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CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 1

Marginal physical product (MPP) where P=production, and X=input, is equal to

Options :

1. ∆P/ ∆X

2. ∆X/ ∆P

3. P/X

4. None of these


Answer : ∆P/ ∆X

Question No. 2

In which relation, an increase or a decrease in production of one product affect the production of the other


Options :

1. Supplementary

2. Joint product

3. Competitive

4. Complementary


Answer : Competitive

Question No. 3

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the successor to

Options :

1. ITO
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper



4. IMF


Answer : GATT

Question No. 4

Which of the following is the apex bank for agricultural credit in India?

Options :

1. RBI



4. SBI


Answer : NABARD

Question No. 5

A demand curve measures

Options :

1. Difference between a buyer’s willingness to pay and the actual price of the product

2. Actual price a buyer must pay to get the product

3. Buyer’s willingness to pay

4. All of these


Answer : Buyer’s willingness to pay

Question No. 6
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Consumer surplus is

Options :

1. a buyer’s willingness to pay plus the price

2. the price of the product minus the buyer’s willingness to pay

3. when the buyer’s willingness to pay and the price of the product are equal

4. a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the price


Answer : a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the price

Question No. 7

According to the law of demand

Options :

1. there is a positive relationship between quantity demanded and price

2. as the price rises, demand will shift to the left

3. there is a negative relationship between quantity demanded and price

4. as the price rises, demand will shift to the right


Answer : there is a negative relationship between quantity demanded and price

Question No. 8

Marginal utility signifies

Options :

1. utility from first unit

2. utility from last unit

3. utility from additional unit

4. utility from third unit

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : utility from additional unit

Question No. 9

National Income means

Options :

1. Income of the Government

2. Money measure of the overall annual flow of goods and services in an economy

3. Value of the fixed wealth in an economy

4. Aggregate of the earnings of working class in an economy


Answer : Money measure of the overall annual flow of goods and services in an economy

Question No. 10

Internal rate of return (IRR) is that rate at which Net Present value is

Options :

1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Zero

4. None of these


Answer : Zero

Question No. 11

The residual left with the farmers after meeting his family consumption, farm requirements, social and religions

payments is called as

Options :
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

1. Marketed surplus

2. Marketable surplus

3. Producer Surplus

4. Consumer Surplus


Answer : Marketable surplus

Question No. 12

If the NPW is zero, then B/C ratio is

Options :

1. > 1

2. < 1

3. = 1

4. = 0


Answer : = 0

Question No. 13

A market characterized by large number of sellers and buyers and homogenous product is known as

Options :

1. Monopoly

2. Oligopoly

3. Perfect

4. Monopolistic


Answer : Perfect
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 14

Demand for goods which are needed for further production is called as

Options :

1. Derived Demand

2. Autonomous demand

3. Direct Demand

4. All of these


Answer : Derived Demand

Question No. 15

Which one of the following is not a measure to reduce the risk?

Options :

1. Diversification

2. Hedging

3. Contract sales

4. Monoculture


Answer : Monoculture

Question No. 16

Marginal product is

Options :

1. Addition made to total production by the use of an additional input

2. Average production per unit of input use

3. Total addition to the production by addition input use

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. All of these


Answer : Addition made to total production by the use of an additional input

Question No. 17

In which layer of the atmosphere there is a temperature inversion?

Options :

1. Mesosphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Troposphere

4. Ionosphere


Answer : Troposphere

Question No. 18

Which layer of the atmosphere has lowest average temperature?

Options :

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Mesosphere

4. Ionosphere


Answer : Mesosphere

Question No. 19

The value of Environmental lapse rate is given as

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. – 6.5 ºC / km

2. + 6.5 ºC / km

3. 5.5 ºC / km

4. 5.0 ºC / km


Answer : + 6.5 ºC / km

Question No. 20

Wind direction is measured as –

Options :

1. From where it comes

2. Where it goes

3. It touches the face

4. A and C both are correct


Answer : From where it comes

Question No. 21

Vertical distribution of microclimate is:

Options :

1. 10^-2 to 10^1 m

2. 10^-2 to 10^2 m

3. 10^-2 to 10^3 m

4. 10^-2 to 10^4 m


Answer : 10^-2 to 10^2 m

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 22

Name the most important weather element –

Options :

1. Temperature

2. Rainfall

3. Cloud Cover

4. Atmospheric Pressure


Answer : Temperature

Question No. 23

‘Khaira disease’ (also known as iron rust) of rice is caused due to:

Options :

1. Excessive application of nitrogen

2. Deficiency of zinc

3. Bacterial infection

4. Iron deficiency


Answer : Deficiency of zinc

Question No. 24

Lysine is a limiting amino acid in:

Options :

1. Cereals

2. Pulses

3. Oilseeds
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Green vegetables


Answer : Cereals

Question No. 25

Which among the following herbicides is non-selective herbicide?

