc online tai, got I sch ID. V6i su hop tic ciia cb Trang Anh voi cing sw ra adi cha nhing cuér sich ID ting Anh, hoc sinh s@ khng cdn bi han ché ngi dung kién thite chi durgt truyén dat bang van ban trén gidy ma con durgc luyén tap thong qua céc video ba siding cé hinh anh va am thanh do chinh c6 Trang Anh truc tiép thuc hién. KhOng ging v6i nhing cudn sach luyén thi truyén théng trén th] trumg, sact ID bao gdm hé théng kién thie duoc truyén tai trén hai phurong dign: ndi dung kiér thite trong séch va n6i dung khéa hoc online trén So véi sch truyér théng, khi mua séch ID, ngoai sé httu cudn séch, ban con duge tang thém khéa hox online tich hop theo sch. Khéa hoc online nay duc chinh nhieng thay c6 uy tin vi day dn kinh nghiém tryc tip thyc hién, bém sat theo timg n6i dung bai hoc trong sich. V6i cudn Téng On Ngo phdp Tiéng Anh, c6 Trang Anh da thyc hign hon 20( video bai ging twong ting v6i 30 chuyén 8, cung cp toan bd kign thite ngir phy {ing Anh thugc churong trinh hoe. Khi nim trong tay cuén sch, ban s® dng thr urge sé itu cd khéa hoc chat lugng nay. ‘Tétnhién, sch 1D van mang tinh chit mt tal ligu hoc tap hoan toan dBc lap. iu nay c6 nghfa la ngudi hoc c6 thé hoc theo séch ID ma kh6ng en hoc khéa hoc online, Nhung dé dat higu qua cao nhat trong qua trinh én luyén, viée hoc két hyp theo sch cng v6i khéa hoc online 1a ein thiét. Séch ID khéng chi cung cp Kho bai tp lén c6 chat rong cing hé théng dp 4n tréc nghiém ma con b6 sung Idi gia chi tit cho timg bai tap trén sah bing cdch céch tra ma ID trén Chi véi vai thao téc cy k} don gidn va tién dung, tuong thich trén nhiéu thiét bi, ngu%i hoc hoan toan cé thé hoc tap dé dang va hiéu qua hon sich thong thong, Dé tra céru lb gid chi tiét cho mdi bai tap trong sch ID, ngudi hoe chi can mot thao téc don gidn la nhap ma ID tai thanh céng cu tra ID hién thi trén Ngay sau dé, cu hai cling 10% giai chi tét sé xudt hign 46 ngusi hoc tham khéo. Nhw vay, vigc tich hgp gitta khéa hgc online va sch ID gitip ngubi hoc khang cin ding kj them bat et khéa hoc online nao khdc. Hay néi céch khéc, sch ID mang dén gii php hoc tap toan dién tir thuyét, bai tap dn video bai gidng, ‘Truée tinh trang séch in lau kém chat lmgng dang tran lan trén th trudng, sich ID lata m6t giai phép khac phyc hoan toan duzgc tinh trang may. Mi cuén sch ID Bu kém theo mot ma cdo 6 bia sau hodc bla phu séch. DE sit dung sich, ng thd truy cp vao khéa hoc online theo séch, nguixi ding cn kich hoat ma cio nay. Day cfing chinh 1a gid tri tuyét voi nhat cia séch ID dem lai cho nhimg ngué lim ‘ido duc chan chinh, 4é ching t6i toan tém toan ¥ tap trung phat trién va dinh nnhi@u tm huyét ctia minh cho nhting san phim giéo duc chat hong nhit. - He a khang dinh minh LOINOI DAU ‘cic ban than mén! N6u so sénh hoc ting Anh nhur vige xy mt ngOi nha, thi ngtr phdp tigng Anh ‘déng vai tré la nn méng va khung nha. Mong va khung cé chéc thi nha mai x4y cao ‘ya chdc chan durgc. Va theo thir ty thi méng va phn khung phai la phn duc xay dung dau tién. Qua hinh anh so sanh nay, c6 thé khang dinh ngir phap rat quan ‘trong va la nhan t6 quyét dinh trong viéc thanh thao tiSng Anh. ‘Tuy nhién, ngt php tiéng Anh rat réng va phong phi. Do 46, ngudi hoc tiéng ‘Anh s® thay rd kh6 4é ndm bat va linh hoi duge twongtan pham tri nay. Xuét phat tiythyc té 6, C6 Trang Anh da day céng nghién ciru va bién soan cudn sich TONG ON NGO PHAP TIENG ANH. Cuén sich day 600 trang bao tron toan b6 céc chuyén a8 ngit php trong am va cdc dang bai tap ngtt php thu’ng gap trong cfc Ii thi. ‘Méi mét chuyén d@ trong sdch duoc bé cuc thanh bz phan ré rang: hé théng ly ‘thuyét, bai tap 4p dung va dap An chi tiét. Phan ly thuyét dugc tich hgp vao khéa hoc Pros, phiin bai tap dugc thiét ké tir don gin dén 14ng cao va phn dap an cO ‘ma ID dé cé thé tra ciru truc tiép. Do phn dap 4n duoc tach ra khdi sch, nén voi cuGn sch TONG ON NGO PHAP TIENG ANH day 600 trang nay cé dii st cha cho gan 7000 cau bai tap ap dung. Va vi hinh thirc nhu vay, cuén sch nay c6 thé dug coi la cudn sdch day dui va chi tiét nhat vé ngir hap Tiéng Anh cling nhu 1a cudn ngt php cé hrong bai tap nhiéu nit. ‘Véi ndi dung nhu vy, cudn sch dc bigt phi hep cho hoc sinh béc trung hoc Uirl6p 6 dén l6p 12 46 cing c6 ki6n thitetrén lp va lam ti ligu On thi hoc sinh gidi, 6n thi vao 10, dn thi chuyén va luyén thi THPT Quéc gia. Ngoai ra, cuén sch edn phi hgp cho sinh vién, ngud di lam dé luyén thi céc chimg chi quéc té va la tai ligu tham khao cho ding nghigp, dng mén, (Mac di téc gia da rét nd lure cing voi mong mudi thiét tha mang t6i cho ngudi hhgc mot tai ligu tham Khao bé fch, song trong qué trinh bién soan cuén sch c6 thé 6 nhimg thiéu sot. Téc gia rét mong nhan duoc nhing ¥ kién ding g6p quy bau cla qué ddc gid dé Tan tai ban sau cusn séch hoan thigr: hon, Téc gia ‘Trang Anh i z= ‘THIDONG TU" HE THONG BAI GIANG VIDEO VA DE LUYEN TAP - [101963] |© The past tenses Exo Bal glang/ae thi tra ‘Bai glang/ae cm Trai | | Taihien tai don 101964 [© The past tenses - Ex 10 101987 | | | Thi hign tat udp ain 101965 | © The past tenses - Ex 11 67184 Thihign tai tgp didn | 101966 | © The past tenses -Ex 12 101982 |) Thi hién tai hoan thank - ~ © thi tong lai don tigp dién 101967, ‘Thi twong lai dc 101974 [® On tap che thihign tal | 101968 |) Thi tong la tgp diém 101975 © The present tenses © Thi trong lal ban thanh va The pr tte et era ‘trong lai hoan thanh tiép dién eee ‘© The present tenses -Ex2 | 67231 | On tip cdc thi tong lat 10197 © The present tenses -Ex3 | 67232 [© The future tenses Ex 13 101988 © The present tenses-Ex4 | 101983 | © The future tenses -Ex 14 101989 [© The present tenses-Ex5 | 67171 [© The future tenses- x15 101990 (© The present tenses-Ex6 | 67183 | © The future tenses -Ex 16 101991 [Thi qué khée don 1101969 [© The future tenses -Ex17_ 101992 (©) Thi qua khir tiép dién 101970 | © The future tenses - Ex 18 | 101993 (Th qué hirhoan thank | 101971 [© ‘The future tenses - Ex 19 101994 (© Thi qua khérhoan thank | aoe ; 7 tle 101972 | Bai tip téng hop 12 thi 101978 TD Bai tip cling cB va nang cao ve | On tgp cée thi quakhir | 101973 | BAP cine ae s id ‘thi déng tir (phan 1) 0 IO The pasttonsee- 5) Bi tip cling c6 va ning cao v8 [© Thepastonss-7 | 101984 | hag 3 101997 © The pasttenses-Fx8 | 101985 |© Revision fortenses-Ex20 | 101995 101986 [© Revision for tenses - Ex 21 101996 > Tra ID tuong ting dé xem video bai giéng va lam 48 luyén tp tgi n ‘Téng 6n Nga phép Tiéng Anh - Trang Anh 5 am/isjare Ving Th ppb dah dng ne (5:54 amvlafare+ noting fate aerate ‘S + was/were + Ving ‘Thanh lép phi dinh va nghi van: (O: S+ was/ were + not + V-ing (2): Was/ were +S+ V-ing? | at the moment + at present «right now look /hear (1) [gid + trang wr {qua khé (at 3 pm yesterday...) -atthis/that time | + trang ti qua khit (atthis time last week...) + Chuyén dé 1~ TRI DONG TU Moeaen, etch ID A. SUMMARIES OF TENSES: - dién ta hanh dong - + dang xiy ra tai tha ma ] { diém néi. dong | céch dang Cong thre ‘Tir nhan biét rae ainet aren a —_ - 4: Thi | os say ra trong = dign ta hanh dong - ~ seldom/rarely hign ai (66 ke ‘ V (bare): 1/6 nib furong li (66 ké thutmg xuyén xiy | a Moardly WILE | roach tr trr60), va Nv (s/es): s6 ft ~ sometimes/ pean | didn ta sy thay a6i ~dién tathéiquen, |S +V an occasionally cca théi quen. + din ta th gian be < is:s6 it + often/usually/ -dign tasycathan, | mi | thnk, are:sénhitu | frequently phan nan hi ng bio. | haa aaas Prensa en elae | ain ta hanh dong fat |-dién ta syrthat, | TAMA Map phil dink va nghi vr a | dang xiy ra tal mot : *V (do/does): constantly ng fom | chant ever thot di6m xe dinh =i ti nght (3:5 +do/does +not + V(bare) | Sarin nghiép, sé thich, | (?): Do/does + S+ V(bare)? a 5.Thi | -difn tihanh dong rnguén géc, binh | * Be (am/is/ are); + every By Siend | dang ay ra too pham, (3:8 + am/is/ are + not: ‘hte | hanh dong khdc xen | O):Am/is/are + Stu _ ‘ep | vao, hanh dong nao = dign ti hah dng V(eay/v (oot ago | | até | xay ra truée chia th axiy rava ds ee | tase qus kit tgp did, chm dit trong ata | s+. was: s6 it = yesterday pame eae Ih, khdng com lign be: +motmée || ee eae 61 hig Pelee | hte dom. arm | UantSi bien a were: sO hit | hor gan trong A — crud | S2nABAN AME | Hany tap phi inh vd nght vin: | quake in in ti hanh dong sng | 87 72n61tép haw | 200.) dang difn ra v20 don | TOPE qua khé. m1 mét thoi diém cu = din ta hdi tee, ki O:S+ dids note V(bare) ‘thé trong twong lai. alg, LENO didn td hanh dong * Be (was/were): 6. Thi | sé dang xay ra trong St was/were + note. terong | twong lai thi cé hanh (): Was/were + $+ |. | lat etép | cong kindc xen vio, + din té nhing S+ will + V(bare) tomorrow 2] ign | nant een | Ranh dong sé xdy ra | Than ti dnl yhivdn: | ~next | fatraée chia 3.7Hi | rongeaomg lan | TM Me oh dn a nh : twong a tip dién, ig tong ():S + will + not + V(bare) -soon tT tanh dng ndo.xdy wend | diéntanhime dy | > Will +S +V(bare)? ~ In + mét khoang | lai don (2): Will + 8+ V(bare): s rasau chia thlhign oan, thdi gian (in an teldon. ~~ din ta Joi hia, hour...) - S+will + be + Ving Thanh lap pha dink va ng vir (QS + will + not + be + Ving :Will +5 +be + Ving? aids tang trong lal (a3 pm tomorrow.) = at this/that time | ‘+ trangtiv rang jal | (atthis time nexe | week.) * Chuyén a6 1- THIDONG TU Meenva | sach iD ‘Téng 6n Ned phap Tiéng Anh - Trang Anh { didn cd Ranh dng S+have/ has ~for Ti. Thi |-nivin manh Khoing | S+had+been+ Ving | -until then sy ra trong qua kh (have: 1/ s6nhitu -since qué | thoi gianciamét | thank fap phi dinh va nghivén: | -priorto that time hung hong 0 hi Has: 36) ever kine | nanh dbng aa xiy ra | 5.54 nad + not» been + Ving | sian. hank dp phi dink vi nghi vn: | -never oan | trong qua khirva ket | > ras s+ been + Ving? | ai lap lai nhieu fan (?): Have/ Has +S + V(pp) recently, tiép dong qua khtt khac. eas = lately, aién _ _| ram iauongaus int before tong [ta |~ahnoniiaing | Swill have + boon + Ving | hign tai | nhung dé lai dau hiéu ‘cust cau) tarong | thai gianciiamét — | Thanh Idp phi dinh va nghi véin: oan | hodchauquaghign | cupronow/upto} jai | han d@ngsé dang | (.5 4 will + not + have + been + thank | al resent/until | podm | xayratrong twos | ving = dién ta nhimng trai peas thanh | lai va két thiic tu6e | (7). win + s+ have+ been + Ving? | nghiém. syet tiép | mathanh dong dif ti nhtng han —- didn | ewonglaikhsc. | - | ong xay ra trong qué | ae B, PRACTICE EXERCISES hn tarvencones {re ese Tenses ha ning s igp din Exercise 1 [67230]: Complete the following sentences using the forms of present trong twomg a simple tense of verbs In brackets. = dign ta nhing hanh S+had + Vi Thefore/by the | Question 1 [93999]; The earth ___ (go) around the sun. yi dong xay ra va hoan Pantene eee age ‘Question 2 {94000}: Angela usually _ (leave) for work at 8:00 A.M. 8. Thi | thinh trieée hanh dng | (.): + had + not + V(pp) quikhithoan | Question 3 [94001]: Liz (getup) at 6 o'clock every morning. aqui | hictrongqua thé. — | ¢n;Had «$+ vipp) | tanh, sau chia] Question 4 [94002]: In the summer, ohn oflen___(ply) tennis once or twice a week et qué khit don). | Question 5 [94003]: What time you usually __(get) home after work? rae ~ After (truréc chia | Question 6 {94004}: The swimming pool_(open) at 9:00 and_(close) at 6:30 think | qua kehit