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Drakkenheim: Resurrection

A Campaign Guide by O;N

Appendix D: The Testament of the Falling
The Preamble
Brethren, may the Flame shine and enlighten the dark things of this world. May evil be
burned away, and truth shine forth. Those who love the Light embrace It and walk in It. Those
who hate the Light fear It and hide away from It. I shrink not from the Light, and those who know
It and walk in It will know I speak true.
To me has the Flame been kind, and I know that it is by mercy the Light has brought me
thus far on and sheltered me in Its glowing warmth. For I speak not of myself; verily, if I were the
author and finisher of the faith, all mankind were doomed. I am a fellow and a sister to the
faithful, and I speak the words of Truth given unto me by the Flame. I am not unique among Its
chosen vessels - many have come before me, and many shall yet follow.
From my youth, my heart was always towards the Flame, and my tongue sang Its
praises. I was raised in perfect uprightness by my elect mother, whose careful tutelage was
accompanied by sharp reprobations against sloth and frivolity, and deep meditation on the
profoundness of the spirit and of the guidance given unto us by the Holy Scriptures and the
inspiration of the Flame. In youth, my time was eaten up in service to the Flame and to my
fellow-men, for all we can offer the Flame is our hands and our hearts.
By faith and by the mercy of the Flame, it was given unto me power to do Its work, and I
went forth in my charge. Thousands have touched me in my service, and I pray unto God that I
may have edified them in return.
In those days, I was mindful of the teachings of the Church, but even at this early
juncture signs appeared that contradicted the words of the prophets. Even in the innocence of
youth, the charging of services seemed to me to pollute the Work, and I spoke out publicly
against it. The Flamekeepers ought to fear the corruption brought upon them by gold more than
they ought fear any influence from the sacred stones of the falling star. In time, I found myself
reminding my fellow-sisters more and more that the Church is in service of the Flame, not the
Flame in service of the Church. I was alive when the last king of Elyria stepped from his position
of power, and I was appalled to see the Church occupy it. Even to this day, the Church forgets
that it is the Kingdom of God on the Earth, with the Flame at its head; to marry itself to the
kingdoms of the Earth is to make the Church an adulterer, and in due time the prophecies shall
be fulfilled.
To me was given great power, and in dire times when storms buffeted the lands of the
Faithful, I called upon the Flame to calm them and turn them away. By miracle, the temple of
Alsace was built, and I credit that not to my power, but to the power of the Flame. I am merely a
vessel to carry out this work, and the Flame is merciful to use my hands to do so.
My years in service as a Flamekeeper have been long and rewarding, and my heart has
been prepared for the coming of the New Dawn.

Disaster has befallen our world, but as the prophet says, “Surely the Flame will do
nothing save It first reveal Its secrets unto Its servants.” The revelation was given to me. In
dreams, the Flame revealed unto me the future, and the inevitable descent of the Falling Fire. It
was as brilliant in my dreams as it was in the flesh when I witnessed it fall from heaven. I
prophesied the breaking of the kingdoms, and the slothfulness and ignorance of the Faithful. I
foresaw the destruction and the corruption, and I foresaw the Light spring forth from it. It is as I
said long ago – One day soon, we will near the end of our world - an age where great heroes
will be needed. These holy stones were heaven-sent so we might prepare our spirits to meet the
all-consuming shadows. In our darkest moment, the Sacred Flame will set alight our blazing
hearts as one.
I published my vision abroad, unto the cardinals of our Faith, unto the highest of the
Church. Scripture records the vitriol and malice of devils, and yet I would count that calumny
kinder than the bile spewed at me for foretelling the Falling Fire's coming. Those who once
called me "friend" departed from me. Backbiters and slanderers made me a mockery. Despite
miracles, signs, and visions, I was treated like a common blasphemer. Even today, I am proven
correct, and still they foam at the mouth, still they wag their tongues, still they rage and conspire
against me.
Their hearts have turned heavy as stones, and they eat up the people of the Faith. This
all was foretold by ancient prophets. They saw as clearly as I did the future and the fate of our
world, as the prophetess Joanna said that in the last days, the hidden Enemy shall emerge from
its slumber, and even the righteous will be deceived. Or, as prophesied by Eliean, that when
truth shall descend from heaven, those who are dead and sinful shall be made alive, while those
who cast doubt and confound shall be burned away as chaff.
Was it not said that the stars shall fall from heaven, and yet all this shall be in
accordance with the hour and time of the Flame? Was not Tarna’s comet a sign and a wonder
in the heaven, and righteousness was established from its telling?
And despite all this, these many testimonies and words of the prophets, evil has
hounded me all the days of my life, from a Church who has stopped up their ears, who refuse to
see, who has closed off their hearts, and whose hands are stained with the blood of the
innocents. It is as the prophets said, that as it was in the first, it shall be in the last.

