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PII\'$l.s-xI t,\It .

\)I) DIlrll\sl()\

1. Solution.(D)
* The quantities by means ofwhich we describe the Pressure (only quantities with identical dimensions
larvs of physics are called physical quantities. A can be added or subtracted)
physical quantity is completely specified if it has Ern 2
(r) Magnitude only Which of the follorring sets cannot enter into the
Ratio list of fundrmental qunntities in llny system of
Re&aclive index, dielectric constanl units?
(b) Magritude and unii (a) Length. mrss and Yelocity
Scalar (b) Length, time and velocitl'
Mass, cbrrge, curent (c) l\Iass, time and velocit.r"
(c) Magnitude, unit and direction (d) Length, time nnd mass
Vector Solution.(B)
Displacement. torque. The group of hrndamental quadities are those quantitisi
> Ph!'sical quantio = l\trgnitud€ x unil uhich do not delxnd upon other phi'sical quanlities in
Quantities: the group. But in set O) u'e can predict the relation
oft*'o types -
These are bet\\,een gr\,en quantities as length: velocity ' time
(a) Fundamental quantities Hence set (b)cannot enter iII to the list of fundamental
(b) Derived quantities quantities.
(a) Fundamental quintiti€s: Hence correct answer is
The quantities which do not depend upon other
physical quantities are called fundamental
quantities and all other quantities rnay be
.1 That fixed and definite quantity which we take as
expressed in terms ofthe fundamental quantity. our standard of reference and by which we
There are of seven firndamental quantities in SI measue other quatrtities of same kin4 is defined
systeIIF unit. There are of two types.
(, Mass (ii) Length (a) Fundamental Units
(iii) Time (b) Derived Units
(iv) Ternperan[e
(a) Fundam€ntrl Urits: The units which are
(\) Electric current independent and *'hich are not be derived from
(vi) Luminousintensity other units. are defined as ftmdamental u:its,
(l'ii) Amount of substance The unit ofrnass, length, and time.
These quantities are also called base There are seven fundamenral units.
quantities. (i) Unit of mass
(b) Derived qufl ntities: (ii) Unit of length
The quantities which are derived with the help of (iii) tlnit of time
fundamental qurntities is called derived quantities (i1) Unit of temperature
(v) Unit ofelectric current
Distance Len grh
(vi) Unit of lumioous intensity
Time Time
(vii) Unit ofamount ofsubstance
(b) Standard Units: The fixed and definite real
Here *.e know that lcnglh and time are the
value oi any physical qurntity is defined as
fu ndamental quantities.
standard unit.
Example- ) Properties of Units:
The urut of a physical quantity is inversely
The Bernoulli's equation is given by P +1 tlv'+ !
proportional to its numerical value i.e., u
: ". n
dgh constant The quantity dv2/2 has the same
rvhere u and n are the units of physical quantity
units as that of-
(A) Force (B) Impulse and its numerical value respectively. Relation
bets,een unit and its numerical value nr ur : n2 u2
((l) Stlain (D) Plessure

l'\ l1' .\\t) DI lt Irs I o\ PII \'S ( S.\ I

) Selection Criteria of Units: (f) Cnndela : It is the luminous intensity in a

(i) Selected unit must be universal, of proper direction al right angles to surface ofa black body
size and magnitude at a temperature equal to melting point of
(ii) Unit must be nol affected by temperature, platinum under pressure of 101, 325 N/nf .

pressure and time. (g) l\Iole:

(iii) Easily definable and reproducible. (i) Mole is that rmount of substance contains as
o System Of Units Used: rnany elementary €ntities as there are oxygen
These are of Four q,pes - atorns (8016) in 0.016 kg ofoxygen
(i) C.C.S - (Centimeter - Gram Second) system. (old def.).
(ii) M.K.S. (Mehe - Kilogram - Second) system (ii) It is that amounl of substance which contains
(iii) F.P.S. - (Foot - Pound - Second) system as many elementary entities as there are
carbon atoms uCl2 in 0.012 kg ofcarbon.
(iv) S.L - (System - international) ryrtem
Following table will show the difterence bet$€en
all the systems. ! Supplementary Unit :
Quudty C.G.S. M.LS. f'P.S. S.[(Symb) (a) Radian:-+ I radian is the angle subtended by arc
Mass gm kg pound kg of len$h equal lo lhe radius, at the centre of the
Length cm m Foot metre circle.
Time second sec Sec second
Temperature kelvin kelvin kelvin (K)
(b) steradian : it
is defined as the solid angle
subtended at the centre of the sphere by an arc of
Electric ampere tunperqA) its surface equal to the square of radius of the
Current sphere.
Luminous candela
g6lid xngts a
lntemity (cd) O=
Amount of mole(mol) WhenA : R2
substance C) = I steradian
Some defnitions offundsmental udts in S.I. system :
(a) Metre: One mehe is that distance which
accommodales l, 650, 761.7-l uaves in vacuum
Th€ accelerntion due to gravit! is 9.80 m/s2. What
of orange red light emitted by Kl6
is its Yalue itr ft/s2 ?
(b) Kilogram: (A) 30.15 ft/s'z (B) 32.14 fys'
(i) Kilogram is the mass ofplatinum iridium cylinder (C) 28.23 ft/s! (D) None ofthese
of diameter equal to its height which is presewed Solution.(B)
in a vault at intemational Bureau of weights
Because I m= 3.28 ft. therefore
and measures at Severs near Paris. !
9.80 dsl = 9.80 3.28 ft/s2:32.14 fl/s2
(ii) I kilogram is the mass of I lit. ofwater at 4'C