Options :

1. Paraquat

2. Alachlor

3. Butachlor

4. Atrazine


Answer : Paraquat

Question No. 26

Berseem seed is treated with:

Options :

1. Rhizobium meliloti

2. Rhizobium lupini

3. Rhizobium trifoli

4. Rhizobium Japonicum


Answer : Rhizobium trifoli

Question No. 27

Conversion of ADP to ATP is known as:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Photolysis

2. Photo phosphorylation

3. Photosynthesis

4. Photorespiration


Answer : Photo phosphorylation

Question No. 28

Deficiency of which essential plant nutrient leads to ‘pop pod in groundnut’:

Options :

1. Sulphur

2. Calcium

3. Phosphorus

4. Boron


Answer : Calcium

Question No. 29

Which among the following weeds causes dropsy disease in human beings:

Options :

1. Pluchea lanceolate

2. Digera arvensis

3. Parthenium hysterophorus

4. Argemone Mexicana


Answer : Argemone Mexicana

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 30

Roots absorb water from soil:

Options :

1. Actively

2. Passively

3. Both actively and passively

4. None of these


Answer : Actively

Question No. 31

Sunflower belongs to family:

Options :

1. Cruciferae

2. Asteraceae

3. Malvaceae

4. Malvaceae


Answer : Asteraceae

Question No. 32

Removal of uniform thin layer of soil by the action of water is referred as:

Options :

1. Splash erosion

2. Sheet erosion

3. Rill erosion
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4. Gully erosion


Answer : Sheet erosion

Question No. 33

Major source of water used by plants is:

Options :

1. Capillary water

2. Hygroscopic water

3. Gravitational water

4. Inter space water


Answer : Capillary water

Question No. 34

Parthenium hysterophorus (Congress grass) can be controlled by:

Options :

1. Chrysomella spp.

2. Dactylopius tomentosus

3. Zygogramma bicolarata

4. Neochetina spp.


Answer : Zygogramma bicolarata

Question No. 35

Heavy shedding of buds and bolls occurs in cotton due to:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Nitrogen deficiency in soil

2. Phosphorus deficiency in soil

3. Magnesium deficiency in soil

4. Water stress at bud formation stage


Answer : Water stress at bud formation stage

Question No. 36

Drip irrigation is most suited to:

Options :

1. Acid soil

2. Alkaline soil

3. Saline soil

4. All of these


Answer : Saline soil

Question No. 37

The term ‘LEISA’ is related to:

Options :

1. Organic farming

2. Mixed farming

3. Natural farming

4. All of these


Answer : Organic farming

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 38

Light intensity at which photosynthesis and respiration are equal is known as:

Options :

1. Light compensation point

2. Light saturation point

3. Net photosynthesis

4. None of these


Answer : Light compensation point

Question No. 39

Which type of maize is mainly grown in India?

Options :

1. Dent corn

2. Waxy corn

3. Flint corn

4. Sweet corn


Answer : Flint corn

Question No. 40

Canola is a group of plants belonging to:

Options :

1. Mustard

2. Safflower

3. Castor
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4. Vegetables


Answer : Mustard

Question No. 41

One ha cm of water is equal to:

Options :

1. 1000 tonnes of water

2. 100,000 litres of water

3. 10 tonnes of water

4. 10,000 litres of water


Answer : 100,000 litres of water

Question No. 42

Under stress conditions, which amino acid is accumulated in plants:

Options :

1. Methionine

2. Tryptophan

3. Proline

4. Phenyl alanine


Answer : Proline

Question No. 43

Stem nodulation occurs in green manure crop of:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Aeschynomene afraspera

2. Crotolaria juncea

3. Sesabania aculeata

4. Vigna tunguiculata


Answer : Sesabania aculeata

Question No. 44

Stomata closing can be induced by:

Options :

1. Kaoline

2. Linseed oil

3. 2,4-D

4. PMA


Answer : PMA

Question No. 45

Most damaging single influence on storage life of seeds is:

Options :

1. High moisture content

2. High temperature

3. Low moisture content

4. Both (A) and (B)


Answer : High moisture content

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 46

Instrument used for measuring solar radiation is:

Options :

1. Anemometer

2. Barograph

3. Psycrometer

4. Pyranometer


Answer : Pyranometer

Question No. 47

Attraction of water molecules towards soil particles is:

Options :

1. Adhesion

2. Surface tension

3. Capillary force

4. Cohesion


Answer : Adhesion

Question No. 48

The critical slope for soil erosion is:

Options :

1. 1%

2. 2%

3. 3%
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. 5%


Answer : 1%

Question No. 49

The instrument used for measuring depth of water table is known as:

Options :

