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NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: (Members of a group players)

The player is divided into two equal teams. One player is chosen as the pitcher of the other team
(taya). The rest of the players are striker and catcher.
TIME: (Expected duration of the game)
The duration of the game is depended on the players on how long they will finish the game/
The objective of the game is for players to be able to home run and finish the goal.
MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT: (Materials/ Equipment needed in the game)
A grassy field with a lot of room to run and tumble or a gym that can fit with this game
PROCEDURE/ MECHANICS OF THE GAME: (Describe how the game played)
The pitcher will throw the slipper (just like the baseball game) then if the striker can strike or
kick the slipper to the back of the pitcher without catching it and make it home run, 1 point is
given for the team. But if you can’t strike the slipper 3 times, it is totally one point down, until 3
times of none strike. But if the catcher catches the slipper strike by the striker the point is given
to the catcher team.
HOW TO WIN THE GAME: (Give the manner of scoring or ways to win the game)
Each player must be finish with home run with the total score of the team of 6 point. If the team
has finally got 6 points, the game is over.

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