(tli) 1 kilogam is the nrass of 5 * I d5 atoms G*",npi;71

of cl2 A cheep lrrist watrh loses time at the rate of 8.5
(c) Second: One second is that amou of time in second a day. How mueh time will the watch be off
which a cesirmr-33 atom nakes 9, 1n, $1, 'l7O at the end of s month ?
(A) 4.25 min/month (B) 5 min/month
vibratiol in a cesium watctl
(C) 3.25 mii/month (D) 4.10 min/moDth
(d) Ampere : One anp is that electric current which
uten passed tkough two parallel conductors of
Time dela5 8.5 s;'day
infinite length and oi negligible cross section placed : 8 5 ,' 30 s/ (30 day)
at unit disbnce apart produce a force of 2 107 * = 255 ymonth
N/m : 4.25 mi month.
(e) Kelvin :

(i)l Kelvin is equal to lhe r ]'L part of the

Ilrool E*-pl"-al
If the units of force, energy and v€locitl in new
difference of melting poinr of ice and boiling system be 10N, 5J and 0"5 ms-l respectively, find
point of n aler. the units of mass, length and time in that system.
(ii) I Kelvin is equal
' to I th part of the Solution.
\{,. L,
27-1.16 Let T, be the units of mass, length and
thermodl.namic temperature of riple point of time in SI and M.. L. and T., the corresponding units
uater (273.16 K) in ne\r s) stem.

I,II \ \I( \.\I t'f 11 .1^\D DI\l[r-slo]
The dinensional fonnula lor fbrc€ is (MlLlT-2) . Some Points About Dlmemlons:
Eence the conversion formula for lbrce becomes (a) The dimersions of a physical quantity do not
r alr rl. r-i depend upon system of units to represent that
tM. ll i. tT. I

*=,,[",]1,.]Lr.] physical quantity.

(b) Pure numbers and pure ratio do not have any
Herc n,=l0N,rq=l Substituting we get dimensions. i.e. these are dimension less, e.g.
refractive index, relative d€nsity, relative
l:10 Iu,'][ L permeability. cos 0, ,r. strain etc.
L.4lL L, l'[+f
The dimensional formula for u.crk is (Ml L2 T-2.;
(c) Similar dimension can be added or subtncted bu1
it does not change the dimensions.
(d) For a physical equation to be correct
*:*[#]'[+l[+]' dimensionally the dimension of all terns on tra,o
sides of the equation must be same. This is kno*,n
nr:5J,nr:1 as the principle ofhomogeneity ofdimensions.
Substituting values we get (e) Logaritbmic fi.rnctiors as log x, ex is the
dimension less quantity.
,:, lr4r'l'[t ]=[l] ' (ii) ($
LM, l lL= llr,
Powers are dimension less.

Similarly dhrnsional fornn:ta for velocity isqrd tl fl; (g) Ifwe put the value ofany physical quantity in any
Hence, contersion formula fbr velocirv is formula it seems unbalanced but reality is that it
'lo is balanced formula. Only appearance is
[rv, untralanced as
E2= tr
L^41 [ L. S :u+ 11ln-
Here n, : 0.5 nx-l ,nz: l,