dom, sau} every day, jis aus Kit Question 7 (94005: Every year I_(sit) Britain to improve my Enis. ee can than). __} Question & (94006): Inthe United State, elementary education is compulsory. All children i aiénté hah ding sé |” S+ will + have + V(pp) | -by*trangt” | audyy sx years of elementary schoo tar ifaw rive) cia wn Vg 9oo7:1_—__(ote singe hry ota ho hhoan | khécxay an SA OP eat neek. | Qvestion 1 [94008]: American peopleusully __(hav)theirbiggest mea in the evening, | ehanh o ave + Vippy? ‘weston 11 [94009]: Can you tll me when the tain for HCM city (eave? 10. Thi_|-nhin manh Khoing [$+ have/has + been + Ving | -allday/weeko =n ficcn minutes, At7.05 ‘hign tai | thoi gian cia mot anh | Thanh lp phi dinh va nghivén: | almost every QWeslon 12 (94010}: Ofcourse, you are Lisa, aren't you? |_(recognze) you now. hhoan | dongda.xiy ratrong | ($+ have/has + not + been + | day this week... } Qtestion 13 [94011]: I ean see from what you say that your momings ae very busy! But what ‘than | qualca vatiép tuctsi |” ving in the past you (@o)___in the afternoons? fiép | hign tal (66 thE wD | (2) HHave/has +S+ been + Ving? | Year. Question 14 [94012]: Before our director ____(come back), 1__ (want) to emind {din | dién trong tong lal). everyone that we should not use the intemet on personal purposes aa 15 on] Moonva + Choyén aé ‘THI DONG Question 15 [94013] - Are you writing to him now? ~ Yes, I always __ (write) to him on his birthday, You _ (want) to send any message? = Certainly. continuous tense of verbs in brackets. Question 1 (94014): I Question 2 {94015}: My brother (get) married next week. Question 3 [94016]: He is late again. He always ___ (come) class at. (ain) heavily now. © Question 12 [94042]: The police _ Exercise 2 [67231]: Complete the following sentences using the forms of the present. Question 13 [94043]: Susan really loves that film. She © Question 14 [94044]: You already.___(read) the book? What do you thine? sch 1D, ‘Téng On Nut phap Tiéng Anh Trang Anh © question 10 {94040}: 1 (forget) my key Tean't unlock the door now. Question 1 [94041]: Frcs calling his gilfiend again. That isthe third time he ___ (call) her this evening, ___ (arrest) two men in connection with the robbery, (ee) i eight times! ‘Question 15 [94045]: 1_(not go) to a 200 before. It ia nice feeling to go somewhere younever (be) before | Bkercise 4 [101983]: Complete the following sentences using the present perfect Question 4 [94017]: She (take) the exam tomorrow, {| continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. ‘Question 5 [94018]: Look! It (oot dark. Hury up! It__ (rain) ina few minutes, Question 1 [94047]: He__(wait all the moming. hoo buon waiting ‘Question 6 {94019}: Please don’t make so much noise. I (work) ‘Question 2 [94048]: Richard _(do) the same job for 20 years. hao been ching Question 7 (94020: 1 (read) an interesting book at the moment. Iwill lend it to you Question 3 [94049]:1_(study) English for six months. have baon otvelying ‘when I've finished it. ‘Question 8 [94021]: Sarah _ (work) this week? ~No, she is on vacation Question 5 [94051]: t____ (ain sine Iunetime leche © Question 4 [94050]: M (ork) in Las Vega for the lst few months, kaobaon tcorkip Question [94022]: The population ofthe world (ise) very fst. | Question 6 [24082 Helen (ad his book for three days haa baxn nealing ‘Question 10 [94023]:1___ (work) on the project of reconstructing city at present. © Question 7 [94053]: Kevin (look) for a job since he finished school. haohean lock ‘Question 11 [94024]: She is on vacation in France. She. (have) a great time and doesn’t} Question 8 [94054]: I'm tired of waiting, 1 (Git) here for one hour, kaus: ban artling want to come back 7 Question 9 (94035): He is exhausted because he (ork) continuously for more than Question 12 [94025] Tom (ook) for Ann, Do you know where she is? “iyetve hours, hoobean vooahiig Question 13[94026};1___ (think omy mathe, who es devoted er whl ito our family, Question 10 [4056 She____(egp) for 10 hous! You mast wake her, hoobsen, Contin (9427 iste we men bec eating ie) eer every Quen [4057 Hela ok wo mon rhe hr cel ge Question 15 [94028]: -1 (g0) out to get an evening paper. ~Butit__ (cai. = Why don’t you wait ill the rain stops? Exercise 3 [67232]: Complete the following sentences using the present perfect forms. of the verbs in brackets. Question 1 1940311: She (car) English for three years, Question 2 [94032]: Pm hungry. 1 (not eat) anything since breakfast. Question 3 [94033]: He never (Give) a car before. Question 4 [94034]: We (now) each other since we were at high school Question 5 (94035): Everything is going well. We (not have) any problem so far: Question 6 94036}: 1 (drink) four cups of coe today. Question 7 [94037]: John (ive) in Denver since 2017. Question 8 94038}: - You ever (climb) Mount Everest? No, Ihaven't. But I'm sure I will, if Ihave a chance. Question 994039}: is ice to see you agin, We___(no se) eachother for along time. AS} eling Question 12 94058]: That boy —__ (va) forthe bus for af an hour, Shall tell hi tat the last bus has already gone? habaan wovkrg = Question 13 [94059]: They _ (argue) very excitedly all this time. Shall I come and interrupt them? | an ‘Question 14 {94060}: What have you done with my bag? 1 and 1 haven't found it yet Rave bean Question 15194061):1__ (Chink) over what you said sirce yesterday. boo boon tfatiey 1 Exercise 5 [67171]: Choose the best word or phrase to complete in the following questions. (look) for it for an hour Question 1 [82399]: We can go out now. It__ anymore. isn’t raining Brains has rained