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Neuroimaging Part I Joseph C.

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Neuroimaging Part II Joseph C. Masdeu And R. Gilberto

González (Eds.)

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Fell Murder E C R Lorac
Series Page 1
Copyright 2
Available titles 3
Foreword 5
Preface 6
Contributors 7
Computed tomography imaging and angiography - principles 10
MR imaging: deconstructing timing diagrams and demystifying k-sp 28
Volumetric and fiber-tracing MRI methods for gray and white matter 45
Functional magnetic resonance imaging 67
Clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the central nervous sys 99
Brain perfusion: computed tomography and magnetic resonance tec 123
Magnetic resonance angiography: physical principles and applicatio 142
Diagnostic angiography of the cerebrospinal vasculature 155
Neurosonology and noninvasive imaging of the carotid arteries 168
Myelography: modern technique and indications 195
Positron Emission Tomography 211
Positron emission tomography: ligand imaging 230
Single-photon emission tomography 242
Intra-axial brain tumors 252
Extra-axial brain tumors 274
Imaging acute ischemic stroke 291
Other cerebrovascular occlusive disease 314
Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease 348
Infection 362
Multiple sclerosis 395
Other noninfectious inflammatory disorders 420
Imaging of head trauma 442
Cerebellar disorders: clinical/radiologic findings and modern imaging 473
Imaging of genetic and degenerative disorders primarily causing Par 486
Genetic and degenerative disorders primarily causing other movem 499
Genetic and degenerative disorders primarily causing dementia 516
Neurocutaneous syndromes 556
Cerebrospinal fluid flow in adults 581
Inherited or acquired metabolic disorders 592
Imaging of skull base lesions 626
Imaging of orbital disorders 647
Index 661

Series Editors




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Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series

Available titles
Vol. 79, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part I, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444513571
Vol. 80, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part II, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444514905
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Vol. 87, Malformations of the nervous system, H.B. Sarnat and P. Curatolo, eds. ISBN 9780444518965
Vol. 88, Neuropsychology and behavioural neurology, G. Goldenberg and B.C. Miller, eds. ISBN 9780444518972
Vol. 89, Dementias, C. Duyckaerts and I. Litvan, eds. ISBN 9780444518989
Vol. 90, Disorders of consciousness, G.B. Young and E.F.M. Wijdicks, eds. ISBN 9780444518958
Vol. 91, Neuromuscular junction disorders, A.G. Engel, ed. ISBN 9780444520081
Vol. 92, Stroke – Part I: Basic and epidemiological aspects, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520036
Vol. 93, Stroke – Part II: Clinical manifestations and pathogenesis, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520043
Vol. 94, Stroke – Part III: Investigations and management, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520050
Vol. 95, History of neurology, S. Finger, F. Boller and K.L. Tyler, eds. ISBN 9780444520081
Vol. 96, Bacterial infections of the central nervous system, K.L. Roos and A.R. Tunkel, eds. ISBN 9780444520159
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Vol. 111, Pediatric neurology Part I, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444528919
Vol. 112, Pediatric neurology Part II, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444529107
Vol. 113, Pediatric neurology Part III, O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, eds. ISBN 9780444595652
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ISBN 9780444534903
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Vol. 117, Autonomic nervous system, R.M. Buijs and D.F. Swaab, eds. ISBN 9780444534910
Vol. 118, Ethical and legal issues in neurology, J.L. Bernat and H.R. Beresford, eds. ISBN 9780444535016
Vol. 119, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part I, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040863
Vol. 120, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part II, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040870
Vol. 121, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part III, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040887
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We are proud to present the first volumes dedicated to neuroimaging in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series.
Neurologists, not just those in training, may wonder at the kind of medical world that existed before modern imaging.
Indeed, the neuroscience community has since its beginning attempted to understand the human mind and brain
through imaging. As far back as 1880, the Italian physiologist Angelo Mosso introduced the “human circulation
balance,” which could noninvasively measure the redistribution of blood during emotional and intellectual activity.
More recently, semi-invasive techniques such as pneumoencephalography (introduced by Dandy in 1918) and arteri-
ography (pioneered by Moniz in 1927) allowed partial visualization of the brain and its surrounding structures. New
methods enabling easier, safer, noninvasive, painless, and repeatable imaging have only been developed in the past
50 years or so, starting with computed tomography, some of whose developers won the 1979 Nobel Prize for medicine
or physiology. The many subsequent developments in neuroimaging are masterfully presented in these two volumes.
The volumes deal with a variety of neuroimaging-related topics. They include thorough descriptions of the involved
methods and their application to specific diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Emphasis is
given to the most common disorders, such as tumors, strokes, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, infections,
dementia, and trauma, but less common conditions such as neurocutaneous syndromes are also discussed. The impor-
tant questions of when and where to image, as well as the differential diagnosis of imaging findings, are discussed in
the light of specific syndromes. A separate section covers pediatric neuroimaging. The volumes conclude with sections
dedicated to interventional neuroimaging as well as to postmortem imaging and neuropathologic correlations.
We have been fortunate to have as volume editors two distinguished scholars, Dr. Joseph C. Masdeu, of the Depart-
ment of Neurology, Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, and Dr. R. Gilberto González, from the Department of Radi-
ology, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Both have been at the forefront of neuroimaging research for many
years. They have assembled a truly international group of authors with acknowledged expertise to contribute to the
texts and have produced two authoritative, comprehensive, and up-to-date volumes. Their availability electronically on
Elsevier’s Science Direct site as well as in print format should ensure their ready accessibility and facilitate searches for
specific information.
We are grateful to the volume editors and to all the contributors for their efforts in creating such an invaluable
resource. As series editors we read and commented on each of the chapters with great interest. We are therefore con-
fident that both clinicians and researchers in many different medical disciplines will find much in these volumes to
appeal to them.
And last, but not least, it is always a pleasure to acknowledge and thank Elsevier, our publisher – and, in particular,
Michael Parkinson in Scotland, and Mara Conner and Kristi Anderson in San Diego – for their unfailing and expert
assistance in the development and production of these volumes.
Michael J. Aminoff
François Boller
Dick F. Swaab

Neuroimaging has become one of the most useful set of tools for understanding and diagnosing diseases of the ner-
vous system. Fittingly, the present two volumes of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology review the extensive advances
in the field. In the first volume, discussions of the various techniques used in neuroimaging are followed by reviews of
the imaging findings caused by brain diseases. We have chosen not to include a chapter on brain anatomy because it
would be quite long and extant atlases are excellent. The second volume begins with a description of the functional
anatomy of the spine and of the imaging findings in diseases of the spine and spinal cord. Imaging of peripheral nerve
and muscle follows. Then, there is a section on when and how to image the various clinical syndromes produced by
diseases of the nervous system. Adequacy in the use of expensive neuroimaging tools has always been a priority, but it
is becoming more acute as the application of neuroimaging expands more rapidly than the available resources. The
next section is unusual in a book of this type: a description of the various imaging findings that should lead to con-
sideration of the diseases causing them. Such information is particularly important when using techniques like com-
puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which offer a panoply of findings and are extensively used in
clinical practice. Next is a section on pediatric neuroimaging, led by a chapter on imaging findings during normal
development. After three chapters on the therapeutic use of endovascular imaging, the second volume concludes with
a chapter on postmortem imaging as a tool to better define normal brain structure on imaging and its alteration by
some disorders.
We hope that this book will be useful to all those who work with clinical imaging of the nervous system, such as
neurologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and nuclear medicine physicians. Some sections, for instance, the sec-
tions on the spine, peripheral nerve, and muscle, may be helpful to orthopedic surgeons and rehabilitation specialists.
Neuropsychologists may find helpful the chapters on neurodegenerative disorders leading to cognitive impairment.
Neuroimaging is used not only clinically, but also by those interested in clarifying the still largely undiscovered
landscape and functional intricacy of the brain. While the clinical literature of neuroimaging is extensive, even more
extensive and more widely cited is the literature of neuroimaging applied to the study of the healthy human nervous
system. Although human disease has traditionally led to a better understanding of normal structure and function,
researchers looking primarily for information on the normal nervous system should look elsewhere.
We are most thankful to the authors, who have distilled their expertise in superbly written and illustrated chapters.
Mr. Michael Parkinson, from Elsevier, has skillfully coordinated the gathering of information for these two volumes.
We are also thankful to the three series editors and, particularly, to Dr. François Boller, for their excellent suggestions.
Joseph C. Masdeu
R. Gilberto González

A. Alavi M.B. Cunnane

Division of Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the University Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School and
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary; and Division of
Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
C. Auger Boston, MA, USA
MR Unit, Department of Radiology, Hospital
Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Autonomous University of H.D. Curtin
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School and
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA,
T. Batchelor USA
Departments of Neurology and Radiation Oncology,
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Massachusetts F. Eichler
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Departments of Neurology and Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
W.G. Bradley School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Radiology, University of California
San Diego Health System, San Diego, CA, USA M.D. Farwell
Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine
D.J. Brooks of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, USA
London, UK
M. Filippi
B.R. Buchbinder Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental
Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
School, Boston, MA, USA Milan, Italy

E.C.S. Camargo B. Fischl

Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA,
J.J. Carroll
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General K. Goffin
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Division of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital
Leuven and KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
B. Cohen
Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Johns R.G. González
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
USA Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

W.A. Copen R. Gupta

Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology and Cardiac Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA School, Boston, MA, USA
C. Habas D.D.M. Lin
Neuroimaging Service, Centre National Division of Neuroradiology, Russell H. Morgan
d’Ophtalmologie des Quinze-Vingts, Paris, France Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
V. Haughton
Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, M. Manto
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA Department of Neurology, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Erasme, Brussels, Belgium
J.A. Hirsch
Neurointerventional Service, Massachusetts General K.-A. Mardal
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Oslo,
M. Ichise Norway
Molecular Neuroimaging Program, Molecular Imaging
J.C. Masdeu
Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital,
Anagawa, Inage, Chiba, Japan
Houston, TX, USA
S. Kamalian
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, M. Moghbel
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of
School, Boston, MA, USA Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

H.R. Kelly N. Nagornaya

Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School and Department of Radiology, University of Miami Miller
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary; and Division of School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA A. Newberg
Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine, Thomas
A.J.M. Kiruluta Jefferson University and Hospital, Philadelphia, PA,
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General USA
Hospital, Boston and Department of Biophysics,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA B. Pascual
Department of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital,
N. Klar Houston, TX, USA
Division of Neuroradiology, Russell H. Morgan
Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University N. Pavese
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London,
UK and Aarhus University, Denmark
K. Lameka
Department of Radiology, Tufts University, Boston and R. Pizzolato
Department of Radiology, Baystate Medical Center, Department of Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General
Springfield, MA, USA Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
M. Larvie
Divisions of Neuroradiology and Nuclear Medicine and S.R. Pomerantz
Molecular Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General
Boston, MA, USA Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

T.M. Leslie-Mazwi M.J.D. Post

Neurointerventional Service, Massachusetts General Department of Radiology, University of Miami Miller
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA

M.H. Lev P. Preziosa

Division of Emergency Radiology and Division of Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental
Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
School, Boston, MA, USA Milan, Italy
T. Ptak Á. Rovira
Division of Neuroradiology and Division of Emergency MR Unit, Department of Radiology, Hospital
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Autonomous University of
MA, USA Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

J.D. Rabinov A. Rovira

Neurointerventional Service, Massachusetts General Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulı́, CD-UDIAT, Sabadell,
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Spain

O. Rapalino G. Saigal
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of Miami Miller
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
School, Boston, MA, USA
P.W. Schaefer
E.-M. Ratai Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, and Athinoula A. Martinos Center for L.H. Schwamm
Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, USA Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
S. Rincon USA
Division of Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA A.B. Singhal
Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General
M.A. Rocca Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental
Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele J.G. Smirniotopoulos
Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Milan, Italy Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Bethesda, MD, USA
J.M. Romero
Department of Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General Y.F. Tai
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London,
J. Rosand
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit, Department of K. Van Laere
Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Division of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital
MA, USA Leuven and KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 135 (3rd series)
Neuroimaging, Part I
J.C. Masdeu and R.G. González, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 1

Computed tomography imaging and angiography – principles

Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA
Division of Emergency Radiology and Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

The evaluation of patients with diverse neurologic disorders was forever changed in the summer of 1973,
when the first commercial computed tomography (CT) scanners were introduced. Until then, the detection
and characterization of intracranial or spinal lesions could only be inferred by limited spatial resolution
radioisotope scans, or by the patterns of tissue and vascular displacement on invasive pneumoencaphalo-
graphy and direct carotid puncture catheter arteriography. Even the earliest-generation CT scanners –
which required tens of minutes for the acquisition and reconstruction of low-resolution images
(128  128 matrix) – could, based on density, noninvasively distinguish infarct, hemorrhage, and other
mass lesions with unprecedented accuracy. Iodinated, intravenous contrast added further sensitivity
and specificity in regions of blood–brain barrier breakdown. The advent of rapid multidetector row
CT scanning in the early 1990s created renewed enthusiasm for CT, with CT angiography largely replacing
direct catheter angiography. More recently, iterative reconstruction postprocessing techniques have made
possible high spatial resolution, reduced noise, very low radiation dose CT scanning. The speed, spatial
resolution, contrast resolution, and low radiation dose capability of present-day scanners have also facil-
itated dual-energy imaging which, like magnetic resonance imaging, for the first time, has allowed tissue-
specific CT imaging characterization of intracranial pathology.

COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IMAGING reconstruction of low-resolution images (13 mm slice

AND ANGIOGRAPHY: PRINCIPLES thickness, 80  80 matrix) – could, based on density,
noninvasively distinguish infarct, hemorrhage, and other
Introduction mass lesions with unprecedented accuracy (New et al.,
The evaluation of patients with diverse neurologic disor- 1974). The addition of iodinated, intravenous contrast
ders was forever changed in the summer of 1973, when material added further sensitivity and specificity,
the first commercial computed tomography (CT) scan- highlighting pathologic regions with blood–brain barrier
ners were introduced. Until then, the detection and char- breakdown (Wing et al., 1976).
acterization of intracranial or spinal lesions could only Although, for a short time in the early 1990s, it seemed
be inferred by limited spatial resolution radioisotope that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might cause CT
scans, or by the patterns of tissue and vascular displace- neuroimaging to become obsolete, the advent of rapid,
ment on invasive pneumoencaphalography and direct multidetector row CT scanning created renewed enthusi-
carotid puncture catheter arteriography (Taveras et al., asm (Sorensen et al., 1996; Jones et al., 2001). Indeed,
1969). Even the earliest-generation CT scanners – which since then, CT angiography (CTA) has largely replaced
required tens of minutes for the acquisition and direct catheter arteriography for routine diagnosis and

