Soal Semester B. INGGRIS Genap Sejarah Minat Kelas Xi

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Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Paling Tepat!

Bahwa sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu, maka
penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan, karena tidak sesuai dengan perikemanusiaan dan
peri keadilan….“. Terlihat bahwa kalimat ini sesuai dengan salahsatu pokok Piagam Atlantik
(14 Agustus 1945) yaitu “… bahwa setiap bangsa berhakuntuk menentukan dan mendapat
kesempatan untuk hidup bebas dan rasa takut atau kemiskinan. Pokok-pokok Piagam
Atlantik akan menjadi dasar konferensikonferensi intenasional dalam rangka mencari jalan
penyelesaian Perang Dunia IIdan juga merupakan dasar terbentuknya badan-badan dunia
seperti PBB. Pasal 1 ayat2 tentang tugas dan tujuan PBB disebutkan: “Memperbaiki
hubungan persahabatanantara bangsa-bangsa berdasarkan penghargaan atas persamaan hak
serta hak untukmenentukan nasib sendiri dan bangsa itu sendiri”. Oleh karena itu,
ProklamasiKemerdekaan Indonesia 17 Agustus 1945 memperlihatkan adanya hubungan
yangprinsipil dengan Piagam Perdamaian PBB (Charter of Peace).
Based on the narrative above, it can be concluded that….
A. other countries are obliged to give recognition of sovereignty to Indonesia on the orders of
the United Nations
B. Indonesia as a newly independent country has the right to get recognition from other
C. Indonesia must first become a member of the United Nations, it will encourage other
countries to give recognition of sovereignty
D. there is an agreement between Indonesia and the United Nations to pressure other
countries to give recognition of sovereignty
E. World War II provided ample opportunity for the Government of Indonesia to gain
recognition of sovereignty
Perhatikan teks berikut iniKemenangan pihak sekutu (Inggris, Perancis, Amerika Serikat, dan
Uni Soviet) dalammengakhiri Perang Dunia II tidak terlepas dari peran Amerika Serikat
dalammemberikan bantuan (perlengkapan, tentara, dan persenjataan) yang mampumempercepat
berakhirnya perang dengan kemenangan di tangan Sekutu. PerangDunia II telah menghancurkan
hegemoni negara-negara besar seperti Inggris,Perancis, Spanyol, dan Portugis yang sudah
berabad-abad memegang kendalikekuasaan di berbagai belahan dunia. Kondisi ini
mengakibatkan munculnya masalahbaru yaitu adanya pertentangan kepentingan dan persaingan
perebutan hegemoniantara negara anggota sekutu dalam usaha untuk menjadi negara yang
palingberpengaruh dan berkuasa di dunia hingga melahirkan dua negara adikuasa(kekuatan
raksasa) yaitu Amerika Serikat (kuat secara material) dan Uni Soviet (kuatsecara psikologis)
yang mengambil alih hegemoni tersebut.
Based on the text, it can be seen that after the end of World War II, the existence of the United
Nations organization became important because...
a. Become a regulator of the power of its member countries
b. Is an institution that regulates the hegemony of a country
c. Can interfere in the domestic affairs of a country
d. Able to resolve all disputes militarily
e. Become an institution that maintains world peace
Jb e
Perhatikan deskripsi berikut ini.Soekarno Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan RI secara de
facto pada 17 Agustus1945, namun untuk menjadi negara yang berdaulat, Indonesia
membutuhkanpengakuan dari bangsa-bangsa lain secara hukum atau de jure. Karena pada
masarevolusi itu, wilayah Indonesia terjadi kekosongan pemerintahan setelah Jepangmenyerah
pada Sekutu, dan pasukan Sekutu akan mendarat dengan membawapasukan Belanda yang ingin
berkuasa kembali di Indonesia. Proses mendapatkanpengakuan secara de jure ini membutuhkan
waktu yang cukup panjang, yang padaakhirnya PBB, sebagai organisasi perdamaian dunia
mengakui kedaulan Indonesia.
The UN's (PBB) response in recognizing Indonesia's sovereignty has been proven by a real role,
including, except...
a. Provide welfare and development assistance in developing countries through specialized UN
agencies, such as the ILO, WHO, FAO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the IMF.
b. Elimination of discrimination against women which includes rights, politics, economy, socio-
culture, and citizenship
c. Providing food aid for children's welfare through IGGI and CGI
d. Promote international cooperation on science such as the use of atomic/nuclear power for
peaceful purposes
e. Saving ancient buildings threatened by waterlogging by the Aswan dam and restoration of
Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta
Jb a