D. has been raining Question 2 [82429]: What ‘in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies? Acbave youdone B. are you doing you do have you been doing Question 3 (82436): Mgry usually ___me on Fridays, but she didnt call last Friday. ‘A. have been calling (Bealls is calling D. have called Question 4 [82437]: 1 hungry. Let's have something to eat. B. have felt C feel D. have been fecling > vnuyen ge 1 184 BUNG TU Moonvn sich ID ‘Téng 6n Nei php Tigng Anh — Trang Anh ‘Question 5 [82468]: What is that What ? tion 21 [82509]: Many girls want to go to the pub whilk y ane weston is that noise? Wi oestion any gils wan o go to the pub while only aso ‘ctave been pening (Bishappening yacht me have happened had happened wanting B. want cewittwant —— (D)wans ‘Question 6 {82469}: It’s usually dry here at this time ofthe year. ____ much, Question 22 [82510]: They've faxed me I should stay till theypSF/4CTET a replacement. Well, ‘Ais’ t raining hasn't rained fast time it took to weeks. tas ben ining 1D) destin Pid Bwitlind —— Bind stad ond Question 7 [82470]: Look! That man over theze the same sweater as you fpoestion 23 [82525]: Let's have some tea It chil Ac has worn (swearing C. wears D.have been wearing 4 gets B)is getting C.have gotten Ds have been getting {uesion 8824721 wonder wy Jim___sonice me ony. Histol Heath on 2489526) De tlk ohimvleke Coe cine oo, inetite atari eat COinicaing estion ary wasn'thappy wit her new job at first, butshe____t ke itnow Ac begins Bhave begin — Q)is beginning D. have been begiming Ponce ne 7 Am wan sey You ——— Dea bei uence APRA fintineson—_—ae{ OMT hatte Daeg Avare Bove ben ——Cvarebeing =D. have being ‘Pawston 26 82528): - Your house is very bea ——— Question 11 (82498): 1 anew job. I ‘the same job for too long. | ~Rently tea years, ead bee dams” Cobmsteendeng Dude | Acdid—tive — @have—been living €. do —tive ‘Question 12 [82499]: "Yau look tne. “Yes, paint ucstion 27 [82582]: 1___tothe movies forages. We used to go lot. re Bisping Gwe played (DSnavebomnploying [Gobavent sone Bdidwgo cist going Drhadnsgoe Question 13 [82500]: I would lke to sce Tina again. I's been alongtime iestion 28 [82566]: Why are you putting on your coat? You __ out? Achat ida’ ee ber B. for didn't se her A.Do~go B.tlave~ gone C.Had—gone (B)Are~ going bine sae her eam saw er ston 29 [82567 Look! That pane toward the apo. Iis going to land ‘Question 14 [82501]: Bod and Alice have been married _ ‘Alcs B. have flown is ying D. will ly Acthat20 years B.since 20 years C. when 20 years CB)for 20 years uestion 30 [82568]: Ann is very tied. She ___tennis for thrge hours, ‘Question 15 (82502): - Lam looking for Paul, You him? Avis playing 3B. will play plays has been playing + Yes, he was here a minuie ago Juestion 31 [82569]: He works in abank, buthe —___it very much, (Aiave-seen Bid see C.Do-see D. Is —sceing @oesn't enjoy B. haven't enjoyed, 6, didn'tenjoy hadn't enjoyed ‘Question 16 [82504]: Unies she___ entra, she will ot complete the ivork wstion 32(82576}:1____well lay. Nay ld go tothe doctor. Aipoite Rinetapoag Chae sm Sint Conch lig A Question 171255} The outer hese vich Fay ryan a ren ig Dama tg been so juestion 33 (82577): 1 my homework fortwo hour, but yet Ais B.have been being Das been ‘Achave done — haven't finished BB. is doing — isn’t finishing ‘Question 18 [82506 Al right you'll try to fix the television! But | you know whalfC. wil do will nf finish CD) have been doing - haven't finished pape sine weston 34 [82578]: Lets take our travel chess set in case we #18) bored on the tran (Ahrope Bohavehoped Cais hoping D. have been hoping eet Braregeting ——C. got D. have got Question 19 82507]: Who at the door? estion 35 [82581]: We set in touch with our customers by post. AD: FHTAT A. knock (B)s knocking Jefocentygcinchiy (BYhardly hGvshilo. CMately gdsy —_Patterly msi dlsy C. have been knocking have knocked estion 36 [82586]: We have been married fouttglg Sy ‘Question 20 [82508]: How long it__ you to get tothe library? Av over twenty years B. over twenty years ag6™ 18 Ndoes — take Bihave~taken —C. is~ taking D. have —been taking F over twenty years D. since over twenty years 18 19 ‘+ Chuyén a 1 ~THI DONG TO __ Meany F yeich iD Téng én Ngit phap Tiging Anh -Trang Anh Thay aa Fay do oro TSE E ve Oe Ontstiog 3782599}: Melanie” her hand k's bleeding heavily Seustion 2 [82703]: Nowadays, people socal netwiyks with ore end more caution. @has eat B.iseuting Cant Decuts uies B. areusing Cased (. ase Jesestion 38 [82605]: “When will Mary be able o leave hospital?” “Don't be so impatien; Question 3 [82704]: Atthe moment, mysister__herhomework, my brother___pames. We cannot release her before we the last test.” ‘Avis making -is playing is doing - is staying have complete Corse bhnin choy ty will have completed dows plays D. makes - is playing Coil complete HME FECT MO CEP competed Question 4 (82705): 1's 7.00 pm, now and we teal ogether, We usually estion 39 (82406): The Amazon Ris ___into the Atlantic Ocean. “dinner at that time. 7) Ces CLR CS towing Del iwe-ct B.hve-aeeing (C)achnng-nt_D.acevng- sing ‘YQuestion 40 [82607]: My parents live in London. They ther all thet tves, “Question §[82705}:1_abiketo schol every ay bul today !