Substituting values we get (h) The dimeisions oftwo physical quantities may be
same but the quantities need not be similar.
r =os [-L]'[U' ''' '''(iii)
(i) Remember the following dimensional formula-
LL, -l Lr, l Force :
Energy = [MlLzT-:]
Dividing(ii) by (i),, : ) flses of Dimension :
i[+] The uses ofdimension are as given below.
L": L=1 m:0.5 m i. Homogeneiry ofdimensions in equation.
'22 ii Conversion ofunits
iii. Deducing relation among the physical
sulrtin,trrn -ua* or [f:Ll in (iii), rve get quantities.
LL' l i. Homogeneitl of Dimensions inEquation:
The dirncnsioru of all the terms in an equation
1:0.5.2 lr, l' must be identical. This simple principle is called
Lrl the principle of homogeneity of dimensions. This
= r.r.= r, is the very useful method whether an equation
may be correcl or not. If the dimensions of all the
terms are not same the equation must be wrong.
Substituting value o, * ---.! | tn Let us check the equation.
[*] [ T,l x:ut+ I atl
1: l0 Itl, I l= 20
tn.l 2
2 [x]:L
M, :
20M, = lkg, M, :20 kg.
Ml as
L.4l :
[ut] velociry ,, tinre
: length .,
time :L
Hence units of mass, length and time are 20 kg,
0.5 m and I sec respectively u.""1"m1isn \ (time)l
relocitv (lune)'
., lensth / time
* - ' - L
Dimensions ofa physical quantity are the powers tlme trme
to which the fundamental units of mass, length, Thus- the equation is correct as lk as the
time etc. must be raised in order to represent that dimeusions are concerned The equation x = ut +
physical quantity. atl is also dimensionally correct although this is
Dimensional formula : [Ma Lr,) Tc Qd] where a, b, an incorect equation. So a dimensionally conect
c, d are the dimensions of M, L, T, Q equation need not be physically correct but a
respectively. dimensionally lirong equation must be wrong.

t \I1 .\\U r)r\lr_\sIo) t'll \ sl( s-\ I
ii. Conversion of Units : > Limitations of the dimensionol method
When u'e choose to n ork with a different set of (a) First of all we have to know the quantities on
units for the base quantities, the units of all the s'hich a particular physical quantity depends.
derived 4untities must be changed. Dimensions
(b) Method works only if the dependence is of the
can be useful in finding the conversion factor for
the unit of a derived physical quantity &om one product type (Not applicable for x = ut + I atl;
system to other. 2

(Exarnpte+ ) (c) Numerical constants having no dimemiors

Convert the I pascal ill to C.G.S. system cannot be deduce by the method of dimensions.
(A)r0 ccs (B) 12 ccs (d) Method works only ifthere are as runy equations
(c) 9 cGS (D) 11 CGS available as there are unknowns.
P: fE-ln01"$l
A gas bubble from an explosion under $ater
Tlus. lpl: lFl _ MLT-: = ML-IT-2 oscillates with n period T proportional to p' db Ec
tAl L] rrhere p is the static pressure, d is the densitv of
So, I pascal: (1kg) (lmfr (lsf2and $ster End E is the total energ-v of explosion. Find
I C.C.S. pressue : (1g) (l cmfl (l sf2 the values of a, b and c.
I pascal (A)a= --: ,b= I ,c
I CGS pressure 3

(B)a = i I
j ,r= _,c
Ilkelt.lm,l llsl-
-ltr*.1t"," 6 l
I l.r'l r<
(()a= -,[: Il
= (10) (102) I : 10 )( -l,6:
or I pascal : l0 CCS presswe (D)None of these
One caa work out the conversion factor for any
deriyed quantity if the dimensional formula of the Solution(B)
derived quantity is known. As T .( pa db Ec :
k p" db E'
ili. Deducing Relation among the physlcal k is dimemions on both sides
Quantities:Sometimes dimensioos can be used to trft5.r :6r,ttrt1)a (Mtr)b (Mt L2 r2f
deduce a relatiotr between the physical quantities. :Ma+b- c ta- lb+ lcT- 2a- 2c
lf one knows the quantities on which a particular Applying prirciple of homogeneity of dimensions
physical quantify depends and ifone is given that I
this dependence is of product type. Method of .. a= -5 _I
dimension may be helpful to derive the relation-

6r"-pl"rl f E-"-rrl"tl
Deriy€ the expression for the time period of a The velocity y of w'ter waves depends upon their
simple pendulum which depends otr the lengtlL wayelength ?',, densitl of water p and acceleration
msss, nnd gravitational acceleration- due to grayity, 'g'. Deduce by the method of
Solution. dimensions the relation between these qufltrtiti€s.
t .cl'mb g'= 1
: kl" mb g' Solution
Let the velocity v ofxzter *,aves be given by
where k is a dimensiooless constant and a. b and c are
v ocLopb g"
exponents which we want to evaluate. Taking the
dimensions of both sides.
v: ki,"pb gl ...... (A),
: where k is dimensionless constant of proportiomlity
T: La Mb (LT-?f La + c Mb T 2c
and a. b, c are porers to be determined using
Since the dimensions on both side must be identical
principle of homogeneity of dimensions.
we have
Taking dimensions on both sides of equation (A), we
a+c:0 have
b=0 and-2c: I
I Nd rr : Ird Lt ff [Mr L-3 To]b
Giving a =-:.b=0 + cf2c
[MoLt 1:1": Yt * -]b
Comparing dimensions of mass, length and time, we
andc = I get
Putting this values in the equation t F
: k -,- 22
!e ..v = k^' -p- g' - . lhusvccJ/'g