1. Lysimeter

2. Piezometer

3. Odometer

4. Evaporimeter


Answer : Piezometer

Question No. 50

Sesame belongs to family:

Options :

1. Poaceae

2. Papilionoideae

3. Pediliaceae

4. Ceasalpinoideae


Answer : Pediliaceae

Question No. 51

Water inside the plant moves through:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Phloem

2. Xylem

3. Fibre cells

4. All of these


Answer : Xylem

Question No. 52

While testing seed, the grow out test is conducted to determine:

Options :

1. Genetic purity

2. Seed viability

3. Physical purity

4. Yield potential


Answer : Genetic purity

Question No. 53

Optimum seed rate (kg/ha) of soybean is:

Options :

1. 50-60

2. 70-80

3. 80-90

4. 100-110


Answer : 70-80
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 54

Which chemical causes Finger leaf disease in cotton?

Options :

1. 2,4-D

2. Mancozeb

3. Boron

4. Acephate


Answer : 2,4-D

Question No. 55

Cycocel is a:

Options :

1. Auxin

2. Abscisic acid

3. Cytokinin

4. Growth retardant


Answer : Growth retardant

Question No. 56

Which among the following is the most severe form of soil water erosion?

Options :

1. Rill

2. Gully

3. Sheet
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4. Splash


Answer : Gully

Question No. 57

Enzyme responsible for carboxylation in C3 type plants is:

Options :

1. Ribulose diphosphate dehydrogenase

2. Phosphoenol pyruvic acid

3. Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase

4. Glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase


Answer : Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase

Question No. 58

Which among the following is a frost tolerant variety of raya

Options :

1. Kranti

2. RH 781

3. RH 0749

4. Pusa Vijay


Answer : RH 781

Question No. 59

Contaminants in cotton are known as

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Dirt

2. Inert matter

3. Motes

4. None of these


Answer : Motes

Question No. 60

In north India, sugarcane is mostly used with how many buds?

Options :

1. Two bud setts

2. Three bud setts

3. Four bud setts

4. Single bud setts


Answer : Three bud setts

Question No. 61

Major groundnut producing state in India is:

Options :

1. Andhra Pradesh

2. Gujarat

3. Maharastra

4. Tamil Nadu


Answer : Gujarat
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 62

Photoperiodically, wheat is:

Options :

1. Short day plant

2. Day neutral plant

3. Long day plant

4. Intermediate


Answer : Long day plant

Question No. 63

The inflorescence of sugarcane is known as:

Options :

1. Panicle

2. Arrow

3. Racemose

4. Tiller


Answer : Arrow

Question No. 64

Which among the following is a mycoherbicide

Options :

1. Collego

2. Valour

3. Bromacil
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Metribuzin


Answer : Collego

Question No. 65

Name of the insect Order in which (in general), the larval stage is phytophagous and adults are nectar feeder/sap


Options :

1. Orthoptera

2. Hemiptera

3. Neuroptera

4. Lepidoptera


Answer : Lepidoptera

Question No. 66

Which insecticide formulation consists of active ingredient mixed with a liquid solvent that needs to be diluted

with water prior to application?

Options :

1. Wettable powder

2. Emulsifiable concentrate

3. Water dispersible powder

4. Soluble powder


Answer : Emulsifiable concentrate

Question No. 67
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Which of the following characteristics do immature Lepidopteran and Coleopteran insects share?

Options :

1. They are all plant feeders

2. They are all found in the soil

3. They are all called nymphs

4. They all have biting and chewing mouthparts


Answer : They all have biting and chewing mouthparts

Question No. 68

Summer diapause is known as

Options :

1. Hibernation

2. Overwintering

3. Aestivation

4. None of these


Answer : Aestivation

Question No. 69

The scientific name of the Italian honey bee is

Options :

1. Apis mellifera

2. Apis indica

3. Apis dorsata

4. Apis florae

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Apis mellifera

Question No. 70

The larval stage is predatory whereas the adults are pollinator in case of

Options :

1. Syrphid

2. Coccinellid

3. Chrysopa

4. All of these


Answer : Syrphid

Question No. 71

The opening on an arthropod body surface that allows for air transfer is called:

Options :

1. Spiracle

2. Trachea

3. Tracheoles

4. Alveoli


Answer : Spiracle

Question No. 72

What are located between the compound eyes which may be variable in number, but never exceed three in

number? Function appears to aid the insect in determining light intensities - unable to form images

Options :
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

1. Labrum

2. Ocelli

3. Gena

4. Frons


Answer : Ocelli

Question No. 73

Honey bees often sting

Options :

1. Single time

2. Two times

3. Multiple times

4. All of these


Answer : Multiple times

Question No. 74

The body temperature of insects normally follows closely the temperature of the surrounding and hence, it is

termed as

Options :

