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Based on your experience and understanding, how did media literacy affect your learning in World
History I as a Social Studies student.

4- 3- 2- 1-
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

a. I can readily access a diverse range of

instructional media pertinent to World History I,
including visual aids, documentaries, and online

b. I am adept at locating and effectively utilizing

instructional media to enhance my
understanding and engagement with World
History I concepts.

c. I possess a comprehensive understanding of

the multitude of sources available for
instructional media in World History I, allowing
me to choose the most suitable and credible
materials for learning.

d. My proficiency in navigating and utilizing

instructional media for World History I topics
enables me to extract valuable insights, analyze
historical contexts, and critically evaluate
information from various sources.

2. Critical Understanding of Instructional Media in World History I

a. I possess the skills to thoroughly analyze and
interpret instructional media within the realm of
World History I, facilitating a nuanced
understanding of historical concepts and

b. My grasp extends beyond mere recognition; I

am adept at discerning the underlying purpose
and intended message conveyed by instructional
media in World History I, allowing for a more
profound engagement with historical narratives.

c. I have the capacity to critically assess the

reliability and credibility of instructional media
utilized in World History I, ensuring a
discerning approach to historical sources and

d. Through the application of advanced critical

thinking skills, I can analyze and deconstruct
media content related to World History I,
enabling me to draw informed conclusions and
develop a well-rounded perspective on historical
events and themes.

3. Awareness of Impact of Instructional Media in World History I

a. I possess a comprehensive understanding of

how various forms of instructional media, such
as textbooks, documentaries, and online
resources, shape my comprehension and
interpretation of World History I topics and

b. I am adept at identifying and evaluating

potential biases, perspectives, and agendas
embedded within instructional media sources
utilized in World History I, enabling me to
approach historical information critically and

c. I demonstrate a nuanced awareness of the

pivotal role instructional media plays in
constructing and disseminating historical
narratives within the context of World History I,
allowing me to question dominant narratives and
explore alternative perspectives.
d. I engage in thoughtful reflection and analysis
regarding how instructional media influences
my learning processes, perspectives, and overall
educational experiences in World History I,
fostering continuous self-awareness and
improvement in my media literacy skills.

4. Creation and Production of Instructional Media in World History I

a. I possess the necessary skills and

understanding to develop meaningful
instructional media tailored to World History I
concepts and themes.

b. Through my efforts, I've crafted instructional

media that effectively communicates complex
ideas and engages learners within the realm of
World History I.

c. I've demonstrated proficiency in producing

diverse forms of instructional media,
contributing to a dynamic and comprehensive
learning experience in World History I lessons.

d. The process of creating instructional media

has significantly enhanced my comprehension
and involvement with World History I, fostering
deeper connections and insights into historical
events and contexts.


1. In learning the topic of Ancient Civilizations, which IMs are used to teach this topic? Kindly

check ✔ the instructional material that is used in teaching these topics.

Graphic Aids

Maps: Used to illustrate the geographic locations of ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia,

Egypt, and the Indus Valley.

Audio-Visual Aids
Videos: Utilized for showing documentaries on the lifestyles, inventions, and achievements of

ancient civilizations.

Display Boards

Chalkboard: Used for sketching timelines and key events of ancient civilizations.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate architectural marvels like the pyramids of Egypt or the ziggurats

of Mesopotamia.

2. In learning the topic of Classical Period (Greeks and Romans), which IMs are used to teach

this topic? Kindly check ✔ the instructional material that is used in teaching these topics.

Graphic Aids

Charts: Used to compare and contrast the political structures and philosophies of Greek city-

states and the Roman Republic/Empire.

Audio-Visual Aids

Movies: Utilized to depict historical events like the Peloponnesian War, the life of Julius Caesar,

or the Roman conquests.

Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used to display famous artworks and sculptures from the Classical period.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Dioramas: Utilized to recreate scenes from daily life in ancient Athens or Rome.
3. In learning the topic of Medieval Europe, which IMs are used to teach this topic? Kindly check

✔ the instructional material that is used in teaching this topics.