*Correspondence to: Shervin Kamalian, M.D. M.Sc, Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts
General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit Street, Boston MA 02114, USA. E-mail:
screening (Napel et al., 1992; Schwartz et al., 1992). 1970s, while he was an employee of the British music
Thinner slices (0.6 mm, 512–1024  512–1024 matrix) company EMI (the first record label for the Beatles).
and increased scanning speed have facilitated more The Hounsfield scale is defined as the attenuation
widespread adoption of coronal and sagittal image value of the X-ray beam in a given voxel, minus the
reformatting – improving detection of subtle contusion attenuation of water, divided by the attenuation of
and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in the anterior fron- water, multiplied by 1000. Hence, water is arbitrarily
tal and temporal lobes and cortical sulci (Baker, 1981; Wei assigned an HU value of zero, with materials more dense
et al., 2010). Moreover, CT perfusion (CTP) imaging has than water having positive values and materials less
increasingly been utilized at many centers for qualitative dense than water having negative values. Although
assessment to improve differential diagnosis, determine roughly linearly proportional to physical density (based
stroke subtype, guide hypertensive management, and sort on so-called Compton scatter), the Hounsfield scale is
treatment options for vasospasm following aneurysmal relative, rather than absolute, in that different-energy
SAH (Koenig et al., 1998; Eastwood et al., 2002). X-ray beams will result in different attenuation values
Advances in CT neuroimaging have paralleled and hence different HU values. Moreover, because some
advances in computer processing speed and in efficiency elements – such as iodine – preferentially absorb photons
of image reconstruction algorithms. Most recently, iter- of certain specific energies based on the photoelectric
ative reconstruction techniques – the first genuinely effect (so-called k-edge or characteristic radiation), they
novel CT image-processing development since Houns- will appear to have disproportionately large attenuation
field’s filtered backprojection methodology (for which values relative to their actual physical density. Indeed,
he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979) – have made this is why iodine-based intravascular contrast agents
possible high spatial resolution, reduced noise, very are ideally suited to CT imaging.
low radiation dose CT scanning (Rapalino et al., 2012). For example, at routine CT X-ray beam energies of
The improved scanning speed, z-direction coverage, spa- 120–140 kV, the HU value of air is approximately –
tial resolution, contrast resolution, and low radiation 1000 and the HU value of dense cortical bone is approx-
dose capability of present-day CT scanners have also imately +1000. Fat, which floats on water (i.e., is less
facilitated dual-energy imaging, which – for the first dense) is typically in the –30 to –70 HU range. White mat-
time, like MRI – has allowed tissue-specific characteri- ter is about 25 HU, gray matter about 35 HU, and soft
zation of intracranial pathology, including dedicated CT tissue about 20–30 HU. The standard deviation of HU
imaging that can reliably distinguish calcium, iodine, fat, values is usually in the 10–20% range. The HU value
water, and hemorrhage (Gupta et al., 2010). Virtual of in vivo blood is (not surprisingly) proportional to
monochromatic dual-energy CT images also have the the hematocrit level, and typically about 30. Extravascu-
potential to help reduce the posterior fossa beam harden- lar, intracranial blood, however, clots rapidly, and as
ing artifact caused by dense bone at the skull base plasma is extruded and resorbed from the clot, the con-
(Pomerantz et al., 2013). centration of the hemoglobin protein can double and tri-
ple, so that intracranial hemorrhage typically measures
60–90 HU (but rarely >100) (Fig. 1.1). An important
PRINCIPLES caveat with regard to evaluating trauma patients is that
not all potential foreign bodies are high-density, high-
Noncontrast computed
HU structures. The CT number of a dry, wooden foreign
tomography (NCCT)
body, for example, is typically in the –100 to –170 HU
The physical basis of CT scanning is that the attenuation range, due to dry wood’s air-filled porous microstruc-
of an X-ray beam through living tissue is proportional ture (Yamashita et al., 2007) (Fig. 1.2).
to the electron density of that tissue, generally corre- In CT image display, higher HU values appear
sponding to the physical density of the tissue, and that brighter and lower HU values appear darker. Because
a gray-scale image – reflecting the relative densities of the human eye can only distinguish approximately 128
different voxels of such tissue – can be reconstructed shades of gray, the dynamic range of the CT image dis-
from the attenuation values obtained when rotating an play must be adjusted so as to be appropriate to the tissue
X-ray source around a patient, using a mathematical being evaluated. The mid-value of this gray scale is
technique known as filtered backprojection (FBP). The termed the center level, and the full dynamic range is
gray-scale values are assigned an arbitrary linear value, known as the window width. For example, with standard
the Hounsfield unit (HU), named after Sir Godfrey head CT image display parameters of center level 30 HU
Hounsfield, the physicist who was awarded the 1979 and window width 100 HU, each pixel greater than 80 HU
Nobel Prize in Medicine (as well as earning a knighthood) (¼30 + 50) would be equally bright, whereas each pixel
for his invention of CT scanning in the late 1960s–early less than –20 HU (¼30 – 50) would be equally dark. With

Fig. 1.1. Axial computed tomography (CT) image with sample typical CT numbers in HU. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Fig. 1.2. Hypodense foreign body – a wooden pencil – penetrating the superior medial orbit, with perforation into the anterior
cranial fossa. Note that the wood has a similar computed tomography appearance to air.

such settings, a subtle crescentic subdural hematoma

(90 HU) would appear equally as bright as the adjacent
skull (1000 HU), and hence be undetectable. Con-
versely, fat (–30 HU) and air (–1000 HU) would
appear equally dark, and hence, air within intraorbital
fat resulting from a paranasal sinus fracture would also
be undetectable (Fig. 1.3). By expanding the window
width display and centering the gray scale at a higher
HU level, the difference in density between the same
subdural hematoma and adjacent bone can be made
visually apparent. Similarly, it has been suggested that
subtle vasogenic edema in acute stroke can be more sen-
sitively detected by soft copy image review using nar- Fig. 1.3. Computed tomography image at left has center-level
display setting of 30 HU and window width of 100 HU. The
rowed window width display settings that exaggerate
image at right has center-level 80 HU and window width
the HU differences between gray and white matter
200 HU. With the display settings on the right, the subtle cres-
(Lev et al., 1999). centic subdural hematoma adjacent to bone becomes visually
Given its speed, convenience, low cost relative to apparent.
MRI, and widespread availability, head CT has become
a first-line method for assessment of focal neurologic CT is the rapid and accurate diagnosis of intracranial
symptoms, and has largely become an extension of the hemorrhage, which appears hyperdense (i.e., bright) rel-
routine physical exam. CT, unlike MRI, is ideal for eval- ative to normal brain tissue. Indeed, current guidelines
uating fractures and calcifications. A major strength of for thrombolytic therapy within 4.5 hours of acute stroke
Table 1.1 such as demyelinative white-matter plaques, or early
Pearls and pitfalls of unenhanced head computed stroke edema. Low-contrast resolution conspicuity is
tomography proportional to image noise; therefore, techniques that
reduce noise can improve sensitivity for lesion detection.
Pearls Pitfalls Such techniques include using soft-tissue kernel image
reconstruction algorithms, thick-slice axial images
Widely available Radiation exposure (2.5–5 mm) for greater signal relative to noise, opti-
Accurate method for: Limited sensitivity for soft- mized center level and window width display settings,
● Intracranial hemorrhage tissue resolution (early and the use of newer iterative reconstruction algorithms
● Fracture ischemic changes, multiple (Fig. 1.5) (discussed in further detail below).
● Temporal bone sclerosis lesions, early
Additional user-defined specific scan parameters,
evaluation neoplastic changes)
● Spinal stenosis Anatomy and pathology may such as X-ray beam energy in milliamperes (mA) and
● Sinusitis be obscured due to partial kilovoltage (kV), as well as table speed and helical pitch,
● Calcification in central volume averaging, patient can also be optimized for maximal image quality at min-
nervous system lesions motion, beam hardening, imal radiation dose. Detailed discussion of these impor-
● Pre- and postoperation and metallic streak tant parameters, however, is beyond the scope of this
evaluation artifacts chapter.
Soft-tissue evaluation when
magnetic resonance
imaging is Computed tomography angiography (CTA)
contraindicated or not
Neurovascular imaging is critical for locating arterial
occlusions, determining degree of stenosis, and identify-
ing dissections, aneurysms, venous sinus thrombosis,
and other vascular lesions such as arteriovenous malfor-
mations (AVMs). CTA, with CT venography (CTV), is
onset require an unenhanced head CT to rule out the most accurate widely available minimally invasive
hemorrhage as the only absolute contraindication to imaging method to evaluate the vessels of the head
intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV-tPA) and neck, and, with greater than 95% sensitivity and
administration. With current-generation head CT scan- specificity for diagnosing proximal artery occlusion,
ners, whole-brain images can be obtained in seconds, has largely replaced direct catheter arteriography as
so that image review can take place in real time at the the diagnostic method of choice for emergency vascular
scanner console, expediting clinical management. Some assessment of stroke and other cerebrovascular disor-
strengths and weaknesses of CT are outlined in Table 1.1. ders. CTA requires intravenous administration of iodin-
Weaknesses of CT include radiation exposure, recon- ated contrast solution via a power injector. The CT
struction artifacts, limited sensitivity for detecting sub- scanner is programmed to detect the arrival of the radi-
tle differences in soft-tissue density (e.g., the early opaque contrast within the aortic arch, and then triggers
edema associated with hyperacute stroke), and poor scanning for optimal vascular opacification. CTA can be
interobserver reliability. Indeed, objective measures of tailored to optimally delineate either the arterial or
CT image quality typically distinguish between high- venous phase of contrast enhancement, or both. With
versus low-contrast resolution capability (Table 1.2). modern multidetector row scanners, images of the head
Lesion conspicuity is a function of size and density rel- and neck arteries can be obtained in under 15 seconds,
ative to that of surrounding normal tissues, as well as the minimizing motion artifact.
degree of image noise (so-called quantum mottle). High- Disadvantages of CTA include radiation exposure
contrast (spatial) resolution refers to the ability to and utilization of iodinated contrast, which may result
resolve small objects but of widely different densities in allergic reactions or renal injury (the latter especially
that are very close together as distinct structures, such in patients with diabetes or preexisting kidney impair-
as the bony trabeculae of the mastoid air cells, nondis- ment) (Table 1.3). Advantages of CTA include high-
placed skull fractures, or punctate intracranial hemor- resolution images from the aortic arch to the vertex.
rhage. High-contrast resolution structures can typically Indeed, CTA is often used as the confirmatory test or
be more sensitively detected with thinner slices (less vol- tie breaker when there is discordance between carotid
ume averaging) and sharper image reconstruction algo- duplex ultrasound imaging and magnetic resonance
rithms (e.g., bone kernel) (Fig. 1.4). Low-contrast angiography for evaluating the degree of carotid steno-
resolution refers to the ability to resolve adjacent objects sis. Unlike ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiogra-
of similar densities that differ only minimally in HU, phy, CTA images are not flow-weighted, and hence,
Table 1.2
Computed tomography (CT) neuroimaging image quality assessment: low- versus high-contrast resolution lesions

Image quality Alternative Neuroanatomic Neuropathologic Relevant imaging

metric Definition nomenclature example example parameters

Low-contrast Ability to - Low-contrast Gray–white-matter - Loss of GWMD - Lesion size

resolution distinguish detectability differentiation due to cytotoxic - Image noise
lesions with - Sensitivity of (GWMD) versus related to:
only small the system vasogenic 1. Reconstruction
differences - Soft-tissue edema in acute algorithm
in density resolution ischemic stroke (iterative
- Early neoplastic reconstruction
lesions vs filtered
2. Reconstruction
kernels (i.e.,
soft vs sharp)
3. Slice thickness
- Gray-scale
High-contrast Ability to - Spatial Fine osseous - Fractures - Pixel/voxel size
resolution distinguish resolution trabeculae, - Punctate related to:
very small - Detail aqueduct of hemorrhage 1. Matrix size
lesions as resolution Sylvius (typically
distinct, 512  512 for
rather than CT)
confluent 2. Field-of-view
(FOV: typically
20–25 cm for
head CT)
3. Reconstruction
kernels (sharp
vs soft)
4. Slice thickness
- Gray-scale

CTA assessment of luminal diameter is not routinely the degree of vessel stenosis. Another challenge is that
influenced by turbulent or slow flow. Similarly, CTA most current CT scanners do not have sufficient tempo-
with delayed imaging is the most accurate vascular imag- ral resolution to capture dynamic blood flow through
ing test – short of performing a catheter arteriogram – such lesions as AVMs, which have rapid artery-to-vein
for distinguishing true total occlusion from slow flow shunting. The newest generation of mega multidetector
with a hairline residual lumen in cervical carotid disease row CT scanners, however, has sufficient speed, z-axis
(Lev et al., 2003). Delayed carotid artery imaging (typi- coverage, and spatial resolution to allow – at acceptably
cally by about 20–40 seconds after peak arterial phase) is low total radiation doses – dynamic 4D volume acquisi-
required to assure that contrast has sufficient time to tion with temporal resolution approaching 0.2 second
fully opacify the vessel lumen, in the setting of a very per CT gantry rotation. The resulting datasets can not
tight proximal stenosis. only be used to accurately assess rapid filling of AVMs
One challenge for CTA imaging of carotid athero- and delayed collateral flow patterns in patients with
sclerotic disease is heavy circumferential calcification, major intracranial stenoses and occlusions, but can also
which can obscure the adjacent vessel lumen due to be postprocessed to create CT perfusion images (see
beam-hardening effects and cause overestimation of Chapter 6).

Fig. 1.4. Importance of sharp reconstruction kernel, thin slice images, with bone window-level display settings, for the detection of
minimally displaced posttraumatic skull fractures. Upper left panel is a 5-mm thick axial computed tomography image recon-
structed with soft kernel at standard brain display settings. Upper central panel is the same image with bone display settings of
center level 600 HU and window width 3250 HU. The fracture is best visualized on the right upper and lower panels using
thin-slice, sharp kernel, and bone display settings.

Fig. 1.5. Improved low-contrast resolution lesion detectability with iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithm compared to filtered
backprojection (FBP); acute right pontine infarct proven on reference standard diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
(DWI: lower right panel) is best visualized on the thick slice, IR, narrow window width (WW) computed tomography images
(lower left panel). ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient. (Courtesy of Stuart R. Pomerantz, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital.)
Table 1.3 In addition to information regarding vessel patency,
Advantages versus disadvantages of computed tomography CTA source images (CTA-SI) can provide a sensitive
(CT) angiography evaluation of ischemic changes within the brain paren-
chyma. Parenchymal hypoattenuation on CTA-SI repre-
Advantages Disadvantages sents decreased contrast opacification within the
capillary bed, and is more readily detectable than an
Widely available Additional radiation unenhanced CT hypodensity (Camargo et al., 2007).
Excellent noninvasive exposure One caveat is that the type and degree of the perfusion
method to evaluate Requires iodinated contrast weighting of these CTA source images are highly vari-
vascular anatomy and administration (limitation able, depending on circulation time and a number of
pathologies: in patients with allergy or
● Arterial occlusion and
other factors related to collateral flow, so that they can-
renal impairment)
stenosis No flow information;
not be used to reliably distinguish tissue likely to infarct
● Aneurysm provides a static snapshot (core) from highly ischemic but still salvageable tissue
● Arterial-venous of vascular anatomy (not (penumbra) (Schramm et al., 2002; Coutts et al., 2004).
malformations reliable to assess brain Indeed, there have been numerous studies regarding
● Venous occlusive disease tissue viability) the utility of CTA for grading the robustness of pial col-
● Vasospasm Vessel patency may be lateral flow in patients with acute embolic stroke. These
● Blood–brain barrier obscured due to heavy grading schemes have not been generally useful for mak-
disruption (neoplasm, calcification, beam ing management decisions in individual patients, as their
infection) hardening, and metallic accuracy for predicting tissue and clinical outcome – in
More sensitive than streak artifacts
the absence of early, robust recanalization – is typically
noncontrast CT to
poor. An exception to this, however, is the malignant
evaluate parenchymal
ischemic changes CTA collateral profile, which – again, in the absence
Fast and critical of early, robust reperfusion – correlates strongly with
reconstructions can be the concurrent MR diffusion-weighted imaging findings
performed at the scanner of irreversible infarction (Souza et al., 2012). This malig-
console without need for nant CTA collateral pattern is defined as the complete
complex postprocessing absence of vascular enhancement within a large cortical
area (typically >33–50% of a middle cerebral artery divi-
sion). As noted above, time-resolved CTA with 4D vol-
ume dynamic CTA scanning should prove useful for
Given these potentially very large axial imaging data- more accurate characterization of such delayed collat-
sets, image postprocessing is required to efficiently visu- eral flow patterns. Specifically, if intracranial collateral
alize vessel abnormalities and facilitate diagnoses flow is imaged too early in arterial phase, arrival time
(Fig. 1.6). In particular, maximum-intensity projection delays caused by slow flow (in the setting of proximal
(MIP) images of the intracranial circulation provide an extracranial or circle-of-Willis major artery occlusions/
easy way to detect proximal arterial occlusions in stroke stenoses) can result in a false-positive malignant collat-
patients, for example, that may be amenable to catheter- eral pattern (Fig. 1.8).
based treatments. These MIP images depict the highest
density along a particular imaging ray. For evaluation
CT/CTA selected technical-clinical pearls
of the intracranial arteries, MIP images reformatted to
and pitfalls
20–30 mm thickness with 3–5 mm overlap can be created
in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes quickly at the Detailed discussion regarding the imaging evaluation of
scanner console by the CT technologist. More complex specific neurologic disorders is provided in subsequent
postprocessing techniques include curved reformats, chapters. In what follows, selected technical pearls and
multiplanar volume reformats, and volume-rendered pitfalls for common clinical situations will be highlighted.
images. Curved reformats depict the entire course of a All head CT interpretation should follow a consistent
particular vessel in a single two-dimensional image, search pattern, to insure that incidental findings are not
and provide a good evaluation of arterial steno-occlusive overlooked. The symmetry of the ventricles, sulci, and cis-
disease in the neck, such as at the carotid bifurcation. terns should be assessed; midline shift, sulcal effacement,
The 3D volume-rendered and other surface techniques herniation, mass lesions, and bleeds in the epidural, sub-
are less helpful for ischemic stroke evaluation, but are dural, subarachnoid, and parenchymal compartments of
routinely used in aneurysm detection and treatment the supratentorial and infratentorial spaces should be
planning (Fig. 1.7). excluded. Extracranially, the globes, orbits, paranasal
Fig. 1.6. Computed tomography (CT) angiogram provides high-resolution images of vascular anatomy from aortic arch to the
cranial vertex. Left: curved reformat image of left common carotid artery to (occluded) proximal middle cerebral artery; upper
middle: coronal thick slab collapsed maximum-intensity projection (MIP) reconstruction showing left middle cerebral artery
occlusion, performed at the scanner console by the CT technologist; upper right: axial thick slab collapsed MIP reconstruction,
also performed at the scanner console; lower middle: CT angiogram source image showing relative decreased contrast in the left
versus right hemisphere; and lower right: unenhanced head CT without bleed or large parenchymal hypodensity suggestive of
established infarction.

