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(This question paper contains 2 No. SI. No. of Question Paper TAS Unique Paper Code 2311403 # Name of the Course B.A. (Hons.) History’ Name of the Paper Rise of Modern World — HW (FYUP) >) & Semester IV Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks -75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper ) a wera & fred & wr fey 7y Parte we wR SOT aE ferftag 1) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi: but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Fe U-US 1 GaN atte or feet fee we are 4 die, af wi ol or Aer wee Bl eat afeT Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. ford ar weit & wae cif wh wet S sie GATT EI 1 Analyze the causes of the 17" century crisis in Europe. 17H eared ioe S REI oreo wT facie, FATTY | 2. Assess the nature and significance of the English Revolution. ath aif & ere aie Hed HT THT 3. The rise of Modern Science was the outcome of new intellectual trends and social changes. Discuss. ; . fas or uea ag afew ugftred ait ay arate ofteddl a afters om | fecreft afer | 4. Review the progress of Modem Science in 16" and 17" century Europe. goal afte 178i erenfeccd 4 omaha fears A yf A weer BT ww ne salient teatures of Mereantitism as practiced in different pats of Europe AAS anny wruifad afPare BL eer fracas oy Pitre, ; i ae ne Mereantilisin with reference to 17" century England. Weal Sas F Gol 4 afore uferta afer | the Industrial Revolution in 18" century Britain. STENT SEA GRU ar gees wifey | tar were the agrarian changes crucial in the rise of Britain as the First Industrial tion paper contains 3 printed pages} is ques Cs g.No. of Question Paper = 8874 unique Paper Code 231402 G Name ofthe Paper : Rise of Modern West-II Name of the Course : B.A. (Hons.) History Semester VV Duration : 3 Hours . Maximum Marks : 75 (rite your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) (arama & fred a om fee me fruits ca a sren organise fefan 1) Noe :— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the Paper. SIRT ST SR stat aT fet fet wa are 4 if; Ga wit sai ar mem ue a aA afew Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. fet ar wet & az ater | Wit wei S sie aa cal P.T.O. i! i 7th cer og involved in the | ntury . various issues &, Discuss the : ae ee oe Highlight the major issues of conflict between the king J the parliament in the English Revolution. sina mitt Au ote ie eS omy, al Sr alfa! Can the rise of Modern Science be attributed to socio. -€c0noy and cultural changes in Europe ? aR 4 onal fear SB sea wt CAEN Areas T apis vet BS dei A at wt wad The seventeenth century was a black century for Spain x Italy. Comment. Vai eet em sit eet S fee we sua! a feo safety Discuss the policies associated with Mercantilism in Eng! trace the economic and political reasons for the genesis of the American Revolution. tet ifn ese A orien ch oni are a vaifead wife) Can the Industrial Revolution be attributed primarily to major technological changes in 18th century Britain ? isdt waredt fate A Gear cecil ofa a fra owe ate wife F sa A ser aM 7 wan ? yeo—7—rn ggg tion paper contains 3 printed pages.] ques Annis Your Roll NOseeescecceeeee No. of Question Paper : 9211 GC - Paper Code : 12311401 fyiame of the Paper : Rise of Modern West — II — CBCS fhame of the Course : B.A. (Hons.) History : IV Maximum Marks : 75 Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. TS Fea ne fe my Rite karte seat ser 1. Assess the significance of climatic and demogray, in the general crisis of 17 century Europe, wt et NT ae Sec H TAY TATA Wy aay al aeaienst afer | 5 2. Can the English Civil War be characterized aS a bo, revolution ? war sit Jeqe at ve gyfer wi at Sar foot ae 3. Analyze the economic, political, social, intellectu religious background in the rise of Modern Science. SPS Rar sea ¥ safe, amie, aie, a Ui FOUR ar Redo aA | , Why is the seventeenth ¢, entury