1. Hyperthermic

2. Warm blooded

3. Cold hardiness

4. Poikilothermic


Answer : Poikilothermic
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 75

Brown plant hopper is a major pest of

Options :

1. Cotton

2. Sunflower

3. Mustard

4. Paddy


Answer : Paddy

Question No. 76

The use of synthetic pyrethroids has caused serious outbreaks of

Options :

1. Bihar hairy caterpillar

2. Whitefly

3. Mango mealy bug

4. Mosquitoes


Answer : Mango mealy bug

Question No. 77

The common name of Chilo partellus is

Options :

1. Sugarcane stem borer

2. Sorghum shootfly

3. Paddy stem borer

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Maize stem borer


Answer : Maize stem borer

Question No. 78

Wings are absent in

Options :

1. Hymenoptera

2. Thysanura

3. Thysanoptera

4. Trichoptera


Answer : Thysanura

Question No. 79

Mouth parts in thrips belong to the type

Options :

1. Chewing type

2. Biting type

3. Asymmetrical type

4. Sucking type


Answer : Sucking type

Question No. 80

Trichogramma chilonis is
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Predator of mustard aphid

2. Larval parasite of mealy bug

3. Egg parasitoid of sugarcane borers

4. Pupal parasitoid of cabbage butterfly


Answer : Egg parasitoid of sugarcane borers

Question No. 81

The systematic is the study of:

Options :

1. genetic makeup of reproductive insects

2. relationships between groups of any size

3. orders of insects only

4. morphological characters only


Answer : relationships between groups of any size

Question No. 82

Pest which occurs in isolated locations is known as

Options :

1. Persistent pest

2. Seasonal pest

3. Sporadic pest

4. Occasional pest


Answer : Sporadic pest

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 83

Which is the pest of potato tuber in field and storage

Options :

1. Mealy bug

2. Cutworm

3. Potato aphid

4. Potato tuber moth


Answer : Potato tuber moth

Question No. 84

In insect population which have only one generation a year, the shape of population growth curve is:

Options :

1. S-shaped curve

2. J-shaped curve

3. Both A and B

4. None of these


Answer : S-shaped curve

Question No. 85

The grazing food web begins with:

Options :

1. Detrivores

2. Carnivores

3. Heterotrophs
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4. Autotrophs


Answer : Autotrophs

Question No. 86

Economic injury level is ________________ economic threshold level.

Options :

1. Half of the

2. Equal to

3. Greater than

4. Less than


Answer : Greater than

Question No. 87

PRA stands for:

Options :

1. Participatory Rural Appraisal

2. Participatory Rapid Appraisal

3. Programme Review Appraisal

4. People’s Rural Appraisal


Answer : Participatory Rural Appraisal

Question No. 88

National Agricultural Technology Project was started in the year:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. 1996

2. 1998

3. 1994

4. 2000


Answer : 1998

Question No. 89

According to Prof. Mildred Hurton, the first training group of human race is:

Options :

1. Family

2. Community

3. Country

4. Home


Answer : Home

Question No. 90

Lt. Col. Albert Mayer started a project called:

Options :

1. Gurgaon Project

2. Nilokheri Project

3. Etawah Pilot Project

4. Marthandom Project


Answer : Etawah Pilot Project

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 91

The word communication is derived from:

Options :

1. Greek word

2. French word

3. Russian word

4. Latin word


Answer : Latin word

Question No. 92

In the preparation of audio-visual aids, the principle of ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ signifies:

Options :

1. Attractiveness, Brevity, Concreteness

2. Attractiveness, Brevity, Colour

3. Attractiveness, Brevity, Clarity

4. Attitude, Brief, Communication


Answer : Attractiveness, Brevity, Clarity

Question No. 93

Which among the following is a method of identifying leader?

Options :

1. Socio-metric method

2. Self –designated method

3. Informants’ rating
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. All the above


Answer : All the above

Question No. 94

Which among the following models of communication is called ‘Mathematical Theory of Communication:

Options :

1. Berlo’s Model

2. Shannon and Weaver’s Model

3. Aristotle’s Model

4. Leagan’s Model


Answer : Shannon and Weaver’s Model

Question No. 95

Single line of command was one of the main features of:

Options :

1. EPP



4. T & V


Answer : NAEP

Question No. 96

Extension Education Institute for North India is located at:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Haryana

2. Punjab

3. UP

4. Bihar


Answer : Haryana

Question No. 97

Extension Programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and:

Options :

1. Motivation

2. Attitude

3. Reasons

4. Solution


Answer : Solution

Question No. 98

Which among the following entrepreneurs is timid and cautious in nature:

Options :

1. Fabian

2. Drone

3. Imitative

4. Innovative


Answer : Fabian
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 99

Which among the following is a technique of idea generation:

Options :

1. Seminar

2. Conference

3. Brain storming

4. Incubation


Answer : Brain storming

Question No. 100

The concept of venture capital was originated in:

Options :

1. India

2. Japan

3. U.K.

4. U.S.A.


Answer : U.S.A.