Chapter 1
1 The Light shelters us, preserves us, edifies us, and to us the Light has given the promise of a
New Dawn.
2 Were it not for the Light, we are all lost in the infinite blackness of eternal Chaos.
3 But how great the mercy and the wisdom of the Flame! That the brightest Light shall cast the
darkest shadow; and likewise, from the deepest darkness, emerges the brightest light.
4 Counsel not with the Flame; shrink not from its judgment. Those found with dross may yet be
purged, but the chaff stands ready to burn.
5 Purify yourself, prepare every needful thing, and watch for the deliverance of the Flame. The
hour is at hand, and the fulfillment of days is upon us.
6 Yea, all the Earth groans like a woman in travail; the pangs of her hour are bitter, but how
sweet will be her joy when it is delivered, when Truth shall spring forth from the Earth.
7 Can you hear the stones sing? They sing of a new day, of the promise of the world to come.

Chapter 2
1 As said the prophet Abkhaziel, “The world is swallowed up in filthiness, yea, even the
righteous have erred from the path.
2 “With baubles and jewelry they bedeck themselves, yet their hearts are plain and unadorned;
yea, they will put on their gold and silver, but will not put on the justice of God.
3 “Repent, o ye iniquitous, for out of the pitch shall arise the Brand, from black coal shall come a
Burning, and from midnight oil shall come the Sign.”
4 When the Flame brought forth its mighty work upon the Earth, it sought out the righteous and
the pure, that it might bring the Elect forth unto the Victory.
5 The Flame looked down from heaven to find the upright. To them would be given the keys to
the heaven and the Earth.
6 Not one was found righteous; no, not one. Like sheep without shepherd, all had gone astray;
caprice and vice ruled men, and trouble and sorrow followed them.
7 Then ordained the Flame, from uncleanness shall be made a Saint; yeah, from filthiness shall
come the cleanser; with Fire in her hands and and in her heart.
8 ¶ One was among the people of the Earth, her heart beset with the service of the vile, and her
hands stained with the blood of the innocent.
9 Upon her brow was a crown of black iron, and she trod upon the Earth and broke up the rocks
and the hard places.
10 And all men feared her, and wondered at her passing, for great power was given to her to
deceive men.
11 She sat in the house of the Enemy, and with evil did she sup, and did them obeisance.
12 None challenged her, for she was lifted up above all others, and signs and wonders did she
in the name of the Enemy.
13 Her words were like the rush of the storm, and her hand smote with the weight of the void.
14 Waste lay at her feet, and the Earth trembled at the terror of the Blackguard Tarna.
15 ¶ In dream Tarna lay, her heart choked with the weight of days.
16 In dream came whispering, a prodding, a coaxing.
17 The embers of her heart were kindled, and she awoke and was troubled.
18 She turned her face from the Enemy, and from the Earth, and went away into a high place.
19 She broke the mountains underfoot; upon Mount Cheliad she trod, and Mount Eliezer was
cast down, and still she fled.
20 Shrouded in darkness, Tarna lost herself, yet still she pressed onwards, her feet guided by a
candle, and a falling star, and at her side Micah, the beggar.
21 In the darkness, she stood upon Mount Zheram, the Mount of the Angels.