Fig. 1.7. Computed tomography (CT) angiogram of unruptured aneurysm. Top left: axial CT angiogram source image showing
right proximal middle cerebral artery aneurysm pointing laterally; top right: axial thick slab collapsed maximum-intensity pro-
jection (MIP) reconstruction also showing aneurysm, performed at the scanner console by the CT technologist; bottom left:
volume-rendered view of aneurysm used for surgical planning; and bottom right: coronal thick slab collapsed MIP reconstruction
showing aneurysm, also performed at the scanner console by the CT technologist.

Fig. 1.8. A 45-year-old woman presenting to emergency department approximately 30 minutes after stroke onset. Top left: no
evidence of infarct on unenhanced computed tomography (CT); however, origin of right middle cerebral artery (MCA) shows
hyperdense vessel sign; top right: CT angiogram source images show filling defect at right MCA origin and a malignant collateral
pattern in the right hemisphere; bottom left: catheter cerebral arteriogram shows right MCA occlusion prior to clot retrieval, with
fully recanalized vessel within 1.5 hours of stroke onset; bottom right: follow-up diffusion-weighted MRI shows only minimal
right-hemisphere infarct 2 days following treatment.

sinuses, fossa of Rosenmuller, masticator space (a.k.a. coronal, and sagittal images (30 mm slice thickness at
infratemporal fossa), Waldeyer’s tonsillar ring, and visu- 5 mm overlapping intervals) can be rapidly created at
alized portions of the nasopharyngeal and parapharyngeal the scanner console – typically in under a minute – by
spaces should be reviewed. Air in a place it does not the CT technologist. These MIP reformatted images
belong adjacent to a paranasal sinus – either intracranially allow for quick, efficient screening for occlusions, ste-
or extracranially – is generally a clue to a fracture (Fig. 1.2, noses, and aneurysms of the major intracranial arteries.
lower left panel, black arrow). The para- and supraclinoid carotid arteries should also
With regard to the sensitive detection of intracranial be checked for aneurysms on the axial CTA source
hemorrhage, review of coronal and sagittal images – images because overlapping bony and vascular struc-
reformatted from thin-slice helically acquired axial CT tures in these regions could obscure detection of lesions
source images – is essential (Wei et al., 2010). Volume on the MIP reformats. Because the extracranial carotid
averaging of subtle SAH, for example, may only be and vertebral arteries are perpendicular to the axial
apparent in the imaging plane that is perpendicular to imaging plane, they can be rapidly screened for steno-
the long axis of the involved sulcus (Fig. 1.9). In direct ses, dissections, or occlusions by scrolling through the
trauma, the anteriormost portions of the frontal and axial CTA source images. Finally, with regard to not
temporal lobes (the most freely mobile parts of the brain) overlooking incidental findings, the lungs, thyroid
are a common location for contusion. With thick-slice gland, lymph nodes in the neck, larynx, pharynx, bones,
axial images, however, these regions are often obscured and skull base should always additionally be reviewed.
by streak artifact from the adjacent surrounding bony Care must be taken, however, to only evaluate the
skull base. Coronal images, again, typically provide patency of the venous structures if an appropriate delay
more sensitive detection of subtle hemorrhage in these has been built into the CTA protocol – otherwise,
locations (Fig. 1.9, arrows). incomplete venous opacification secondary to early
For CTA image review of the intracranial circula- arterial phase imaging might be mistaken for a venous
tion, as noted previously, MIP reformatted axial, sinus thrombosis.
Similarly, an intraluminal filling defect in the proxi-
mal and mid basilar artery on CTA is likely to represent
a free-floating thrombus, or potentially beam-hardening
artifact, but should never be mistaken for mixing arti-
fact, which again is a phenomenon exclusively associ-
ated with direct catheter arteriography (Fig. 1.11).
Mixing artifact occurs during selective injection of con-
trast into one vertebral artery, when unopacified blood
from the contralateral vertebral artery mixes with the
contrast column in the basilar lumen. With CTA, for
which contrast is administered intravenously, mixing
occurs in the heart and lungs, with uniformly opacified
blood exiting the aorta.

Stroke – technical pearls and pitfalls

Imaging indications are driven by the available manage-
ment options. Hence, it was not until Food and Drug
Administration approval of thrombolytic treatment for
stroke using IV-tPA in 1996 that the use of CT for stroke
assessment became the standard of care (NINDS, 1995).
Intracranial hemorrhage is an absolute contraindication
Fig. 1.9. Coronal and sagittal reformatted images can mitigate to IV-tPA administration (von Kummer et al., 1997).
volume averaging and streak artifacts from adjacent bony A large (>30%) middle cerebral artery territory low-
structures, improving the conspicuity of subtle hemorrhage density lesion suggesting established infarct is a relative
compared to that of thick-slice axial images alone. contraindication, owing to increased hemorrhagic risk
(von Kummer et al., 2001). Given the low sensitivity
When interpreting CTA images, care must also be and specificity of the early CT signs of stroke, compared
taken to not confuse certain imaging artifacts commonly to that of MR diffusion-weighted imaging, obtaining a
seen in association with direct catheter arteriography correlative clinical history of abrupt onset of focal neu-
with CTA artifacts. For example, the differential rologic symptoms – prior to CT image interpretation – is
diagnosis of circumferential irregularity of the carotid essential (Mullins et al., 2002).
artery wall in the setting of blunt carotid trauma includes An early CT sign of embolic stroke that might help
carotid intimal injury, fibromuscular dysplasia, athero- guide patient selection for intra-arterial clot retrieval
matous disease, or potentially a poor-contrast bolus therapy is the hyperdense vessel sign (Fig. 1.12). More
(Fig. 1.10). Standing waves that are caused by vibrations distal clots in third-order branches may be identified
from high-pressure power injection of contrast during as dot signs. A recent retrospective study showed that
selective catheter arteriography are not included in this patients with CT hyperdense clot lengths > 8 mm, as
differential diagnosis. measured on thin-section CT, have a near-zero probabil-
ity of responding to IV-tPA alone; hence, such patients
might benefit from intra-arterial clot retrieval
(Somford et al., 2002; Riedel et al., 2011; Kamalian
et al., 2013).
A classic early ischemic CT sign is focal cortical swell-
ing. Other early CT imaging signs of stroke include
obscuration of the lentiform nucleus and insular ribbon
(Fig. 1.13) sign, both attributable to loss of gray/white-
matter differentiation with hypodensity related to vaso-
genic edema (Tomura et al., 1988; Truwit et al., 1990).
The detection of these early stroke signs varies between
observers, but they are typically seen in less than two-
Fig. 1.10. Subtle internal carotid intimal irregularity (arrows) thirds of patients imaged at 3 hours post stroke onset.
caused by blunt trauma, with bilateral displaced mandibular Parenchymal hypoattenuation is related to increased
condyle fractures (arrowheads). water content from vasogenic edema and appears to

Fig. 1.11. Filling defect within basilar artery due to intraluminal free-floating thrombus, with associated left superior cerebellar
infarct seen on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The filling defect should not be attributed to mixing artifact in the
absence of direct catheter arteriography.

Fig. 1.12. Hyperdense left middle cerebral artery clot is visible on the axial thin, 1.25-mm computed tomography (CT) slice, but
only as a dot sign on the thick, 5-mm CT slice due to partial volume averaging; confirmed on the axial CT angiography maximum-
intensity projection image.

hyperdensity (blood clot density) in the cerebrospinal

fluid spaces surrounding the brain. Although the pri-
mary cause of SAH is ruptured aneurysm, it can also
be due to intracranial dissection, trauma, vasculitis,
dural AVM, or cervical fistulas. CTA is highly accurate
to detect aneurysms, with accuracies approaching that
of digital subtraction catheter arteriography (the detec-
tion rate for aneurysms 3 mm is close to 100%). Of
note, aneurysm rupture need not necessarily present
as SAH; for example, if the dome of a top-of-internal
carotid artery aneurysm is pointing superiorly into the
Fig. 1.13. Hypoattenuation of the left insular ribbon, an early brain parenchyma, aneurysm rupture can dissect into
ischemic computed tomography sign of stroke, better visualized the adjacent brain tissue causing the appearance of
with narrow window width display settings (35 HU, right), than an IPH, which can mimic a hypertensive hemorrhage
at standard window width display settings (70 HU, left).
(Fig. 1.14).
The vast majority of IPHs are primary; these
be a sign of irreversible tissue injury, while recent studies are often related to hypertension and/or anticoagula-
suggest that focal swelling alone may be reversible. tion. Hypertensive bleeds typically affect the basal
A 10% increase in tissue water corresponds to a 20–30 ganglia, pons, and deep cerebellar nuclei. Imaging is
HU decrease in tissue density. critical for identifying potential causes of secondary
IPH, which include AVM, aneurysm, venous sinus
thrombosis, tumor, and vasculitis. On CTA, clues to
Nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage –
the diagnosis of AVM include numerous enlarged ves-
technical pearls and pitfalls
sels corresponding to feeding arteries, the vascular
This group includes intraparenchymal hemorrhage nidus or draining veins, as well as associated
(IPH) and SAH. Acute SAH is detected on CT as phleboliths.

Fig. 1.15. Complex, heterogeneous, hemorrhagic bithalamic

mass on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
a young postpartum female, initially thought to represent a
glioblastoma multiforme tumor (left). Unenhanced head com-
puted tomography (CT) revealed hyperdense right greater than
left internal cerebral veins, later confirmed on CT and MR
venography to be deep-vein thrombosis.

is not clearly attributable to mechanical trauma. The goal

is to exclude an unusual presentation of an aneurysm,
another vascular lesion such as an AVM, or a spot sign
Fig. 1.14. Intraparenchymal hemorrhage due to ruptured that would help identify patients at high risk of hema-
aneurysm; not all aneurysms result in subarachnoid hemor- toma expansion (Delgado Almandoz et al., 2009a;
rhage. Top: unenhanced computed tomography (CT) scan Romero et al., 2009). Large hematoma volume at presen-
showing right parenchymal hemorrhage; bottom: CT angio- tation (>60 mL) and intraventricular blood are predic-
gram showing top-of-internal carotid artery aneurysm. tors of poor outcome. Spot sign reflects active
contrast extravasation of contrast into the hematoma;
obtaining a delayed venous-phase CTA can increase sen-
Dural sinus or cortical vein thrombosis is a less com- sitivity for spot sign detection (Delgado Almandoz et al.,
mon cause of IPH, but should always be considered as a 2009b; Brouwers et al., 2014). Spot sign characteristics
diagnosis of exclusion, especially in young/middle-aged with high positive predictive value for hematoma expan-
females who are postpartum or on oral contraceptives. If sion include 3 spots, maximum diameter of the largest
rounded and heterogeneous, hemorrhagic lesions from spot 5 mm, and maximum attenuation of the largest
cortical vein thrombosis can sometimes mimic tumor spot 180 HU.
(Thaler and Frosch, 2002) (Fig. 1.15). If an adequate
venous-phase intracranial CTA has been obtained – even
if the CT exam was not ordered or protocoled as a ded- NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND FUTURE
icated CTV – both the arteries and veins should always be DIRECTIONS
screened for filling defects or occlusion. Important Although there have been many recent advancements in
mimics of dural venous sinus thrombosis include arach- the CT imaging chain – from improved X-ray beam gen-
noid granulations, which are often seen on CTA as lob- eration to more efficient detectors and more advanced
ulated filling defects in the lateral aspects of the image reconstruction and postprocessing techniques –
transverse sinuses, as well as hypoplasia of a transverse we will highlight two important new developments in
sinus. Suspected thrombosis should be confirmed on the following paragraphs: dual-energy CT (Gupta
unenhanced CT as hyperdense clot within the vein or et al., 2010; Rapalino et al., 2011; Pomerantz et al.,
sinus (Fig. 1.15). Dedicated CT or MR venography may 2013) and iterative reconstruction (Ramachandran and
be performed. Gradient echo imaging is often helpful Lakshminarayanan, 1971; Rapalino et al., 2012;
for cortical vein thrombosis, which appears as a tortu- Corcuera-Solano et al., 2014).
ous, dysplastic area of signal loss (blooming artifact).
Diffusion-weighted imaging may reveal restricted diffu-
Dual-energy CT (DECT)
sion from intravascular clot.
In our emergency department practice, CTA is typi- Conventional CT assigns a CT number (also known as a
cally obtained for every intracranial hemorrhage that linear attenuation coefficient or Hounsfield unit), to
each imaged voxel. The CT number depends on the as long as the k-edge of the material is not within the
energy of the X-ray beam used for imaging: the higher evaluated energy range. This works best if the two mate-
the energy, lower the linear attenuation coefficient. In rials have sufficiently different atomic numbers.
addition, how the CT number changes as a function of The preselected material pairs could be, for example,
energy is unique to each material. This fact can be used water versus contrast material or calcium versus hemor-
for characterizing the material in each voxel. Many newer rhage. In this decomposition, each image represents
scanners allow dual-energy imaging for tissue character- materials that have spectral signature close to that of
ization. Two images are acquired at low and high energies the selected material.
(typically, 80 and 140 kV). These are then postprocessed Material decomposition can be used to advantage in
to answer specific clinical questions about the underlying multiple clinical situations. For example, in a noncon-
anatomy and/or physiology. DECT can be implemented trast head CT scan after trauma, a parenchymal hyper-
using any one of the following four paradigms. density may represent acute hemorrhage or chronic
calcification. Because the spectral signatures of hemor-
1. Dual-spin scanners sequentially acquire two
rhage and calcification are quite distinct, one can use a
independent image sets of the same anatomy
DECT to make this differentiation.
at two different energy settings.
As shown in Figure 1.16, one can also split the attenu-
2. Fast kVp switching scanners employ a special
ation of each voxel into its two main components, the pho-
X-ray tube that is capable of rapidly switching
toelectric effect and the Compton scattering. Since the
between high and low voltage settings on a
energy dependence of each of these components is
projection-by-projection basis, as the scanner
known, one can generate a simulated or virtual monochro-
rotates around the patient.
matic image of the anatomy at any desired energy level.
3. Dual-source scanners, as the name implies,
The following applications of DECT have been
have two independent imaging chains mounted
described in the literature (Gupta et al., 2010; Rapalino
on a single CT gantry. One imaging chain is
et al., 2011; Pomerantz et al., 2013):
operated in the low-energy mode and the
other imaging chain is operated in the high- ● automatic bone removal
energy mode. ● virtual monochromatic images for optimal
4. Dual-layer detector-based scanners use the contrast viewing and posterior fossa artifact
inherent polychromatic nature of the X-ray reduction
beam to acquire a low- and high-energy spectral ● differentiation of hemorrhage from iodinated-
band from a single exposure by using a special- contrast extravasation
ized detector that can provide two spectral ● calcified plaque and bone subtraction for CTA
bands from the same X-ray illumination. in order to discern the contrast-opacified ves-
sels from adjacent bone, particularly in the skull
The postprocessing steps, irrespective of how the low- base and vertebrae
and high-energy images are acquired, are the same ● evaluation of extracranial–intracranial bypass
and are schematically shown in Figure 1.16. As men- surgery
tioned before, for each voxel, the total attenuation ● metal artifact reduction.
decreases with increasing X-ray photon energy, and
the decrease is characteristic of the material composition Some clinical examples of these indications follow in the
of each voxel. Material density images, for any two pre- paragraphs below.
selected materials, are created based on the theory of Figure 1.17 shows the attenuation of iodine and water
basis material decomposition. The attenuation coeffi- as a function of X-ray energy. As can be seen, the atten-
cients of any material can be calculated as a weighted uation of iodine declines markedly as the X-ray photon
sum of the attenuation coefficients of two materials energy increases; the attenuation of water, on the other
hand, remains relatively constant. This fact can be used
to increase the conspicuity of contrast-enhanced vessels
against the background of the brain parenchyma or dras-
tically cut down the amount of contrast that is adminis-
tered, with obvious benefits in terms of renal health.
While the contrast of iodine increases as the X-ray
photon energy is lowered, the opposite is true of metal
artifacts. Any piece of metallic hardware either
Fig. 1.16. Steps in dual-energy computed tomography completely blocks the X-ray beam, or substantially
(DECT) postprocessing. hardens the beam. After CT reconstruction, this

