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Scelloo developer assessment instructions and

user stories
The user interface is an admin data table containing users of a paid service.
Users can have payment status of “paid” , “unpaid” , or “overdue” . This
interface will be used by the administrator of the service; below is the user
● As the admin, I will want to see the total payable amount on the table
head as the sum of user amounts that are either unpaid or overdue.
● There are tabs All, Paid, Unpaid, and Overdue corresponding with user
payment status. Users under the “Paid” tab should be those with status
“ Paid” , same applies to “ Unpaid” and “Overdue” , with “All” containing all
users regardless of their payment status.
● The datatable should be searchable using the search input on top of the
table; the search should be done client side only.
● Each row of users should be expandable to show details of the user.
● As the admin, I would like to sort the table of users according to the
users’ first name, last name, and email.
● As the admin, I would like to select a user row previously marked as
unpaid and mark it as paid by checking the checkbox on the row and
clicking the pay dues button on the top right of the table. NB: this
service is provided by the api endpoint labelled ‘mark-paid’.

NB.: The stories above are what you will be expected to implement with the
help of the UI/UX figma board.
NB : The framework to use are Vuejs , Vuex (state management).
NB: For the DATA, use your own fake data set store in an array. (VUEX
NB.: The UI/UX figma board is available at

Submission instruction
A publicly accessible link to your implementation should be sent to the HR
contact channel alongside a publicly accessible link to the github repository
containing the codebase for the implementation

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