Chapter 3
1 And it came to pass that, being weary, Tarna fell, and the candle was snuffed; yea, at the
deepest hour on the new moon, Tarna cast herself upon the Earth and wept.
2 And there came a voice saying, “Why weepest thou?”
3 And Tarna cried out, “I am encompassed by blackness, yeah, darkness hath taken me and
polluted me. It robs my eyes of sight, and my ears of hearing, and my heart of compassion, and
my hands of cleanliness; yea, in darkness I have roamed, and darkness hath swallowed me up.”
4 And the voice said unto her, “Arise,” and she arose, but did not see.
5 And the voice said unto her, “To thee will I give a new heart, and I will put into you the Breath
of the Flame; yea, I will coax you to a new life.
6 “That which is dark shall become Light; that which is cold shall become Warm; that which is
unknown shall be revealed; and that which is unholy shall be purged.”
7 And Tarna said, “Who art thou? And how mayest thou give unto me a new heart?”
8 And the voice said unto Tarna, “Fear not, believe only.”
9 And Tarna believed, and was still.
10 And Tarna’s heart was drawn out. And the voice said, “This heart is burdened. I will give it
unto Micah to bear, and he shall be thy companion in the darkness.
11 “Go, and do justice, in the name of the Flame.”
12 And Tarna said, “Who is the Flame, that I might serve it?”
13 And the voice said, “The Flame stirs in the hearts of the children of men. To them It shows
justice and truth, and victory over sin and darkness. The Flame cloaks the heavens and guards
us from all evil. The Flame is at our feet to show the way, It is in our hands to share unto others,
It is at our hearth to warm us when we are overcome.
14 “I say unto you, pray unto the Flame with full purpose of heart, nothing wavering, and to you
will be given power over the Enemy, and power to drive darkness from the world.”
15 And Tarna bowed her face unto the Earth, for she knew who spake. “Thou art Michael, and
thou are Gabriela, you are the angels that dwell in the presence of the Flame. Purify me, I pray!”
16 And the voices said, “To you is given the power to speak the words of Truth, to coax the
Flame of the children of men, and to be purged and come into its presence.
17 “In dust and ashes thou dost repent, and from darkness thou shalt step into the Light.”
18 And Tarna descended from Mount Zheram, and saw that the Flame was upon all peoples of
the Earth.
19 And in her faith, her purple heart turned gold.
20 To her was given eyes to see, and ears to hear and understand, and a heart of compassion;
and her hands were clean to do the work of the Flame.
21 And to her was given a sword to conquer, and to rend the enemies of the Flame upon the
Chapter 4
1 Little children, (wherefore, we art yet children before the Flame), let us take heed to the words
of the prophets.
2 For it was from Tarna that the Flame performed its work upon the Earth, yea, from darkness
and wickedness the Flame prepared a vessel of righteousness.
3 Unto her was given the secret ordinance, and to her was entrusted the Sacred Heart.
4 So likewise, in these last days, the Flame has shown unto us the sacred ordinance, the holy
Sacrament of the Falling Fire,
5 and the faithful shall be given a new heart, and ears to hear, and eyes to see, and clean
6 Signs and wonders follow the faithful, but take note - miracles and signs follow. Faith comes
first, then repentance unto understanding.
7 From faith, understanding. From understanding, charity. From charity, connection to the
Flame. From connection to the Flame, salvation.
8 ¶ In accordance with the scriptures of old, the Faithful have gathered together into the right
place to partake of the glory of the Flame.
9 As in days of old, the faithful shall be gathered from the four corners of the Earth to sing unto
the Flame.
10 From the book of Saint Tarna: “And the angel said, "Look!" And I [Tarna] looked up, and
beheld the glory of the Flame; And the Flame shone round about the Earth, in every land, and
unto every people.
11 And I saw the Flame pass into the West, beyond Mount Zheram.
12 And the angel said, "Lo, the Flame shineth upon all the Earth, and Its children are gone up to
It. The righteous rejoice, and they that sit in darkness cannot hide, and are burned away as
chaff, yea, as dross. Go now unto it, seek the Flame, and there build Its kingdom."
13 And I went, and the children of the Flame went with me. To Zheram we went, and there we
built the kingdom.
14 And we dwelt with the Flame. And the Flame dwelt in our hearts.”