Fig. 1.17. Dual-energy virtual monochromatic images of a contrast-enhanced brain at three different energy levels: 50 keV (top
right), 65 keV (bottom left), and 130 keV (bottom right). With dual-energy computed tomography, virtual monochromatic recon-
struction at lower keV levels improves intravascular enhancement and contrast-to-noise ratio as the X-ray photon energy moves
closer to the k-edge of iodine (33.2 keV). As can be seen, the attenuation with the vessel jumps from 169 HU to 1156 HU when we
move from 130 keV to 50 keV. With this change, the brain parenchyma only goes from 18 HU to 45 HU. This fact can be used to
drastically cut down the amount of contrast that is administered, with obvious benefits in terms of renal health.

phenomenon manifests itself as linear streaks in the laterally and the clivus anteriorly. As shown in
images, as shown in the case of a surgical fixation frame Figure 1.20, one can considerably reduce this artifact
in Figure 1.18. As this figure illustrates, one can substan- using the virtual monochromatic images.
tially reduce these artifacts by increasing the simulated
monochromatic energy level. Another example of this
Iterative reconstruction algorithms
use of DECT is shown in a trauma CTA, performed
for assessing potential involvement of the carotid artery An X-ray image provides a superposition of all the struc-
by a foreign body with substantial metal in it (Fig. 1.19). tures in the path of the X-ray beam. In CT, close to 1000
The single-energy images in this case were unrevealing such projection images are acquired and converted
because of excessive spray artifact from the metal. into tomographic slice data using a specialized recon-
High-keV virtual monochromatic images, however, struction algorithm. Johann Radon, an Austrian mathe-
clearly demonstrated that the cavernous carotid was matician, provided the mathematic basis for this
not involved. conversion process almost a century ago. Radon proved
The same trick, in fact, can be used with any sub- that a 2-D function (e.g., an image of a tomographic slice
stance with high density that causes beam hardening. through the body) is mathematically equivalent to its pro-
For example, the visualization of the posterior fossa con- jections. It was not until the early 1970s that Sir Godfrey
tents, especially the brainstem, is severely degraded by Hounsfield recognized that X-rays provided an experi-
beam-hardening artifact arising from the petrous ridges mental method for obtaining a set of projection images

Fig. 1.18. Dual-energy computed tomography of stereotactic frame imaging for pre-op measurements; reduction of beam hard-
ening due to metallic frame.

Fig. 1.20. An example of virtual monochromatic imaging for

Fig. 1.19. An example of virtual monochromatic imaging at posterior fossa beam-hardening artifact reduction.
180 keV for metal artifact reduction in a patient with a foreign
body (a ballpoint pen) in the sphenoid sinus. Despite the pres-
ence of metal, one can clearly discern that the carotid artery is into the tomographic plane. FBP provides an analytic
not involved by the trauma. method for image reconstruction; no attempt is made
to minimize the overall error between the reconstructed
of any object, that are, in a fundamental mathematic tomographic image and its corresponding set of projec-
sense, equivalent to the tomographic images of that tion images. Such analytic reconstruction algorithms
object. provide a single-pass solution to the reconstruction task:
The most common method for converting a set of each projection is convolved with the kernel and then
projection images into the corresponding set of tomo- backprojected with no attempt at error minimization.
graphic slices is via an algorithm called filtered backpro- As a result, FBP is very fast and nearly universally avail-
jection or FBP (Ramachandran and Lakshminarayanan, able on all CT scanners. However, this algorithm is prone
1971). In this algorithm, the set of projections are con- to noise and artifacts, especially in the presence of beam
volved with a function called a kernel, and then projected hardening and metallic objects in the field of view. FBP

Fig. 1.21. Effect of dose reduction on filtered backprojection (FBP) reconstruction algorithm and iterative reconstruction (IR)
algorithm. (Courtesy of Synho Do, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital.)

also requires a large number of projections, increasing with scanning. These algorithms go by specialized
the radiation dose to the patient. names, such as: Adaptive Statistical Iterative Recon-
Recently, a new class of algorithms called iterative struction or ASIR and Veo (both by GE Healthcare);
reconstruction algorithms has been increasingly used IRIS, Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction
to improve image quality and to minimize radiation (SAFIRE), and Admire (all by Siemens Medical Solu-
dose. These algorithms, unlike their analytic counter- tions); iDose and IMR (Philips); and AIDER-3D
parts, explicitly minimize projection error between a (Toshiba). A detailed discussion of these algorithms is
reconstructed slice and its corresponding projection beyond the scope of this chapter.
set. The nomenclature iterative reconstruction derives One can understand the effect of iterative reconstruc-
from the fact that this error minimization proceeds iter- tion algorithm on the noise profile with the help of a CT
atively, with incremental improvements in the recon- resolution phantom, shown in Figure 1.21. In this figure,
structed slice, until the overall error is minimized. the dose was monotonically reduced from full-dose
Typically, anywhere from 1 to 30 iterations may be (100%) to 75%, 50%, and 25% and the images were
needed to accomplish this. Iterative reconstruction algo- reconstructed using FPB. As can be seen, the noise, as
rithms reduce image noise, increase image resolution, manifested by the quantum mottle in the image,
and decrease radiation dose. increases as the dose is reduced. As a result, the smallest
The major drawback of iterative reconstruction algo- low-density inserts in the phantom become invisible at
rithms is their slow computational speed: it may take sev- lower doses. The projection set for the case with the low-
eral hours to arrive at the global minimum on a single est dose (25% of the full dose) was reconstructed with a
processor machine. However, given the computational custom iterative reconstruction algorithm. As can be
power available on most multicore processors and seen, the quality of this iterative reconstruction image
graphical processing units, this drawback is fast becom- is considerably superior to that of the corresponding
ing a nonissue. Many of the computational steps FBP image. In fact, a case could be made that it is better
required by these algorithms, for example, ray tracing, than the FBP reconstruction with 100% of the dose. In
are available in the high-end processors designed for general, iterative reconstruction algorithms can reduce
video game industry. With the advent of such processing dose while preserving or improving image quality.
power, the computational time can be reduced to less The same phenomenon can also be demonstrated clin-
than 1 minute, making iterative reconstruction feasible ically, as shown in Figures 1.22 and 1.23. These figures
in current clinical practice. Most vendors of CT equip- illustrate the affect of two popular iterative reconstruc-
ment have introduced specialized iterative reconstruc- tion algorithms on image quality with varying levels of
tion algorithms to reduce radiation dose associated iterative reconstruction applied. In Figure 1.22, ASIR

Fig. 1.22. Filtered backprojection (FBP)), ASIR 40%, ASIR 80%, less image noise and improved gray–white-matter

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 135 (3rd series)
Neuroimaging, Part I
J.C. Masdeu and R.G. González, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 2

MR imaging: deconstructing timing diagrams

and demystifying k-space


Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Biophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) works on the principle that hydrogen molecules, which are abundant
in organic tissue, have a magnetic moment arising from the spin of the protons in the nucleus. All atoms
consist of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons. When a sample is put in a large magnet field, the
hydrogen atoms become magnetized resulting in a bulk magnetization of the sample. Each of these hydro-
gen atoms acts like a bar magnet, spinning at a frequency about the applied main magnetic field. The
frequency of spin is proportional to the applied main field and hence to encode position, we apply an
additive field that increases linearly with position in a given direction. Hence, the spins in that direction
will precess at a linearly increasing frequency and can be resolved by matching each resolvable frequency
bin to a given position. This allows one direction to be resolved. By repeating the same procedure for the
other dimension, a 2D image can be resolved by averaging over the third dimension.

these dipoles is randomly oriented such that the net mag-

netization of the sample is zero, as shown in
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) works on the princi- Figure 2.1C. When a sample is placed in a magnetic field,
ple that hydrogen molecules, which are abundant in a slightly higher number of these dipoles align in the
organic tissue, have a magnetic moment arising from direction of the field while the remainder align in a direc-
the spin of the protons in the nucleus (see, for example, tion opposite to the main applied field. The net result
Wehrli et al., 1988). All atoms consist of a nucleus made is that the sample is slightly magnetized in the direction
of positively charged protons and of neutrons. The posi- of the applied field, much like a paper clip becomes
tively charged nucleus is balanced by a cloud of electrons magnetized when it is attached to a magnet for a suffi-
of opposite charge that render the atom neutral. Protons, cient period of time. This net bulk magnetization of
neutrons, and electrons have intrinsic angular momen- the sample is represented by a vector M, as shown in
tum, meaning that they inherently spin about their axis. Figure 2.1D. Note that it takes some time for the net mag-
For example, the single proton that makes up a hydrogen netization of the sample to reach its final or steady-state
atom spins about its axis as shown in Figure 2.1B. value. This rate of magnetization is the so-called T1
Rotating or moving charges (protons or electrons) relaxation of a given sample or the time it takes the sam-
give rise to an electric current. Associated with currents ple to reach 63% of its final magnetization steady state,
is a magnetic field so that each nuclear spin is like a mag- as shown in Figure 2.1E (Bottomley et al., 1987).
netic dipole or bar magnet and will align with an applied In addition to the alignment with the applied field,
field in a manner that is analogous to a compass needle. each one of these spin dipoles precesses or oscillates
In the absence of an external magnetic field, each of about the main applied field B0 at a frequency

*Correspondence to: Andrew J.M. Kiruluta, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit St, Ellison 229D, Boston MA 02114, USA.
Tel: +1-617-724-6536, E-mail:

A B proton spin


0.63M 0


C B = B0 D B = B0 E
Fig. 2.1. (A) Simplified model of atomic structure showing a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons in
a shell structure. (B) Neutrons, protons, and electrons spin about their axis, and, for charged particles like protons and electrons, this
results in a magnetic moment vector analogous to a campus needle. Spins, analogous to bar magnets, are normally oriented ran-
domly in thermal equilibrium, as in (C). (D) Much like a compass aligns itself with the earth’s magnetic field, in the presence of an
applied polarizing magnetic field B0, some spins align with the magnetic field while some align themselves against the magnetic
field, thus canceling each other out. (E) The excess number of spins in the direction of the main field results in the net bulk mag-
netization of the sample, represented here as vector M. The growth in magnetization of the sample is asymptotic till it reaches its
steady-state value, determined by the relaxation rate T1 of the material.

proportional to the strength of this main field, the problems that need to be resolved. First, the spins are
so-called larmor frequency. The higher the strength of all precessing at about the same larmor frequency, so
the main field, the higher the frequency of precession that all points in a 3D volume contribute to the same sig-
of the spins. This relationship is given by the simple nal at a single frequency and hence no spatial localiza-
equation: tion is possible from this frequency information. The
second problem is that, even though all the spins are pre-
o ¼ gB0 (1)
cessing at about the same frequency, they started preces-
where g is a constant which depends on the size of nuclei. sing at slightly different times and are thus not in phase
For hydrogen nuclei with a single proton, this constant is with each other. The third problem is related to limitation
equal to a precession rate of 42 MHz per tesla, where of detecting magnetic fields directly. However, chang-
tesla is a unit of measure of field strength, so that for ing magnetic fields (due to larmor precession in this
the most common clinical scanner at 1.5 T, the spins case) will lead to the induction of a current in an appro-
oscillate at 64 million cycles per second. Now, the radio priately placed receiver coil. Let us begin by addressing
broadcast band, which includes AM, FM, and TV trans- the spin localization problem.
missions, spans the frequency range 3 Hz to 300 GHz so
that MRI spin precession frequencies are well within the
radio broadcast band, and hence the need for a radiofre-
quency (RF)-shielded room to isolate the scanner from The solution to this problem is intrinsic to the larmor
broadcast contamination. relationship, which states that spins precess at a fre-
So what happens if we try to image an object based on quency proportional to the field strength (eq. 1). The
what we have done so far? To recap, we have put a sam- solution then is to add a small field, pointing in the same
ple in a magnetic field where it has become magnetized. direction as the main field B0, but which linearly
In addition, all these spins precess around the main increases the total field as a function of position to
applied field. We have essentially three fundamental one side of the center of the magnet bore and linearly
decreases the field as a function of position on the oppo- of phase. Consider the single-frequency signal shown as
site side of the magnet center. The result is that spins four separate traces in Figure 2.3, all with the same
experience a linearly increasing or decreasing field with amplitude and frequency. The time origin is defined
distance and hence precess faster with distance on one by the vertical line in the figure at t ¼ 0. We see that, even
side and slower on the other side from the center of though the frequency of oscillation is identical for all
the magnet bore. This encoding scheme allows us to iden- four traces, their starting point is different relative to
tify different positions by the rate at which the spins in reference waveform 1. The waveforms are thus delayed
those respective positions precess. relative to the reference waveform and this delay is a
The idea is illustrated in Figure 2.2, where spins at measureable quantity, referred to as phase delay. As
four different locations along the x-axis are precessing long as the phase is preserved in the measurement of
at four distinct frequencies and hence can be resolved the signal relative to a given reference, and we have
with this gradient encoding scheme. Because each the means to recover this phase, then all four traces
resolvable location in a given direction is precessing at can be distinguished from each other based on this rela-
a specific frequency, this spin localization scheme is tive phase delay. This is thus the basis of phase encoding.
referred to as frequency encoding when data are col- The concept of phase is extremely important in MR.
lected during this interval. This encoding scheme allows As we have seen, MR consists of an ensemble of spin
us to encode spins in a single direction only so that imag- frequencies that have been spatially encoded. The
ing in the presence of this gradient reduces a 3D object to strength of the detected signal will depend on whether
a line. When data are collected when the gradient is these different frequencies add up in phase (constructive
turned off, the spins resort to precess at the same fre- interference: Fig. 2.4A), resulting in a larger signal, or
quency but at different phases. This is then phase- out of phase (destructive interference: Fig. 2.4B), result-
encoded data (more on this later). We shall discuss later ing in a smaller signal. The concept is similar to an anal-
how to unfold this line into two dimensions based on sev- ogy between a laser and a light bulb, as shown in
eral extensions of this basic gradient encoding idea. Figure 2.4C. A light bulb illuminates with a wide range
of frequencies that are for the most part out of phase
SPIN SYNCHRONIZATION with each other and hence the intensity of the illumina-
tion is not as pronounced. By contrast, a laser has only
The second problem is one of spin synchronization. To a very limited range of frequencies which are produced
understand this idea, we need to understand the concept at a very precise phase, such that all components add
coherently, resulting in a very intense output beam.