regarded as a goldé for Holland 2 5. Account for the success of in the 17" ang 18th 211 rat va teat renee F ects At a rotaTet “feat wt were ar I sate Afar | How far were the principles of Enlightenment reflected in low the policies of Catherine the Great ? date wert ot Teal F water Ho feera fra Sn aw safe a? What were the political and economic causes of the American Revolution ? arte wt SB aorhite st shies ao ae a? Critically examine the contribution of agriculture, State, and global economic networks in the origin of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. (3500) This question paper contains 3 printed pages) S.No. of Question Paper; 8887 Unique Paper Code 12311405 Ic Name of the Paper Rise of Modern West-Il Name of the’ Course : B.A. (Hons.) History-CBCS-CORE (NC) Semester : Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Note :— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. feo 2a Wawa a SK aio am fest feet UH TT 4 dfn; afea at sai a oem we a at cafen | Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. fai on wet & sa cfs ait wei & sim FHM 21 P.T.O. w Assess the relative importance of economic and pojj factors which went into making of the 17th century Ew crisis. at wat & qadta dee H fee seer wa usin HRB b Ge Fe FT aif Examine the major issues involved in the English Revoluti att wift & yer yet a wen aif The rise of Modern Science was the product of changes European society and individual contributions. Elucidate, | aye faa a sca aia wae 4 oftada mrad arent st sar ef) omen aif Define the main features of Mercantilism with reference t 17th-18th century France. | Valea ward & ria ciel a attra @ wer fares a afenita affare cmpire in the 72 Assess the significance of trade and of either England or Holland in the 17th-I8th centuries. Vai-ise want a seats sem eats at oom wi waa & meq aq set aif (Ge Sh) 8887 Can Enlightenment be associated with the rise of modern thought in Europe ? aa vate #1 ia A onyfn faari F za a sist wae e ? Evaluate the causes for the emergence of Britain as the first industrial nation. gem sichfie we fo =a 4 fer S wea SH ach wm yeast aif How has the divergence debate broadened our understanding of the genesis of Industrial Revolution ? fea VER ATA FAAS (Divergence debate) reir wift a1 safa al aaa 4 eat faani a fae faa & ? SET B 405 OC (2021) Your Roll No. S|. No. of Question Paper Unique Paper Code : 12311405_OC Name of the Course : B.A. (Hons) History Name of the Paper : Rise of Modern West — Il (NC) Semester : IV Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) (3a vara fra at Hae feu ae atta ears 1 ae aes Perf) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Tr Ta aT sae aa ar fee Pet om aver F Sr, afer ae Sere ar TEA Ow et TAT TAT Attempt any four questions. Alll questions carry equal marks. Pregtarcit eoe Afra anit wit ata aa Bi 1. Do you think that the 17- Century Crisis touched every aspect of the life of Europe? Comment. Fa ay asa BAT TAT ae aie A Tea Stara ae Tea HT ret Fear? 2. Assess the significance of the English Revolution (1603-1688). ait wift ( 1603-1688) * Aees AT area ATI 3. Can the rise of modern science be considered the result of changes in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries? wear argfen fara saa Ft L6dt-1 74h cetecat & aera & ofeaa ar afer ara ST aT ® 4, Define mercantilism. What different forms did it take in the major economies of Europe? aiftirrare a1 oferta Air zara Ht yer alorserat F sat ater far wr are fa? 5. Discuss the significance of Enlightenment in 18th century Europe. ise eravedt aera F water HETa ar ache ATT 6.Enumerate the factors responsible for the origin of Industrial Revolution in Britain. fata H atettte wife At sear & fore Sacer areat at cathe Ara [Phis question paper contains 4 primted pagens.