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Letters to the Editor

concept has been stated in a re- high glucose concentrations in

*Address correspondence to this author at:
cent review article (4 ) and on stored RBC units.
1430 Tulane Ave., SL-53
consumer Web sites, such as Lab To determine if RBC transfu-
New Orleans, LA 70112
Tests Online (http://labtestsonline. sion has a measurable effect on Hb
Fax 504-988-6271
org/understanding/analytes/a1c/ A1c in patients, we retrospectively
E-mail queried an institutional review
test.html); however, a recent case
in which a pathology resident was board–approved database of dei-
Previously published online at
contacted to explain a patient’s Hb dentified patient data from our
DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2010.155887
A1c value decreasing from 7.4% to hospital for patients who received
5.4% in 3 days after the patient re- RBC transfusions and had Hb A1c
ceived 3 units of RBCs suggested measurements performed within
Red Cell Transfusion Decreases that transfusion may lower Hb A1c 28 days before and 14 days after
Hemoglobin A1c in Patients values in diabetic patients. Indeed, they received at least 1 RBC trans-
with Diabetes the majority of blood donors are fusion. We allowed a maximum of
not diabetic, and donor RBCs 7 days between the first and last
To the Editor: would dilute the increased Hb A1c transfusions for patients who
value (⬎6.5%) in a diabetic pa- received multiple transfusions;
Hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c)1 is a tient. To our knowledge, no study therefore, the maximum time be-
mainstay of diabetes diagnosis and has used contemporary Hb A1c tween the pre- and posttransfusion
management that allows clinicians methods to examine the effect of Hb A1c measurements was 49 days.
to estimate the recent mean blood RBC storage conditions on Hb A1c Fig. 1 shows the change in Hb A1c
glucose concentration of a patient. or the overall effect of RBC trans- after transfusion for 45 patients
Glycation of hemoglobin is an fusion on Hb A1c in patients. who met the inclusion criteria. The
irreversible, nonenzymatic process Hb A1c decreased in 31 (69%) of
To investigate these questions,
that depends on the glucose con- the patients overall and in all 21 pa-
we used an immunoassay (Siemens
centration in red blood cells tients whose pretransfusion Hb A1c
Dimension RxL) to measure Hb
(RBCs), and Hb A1c represents the measurement was ⱖ7%. Of the 14
A1c in 2 unused RBC units stored in
integrated glucose concentration patients whose Hb A1c value in-
additive storage medium (AS-1)
in RBCs over their life span. creased or remained unchanged,
under standard blood bank condi-
RBC transfusion can compli- 12 had a pretransfusion Hb A1c
tions. These 2 units were unaccept-
cate the interpretation of Hb A1c value of ⬍6.5%; thus, one would
able for transfusion because they not expect the transfusion of RBCs
values in diabetic patients be- had been out of the control of the
cause it introduces hemoglobin with a typical Hb A1c value to have
blood bank for ⬎30 min. The Hb a large effect. The mean decrease in
molecules exposed to glucose
A1c values for samples obtained Hb A1c across all patients was
concentrations that may have
from the units on their expiration 0.829%, which is statistically signifi-
been different from the glucose
date (42 days after collection) were cant (P ⫽ 0.00124, 2-sided paired
concentrations in the diabetic
5.4% (B Rh-positive) and 5.7% (O t-test). The mean decrease for the 21
transfusion recipient. The poten-
Rh-positive), which are within our patients with pretransfusion values
tial effect of transfusion on Hb
reference interval (⬍6.0%). The ⱖ7% was 1.97% Hb A1c.
A1c has been recognized for some
glucose concentrations in the These results suggest that RBC
time, but opinions on the direc-
tion of the effect are contradic- blood units at this time were 36.9 transfusion will reduce the Hb A1c
tory. Data from the older litera- mmol/L (665 mg/dL) and 32.5 concentration in diabetic patients.
ture (1–3 ) suggest that the high mmol/L (586 mg/dL), confirm- We did not design this study to fully
concentration of glucose in RBC ing the supraphysiological glucose characterize this phenomenon, but it
storage medium promotes glyca- content of the RBC storage me- does show that appreciable glycation
tion and causes Hb A1c values to dium. We observed minimal in- does not occur during typical blood
increase over time, which would creases in Hb A1c values in the bank storage. Thus, we would expect
predict that Hb A1c might in- units after additional incubation at decreased Hb A1c values after trans-
crease in transfused patients. This room temperature for 9 days (5.7% fusion to be most pronounced in pa-
and 5.9%) and at 37 °C for another tients who receive large transfusion
14 days (6.0% and 6.0%). This volumes and/or who have a high
finding strongly suggests that gly- pretransfusion Hb A1c, because of
Nonstandard abbreviations: Hb A1c, hemoglobin cation of hemoglobin in stored dilution with RBCs containing typi-
A1c; RBC, red blood cell. RBC units is negligible despite the cal amounts of Hb A1c. Indeed, pa-

344 Clinical Chemistry 57:2 (2011)

Letters to the Editor

Fig. 1. Change in Hb A1c after RBC transfusion.

Each line represents a patient with Hb A1c measurements taken ⱕ28 days before and ⱕ14 days after receiving an RBC
transfusion. The left and right ends indicate the dates (x axis) and values (y axis) of the pretransfusion and posttransfusion Hb
A1c measurements, respectively. The dates are relative to the day of transfusion (day 0, vertical dashed line).

tients with the highest pretrans- Commission has adopted this rec- Potential Conflict of Interest form. Potential
fusion Hb A1c values showed the ommendation as a standard for in- conflicts of interest:
largest decreases after transfusion patient diabetes care. Employment or Leadership: M.G. Scott,
(Fig. 1). This effect is worth noting Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians
because we are likely to see expanded and Scientists and Clinical Chemistry,
Author Contributions: All authors con- AACC.
application of Hb A1c testing, given firmed they have contributed to the intellec- Consultant or Advisory Role: M.G. Scott, sci-
new guidelines that make Hb A1c tual content of this paper and have met the
entific advisory board, Becton Dickinson.
measurement sufficient for diabetes following 3 requirements: (a) significant con-
Stock Ownership: None declared.
screening and because of the re- tributions to the conception and design, ac-
Honoraria: None declared.
quisition of data, or analysis and interpreta-
cent American Diabetes Associa- Research Funding: M.G. Scott, Siemens
tion of data; (b) drafting or revising the article
tion recommendation to measure for intellectual content; and (c) final approval Healthcare Diagnostics.
Hb A1c in all hospitalized diabetic of the published article. Expert Testimony: None declared.
patients who have not had an Authors’ Disclosures or Potential Con- Role of Sponsor: The funding organiza-
Hb A1c measurement taken within flicts of Interest: Upon manuscript submis- tions played no role in the design of study,
the previous 60 days (5 ). The Joint sion, all authors completed the Disclosures of choice of enrolled patients, review and in-

Clinical Chemistry 57:2 (2011) 345

Letters to the Editor

terpretation of data, or preparation or ap- variants and chemically modified derivatives on

proval of manuscript. assays for glycohemoglobin. Clin Chem 2001;47: *Address correspondence to this author at:
153– 63.
5. American Diabetes Association. Executive Department of Pathology
References summary: standards of medical care in diabetes— and Immunology
2010 [see p 10]. Diabetes Care 2010;33(Suppl 1): Washington University School
1. Weinblatt ME, Kochen JA, Scimeca PG. Chroni- S4 –10.
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3. Szelényi JG, Földi J, Hollán SR. Enhanced non- 2
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346 Clinical Chemistry 57:2 (2011)

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