For MRI to work, given that the bulk magnetization of





frequency encoded phase encoded 2


1 reference
Fig. 2.2. Frequency encoding of spins by the superposition of
a linear gradient on to the main field, B0. The figure shows four t
spin positions precessing at linearly increasing frequencies t=0
along x. The data are said to be frequency-encoded. When Fig. 2.3. Single-frequency waveforms referenced to a com-
the gradient pulse is switched off, the spins resume to preces- mon point showing that, from this vantage point, the four traces
sing at the same rate, determined by the main polarization field can be discriminated from each other based on their delay rel-
B0 but with different phases. The spins when detected in this ative to reference waveform 1. The waveforms are thus phase-
range are said to be phase-encoded. encoded.
0 1 2 3 4

0.5 C


0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 2.4. The concept of adding frequencies in phase, referred to as constructive interference (A), results in a larger output signal,
while that of adding out-of-phase signals results in destructive interference and a reduced output (B). (C) In analogous fashion, the
random generation of out-of-phase frequencies from a light bulb and hence the illumination is not as intense as that of a laser from
which a narrow range of frequencies is generated with a precise phase relationship. The result is a very coherent and intense
laser beam.

the sample represented by the vector M is very small, of music pieces to produce a symphony; otherwise the
even with a strong polarizing B0 field, we need it to oper- composition would fall apart as the composition loses
ate like a laser. coherence (dephases). The same holds true for preces-
Hence, a mechanism has to be devised to bring all the sing spins that we have encoded with a linear variation
precessing spins in synchronism or in phase. This is of frequencies in order to resolve positions.
achieved by using an RF excitation pulse. To see how Now let us put it all together. First, we need to reduce
the RF excitation achieves this, consider Figure 2.5A, the 3D imaging problem to 2D by selecting only a slice to
where the spins (represented by the off-axis vectors) image. We do this by applying a gradient so that spins
are shown to precess about the main field in a random precess at linearly increasing frequencies along the
fashion, resulting in a component of magnetization direction of the applied gradient. We then apply an RF
along the z-axis, but none in the transverse xy-plane. pulse to synchronize spins only in a restricted frequency
Using an RF excitation pulse applied in the transverse range so that spins precessing at frequencies outside this
plane and at the same frequency as the precessing range are not affected by the RF pulse. To accomplish
spins, they can thus be brought in phase, as shown in this we need the RF pulse to carry the range of frequen-
Figure 2.5B). A direct consequence of this rephrasing cies corresponding to the slice width we are interested in.
is the emergence of a component of magnetization in This range of frequencies is referred to as the bandwidth
the transverse plane (the vector sum of all spins) which of the RF pulse. Figure 2.6 shows the basic components
will continue to precess about the main field B0, while of this process. A linear gradient is applied (Fig. 2.6A),
inducing a detectable current in a coil placed in the trans- for example along the z-direction, resulting in frequency
verse plane, as shown in Figure 2.5C. The RF excitation encoding along that dimension. An RF pulse with a fre-
thus serves two roles: to rephase the spin precessions and quency bandwidth (Fig. 2.6C) corresponding to the
in so doing create a transverse component of the magne- desired slice thickness is applied at the same time. To
tization which is responsible for the MR signal. get the RF pulse to yield a rectangular slice profile, cor-
An analogy of spin synchronization can be drawn responding to the bandwidth of interest, the RF pulse
from an orchestra, where a multitude of instruments should be shaped as in Figure 2.6D, referred to as a sinc
and voices generating an ensemble of frequencies that pulse. This is a requirement of Fourier transform theory,
comprise a symphony have to be synchronized to make which we will revisit in a subsequent section.
beautiful music. That is the role of the conductor in We can thus represent the excitation phase of the
ensuring that the timing of musical events is properly sequence as shown in the timing diagram in Figure 2.6E,
synchronized. The conductor synchronizes the start/end which shows a sinc RF pulse coincident with an applied

M Mz



RF signals from precessing spins RF antenna/

Receiver coil

Starts off large when all spins are in phase

Decays away as different components get
FID different phases

C High frequency curve is at the average frequency

Fig. 2.5. Spin precession about the main field B0, showing the lack of phase coherence between the various spins (A) and the effect
of the radiofrequency (RF) pulse in refocusing the spins and creating a transverse component of magnetization (B). It is this pre-
cessing transverse component (C) that induces a current in a coil (D). The various frequency components in the transverse mag-
netization are initially in phase, resulting in a large signal which decays as the various frequency components eventually lose phase
coherence over time (D). The rate at which this phase coherence is lost is the relaxation time constant, T2. The detected signal is
called a free induction decay (FID). GBM, glioblastoma; Cho, choline; NAA, N-acetyl aspartate.

gradient in the slice selection direction. The extra negative amplitude, frequency, and phase. The amplitude of the
gradient lobe is a subtlety to compensate for the residual signal is determined by the concentration of the spins,
phase arising from the slice selection gradient. We will r, and by the relaxation time constants, T1 and T2.
build the entire timing diagram for generating an image Hence, we cannot use the amplitude of these oscillations
via this step-by-step approach while introducing the basics to resolve x from y since it carries our contrast informa-
of k-space. tion. We are thus left with only two degrees of freedom
Now that we have all the spins that make up a slice in to exploit: that of frequency and phase of the precessing
the transverse plane where we can detect the MR signal, spins. Hence, we will resolve one dimension with fre-
we need to resolve the remaining two dimensions with quency while the other is encoded with phase.
some type of encoding scheme. We know that the spins The idea behind phase encoding is similar to fre-
are detectable through their precession about the applied quency encoding in that a linear gradient is applied which
field B0. Precession signals can be characterized by their makes spin precession frequencies change linearly along

Slope = 1



RF Amplitude

Frequency Time
Fig. 2.6. A gradient is applied along one direction, as shown, which makes the spins along that direction precess with frequencies
that linearly increase with position. A radiofrequency (RF) excitation pulse applied at the same time will rephase only those spins
which are within its bandwidth, as shown in (A–C). The corresponding spins will then have a component in the transverse plane so
that only signals in that slice are detectable. Note that the size of the slice is determined by the frequency content of the RF pulse as
well as by the gradient strength, which determines the frequency-encoding resolution of the spins, given by the slope in (A). Apply-
ing an RF excitation pulse coincident with the slice selection gradient thus reduces the imaging problem from 3D to 2D. The timing
diagram extract for slice selection is shown in (E). We will repeat this structure to adequately sample the 2D plane and the repetition
time is denoted by TR (time to repeat).

3D Slice Selection 2D 1D TR
To encode information in a sine wave:
- Frequency
- Phase
Period T
- Amplitude


Frequency = 1/T t
Fig. 2.7. Spin populations in magnetic resonance are detect-
able through their oscillations, which can be characterized phase encoding
by their frequency, phase, and amplitude. Fig. 2.8. Addition of a phase-encoding gradient to the timing
diagram. After slice selection, one dimension is phase-
encoded as shown, leaving the other dimension to be encoded
separately. TR, time to repeat; RF, radiofrequency.
the direction of the applied gradient. During the interval
when the gradient is on, the spins are frequency-
encoded, as shown in Figure 2.7. When the gradient is
turned off, the spins return to precessing at the same fre- the gradient is still on so that spins are recorded with their
quency. Notice, however, that the waveform starts at dif- individual frequencies.
ferent temporal location or phase at each resolvable The full timing diagram for collecting a slice is shown
position. Hence, the spins are said to be phase-encoded in Figure 2.9. For each phase-encoding step, a line in
in the direction of the previously applied gradient. The k-space is collected corresponding to each resolvable fre-
partially built sequence with the addition of a phase- quency along the x-direction. The experiment is then
encoding step is shown in Figure 2.8. repeated (at time-to-repeat (TR) intervals) for another
We still need one dimension to fully encode the 2D increment in phase-encoding gradient. k-space is thus a
image. As shown in Figure 2.7, we used slice selection way of arranging the collected frequencies and their
to choose a plane and then encoded one dimension as respective phases in a 2D plot. This sequence is called
phase. We will thus encode the other dimension with a gradient echo because the signal reaches its maximum
the only remaining degree of freedom of spin oscillation: value when the frequency-encoding gradient passes
that of frequency. What distinguishes frequency from through the origin of k-space at point 3 and hence the
phase encoding is that data should be collected while applied gradient along that direction is identical to zero.
α α


2 4
Gy k-space trajectory for one
initial -ve phase encoding step
2 3 4
phase encoding 1



frequency encoding
GE sequence & data acquisition full k-space trajectory
Fig. 2.9. Timing diagram for a single acquisition of a line in k-space along the frequency-encoding direction kx for a gradient echo
(GE) sequence. The analog-to-digital converter (ACQ) line represents timing of when the data are actually acquired, which cor-
responds to when the frequency-encoding gradient (Gx in this case) is turned on. Initially, for each phase-encoding step, we have an
increasingly negative-going gradient along kx from point 1 to point 2, then we have a positive-going gradient from 2 through the
center of k-space at 3 and finally to point 4. Data are acquired during the interval 2–4, so that the line from l to 2 is collected only
once. The experiment then repeats by increasing the phase-encoding area ky, so that k-space is filled in the direction from the
bottom to the top. The reasons for how much k-space is needed to be filled will be discussed in a later section. TE, time to echo;
TR, time to repeat; RF, radiofrequency.

The location of this maximum signal point in k-space is to a specific frequency with an associated phase (Twieg,
the time to echo (TE), as defined in the timing diagram. 1983). Once the entire k-space is filled, the image is gener-
In this formulation, k-space is a way of organizing, ated by Fourier transforming the entire space. Along a
in two dimensions, the distribution of spin-encoding fre- fixed ky-axis, we see that each resolvable point has a dif-
quencies and phases as we collect them. First, the phase ferent spatial frequency kx, represented by the horizontal
for each of the precessing spins is set by the phase- points. Similarly, for a fixed kx, we have signals with a
encoding gradient, which yields a point along the ky-axis. fixed frequency for each point but a linearly increasing
When the frequency-encoding gradient is applied along phase between them as we track along ky (represented
kx, spins along the x-direction have a linear change in by the vertical x points).
frequency and are collected simultaneously with this
gradient encoding. The resulting signal is displaced in
phase along the ky-axis and consists of individual fre-
quencies along the kx-axis. The intensity of each oscilla- The signals in the transverse plane consist of a collection
tion, which is a measure of contrast, is contained in the of frequencies arising from both the spatial encoding
amplitude of each point in the 2D space. Without loss with gradients as well as field inhomogeneities due to
of generality, kx and ky are interchangeable in terms of imperfections in the system. After a period of time lon-
which one is phase and which one is frequency. ger than T2, these different frequencies, which are pre-
An equivalent coverage of k-space can also be accom- cessing at different rates, lose phase coherence with each
plished using a spin-echo sequence, shown in Figure 2.10. other so that the transverse component of the magneti-
In this case the trajectory from point 1 to 2 in k-space is zation is substantially reduced. If we wait long enough,
mirrored by the application of the 180° pulse to the oppo- the signal will entirely decay to zero. However, there are
site quadrant at point 3, where it is then frequency- ways to recover signal decay caused by the spreading out
encoded from points 3 to 4. of the signals due to imperfections in the system. In one
The meaning of each point in (kx, ky) space is further case, we can use a gradient echo to recover the signal. As
illustrated in Figure 2.11. Each point in k-space corresponds discussed earlier, applying a gradient changes the spin

TE/2 π TE/2
π/2 π/2

3 4
k-space trajectory for
one phase encoding step
Gy B
1 2 3 4



SE sequence

k-space completed in the
direction of the arrow
Fig. 2.10. Corresponding timing diagram for a spin-echo (SE) sequence. For example, for an initial positive y-gradient lobe and a
positive gradient along kx from point 1 to point 2, we have a tilted line in k-space from the origin at point 1 to point 2. The effect of
the 180° pulse is to invert the phase in k-space by 180° to a new location at point 3. We then apply a frequency-encoded gradient
from point 3 to 4 while reading out the data at the same time, so that k-space is recorded as a line from 3 to 4, as shown. TE, time to
echo; TR, time to repeat; RF, radiofrequency; ACQ, analog-to-digital converter.

precession linearly in the direction of the gradient field.

frequency encoding
This corresponds to a translation along the applied gra-
dient direction in k-space. Now, signal strength is highest
at the center of k-space, where all spins are precessing in
phase, so that any deviation from the center of k-space
due to the applied gradients results in a reduction in sig-
nal intensity. The gradient echo results whenever we
reverse the gradient direction so that we transverse back
... to the center of k-space, resulting in an echo, as shown in
x x x Figure 2.12A.
. Alternatively, we can return to the center of k-space
by inverting the phase of the spins to the opposite side of
k-space, as shown in Figure 2.12B, where we invert the
phase encoding
direction spin k-space location from point 1 to point 2. If we
now allow the spins to continue to precess as before, then
they will be at the origin of k-space in the same time that
it took them to reach point 1 and thus we get an echo
(Wehrli, 1990). This inversion is independent of the field
Fig. 2.11. Along the ky axis, phase increases linearly, as
inhomogeneities that are causing the traversal of k-space
shown by the vertical crosses and the corresponding signals and as long as the conditions for this traversal (due to
which are at the same frequency on the kx axis. k-space is filled field inhomogeneities, chemical shift, gradients, and
by fixing the phase with a phase-encoding gradient along ky other system imperfections) remain the same over time,
and then collecting spin frequencies along the frequency- then an echo will form when the spins transverse the
encoding gradient direction kx. same k-space distance in equal time after the inversion
placing the fast spinners behind the slow spinners, which
1 1 is the essence of both the spin-echo effect and the runner
For the gradient echo, the respective speeds of the
runners are assumed to be only due to the applied gra-
dients. If at some point in time we switch the speed of
the runners (the fastest runner becomes the slowest
runner, and so on), then we would expect them to catch
up with each other in the same amount of time that it
A Gradient echo B Spin echo took for them to separate out. This works as long as
they are no other sources of speed uncertainty (field
Fig. 2.12. Dynamics of echo formation in k-space. The signal
intensity is highest at the center of k-space and falls off as
inhomogeneities, chemical shift, etc.) and hence the
we increase the frequency or phase of the spins. (A) For the gradient echo is only capable of refocusing spins by
gradient echo, the deviation from the center of k-space to point removing phase differences arising out of the applied
1 is reversed by applying an opposite gradient which brings us gradients.
back to the center and hence forms a gradient echo. (B) For a
spin echo, a 180° pulse inverts the accumulated phase to its
conjugate point 2, so that with the same rate of phase accrual A CLOSER LOOK AT IMAGE SPACE
due to field inhomogeneities as for moving from the center AND k-SPACE
to point 1, the net magnetization returns to the center of k-space For a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding
in the same time, resulting in a spin echo.
of how MR images are formed, we need to further
explore the relationship between an MR image and its
pulse. This is the basis of a spin-echo sequence, which “k-space” representation. As shown in Figure 2.13, we
achieves the inversion from point 1 to point 2 in k-space see that the image has coordinates x and y while k-space
with a 180° RF pulse. data has coordinates kx and ky. The units of x and y are in
There is one very substantial difference between a units of distance (centimeters (cm)) while the units of kx
gradient echo and a spin echo. Gradient echoes only and ky are in units of 1/distance (1/cm), representing
reverse spin phases resulting from the applied gradients, number of oscillation cycles per distance or a spatial fre-
while the spin echo inverts all spin phase differences quency. The gray scale of the k-space data reflects the
regardless of the field inhomogeneity source. Spin value of the data at positions kx and ky which is our con-
echoes thus yield larger echo amplitudes than gradient trast, primarily determined by the proton density, T1 and
echoes. Hence, in the presence of other field inhomoge- T2 (Bottomley et al., 1987).
neities, gradient echoes do not return to the precise In order to represent a two-dimensional function,
origin of k-space. As well, in gradient-based echo imag- such as a head image, one needs to use sine functions
ing sequences, echoes are formed when either kx ¼ 0 in two directions. Thus, k-space reflects that any contin-
or ky ¼ 0 or both. uous object can be decomposed or reconstructed
A commonly used analogy is that of a foot race. Sup- from its frequency content. This is demonstrated in
pose all runners line up in a starting line, and at the sound Figure 2.13, where we show the k-space representation
of the starter’s gun they begin to run clockwise around a of the head image. Again, the relation between the
track. Because they all run at somewhat different k-space data and the image data is through Fourier
speeds, the pack of runners spreads out until eventually transformation. The brightness of a single point in
(after many laps) they are distributed nearly evenly, and the k-space domain reports the amplitude of the sine
seemingly randomly, around the track. At this time function, while the location of the point tells us its fre-
another gun is fired, commanding all runners to turn quency and orientation. If we consider varying points
around and run counterclockwise. Now, the fast runners we can see that sine patterns of varying frequency
who were ahead of the others are suddenly behind, and and orientation are represented by specifically oriented
the slow runners who were behind the others are mirac- stripes. Hence, the Fourier transform of each individual
ulously ahead. As time goes on, the fast runners catch up point in k-space results in a stripe pattern with the ori-
to the slow ones, and eventually they all meet in one tight entation of the pattern determined by the location of the
pack as they run past the starting line. This unexpected point in k-space. The intersection of the dotted lines
regrouping of the runners is the echo. The analogy is represent the points of kx ¼ ky ¼ 0. For points on the
not perfect, because the spins always precess in the same kx-axis the stripes are vertical. For points on the ky-axis
direction. Nevertheless, the 180° pulse has the effect of the strips are horizontal. For points with arbitrary kx and