PII ): SI ('S -\ I T'NII' A\D DIlII,-NSI0\
ple- thl = tll IM tlr 'l
If force F, length l, current I nnd time T are taken lhl=[ML2T-t]
lhl [ML2 T-t]
as fundamental base dimensions, then the III. Approach
dimemion of permlttil'ity €o are - Bobr's tr Postulate
(A) F L2 T2 G) tr-r L2 T2 J2 nh
(c) Fr 12 T2 12 (D) F2 L2 T2 12 2n
Solution(C) )-
_ r
I o,o.
n= mlr
btnce t= -..:.1--:: n
4rtxo t2 Substituting the dimemions of known
- (IT)(-IT) physical quantities :
we have [enl = lqr 'q.: ] - =Fl L:T: Jr :
" [F][r'l FL' lhl [mrr]
as 2n and n are dimensionless.
The corect answer is (c)
. + So SI unit of plank's constant is kg i#/s.
Application of dimensional analysis: Which can also be written as
1. IN MECHANICS (kg nPls:) x s. But as kg rfls2 is Joule so
(a) Write the definition or formula for the physical unit ofh is Joule " sec. i.e. J-s
(a) Replace M, L and T by the fuodamental mits of [cl Coefficlent of Viscosity 11

the required system to get the unit of physical I. Approach

[t] Graritational constant G:
According to Ne\aton's lau
=q = -j d]
I. Approach A[ I

From Nerrlon's larv ofgravitation we have

Substinrting the dimensional formulae ofall
-r m,E,
^ ----:-=tJ:^
U Frl
other known physical quantities.
r_ mlm,
- ttflT-rl
_ [MLr-: ][L: ] tnl=
t\4l tM l
II. Approach
,nt Nml Stoke's lswF = 6rtnff
50 tts Sl u ts ls --------=
kgs: >r= F
IL Approach
- _
From the relation t etween G and g we have Substituting the dimensional formulae of all
other known physical quantities.
B: Gm ^ eR:
. =)U=- IMLTTI
R'm lnl - [nJ = MI--t r-t1
Substituting the dimensions ofall physical n*r1:
quantitieslcl : [LT-: ][L: ] Itr, Approrch
tMl Poiseuille's formula

m3 Nm:
dV ,rpr4
So its Sl units is
'- kgsr. or
"' dt 8!f
- ooa{
[b] Plank constrnt h: -n:' ^

I. Apploach orl dv )
Accordirg to constant h :
at J
Substihrting the dimensional formulae of all
E:hv=h:9v other known physical quantities.
Substituting the dimensions of known physical
ln I =

quantities :
*., _ [MLrT-r]= yrg:1_r So SI a MKS mit of coefficieDt of viscosity is
T-' kg/nrs or (g/cms called poise in C.G.S.
II. Approach system)
De Broglie 2. IN HEAT:
L- +h=inw [al Temperature : Io heat it is assumed to be a

-mv fi.mdamental quantity 14'ith dimensiom [0]

Substituting the dimer,sions of known physical and unit Kelvin [K]. [How ever, AK : AC'].
quantities :

\ It' ,\\D I)I\IE\SIO\ PHl SI ('S.\ I

tbl Heat : It is energy so it dimensions are [i]Gas constatrt R:

[MLz1-:1 and SI Units Joule (J). Practrcal According to gas equation for perfect gas
unit ofheat is calorie (cal.) and Pv = gRT
I calorie : 4.18 joule : [YL'I--L[q ]
i.e.rn r
lcl Coefficient of Linear Eqransion a :
tril to l
It is defined as u : 4 i.e.[R] [ML2 T-2e-r p-r]
LA0 So its SI uit is J/mol-K. While practical unit is
rI_r caUmol-K. Ir is a uriversal constant with value
l.e l c.l= ---:---!
tLlt0l 8 .3 I J/mol-K or 2 cal/mol-K.

