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Hello friends, let me introduce myself. My name Fauzazillah. You can call me kak
Fauza. Today we will learn about how to express Congratulation, Hope and Wish.

Kids, do you know how to pronounce "congratulations," "hope," and "wish" in


In daily life, sometimes we will give congratulations and best wishes for other
people's happiness.

Knowing how to express "congratulations," "hope," and "wish" in English is

essential to improve your speaking skills in the social language.
So, how do we pronounce them? Let's learn together!

1. Congratulation (selamat)
"Congratulation" is an expression that conveys happiness for someone's
achievement or accomplishment. There are several expression of
Expression of Congratulation
 Happy … which mean (Selamat)
Happy Birthday
Happy anniversary
Happy New Year

Guys, "happy" is an expression of congratulations that we hear quite

often. The word "happy" is the most commonly used and is usually
placed at the beginning of a sentence. In the context of giving
congratulations, the word "happy" does not mean feeling glad or
joyful, but rather conveys congratulations. Therefore, the phrase
"Happy New Year" is translated as "Selamat Tahun Baru," not
"Senang Tahun Baru"!
 I’d like to congratulate you on your … (Saya ingin mengucapkan
selamat atas….)
 It was great to hear about… (Sungguh senang mendengar tentang…)
 Congratulation for you (Selamat untukmu)
After someone congratulates you, of course, you should also respond to
their congratulations. What kind of expressions can be used for this?
Responses of Congratulation
 Thank you (Terima kasih)
 Thank you for saying so (Terima kasih telah berkata begitu)
 It’s very nice of you to say so (Kamu sangat baik berkata begitu)
 How kind of you to say so (Baik sekali dirimu mengucapkan seperti

2. Hope (harapan)
Hope adalah sebuah ungkapan yang to want something to be true or
happen and think that it is possible. Here are some example sentences
expressing the word "hope":
 I hope Covid -19 and other “mysterious viruses” will disappear soon.
(Saya harap Covid-19 dan “virus misterius” yang lain akan segera
menghilang secepatnya).
 We hope that you will get a better life. (Kami harap kamu akan
mendapatkan hidup yang lebih baik)
 I hope to be a good teacher. (Saya harap bisa menjadi guru yang
 They hope to arrive there on time. (Mereka berharap bisa sampai
disana tepat waktu).

3. Wish (doa)
"Wish" means a desire, and it is usually used to talk about a situation we
want, but which is the opposite of the current reality or something that is
unlikely to happen.
I wish I in Korea right now (Saya berharap saya berada di Korea Sekarang)
 Dalam kenyataannya, Saya berada di Indonesia sekarang
The word "wish" is also commonly used to express hopes for someone's
Wish you all the best (Semoga harapan yang terbaik untukmu)
Wish me luck (Semoga saya beruntung)
I wish you luck on your debate competition (Aku harap kamu sukses dalam
menjalani lomba debat).

I Have some example simple dialogue to expression Congratulation, Hope ans

Wish. Check this out!
Contoh Dialog
Lisa: “Hi, Jen. I heard that you accepted in YG Entertainment as a singer”.
Jenny: “How do you know that?”
Lisa: “So, that news is true? Wow... congratulation Jen! That’s a big
Jenny: “Thanks Lis. I think my dream finally come true”
Lisa: “I’m so happy for you”
Jenny: “Yea, me too. I hope I will debut my solo song this year”
Lisa: “I can’t wait to see you on TV, Jen”
Jenny: “Hahaha… you must watch my show then”
Lisa: “Of course, I will. I wish everything will go well”
Jenny: “Thanks, Lis”

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