Graphic Aids

Graphs: Used to show the rise and fall of empires and kingdoms during the medieval period.

Audio-Visual Aids

Presentations: Utilized to discuss topics like feudalism, the Crusades, and the Black Death.

Display Boards

Chalkboard: Used to illustrate the feudal hierarchy and medieval social structure.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate medieval castles, cathedrals, and siege warfare tactics.

4. In learning the topic of Renaissance and Reformation, which IMs are used to teach this topic?

Kindly check ✔ the instructional material that is used in teaching this topics.

Graphic Aids

Maps: Used to illustrate the spread of Renaissance ideas and the locations of major Reformation


Audio-Visual Aids

Films: Utilized to showcase Renaissance art, architecture, and key figures like Leonardo da Vinci

and Martin Luther.

Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used to display famous artworks from the Renaissance period.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate inventions from the Renaissance period like the printing press or

Leonardo's flying machines.

5. In learning the topic of Age of Exploration, which IMs are used to teach this topic? Kindly

check ✔ the instructional material that is used in teaching this topics.

Graphic Aids

Charts: Used to show the voyages of explorers and the establishment of trade routes.

Audio-Visual Aids

Documentaries: Utilized to discuss the impact of exploration on global trade, cultural exchange,

and colonization.

Display Boards

Chalkboard: Used to sketch world maps showing the discoveries of explorers like Columbus,

Magellan, and Vasco da Gama.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate the ships used during the Age of Exploration, such as caravels

and galleons.

Based on your experience and understanding, how did instructional materials affect your learning in
World History I as a Social Studies student.

1. In learning the topic of the Prehistoric period, which IMs are your preferred or you find effective
in learning this topic? Kindly rate each IMs base on the scale provided below.

Very Somewhat Least Not at all

Effective Effective Effective Effective

Graphic Aids

Picture: Used to illustrate the invention of

tools made by our human ancestors for hunting

to advance food production and agriculture.

Audio-Visual Aids

Films: Films provide vivid visual

representations of prehistoric landscapes,

ancient civilizations, and early human


Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used to display visual

representations of key concepts, such as maps of

ancient civilizations, timelines of prehistoric

periods, and images of artifacts or cave


Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate inventions

from the prehistoric period like the way they

were crafted with points and attached to antlers,

bone or wood to serve as spears and arrows.

2. In learning the topic of Renaissance period, which IMs are your preferred or you find effective in
learning this topic? Kindly rate each IMs base on the scale provided below.

Very Somewhat Least Not at all

Effective Effective Effective Effective

Graphic Aids

Maps: Used to illustrate the spread of

Renaissance ideas and events.

Audio-Visual Aids
Films: Utilized to showcase Renaissance art,

architecture, and key figures like Leonardo da

Vinci and Martin Luther.

Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used to display famous

artworks from the Renaissance period.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate inventions

from the Renaissance period like the printing

press or Leonardo's flying machines.

3. In learning the topic of Classical Period (Greeks and Romans), which IMs are your preferred or you

find effective in learning this topic? Kindly rate each IMs base on the scale provided below.

Very Somewhat Least Not at all

Effective Effective Effective Effective
Graphic Aids

Charts: Used to compare and contrast the

political structures and philosophies of Greek

city-states and the Roman Republic/Empire.

Audio-Visual Aids

Movies: Utilized to depict historical events like

the Peloponnesian War, the life of Julius

Caesar, or the Roman conquests.

Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used to display famous

artworks and sculptures from the Classical


Three-Dimensional Aids

Dioramas: Utilized to recreate scenes from

daily life in ancient Athens or Rome.

4. In learning the topic Neanderthals, which IMs are your preferred or you find effective in learning

this topic? Kindly rate each IMs base on the scale provided below.