_to schol by ‘Aare living B. had lived GG have lived D. will live “bus because it was ee ‘YOuestion 41 [82608]: Where have you been? T__ for you for the last half hour. gpetode - went B. ide -am going C. ride - go, D. is riding - am going ae ear Tape ‘Question 6 [82707]: That Hoa __in class affects other students around. Question 42 [82609]: My brother in an acto. He in GAA movies. |_Acatways tak isalweys talking C. etvays tks D, always tating — “Question 7 [82708}: Hoang and Phong, ‘football as they're having class now. ‘A appeared “Behad appeared —(CJhas appeared. appears re eee a ater Vouestion 43 {82610} Please don’t bther him now. He [ fecort ns are playing: doeen'tplay Daren’ paying “Question 8 [82709]: Hoa usualy charge of doing the washing-up in he Family Fe cag nomating ent yg a Question 44 [82611]:1 _annterestng book tthe moment [il lenditto you whe AZ ng 19) Our ends ee 7 — . © Acispreparing Bare preparing C. prepares D. prepare (Bnng-me mines - i eee aaa eae Fqcareatending —B, ieatending Cates D. tend ‘Question 45 {82612}: Ha never __fishing in the winter but she always ‘Question 11 [82712]: After the physics lesson, the children know that water _at 100 in the summer. Eaeges C A.goes—does Bhat gone—done C.g0~do D.was gone—done wit bil B. is boiling ©. boils D. boil ‘Question 46 [82613]: We can win only if we remain united, so we must support them th gn cetion 12 [82713]: My mom DS eae Sane ‘moment they ___on sre. {Deve B. g0 . is going D. are going A-will have gone B. will 20 Ceo a “Question 13 {82714}: Look! Minh__on stage. She loots so beautiful Question 47 [82647]: Iam sorry.1_ that fellow’s name already. iY ngs Aes isaac ea eee A. forgot Bhave forgoten “Question 14 82715}: Bich sometimes chicken noodle soup for breakfast. Question 48 [82648]: It usually ‘very much in that pat ofthe United States. Question 18 [87716]: Wha the guitar in that race, on? ‘Ais raining B.rined Corains D-have rained ‘playing @)spayme Clay D. plays Question 49 {82657}: Look! A man. after the tain, He wants to catch it “Question 16 [82717]: Jenny often jeans and T-shirt school but she a ‘Avnuns ‘Buhave bees running C. will un (D)is running igorgeous dress today. TEST 1 ‘A. wears -is wearing (pt is wearing - wears Exércise 6 [67183]: Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the correct answer to ead C. wear -is wearing D. wears - wears of the following questions. Question 17 [82718]: Fig thing in the morning, I ‘cup of milk tea, Question 1 [82702]: Hoang ___his email four times a week in order not,to mié A: has B)ambaving ——C, have D. will have anything important. “Question 18 [82719]: Ms. Kirn very well when e's nds ese hocks B. will chock C, ischecking_——_—D, check As not work B. don'twork ——C. isn't working (D) doesn't work 20 21 + Chuyén 46 1TH DONG TO Moonyn | sich ID ‘Téng 6n Nuit php Tieng Anh ~ Trang Ant (Question 19 {82720}: 'm sony. Lanis busy now. She __her document onthe second logQuestion 13 [93350]: When Sarah (eet) to the pany lastnight, Erie had already Avate checking B, check . checks D. is checking gone home, ‘Question 20 [82721]: Hurry up, Linh. Other friends___forus, ‘Question 14 [93351]: 1 (cing) you up two days ago but I____(get) no answer. Bare waiting ——-B, waits ©. wait D. is waiting Where you (oor? iestion 21 [82722]: My clothes ae notin the oom. They ___ them awa “Question 18 [9°97]: When |_ (hs) sma, Toften_lay) with dot ‘Actake Behavetaken CG. took D. acetaking = i , : ae takin i 28 [101985]: Complete the following sentences using the past continuous Question 22 [82723]: She__for 10houst You mst wake her wp. eee ees slesps is Seep 7 {forms : ection 28 027245 Dec Egg GE ur nse Dae |eston 19151): This tie at yeatl__ Qh) nal meee Be TVs athe ment He __a fro gen 2 [815] Wha you, 1000p sy) ir | Question 3 [94153]: At that time yesterday, T__ (write) a letter. (A)is repairing/ has worked B. repairsfhas been worki }Qnertion 3 [94 . has repaired/has been working D.repivwoked [Question 4 [94154]: She (leam) English at school at 7:45 yesterday morning. Question 24 [82725]: David__ his hands. He jst the TV set [Question § [94155]:- What you ___(@o) a thi time lst night? ~ Iwas asleep. ‘A. washes/has just repaired B. is washing/has just been repairing Question 6 [94156]: Matt burned his hand while he __(ook) lunch, . is washing/ has just repaired tas washed has just epaired ‘Question 7 [94157]: T saw you in the park yesterday. You (sit) om the grass and ‘Question 25 [82726]: Why you his anecdotes? (read) a book. ‘A. are you laughing/has Jim told BB. are you laughing/has Jim been telling _} Question & [94158]: When I came home, my mother_ (prepare) the meal . have you laughed has Jim told D. have you laughed/ has Jim been teling _} Question 9 [94159] ane (ait) forme when I arrived THE PAST TENSES Question 10 94160]: Yesterday evening, while my mother ____(cook) inthe kitchen, my Exercise 7 [101984]: Complete the following sentences using the past simple, ae the verbs in brackets. ng sentences using the past simple forms @ (on 14 [94161]: Just as |____(leave) the house, beard an explosion from the inside Question 1 (93338]:1__(Lose) my key yesterday. i ub. Question 2 [93339]; People (build) this school in 2001, Soee inn 12 [94162]: When Beth aves, we ___(iuvs)dinoes th you? Question 3 93340}: Last year, my father (mise) to bay my snr a pan, sof Mion 139416 Why dd’ you stent se while alk) _with you (be) very delighted to hear this, ‘Question 14 [94164}: Michiko couldn’t come to the phone when the director called her because she ___ (work) in the factory. Question 4 (93341): 1t_(be) very hot last summer. Question $[93342]:1____ (walk) home after the party lastnight Question 15 {94165}: 1 (enjoy) the party, but Chris wanted to go home. Question 6 [93343]: The Chinese ____ (invent printing, Exercise 9 [101986]: Complete the following sentences using the past perfect forms of Question 7(93344]:Samand1_(lay) tenis yesterday. He was much better than Iwas) “Re YEPbSin brackets. sohe__(win) easily ‘Question 1 [94167]: Before Sarah arrived, Bric___ (g0) home. Question 8 [93345]: My grandpa __(die) 30 years ago, never (incet) him, QUestion 2 [94168]: When Jane arrived atthe theater, the film _(tar. Question 9[98346): - You__ (go) to dae movies ast night? Question 3 (94109 He thanked me for everything I (0) for bin. ~ Yes, butit__(be) a mistake. The movie __(be) awful, J Question 4 [94170]: After Angelia ___(eat) the cake, she began to feel sick Question 10 [93347]: When I__ (get) home lastnight, 1__ (be) very tired, go Qtestion 5 [94171]: When he went out to play, he (do already) his homework. 