Which of the following does not include the noble thoughts contained in the UN charter?
a. Keep maintaining and supporting peace in the world
b. Respecting human rights while maintaining brotherhood between nations
c. Building cooperation between countries in the economic, social, cultural and environmental
d. Be a pioneer and take part in taking actions that threaten the founding countries of the United
e. Cooperate to help in humanitarian matters in case of famine, natural disasters, and armed
Bung Karno and Bung Hatta as figures during the struggle until independence became role
models for other freedom fighters. Some of their roles included drafting the text of the
proclamation at the house of Admiral Tadashi Maeda with Bung Hatta and Mr. Ahmad
Soebardjo. "We, the Indonesian people, hereby declare the independence of Indonesia." The
statement is a fragment of a sentence in the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.
The implied meaning of this statement is….
a. Indonesia must hold general elections soon
b. Indonesian government does not depend on other countries
c. Japanese-controlled government offices can be taken over
d. the colonial nation must immediately leave the territory of Indonesia
e. de facto the state of Indonesia has full sovereignty
jb b

The content of the writing of Suwardi Suryaningrat, one of the leaders of the Indische Partij,
entitled Als Ik Nederlander Was is…
a. Agree with the attitude of the Dutch colonial government to invite the natives to commemorate
the 100th anniversary of Dutch independence.
b. Disagree with the policies of political organizations within the Volksraad.
c. Disagree with the Dutch government's political assimilation policy.
d. Considering the irony of the Dutch government's action to invite the natives as a colonized
nation to commemorate the independence of their colonized country.
e. Inviting all organizations during the movement to fight the Dutch government by force.
jb d
The following are political movement organizations using a non-cooperative radical struggle
strategy, EXCEPT…
a. Great Indonesia Party
b. Indische Bond
c. Budi Utomo
d. Indische Partij
e. Indonesian Association
Jb D

To channel the national movement, Japan formed an organization in the form of…
a. Indonesian A'la Islamic Council (MIAI)
b. People's Power Center (PUTERA)
c. Indonesian Political Association (GAPI)
d. Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai (BPUPKI)
e. Greater Indonesia Party (PARINDRA)

What is the impact of deploying romusha on the social structure of the village community…
a. Formation of neighborhood associations (Tonarigumi) to remote corners
b. Supervision of plantations is carried out by Japanese regulatory agencies
c. The villagers are only women, children and men who are not healthy
d. Food production continues to decline and rice delivery fails
e. People are required to deposit rice, increase rice production, and plant jatropha trees
Jb c
The negative impact of the Japanese occupation on the economy is…
a. All private property rights are heavily taxed
b. Implemented forced labor on Japanese agricultural land
c. The work of the fields and fields is supervised by the guisenkan
d. Scarcity of food for daily needs
e. The formation of a cooperative to accommodate all agricultural products
Jb d

The impact of the Japanese occupation on Indonesia, especially for the organization of the
Indonesian National Movement, namely…
a. The looser the activities of the movement organization
b. Adding to the thickness of the anti-Dutch spirit
c. Dissolution of all National Movement organizations
d. Removing the Islamic Movement organization
e. Disbanding communist-style organizations
Jb c

Which of the following was one of the Japanese government's political policies in Indonesia at
the beginning of the occupation?
a. Seinendan Formation
b. Improved cooperation
c. Expansion politics
d. 3A propaganda
e. De – Europeanization
Jb D
The following are not included in the practice of democracy in various countries, namely
a. Pancasila
b. Parliamentary
c. With a minority of supporters
d. Through referendums and people's initiatives
e. With a system of separation of powers
Jb c

Pay attention to the following statement

1) entry and development of new understandings
2) The rise of intellectuals
3) Memories of past glories
4) The suffering of the people due to imperialism
5) Japan's victory over Russia
From the statement above, which is an internal factor behind the birth of Indonesian
nationalism, is the number…
a. 2, 3 and 4
b. 3, 5 and 1
c. 4, 1, and 3
d. 5, 2 and 4
e. 5, 3 and 2
Jb a
Which is an external influence that causes the emergence and development of the Indonesian
national movement is…
a. Memories of past success
b. The suffering and misery of imperialism
c. Japan's victory over Russia 1905
d. The emergence of the intellectual class
e. Progress in the political, social, economic and cultural fields
Jb c