Question No. 101

Temperate Forests of the Western Himalayas are the Climatic Climax of the following:

Options :

1. Abies spp

2. Cedrus spp.

3. Quercus spp.
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4. Betula spp


Answer : Quercus spp.

Question No. 102

The yield of forest is regulated on the basis of volume by using following:

Options :

1. Von Mantel’s formula

2. Permanent allotment method

3. Annual coups

4. Periodic block method


Answer : Von Mantel’s formula

Question No. 103

Widely accepted Classification of Forest Types of India is based upon:

Options :

1. Climate

2. Physiography

3. Ecology

4. Composition


Answer : Ecology

Question No. 104

Field planting season for poplar tree is

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Winter

2. Summer

3. Rainy

4. Throughout the year


Answer : Winter

Question No. 105

Sulphate navel stores are by-products of the following pulping process:

Options :

1. Soda pulping

2. Sulphate pulping

3. Kraft pulping

4. None of the above


Answer : Kraft pulping

Question No. 106

Ghatti gum is obtained from:

Options :

1. Sterculia ureus

2. Astragalus spp

3. Anogeissus latifolia

4. Acacia arabica


Answer : Anogeissus latifolia

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 107

Maximum segregation is observed in:

Options :

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d


Answer : b

Question No. 108

Single seed descent method is a modification of:

Options :

1. Pedigree method

2. Bulk method

3. Mass selection

4. F₄


Answer : Bulk method

Question No. 109

Vegetatively propagated crops are usually:

Options :
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1. Homozygous

2. Heterozygous

3. Both A and B

4. Apomictic


Answer : Heterozygous

Question No. 110

The most commonly used breeding scheme is:

Options :

1. Back cross method

2. Bulk method

3. Pedigree method

4. Mass selection


Answer : Mass selection

Question No. 111

Landraces are very good sources of genes for:

Options :

1. high yield

2. adaptability

3. Both (A) and (B)

4. None of these


Answer : adaptability
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 112

Variation within a pureline is due to

Options :

1. Genetic causes

2. Environment

3. Both (A) and (B)

4. None of these


Answer : Genetic causes

Question No. 113

Transgenic plants are being cultivated in India in:

Options :

1. Brinjal

2. Wheat

3. Cotton

4. Soybean


Answer : Cotton

Question No. 114

Cotton and pigeon pea are:

Options :

1. Cross pollinated

2. Self pollinated

3. Often cross pollinated

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4. Apomictic


Answer : Often cross pollinated

Question No. 115

Which of the following has been used for inducing male sterility in Bajra ?

Options :

1. Tift 23 A

2. H. petiolaris

3. Milo

4. T. timopheevi


Answer : Tift 23 A

Question No. 116

TGMS and PGMS systems of male sterility are available in:

Options :

1. Wheat

2. Sorghum

3. Rice

4. Bajra


Answer : Rice

Question No. 117

Centre of origin of Gossypium herbaceum is:

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Options :

1. North America

2. South America

3. Africa

4. India


Answer : India

Question No. 118

Golden rice is related to enhanced:

Options :

1. pro-vitamin A

2. Mg

3. Zn

4. Cu


Answer : pro-vitamin A

Question No. 119

Genetic disassortative mating will result in:

Options :

1. Reduced homozygosity

2. Increased homozygosity

3. More inbreeding depressions

4. None of these


Answer : Reduced homozygosity

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Question No. 120

One map unit is equal to:

Options :

1. 1% recombination between genes

2. 100% recombination between genes

3. 50% recombination between genes

4. 10% recombination between genes


Answer : 1% recombination between genes

Question No. 121

If recombination occurs before the chromosome replication, percentage of parental type gametes will be:

Options :

1. 100

2. 50

3. 25

4. 0


Answer : 100

Question No. 122

Which of following mechanisms does not promotes cross pollination:

Options :

1. Dicliny

2. Chasmogamy

3. Dichogamy
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Self-incompatibility


Answer : Self-incompatibility

Question No. 123

Which of the following can be considered a case of non- Mendelian inheritance?

