5 Daily Communication-Handout

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BEC(中级)Business Reception

1. Greeting people
a. Steps of greeting people for business purpose
1.1 Self-introduction 自  Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I'm the [Your Position] at [Your
我介绍 Company]. It's a pleasure to meet you.
 Good morning/afternoon/evening, I'm [Your Name]. I've been
looking forward to our meeting.
1.2 Inquiry information  How was your flight/trip coming here?
询问对方情况  How are you finding [the city/country] so far if they're from out of
 How's everything going?
 What's new with you?(曾经见过/接触过)
 Have you been keeping busy lately?
1.3 Express expectation  I've heard a lot about you and your work. I'm really excited to
discuss the potential collaboration between our companies.
 I'm glad we could arrange a meeting. I've been looking forward to
talking to you in person.
1.4 Small talk  The weather has been great lately, hasn't it?
 Have you had the chance to try any local cuisine?
 It looks like we're in for some good weather this weekend. Any
 The traffic was unusually smooth this morning, wasn't it?
 This coffee is really good. Do you have a favorite cafe around here?
 I've been trying to find some new places for lunch. Where do you
usually go?
 Have you been on vacation recently or planning to go somewhere?
 Are there any upcoming events in the city that you're looking
forward to?
1.5 Talk about agenda or  I think we have a lot to cover today, and I'm eager to get your
purpose insights on [topic].
 Shall we head to the meeting room? I believe we're all excited to
start discussing our project.
1.6 Get down to the  Well, it's been great catching up, but I think we should begin our
business meeting. Shall we?
 I appreciate our conversation. Shall we move on to the agenda for
 It seems we're all here now. Why don't we start with the matters at
 I believe we have a lot to cover today. Shall we begin with the first
 Well, I'm sure we have a busy agenda ahead. Shall we get started?
 Let's grab a seat and begin, shall we?
b. Please write a dialogue and practice.
1.1 Self- A:
自我介绍 B:

1.2 Inquiry A:
information 询
问对方情况 B:

1.3 Express A:

1.4 Small talk A:


1.5 Talk about A:

agenda or
purpose B:

1.6 Get down A:

to the
business B:

2. Small talk topics

3. Be a travel companion
a. read the sample of how to introduce Zu Miao and Lingnan Tiandi.
1. Welcome and Brief Overview (欢迎与简介):
"Welcome to Foshan, a city renowned for its rich history and vibrant culture. Right here at the
Ancestral Temple, also known as Zu Miao, and the surrounding Lingnan Tiandi, you'll experience
the essence of traditional Guangdong province."

2. Historical Context (历史背景):

"The Ancestral Temple is a historical treasure dating back over a thousand years. It has played a
significant role in the community as a place of worship and a gathering spot for locals. The
temple is dedicated to the Northern Song Dynasty and also pays homage to the martial arts
legend Huang Feihong."

3. Cultural Significance (文化重要性):

"This area is a cultural epicenter (/ˈepɪsentər/中心) where you can witness lion dances,
martial arts demonstrations, and an array of traditional Chinese festivities, particularly during
Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival."

4. Architectural Highlights (建筑亮点):

"Admire the architectural splendor of the Ancestral Temple with its intricate(/ˈɪntrɪkət/错综
复杂的) carvings and authentic Lingnan-style buildings. The craftsmanship(/ˈkræftsmənʃɪp/手
工艺品) is a testament (/ˈtestəmənt/证明) to the skilled artisans (/ˈɑːrtɪzən/ 工匠) of ancient

5. Lingnan Tiandi's Modern Revitalization (岭南天地的现代复兴):

"Adjacent to the Ancestral Temple is Lingnan Tiandi, a charming district that has been revitalized
to house a blend of stylish cafes, international restaurants, and boutiques while still preserving
the historical architecture of the old town."

6. Interactive Activities (互动活动):

"Feel free to explore the shops and workshops in the area. You can even participate in cultural
workshops, such as calligraphy(/kəˈlɪɡrəfi/书法), paper cutting, or pottery (/ˈpɑːtəri/陶器)
making, offering a hands-on experience of traditional Chinese arts."

7. Dining and Cuisine (餐饮与美⾷):

"Don't miss the opportunity to try some local Cantonese cuisine. Lingnan Tiandi is filled with
dining options where you can taste authentic dim sum and other regional specialties."

8. Personal Recommendations (个人推荐):

"As we walk around, I would be happy to share with you some of my personal favorite spots and
the stories behind them. And if you have any particular interests, let me know, and I'll tailor our
tour to include them."
9. Logistics (行程安排):
"The Ancestral Temple is centrally located and easy to access. It's open from morning until
evening, and we can spend as much or as little time as you like exploring. There's also a
nighttime market that offers a different perspective of the area."

10. Closing (结束语)

"I hope your visit to the Ancestral Temple and Lingnan Tiandi will leave you with a deeper
appreciation for Foshan's history and culture. It's a place where the past meets the present in the
most harmonious way."

b. Use the sentences, phrases, vocabularies you got to create a new version of
‘Introduction of Zumiao’
1. Welcome and Brief Overview (欢迎与简介):

2. Historical Context (历史背景):

3. Cultural Significance (文化重要性):

4. Architectural Highlights (建筑亮点):

5. Lingnan Tiandi's Modern Revitalization (岭南天地的现代复兴):

6. Interactive Activities (互动活动):

7. Dining and Cuisine (餐饮与美⾷):

8. Personal Recommendations (个人推荐):

9. Logistics (行程安排):

10. Closing (结束语)

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