60) straight 0 the bea —_ Question 6 [94172]: They (be) martied for two years or so when Roy employed @ Question 11 [933481 Diane _ (se) to travel aot. These days she doesn't take many tripe] V-atctve Indian secretary i is Glasgow offic. Question 12 9349} - When ocandCaol wea) echomen PE uestin 7 (94173 Linda (ot stay) forthe exam, so she was ver anxious. ~ They first__( meet) when they __(be) in high schoo, J QWestion 8 [94174] I couldn’t go into the cinema because 1___(not bring) my tickets. 2B x sas mas TOG. ~? GID _# Chuyén 61TH DONG TU, Mawneyn FE csen inal tobias met 198 2 ftTphép Tieng Anh— Trang Anh Deen. a ‘Question 9 [94175]: The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous, He nevel_ question 3 [94214} Tine yesterday I emis wit my classmates. (Ay) before. . A ployed B)vas playing C.hadplayed would pl mca emis omsesm ea TON Card Ronn Question 1194177}: Lara oe) smartphone before, so showed her how to use it Loreen ea tap ep IRN Ra ‘Question 12 [94178]: We weren't hungry. We. ~ Gust have) lunch, © Gwas watching ~ was D. had been walching ~ was Question 1 (94179 We ie'realy want oa ee the Sim asin We (atom question 5 [94216] Mary a se Rove ao we il end wo wet to hoping mln = atest eee Gree Cueto 4 (418 When eves ole my vr ether wallet, 1 was ally et. Gaon 017 The dott eeeeegee ave) it for over five years a oa wa - " Bs ringing ~ took (B)reag—was ting question 15 [94181]; Before going to the meeting, he consult) with his lawyers, ou oe ein complete te yon ‘ening - apne in aoe pe | Ghad rung —took . had been ringing ~ took reise 1 sentences using the past perfect «ys 1 949 on eee continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. ee ‘Question 1 (94182): We (play) tennis for about an hour when it started to rain heavily, ewan “would want D- wants Question 8 (94219); The war out three years ago Question 2 [94183] Iwas very red when got home. 1_(work)hardall day. ussion SMDHVI- TIS ar —— 7 Question 3 [94184]: At last the bus came. He (wait) for 20 minutes. = was breaking sn voke D-have been breaking : = Question 9 [94220]: When he was young, he in the amy. ‘Question 4 [94185} Jim quit drinking coffee two years ago. He___(drink) coffee for 20 years. 2 ~ @ ‘Question 5 [94186]: She was out of breath. She (run). gage iad been serving |B. serves era abel — on 10 often goes to schoo! by bike but yesterdays s. Question 6 94187) I wasn raining wien we went ot The un was shining. Butit_ usin 101249211: She onen go Eee aaa cee are | have B. have boon travelling Question 7 [94188]: We were extremely tired atthe end of our trip. We _____(ravel) for, Chad traveled D-tavels ere ee * Question 11[94222}: He cup of coffee every morning many years ago ‘Question & [94189]: I was exhausted atthe end ofthetest,1_(writ) for over three hours, “A+ have been drinking x Question 9 [94190]: The orchestra (play) for 30 minutes when a man in audience’ ©>had drunk D. was drinking nasa Gacetacetie Question 12 [94223]: Yesterday she to pay me for my helping her but I didn’t accept ‘Question 10 [94191]: Atthe time the fictory closed down, Sarah (work) therefor five years Will offer Bwas offering —_C. had offered fered Question 11[94192]:- She___(wateh) TV for4 hours before she went to ca dinner? Question 13 (94224) There ___a lot of grass in the garden last summer. ‘Question 12 [94193]; She was very upset because Iwas ate and she (ait) fora very. Asad been Bere have been —__D, willbe fonobto long time. 7 Question 14 (94225): 1°s time we something to help him. Hiokime. +4$+-VCanD> Question 13 [94194]: When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair: A. will do B.had done Ouia was doing ‘wae mensy and one of them had a black oye. They (sh). Question 15 (98226) Me Brown ‘nParls when the Second World War broke out. Question 14 (94195 It was @ bit discomfort to arrive at their house and found Liz looking so) A. lived Bas ving Chad lived Del live depressed. I think she (cry) before I got there. Question 16 {94227}: I and my mom ‘comic at this time last night. Question 15 [94196]: 1 (ear) Germany for4 years and then decided to give itup. | A. read B.had been reading C. have read ‘D) were reading Exercise 11 (67184]: Choose the best word or phrase to complete inthe following question: Question 17 [94228]: At 10,pm last nigh, my younger brother games online uestion She exsynipation because she ven laying (Bas payin will be pa )- have been playin Quest ANDY; typagweaeres ease she 5 hard, Ahad been playing (B.Qvas playing. willbe playing. have been playing A. suaisd Sedudving lad been studying D. studies ‘Question 18 [94229]: People all ees along the street at this ime two years ago ‘Question 2 [94213]: You ‘out lastnight or were you tied? A. are planting B. will have bees planting A. Did — went (B. Had — gone Did-go Had — been going vere planting D. will be planting Fy 25 it qf +* Chuyén 46 1 THE DONG TO Moonyn Sach 10 ‘Téng 6n Nei php Tiéng Anh —Trang Anh f eer 19 [94230]: She _her homework at ths time yesterday morning? | Question 33 [94244]: At the time of our first meeting A was, 8 cosidenbl ference A}Was-doing B. Had— been doing. Do—do D.Will~bedoing between me and him; he axils ip magazines for ovr five years whe 1 was ‘Question 20 [94231]: They aoe we * practically unknown. Cha dino huis! tBa dicin Ge 06 x! gab uf sp dish 2Grerr1P) A. had ~was coming had had came I ben publishing B. was publishing cone wil beni (Wwwetarie ene cindex biting Deis i Question 21 {94232}: At yesterday they dinner while we__TY, Question 34 (94245): The house _to the ground by the time the firemen ___. willbe having will be watching (were having - were watching |} A. bumed — had arrived (Bppad bumed — arrived . are having ~ are watching D. will have had ~ will have watched was burning arived burned — was acriving ‘Question 22 [94233]: When I went out, the sun | question 35 (94246}:1___theaovident when Iwas waiting for the tax A. willbe shining, Bis shining shining D. haben shining | Cseaw B.wassoring Cahn boon seeing _D, aye een Question 23 [94234]: We _tothe staff when it___to rai, | Gueston 369427: Lar har wile he ou was OK pe met wyas oo dey—we sre walking ~ began B. had bees walking ~ began | fae oe RE ata et emee i have been waking - begins D. will be walking —begin F @hadroated pesto! D. have been roasting ‘Question 24 (94235}: The servant dropped two cups while she ___up lastnight. ‘Question 37 [94248]: At this time last oe while ae ‘were talking to each other, he Ais washing had been washing book: i have been washing 3s washing (Rwas reading Bis reading have read De reads ‘Question 25 [94236]: Almost everybody by the time we arrived. ‘Question 38 [94249]: While we. in the park, Mary fell over. ‘A. have been leaving(B)had left C.was leaving Dy have let Avr B. are uoning shad been running (D))were runing £ Question 26 [94237]: The secretary __until she____her work. Question 39 [94250} was listening to music, [heard the doorbell. i A ad left finish B, don’t leave —had finished @when @waite Cit D. Because dn’ t leave —had finished D. wasn't leaving ~ finished esto Lawton? nn eae Threradal eta ayhe Rotem | na eR ' Achavedone Bd have been doing (D))hadnt done aie os a | ‘Question 28 [94239]: She _the leter when she__she___ittothe wrong addres]_©" HAVE she learnt vaiomaaia lly arrived. ‘A posted ~ had realized ~ sent era en Question 4 [94252]: They ate sation or 9 minus when the wai alla | . vas posting reig shear 5 ose — ad eliza Sot Acwere waiting B, willbe learning (Chad been waiting D. are learning se 29 (94240): He Teayeed as Sea Se ‘Question 42 94253]: We for her ring for two hours and then we found it in the wad thecar gone B.did the cargo Chad the ear go. do the car go ‘diroom. Question 30 [94241]: The weather ED _ far worse than we QE GYhad been looking B.were looking C. will be eaming _D. have been learning Ais have expected B. was — was expected ‘Question 43 (94284): Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he ____ in the rain too long. . was ~have been expecting Dwas— tad expected Acwas singing Bewill beating C.issingiog (1B) had been singing Question 31 (94242): They _ for five years when they finally had a chitd. ‘Question 44 [94255]: When police were investigating the road accident, they discovered that ‘A. will have been married (B,had been married J thedsiver ‘wo road accidents before, i C. have martied D. will be marrying had been involved in B. had been being involved in ‘Question 32 [94243]: When she ____her work, she __to the cinema, will be involving in D. will have involved in BB. was finishing ~ had been going ‘Question 45 [94256]: They___anyone while they were walking home because it was raining, D. had been finishing — was going AAweren'tséeing “Bi bada'vobe did't see D, weren’tseen 7 yen a 1 Question 46 94257}: Although at thet time my knowledge of German was very poor, most of what they said ‘A. understood loca: JB. have understood ce eee a \/Question 47 (94258): We watchod the fm The Godfather as night. We had seen the about 3 times before but we watched it again because John it ‘chad been seeing (Bad never sen Question 48 94259}: WE station we could stop at Cf ran Brink Bae Gt SAD reg rg ech) ‘Achad driven have been driving (Gad been driving D. have driven Question 49 [94260}:1__a student in Moloxop School in 1998, ¢ be D. to was Question $0 (94261): When T got home I realised that while 1_ | A.had walked ——_B. have been walking C. have walked ‘TEST 2 have never seen _D. have been e ing ® was B. were (Dna been walking each of the folowing questions. Question 1 [82798]: We was fine (Bhirove ~ called D. drove — was calling ____1o you on Sunday night? B. happened ‘Question 3 {82800}: Last night, we A. waited ~ showed C. were waiting — were showing A. were driving — was calling CC. were driving — called was upping D. woud happen __foryou forages but you never up. would wait — showed D. waited was showing | cqnestn (82801) We our qui tine when he unexposed oes ‘A ba-came Seasianan Ora oe ving cme Diteve iad won have ome Question $ [82802 Since they ___us they to vishal Suma, we ferward the ay Zc were eling came oaked Grid would ome were lookng | ‘Question 6 [82803]: I Shsmoming B. would tell ~ would visit— would look D. tell ~ are coming — will look ____ out last ight but atthe ast minute I. A. was going ~ realized | Chad gone— would realize D. would go — have realized 28 ee ‘Tal DONG er for nearly 100 kilometres before we finally found a service someone had stolen my wallet, Exercise 12 [101982]: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to