i.e.[cr] : [0 t] b:
l or K-l [] Yander Waal's constants x and
so its unit is (Cof Vander Waal's equation
tdl Speciffc Heat C
: mC A0
AsO h. ") (v-b)=Rr ..(a)
SoC:---: Vander waal's equation for p mol is -

= [ML-]T-. l L-cI'ltv-pb'l:gRr
v'l ....(b)
tM 1t0l L
[c] : [L2 T-2 e-t] conrpare eqD (a) and (b)
So its SI unit be J/kg-K while practical unit u2a'=aandFb':b
cal/gm-C. tu',: [a]
lel Latent Hest L lu'l
By detinitiorQ : Ml
i.e. [L]: [ML2 T-2] I [M] Andlb l = !:-l 1,[a'l - [mL'I :u :1
+ [Ll = [L2 T-2] a,nd :
So its SI udt be J&g while practical unit [b'] [L3F-t]
J - m'
caVgnr Unit of a' and b are 1' -d
mo12 mol
[4 Coefncietrt of Thermal conductivity K respectively.
According to law of thermal conduclivity 3. In Electricity:
!9 :re !9 (a) Curent I : While dealing electicity we assume
dt dx current to be a fimdamental quantity and
IML2T, / TI represent it by [A] with unit anpere (a)
OrtKl:- (b) Charge Q
tL'lts / Ll q
+[K] [MLT 3o-t] AsI=
Its SI unil is WmK while practical unit
sotQl =E ttl= tal = tetl
is caVs - cnrCo.
The SI unit ofcharge is A s and is called corlonb
[gl Mechanical Equivale of Heat J : (c),
Accordiog to I law of thermodltamics
W=JH Note:)r
, w llufl-tf'l (D In MKSQ system charge is assumed to be
fi.rndamental quantity with dimension [Q] and uoit
-J=- H -L"t [Iutr=T-: ]
coulomb. So in this system ctment will be
i.c.[J] : [\d Lo To] derived with dimension [QT-l] and units coulomb
i.e. J has no dimensions. Its practical unit is / s which is ampere.
J/cal and has value 4.18J/cal. (iD In CCS system there are two units of charge
namely esu of charge fra*line (Ft) and emu of
[h] Boltzmann constant K :
According to kinetic theory of gases, energy of a charge. It is fomd that
gas molecule is given by I coulomb : 3 ' lOe esu ofcharge
s:1rr = (I'i.-u or.mrn..
2 \lo,
:] (c) Electric potential V:
i.e tKl = IMLrT
t0t It is defined as V :I
i.e.[K] : [ML2T-? 0-r]
So its SI unit is l and value 1.38 x l0rz: J sor\n: [Y!]

PII YSI ('S -X I I \Il 1\t.' Dl] ,_\5tO\
i.e.[v] : [NfL2 T-3 A 1] (i) Resistivity or slrcific Reslstance p:
So SI unit of potential is J/C and is called
volt (V) esn:4
(d) Electric intensity E:
It is defined as 66 o : rrlR
.F 't
E _-
tpl : [R-[!'] ] r [RL] J [ML3 T-] A-21
so fE1 = [MLT-:l And its umt is ohm-m or ohm-cm.
>[El : [MLTr A-t]
So SI unit ofelectric htensity is $) Coefficient ofselfinduetion L :
According to definition
Newton N -m
--t _ /q][T]
Coutomb L EMF=!{ ort.' = [w
c -m
dt " til
N-m J v ..e.tlt
f C
IML]T-r / ATllrl
c - ll't m
(e) Capacitance C
It is defined as =[t!4L2T-2A-2]
q: CV . volt-s
and its u t --' - -+ ohm s is called
i.e.C= I :d r"rv: Yr
v w' q' Henry (H).
(k) Magnetic llux 0:
' - trv{L'T-'l
=lcl=:*=M-r L-:TtAl
According to faraday's law of electro-magnetic
and its unit coulomb / volt is called farad. induction
Note :)t. E.M.F,:
as W :
qV joule / coulomb is volt -+ V dt
q : CV coulomb / volt is farad -+ F
(0 Permlttivity of free spnce q: sotfl:tEMrlrrr:lf]n
According to coulomb's law
p: I q,q: =[0]:[ML2T2/AT][T]
: [ML2 T-2 A-r]
4xto 12 and its unit will be voltr s known as Weber (Wb.)