Options :

1. Extra-nuclear inheritance

2. Multiple alleles

3. Incomplete dominance

4. All of these


Answer : All of these

Question No. 124

Upper limit of crossing over between two genes is:

Options :

1. 100 %

2. 50 %

3. 25 %

4. 75 %


Answer : 50 %

Question No. 125

Bacterial artificial chromosome may be used for the construction of:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. c-DNA library

2. Genomic library

3. Tissue specific library

4. All of these


Answer : All of these

Question No. 126

Experiment that unambiguously demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material was conducted by:

Options :

1. Watson and Crick

2. Hershey and Chase

3. Fred Griffith

4. Avery, MacLeod and McCarty


Answer : Avery, MacLeod and McCarty

Question No. 127

Which of the following is not an auxin:

Options :

1. Indole acetic acid

2. 2,4-D

3. Kinetin

4. Naphthalene acetic acid


Answer : Kinetin
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 128

Fusion of cytoplasm from two species and nuclear genes from any one species leads to the development of:

Options :

1. Cybrid

2. Somatic hybrid

3. Protoplast

4. None of these


Answer : Cybrid

Question No. 129

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was invented by:

Options :

1. Rosalind Franklin

2. Arthur Korenburg

3. Watson and Crick

4. K Mullis


Answer : K Mullis

Question No. 130

Which of the following is not a "direct gene transfer" method:

Options :

1. Liposome encapsulation

2. Microinjection

3. Agrobacterium
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Particle bombardment


Answer : Agrobacterium

Question No. 131

Which of the following fruits is a rich source of vitamin C?

Options :

1. Apple

2. Mango

3. Aonla

4. Papaya


Answer : Aonla

Question No. 132

Mulching is helpful in

Options :

1. Moisture conservation

2. Weed control

3. Both A & B

4. Neither A nor B


Answer : Both A &amp; B

Question No. 133

Which of the following varieties of apple is a pollinizer?

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Red Chief

2. Golden Delicious

3. Royal Delicious

4. Red Delicious


Answer : Golden Delicious

Question No. 134

Which of the following varieties of mango is suitable for high density planting?

Options :

1. Neelum

2. Langra

3. Alphonso

4. Amrapalli


Answer : Amrapalli

Question No. 135

Which fruit crop is suitable for arid regions?

Options :

1. Apple

2. Ber

3. Banana

4. Pineapple


Answer : Ber
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 136

Which system of planting is most suitable for sloppy lands in hilly areas?

Options :

1. Contour

2. Square system

3. Hexagonal

4. Rectangular


Answer : Contour

Question No. 137

Spongy tissue is a physiological disorder of

Options :

1. Mango

2. Guava

3. Apple

4. Papaya


Answer : Mango

Question No. 138

Which PGR is commonly used for rooting initiation in stem cuttings?

Options :

1. ABA

2. 2, 4-D

3. IBA
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. IAA


Answer : IBA

Question No. 139

Which among the following is an aggregate fruit

Options :

1. Pineapple

2. Strawberry

3. Pomegranate

4. Grape


Answer : Strawberry

Question No. 140

Among these fruit crops, the richest source of Fe is

Options :

1. Banana

2. Ber

3. Jamun

4. Karonda


Answer : Karonda

Question No. 141

Which of following fruit is most suitable for jelly making

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Apple

2. Banana

3. Ber

4. Guava


Answer : Guava

Question No. 142

Most of apple varieties have the chilling requirement of

Options :

1. 2000-3000 hrs.

2. 1000-1500 hrs

3. 100-500 hrs.

4. 500-1000 hrs.


Answer : 500-1000 hrs.

Question No. 143

Which of the following nematode is kidney shaped:

Options :

1. Heterodera

2. Rotylenchus

3. Pratylenchus

4. Xiphinema


Answer : Pratylenchus
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 144

A series of transverse depressions on the cuticle of nematode is:

Options :

1. Annulations

2. Appendages

3. Striae

4. None of these


Answer : Annulations

Question No. 145

Transmission of grape vine fan leaf virus is by nematode:

Options :

1. Radopholus similus

2. Ditylenchus angustus

3. Anguina tritici

4. Xiphinema index


Answer : Xiphinema index

Question No. 146

Which of the following is nematicide:

Options :

1. Dinocap

2. Metalaxyl

3. Tridemorph
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. None of these


Answer : None of these

Question No. 147

Anguina tritici causes:

Options :

1. Molya disease of wheat

2. Ear cockle disease of wheat

3. Root knot of vegetables

4. All of these


Answer : Ear cockle disease of wheat

Question No. 148

Which of the following is a piercing organ in nematode:

Options :

1. Haustorium

2. Appressorium

3. Stylet

4. None of these


Answer : Stylet

Question No. 149

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum survives in soil in the form of:

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Oospore

2. Sclerotia

3. Basidiospore

4. Perithecia


Answer : Sclerotia

Question No. 150

Irish famine was caused due to:

Options :

1. Early blight of potato

2. Downy mildew of onion

3. Late blight of potato

4. Downy mildew of grapes


Answer : Late blight of potato

Question No. 151

Rust and smut fungi belong to:

Options :

1. Zygomycota

2. Basidiomycota

3. Ascomycota

4. Oomycota


Answer : Ascomycota
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Question No. 152

Whiptail of cauliflower is due to

Options :