F ky


amplitude y

Fig. 2.13. (A) Various points in k-space (center) and their corresponding Fourier transform that results in a “stripe” pattern for each
point in k-space. Each point in k-space corresponds to a spatial frequency value given by the corresponding frequency and phase
coordinates (kx, ky), while the intensity of the point corresponds to the amplitude of the oscillation or “stripe” pattern. A sum of all
these “stripe” patterns, shown in (B), results in the reconstruction of an image (C). (D) 3D depiction of a sample “stripe” function
showing a harmonic oscillation along the x-axis at linearly increasing phase along the y-axis. Each object is thus composed of a
large sum of its constituent frequencies.

ky coordinates the stripes are oblique. The angle of the

stripe pattern is such that the stripe density in x and y
corresponds to the spatial frequency of the kx and ky
component of the point in k-space. Fourier transforma- As in any digital imaging method, the challenge for MRI
tion is thus the generation of stripe patterns for each is to define the intensity of the MRI signal for an array of
point in k-space. By combining all the points in k-space pixels corresponding to differing points throughout the
with their corresponding stripe amplitudes and fre- anatomy. However, unlike all other imaging methods in
quencies, we generate the head image shown. Detailed current use in medical imaging, the signal-detecting
discussion on the concept of stripe patterns can be device (receiver coils) cannot be collimated to restrict
found in a treatment by Plewes and Kucharczyk the signal to a specific location, as is done in X-ray imag-
(2006) in an annual lecture at the International Society ing, ultrasound, or radionuclide imaging. Rather, the
of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, physics for clini- MRI task is unique, as the detected signals originate
cian section. from the entire object rather than a single point within
In summary, we see that the k-space representation is it. As we discussed earlier, this corresponds to an ensem-
simply a shorthand graphical notation which tells us the ble of frequencies encoding each resolvable position in
family of “stripe” functions, such that, when added the object. The coil detects this sum of frequencies as
together, they provide the desired image. The relation- a signal, which is sampled, and the resulting points used
ship between the k-space representation of the image to fill k-space until a sufficient number of the stripe pat-
and the image itself is through a two-dimensional Fourier terns of the object is acquired (Fig. 2.13). To reconstruct
transform. If we need to create an image with the image, we need to decompose the signals into their
256  256 ¼ 216 pixels in the image domain, the number individual frequencies and phases to map to the corre-
of points in the k-space domain needed to characterize sponding image space. In fact, this is exactly what the
this image must also be 216 points. ear does in practice (Fig. 2.14A).

Data points

Wkx FOVx
kx x


kx x

1 1
x = − FOVx x= FOVx
2 2

A Ear Transformer B Fourier Image Transformer

Fig. 2.14. (A) The ear: anatomy of a Fourier transformer decomposing a multifrequency, multiphase signal into individual fre-
quencies, intensity, and timbre. (B) k-space and image space are Fourier transform pairs are well as reciprocal spaces. Resolution in
one space corresponds to extent in the other, and vice versa. We see that the inverse of k-space resolution is given by 1=Dk ¼ FOV
and that the spatial extent of k-space Wkx, ky ¼ 1=Dx, Dy which is the inverse of the image space resolution and vice versa. FOV,
field of view.

In the inner ear, the cochlea enables us to hear subtle is established, what then determines the spacing of fre-
differences in the sounds coming to our ears. The quency and phase samples in k-space? It turns out that
cochlea consists of a spiral of tissue filled with liquid the FOV itself is determined by the spacing between sam-
and thousands of tiny hairs, which gradually get smaller ples in k-space. Figure 2.14 shows that k-space and image
from the outside of the spiral to the inside. Each hair is space are reciprocals of each other. Resolution in k-space
connected to a nerve that feeds into the auditory nerve corresponds to FOV in image space, while FOV in
bundle to the brain. The longer hairs resonate with k-space (Wkx, Wky) corresponds to resolution in image
lower-frequency sounds, and the shorter hairs with space (Dx, Dy) and vice versa.
higher frequencies. Thus, the cochlea serves to Fourier If the sampling criterion is not met (i.e., if Dkx or Dky,
transform the air pressure signal experienced by the ear- the change in k-space sampling along x or y respectively,
drum into frequency information that can be interpreted is too large, > 1=FOVx, y ), then the FOV will not be
by the brain as tonality and texture. enough to contain the image and we will get aliasing,
After repeated applications of all the Gy and Gx field as shown in Figure 2.15. On the other hand, if we reduce
gradients, resulting in a sufficient sample of stripe pat- the maximum frequency sampled in k-space (Wkx, Wky),
terns to fill k-space, Fourier transformation, analogous we see that the resolution in the resulting image
to the harmonic decomposition by the ear, is used to gen- decreases starting with edges in the image, which contain
erate the image, as shown in Figure 2.14B. the high-frequency components, resulting in a blurred
The question then arises as to how far in k-space we image. The center of k-space contains contrast informa-
should sample and how closely should the samples be tion while the outer frequencies determine the resolution
placed. Alternatively, how many different “stripe” pat- of the resulting image. As shown in Figure 2.16, when the
terns are required to accurately reconstruct the image? higher frequencies are filtered out of k-space, we have a
Once the field of view (FOV) necessary to cover the contrast-rich image but blurred due to the loss of resolu-
required anatomy is selected, we then need to determine tion. Similarly, when the center of k-space is filtered out,
the number of frequencies and phases required to we end up with a high-resolution image with well-
achieve a given resolution. As shown in Figure 2.14B, this defined boundaries but with no contrast.
corresponds to going out further in k-space so that the
resolution in a given direction is determined by the high-
est frequency, or phase, encoded. This is intuitively sat-
isfying since the more frequencies or phases we set aside As we discussed, aliasing results whenever k-space is
for spatial encoding in a given direction, the more reso- undersampled. However, undersampling may be advan-
lution we should expect. Hence, resolution in image tageous because it reduces imaging time. One approach
space is determined by the maximum frequency/phase that has gained a lot of applicability in clinical practice is
encoded in k-space. Once the extent of k-space encoding to sample fewer lines in k-space and unalias the resulting
230 cm 180 cm 150 cm 120 cm

Fig. 2.15. Aliasing due to selection of an insufficient field of view (FOV) to support the physical dimension of the object being
imaged. The object then wraps into the small FOV, as shown.

Full k-space center of kspace only higher k-space

frequencies only
Fig. 2.16. The center of k-space is composed of low spatial frequencies which define an intensity-heavy image while the outer
edges of k-space consisting of high spatial frequencies result in a detail heavy image. The center of k-space thus defines image
contrast, while the higher spatial frequencies at the edge of k-space give us more resolution in the image.

image using postprocessing techniques. Consider a sim- determined a priori during an initial calibration scan.
ple case where we skip every other line in k-space, as The steps to unaliasing an object are shown in
depicted in Figure 2.17, so that each coil data when recon- Figure 2.18. The number of coil elements determines
structed results in two images that are aliased as shown. the minimum number of phase encodes to collect. For
Since we skipped every other line, the resulting image example, for a four-element coil, the number of phase
will have two separate pixels in the image overlap. If encodes can be reduced by up to a factor of 4, also called
we correct for this aliasing in the frequency domain, the acceleration factor. The signal-to-noise ratio also
the approach is referred to as GRAPPA (Sodickson decreases with increasing acceleration factors.
and Manning, 1997; Griswold et al., 2002) while if we
do it after Fourier transformation in the object domain,
it is referred to as SENSE (Pruessmann et al., 1999).
The basic idea exploits differences in the sensitivity
of individual coils, as depicted in Figure 2.17. Consider The most basic contrast determinants in MR are water
pixels A and B in a phantom as shown. Each of the four concentration (proton density) in the tissue, time for tis-
coils in the receiver array has slightly different spatially sue to magnetize/demagnetize (T1), and the time it takes
varying sensitivity S, which scales the intensity of the the spins to lose the ability to precess in phase as an
respective pixel as shown. The resulting four images ensemble (T2). There are many other contrast mecha-
are thus uniquely different in the spatially varying sen- nisms achievable in MRI, such as magnetization trans-
sitivities on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Thus, to unalias an fer, flow, susceptibility, diffusion, and blood oxygen
image involves solving a system of equations for the level-dependent (BOLD), some of which are covered
unknown A and B, in this case given the sensitivity pro- in subsequent chapters in this handbook, but for this
files of the coils S1 to S4, which are known and usually introductory section we will just concentrate on these
k-space 1

coil # 1

coil # 2

2 element Matrix Coil



coil # 1 coil # 2

S3A A coil # 3 coil # 4


Fig. 2.17. Techniques for unaliasing magnetic resonance images when using multichannel coils. When the aliased image is cor-
rected in the k-space domain, the approach is referred to as GRAPPA, while if it is carried out in the object domain, it is referred to as
SENSE reconstruction. FFT, fast Fourier transformation.

three fundamental mechanisms, as they are by far the reduce T2 weighting between these tissue types, we
most relevant and widely applied for clinical work. require a short TE time before the spins have dephased
Of the three basic contrast mechanisms – proton, T1, for either of these tissue types. The resulting image is
and T2 – we should get an image that is primarily dom- said to be proton-weighted (Fig. 2.19), since contrast is
inated by one of these contrasts at the expense of the dominated by water concentration in tissue. Similarly,
other two. For example, to get a proton-weighted image, to get a T1-weighted image, we require a short TE to
we need to minimize differences due to T1 and T2 of minimize T2 effects and a modest TR where white/gray
different tissue types such as between white/gray matter matter are distinguishable, as shown in Figure 2.20 for
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain. Both white TR1. Note that if we wait too long till TR2, then CSF has
and gray matter have shorter T2 values than CSF as well recovered considerably, resulting in poor T1 weighting,
as shorter T1 values relative to CSF. We can reduce the as shown in Figure 2.20D. A T2-weighted image is
differences in T1 between white/gray matter and CSF by obtained by using a long TR and a modest TE that max-
increasing TR so that both tissue types have had enough imizes the required contrast, as shown in Figure 2.21C
time to recover before the next excitation. Similarly, to for TE1.
aliased image

coil # 1 coil # 2

y1 = S1A A + S1B B y2 = S2A A + S2B B

coil # 3 coil # 4

y3 = S3A A + S3B B y4 = S4A A + S4B B

{⎡ ⎤ ⎡
⎢ ⎥=⎢
⎢y2 ⎥ ⎢S2A
⎣y3 ⎦ ⎣S3A
y4 S4A

S2B ⎥
⎥· A
S3B ⎦ B

unaliased image after processing


Fig. 2.18. Steps for unaliasing a magnetic resonance imaging image when using multiple channel coils. For example, in this case
using four channels, when every other line in k-space is not collected (an acceleration factor of 2), will result in an aliased image
where two individual pixels, A and B, overlap. By using a calibration test to determine the coil sensitivities, the problem is then
reduced to solving four equations with two unknowns, A and B. This overdetermined system is then solved to yield the unaliased
image, shown with the two pixels A and B unwrapped from each other.

white/gray matter

Longitudinal CSF


white /gray matter
short TE with long TR
Fig. 2.19. Proton density contrast timing consideration showing little variation in normal soft tissue at short time to echo (TE) and
long time to repeat (TR). CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.


white /gray matter

white/gray matter

Longitudinal CSF


short TE with short TR short TE with long TR

Fig. 2.20. T1-weighted image obtained at short time to echo (TE) and two different time to repeat (TR), showing cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) recovery in (D) for longer TR values.

white/gray matter

Longitudinal CSF


C short TE1 with long TR


white /gray matter

D long TE2 with long TR

Fig. 2.21. To obtain a T2-weighted image requires a long time to repeat (TR). Images (C) and (D) are obtained at two different time
to echo (TE) values. At long TEs, this T2-weighted image is dominated by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), while most of the signal from
white/gray matter has decayed away. Similarly, at short TE (C), white/gray-matter T2 contrast becomes noticeable, since it has a
very short T2 relative to CSF.


to reduce imaging time and/or to recover data by means
The spin-echo and gradient-echo sequences are the two of the well-established digital signal-processing tech-
fundamental building blocks of all sequences in MR. nique of fast Fourier transformation (Hahn, 1950;
One modification of either of these building blocks is Wehrli, 1991). We saw in the previous section that we
on the acquisition side of the sequence, where gradient need to cover k-space adequately to satisfy our resolu-
encoding is optimized to cover k-space more efficiently, tion requirements and FOV limits. How we cover
such as in the trajectories shown in Figure 2.22 and their k-space then becomes a matter of how quickly we can
corresponding sequences. satisfy these limits. Figure 2.22 shows some sample
There are many ways of sampling k-space, too many k-space trajectories that aim to cover the whole k-space
to discuss here, but all are driven by two requirements: quickly and thus reduce total imaging time.






A GE spiral sequence B k-space trajectory






C GE projection reconstruction sequence D k-space trajectory




3 4
Gx 1 2

6 5
3 4
E GE spiral sequence F k-space trajectory

Fig. 2.22. Various techniques of fast sampling of k-space. (A) Spiral trajectory, where oscillating gradients on both Gx and Gy
cover k-space in a circular pattern. (B) By progressively increasing the gradient amplitudes, we obtain a spiral trajectory in
k-space. (C) Projection reconstruction, where the simultaneous application of linear gradients on Gy and Gx covers a projection
in k-space, as in (D). By increasing the amplitude of both encoding gradients per time to repeat (TR), we obtain (D). In (E), we have
a gradient echo (GE)-based echo planar sequence, in which k-space is acquired in a single time to repeat (TR), as shown in (F). TE,
time to echo; RF, radiofrequency; ACQ, analog-to-digital converter.

