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3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

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Energy Saving at Sea

Module 1: Energy Saving at Sea - Engine Department

Quiz: Module 1 Back

Started on Thursday, 28 March 2024, 10:46 AM

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Completed on Thursday, 28 March 2024, 10:47 AM
Time taken 1 min 11 secs
Grade 3.83 out of 10.00 (38.33%) 1/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

When operating a diesel engine at part-load (e.g. at 40%), the engine itself is ______ (select the correct answer).

operating in dangerous conditions, outside its optimum design range 

operating close to its optimum efficiency where SFOC is the lowest

less efficient since the SFOC decreases for part-loads

less efficient since the SFOC increases for part-loads

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: less efficient since the SFOC increases for part-loads 2/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

When using settling tanks for heavy fuel oil, performance can be improved by ______ (select all the correct answers).

always using the lower suction outlet to minimize the space available for sludge accumulation 

avoiding frequent draining of water and sludge at the settling tank bottom drains 

refilling settling tanks in a single operation

insulating settling tanks, where possible

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: refilling settling tanks in a single operation, insulating settling tanks, where possible, always using the
lower suction outlet to minimize the space available for sludge accumulation 3/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

With regards to boilers and steam systems, which of the following statements are true? (Select all the correct answers).

Energy wastage can be avoided by adequate maintenance focused on leaks or steam trap losses 

Boilers are most efficient when operated at low load with partial combustion 

Boilers and steam systems are usually the third largest consumers of energy on board

Energy efficiency measures do not apply directly to boilers and steam systems

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: Boilers and steam systems are usually the third largest consumers of energy on board, Energy wastage can
be avoided by adequate maintenance focused on leaks or steam trap losses 4/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

Housekeeping energy savings measures can consist of ______ (select all the correct answers).

adjusting air conditioning to match the outside temperature 

ensuring that doors and portholes are opened when the air conditioning is operating to cool larger areas simultaneously 

switching off lighting in unused cabins 

always switching off lighting in all passageways during daytime

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: switching off lighting in unused cabins, adjusting air conditioning to match the outside temperature 5/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

Load management for auxiliary engines consists mostly of ______ (select all the correct answers).

planning ahead, to work out the number of efficiently loaded auxiliary engines required and then switching off unnecessary

operating only one auxiliary engine for electrical supply and using a second one in case of emergency 

planning ahead to operate auxiliary engines at optimal loads and aiming to reduce the use of multiple auxiliary engines 
when safe to do so

planning with the deck department and agreeing on time slots where auxiliary engines shall be shut down

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: planning ahead, to work out the number of efficiently loaded auxiliary engines required and then switching off
unnecessary engines, planning ahead to operate auxiliary engines at optimal loads and aiming to reduce the use of multiple auxiliary
engines when safe to do so 6/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

The IMO fuel oil consumption database ______ (select all the correct answers).

will provide confidential data on ship fuel consumption to be used only by the IMO 

requires accurate data on fuel consumption, and engineers can play a role in minimizing data errors on board  7/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

is not a direct measure for energy saving on board ships but provides a picture of CO2 emissions by the global fleet

will provide a basis to inform future actions by the IMO on ships’ greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: will provide a basis to inform future actions by the IMO on ships’ greenhouse gas emissions and energy
efficiency, requires accurate data on fuel consumption, and engineers can play a role in minimizing data errors on board, is not a
direct measure for energy saving on board ships but provides a picture of CO2 emissions by the global fleet

For every tonne of fuel oil saved on board, how much CO2 is estimated to NOT be released to the atmosphere? (Select the correct

1 tonne

3 tonnes

100 tonnes 

30 tonnes

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: 3 tonnes 8/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

When a ship is operated in slow steaming, engineers should be aware that ______ (select all the correct answers).

the main engine fuel oil annual consumption will increase

the economizer may not operate properly due to lower exhaust gas temperature 

the turbocharger may be operating below its optimum range 

the cylinder lubrication oil feed rates may need to be adjusted

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 2.
The correct answers are: the cylinder lubrication oil feed rates may need to be adjusted, the economizer may not operate properly
due to lower exhaust gas temperature, the turbocharger may be operating below its optimum range 9/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

With regard to the freshwater system, energy savings can be achieved by ______ (select all the correct answers).

producing as much water as possible to operate the freshwater generator at an optimum performance 

investigating for possible leaks as dripping could lead to significant water wastage 

replacing freshwater with seawater for the laundry

efficient water production through regular descaling of the freshwater generators

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: investigating for possible leaks as dripping could lead to significant water wastage, efficient water
production through regular descaling of the freshwater generators 10/11
3/28/24, 3:20 PM Quiz: Module 1: Attempt review | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

The engine specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) of a diesel engine is the quantity of fuel required to produce a unit of energy over
time, expressed as g (fuel) / kWh. The SFOC is a function of ______ (select the correct answer).

the temperature in the cylinder combustion chamber

the engine load

the engine installation date 

the propeller rotations per minute

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: the engine load 11/11

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