A form of ideology that shows the similarity of culture, language, region, ideals and goals,
a. ideology of nationalism
b. Democracy ideology
c. Pan Islamism ideology
d. communism ideology
e. Liberalism ideology
jb A

The state of the Indonesian nation after the rise of nationalism, especially in the political field
a. formation of political organizations
b. break colonial politics
c. hinder the development of colonial politics
d. cooperate with colonial politics
e. the development of efforts to overthrow colonial politics
jb a
Japan is famous for its cruelty, a lot of oppression is carried out, for example…
a. Japan promises independence
b. Japan bans political activities
c. Japan forbids using Indonesian
d. Train and force youths to fight
e. Japan exploits economically and socially
Jb d

During the Japanese era Indonesian was used as a language…

a. Official
b. National
c. association
d. Trading
e. Introduction to education
Jb A

The wave of Japanese invasion that took place rapidly into Indonesian territory resulted in the
Dutch surrendering unconditionally in…
a. KramatTeak
b. Kalijati
c. Teak Base
d. Jatiwaringin
e. Jatijajar
Jb B
One advantage gained by the Indonesian people due to the Japanese military occupation was ...
A. free from Dutch colonialism
B. can learn Japanese language and culture
C. learn and master military skills
D. accustomed to suffering and hunger
E. helped to gain independence

Cultural institutions during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia were called ...
A. Nogyo Kumiai
B. Tonarigumi
C. Romukyokai
D. Cuo Sangi In
E. Keimin Bunka Sidhoso

The semi-military organization during the Japanese occupation that required prospective
members to be 18-25 years old was ...
A. Heiho
B. Seinendan
C. Keibodan
E. Bogodan

K.H Zainal Mustafa's resistance from Singaparna was triggered by Japanese policy regarding the
implementation of ...
A. Khoiku Hokokai
B. Kumiai
C. Suisintai
D. Osamu Kanrei
E. Seikeirei
The deployment of forced labor during the Japanese Occupation was called ...
A. romusha
B. corvée (rodi)
C. Seikeirei
D. Tonarigumi
E. Autarchy

The ranks of police assistants with police duties during the Japanese Occupation were ...
B. Keibodan
C. Heiho
D. Fujinkai
E. Cudanco

Ceremony of respecting the Japanese emperor who is considered a god, the way is to bend the
body towards the northeast, is the understanding of ...
A. Seinendan
B. Osamu Seirei
C. Seikerei
D. Kaigun
E. Gunseinbu

After World War I, a US President put forward an idea of the importance of the right to self-
determination. The figure is ...
A. Donald Trump
B. Obama
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Franklin
E. J.W Bush
The failure of LBB (League of Nations) in maintaining world peace results in ...
A. World War I
B. World War II
C. The cold War
D. Civil War
E. War of the West-East Block

On 25 April -26 June 1945 UNCIO was held in San Francisco which produced ...
A. Atlantic Charter
B. Wilson Fourteen Points
C. The Four Freedom of Roosevelt
D. UN Charter
E. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The following are not included democratic practices in various countries, namely democracy ...
A. Pancasila
B. Parliamentary
C. with a minority of supporters
D. through a referendum or people's initiative
E. with a system of separation of powers

One of the contents of the presidential decree July 5, 1959 is ...

A. the use of guided democracy
B. the dissolution of the MPR and the DPR
C. Establishment of MPRS and DPAS as soon as possible
D. President's change
E. Continue to use the UUDS
The contents of the first paragraph opening of the 1945 Constitution contain universal values,
A. recognition of the right of each nation to be free from the oppression of other nations.
B. the right of every nation to determine its own form of government
C. appeals for colonized countries to immediately proclaim themselves
D. in accordance with the spirit of decolonization that occurred in Asian countries
E. in accordance with the values contained in the UN charter

Documents which become universal foundations for colonized countries to fight for their
independence are ...
A. UN Charter (Piagam PBB)
B. Universal Declaration of Human Right
C. Atlantic Charter
D. Jakarta Charter
E. magna charta

The State Institution at the beginning of independence as the forerunner to the legislative body in
Indonesia was ...
C. Keibodan
D. The United Nations

The United Nations was established on ...