In this chapter, we have attempted to introduce MR con- Bottomley PA, Hardy CJ, Argersinger RE et al. (1987).
cepts using a unique perspective of deconstructing from A review of H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation
timing diagrams and their consequent impact on k-space in pathology: are T1 and T2 diagnostic? Med Phys 14: 1–37.
coverage. In doing so, we have explored further the Griswold MA, Jakob PM, Heidemann RM et al. (2002).
concept of stripe patterns (Plewes and Kucharczyk, Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions
2006–2012). (GRAPPA). MRM 47: 1202–1210.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
116. Obras del doctor Navarro: In tres de Poenitentia distinctiones
posteriores, Coimbra, 1542; Madrid, 1566; Lyon, 1569. Tractado de
alabanza y murmuración, Coimbra, 1542, 1544; Valladolid, 1572.
Tratado de la Oración, Horas canónicas y otros divinos oficios,
Coimbra, 1545, 1550, 1551; Zaragoza, 1560. Relectio in cap. Cum
contingat, de rescriptis, Coimbra, 1548; Roma, 1575. Relectio c.
Novit... de iudiciis, Coimbra, 1548; Lyon, 1576. Relectio cap. Ita
quorumdam, de Judaeis, Coimbra, 1550. Commentarius de anno
Jobeleo et Indulgentiis omnibus, Coimbra, 1550; Lyon, 1575. Hacia
1552 un franciscano había compuesto un Manual de Confesores, y
se lo llevó al doctor Navarro para que lo revisase, el cual quitó tanto
y tanto puso en él, que, al publicarse en portugués, el mismo año de
1552, no llevó nombre de autor, "que por humildad quiso ocultar",
dice Azpilcueta. Al salir la segunda edición, Coimbra, 1553, todos lo
tuvieron por del doctor Navarro. Las demás ediciones de este
magnífico y célebre libro son: Salamanca, 1556, 1557 (dos edic.);
Amberes, 1557; Medina, 1557; Amberes, 1565; Valladolid, 1566,
1567; Barcelona, 1567; Valladolid, 1569, y muchas apócrifas.
Comentario resolutorio de usuras, Salamanca, 1556, 1557 (dos
edic); Amberes, 1557; Medina, 1557; Estella, 1565; Valladolid, 1565,
1566; Barcelona, 1567; Valladolid, 1569. Relectio in cap. Si quando,
de Rescriptis, Coimbra, 1563; Madrid, 1566; Roma, 1575; Coimbra,
1576; Madrid, 1595. Capitulo veynte y ocho de las Addiciones del
Manual de Confesores, Valladolid, 1566; Zaragoza, 1570; Lisboa,
1575. Tractado de las Rentas de los beneficios Ecclesiásticos,
Valladolid, 1566; Coimbra, 1567. Tractatus de reditibus beneficiorum
ecclesiasticorum, Roma, 1568, 1574. Apologia libri de reditibus...,
Roma, 1571; Amberes, 1574; Lyon, 1575. Commentarius de spoliis
Clericorum, Roma, 1573, 1629. Commentarius de alienatione rerum
Ecclesiarum, unido al anterior. Commentarius de finibus humanorum
actuum, Roma, 1573; Lyon, 1573; Roma, 1583. Enchiridion sive
Manuale confessariorum, traducido del romance, Roma, 1573;
Amberes, 1573; Venecia, 1573; Amberes, 1575; Lyon, 1575;
Colonia, 1579; Roma, 1579; Lyon, 1580; Amberes, 1581; Turín,
1582; Lyon, 1583; Roma, 1584; Génova, 1585; Lyon, 1585;
Vizburgo, 1586; París, 1587; Amberes, 1588; Valladolid, 1588;
Venecia, 1589; Lyon, 1592; Colonia, 1600; Amberes, 1625, etc.
Propugnaculum Apologiae, Roma, 1574; Lyon, 1575. Commentarius
de datis et promissis, Lyon, 1575. Commentarius de voto
paupertatis, Lyon, 1575. De Regularibus, Roma, 1584. Accepta et
restit. spoliat., Roma, 1585. Commentarius resolutorius de usuris,
traducido del romance, Valladolid, 1588; Amberes, 1625. Dejó otras
muchas obras inéditas. Vida de Fr. Bartolomé de Carranza (ms. de
la Bibl. del Instituto general y técnico de Córdoba, Roma, 1576).
Obras completas: Roma, 1590; Lyon, 1595, 1597; Venecia, 1601,
1602; Colonia, 1616. Consúltese doctor don Mariano Arigita y Lasa,
El Dr. Navarro D. Martín de Azpilcueta y sus obras, Pamplona, 1895.

117. Año 1542. El M. Sancho de Muñón,

eclesiástico y teólogo, salmantino, publicó anónima
la Tragicomedia de Lisandro y Roselia llamada Elicia
y por otro nombre quarta obra y tercera Celestina,
Salamanca, 1542. Obra escrita con buena intención,
"llena de avisos y buenas enseñanzas de virtud,
sacadas de muchos autores santos y profanos, con
celo de la utilidad pública". Demasiado fárrago de
sermones y citas; pero trozos muy sentidos y
elocuentes. El autor bien se ve ser erasmista por el
brío y libertad en la sátira clerical. Como criado á los
pechos del humanismo, él supo hacer una obra
clásica, tan sólo afeada por la erudición pedantesca
y con algunas puntas y collares de afectada retórica.
Fuera de esto, el gusto exquisito, la elegancia
clásica, la abundancia de construcciones, frases y
palabras y, sobre todo, el trágico desenlace, ponen á
esta obra, aunque por debajo de la primera
Celestina, de la cual es imitación, muy por encima de
todas las demás que desenvolvieron el mismo
argumento. Los amantes pasan del seno del placer á
la muerte que les dan los que vengan la deshonra de
la hermana. Los caracteres tampoco desdicen y el
de Brumandilón es buena copia de su original
118. El autor quedó descifrado por Hartzenbusch, ateniéndose á la
cifra que da la última de las estrofas añadidas, y es que se tome el
5.º renglón de la copla que alude al vengador de la tierra y se ande,
como el escarabajo, hacia atrás, y así juntando las primeras letras
de los versos hacia atrás de la 4.ª octava, donde se habla de
Hércules el vindex terrae, de Ovidio y Séneca, se lee: Esta obra
conpuso Sancho de Munino, natural de Salamanca. Pero los
modernos editores de la Tragicomedia, Fuensanta del Valle y
Sancho Rayón, juntando las primeras letras de los tres versos,
leyeron Munnon, esto es, Muñón. Es el M. Sancho de Muñón,
teólogo del cual hay noticias en la colección de Estatutos de la
Universidad de Salamanca, impresos en 1549. Reimprimióse en la
Colecc. de libr. rar. y cur., Madrid, 1872. Otras noticias del autor, en
M. Pelayo, Oríg. nov., t. III, ccxxi; el cual dice: "El gusto que domina
en la obra es el de las antiguas comedias humanísticas, y de él
proceden sus principales defectos, que se reducen á uno solo: el
alarde de erudición fácil y extemporáneo. No necesitaba alegar á
cada momento aforismos y centones de poetas y filósofos antiguos
quien se mostraba tan de veras clásico, no sólo en el estilo jugoso y
en la locución pulquérrima, sino en la composición sencilla, lógica y
perfectamente graduada. El buen gusto con que borra ó aminora
muchos defectos de las Celestinas precedentes, y el manso y
regalado son que sus palabras hacen como gotas cristalinas
cayendo en copa de oro, bastarían para indicar la fuente nada
escondida donde él y los hombres de su generación habían
encontrado el secreto de la belleza. Tal libro, por el primor con que
está compuesto, es digno del más glorioso período de la escuela
salmantina, en que salió á luz. Pero algo le perjudica el haber sido
concebido y madurado en un ambiente erudito y universitario y no
en la libre atmósfera en que, andando el tiempo, había de
desarrollarse el genio de Cervantes. La prosa de la Tragicomedia de
Lisandro y Roselia, perfecta á veces, revela demasiado el artificio
retórico, y no está inmune de afectación. Su autor escribía
demasiado bien, en el sentido de que era un prosista de los que se
escuchan y se complacen ellos mismos con la suavidad y galanura
de sus palabras y con la pompa y armonía de sus cláusulas... En las
situaciones culminantes, en los monólogos de la hechicera, en los
coloquios de Celestina y Roselia, hay cosas dignas de ponerse al
lado de lo mejor de La Celestina antigua, aunque con la desventaja
de haber sido escritas medio siglo después. Lástima que el talento
del maestro salmantino no se hubiese ejercitado en un argumento
de pura invención suya, que siempre le hubiese dado más gloria que
una labor de imitación, por primorosa que sea. Pero le fascinó el
prestigio de un gran modelo, y renunció á su originalidad ó por
excesiva modestia ó por la presunción de igualarle".

119. Año 1542. Per Antón Beuter, valenciano, publicó De recta

sacrificii oblatione et caeremoniis ad Missam, Lyon, 1542. Primera
Parte de la Coronica general de España, especialmente del reyno
de Valencia, Valencia, 1546, 1604. En valenciano, en 1538.
Segunda Parte, donde se tratan las cobranzas destas tierras de
poder de Moros por los Reyes de Aragón y Condes de Barcelona,
Valencia, 1546, 1551. Las dos partes, Valencia, 1551, 1694.
Annotationes X ad Sacram Scripturam, Valencia, 1547: es el primer
ensayo de manual isagógico.—Fray Pedro de Cañedo,
franciscano salmantino, publicó Summa de Casos de consciencia,
Salamanca, 1542.—Compilación en metro de la Sucesión de los
Emperadores de España y assí mismo de sus Reyes, Sevilla, 1542,
1549.—Fray Alberto de Farías, carmelita andaluz, publicó
Lecturae Theologicae, hacia 1542. Dialogorum mixtae Phrasis, in
quibus S. Scripturae Hebraismos et Graecismos enodat.—Fernán
Gómez Arias, de Talavera, publicó Subtilissima et valde utilis
Glossa ad... leges Tauri, Alcalá, 1542.—Álvar Núñez Cabeza de
Vaca, jerezano, cautivo en la Florida (1527-1537), publicó Relación
que dió... de lo acaescido en las Indias en la armada donde yva por
governador pamphilo de narbáez, Medina, 1542; Valladolid, 1555.
Naufragios... y Comentarios y sucesos de su gobierno en el Río de
la Plata, Valladolid, 1555; y en la colección de Barcia, t. I; en Aut.
Esp., t. XXII; Madrid, 1906, 2 vols., Vict. Suárez.—Fernando Pérez
de Xerez publicó La Historia de Herodiano, del latino Ang. Politiano,
1542.—Philesbian de Candaria, Sevilla, 1542.

120. Año 1543. Gutierre de Cetina (1520?-1574?),

sevillano, hijo de padres nobles y acaudalados,
estudió Humanidades en Sevilla, estuvo poco tiempo
en la corte, Valladolid, donde se ve por un soneto
que anduvo enamorado, y sentando plaza de
soldado pasó á Italia, Alemania, Suiza y Francia,
"que no fué menos soldado que extremado poeta,
siéndole tan agradable la caja de Marte como la
vihuela de Apolo", según cuenta de él Pacheco.
Tiene sonetos escritos á orillas del Po y del Reno ó
Rhin. Durante sus correrías y más de su estancia en
Italia, dedicó el tiempo que pudo al estudio de los
poetas toscanos, en especial de Petrarca, á quien
imitó frecuentemente y glosó y tradujo alguna vez,
pareciéndosele más que ningún otro poeta español;
aunque el amor, que es lo que su lira comúnmente
cantaba, fué en él más mundano y menos ideal que
en el cantor de Laura. Cargos de cuenta hubo de
tener en la milicia, según lo eran las amistades que
se conocen por sus obras. Así, en 1543 escribió á
don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza como á familiar
amigo y con él había estado en 1542 en Trento.
Todavía lo fué más íntimo del príncipe de Ascoli
Antonio de Leyva, á quien dirigió una epístola y diez
sonetos, y no menos de la Princesa de Molfelta, á
quien además de un soneto dirigió dos epístolas,
una desde Vigere (1545), confiándole sus amorosas
quejas y felicitándola por el nacimiento de una hija.
Otros sonetos dirigió á la condesa Laura Gonzaga, á
Lucía Harriela, al Conde de Feria, al Duque de Alba,
al de Sessa, á la Marquesa del Vasto, á Luis Pérez
de Vargas, maestre de campo; al obispo de
Empurias, don Luis de Cotes; á don Juan de
Guevara, á Gonzalo Pérez, secretario del
Emperador; á don Pedro de Sosa, etcétera, etc. Fué
amigo en Italia del soldado y poeta Jerónimo de
Urrea. Pero "llamándole su divino ingenio, dice
Pacheco, se volvió á su patria, á la quietud de las
Musas". Por entonces debió de escribir la Paradoja
en alabanza de los cuernos, para leerla en casa del
marqués del Valle, Hernán Cortés. En la aldea trabó
amistad con Baltasar del Alcázar, que le elogió en
cuatro sonetos. Partióse (1547) para Méjico, llamado
de uno de sus hermanos, que había sido
conquistador con Cortés y era de los poderosos de
aquella ciudad. Tres hermanos y su tío Gonzalo
López le habían allá precedido (1530-1535). Volvió á
Sevilla á la quietud de las musas, donde escribió
mucho, y tornó á Nueva España, donde por error, en
una levada nocturna, recibió de Hernando de Nova
una herida en 1554; en 1571 estaba en Sevilla,
falleciendo antes de 1575. Juntáronse en Méjico por
aquellos años Cetina, Cervantes de Salazar y
Eugenio de Salazar, tres ilustres poetas. Hizo
famoso á Cetina el madrigal de todos conocido Ojos
claros, serenos; pero escribió otras muchas
composiciones: sonetos, canciones, epístolas, etc.,
cuyo fondo casi siempre es el amor arcádico, la
desgraciada pasión de Vandalio, nombre en que se
encubría el poeta, por Amarilis, etc., etc. Algunas
composiciones no son más que traducciones libres
del Petrarca, de Ariosto, de Ausias March. Fué poeta
italianizante de la escuela de Garcilaso, ganándole
en la maestría con que maneja el soneto y en la
sinceridad y hondura, algunas veces, del sentimiento
amoroso. Argote de Molina le califica de terso.
Aventajó á todos los poetas españoles en los
Gutierre de Cetina.

(Pacheco, Libro de Retratos)

121. Cetina, con el seudónimo de Vandalio, canta sus amores con
Amarillida y con Dórida; Lavinio es el Príncipe de Ascoli; Sesenio, el
Duque de Sessa; Iberio, Jerónimo de Urrea; Damon, Baltasar del
Alcázar; Caritheo, un poeta desconocido. Quéjase de lo que sus
amores le hicieron padecer, queriendo morir amando, á pesar de
todo, y que le pongan por epitafio: "Aquí yace un pastor que amó
viviendo: | Murió entregado á Amor con pensamientos | tan altos,
que, muriendo, á más espera...". En Flores de varia poesía, códice
escrito en Méjico, en 1577, no se sabe por quién, acaso por Juan de
la Cueva, hay 330 composiciones de 31 autores; de Cetina son 69
sonetos, 2 canciones, 2 estancias, una elegía, un madrigal y 3
octavas; esto es 78 composiciones; después, del que más hay es de
Juan de la Cueva: 26 sonetos, 2 odas, 2 madrigales y una sextina.
Herrera, Anotac. á Garcilaso: "En cetina, cuanto á los sonetos
particularmente, se conoce la hermosura i gracia de Italia: i en
número, lengua, terneza i afetos ninguno le negará lugar con los
primeros. mas fáltale el espíritu i vigor, que tan importante es en la
poesía; i así dize muchas cosas dulcemente, pero sin fuerças. i
parece me que se ve en él i en otros lo que en los pintores i
maestros de labrar piedra i metal; que afetando la blandura i policía
de un cuerpo hermoso de un mancebo, se contentan con la dulçura i
terneza, no mostrando alguna señal de niervos i músculos; como si
no fuesse tanto más diferente i apartada la belleza de la muger, de
la hermosura i generosidad del ombre, que cuanto dista el río I panis
del Erídano. porque no se á de enternecer i umillar el estilo de
suerte, que le fallesca la vivacidad, i venga á ser todo desmayado i
sin aliento. aunque Cetina muchas vezes; ó sea causa de imitación,
ó otra cualquiera, es tan generoso i lleno, que casi no cabe ensí, i si
acompañara la erudición i destreza de l' arte al ingenio i trabajo; i
pusiera intención en la fuerça como en la suavidad i pureza, ninguno
le fuera aventajado". Pacheco. Libro de Retratos: "Poeta Lírico,
de maravilloso ingenio, é invención de grande elegancia i suavidad,
de mucha agudeza i soltura en el lenguaje... estuvo retirado gran
tiempo en un Aldea fuera de Sevilla, adonde hizo gran parte de las
obras que oi parecen suyas á diferentes propósitos, i entre ellas
aquella famosíssima Comedia en Prosa de la bondad Divina, en
cuya representación se gastó una gran suma. desde allí se
comunicava con su íntimo amigo Baltasar del Alcázar, i se escrevían
varias canciones i Epístolas familares el uno al otro: llamándole él
en sus versos Damón, i él correspondiéndole con el nombre de
Vandalio... Algún tiempo después, passó á las Indias de la nueva
España, llamado de un ermano suyo, que avía sido conquistador
con el Marqués del Valle: ...adonde estuvo algunos años, i hizo
muchas obras, i en particular un libro de Comedias Morales, en
prosa i verso; i otro de Comedias profanas, con otras muchas cosas.
que por su temprana muerte se perdieron; quedando las obras
sueltas que él emendó i puso en orden. En este tiempo de su felice
quietud la invidiosa muerte le aguardó en México, al que anduvo
vagando por tantos riesgos de mar i tierra. según él dize en una
Canción que haze á la Marquesa de Molfeta... últimamente de su
muerte ai diferentes opiniones, pero la más cierta es (o infelicidad
umana) que se acostó bueno i amaneció muerto; sin saber de qué
ocasión. á los 40. años de su edad, el de 1560".

