Eco Challenge

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Certainly, here's another problem-solving activity with a different topic: "Solving Environmental


**Title:** "Eco Challenge: A Group Problem-Solving Activity"

**Objective:** To develop students' English language skills for discussing and addressing environmental
issues while working collaboratively to find solutions.


1. A whiteboard or a large piece of paper.

2. Markers or colored pencils.

3. Small cards with various environmental scenarios and challenges written on them.


1. Explain the scenario to the students: "You are members of an environmental task force, and your
mission is to address pressing environmental challenges in your community. Work together to identify
issues, brainstorm solutions, and present a plan to make a positive change."

2. Divide the class into small groups (3-4 students per group).

3. On the whiteboard or paper, create a representation of your local community, including elements like
parks, rivers, factories, and residential areas.

4. Provide each group with a set of small cards containing different environmental scenarios and
challenges. These scenarios should involve decision-making and problem-solving (e.g., "There is
excessive littering in the local park. How can you address this issue?" or "A factory near the river is
causing pollution. What steps will you take to mitigate the pollution?").

5. Each group must discuss and make decisions based on the scenarios provided. They should
communicate in English and work together to identify environmental problems, brainstorm solutions,
and propose an action plan.

6. Encourage students to consider factors like pollution, waste management, conservation, community
education, and problem-solving strategies. They can use markers or colored pencils to mark their
proposed actions on the community representation.
7. After a set amount of time, have each group present their identified environmental challenges and
their proposed action plan.

8. Facilitate a class discussion where each group can receive feedback and suggestions from their peers.
Discuss the different strategies and solutions presented.

9. Conclude the activity by emphasizing the importance of addressing environmental issues and the role
of effective communication, teamwork, and critical thinking in making positive changes in the

This activity helps students use English in a practical context while promoting environmental awareness
and fostering teamwork. It's a great way for B1-level ESL students to apply their language skills to real-
world issues and encourage them to think about their role in solving environmental challenges.

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