A. October 20, 1945
B. October 21, 1945
C. November 24, 1945
D. October 24, 1945
E. October 28, 1945
... was the first country in the world to successfully fight for human rights.
A. English
B. America
C. Greece
D. Poland
E. German

Evidence that Indonesia has recognized human rights long before the birth of the Universal
Declaration of human right is ...
A. Government regulations
B. Magna Charta
C. Jakarta Charter
D. 1945 Constitution
E. Pancasila

Below are countries that are not considered to be the pioneers of the United Nations are ...
A. English
B. America
C. Russia
D. French
E. Thailand

The national movement organization which demands Indonesia to have a parliament is ...
D. Budi Utomo
E. Parindra
Sarekat Islam is a democratic and economic nationalist movement and based on Islam with the
low profile
SI in its development split into two groups, namely the White SI and the Red SI. SI White is ...
religus group
economic group
economic-liberalist groups
nationalist-religious group
economically-dogmatic group
Ki Hajar Dewantara is not only an expert on Indonesian national education, but also a critic
whose writing is very sharp. This is evident from his writings entitled ...
Max Havelaar
Homeland echoes
Indonesia Sues
After rain comes sunshine
Als Ik Een Nederlander Was
The Dutch East Indies government since 1830 held a forced cultivation system, because ...
This system is the easiest way to replenish the treasury of the Dutch government which is used to
build, pay debts, and make the Netherlands financial healthy
This effort is considered to be able to overcome the financial crisis of the colonies
This system is one of the provisions in the Vienna Congress
this system was implemented by Javanese kings before the arrival of the Dutch
this is the only way the Dutch East Indies government can do to obtain government revenue
The establishment of large plantations, such as tobacco plantations in the Deli area is a political
implementation ...
divide et impera
scorched earth
invest capital
Forced planting (cultuurstelsel) which brought much misery to the Indonesian people, was
created by ...
van den Bosch
van der Cappelen
J.P. Coen
Daendels main tasks in Indonesia are ....
digging large tax sources from the colony
defend Java from British attacks
develop a good agricultural system in Java
formed an army of Indonesian people
building highways from Anyer to Panarukan
The national movement organization which pioneered the spirit of nationalism in Indonesia is ...
Budi Utomo
Indische Partij
Sarekat Islam
Following are the characteristics of the struggle of the Indonesian people before 1908, except ...
sporadic or seasonal
have a clear national idea
armed physical resistance
spearheaded by scholars
The ethical politics implemented by the Dutch colonial government turned out to be beneficial
for the Indonesian people. This is because ethical politics give birth to groups ...
educated people who are aware of the fate of their people
middle class who are aware of the struggle of their groups
intellectuals who unite the people
nobles who are aware of their dignity
the bourgeoisie is aware of the economic wealth of its people
The Portuguese first came to Maluku in 1512 under the leadership of ...
De abreu
Sebastian del Cano
The emergence of nationalism in Asia is a reaction to practices ... that afflict Asian nations
Democracy is a system of government ...
there are representatives of the people
from, by and for the people
for the welfare of the people
which must be run fairly
run by the people of that country
Factors from abroad which encouraged the emergence of the Indonesian national movement one
of which was ...
the influence of Japanese modernization
Japanese propaganda who wanted to free the Indonesian people from colonialism
the entry of new understandings
the development of ethical politics
pressure from various countries in Asia
The Indonesian Islamic Council of Indonesia (MIAI) is an organization embraced by Japan
because ...
Japan respects Muslims
MIAI was formed by the Japanese
MIAI is a political organization
MIAI is anti western
MIAI wants to cooperate with Japan
The Dutch first came to Indonesia led by ...
Jacob Van Neck
Huygen van Lischoten
Cornelius de Houtman
Van den Bosh
One of the national organizations established abroad and the first to use the name Indonesia is ...
Indonesian National Party
Indonesian Association
Indonesian Communist Party
Indonesian Movement
Youth Oath is the actualization of national integration because ...
reject regionalism
anti-colonialism and imperialism
support chauvinism and ultrationalism
mobilize nationalism
keep racial discrimination
The Indonesian national movement was marked by the birth of the Budi Utomo Organization.
The nature of the organization is ...
social politics
social democracy
social religious

Factors that encouraged Japan to give promises of independence to Indonesia were ...
Japan began to experience the defeat of the masterminds of the East Asian war
as a tribute to the help of the Indonesian people
There was great pressure from the youth of freedom fighters
resolve the dispute between Indonesia and Japan
as proof

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