1. Oxygen deficiency

2. Water deficiency

3. Mo deficiency

4. Zn deficiency


Answer : Mo deficiency

Question No. 153

Citrus canker is caused by

Options :

1. Bacteria

2. Nematode

3. Fungi

4. Algae


Answer : Bacteria

Question No. 154

Which one of the following is not a biological control agent:

Options :

1. Trichoderma

2. Pseudomonas

3. Paecilomyces
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

4. Xanthomonas


Answer : Xanthomonas

Question No. 155

Gene for Gene hypothesis was given by

Options :

1. Anton de Bary

2. H.H. Flor

3. P. M.A. Millardet

4. T.J. Burrill


Answer : H.H. Flor

Question No. 156

Cadang-Cadang disease of coconut is caused by

Options :

1. Fungi

2. Bacteria

3. Viroid

4. Nematode


Answer : Viroid

Question No. 157

Components of bordeux mixture are

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Options :

1. Lime, iron sulphate, water

2. Lime, ferrous sulphate, water

3. Lime, copper sulphate, water

4. Lime, calcium chloride, water


Answer : Lime, copper sulphate, water

Question No. 158

Transportation of potato tuber for seed purpose is not allowed from Darjeeling hills to North India due to the

presence of

Options :

1. Synchytrium endobioticum

2. Rhizoctonia solani

3. Sclerotinia rolfsii

4. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum


Answer : Synchytrium endobioticum

Question No. 159

Albugo candida survives as

Options :

1. Ascospores

2. Basidiospores

3. Pycniospores

4. Oospores

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Oospores

Question No. 160

Which one of the following chemical is most effective in managing downy mildew diseases:

Options :

1. Dinocap

2. Metalaxyl

3. Wettable Sulphur

4. Tetracycline


Answer : Metalaxyl

Question No. 161

Moko disease of banana is caused by

Options :

1. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

2. Pseudomonas musae

3. Colletotrichum musae

4. Ralstonia solanacearum


Answer : Ralstonia solanacearum

Question No. 162

Apothecium contains

Options :

1. Conidia
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

2. Basidiospores

3. Ascospores

4. Zoospores


Answer : Ascospores

Question No. 163

Asexual fruiting bodies of anthracnose fungi are

Options :

1. Sporodochia

2. Cleistothecia

3. Sporangia

4. Acervuli


Answer : Acervuli

Question No. 164

In Venturia inaequalis, the acsi and ascospores are formed in

Options :

1. Pseudothecium

2. Cleistothecium

3. Pycnium

4. Acervulus


Answer : Pseudothecium

Question No. 165

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Rust of rose is caused by

Options :

1. Puccinia spp.

2. Uromyces spp.

3. Phakopsora spp.

4. Phragmidium spp.


Answer : Phragmidium spp.

Question No. 166

Premature leaf fall of apple is caused by

Options :

1. Marssonina coronaria

2. Taphrina deformans

3. Venturia inaequalis

4. None of these


Answer : Marssonina coronaria

Question No. 167

Powdery mildew of mango is caused by

Options :

1. Olpidium mangiferae

2. Erysiphe polygoni

3. Oidium mangiferae

4. Macrophoma mangiferae

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Oidium mangiferae

Question No. 168

Blister blight of tea is caused by

Options :

1. Cephaleuros mycoidea

2. Exobasidium vexans

3. Poria hypolateritia

4. Botryodiplodia theobromae


Answer : Exobasidium vexans

Question No. 169

Which one of the following is not a component of ‘disease triangle’

Options :

1. Susceptible host

2. Suppressive soil

3. Favourable environment

4. Virulent pathogen


Answer : Suppressive soil

Question No. 170

Stem gall of coriander is caused by

Options :

1. Protomyces macrosporus
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

3. Taphrina deformans

4. Agrobacterium radiobacter


Answer : Protomyces macrosporus

Question No. 171

Hypogeal type of seed germination occur in

Options :

1. French Bean

2. Pea

3. Bitter gourd

4. All of these


Answer : All of these

Question No. 172

Varietal purity is checked by

Options :

1. Germination test

2. Vigour test

3. Grow out test

4. None of these


Answer : Grow out test

Question No. 173

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Seed priming improves the

Options :

1. Longevity of seed

2. Vigour of seed

3. Colour of the seed

4. All of these


Answer : Vigour of seed

Question No. 174

Physical dormancy caused by hard seed coat is overcome by

Options :

1. Stratification

2. Scarification

3. Steeping

4. Fluid drilling


Answer : Scarification

Question No. 175

Desiccant used for drying of seed is

Options :

1. Cellulose

2. Wood ash

3. Sillica gel

4. Activated clay

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Sillica gel

Question No. 176

Safe seed moisture content for sealed storage is

Options :

1. 4-8 %

2. 8-12 %

3. < 4%

4. None of these


Answer : 4-8 %

Question No. 177

Acid soil can be amended with the help of

Options :

1. Lime

2. FYM

3. None

4. Both


Answer : Lime

Question No. 178

Basalt is a _______ rock

Options :

1. Igneous
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

2. Sedimentary

3. Metamorphic

4. Mixture of all


Answer : Igneous

Question No. 179

Which of the following microbes involve in the nitrification process?

