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The motion This House would invade the USA


So within that motion its hypothetical in the sense that we are creating a world where a nations want to
come in and gain control and acquire the territory and riches of the USA

So who is our actor

We are looking at a countries within the world that have been humiliated, destroyed or been suctioned
by the USA, powerful countries that meet this criteria are Russia and MiddleEasterncountries. The actor
is basically the governing body of the nations sending maybe its troops to invade the USA right.

Why are they doing it

They are doing this under the principle of reparations where countries such as Middle Eastern countries
were destroyed or attacked by USA troops and unjustly began destroying infrastructure and taking of
lives and they feel like little action as been done to atone for this buildings have been destroyed,
businesses have been destroyed, fertile land has been left barren and countless lives and families were
destroyed yet what has the USA done noticeably nothing.

Other countries have had grudges with the USA countries like Russia (Cold War) , China (2016 trade war)
and North Korea (just hate) would join the middle Eastern countries under the principle of common goal
to enact revenge and gain part of the land and resources of the USA

What does invading look like invading looks like the governing body comes in uses the military forces to
occupy the resources and territories of USA. This would require weaponisation.Now we have to account
for the fact that even though the actor might be justified on the basis of a global imbalance by the over
power of the USA or the threats that USA had imposed .Invading USA would be such a movement that
will result in death and loss of lives and the potential risks of a war outbreak. The reason why we are
invading is to bring change. And we believe the harms that USA was causing is already threatening. We
believe the historical presidency of the imbalance and threats by USA and the reparations are what
pushes the actor to come in and take a drastic step.

How then

,we would gather military troops and we belive forcing our way thru is the only solution left as the UN
hasn't given the USA a punishment for its crime nor did it confiscate their weapons to remove the
looming dander they present

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