Very Somewhat Least Not at all

Effective Effective Effective Effective

Graphic Aids

Pictures: Used to provide Replicas or images of

Neanderthal tools, artwork, and other artifacts

provide tangible examples of their material


Audio-Visual Aids

Movies: Utilized to depict historical events like

the Neanderthal environments and behaviors to


Display Boards

Bulletin Board: Used such as Neanderthal

hunting strategies, tool-making techniques, or

social interactions.
Three-Dimensional Aids

Dioramas: Utilized to recreate scenes of

Neanderthal skulls, skeletal reconstructions, and

artistic representations showcasing their

distinctive physical features, such as robust

build, large brow ridges, and prominent noses.

5. In learning the topic of Age of Exploration, which IMs are your preferred or you find effective in

learning this topic? Kindly rate each IMs base on the scale provided below.

Very Somewhat Least Not at all

Effective Effective Effective Effective

Graphic Aids

Charts: Used to show the voyages of explorers

and the establishment of trade routes.

Audio-Visual Aids

Documentaries: Utilized to discuss the impact

of exploration on global trade, cultural

exchange, and colonization.

Display Boards

Chalkboard: Used to sketch world maps

showing the discoveries of explorers like

Columbus, Magellan, and Vasco da Gama.

Three-Dimensional Aids

Models: Utilized to demonstrate the ships used

during the Age of Exploration, such as caravels

and galleons.


How can these instructional materials develop the students' media literacy to understand World
History I in terms of rating the following statements based on your experience and understanding,
using the scale below:

4- 3- 2- 1-
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

1. Accessing the instructional media in World History I

a. Audio-visual IMs, such as mobile phones,

make it easier for me to access because of their
availability, as opposed to using radio.

b. The availability and convenience of various

IMs (video tapes) caused me to utilize it more.

c.Projectors assist me by offering options for

modifying font sizes, contrast, and other
display settings to fit various learning

d. The availability of realia (manipulatives)

makes learning more relevant and
understandable to me.

2. Critical Understanding of Instructional Media in World History I

a. Textbooks help me critically examine and

absorb material such as historical events, dates,
and statistics since they contain explanations
that help me grasp difficult topics..

b. Realia provides a deeper understanding of

different cultures, traditions, and customs by
exposing them to authentic artifacts, clothing,
tools, and other items from various cultural

c. Movies and films provide a rich experience

that challenges me to think critically and take
my time to fully understand the information

d. Globes, IMs (three-dimensional ) helps me

better understanding the spatial context in
which historical events took place.

3. Awareness of Impact of Instructional Media in World History I

a. Using instructional media like pictures and

realia makes learning world history more
understandable and clear.

b.I am aware of the use of mobile phones as an

excellent tool in discovering more diverse
perspectives provided in instructional material
for World History I.

c. I understand the importance of manipulatives

in comprehending historical narratives in
World History I.

d. Instructional materials can capture students'

interest and curiosity, motivating them to
actively participate in learning activities.
4. Creation and Production of Instructional Media in World History I

a. I feel capable of creating instructional media

related to World History I topics.

b.I know how to create excellent instructional

media for World History I.

c. I have expertise creating instructional

materials for World History I classes.

d. I believe that creating instructional videos

improves my understanding of World History


The following resources can be used in teaching and learning world history. Kindly rate each IMs

from 4 (most effective) to 1 (least effective) among the teaching tools for World History I, and provide

justification for the most effective tool in the space provided below.

Display boards (Display boards play a crucial role in learning environments by

providing visual aids that enhance understanding, engagement, and retention of


Graphic aids (Graphic aids provide visual representations of information,

making abstract concepts more concrete and understandable. )

Audio visual aids (Audio-visual aids refer to educational materials that involve

both sound and visual components, such as videos, slideshows, multimedia

presentations, and audio recordings.)

Three-dimensional aids (Three-dimensional (3D) aids in learning refer to

physical objects or models that have height, width, and depth, allowing students

to interact with them in a tangible way.

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