Gutierre de Cetina, Obras, ed. J. Hazañas y La Rúa, Sevilla, 1895, 2

vols. Poesías, Bibl. de Aut. Esp., t. XXXII. Paradoja... de los
cuernos, Gallardo, Bibl., t. I, col., 1250. Consúltense: M. Menéndez y
Pelayo, Historia de la poesía hispano-americana, Madrid, 1911, t. I,
páginas 26-27. F. Savj-López, Un petrarchista spanuolo, Trani, 1896.
Juan Pérez de Guzmán, Cervantes Salazar, Salazar de Alarcón,
Gutierre de Cetina, los tres patriarcas de la poesía castellana en
Méjico, en Ilustr. Esp. y Americana, 1890. E. Gautier y Arriaza,
Gutierre de Cetina, apuntes biográficos comparativos, en Ilustr. Esp.
y Amer., 1890. Rodr. Marín, Barahona, págs. 131-132. Pacheco,
Libro de Retratos.

122. Año 1543. Francisco de Enzinas (1520?

-1552) ó Dryander, como él se llama en griego, ó Du
chesne entre los franceses, y aun de Houx (acebo) ó
Aquifolium, Van Eick, como se firmaba en Flandes, ó
Eichmann, como lo hacía en Alemania, nació en
Burgos de noble y rica familia, estudió en Lovaina,
donde bebió la herejía de Lutero, así como de su
pariente el abad Pedro de Lerma en las vacaciones
de 1537, mientras hacía otro tanto su hermano
Jaime, estudiante en París. Fué á Witemberg para
oir á Melanchton, en cuya casa se hospedó,
matriculándose en aquella Universidad (1541). Por
su consejo tradujo el Nuevo Testamento, acabado en
1543, y volvió á Flandes para publicarlo, y desde
entonces comenzó á escribir sus Memorias. En su
traducción sigue mucho á Erasmo; sabía muy bien el
griego; las notas son breves; no alteró el texto,
dejando toda aclaración para el margen, y es
bastante literal; el lenguaje hermoso, con algún
galicismo; la dedicatoria noble y discreta. Fué preso
por la traducción en Bruselas (1543), habiendo
mandado Carlos V se recogiesen los ejemplares,
todo á persuasión de fray Domingo de Soto, que la
examinó, y aunque le alabó el trabajo, sospechó de
él por su estada en Witemberg y sólo deseaba
alejarle de la herejía, apreciando su ingenio y
natural, que "á estar mejor empleados, le darían no
ínfimo lugar en las letras", y así, por salvarle, no dejó
pasar la causa á España, sino que se sustanciase en
Bruselas. Escapóse, sin embargo, de la cárcel
(1545), habiéndole los mismos jueces abierto las
puertas sin saberlo él, y el presidente dijo al
carcelero: "Dejadle ir, no os apuréis, y cuidad sólo de
que nadie sepa nada". Era muy querido de todos y le
hicieron puente de plata. Estuvo en Amberes con
toda libertad y volvió á Witemberg, y el mismo año
(1545) escribió De statu Belgico, deque religione
Hispanica: Historia Francisci Enzinas Burgensis;
pero no se sabe se imprimiese, conociéndose sólo
una traducción francesa de 1558. Narra
dramáticamente su persecución, con brío y color, en
elegante latín. En 1546 estaba en Strasburgo, en
casa de Bucero; luego salió para Constanza; estuvo
en Zurich, Lindau, Basilea, y pasó los años 1547 y
1548 danzando por tierras protestantes. Casóse en
Strasburgo con Margarita Elter; fueron á Inglaterra,
donde le dió Crammer una cátedra de griego en
Cambridge; pero en 1550 volvieron á Strasburgo,
donde publicó el mismo año y el de 1551 en
Amberes, el Tito Livio y el Plutarco, traducidos en
parte por él, atendiendo más "á la gravedad de las
sentencias" que al "número de las palabras", de
manera que más es paráfrasis que traducción.
También se le atribuye, y con razón, la versión de
varias obras de Luciano, impresas los mismos años
de 1550 y 1551. Enzinas traduce en galano lenguaje
castellano, aunque con libertad y á veces
parafraseando. En 1552 fué á conocer á Calvino en
Ginebra, luego á Ausburgo; vuelto á Strasburgo
murió de la peste el mismo año.
123. El nuevo testamento De nuestro Redemptor y Salvador Jesu
Christo, traduzido de Griego en lengua Castellana... dedicado á la
Cesárea Magestad, Amberes, 1543: libro rarísimo (Bibliot.
Magliabecchiana de Florencia, de Wolfembüttel, Ulm, Halle). Se
publicó el De statu Belgico..., por una de las dos copias que hay,
pues no parece lo imprimió su autor: una en la Vaticana; otra en la
Bibl. del Gimnasio de Altona, de la que se sacó la edición: Memoires
de Francisco de Enzinas. Texte latin inédit avec la traduction
française du xvi siècle en regard, 1543-1545. Publiés avec notice et
annotations par Ch.-Al.-Campan, Bruxelles, 1862. La traducción
publicada en el siglo xvi es: Histoire de l'estat du Pais Bas et de la
religion d'Espagne. Par François du Chesne, 1558. En 1546 publicó
Acta Concilii Tridentini (Univers. de Jena), invectiva brutal. Todas las
décadas de Tito Livio Paduano, que hasta el presente se hallaron y
fueron impressas en latín, traduzidas en Romance Castellano, agora
nuevamente reconoscidas y emendadas y añadidas de más libros
sobre la vieja traslación, Amberes. Desde la pág. 1 á la 84 se halla
el Compendio de las catorze décadas de Tito Livio Paduano...
escrito en latín por Lucio Floro, Argentina, 1550. Este Compendio,
de Floro, y los cinco libros posteriores de la 5.ª década de Livio, son
de Enzinas; las demás décadas son de fray Pedro de Vega, cuya
traducción se imprimió por primera vez en Zaragoza, 1519. Enzinas
retocó el estilo, modernizándolo á veces. Las vidas de los dos
illustres varones Simón griego, y Lucio Lucullo, romano, puestas en
parangón la una de la otra, 1547, traducción de Plutarco, sin fecha
ni lugar de impresión: es más bien paráfrasis. El primer volumen de
las vidas de illustres y excellentes varones Griegos y Romanos,
Argentina (Strasburgo), 1551; Colonia, 1553; hay ejemplares variada
la portada. Son suyas las de Teseo, Rómulo, Licurgo, Numa, Solón y
Valerio; las de Temístocles y Camilo créese que son de Diego
Gracián de Alderete, y se ve por lo que éste dice en el prólogo de la
edic. de sus Morales, de Salamanca, 1571: "Como yo he mostrado á
personas doctas en algunas (vidas) que yo he traducido del griego,
que andan agora impresas de nuevo con otras seis sin nombre de
intérprete". Como algunos ejemplares llevan el nombre de Juan
Castro de Salinas, seudónimo ó testaferro de Enzinas, parece
hemos de atribuir á éste Los ocho libros de Thucydides Atheniense,
que trata de las guerras griegas entre los Athenienses y los pueblos
de la Morea, traducido por Juan Castro de Salinas (ms. Nic. Ant.).
Historia verdadera de Luciano, traduzida de griego en lengua
castellana, Argentina, 1551: el l. 1.º de los dos de las Historias
verdaderas, de Luciano. También deben de ser suyos los Diálogos
de Luciano, no menos ingeniosos que provechosos, Lyon, 1550;
Madrid, 1621. Son cinco diálogos: Toxaris, Charón, el Gallo,
Menippo, Ícaro-Menippo y El Amor fugitivo, de Mosco, en cuartetos
de arte mayor. "En todas estas versiones, dice M. Pelayo (Heterod.,
t. II, pág. 244), es de aplaudir la gallardía unida á la precisión del
lenguaje (no exento, sin embargo, de galicismos), y es de censurar
la poca exactitud con que el autor traslada, y no porque dejase de
saber, y muy bien, el griego, sino por la manía de amplificar y
desleir". Es muy importante su correspondencia: Francisci Dryandri
Hispani epistolae quinquaginta, Gothae, 1870, en el Zeitschrift für
die historische Theologie (1870), págs. 387-442.

Consúltense: Memoires de Francisco de Encinas, ed. Campan,

1863; D. J. A. Pellicer, Ensayo de una Biblioteca de traductores
españoles, Madrid, 1778; Gallardo, Bibliot., II, págs. 923-929; Adolfo
de Castro, Historia de los protestantes españoles, Cádiz, 1851,
págs. 115-118; La Serna Santander, Catalogue des livres de la
Bibliothèque de M. C. de La Serna Santander, Bruselas, t. I, pág. 19;
Richard Simón, Nouvelles observations sur le texte et les versions
du nouveau testament, París, 1695, pte. II, cap. II, pág. 151; G. Th.
Strobel, en el Neue Beitrage zur Literatur besonders des
sechszehnten Jahrhunderts, Nürnberg, 1794, t. V; Prosper
Marchand, Dictionnaire historique, pág. 228; Boehmer, Bibliotheca
Wiffeniana, págs. 131-184; M. Pelayo, Heterodoxos españoles, t. II,
pág. 223.
124. Año 1543. El bachiller Francisco Thamara, catedrático de
Cádiz, publicó Apotegmas y dichos graciosos y notables de muchos
Reyes y Príncipes ilustres, traducción de Erasmo, Amberes, 1543;
Sevilla, 1548; Amberes, 1549; Zaragoza, 1552; Amberes, 1553. En
1549 salieron en Amberes dos ediciones de este libro: la titulada
Apothegmas que son dichos graciosos y notables de muchos reyes
y príncipes ilustres y de algunos philósophos insignes y de otros
varones antiguos, reproducción del texto de Tamara; y el Libro de
vidas y dichos graciosos, agudos y sentenciosos, de muchos
notables varones Griegos y Romanos, ansy reyes y capitanes como
philósophos y oradores antiguos, que parece nueva traducción ó
refundición de la anterior, hecha por Juan Jarava, que añadió al fin
la Tabla de Cebes. Esta edición es mejor; pero yo la tengo sin dicha
Tabla. Libros de Marco Tulio Cicerón en que tracta De los Officios,
De la Amicicia y De la Senectud. Con la Económica de Xenophon...
Los Paradoxos... Sueño de Scipión, Sevilla, 1545; Alcalá, 1549;
Amberes, 1549, 1550; Salamanca, 1582; Valencia, 1774. Los
Paradoxos y el Sueño de Scipión son versiones de Juan Jarava.
Libro de Polidoro Vergilio, que tracta de la invención y principio de
todas las cosas, Amberes, 1550; Medina, 1551. Grammatices
rudimenta, Amberes, 1550. Suma y erudición de Gramática en
metro castellano, Amberes, 1550; Madrid, 1892. Suma y compendio
de todas las Crónicas del mundo (de Juan Carión), Medina, 1553.
De las costumbres de todas las gentes (de Juan Bohemo), Amberes,

Pedro de Medina, célebre matemático sevillano, publicó Libro de

las Grandezas y cosas memorables de España, Sevilla, 1543;
Alcalá, 1548; Sevilla, 1549; Valladolid, 1555; Alcalá, 1566, 1568,
1590, 1595. Arte de navegar, Sevilla, 1545, 1552, 1561, 1562;
traducción alemana reimpresa seis veces de 1576 á 1633; inglesa,
1581; francesa, 1554, reimpresa unas seis veces; ital., 1555: por
mucho tiempo sirvió de texto en todas las escuelas de Europa. Libro
de la verdad sobre la conversión del Pecador, Valladolid, 1545;
Sevilla, 1563; Alcalá, 1570; Sevilla, 1576; Medina, 1584; Sevilla,
1592; Málaga, 1620. Chronica breve de España por mandado de la
Reyna Doña Isabel año de MDXLII, Sevilla, 1548 (¡nota
anacronismo!). Regimiento de navegación, Sevilla, 1552, 1563
(mejorada). Tabula Hispaniae Geographica, Sevilla, 1560 (Nic. Ant.).
Suma de Cosmografía, 1561.

Juan Bautista Agnes, valenciano, publicó Apología in defensionem

virorum illustrium equestrium, bonorumque civium Valentinorum in
civilem Valentini populi seditionem, quam vulgo Germaniam olim
appellarunt, Valencia, 1543. Apologeticus Panegyricus de laudibus
D. Hieronymi, 1550; en verso elegíaco contra Erasmo. De SS.
Luciae, Magdalenae, etc. vita, 1554, en verso. Epistolae. Y otras
obras.—Fray Luys de Alcalá, de la Orden de San Francisco de la
observancia, publicó el Tractado en que á la clara se ponen y
determinan las materias de los préstamos que se usan entre los que
tractan y negocian: y de los logros y conpras adelantadas y ventas
al fiado, etc., Toledo, 1543; añadido, 1546.—En 1543 se escribió,
por anónimo, lo más antiguo que hay de minas, Relación del sitio de
la mina del Azogue que está en el Almadén, con la manera del
distillarse el azogue y hacerse el bermellón.—Las cient novellas de
micer Juan Bocacio... Agora nuevamente impressas: corregidas y
enmendadas, Medina, 1543.—El presbítero de Baeza Francisco
de la Cueva escribió la Relación de la guerra del reino de
Tremecen, 1543 (Bibl. Nac), en Guerras de los españoles en África,
1542, 1543 y 1632, Madrid, 1881 (Libr. rar. y cur.).—Cruz de Christo
y visión lugent, Sevilla, 1543.—Fernando Díaz de Valdepeñas
publicó Suma de Notas copiosas según el estilo y uso destos
reynos, Toledo, 1543, 1544, 1546; Medina, 1548; Burgos, 1590.—
Fray Juan de Dueñas, franciscano, publicó Espejo de consolación
de tristes, 2 vols., Sevilla, 1543; Medina, 1546, 1570; Barcelona,
1580; Alcalá, 1589; Medina, 1591; Toledo, 1591. Remedio de
peccadores, por otro nombre llamado confessionario, Valladolid,
1545; Toledo, 1546. Espejo del Pecador y Tesoro del Alma, del lat.,
Valladolid, 1553.—Alfonso Guerrero publicó De bello iusto et
iniusto, 1543.—Diego de Hermosilla, capellán de Carlos V, publicó
el Diálogo entre Medrano paje y Juan de Lorza mercader, en que se
trata de la vida y tratamiento de los Pajes de Palacio y del galardón
de sus servicios, 1543.—Fray Alonso de la Isla, franciscano
portugués, publicó el Libro llamado Thesoro de virtudes muy útil y
copioso, Medina, 1543. Lengua de vida, ibid., 1552.—Leyes y
ordenanças nuevamente por su Magestad para la governación de
las Indias y buen tratamiento y conservación de los Indios: que se
han de guardar en el consejo y audiencias reales, Alcalá, 1543.—
Noticia de la milicia y poder de los Turcos, Barcelona, 1543,
traducida de Paulo Jovio.—Pedro Núñez de Avendaño publicó De
Exequendis mandatis Regum Hispaniae, Alcalá, 1543; Madrid, 1593.
Aviso de Cazadores y de Caza, ibid., 1543. Responsa quadraginta y
cuatro Tractatus y Dictionarium Hispanum vocum antiquarum,
quibus Partitarum Leges et caeterae Regiae Constitutiones utuntur,
Salamanca, después de morir el autor, y allí mismo, en 1576;
Madrid, 1593.—Relación de Orán, Sevilla, 1543. Desafío de Orán,
ibid., 1554.—Francisco Satorre, sacerdote de Balaguer, publicó
Delphinum Comoedia, Barcelona, 1543.—Fray Juan Suárez
publicó Libro de la Verdad de la Fe, 1543.—Historia de la doncella
Teodor, Toledo, 1543; y antes en Medina, 1533.—Alonso de
Zorrilla, benedictino en Oña, natural de Espinosa de los Monteros,
publicó De Sacris Concionibus recte formandis, Roma, 1543.

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