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Annex A.

Criteria on Identifying a Good Health Practice

Instruction: This form shall be accomplished by the LGU, in coordination with their DOH
Representative/Technical Officer, to assess the identified good practices in health. Assessed practices that have
scored at least 60% qualify for submission to the CHD/BARMM-MOH TWG on Good Practices in Health.

Name of Region:
Name of LGU:
Name of Local Health Officer:

Means of
Criteria Operational Verification Scoring
Definition (LGU to present
0 1 2
ANY of
the following M Vs)
LGU- The practice should be MOA, Financial Not LGU Co-initiated LGU-initiated
initiated an LGU-initiated Report, AOP/LIPH, initiated with other
solution to problems Accomplishment stakeholders
* A score encountered in Report
of zero in (less than 10% (10% to 30% (more than
developing local health
this criteria Majority of required of resource of resource 50% of
system, implementing
would resources are from the requirement resource
health reforms, or requtrement
mean LGU’s own resources for the project/ requirement for
targeting the vulnerable for the project/
as opposed to having intervention the project/
automatic and marginalized intervention
was sourced intervention
disqualifica sectors. been implemented was sourced
was sourced
tion with heavy assistance from the LGU from the LGU
from the LGU
from NGAs or money) money)
external agents. In the
case of BARMM, the
practice should be an
Technically The practice is easy to Work instructions, Required Does not Does not
Feasible learn and to implement. feasibility study, complex require require
It needs minimum Project Proposal, technical complex complex
resources (financial, Program Monitoring, assistance technical technical
HRH, capital) to LIPH/AOP, AIP, (engagement assistance (did assistance (did
implement the practice WFP, FUR of a project not engage a not engage a
without compromising consultant) project project
the resources intended and re-aligned consultant) but consultant) and
for other health some of the re-aligned no budget for
programs. budget some of the other health
previously budget from program was
allocated to other health re-aligned.
other health programs.
programs. or
of a project
Means of
Criteria Operational Verification Scoring
Definition (LGU to present
ANY of
the following MOVs)
but no budget
for other
health program
was re-aligned.
Effective The practice has proven Health Impact There was no NA With evidence
and its strategic relevance in Assessment, CSS, evidence on of
Successful achieving a specific FHSIS, LGU Health the improvement
objective; it has positive Scorecard improvement of the target
impact on the performance report; of the target health output/
communities; the technical reports on health output/ outcome
practice leads to an other health and outcome within 3 years
improvement in the health-related indices. within 3 years of
health system and/or of implementatio
health outcomes in line implementatio n
with its objectives.
Innovative The practice introduces The practice has never The practice The practice The practice
new or reinvents been implemented in has been has been has never been
existing tools or the LGU before. implemented implemented previously
techniques so that in the LGU in before but implemented
policies or interventions Work Instruction/ the past. some of the by the LGU.
continue to be Manual, project
responsive to current Documentation of the components
needs, and adjust to Innovation were modified
trends or changes. to respond to
trends and
Responsive The practice considers The health problem It cannot be The project/ The project/
the population's health addressed by the clearly intervention is intervention is
needs and expectations practice is among the established aimed at aimed at
including the priority health whether the addressing a addressing a
underserved/vulnerable/ problems in the project/ priority health priority health
disadvantaged groups in locality as reported in intervention is problem problem
terms of the kind and the LIPH situational aimed at identified in identified in
amount of public health analysis; CSS results, addressing a the LIPH the LIPH
services that should be FHSIS, LGU HSC, priority health situational situational
present in the locality. GIDA Information problem analysis but analysis and
System. identified in there is no led to
the LIPH evidence of an improvement
situational improvement in the
analysis and in the utilization of
there is no utilization of health services
evidence of an health services among GIDA,
improvement among GIDA, marginalized/
in the marginalized/ vulnerable
utilization of vulnerable population
health services population,
among GIDA,
Means of
Criteria Operational Verification
Definition (LGU to present
ANY of 0 1
the following MOVs)
Sustainable The practice responds to Presence of enabling No evidence At least one of All three of
the current needs of the policy (ies), funding on the the sustaining the sustaining
community, in particular mechanisms and presence of mechanisms mechanisms
their essential needs, monitoring and sustaining (policies, are in place
without compromising evaluation tools. meclinisms funding, and (policies,
their ability to meet the M&E) is in funding, and
future needs of the Local policies (EO, place. M&E).
community. ordinance, resolution);
monitoring and
evaluation tool, Work
Instructions, MOP,
Strategic Plan,
Report (LGU

Culturally The practice is sensitive Work Instruction and No evidence - With evidence
Sensitive to the ways, values, and documentation of the of culture of culture
perceptions of the program to assess sensitivity sensitivity
community on health. It whether it was able to implementatio implementatio
recognizes and respects consider the guiding n in the n in the
the distinct culture of principles of culture practice/ practice/
the indigenous peoples, sensitivity. intervention intervention
and consequently,
establishes a trusting 1. Documentation on
relationship and the adequate access to
confidence to avail of quality and safe
the health services health services
provided by the appropriate to
government. ICCs/IPs and increase
of its utilization;
(inclusion of
Information system in
place, health
implemented, etc)

