Speech Competition Script

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Herlini Deyandra


Theme : Public Speaking as a Medium to overcome Podium Panic by Collage Student.

“ Do now or you will Die”

First of all, let’s thank Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so
that we can attend this meeting without any troubles at all.

Secondly, may sholawat and salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SWT who has guided us
Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank the MC who has given me an opportunity to deliver my speech
in front of this public.

Well, I’d like to say welcome to …………………………………

Ok, I will start my speech right now,

I’m gonna talk about Public Speaking.

In this era 4.0 Technology is something that’s so Important thing you should know, you must,
you must have a skill about Technology. Why I said that, I mean you will die if you’re not
follow the new era, if you don’t want to get your innovation you will die. Yeah actually you’re
not really die. It’s like you life but can’t life. Public speaking its important? So what is the
relationship between public speaking and technology? There has any kind of relation both of

What do u think?

The answer is sure there has a tight relation. You don’t need a robot for talking right? So before I
want to continue about it.
First I want to talk about the meaning of public speaking, what is Public Speaking?

Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing a
speech to a live audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face
speaking of a single person to a group of listeners.[1] Traditionally, public speaking is
considered to be apart of the art of persuasion. The act can accomplish particular purposes
including to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. Additionally, differing methods, structures,
and rules can be utilized according to the speaking situation.

So, ladies and gentleman all of you understand now about the definition of public
speaking? I guess you know.

Ok let’s continue my speech, as a college student you should have a public speaking skill.
College student should give their opinion about something. Now average of the college student
is a millennial, and in the future you know who will be a next leader? You, exactly is you. All of
the millennial people in this room maybe you will be a next leader. So you how to lead your
friend if you do’t want to improve your public speaking? You can imagine someone that will be
a leader and can’t do public speaking?

For example, you Know Obama? Here, who don’t know about Obama? Everyone knows? If
you’re not. Maybe I can say who is he?. But I know all of the people here are a smart people.

Barack Obama is an ex of President of Amerika. You can imagine, he said not fluency in front of
his citizen.

“Aaa I’ will speech, aaa, hmmm”

Who will hear their speech?, no one? The citizen will be laught. No, no, the real thing, Barack
Obama can’t be a President if he speech like that. It is Impossible right? Someone that can’t
talking fluently in the public can’t be a president.

Sorry, but I don’t want be a President! Who care about public speaking? I don’t need this. Nooo
you’re wrong. You will need it. Believe me you will need a Public speaking. Said that you are
an introvert like me, not like for talk to much and talk in front of the public. You will choose
some activity or working or choose some of job without public speaking activity? Have it
someone like that? Yeah maybe introvert can be thinking like this, but actually you can’t life
alone in your life, you will need someone, ypu will meet someone, you need them, and you need
to talk.

For example I choose youtuber as my side work, for spend my free time. I choose this work,
cause I think I can do just myself. I don’t need anyone else,

But I’m wrong.

First I try for be a youtuber. Like “ hai, hi. HI, I try for introduce and greeting for ten times, I
spend much time saying hi, I feel I’m tired. And I know here I need have a skill for public
speaking. When I said in front of the camera, just by myself there, no one else. And I can’t do.
Actually Indirectly I talk to everyone in the world who want to see me in youtube right? I’m not

And here I want to say that Public speaking its so important.

And at last,

I want to give tips and trick for improve your public speaking, this is not just saying about
theory, this tips based on my experience,

1. Believe yourself
2. Be confident
3. Learn more and master in technology
4. Discipline and consistent
5. 10 times rules
6. Enjoy it

That’s all about my speech, I’m sorry if I’m not to be perfect today, And thanks for all of the

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

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