+ ltol =
lql' = [A:T'l O lllagnetlc Inductlon B :
lr]lrF trfiTr]tlrl As force on a cunent element in a rDagnetic

= [%]: [M t L-3 T4 42] field is given by F = Bi{ sin 0

Coul Coul2 fBl = lf
tY'!:r -
is __:_::- = - -'' = .,
r A rland unit
N _ m _ J]
and its unit
N-ml J-m [as
tiltrl= tAttl-l:l Mr
Coul I Joule
I N J C-V Yolt-s
coul ] Axm Axm: A-m2 m2

F f coul .l --+
wY and is called tesla (T).
_t as _ terzd I =
=, m
I r'olt ] Note:13.

(g) Dielectric constant K or Relative As{ :BAcos0

Permlttlyitysr: r,n I IMLIT-2A-l l
qo tB'l = !:l
As K -+q = (€ieo)so it has no units lsl tlj l
anddimensions. w"!"'
= [MT 2 Ar] and unit
(h) Resistance R: (m) Magn€tic Intemity E :
According to ohm's law V = IR For Biot-savart law:

=n: a:
Iql' r".v: Yt
q' 69 - [o ld/sio0=B=u^H
= lRl tArltAl
"!"tf - [ML: r-r A-:]
= fnf = lYl
Lr' j
= IAL rl and unir A,h.

.Ard its unit volt / ampere is called ohm (C!)

t .\" 11 .1}I) DltlENSIO\ PtlYsI( 5-\ I
Physical flimensionr Units Relation


Mag. Flur $ IML'T 'A 'l Maxs,ell lwb = l0'" Ntx

Mag. Induction B tMr'a-'1 Weber/mror tesla Gauss lT=10'G
Mag. Intensity H tAr 'l Ampere,/m Oresled


(n) l\{agnetic Dipole moment M: Gr"

AsM : Nis Find out the dimenslon of L Qnductance)-
: (A)Mr L2 T-2A-2 (B) lt{r L3 t2 A-2
= [M] [AL2]
and so unit A nf. (c) Mr L2 T-3 A-2 @) Mr L2 T-2 A-r
(o) Permenbility offree space pr: Solutlon(A)
Force per unit length between two parallel current
carrying u"ires is given by: WeknowthatL= N A
dF yo I,I. But if we do not remembs the dimension of
dL 4rr p then it will be diffrcult for us to determine the
t n1
- Lr'l
=lu^l=lil dimersion of L.
Therefore we will use
lrrtr'l u:1r-r.-r= ?9
-tFol=l ^1 I
Lr\ I
: IML T-2 A-2] (WhereU: energy of inductor)
... U=M1 LTT:
and its urlits
N J Volt-s ohmxs H
Ar A'm A-m m m tM3 Lb Tc Adl = :_____=______r

fE tA'l
a, b"-pdil
are tlyo different physical quantities with
: [Mr L? T-2 A-:]
... [Ma Lb Tc Ad]
different dimensions which one of the followirg is .. a= I,b:2, c:-2,d:-2.
con'ect ? Hence conect answer is (A)
(A)E+b (B)a-b ((r)a/b (D)ed} Note:tc.
Solution.(Cl) Similarly find out the dimension ofR & C

mDle- Fromp : FR: power = work

v = at + b Fitrd out the value ofa, b, c- andU: fcv::Enercv.
ct+v 7''
(A) tr, Lr 1.2
L2 T-1, L2
(B) Lr 12! Lr T'r, Lr T-2 C'".ffi1
(c) Lr T-2, L2 rr, Lr T-2 To convert the pbysical quantity of one unlt to
(D) Lr T-2, L2 T-1, Lt T-3 physical quantity ofanother unlt.
Solution.(C) Solution.
I force of M.K.S. : x force C.G-S.
flT-rl:a1T1 + :+ I Ll T:]M.K.S
C[Tl + M"UT-'
--b : [MI
x [Mr Ll T-r] C.c.S
b=L2T-r + (kg)I (m)r (sec)2 : x (gm)r (cm)r (sec)-:
c:LIT2 :+ (1000)r (gm) (100)r(cm) (secf2
Hence correct aNwer is (C). = x (gm)r (cm)r (sec)-:
Note:)r It is difficult to remember dimensions of all x:105
the quantities so if we waat to find out So I force of M.K.S- = 105 force C.G.S.
dimensions of any quantity we should use the
formula in which u'hatevet the quantities we
are using, rhat should be go towards (A) Normally decimal is used after hrst digit using
fu ndamental quantities. powers ofteq