2. GIDA information
System (Decrease in

3. Researches on
Indigenous Knowledge
Systems and Practices
on Health (IKSP);
Means of
Criteria Operational Verification
Definition (LGU to present
0 1
ANY ot the
following MOVs)
advocacy on the use on
safe IKSP; culture
sensitive policies on
health, conduct of
culture sensitivity
orientation/ training;
culturally appropriate
health facilities;
culturally sensitive

4. Formulation,
incorporation into the
implementation of
participatory health
investment plans for
trainings / capacity
building for
traditional health
Gender The practice shows how GAD accomplishment There was no The practice Project was
Sensitive individuals/ report, Gender evidence that was either reported
population groups Mainstreaming the practice assessed among LGU
across the gender Evaluation was assessed through the GAD
spectrum who were Framework (GMEF) through gender lens, accomplish me
involved in the process gender lens or its target nt
were able to improve nor project population are
their health condition consultation women and
and well-being. involve children, or
individuals/ project
population Consultation
lp i s involves
across the individuals/
gender population
Sp ctrum groups
across the

TOTAL SCORE: ( / 16) = %

Noted by: Reviewed by:

<name and signature of Local Health Officer*> <name and signature of assigned DOH
Representative/Technical Off
Annex B. Template for the Documentation of Good Practice

[What is the name that best describes the good practice?]

- Must contain keywords that clearly define the good practice

- The activity or project, mechanism, process or strategy should be identified in the title
- Should capture the message of the story
[Date] [Name and Designation of the members of the Documentation Team]

Element Guide Questions

Objective/s - What is the aim/objective of the practice?
Location - What is the geographical range where the good practice has been used?
specify when possible, the province, district and municipality. If possible,
add a map to show where the practice was implemented.
Introduction - Introductory part describing the health situation and other circumstances
(political, socio-economic, financial, etc.) related to health from which the
practice was developed
- Mention the segment of the population affected by the current situation.
Describe how they were affected.
- Link the health situation that needs to be addressed with the good practice
- What is the context (initial situation) and challenge being addressed?
Provide a short description of the health situation being addressed and
specify the period during which the practice has been carried out
- Explain how gender and culture was taken into account in both the challenge
being addressed and the good practice itself.
- In disaster prone situations, explain how the good practice is contributing to
risk reduction and crisis manap•ement for resilience.
Stakeholders and Who are the beneficiaries or the target group of the good practice? Who are the
Partners users of the good practice? Who are the institutions, partners, implementing
agencies, and donors involved in the good practice, and what is the nature of
their involvement? Explain the different roles of individuals/population groups
across the gender spectrum play as they benefit from the good practice and their
degree of vulnerability to different types of threats.
Methodological - What methodology has been used in order to address the initial issue and lead
Approach to a successful outcome and finally to the good practice? Any Work
- What was the process? (enumerate the steps)
- How long did it take to learn lessons and identify key success factors?
Please include gender aspects addressed in the description of the
methodological approach.
Validation - Confirmation by the beneficiaries that the practice addresses the needs
properly. Has the good practice been validated with the stakeholders/final
users? Provide a brief description of the good practice validation process.
Impact - What has been the impact (positive or negative) of the good practice on the
beneficiaries’ - individual/population groups across the gender spectrum -
livelihoods? Please explain how the impact may differ between
individual/population groups across the gender spectrum. Have these
beneficiaries’ livelihoods been environmentally, financially, and/or
economically improved (and if applicable, become more resilient), and if yes
- Discuss the importance and significance of the project/activities relative to
the context it was implemented in
For UHC Integration, did the good practice resulted into integrated care,
financial protection through the Special Health Fund, and better health care
and health system management? Please explain or provide data reflecting
improvement in terms of health status, increase accessibility of health
care services and/or satisfaction of health care provider and health
service consumer.
Innovation - In what way has the good practice introduced or reinvented tools or
so that policies or interventions continue to be responsive to current
needs, and adjust to trends or changes?
Success Factors - What are the enabling factors that contributed to the success of the
Constraints - What are the challenges encountered in applying the good practice? How
they been addressed? In a disaster context, in which way do crises/shocks
affect the livelihoods of groups at risk?
Lessons Learned - What are the key messages and lessons learned to take away from the good
practice experience, for men, women, marginalized/vulnerable group?
Sustainability - What are the elements that need to be put into place for the good practice to
be institutionally, socially, economically and environmentally
- If applicable, indicate the total costs incurred for the implementation of the
Replicability and/or - What are the possibilities of extending the good practice more widely? If
up scaling you
were giving advice to another geographic area, what are the conditions that
should be met/respected to ensure that the good practice is replicated, but
adapted to the new context?
Conclusion - Conclude by specifying/explaining the impact and usefulness of the good
practice. When possible, use anecdotal evidence such as a storytelling or
testimony of a man or a woman or group showing the benefit of the good
Contact Details - What are the contact details (phone number and email address) of the
to contact if you want more information on the good practice?
Related Website(s) What are the Web sites of the projects under which the good practice was
*Optional identified and reproduced?
Related resources - What training manuals, guidelines, technical fact sheets, posters,
that pictures,
have been developed video and audio documents, and/or Web sites have been created
developed as a result of identifying the good practice?

Prepared by: Noted and Endorsed by:

< name and signature of Health Officer> <name and signature of LCE>

Reviewed by:

<Name and signature of the CHD/BARMM-MOH Good Practice Focal Persons>

Endorsed by:

<Name and signature of the CHD/BARMM-MOH Regional Director>


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