Options :

1. Nitrsomonas

2. Nitrobactor

3. Both

4. None


Answer : Both

Question No. 180

The range of usefulness of tensiometers is between

Options :

1. 0-1.0 bar

2. 0-0.8 bar

3. 0-0.6 bar

4. 0-0.33 bar


Answer : 0-0.8 bar

Question No. 181

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Vascular – arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is known for;

Options :

1. Nitrogen fixation

2. Uptake of phosphorus

3. Sulphur oxidation

4. None of these


Answer : Uptake of phosphorus

Question No. 182

Khaira disease of rice is caused due to deficiency of

Options :

1. Mn

2. Zn

3. Fe

4. N


Answer : Zn

Question No. 183

Bone meal is well suited for

Options :

1. Alkaline soil

2. Neutral soil

3. Acid soil

4. All of these

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Acid soil

Question No. 184

Single superphosphate contains:

Options :

1. 20% P₂O₅

2. 16-18 % P₂O₅

3. 10-46% P₂O₅

4. 20-25% P₂O


Answer : 16-18 % P₂O₅

Question No. 185

Epipedon is a diagnostic

Options :

1. Surface horizon

2. Sub-surface horizon

3. Both A & B

4. None of these


Answer : Surface horizon

Question No. 186

At what PF wilting percentage arrives

Options :

1. 4.2
CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

2. 4.5

3. 5.0

4. 6.0


Answer : 4.2

Question No. 187

Petrogenesis which is the study of the

Options :

1. Description of rocks

2. Origin of rocks

3. Texture of the rocks

4. Density of rocks


Answer : Origin of rocks

Question No. 188

Three particles have diameters of 0.5, 1.5, and 0.15 mm. The three particles are

Options :

1. Sand, silt, and clay

2. Sand, gravel, and silt

3. Sand, sand and sand

4. Silt, silt, and clay


Answer : Sand, sand and sand

Question No. 189

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

The root growth is drastically reduced when Oxygen Diffusion Rate (ODR) is decreases to about

Options :

1. 20 x 10-8 g/cm² /minute

2. 30 x 10-8 g/cm² /minute

3. 40 x 10-8 g/cm² /minute

4. 50 x 10-8 g/cm² /minute


Answer : 20 x 10-8 g/cm² /minute

Question No. 190

The availability of plant nutrients are more at a pH range of 6-7 except

Options :

1. P

2. K

3. B

4. Mo


Answer : Mo

Question No. 191

Montmorillonite has higher cation exchange capacity (CEC) in comparison to

Options :

1. Kaolinite

2. Illite

3. Both of these

4. None of these

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Answer : Both of these

Question No. 192

In which soil structure infiltration, permeability and aeration are good

Options :

1. Platy

2. Prism like

3. Block like

4. Sphere like (granular)


Answer : Sphere like (granular)

Question No. 193

The harmful effect of continuous application of sewage water over several years may result in enrichment of

Options :

1. Cd

2. N

3. P

4. Ca


Answer : Cd

Question No. 194

Irrigation water quality is evaluated based upon

Options :

1. Total salt content, sodium and specific ion toxicities

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

2. pH of the water

3. Acidity of the water

4. Ca content of the water


Answer : Total salt content, sodium and specific ion toxicities

Question No. 195

Orange coloured varieties in carrot is rich source of

Options :

1. Carotene

2. Lycopene

3. Anthocyanine

4. None of these


Answer : Carotene

Question No. 196

Per hectare seed rate of broad bean is

Options :

1. 20-30 kg

2. 30-40 kg

3. 50-60 kg

4. 70-100 kg


Answer : 20-30 kg

Question No. 197

CCS HAU MSC AG CET Previous Year Paper

Potato is mainly propagated by

Options :

1. Tuber

2. Corm

3. Seeds

4. Selts


Answer : Tuber

Question No. 198

Types of vegetable gardening followed on the Dal Lake of the Kashmir Valley is

Options :

1. Floating garden

2. Hydroponics

3. Kitchen garden

4. None of these


Answer : Floating garden

Question No. 199

Which of the following is best for vegetable cultivation

Options :

1. Sandy soil

2. Sandy loam soil

3. Clay loam soil

4. Clay soil

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Answer : Clay loam soil

Question No. 200

Hybrid variety of chilli recommended for cultivation is

Options :

1. Bhut Jolokia

2. Arka Vardan

3. Napa Grape

4. None of the above


Answer : Bhut Jolokia

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