PII\ \I( \-\ I l \ll' .\\D DIIIE\St()\
Example: -1750 m will be written as Ax ,. Av *tcl_.Lz
Af .a _-iD
3.750 x 103m ^
lxyz -
(B) The order of a phvsical quantity is expressed in
The fraction erors (with proper multiples of
power of l0 and is taken to be 1 if< (10)l/:
: exponents) add- The error in fis * Afl
3.16 and 10 if> 3.16
Exnmple: speed oflight : 3 r 108, order = 108
. Important Points:
(A) When two quantities are added or subtracted the
Mass ofelectron:9.1 x lOJI, order: l0-30
absolute error in the find is the sum of the
(C) Signiflcant digits : In a multiplication or
absolute error in the quantities.
division of lwo or more qu.antities. the number of
significant digits in the answer is equal to the (B) When two quantities any rrultiplied or divided,
number of significant digits in ihe qruttity which the fractional error in the resuh is the sum of the
has the minimum number ofsignilicant digit. fractional error in the qMntities to be multiplied
Example 12.0/7.0 will have two significant or to be divided.
digits only.
(D) The insignificant digits are dropped from the (C) If the same qMntity x is multiplied togethe! n
result if &ey appear after the decimal point. They times (i.e. xn), then the fractional error in xo is n
are replaced by zeroes ifthey appear to the left of times the ftactional eror in x,
two decimal point. The least significant digit is .Axrn
rounded according to the rules given below.Z
Thus, we wite.
25.2 x t371 : lO4O. In an erperiment to determine Ecceleration due to
gr' bl simple pendulum, a student commit
Example- positive error in the measurement of length and
EvEluate 24.36 + 0.0623 + 256,2 Jyo negative error in the mersurement of time
(A) 280.7 {B) 24s.s (C) 27s.2 (D) 266.3 period.
Solution.(A) The percentage error in the value of g ntll be-
24.36 (A) 7o/o (B) 10%(C) 4% (D) 3%
0.0623 Solutior: (A)
We knorv T: k
Now the first column where a doubtfirl digit occurs is
the one just next to the decinul point (256.2). All !e
digits dght to this colunn must be dropped after
proper rounding. The table is rewritten and added T,:k lllol"\

24.4 > 'n:tl I
0.1 T:
49 loo: 41, loo + 2ar * loo
The sum is 280.7 gtr'
: 1o/. + 2'4 3o/o:7o/o
.!. IfAx is the error in measurement x, then
[ms1l6nal srr61 : 4l CATIPER5 & 5CREW GAUGE
.i A metff scale can measure accurately up to one
Percentage eror: 4! u t00 tenth part of one cm. Its least measurement 0.1
Percentage error in experimental measurement
crn is called least count of scale. There is
experimental \'alue - S tatrdard \,alue
limitation of meter scale that the meter scale
- cannot measwe the value less than 0,1 cn For
S tandard value
greater accuracy measurement we have devices
Propagation Of Error (Addition And such as.
Let error in x is Ax, and error in y is + Ay, then
(i) l'ernierClallipers
A vernier callipers provides with an auxiliary (or
the error in x + y or x - y is i (Ax t Ay). The
vernier) scale in addition to the rnain scale. The
erors add
vernier scale can slide along the main scale. The
> Multipllcatiotr And Dlvision :
vernier scale is so graduated (or marked) thal the
Let errors in x, y, z are respectively + Ax, + Ay
length oftotal number of divisions on it is smaller
snd + Az. Then errff in a quantity f (defined as)
by lenglh of one division on main scale.
f: l-L is obtained liom the relation The least count of vernier scale is calculated by
z' using the lbllowing formula

l:\11- .\ \l) t)I \t t_r.'s Io\ PII) St( s-xl
l,east count of vemier scale (or vemier constant) this condition screw gauge has zero-error,
value of I main scale division other$,ise the instrumeDt is said to have zero-eror
Total number ofdivision on vemier scale n $'hich is equal to the cap reading u,ith the gap
0r closed. This error is positive when zero line or
L€ast count (vernier constano : I M.S.D reference line of the cap lies above the line of
(Main scale division) - I V.S.D. graduation and conesponding corrections will be
(vemier scale division). iust opposite otherwise vice-versa-

(ffii Gr^-Dl"-l8l
What n'ill be the measurement of following screw
If N division of vernier coincides lltth (N - 1)
gauge position?
divlsion of main scale. Given one main scale
dMsion is equfll to 'a unit', frnd the least count of
tbe vern er.
Vernier constant: IMSD - IVSD
- - -=--45 :

