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Of course! Let's continue with a fun and imaginative topic.

Here's a problem-solving activity: "Planning a

Time-Travel Adventure."

**Title:** "Time-Travel Adventure Challenge: A Group Problem-Solving Activity"

**Objective:** To develop students' English language skills while encouraging creativity and imagination
in planning a time-travel adventure.


1. Whiteboard or large paper.

2. Markers.

3. Small cards with various time-travel adventure scenarios and challenges written on them.


1. Explain the scenario to the students: "Your class has discovered a time machine, and you're about to
embark on a time-travel adventure. You must work together to plan this exciting journey using your
English language skills."

2. Divide the class into small groups (3-4 students per group).

3. On the whiteboard or paper, create a timeline representing the different time periods your class will
visit during the time-travel adventure. Include historical eras, futuristic settings, and imaginative time

4. Provide each group with a set of small cards containing time-travel adventure scenarios and
challenges. These scenarios should involve decision-making in the context of time travel (e.g., "You're
visiting ancient Egypt. What cultural norms should you be aware of?" or "You've accidentally landed in a
dinosaur era. How will you ensure your safety?").

5. Each group must discuss and make decisions based on the scenarios provided. They should
communicate in English and work together to plan their time-travel adventure, considering historical
accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and imaginative solutions to challenges.

6. Encourage students to think creatively and use their imaginations to make the adventure exciting and
7. After a set amount of time, have each group present their time-travel adventure plan, describing the
decisions they made and the reasoning behind them. Use the timeline to illustrate their journey through
different time periods.

8. Facilitate a class discussion on the different ideas and plans presented by the groups. Encourage
students to share their imaginative and creative solutions to the time-travel challenges.

9. Conclude the activity by emphasizing the importance of creativity and imagination in planning
adventurous journeys and how English language skills can be applied to express ideas in fun and
imaginative ways.

This activity allows students to apply their English language skills in a creative and imaginative context
while honing their problem-solving abilities. It's a fun way for B1-level ESL students to practice their
language skills while planning an exciting time-travel adventure through different eras and fantastical

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