} Your Roll No.. Sr. No. of Question Paper: 3639 bE Unique Paper Code 12331405 Name of the Paper Rise of Modern W 1 CORE Name of the Course B.A. (Hons.) Histor Semester / Iv Duration :°3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates |, Write your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2 Attempt any four questions. 3." All questions carry equal marks 4, Answers may be: written either in English or Hindi but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. wat & fey res sryraten fefeag 1 4 oweata & fot A oe fey ay Peis =e we ae P.T.O. 2 _ 3639 2 fetta Wet F TeT Ay | a ait wet & fs wT? ETT TT HT THB nat ew Ta ie, aa, aah sat ar a OL TT ae 1, Delineate the economic and political dimensions of fhe 17th century crisis in Europe: ee Frat warelt Here Foals es wares vegeta eater Fifsry | 2. Discuss the socio-political and intellectual trends i Enflish Revolution (1603-1688). sia wife (1603-1688) ¥ arnt Trae: atk afew aft A aaratie 3. Analyée the main factors associated with the rise of Modern Science in Europe. wr % afte far F sea 3 eat TSI aret F Feectoor wife 1 3639 3 Account for the decline of the economies of Spain taly in 17th century Wat ware Fs va aah aA apheraensl B sat at ay afar | a Highlight the success of British Mercantilism in the 17-18th centuries. 74 oi teat sere F Rte aftrorare at awarar a faPea aia ‘ Do you agree that European Enlightenment of the I8th century qwas a social and cultural phenomenon? . aa oy wena S fe wed were ai valet ar aTAfTaT sit wept wear at? Assess the importance of agrarian capitalism, domestic & foreign markets, trade and colonisation in the origins of the Industrial Revolution-in Britain PA 3639 4 Fer ® stern ait A Se A BR Guha, RAR oy a mu, aw stem Some at ees mas 8. Has the Divergence Debate revised our views about the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain? Fen sree flare 3 Ra H steht aie At sear SAL wart frat at aati Ben 27 (10,000) [This question paper contains 2 printed pages.] Sr.No. of Question Paper : 3565 D Your Roll No... Unique Paper Code : 231402 Name of the Course —-:_ B.A. (Hons.) History Name of the Paper : Rise of the Modern West-II Semester :1V Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Answer any four questions. All questions carry equal marks. Answers may be written in Hindi or English but the same medium should be followed throughout the paper. wrat & fay rds 1. Rw-va & fod & ao fee ae falta ear we se sepnaTaR fafa 1 2. Redan weit Bae AT 3 wit wet Ss se ware 4. FAW Wa Te aa oT St feet we OTH Say, Afar WH Tae a eT Va & er ates wna 1, Examine the various theories accounting for the 17" century crisis. Do you think England escaped this crisis ? at weet S dee at faer ens ar ae ASA | sar a ws S a eects ea aac a wa aa? 2. Explain the political and economic significance of the English revolution. adhh Bi S cae ote ones aac A ene AA 3. Do you agree with the view that the rise of modern science in the 16" & 17" centuries can be understood without reference to the social environment of the times ? 3565 2 a AT Fa ara @ Ber F fs lod site 7H wae A oes faa S sea St Tea arnt aera Saal S feat Gra wt aaa ? 4, Enumerate the underlying principles of mercantilism, What was the nature of state’s involvement with mercantilism in Britain, France and Austria ? afar & arated fetal an frac ded 1 Ala, wre wen sifegar H aProrare S art Wea & yg at upfa ae Ht? 5. What was the ideological basis of enlightened despotism in Russia ? a 4 wge Piqua ar date sme sar aT ? 6. Explain the origins of the American revolution. arate wife at serfet At =eM APSA | 7. Critically analyze the role of state, agrarian change and capital in preparing ground for industrial capitalism in England. gets H shire Yoitare ot ta dar wet A aos, Be aah war HSA St eta aT arene sie aE 1 8. Write short notes on any two : (a) Newton (b) Colbert (c) Civil war in England (d) Joseph II of Austria Paral aoe afera feo AR: (®) =e (a) aieaé (a) wets Fe ge (4) siffégar cr sites fect (4800)

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