= ('- xl'lvrso= a. Solution:
I-N, N
Reading : Main scale reading + Number of circular
Cenerally, the value of I rnain scale division on scale division (or screw gauge reading)xleast corml
vernier calipers is 0-l cm and there are l0 divisions
3mm + 45x 0.0lmm: 3.45 rnrD
on the vernier scale, i.e., x:
0.1 cm and n: I0.
.. Least count of vernier calipers
Exa I
0.l cm
=_ = 0-01 crr1 \['hat will be the meflsul'ement of follorring screr
l0 gauge position?
o Z.ero error of vernier calipers:
0 ar= 2 5
If the zero marking of main scale ald vemier 20
calipers does not coincide, necessary conection 1 5
1 0
has to be made for this error which is knox':r as
zero eror of the instrument. If the zero error of Solution:
the vernier scale is to the right of the zero of the Reading : Main scale reading + Number of circular
main scale the zero error is said to be positive & scale division (or scre*, gauge reading) xleast count
the correction will be negative othern'ise vice 5mm+(50+i6)xg.g1*o
versa. 5mm+0.66rnrn:5.66rnm
(ii) Screw gauge:
Least count
Total aumber ofdi(ision n on the circular scale
Zero error ofscrew geuge:
In a perfect instrument the zeros of the main scale
and circular scale coincides uith each other. in

PHYSt( S-\I t \n .r\t) I)I1ll._\slo\
:Baseilon Units
III. Volt C.Coulomb x Volt
IV. Coulomb D.Oersted x cm
I. Which is the corect unit for measuring nuclear E AmP x 63us5
radii ?
(A)Micron (B) millimetre F AnP2 x 966
(C)Angstrom (D) Fermi Codes:
2. W}ich of the following is not a unit of time ? (A)r-A,n-F,rn-E,rv-D
(A) microsecond (B) leap year (B)I-C,tr-F,m-A,ry-B
(C) Imar month (D) light year
3. The magaitude ofany physical quantiry
(D) I _ B,TI_ F,Itr_ A,IV _ C
(A) Depends on the method of measuement
(B) Does not dep€nd on the method of 11, Ifx=at+bt2, where x is the distance
(C) Is more in SI system than in CGS system travelled by the body in kilometers while t is
(D) Dhectly proportional to the fundamental the time in seconds, then the units of b are
units of mass, length and time (A) lcn/s (B) kn-s (C) kds' 1o1k *'
4. One second is equal to
(A)165076-3.73 tinr of Kr clock
periods 12. The equation lp*41(r-U) constanr. The
(B) 652189.63 time periods of Kr clock
\ v'l
unils of a are
(C)165076.1.73 time periods of Cs clock
(D) 9192631770 time periods of Cs clock cms
(A) D,ne x (B) Dlme x cm{

5. Density of wood is 0.59m / cc in the CCS (C) Dyne/cml (D) Dyne / cm2
system of rmils. The corresponding value in
MKS units is
13. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
aoswer by using the codes given below the lists
(.4')500 (B)5 (c) 0.5 (D) 5000
6. The velocity of a particle depends upon as (A)Distance between earth and stars
v=a+bt+ct:; if the vetocity is in m/sec, (B)hter-atomic dtstance in a solid
the unit ol a will be (C)Size ofthe nucleus
(D) Wavelength ofinfrared laser
(A)m/sec (B) m / secl
(C) m2 / sec (B) m / secl l. Micrors
7. If ur and u, are the units selected in nvo 2. Angstroms
3. Light years
systenrs of measurement and n, and n, their 4. Fermi
numerical values, then 5. Kilometres
(A)n,u, =n.u, (B)n,u, +n,u. =0 Codes
(C)n,n, =u,u, (D) (nr +ur)=(n: +u.) a b c d
(A) 5 4 2 I
8. To determine the Young's modulus of a wire, (B) -l 2 4 I
y l,l; : (c) 5 2 4 3
the formula rs = where L length,
A AI- (D) .1 4 I 2

A=area of cross-section of the wire, AL =

change in length of the wire u'hen stretched 14. In C.C.S. system the magnitude of the lbrce is
u,ith a force F. The conversion factor to
100 dynes. In another system wher€ the
fundanental physical quantities are kilograrr
change it from CGS to MKS system is men-e arrd rain]o.te, the magnitude ofthe force is
(A)l (B)10 (c) 0.1 (D) 0.01 (4)0.036 (8)0.36 (C) 3.6 (D) 36
9. One yard in SI units is equal
(A)1.9144 rtre (B) 0.9144 ntre 15, A physical quantity is measwod and its value is
(C)0.09144 kilorpbe (D) 1.0936 kilometre found to be nu where n = numerical value
10. Match List-I with LisrII and selecl the correct and u = unit. Then which of the iollowing
answer using the codes given below the lists rehtions is true
List-I List-II (A) (B)n xu
I. Joule A.Henry x Amp/sec
II. Watt B.Farad x Volt (C) n cc rfi @)n "r !


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