Indicate the correct answer to 10 the hospital to visit Mike when he ____to say that he that tad a quiz Sach ID ‘Téing 6n Nei php Ting Anh Trang Anh oe A does ~ starts B. did ~ started ___ since she _ through the strait D. was Question 10 [82807]: The first self-sufficient village in Britain ___ the Norman's idea ‘They were some strange invaders who ___to change the country in a better way. A. was — hoped B. is —have hoped C. have beea ~ were hoping. (Question 11 {82808}: Linda only ‘Av understood —read Chad understood ~ read ‘Question 12[82809]:__youever. ‘A. Had... appeared ~ took part . Did. appear —had taken part teflmatershe te bk ont tad Bnened eating on TV beter thre tow? eee ak at D.Wl. apar—p Quetn 138410 hw Bec widely det ino want inoving hasten knowing Dott non, (Quon 148411 mma oan asobye toe, brie foe ay lt pain Crh aad oe ving Diateteaay ea Question 15251 Whenwe totes ela at|_my pagers oe (asta Is cae ce Rae ar cee ere eae ee eae ‘bela Died castor dg” Bch ‘Question 17 [82814]: When I met Walters about two years before his death he didn’t seem sti He_no majorbook since he sted in Ugania. ‘cha pubis could have published C publics (Wnt puso Question 18 [82815]: Throughout the eampaign we ‘our candidate's photographs on the walls of public buildings, hoping to attract women's votes A.have been hanging B. hanged C. ung D. have hung 29 ‘ 4 Chuyén aé 1TH DONG TO Moonvn Sach ID Question 19 [82816]: Many ofthe people who atended Major Gordon’ fineral___ him Hl-THE FUTURE TENSES for many years A. didnt ee B.wouldrt sce C.haven't Dirssor: xercise 13 {101988}; Complete the sentences using the future simple forms of the : ~ haven't seen mt seen verbs in brackets. Caton 2) 2817: Sing Pts handwrtng om th envelop, sic the ter ues eto He (ep) her take care of her children tomorrow morning. ane Question 2 [94413]: She (bring) you a cap of tea son } Arwacteating Bia = stom Quest 21 [228185 Wee bo arene cae Question 3 [94414}: She hopes that Mary (come) tothe party tonight ni Dose an neSibas We caches for 888%. Qyesson 4 [94415 Iyou dont sty hard, you (ot pas) the final exam, never saw . did see “hadntseen Ds haven't 5 i seen Juestion ~ Where you. (be) this time next year?-I__(be) in Japan. rnin 2 (5819) Ware abe, aber eon [te Whee ee_—__() hi ine net sa 1_( nd ‘Acmust have to be B. had bet ae Question 6 [94417]: They _ (visit) China next week. must have tobe Bad besa wasbeing had had to be j " “ i i estion 7 [94418]: You look tired, soT__ (ering) you something to eat. Question 23 [82820]: Without tuming my headin the direction ofthe gate 1a small | 2 : object just under the fence —* Small | Question 8 [94419]: In that ease, I__ (buy) acoffee as a token of gratitude weston 9 [94420]: I can't meet you this evening. frend of mine (come) see me A. soted ied pean chee os | Question 9 (94 Question 24 (82821): Wit just on exception ihe ee eae | Question 10 (94421); Dont worry about your exam, I sue you (pass), down very expensive eaten for pevods ofp rekon ne tt NS | Question 11 {422} You don't nest take an umbrela with you Ik (notin) i —__ rent for periods of up to ten yeas : " Ahad tobe undergone B. vas unergone ‘Question 12 [9423]: When do you suppose Jan and Mark ___ (get) marie has undergone D. had undergone ‘Question 13 [94424]: Tom ___ (not pas) the exam. He haso’t studied bard enough, Question 25 {82822}: They _ matted fortwo yeas or so witen Roy enployed a very | Question 14 (94425): When I finish my work, 1 (pick) you up, attractive Indian secretary in his Glasgow office. ‘Question 15 [94426]: Think carefully. I'm sure you (remember) his name. | A-only have been B, were only C.haveonly-been D.had only been Exercise 14 [101989]: Complete the sentences using the future continuous forms of Question 26 (82823): know too litte Dutch to have understood what they were talking about. | te Verbs in brackets ‘What |__was that their boss would be there the next mom Question 1 [94427] At 10 o'clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She (work). ing [94827]: ‘A. understood B. did nderstand Question 2 (94428): 1 (see) you atthe meeting a this time tomorrow. | CG ie understood: D. could have understood ‘Question 3 [94429]: Where your friends __ (come) at this time tomorrow? f ‘Question 27 [82824]: The driver violently and managed to stop the car just inches | Question 4 [94430]: Don’t call me between 7 and 8. We (have) dinner then. |} from the body lying on the ea |) femite body ying onthe rod ueston$ 94831: This time tomorow, 1___ (rvs) through France, ing B. has braked C. braked D. had braked ‘Question 6 [94432}: I am having vacation this Saturday. This time next week, I (ie) | Question 28 (82825): They stopped ke rest ees they long enough inabensh or lenin tate cen ection 291808265, Te een Worn, C. worked D. were working Question 7 [94433]; Tom (clint) the mountain at this time next Saturday. e i performance at oclockand___ for three hours, We eston 9444) My parent ate going London, 01 (euay) with my grandma cane forthe next two weeks A had begualastedienjo ctn/ha Insider C.begunlisedenjoyed Brberenad lntdlenoye Question 9 (94435): Lam coming home now. When I get home, my dog ___ (wait) for me . . beganvlastedienjoy ‘on the doorstep estion 30 [82827] By the time you cookin ; Seen yn tie you _ cooking they had dove heir homewark Question 10 [94436]: Tomorrow aflemoon we are going to play tennis from 3:00 until 430, | : had finished finish D. were finishing Soat4:00, we (play) tenis then Question 11 (94437) Can we meet you tomorrow afternoon?

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