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Logistics Management Quiz session 7 (16 May


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4. What is not one of variables for measurement of integration * (1 Point)

Access to planning systems

Sharing production plans

Joint EDI access/networks

Integration strategy

5. A one-way process of providing access to information such as product description and

pricing, sales information, inventory and promotional calendars, refers to which way of
electronic collaboration * (1 Point)

information sharing


collaborative planning

None of the above

6. "Electronic collaboration at strategic, operational and tactical levels" refers to which way of
electronic collaboration * (1 Point)

information sharing


collaborative planning

None of the above

7. What is not a strategic advantages of partnerships * (1 Point)

potential opportunism by suppliers

shortened lead times

shortened product cycles

conditions amenable to longer-term investment

8. ______ of information upstream and downstream is essential for synchronization * (1 Point)


Distributed management

Central management

None of the above

9. The transmission of fixed-format documents with predefined data and information fields
refers to which way of electronic collaboration * (1 Point)

information sharing


collaborative planning

None of the above

10. Synchronous production links ______ production schedules with ______ demand helps to
improve material flow * (1 Point)

current, forecasted

downstream, upstream

accuracy, real-time

upstream, downstream
11. The arcs of integration by (Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001) indicate
- the _____ of integration - upstream with suppliers and/or downstream with customers
- the _____ of integration - the extent to which the integration practices are evident across
either the supplier or customer base * (1 Point)

level, scope

direction, degree

quality, quantity

content, form

12. Japanese concept of heijunka seeks coordination of __________ between different processes in
the supply network * (1 Point)

lean manufacturing practice

quality management

material movements

product and financial flows

13. What is not a operational advantages of partnerships * (1 Point)

reduced negotiations and drawing up of separate contracts

reduced longer-term investment

reduced monitoring of supplier soundness

increased productivity

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