Chapter 5
1 How shall these things be? How shall the wicked be cleansed, and how shall the Light emerge
from the Darkness?
2 Behold, thou incredulous. Take heed, thou fool. For the Flame does not cast Its light in
crooked paths, yea, It shineth forth unto all the Earth.
3 To him who is willing and humble, the same shall be chosen to come forth from out of the
nations. To him who hath no lie nor guile, the same shall be given a tongue of Flame.
4 Darkness shall grip them; yea, they must traverse the valley of the shadow of death, in
accordance with the Holy Scriptures.
5 All is laid on the altar of the Flame. The faithful unburden themselves, and are sanctified.
6 Then shall he be purified, and cleansed from his iniquity, yea, in mighty struggle and great
wrestlings with the principalities of evil and sin.
7 But to him who hath a new heart, the Flame will endow power to overcome, both in this world,
and in the world to come.
8 When the angels came upon Saint Tarna, she asked for their forgiveness and redemption.
9 The angels did not deliver her redemption, for such is only found in the service of the Sacred
Flame. Let the Sacred Flame set your heart alight, and you shall be redeemed.

Chapter 6
1 Darkness fills the void, and elder things from outer spheres beset us.
2 Were it not for the Flame, there would be only darkness. And in the darkness, only the wailing,
the gnashing of teeth, the claws and fangs, and the twisted things from beyond.
3 These things are removed by the power of the Flame and kept at bay by the faithfulness of the
4 The Falling Fire has passed through the Flame; thus, it cannot belong to the vile evil that
seeks to overcome;
5 Were it so, surely Legions of dread cacodaemons would overtake us all. Let it be not so!
6 But verily, any thing that passes through the Flame is purified, and its imperfections are
burned away.
7 Shall we reject the one thing that has bathed in the flames of the Sacred Fire? Shall we so
easily reject this last gift of eternity?

Chapter 7
1 A brave end is upon us, but also a glorious destiny. For in the last days, great heroes will arise
to triumph over all darkness.
2 In a world of so much darkness, the Flame burns in our hearts. From thence, it can be carried
to the world, and when the world alights, all hearts shall burn as one.
3 Come, ye meek and lowly! Come, hear the songs of righteousness, and the eternal destiny
that awaits the true believers, and to you will be given the powers of salvation, first to this land,
then to all others.
4 I call you to follow in the footsteps of Saint Tarna. Walk with us through the wasteland, as she
did, on that night of long shadows. The ruins of the Sacred City are as the slopes of the Mount
of Angels, and that glowing crater is as the place where angels sang divine truth.
5 Oh how happy the fate of those Elect! Oh how joyful, to be swallowed up in the eternal will of
the Flame, a divine plan set forth from before the foundations of this world, that we may be
purified and come again into the fold.
6 Woe unto the wicked! Woe unto them that sit in darkness, and fear the Light. Woe unto them
that reject the truth of the Flame and its messengers.Yet they shall have no power over the
Champions of the Falling Fire, who stand with their hearts sanctified, and are entrusted with the
fate of the ages.
7 Come, and be purified. The Flame purifies us, as metal is purified of dross. Even as we carry
the Flame in our hearts, the Flame will carry us to our eternal destiny. Shine forth, and the
nations of the Earth will see the truth, and the Flame will reveal its face and shine upon us.
In trouble, my soul is glad. In battle, my soul is strong. In distress, my soul is calm. In
calumny, my soul is unwavering. I rejoice at my sufferings and the sufferings of the faithful, for
the night comes quickly, and we must be tempered with Fire to endure it.
How lucky we are, we happy few, to stand and see the salvation of the Flame, to see Its
mercy towards the inhabitants of this land. To us is given a sacred charge, a secret most
profound, the key to the turning of the age, and the safeguard in the world hereafter.
How bright and sweet is the kiss of the Flame! How warm is Its embrace. And when I
think of the tribulations, I rejoice because the Flame will show Its mighty tongue yet, and deliver
the faithful from evil.
The work of the Flame will go forth, a shining standard for all nations, and they shall
come unto Zheram, and build the kingdom of God once more, and peace and light shall fill our
hearts, and triumph and victory over all darkness and Chaos shall be given unto us.
Jacoban prophesied that when Zheram is rebuilt, it will be as a "sea of glass," and that
the Flame will sit on a "throne of crystal." This prophecy is yet to come, brethren. I have seen
the Earth in its paradisiacal form. The faithful will see it. On that day, we will all see it. When all
hearts burn together as one, the faithful will arise from the dust and inherit the Earth. They will
inherit eternal life, and truth will spring from the Earth. Amen.


Previous Chapter - Appendix C: Wandering Bosses

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